7 Days Prayer and Fasting Day 2 | Jesus My King Church

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expect greater things that have got that the Lord Himself is going to minister to us the locked himself is going to touch our spirit men and will cause a change a newness in our attitude in our mind and in our heart and in our spirit amen like never before amen hallelujah Ferrara by shiki hunter and a passion of a Syrian an abortion of a city hunter Robuchon Khurana Hashanah posickey hunter a Robuchon here I will cry o Lord hear our cry oh god shut up a seeking out of a son of a singer we are no good for us unless you the Lord have master over our lives so tonight our purpose our focus is all upon you our Creator our Savior our Redeemer our wonderful counselor our mighty God our everlasting father our Prince of Peace hallelujah hallelujah we thank you we thank you we thank you take sovereign control over this meeting in Jesus name we ask amen amen get a lot of praise [Music] let's welcome our senior pastor pastor Stephen Francis the whole time we honor and the praise the Living God amen oh okay have you all back online back on us for a minute I wanted to understand that having the word is part of worship isn't it so just because we stopped worshiping doesn't mean God's presence is gone the word and the Fellowship of it it's an extension of worship isn't it why because in when we are singing our hearts and our spirit it's already worshiping you involved but when we are meditating the word and listening to the word our mind is now worshiping we are loving the mind to be in tune with the words of the Living God so listening to the word meditating studying is an extension of our worship before God amen and I want to thank the Lord for His grace amongst us as all of us do expect before the Lord me too I expect before the most go with the flow amen but 9:30 is our time for the flow okay so we don't stretch you more you'll have energy for tomorrow and energy for the next day until 7th so this afternoon as I was pondering about the Word of God there was such a grieve that came into my spirit I couldn't explain it why it was my heart rate was increasing and it was such a gripping stir in my heart and now as I was asking Lord why suddenly my peace level was changing the Holy Spirit said turn to Isaiah 64 and read and so we're going to meditate tonight from Isaiah 64 now Isaiah 64 it's a chapter where Isaiah was praying for the mercy of God now one of the things that we have to remember in a prophetic church now in a prophetic church it tends to buy into experience which is good because at the moment you take experience from Pentecostals we are no more Pentecostals I'm talking a theological statement the only thing that identifies a Pentecostal that they will not satisfy anything lesser than a living and intangible relationship with God for them it's not just faith it is a tangible experience of his presence amen anything you touch a Pentecostal they must feel it you cannot say the Lord is here they want to sense where and they'll start what if you are your show because it is a very important aspect of the Pentecostal experience and that is okay it's biblical once you are starting to sense and you're asking God what happens is our emotions are being fine-tuned to experience heaven are you following okay are you following because sometimes our emotions are not subjected to God we subject everything else and the moment the enemy stir your emotion and all the flesh comes back and so the even the emotions of Jesus is being subjected to the will of the Father that means he gets angry when he sees sin and he rejoices when he see righteousness he has compassion on the people and the Bible says when he had compassion the healing power of God came out of him so he see emotions are very important component for the Holy Spirit to work through us amen in the same way when we are praying many times we pray commandingly but we have forgotten pray with broken hearts where we take home of God and we weep and intercede for those who are weaker they are weakened sin they are weak in their ability to walk with God and all of us are weak in something isn't it we all are not in even in God not in all aspects of the truth of God we are strong there are some aspects we are weaker and so we compensate it by allowing your brother or sister to minister to you in that area that they are strong and you are weak and that is why we need one another because each one of us are receiving revelations from God in the different aspects of life in different time zones are you following therefore here in Isaiah 64 remember who is Isaiah this man was not an ordinary prophet he is a prophet to the kings he high-class prophet and there's nothing wrong with that God caused called him for that he is not the among the farmers group this is a mess was among the farmers simple dwellers he just suddenly became a prophet Amos you know but this guy was different but there amongst his self-righteousness he had a revelation in Isaiah chapter 6 when he saw the Lord the Bible says and then he realized when he saw God the revelations of the purity of God revealed the sinfulness that were still hiding inside his soul the angel came and brought the cold remember from the altar of God and burned and he cried all God I'm a man of clinics doesn't mean his speaks filthy language there is a depth that you go in God even our rightness we declare Oh God something is still missing in me there was this depth that we walk with God willing can imagine when a husband wife could be arguing with each other and suddenly they forgive one another and they love one another and they go in the presence of God and both will be giving in to each other say because of Medes you know it's all started I'm so sorry and the other one will try to champion or it was because of me no it's because of me well it's because of you both but all the other one is trying to champion the other because when love overrules everything seems not important amen it doesn't really matter who is right and who is wrong love that matters but here he is now praying and weeping before God for mercy and Isaiah 60 for this one I think that's the aspect that we must remember in a prophetic Church we are not just here to declare not just there to prophesy what's going to happen and rejoice when judgment is taking place rejoice then when people are dying oh yeah you deserve to die because you don't want to follow God no it's not about that you know a prophetic Church means you are able to pick up the emotions of God when God say cry you are crying when God say weep you are weeping and when God says be broken for the sins of the people you are being broken when God says proclaim you are proclaiming you are being fine-tuned to follow the emotions of God amen and so in what aspects of being in the prophetic atmosphere is learning to pray and intercede on the behalf of God and that's something we have to remember one of the things I've been noticing in terms of sociology development of our country the present generation is so hooked up into technology and an tech stuff that we forget to use our emotions everything is about factual knowledge our emotive response is very low we say sorry without feeling about it there is no emotive response from the facial expressions in fact if the CID or ISD will catch a criminal now they won't be able to read face language anymore because the fella is so flat when he says I'm sorry because in psychology we are thought how to read people's language through facial expression whether they look up to the right and they looking down and they are looking out to the left and what laughs and right means which cortex of the brain are they drawing the information from or they lying are you with me and so this emotion once again when it come before God we are praying and whipping we are loving of our emotions to be renting and that's another aspect of learning to pray with your emotions and that's the aspect you see look at what he's saying all that you will rend the heavens and come down that the mountains might quake at your presence I didn't know why again my heart was very heavy and beating fast I was wondering why I did do a hot morning to check my heartbeat is too fast why I drink too much of coffee no I didn't I didn't do anything and then as I was going in I found out why and I'll tell you shortly I pray that in this nights of waiting before God your love and hunger for God's Word will increase amen week after week month after month I labor and toil in the world for you that you will love the Word of God and the Word of God is relevant to us regardless of what race and which year we are living in the Word of God will become alive to our spirit man I mean you don't have to pick and choose all that is for this and this is for that God has an amazing wisdom to pick up certain passages which God you have no clue that something is there just for you I mean look at verse 4 in verse 5 we're gonna anchor up on that from of all no one else no one has heard or perceived by the year now if I put the scripture in NIV you'll be saying oh this is the scripture so let's look at an IV the same scripture look at that since ancient times no one has heard no here as perceive no I have seen any God besides you do you remember the scripture now it's from first Corinthians remember Paul was quoting Isaiah he said it slightly in a different way but this is the actual passage he said who acts on behalf of those who wait for him he said no one has so far seen or heard or perceiving their heart about a God who acts on behalf of the people who does something for the people when you wait for them he said no one has seen it before there were people who are idol worshippers there were people of worshipping to the moon and the stars there were people who are sacrificing their babies so that the weather patterns will change all that existed during those times but the people of God and the people of Israel were known as people whom their God will ekhan behalf of them it's a reputation they carried are you with me that they are God is different and that's the lesson we want to learn tonight if you go back to ESV we'll look it will lock it up from there so that because some of the stronger words are there for us to study a little bit or what happens when we wait upon God why is waiting upon God a privilege you know I know that we have heard a lot of testimonies that when you wait upon God you'll just close your eyes and just wait because of the way we have been brought up in our country our waiting upon God seems almost like wasting time and then you think you're waiting for like 55 minutes when he saw it's like 35 seconds just pass and then you don't know what else to wait and when you wait you are thinking about what else you didn't do which SMS you didn't reply and did you switch off your burner or not is there cake in the oven all kinds of stubble my husband suddenly early will my dead grandmother rise up from the day all kinds of thing the enemy will kind of put inside your mind because the mind is never trained to be quiet it is all the time engaging our our hands will be projecting itself to touch something and metal something because we all the time bling if SMS or something like that you know and so it takes a lot of tutoring to settle down to calm yourself down in the spirit to say wait upon God so tonight I want to encourage you when we are seeking the will of God and I receive a lot of emails how to know the will of God and some of them who because I mentor different groups from different countries so they will send me group emails or chats and some of these guys will be watching now you know OCS and they will be asking a lot of complicated questions and in in simple answers is difficult but all the bottom lines think that the answer is learn to wait upon God and when God says if you wait upon me and this is one of the words which the Lord told me I think yesterday or the day before I can remember this whole book is full of prophecies ok so he said if you wait before me wholeheartedly you will get a wholehearted experience and if you wait before me half-heartedly you'll get a half-hearted experience but God will still show up I was there amen he will not say get out of me I mean it's the quality level is not they know he will still show up but he will not be convinced that it was God because it's kind of you heard a voice from a distant land instead of he coming together inside us and speaking to us but look at this no one has seen or heard has ever been heard inside they are here or they have not seen a God who will act on those who wait upon him and the word egg in in the Hebrew is the word to create to do make something anew you see when we wait upon God for things which are impossible when God says wait and you know what the waiting does it releases the creative power of God in your life are you evening when God says some of our organs could be being destroyed and it's fading over it is just eroding itself and and the enemy the doctors could say well you did this and this is happening and you did that and that's happening and you're waiting before God and you're trusting you know what happens when you wait before God in the presence of God when the glory of God comes into your room the glory of God starts healing every part of your organ it recreates itself that was a very loud a man almost fainted and I'm not bragging about me I'm talking about God in it and when I'm talking about God you don't have to make sense you got a shout hallelujah I mean I I mean do you know many things about God doesn't make sense don't try to discern God with your sense he doesn't matter in heaven all about is hard hard hard because see the mind of man will never understand you see you look at what the scripture says the mind of men never understand what God's tiny did God is beyond our intellect and I want to tell you something God is beyond our face God is beyond our revelation I mean he than that but it's willing to teach us as we wait upon and this is what he says when you wait upon him God will start to act and that's what the passage says how long can I wait how long should I wait now you wait as long as you can if you are good in waiting for 15 minutes then master you're 15 minutes all the time and just increase it by five minutes all the way and if we can only wait for 20 minutes for today because you got something else to do then put the 20 minutes and be faithful in it are you following oh don't keep touching your club just set an alarm that's it 20 minutes the alarm will go off just say thank you God today I waited for 20 minutes you did not speak tomorrow you will speak to me so I'll come back tomorrow for that 20 minutes again because God is a faithful God you don't miss his appointment he doesn't miss yours years ago there was a man of God in England in the 1920s it's a very famous story you could have heard about it many times he will faithfully come and meet with God at 4 a.m. faithfully we'll pray every day of his life 4 a.m. he will come and say Lord this is Jim Jesus this is Jim for many many years he kept praying but they came a time where he was hospitalized and he could not pray anymore the doctor said you cannot kneel you cannot bow you cannot exert in prayer on that second day of the hospitalization at 4 a.m. he began to weep and he began to cry because he's so used to kneeling and to brain and that's where he heard a voice he said Jim this is Jesus I've come to see you I mention that he mentioned that it's difficult for us to imagine life because Jesus could be screaming in a loud voice we still pull up like $80.00 probably is another demon speaking and voicing over Jesus but this is why your flesh could be sleeping but your spirit is awake in the ninth isn't it your spirit is alert to the voices of God and when the angels comes you are alert and that's what the Bible says listen God wants us to come to this egg a very spiritual moment of waiting big for God because waiting moment is an incubation moment in the spirit yesterday night when a last time when we were worshiping I saw there were many many eggs that's was being late and I was wondering why this aches how do you say egg Queenan I just wash what's it Tamil listen oh man hey I forgot what is that in Malaya the low to low yacht alot oh yeah so I I saw many eggs and and I was wondering why the Lord is showing me eggs and this was what the Lord said I've led many of my promises like seat in this place he who wants it must wait upon it sit upon it and hatch it and the Word of God is filled with thousands of promises if you want it you gotta wait upon it and that promise will hatch into your spirit listen the revelation that doesn't belong to you will not work for you most of the time we are receiving revelation from a preacher you are listening and the preacher is preaching what he is experienced any are listening it's an inspired faith but until you receive it believe upon it and come back to God and wait upon it and it hatches inside your spirit now that which hatches inside your spirit will remain in you till you die because that revelation is now yours it will work for you every time you go through a situation it's like almost a second hand thing you know what to do you get what I'm saying you notice that some people they know the revelation of healing every time they get sick they get healed so easily they've got a revelation from God for that area of healing and in in the same way all of us have got different areas of Revelation now in your basket today you don't have any tonight pick up some eggs house that you want sing song is just there henge and what am I supposed how am I supposed to hatch I don't know you just wait how long must I wait if I say 15 minutes do it that's how I started hearing the voice of God my brother would say Oh God will speak this God will speak that God will speak these Oh fantastic how to hit wait upon the Lord go and find out yourself and then I can step on a book I can't remember where I got the book and the book just disappeared right it's about the art of waiting upon God written by a Catholic saint seven steps can tell you all the seven steps now and just tell me one thing be quiet settle all the things that needs to be settled I mean if you need to do your work that work did so that is why waiting upon God early in the morning is the best thing amen before the whole block wakes up you wake up first you can wake up first before the birds wake up then no one is disturbing you right Amana no you need to wake up I can see the Eamon is no more coming yeah I can see that tell God something pray worship whatever you need to do after doing just close your eyes and wait just quietly think whatever you want to think thing about scriptures think about worship song just wait wait wait wait it says today I'm gonna read 15 minutes tomorrow I'm gonna wait 20 minutes increase your capacity to wait and if you say well 15 minutes is gone because I was doing it when I was in school so I gotta go to school so I gotta stop waiting now I can't do say tomorrow I'll come back he will come and talk third day I will come back fourth day I will come back and that went on for months I said okay never mind tomorrow he will speak because maybe I'm not ready and one day on the seventh day of that season of fasting and praying when I finished praying I said maybe today as olds not speaking nevermind he will speak tomorrow I finish and suddenly there was a scripture that thundered like I saw someone screamed I got so frightened Institute I went outside the winners whoever is there I thought my mother was playing a prank on me you know so I quickly opened the door see what she say she was sound asleep my father was asleep no one shouted no one said anything I went back again now the Lord is that you again that Thunder came so I thought it was going to rain I said well it's all okay all good and the third time when I nailed down the same Thunder but in a softer tone the Lord says this is me you see that was my beginning experience and that day it started till today is lasting I mean God says when you wait upon me I will come so you want him to come you need to wait and this is what the Bible says when you wait upon God God will act in other words God will create miracles God will do things now people say philosophically speaking or you see Christians they wait before God because they want a miracle to happen whatever they want to say is up to them I will wait 401 reasons if this is beat let it be for miracle let it be I need to be forgiven let it be I will find a million reasons to wait upon God I mean see when a girl likes a boy all the other way they will find a hundred and one reasons to go and meet each other no I came to give you this I came to give you that no you forgot the pinna the happiness you you drop a coin when I saw you there so I came all the way from the east to the west to give you back the coin after getting married you tell you drop a coin the fellow will take a bunch of grain throw hit you a table I was surprised by the word wait what does it mean why do we need to wait upon God for seven days not many church in Singapore does now I'm not saying in anything wrong it is not we don't wait in a long stretch just three days is fine seven days some of first seven days when your family's partying away you need to see these you need to see that and then it's a beginning of school a lot of reasons you see Singapore has got enough reasons to rob you from God finer hello the only day you will find God is when you die I try not to say but somehow I need to say the word die people work like What did he say everything else they are listening the moment I say see ya oh how can you say that then they pay attention why did he say that so pay attention to it don't let the rock the the curse of modernism robbed you from the ancient art of waiting upon God don't let it rock you try to find ways to wait upon God you know when we are driving whenever we get stuck in a traffic jam praise God Allah this waiting time RIA Baha bro shall endure a behavior but what do you do when you're caught in traffic jam take out what's I've been complaining to the old world you know where I am you know what I know this fella you know that fella I never knew and I'm not even that queue is long what'd he do start SMSing watching Facebook and then YouTube and who said what which wall you need to fix on like a lizard and start watching other people's wall not create waiting times in your life I mean now this is a conscious act don't wait for the Holy Spirit to inspire you to wait I don't feel inspired today you'll never feel why you have occupied every moment with something else and there is no room for the Holy Spirit to come in why do we feel very spiritual when we are gathered because here no one you can't do anything is very spiritual moment and that is why my brothers and sisters there is a disconnect between our spirit and our soul when we are full of the spirit we are fasting and we are praying we make a lot of promises before God Lord I will do this Lord I will do that Lord I will do the more when you step out the devil comes back why because the spirit is taken your soul takes control of you again you're able to think tomorrow what to do everything that a spirit said the soul doesn't listen because the soul is not transformed by the Word of God to follow on the commitments and the decisions of the Spirit are you following and that is why you must build the bridge between the spirit and the soul if not what happens God give you answers in the spirit but it will not manifest in the flesh God says I've already given you peace but it won't feel it God will say I've already answered your prayer but nothing happens in the natural because you don't know how to take it from the spirit and trance it to the flesh to experiencing the disconnect all the time takes place waiting upon God solves the disconnect are you following when you wait upon God God acts on your behalf and this is why today I think that the mercy of God is so strong upon us where he's teaching us why you need to wait God doesn't come money to wait if you don't like imagine I'm God if you don't wait I'll kill you you don't wait I'll die you don't wait you'll like your children will die your family will die oh I better wait he doesn't force you he invites you to come I mean and that is why we don't do we don't do unless we have to do isn't it have you been into church announcement times where some churches they spend about 40 minutes giving the announcements and every meeting is an important meeting anything they announce this is a mosque you should come it would be good for you this is a mosque you should come and in some cases it is compulsory if you don't come you finish people will go for that meeting because in Singapore if I really don't have to go I don't have to go because we really don't have time at home so one of the things that the Lord told me this year you need to take away the garbage which is no longer necessary can you do that we have to do a little bit of soul housekeeping anything which is not important cut down the number of friends that type of things that are meetings kind of scrutinize it a little bit if you think you have fifty five thousand friends in your Facebook that's a lie because when you cry no one comes to you right hello everybody say I like it that's not your friend therefore you need to come up from this mist and this cloud of self-importance who is more important now is the God who shows up hello the God who shows up are you with me the God who shows up is the one who saved me because I was in the gangs right all the friends were more important than Jesus no one King I don't have time to go to church and do this hallelujah things he look at the Christians they follow like NAS ECAM thing you know they are in the church everybody say klappa klapp everybody say lift up they also lift I said kneel let us kneel close pies bow your head you look at the instruction children churches give let us close our eyes bow our head and pray and everybody follow you know because we forgot it is supposed to be done from the heart so there's a lot of instructions being given from the pulpit how you're supposed to respond to God at this moment are you with me and I thought well I don't want to be followed this noisy CEM thing you know you got to follow these we gotta find Christians seem to be quite boring people look at their face they seem to have more joy but look at the face they go to church like where is God he's here Draya is in the correct place I came they're supposed to be joyful and then you find more Christians I said we are talking about people are going to other faiths they are lost and they are said you look at them they are more happy says wondering why do I have to go to this church when everybody is long-faced papaya mango everything the whole garden is inside the church so I decided to hang around with my clique we caught into a gang fight and and it one of the fellas were murdered and I was supposed to be the next and they caught me couldn't run anymore be ran up into the blocks and about 15 of them block every excess and one of my friend you know the olden flats the olden HDB flats they have pipes running outside the blow the the new ones are inside the Flex builder ignite in 60s and 70s the one room place the the the have you seen all this enough yeah you're like watching this come Jurassic Park story The Village deli hey take a walk to some of the older states and observe all that there someday may help you to climb down please observe all these a little bit have you seen all this right and one of these guys they from the 10th floor climb all the way down and escape I was caught I was about to be stepped I don't want to tell the story long what happened but I was saved then I realized all the friends who said they would come they'd him and the one I rejected all the time he was standing beside me our Lord Jesus Christ he always shows up I mean so you need to have this faith and one of the things that God does he has a habit of coming in the last minute as well it's a kind of a bad habit but it's alright but when he comes in the last minute he always doubled the game hello whenever he comes in the last minute he always doubles the game up but he will come that is why waiting upon God is a guaranteed experience with God because he's creating something in you he's maturing your heart to trust in a god who's out there he's maturing you and seeing you I remember once when I was waiting upon God for hours in the beginning days I didn't have any ministry right I was pastoring a 12-member Church almost have felt very much like Jesus 12 members only no problem members you know they want no problem at all you don't have to call them they don't have to call you no problem see them on Sunday I was very young to be invited anywhere so when the whole family members go to work my job from 7 to 5 o'clock 7 morning to 5 reading the Bible that's all I need I'll study the Hebrew and study the Greek all the whole floor will be full of books and I'll be because nothing has to do what so pretend to be a scholar keep on reading and after spending enough time until my mind and my eyes is so tired I'll go to the room and I'll start praying now one of these moments when I was praying I closed my eyes I saw someone was standing there I got very frightened no one was in the house who is standing and that's not the moment I look up the shadow goes in and then what I'm praying him a bahama Roshan Doraemon looking like that I could see no it can feel it you know someone is there some kind of presence is there I was getting fried and maybe the demons are showing up this time you know somehow mine always thinks first demons are I got to convert this mind and again the second time boom then I realize the ropes of Jesus was just at the door when I saw him I was wondering why is he playing this game why not just walk in and give a handshake hey my name is jay is mine are you waiting for me right in the book of Song of Solomon you'll find an interesting relationship between the beloved and the lover of the soul you'll find where he plays this game and the Bible says he will stand at the door and he will see it from the shapes of the door frame and he will call out unto your name I mean and there it says his name is much more sweeter than the perfume that you could find all the little bits and theories the Lord was building my heart to wait upon him and that waiting upon God was not some steri into space it is a tangible presence as you are waiting before the Almighty God and this is what my brothers and sisters when we are waiting upon God your time frame synchronizes to the timeline of Jesus are you with me and one of the things that the Lord said about this year one of the words that the Lord gave I saw timeframe from Genesis until revelation there was a time frame and every time Jesus stands the spotlight goes on him it goes on him the Lord says I am time hello in the Lord there is no past time every moment the Lord stands it becomes the present when the Lord goes there it becomes present are you with me and so in God there is the space of time and so what God does we are saying God if if it doesn't happen in seven days time that city is gone but in God's timeframe that seven days is not his time when you are waiting upon him he will pause a button on your human life and nothing will happen the enemy will become your friend he commands everybody who's antagonizing you to be at peace with you the Bible says that if you will please the Lord even your enemies will be at pleased with you he said if you will delight yourself in the Lord he will Grundy the desires of your heart so delighting takes time for God to grant it's a split of a moment hello when God is asking time it's not asking for him he's not making a cake he's not asking for him he's asking for you you need to come under the framework of God and when God says be at peace you will know the moment he commands peace that means he's doing and working out a miracle for you amen because God is not a human to say it so Kayla relax you know peace don't worry about it never mind the money later no God is not like that the moment he commands peace then everything else is gonna work out itself because he has commanded peace amen look at the faith of the Centurion everybody wanted Jesus to come but he said you don't really have to come you command the word just from there because I'm a man of command the moment I command it will happen I don't have to go others will execute my word so I believe he said if you would say those words it will happen that means angels will execute the command that you are giving no matter where you are are you following and Jesus said I have not seen a man like you before you've got such a great faith look at this certificate he got from Jesus because he was now synchronizing his faith with the faith of heaven the language is the same therefore one of the things this coming days my brothers and sisters don't rush in like the world is rushing don't run in pace with the world now I know sometimes for some of us if you are working in a job that has a lot of fast-paced action movie there's a lot of deadlines for example if you hadn't stopped market every minute and every second is money so certain jobs becomes like a hazard to your soul are you following but you see the Bible says in the Book of Revelations chapter 18 Jezebel will take over economies of the world but Revelation chapter 3 tells us God says come to me and buy gold from me that means there is a God kind of prosperity for the end time you don't have to flow or operate in Jezebel's economy system God's system was another system are you listening these are important key elements in these end times my brothers and sisters that is why when the world says by God says wait when the world says sell God says don't and the world say ok now don't do God says now you say Lord listen to who listened to Milla of course in it I'm God well you listen to any other person so when I'm waiting upon God he creates something in between he creates all kinds of miracles the Bible says I will wait for him say the word for him somewhere in the year 2000 hours in the Amati crying about a certain miracle that I was praying for our sweeping I was crying I was doing all the words and I think the Lord got this I decided to speak to me and he said are you waiting for the miracle or are you waiting for me I said Lord I'm waiting for you you see if you are waiting for God that means God can say no isn't it that's what you're trying to say if you're waiting for God he can say yes or you can say no in your life God wanted me to be a certain that I was waiting for him and not just for the miracle waiting for miracles are childish level Sunday school waiting for him is matured state I mean in this days of waiting before God we need to fine-tune how a spirit again who are we waiting for and the words if some don't know what they are waiting for nothing like just wait praise God that requires really a mastery of skills waiting for nothing waiting for him and the Bible says he acts on those who wait for him don't rush into planes and ideas without God this year don't be pushed around by the world your urgency is not God's urgency when you say God it's urgent please answer now no it is not you learn to wait I mean and so sometimes God cancels our check you know sometimes you can pay wrongly and your check bounced off for no reason then you realize oh god I shouldn't have bought in the first place thank you God for making the check bounced hello how many of you know God can do all these things I don't know I don't know I think I'm talking about aliens to you my god does all that for me how's that God wants us to wait upon him listen number two wait number one is wait number two look at verse five I want to stir your faith that's why I'm taking a little bit time to teach you make him say the word meet the writer is saying God you will meet him who joyfully works righteousness and this is what the Holy Spirit wants to tell us today tonight number one when you wait upon God he's going to meet you that means you are a short an encounter from heaven and the word encounter in in in in the in the Hebrew word also means to intercede and to touch in other words when you have an encounter with God definitely that encounter involves not just seeing his face but having his hand to touch upon your life when God encounters you there is someone in the spirit interceding for you and so something happens when you meet God my brothers and sisters there's a lot of people today say Oh God spoke to me God spoke to me when you see the fruit of the alive you can't see anything the moment you have a true encounter with God something about you will change I mean I don't know whether you're paying for counterfeiting counties we like counterfeit we like superficial I've saw in the 1980s you know there was a season when the Holy Spirit came upon Singapore in a very powerful and countering way every person you touch will just fall you remember that season in fact there were more Texas ministry they were part of the catching ministry will be trained how to hold people when they drop do you remember all that okay I remember you never mind people will be falling by the power of God and then people who then I saw hundreds of people falling almost every service bro from the moment they wake up we still the same their speech is still the same the hatred and the attitude is still the same they gossip before falling and after falling nothing changes then God why is this kind of manifestation taking place then I realized some people need to be suspended for few moments and God gives them the opportunity of conviction is even the Lord touches them they fall there is an opportunity to change you want to be suspended okay I'll do that the Holy Spirit but then there are also pretenders you better drop ah you don't know fellow going to massage your hey from room bro oh then you know some prayer worries they know how to give you a good hit massage they pray until a better fall you know and then they will showers or blessing showers of blessing then you'll find a third group of people one come to the front at all when I saw all these things God all that was fantastic but why lives are not changing that what mattered to me I decided to focus on real transformation not just this if people fall praise God if they doesn't doesn't matter it doesn't mean that I'm not anointed or you are not anointed some people are more tangible they'll fall some don't they are much more like a stone why they will lose all energy and some you can see when they come to front he'll do this they do that you know the only thing they didn't do is to nail themselves the floor they pray all much I'm muscular man no because they don't the guy to touch him and you know I've seen in many meetings like that I won't even touch them on walk pass the power of God will touch them it really doesn't matter whether you do or not what matters is whether you met God in that moment of encounter are you with me my brothers and sisters so when there is a true encounter you want to change for the better and you cry out to God Lord if you would just touch me if you would just see me I won't change and if you will cry tonight the Lord will show he will give you a true encounter why is that every man and woman who met God changed do you know every woman listen carefully woman every woman who met God in the Bible whether it was an angel or whether it was an angel of the Lord which ever woman who met God their Baroness became fruitful that that was a clue every woman was Verint so I wanna encourage a woman go and do some study go in search the world Berenice find all the woman and all of them met an angel they met God and God bless their womb and that's the only way a barren church can become fruitful when Jesus shows up there is no other way the womb can only be healed when God comes in and encounters you and so you can have this word in your heart and if your family is filling barren your company is going through Berenice your economy is going through Berenice the only way is to surrender and have an encounter with God amen my brothers and sisters it is not asking for money it is not giving money and asking expecting more it is having a true and a genuine encounter with God and that's what the Bible says I will make him you can just meditate on this word I will meet him I will touch him when I come and that's one thing that I've seen Jesus over the years of serving God when the Lord comes he will never leave without touching someone so you don't have to pray long prayers God touch these people touch that don't know just pray for the Lord to come in him when he comes his heaven is always touching he will touch someone in many and that someone may not be you may be the person who really needs him for the day I mean the soul who is crying out the backslidden person who is crying out for a touch of Jesus me I remember in the 1990 I was fasting and praying I was in the army you know you are being dragged into all kinds of filthy environment yeah you are the holy Joe thrown into the pit that's not all I'm just exaggerating it's being on recordings I at least have to add a little bit more inner I came back to pray when I at that time of now I'm telling you all the good part of the story slaw I came in prayed and prayed and prayed because my spirit became too empty on Sundays during rifle shooting I can't fire because I'm thinking about church or now uh collecting offering time you now preaching time I'm here doing this that's a long story another day I will tell you another time but I realized even during these moments God was there encountering my soul so I was praying right I was asking God you know I love you so much would you just give me a hug I don't know why I asked that because my parents family home they don't hug each other at all they hug by looking they really don't it's not a huggy family terminal you know some families are very bubbly bad type you know everybody must hug each other it's like a culture where's my hug for today come Papa bear's hugging you but this one look at him a hug so I don't know why I cried out that evening I love you but I just want to know if you really love me would you give me a hug I was asking but the most ridiculous thing that day praying and crying and crying and crying and crying and crying just as I was just about to say Amen the hen of Jesus came he embraced me and he lifted me up tangibly from kneeling to make me stand the hems was burning all around right to my back and I was so frightened I could see he body touching mine and hugging me and then he said my son I love you and then he just left I I I can't say anything as the way you are earlier so I think because the Lord already planned to hurt me the Holy Spirit plays those words in my mouth to cry out to him can you please give me a hug you get what I'm saying the relationship that we can have with Jesus the close proximity we can live with him last night I encourage you don't live just in a prophecy but built yourself in a relationship dialogue with God I mean the Bible says I will make him but there is a requirement for this encounter my brothers and sisters look at it I will make him who joyfully works righteousness so God is wanting us not to just be listeners but doers of the word of God and there is something critical in this endtime my brothers and sisters because when we come to church you say well I'm going to church what I'm listening but if you don't serve God in return you are not doing encounters are meant for those who are serving God in righteousness look at that are you with me it is not a free show it is a moment of encounter where God what can I do for you and there is the spirit of joy I wish you now could take time in this few days of fasting and praying I heard more time the Lord saying the joy the joy the joy the joy and no wonder David say may you restore to me the joy of salvation God wants us to have the joy of meeting him when we go to church email not dragging your head off not partying on Saturday and Sunday you are drugged out like a drunkard tearing yourself apart in service just really making through some people they do that why so that the cell group leaders won't call them if no pastors 24-hour routine must call why never coming over blah blah blah blah and then the parents will cut the allowances so my cell ghola two hours only one watching a movie time amen let's go are you following God wants us to have encounters and those who remember him in your ways look at that serve the Lord is the key for this endtime why because I'm giving God to work on my righteousness one of the brothers that I prayed for for the sake of a testimony to encourage because he will be watching from another country he called me this afternoon I was praying for him while I was praying for him I saw a ruler that was a 30cm ruler and I wonder why this the Lord was showing me a ruler and I asked him Lord what is this ruling what does it mean the Lord says this is my the measurement for his life he is below the average point when I've invested into his life I've told him many times to serve me I've sent a lot of servants of God along his path I gave him prophecies along his path and journey and the Lord showed me seven years period yet he is scoring much more lower and the Lord said now is the time that you need to decide why so on the day of judgment you will not be rejected are you following now I do want to talk about judgment now you may be think what I might being fright into the frying pan no it's not about that heaven is a big place it is a city of New Jerusalem where the throne of God is very close then there is the paradise those who have not worked towards what God wants them to do they just did little bits in there there will be some where they're far away from that throne of God you will be in the city but far do you understand what I'm saying in Singapore you cannot say the word fire all because for us to go down to the first floor it was so far then our expressions are like that line I told a pastor friend of mine in Australia when you're coming early in the morning 3 you know pastor I'm staying across the country in the West and the airport is across the other way East and I need to come early and he started laughing and laughing Australia across the country means four days of driving yours is only 35 minutes why are you talking about isn't it you'd think about it my brothers and sisters I'm afraid honestly I'm afraid to what the Lord showed me last night where he wanted oil in the lamb do you remember how many of us will become callously the foolish virgins who will not pay attention to have extra oil because we are just too busy with our work I can't answer for you and I've realized that even in ministry pastors can be so holy doing everything and they become so flat tired and they are empty in the spirit and they are doing religious acts on Sunday sometimes got a pity disguise they don't have any moments of rest before God years ago I minister to a pastor friend who was sacked from the church because when he does not have any administrative work to do he has a habit of going to the stakus and praying for the church reaping for the souls because he was in charge of a language service so he will cry over them whenever he get the time he will not be on the table but he will be on the site door neither the the stakus and everyone knows if you can't get him here he'll be praying there and the senior executive team decided well he is not fulfilling required hours so we'll sack him out Wow praying is a crime now my brothers and sisters I want to encourage you today have a true encounter with the Lord the Lord is calling us he is wanting us to have encounter he's wanting us to come and work righteousness because the bar shouldn't fall below if you look at the word when abraham believed it was credited unto him as righteousness and the word predicted is a bank account term it's an economy term it was credited and I studied that for hours in the Greek and the Hebrew throughout from Genesis right to the book of Romans Galatians it was there written as credited unto righteousness every time we obey and every time we serve every time we follow Jesus we are increasing our credit until righteousness and when the enemy accuses you before the throne God will cover you through his blood I mean and that's what the Bible says don't give the enemy an opportunity to accuse you because God wants us to stand up as his righteous people I mean if you look at verse 7 of Isaiah chapter 64 there is no one who calls upon your name who rouses himself to take all of you and this was why I tell you why my spirit was grieved look at verse 6 before going to 7 now you will know why we have all become like one who is unclean all our righteous deeds are like polluted garment we all felt like leaving our iniquities like the wind take us away then verse 7 says there is no one who calls upon your name my brothers and sisters in plain English can you explain to me without worrying about Hebrew what does it mean there is no one who calls upon your name it means no one is praying isn't it full-stop God is dealing with the prayerlessness of his people in this end time God wants to deal with prayerlessness there is a measurement God wants us to feel now all of us are not required to pray for so many hours but you are to pray yourself in the level the measurement of your faith some of you you need to do half an hour maybe maybe one for some of us in the ministry required more but God creates some measurement no one calls upon him and this is what his God is saying the Lord is saying there is no one who rouses himself to take whole of you and this the Holy Spirit said preach about that today tonight he wants us to take whole of him I must take whole of Jesus I'm not gonna let you go until you do the miracle in my life or for my brother or my sister take whole you see when you take whole he speaks about the strength of your relationship isn't it when my children were small I think they are small now no they are still not oh it's a good wrestling time I remember Samuel that was the time when he was younger when the transformer scheme the movie transformer so when we are wrestling the good old wrestling throwing each other on the bait that follow up he will do all the sound because this is becoming France he will do all his best to throw me down you know and I will have to pretend that I'm really falling out it was a good moment of wrestling you know why because it was the father-son relationship and God wants us to exercise that kind of a freedom when you are praying with him don't pray like a stranger take hold of his promises take hold of him and there is a revelation waiting for you are you ready are you ready and the word take hold in the Hebrew means strong to be strengthened when you take hold in other words when you hold upon God it will strengthen you it will do a miracle inside your heart you are not holding in vain now as you are holding strength is growing inside you and that's why the Bible says be strong in Lord and in the power of his might are you following let me entice everyone scripture the Bible says that Deuteronomy chapter 11 and verse 8 go there Deuteronomy chapter 11 and in verse 8 in a few moments we're going to enter into a time of worship they're going to take whole of God amen how to take whole of God listen some of you need to shout out to God be free to let your heart Express let your voice be heard don't whisper what are you whispering about when it's the time to whisper but when's our time to Weishaupt your praise and your worship allow your faith to come out let your hear hear that you are praising God are you with me they say the Bible says you shall therefore okay ready one two three go you shall therefore keep the whole commandment that I command you today that you may be and go in and take possession of the land you are over to possess wanting to pay attention to the word you will be strong the same Hebrew word appears there and this is what happens my brothers and sisters when you take whole of God he gives you the courage to go in and take possession of your promised land something happens the lot of child of God we know what we want we don't dare to pursue it we are afraid of failure we are afraid it will not happen we are afraid that demons will invade us if we invade their territory but something happens when you wait upon God something happens when you take whole of God he gives you the courage to go in and possess the land and that's what the Church of Jesus Christ needs in the end times they need the courage to do what God wants them to do you know my brothers and sisters listen we have become too plain and too culture we have become so modern we respect everybody space we don't even dare to evangelize people anymore isn't it think about that that was a man there's a very famous quote it actually happened there was a drunkard that would live near the the breach of a London everybody knew that this guy was a drunkard a priest smoking a cigar always walks past this guy and he say you need Jesus he will walk past and this was going on for years this guy was constantly 24/7 drunk all the time in fact people will throw coins to him so that he can drink something there's nothing else he does except to get drunk so one day when this priest passed by he was over and the priest told him you need Jesus and this is what the drunken man told the priest if Jesus is truly God and if he is really the Lord God and if there's a real hell and if I will go to hell and if I'm the priest just like you you know what he said even if the whole streets of London will be filled with broken glass I will crawl on my knees and beg people to receive Jesus but looking at you priest I don't think so I would he said I don't think so you are convinced there is a real God in the way you are telling me are you listening we are telling people there is an eternal life today in fact people can't even remember there is an eternal fire they can't remember anymore we want to sugarcoat our statements to almost every sinner walks into the church we don't call a sinner anymore so sinner what do we call them free believer Wow Jesus didn't know that in fact the next edition will include that those pre believers when you accept Jesus you know we are so afraid to call it sin as sin we given alternatives my brothers and sisters today if they look at our lifestyle are you a person who know the true and the Living God and when you are praying him in your crying he's their passion you're taking a whole of Jesus and that's what God wants us to do in this endtime take whole of him don't let it go if that's your miracle that's only you are going to take hold of it are you with me take hold because when you are going to take hold he will command you will go in and take possession that is why a person who doesn't know how to pray will not know how to possess the line if you don't know how to pray your prayers will remain as a dream it will never come to pass he whose toils his soul who sucks his flow with the waters of his eyes and he swells his knees because he knows how to take hold of God we need prayer warriors the church need more prayer warriors today I tell you what everything else will feel but prayer will never ever fail I mean there is no such a history that prayer has failed you can find planes of churches have failed visions have failed leaders have failed leadership planes have failed organizations have failed technology have failed wrong locations have failed but that is never her history where prayer has failed therefore let's get back to the old-fashioned way trust and pray my brother you were always fine saying my elder brother I fasted and I prayed I thought he will keep saying the same thing so it becomes a culture in our family you want to do something fast and pray take hold of God and I want to encourage you take hold first Timothy chapter 6 verse 12 fight the good fight of faith now Paul is saying take home of the eternal life God has given to you take it it's yours experience it I remember when I went to Australia a spring for this girl she was a tambourine dancer there was in Queensland Brisbane and when I played for late hence I saw all kinds of spotlights going in on in I look at the church my godfather this a Baptist has all come from Cowboy Church there's no spotlight how come I'm seeing spotlights and I'll a tensor I don't know whether I was seeing wrong vision as a freak so I lady and say gain a lot of spotlights going on I was wondering why is this partner what is going on up above on the spotlight there was a bar and couple of demon spirits were sitting and looking at her waiting for the opportunity to jump on her and I'm describing this vision to her you know then the other girl she tapped on my shoulder while I was praying pastor she she goes to disco you know that time for disco so that's why you see all kind of spotlight it was not the church this is a Baptist she goes to the disco on Saturday and then on Sunday hallelujah she danced up it's your tambourine dancer oh she wept and she wept and she cried because she didn't know demons were waiting for an opportunity to jump onto her my brothers and sisters you think your lifestyle doesn't matter yes it doesn't matter to hell you can do anything by just matter to God do not give an opportunity for demons to creep up on you are you with me I remember I was praying for a young man a family in Schrom bond this was in the estate if you know have you been there state means you'll get freaked out at the moment you're going into an estate full of trees and acres of lane and you'll have to bump through the whole thing by the time you come to the place where the fellas are all staying you know it's about 20-30 minutes bumpy road up in a motorbike and I prayed for this family and this young man was like this I was 17 years old I mean the fellow was much more older than me the father told Nevada when the proper name you know it was scolding him a fella got no choice I come so I just prayed because the father told me to pray the moment I close my eyes to pray I was taken into the spirit and I saw trees these palm trees in every tree that he's passing by he lights up a cigarette because he's frightened so is smoking away and right on top of a tree there was a white colored demonic spirit waiting to jump on him and every time it is trying to jump on him he face Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus and I'm describing to him what I'm saying what he's saying and then after that when the fear leaves him he'll smoke again and his demons will jump onto other trees about to pounce on him he gets this fear feeling he will say Jesus Jesus Jesus so I'm describing exactly what I saw and I'm saying out you know what happened by the time I opened my eyes he's no longer doing this he was on his knees crying and weeping Jesus saved me my brothers and sisters when we take all of the eternal life that God has given to us he will rebuke your enemies he will rebuke that demon spirit that is taunting your family he will rebuke that demonic spirit that is bringing the curse around against your family members I mean he will rebuke and debts the promise of heaven hold on I will wrap it up with verse 8 and it's a good time to pray when you see the love of God but now oh Lord you are my father we are the clay and you our our Porter we are all the work of your hand and the Lord said have a living relationship with me allow me to shape you allow me to touch you allow me to reconfigure you do not be afraid of me when I touch and dream all your life and when God touches sometimes it's very painful look like a surgeon when he's touching and he's doing a surgery the moment we cut there is pain you can't say how come a lot of pain it is painful but the pain is healing you I mean the pain is not destroyed so tonight let the Holy Spirit touch you inside your heart allow him to establish a new relationship with you in 2 0 1 he built some tenacity in your faith very learn how to pray prayers that take wholes of God and you will not let it go for any reason the scripture says there is no one who will rouse himself what is the word rouse no one who stirs himself to pray and that is why worship stirs you come expecting when your coming don't drag your fitness your head to the service expect Lord what are you going to do it for me tonight what are you gonna teach me what I gonna speak to me there are some things and I'm expecting Lord I pray that your word will minister to me and give me a clue what I should be doing him and the Holy Spirit will be drawn to you because your heart is expecting imagine that lady was rich no one could kill her she had an issue of blood for 12 years all her substance was spent on medication no one and she was crawling and crawling but which one she was crawling she was thinking if I would just touch if I would just touch if I would just touch oh if I would just touch I'll be healed and by the time she crawled and she touched she will see but all through that crawling she was saying if I would just touch him no one ever touched Jesus before but after that lady you'll find in the Gospels every other person tried to touch Jesus because she knew they knew if I would touch them miracles would happen you know what happened this lady open up a new revelation to people that you can touch and miracles will happen I mean can we all stand up together and we going to pray we're going to ask the Lord to have an encounter the matter who you are maybe have never experienced an encounter before it could be an angel it could be a presence of God whenever God commands and encounter over you the Spirit of the Lord will come I mean we have a short time only therefore give your 100% to God right now are you ready are you ready to worship the Lord just a few moments remember this one week is not about prophesy unto God is about you coming to the reality of God's presence inside your heart to tear your spirit man Reba have Russian daily behaves agnostic Oh Homer assalam attain stir your spirit man LaRhonda has a Telemundo stir stir it from unbelief story from problem tear yourself up in the measurement of God tonight I'm gonna take all of Jesus tonight I'm gonna have an encounter I'm gonna meet him let the hand of the Lord becomes strong upon me O God I do not need anything else but you four two zero one eight my resolution is Jesus my resolution is Jesus my resolution is Jesus [Music] [Music] we come before you Father Lord understanding gap for people who are asking for healing but people are asking for salvation for the families who are asking for deliverance for those who are asking for family members to be saved will touch our children are backslidden tracked our children were struggling in the flesh were struggling in sin were struggling prepayments God set them free come on push the darkness tonight take whole of God take all of the promises take hold techo salvation belongs to God no one no one can touch my children [Music] what Jesus me [Music] Jesus I am seeing the head of Jesus going inside into the realms of darkness Dooku I see the head of Jesus going in my brothers and sisters tonight your prayer is critical for your loved ones for your sons and daughters who are struggling creeps in who are kept in the bondage who do not know pain who are getting weaker by the day tonight our prayer he's gonna set them free [Music] [Music] Oh tonight there is a blessing of prosperity I see houses being released to the people dear Lord he's going to prosper but the enemy has stolen houses are being released properties are being released to you I see you will have a best loan package interest rate will come down just for you for that moment and the Lord will say now go and sign the deal tomorrow send a legitimation o litera Monday on Raw cetera wander for a shallow column cancer that cancer cells are being broken in the name of Jesus that is going to be victory in the house of God victory in the house of God come on wrinkle someone who's sick people those who are crying out for healing hit him in a walk right on his face God there is no one to touch me there is no one to heal me there is no God who can touch me tonight Lord you are [Music] the god of salvation the god of salvation like Taliban or OPA singing they said my brothers and sisters gross darkness is going to invade this country grows darkness and I say mask man demons will be masks to look very human there will be many many humanistic policies there is going to change the landscape of this country what was wrong will become right what was right will become permissive many things are going to change and lawlessness will enter lawlessness doesn't mean better so I'm talking more spiritual sense right now aha Rosalee around our aside day you may not worry about yourself but think about your sons and daughters think about your grandchildren will be facing those temptation will be facing those demons pray o pray that God will install leaders of righteousness in this country oh that must be more conservative and say righteousness [Music] now this is the word of the Lord there will new laws will come in to cope the activity of the house of God new laws are going to come in and I'm not sure when and we don't have to know when it can be 10 years from now I tell you our prayer has the power to last for eternity our praise powerfully now to go ahead of time because your prayer he seated Oh in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus push their loss away [Music] salvation of [Music] come on experience a breakthrough tonight father thank you that is going to be old-fashioned healing that is going to take flame you know what was old fashioned healing anyway down the street just see someone and pray I see people going into hospital Bates and they are praying and healing will take place I see people sitting in the bus stop and they are willing to pray for someone whisper a prayer healing is taking place God is going to heal restore his power in this country brother AMA Sunday [Music] shili telling me a strong a very strong a very strong dragon and I see the entire body the circumference of this country is being covered by the body of this dragon right - the whole circle and the tail is touching the heat the whole country's like in a bind varaha preserved you know what the serpent python does to squeeze the moment the Python can sense the heartbeat still bidding it will tighten its crease and the heartbeat will start slowing now as long as the human body is not struggling it will loosen and the heartbeat increases it will tighten he will tighten until the heartbeat stops ha ha listen my brothers and sisters the Bible says Pharaoh hardened his heart from obeying God and you know how many time the Bible says he hardened his heart four times last night the Lord showed us four types of things are going to come four levels of destruction are going to come you know what is happening to our countrymen their hearts are becoming a hardened from following righteousness today let us pray let us pray that God's compassion will touch the heart now it can be a father it can be your mother he can be a grandpa grandma who's Harley so hardened they will say no to Jesus but tonight the power of our Lord Jesus Christ he said bring your heart touch them Lord touch them we pray for the husband to smile smile and touch him in Jesus day we pray otherwise we pray for the children tonight touch them in Jesus face let do you know what hey Peter your salvation [Music] Latona go deep in da da da someone the Lord is saying now is the time to redeem your business now is the time to redeem God will give you the inspiration and the ideas to make the money right contacts and networks Kobashi lemon daya now is the time to redeem it do not wait any longer I will not make sense to me what I'm saying but to you that mattered you will know what the Lord is a Sahara satoru bond o salvation salvation for the household o halle-loo I see talisman some of them someone you are praying for have a lot of talisman in the house listen the power of talisman is going to be broken God is going to remove the power of evil that is stopping the work of salvation no weapons of water can prosper in front of the prayers of the righteous people tonight we declare victory for a same everyday and Oliver ha we pray powerful soul salvation let every church prosper let every touch groan we pray for gala Lord leave this place let the prostitution become cynical takes the reason to be cold but nightclub to be closed the more shots to be cold in the name of Jesus selamat a racial Amanda let every judge roll never eat there every persecute Catherine felt oh Jesus shut up my son I've seen idiot about my time we worship You God render every work of the enemy powerless in Jesus name Oh son Galleria give me my dollar I adore amando someone you are here the talisman is in your house your member of the family brought in and they do not know it's a talisman they brought him and they are keeping it in the house commercial aha zendaya aha Ballon d'Or Oh Sadie some of us I think it's time to do spiritual housecleaning you need to physically inspect your rooms make sure nothing that is unclean abominable stuff is in the house brain sander ha ha boho Sundaya every look and corner every demon that is hiding somewhere in the darkness let the light of Christ shine upon you let the light of Christ shine upon you [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] terrible name hahaha to the people to the people of our church the Lord is saying get ready to expand get ready to stretch our cut in this economy basura Monday and the word the way the phrase the Lord is saying expand for my glory because given us a choice we don't want we want to be happy the Lord is saying do it for me I want you to stretch out so that souls can be added unto the kingdom for I have anointed you to reach out to the loss who are in the kingdom to heal those who are in the kingdom shall handle of a sword Oh father I pray for a new anointing over every volunteer over every leader over every elder for every team member in the name of Jesus regardless of the administrate God give them a vision to expand give them a vision to grow give them a vision to believe you believe you believe you touch saws help us to pray together to serve together help us to cry together today [Music] we worship You Father someone's mother she's going through cancer Oh Lord Jesus touch her right now bring healing into a body relief a pinko God not you are the only hope she has a hope is not death the hope is life the hope is resurrection the hope is Jesus not cancer Jesus not cancer Jesus for a terrible time let this year be a year old resurrection [Music] [Music] last frame he want to pray together the Bible says in the Book of Psalms open your mouth wide and I will fill it Matthew chapter 5 blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled we want to pray God expand my spiritual uncover help-help to expand my hunger so that I can receive more from you God Lord increase my capacity to cry out to you give me a hunger after heaven give me a hunger after your righteousness [Music] [Music] my spirit no you I see in a vision the pages of the Bible becoming gold and is glittering away father I pray for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to rest upon each of your child of God who are Kevin yet tonight let the Bible become a fresh let the Bible cloud soaking in the spirit let every word [Music] someone is here is a lady brought Ryan in pray many times he says though money never stays in your home money never stays in your pocket Lord every time I have some money he's like holes in my pocket he just lifts me something always happens that he lifts me tonight God is gonna rebuke that stealer in the name of Jesus God is gonna repute the robber who's stealing your prosperity in the name of Jesus Mira business P miracle as killer in the name of Jesus and we pray for restoration another group of people who are going to be touched tonight there is a group of people are going to be touched tonight you have the gift of prophecy once in a while you can see vision you'll have a dream and you can hear from God these are the prophetic people who are gathered here tonight I see the Spirit of God coming over here and you'll be strengthened in your gift you'll be able to receive more you'll be able to see more you'll be able to have more dreams they will become more clear come on if you want to put a lift of your legs and let the anointing of God come upon you right now cry out to Jesus help me to hear how did you see help me to understand the will of my father cry out to Jesus for you let a new our clerics have upon you tonight tonight tonight immunity [Music] [Music] Thank You someone's daughter the spirit of fear all the time attacks her she's afraid of everything young girl afraid of the dark afraid to be alone afraid to go toilet alone afraid of being alone in the room and instead of helping us sometimes you are nurturing that fear kavaja shun Dorobo tonight the Lord will set it free right now homie find the spirit of fear from being in the home from being in the heart from me in the house where are in Jesus name the Angels give a dream that God is with will the houses are like a [Music] father I pray for your grace and your mercy for everyone who will stand before your judgment seat one day help us to increase our works of righteousness for you and we will joyfully serve your God that we will not fall below the margin of your grace that you have shown upon we will not fall below the margin of your love that you have shown for us as we have received we shall give [Music] in Jesus name Amen remain standing for the benediction Father for all that has been submitted to you tonight the breakthroughs the healings the encounters the promises that you have for each and every one of us tonight we continue to stand firm because the one who promised is faithful [Music] let Jesus be the center of our comings in our goals this evening forth until we meet again we give you thanks and pray amen amen god breath god bless you and I will see you tomorrow again [Music]
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 1,929
Rating: 4.7948718 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 28sec (6328 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2018
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