Trying 7 Soups From 7 Countries | Around the World

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oh my god that's crazy this is soup and I'm here for it I'm barrel I produce a series called around the world where I take one topic and look at different iterations of it around the world this week I'm looking at soup we're a few months into quarantine and I need about all the comfort I can get of course there are the classics you've got French onion soup New England clam chowder minestrone to name a few but I want to learn about something new right now so I talked to seven people in seven countries to learn about some of the more surprising soups that people make around the world this is the soup episode in making this episode I decided two things one I'm not doing canned or packaged soup that is a whole other episode and if you want that one let me know and two I'm looking for soups that make me do a double-take okay so let's begin the a commute is a New Orleans noodle soup it cares ain't no sigh hey Tina - no lovin teeny Omnicon here ah ha ha ah - Milania start a new day and I'm so hello yep why Muhammad city Pappy honey come home from the subterranean Makka pakka teja me Sarah told you know his journey areas gonna be ultimate a knockout Valley banditos ah I mean bhai Marilyn's belugas macoco mozilla sahib little sir bhai KO metalli may may pinto sunic assume bread omar caldo so sopes al desayuno in colombia la Chango APPA Mucha gente super exotic on oh poor case una so pilot hey kiera tanto en amore cos if we did do ID kamidana who yes she offer to nephew more mum in cattle mooing what my name me when they mated through new occasioning the wharf weird when he may work at you type Island to make a shank for you so a pun Taiwan you owe me a chunk or you should not I jump targets I eat buy it all down by quite tightly outside I just think you know me I'm quite a Jaguar Joe call us which I'm quite happy because you're not hiding [Music] as for me I'm to be making a soup that uses two ingredients that I think a lot of us find comfort in beer and cheese so I'm gonna be making Wisconsin beer and cheese soup cut a fun fact my dad and sister both went to university in Wisconsin go Rodgers but for me I don't know it just sounds really good soup yes beer yes jeez yes I don't know all right let's do it I'm gonna start prepping these ingredients the first soup I loved because it's made for a very particular group of people in Japan so far so good suchan Coonabarabran Oishi really speciality you know the circular mini nothing watashi wa moto cuatro menos de Matos Changu senator scott script is a mess a lot more retuning Aramis choco lava sentence on tanto para la rambla de Moda para una comida de rosario irritated who are the characters no super not an example the ideal irritated Freeman was also from now Seattle to discuss in Bali you a little assist me can optimally Ron nice criminology archenemies Melanie no champ or Die scuse me I have the beginning of my stock everything is going nicely the ingredients are pretty easy to work with which brings me to my next soup the ingredients in this one are a little more elevated and the soup is surprisingly expensive foods English analogous to our my father knew me and so how is she so thorough and Sam Vegas Lea Gina I think it's only a family go conquer to run current so on the one you don't wait for such a baby food so you can't see without someone inquire not to a dead halt or I fire you there's a so under the balls just this year cooling current haven't agri-food charge any minutes to make a pinky the Honjo pink area charging the you unpackage it yeah mojo ang was an evolving then the lutheran the gentleman boy who the sons of your own medicine a punk rocker media a challenging genome ian hunter danger zone called out me in Kandahar or mrs. King to have enjoyed our day at a long time I have a boundary at all thirds of the media Commons and once and a guy who eats at you get back to you Hong Kong Xin Zang with tidy LA because Chang was and yo without poses are making online effect on tawa masala and anything else you taught me that soup is one of those dishes where I think you can get away with a lot you don't need to be a great chef and you can use almost any ingredient including some that try as you might you can find at a supermarket they come in comas Raymond even if lovely young Muslim Ecosse Edie McCoy is Paris Kakaako I heard it was a blood sample squad this body balances our house desde la la Saguna Gunilla elena lavas parent saliva present occasionally foxy Edina Badman and ten minutes 20 minutes too big neguin Peron Segundo malanga Sheila nice Neela the Nalini tsunami man down demo in Holland in detention is Priscilla Hollow and Amina chick in Arizona yum yum soup nian but Ellen hollow will enlasa help and Mahalo and mundane odors in Alamo mean asana it'll also be pneumococci a picto coyoacán epical la la pasión [Music] soup is simmering nicely not much to report on over here but it's a great segue into the next soup which has been simmering for quite some time I'm not from Lyon and I'm super glad I have Lockheed Martin what c-chief happy Apple took one large American employer to keep - I'm not someone who need a tapa hub from - not upon convenient home hub been to one a thumbnail veloute found online but an infinite couple hoodie keep console even colleague who could pour me a power to pull a brief on chopped and Nina losartan chopped a mohandro Ihaka the kid soon even Maya lager talk month to Kampala car but you burned my you didn't papa so off he loved China the soup with your new home lobotomy hung Neptune no soul looks in like a pack of the cogniser in hubcap ah sigh top which I facili of all our new animated 9m to plot one from one corner and avatar of man item soup coming up - Milania come come come come waka pay up okay I'm waiting for butter to melt and then I'm gonna be adding some flour a lot of [Music] I'm gonna try this hmm you can taste the beer it's good okay so the next Duke that I chose I thought was very fitting because I'm making a beer and cheese soup and this is a type of soup that you would want the morning after a lot of beer huh Hangul is very common in New Orleans I got that hangover cure for you I'm chef Linda Greene they called me the Aquaman lady people find me at festivals a lot of them call me and I make them for the a commune is good for you it's good for the soul yeah Camille was classified as a poor man dish it was a leftover dish you take that leftover chicken you know ropes if you have a rolls on Sunday come on we bout to make some yeah Camille with this it is Chinese an african-american Chinese you know main is noodles african-american we put out spices and you heard and we elevated them it consists of boneless chuck roast green onions a heartburn age but it's really about that flavor that's what it's about when yo man hits the tongue it goes to the brain and then it comes back to the tongue and tell me more I just love what I do I love cooking I love cooking okay best part cheese feels pretty good to me [Music] so the next soup that we're gonna talk about doesn't need spoons and that is so cool [Music] freakin claw claw meaning washio buffet be wait man come upon you immediately I taught me every in a kolache the gana mana me you mean akane casa que je Minetti like I know mean John B Cooney I mean I met Li pona when I can deal in Iolani [Music] man your pet money back come on Ibaka what's your Guardia kana fame or Maloney okay food to a Madonna supply a more to Sabbath low spices can be come anybody on chose makhani hanya em now who feign a photo oh no one way for free forever tasty one way in waukesha Muhammad is dead GOP Rococo Nene's year but the enjoy ban difference it's more free wanna okay I kept in wedlock way my me for your life tragedy okay hot bath kya hoga wooden when you go for every weekend mo cry G what weekend coming near the end the six fabulous the soup tastes so good okay this leads me to my last soup and I love this one because it flies in the face of when I was told you are supposed to eat soup which I intend no entiendes over the toilet strong head okay caki on autopilot Kelly pungen will prepare amis Vika medium Oh Marcel Arango Bo en la Calera circa bogota colombia the Chiang Mai Asuna so Park is a toma el desayuno small mente is de la Sona kundi Royal Assent Colombia avoid viendo phenomena Savoy Jacobi sona la cebolla larga cilantro it wondersteam Fucci ona Oregano's la leche Sal ich Wando esta bien Caliente vamos a cocinar adentro el caldo de leche a los huevos entonces de los ingrediente de la changuk Raquel mess important des la leche eskimo Tommy Lomas curioso Kelly Chang was a coma caliente SAV Mohsen katas angwa El Callao y loca Samos con la Johannes poner la encima para que se mohei con la SOPA Y termina mozcon my cilantro picado caso campesino y también un poco ESO a larga pica a Salah sorry ah leche racino Tonya sorry Elena Lara LuAnn Sepultura Lila changwu croquets cantar El Campo Swiss una storia el campo en esta record Mentos Eskimo Lamas plato los recursos vesicles el campesino and blood one of my favorite things about this soup is that the garnish is popcorn okay I love this you taste the hops of the beer but then you taste the cheese and the popcorn is really good Hannes loop this loop has everything including cholesterol so what's my take away first off soup is way more interesting than we give it credit for it's a fabulous expression of flavors and you can get really creative but soup is also comfort and I think the people who make it for you know that and I feel like when we travel soup is probably the first thing that we should be tasting because we'll get a sense of what home means wherever we are warming came off a mocha body Balu began egg on a new stock Safina no means no engineer linguini gonna be peace moon told the quotient on controller current residence in Madrid papa jihwan I don't even have the rotator sigamani tamashii well-being pain relief our domain gummy Luqman ganga Wang hua lu han sample the much we can do Lu defeat or by level my demoting - I began a business I mean friend young a bunion melaka maybe we can say la casilla Han otineru ano campano you know Sonia Mumma Ballack Ballack shillitoe la posada matenda no Sakana de caso Enrico Mia's a potent a son Kamiya's kalenna's como Eric um Plateau sobre todo para compartir para compartir em familia por lo mismo entonces siempre que algo changhua eskimo pequeño man I hate you no tiene con su familia I love my cereal well not go to your world about I'll miss it and I love the people that come and enjoy my who I love that [Music] important I dunno what a prick - IRISA given such anomalies think okinawa serial innocent American Association [Music]
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 455,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, New Releases, Around the World, Food & Drink, food, drink, flavors, soups, soup, broth, Beryl Shereshewsky, chanko nabe, bird’s nest soup, ya-ka-mein, beer, cheese, ATW
Id: 2fjJ-uPXLQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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