7 Compliments That Drive Men Wild

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hi and in this video we're going to talk about seven compliments that drive men wild [Music] hi ladies matt shafer your empowerment connection and relationship coach here i'm a former attorney who's committed his life to supporting you and creating the sort of fun fulfilling dynamic connections and relationships with men that you are so worthy of and i'm super excited about today's topic we're going to be unpacking seven powerful compliments you can use to light a man up and deepen your connection with him no matter what stage of relationship you may be in i do this stuff with my clients and students all the time and it is a lot of fun but before we dig into it take a second hit that little subscribe button and don't forget to hit that little notification bell because not only will that let you know when i'm coming out with new content which i'm doing every week but it also really helps me in the youtube algorithm so that more women can have access to this content and create the sort of relationship that they truly deserve and also be sure to click the link in the comments and caption i've created some great content that's going to make a huge difference in your connections and relationships with men and ladies as we dive into this stuff take a second and sound off in the comments let me know what have been the best compliments you've ever given a man what does your man love to hear from you sometimes some of the greatest takeaways for people that are watching these videos are what's happening in the comments so i want to start off by sharing a few reasons that compliments are so important to men and the first is that honestly men are starved for them truly we understand as the masculine that it's important for us to complement and honor and acknowledge the feminine but for the most part we've often times disconnected from how beautiful it feels to be complimented ourselves right so it's something that men oftentimes aren't even expecting anymore which is why it's so powerful when you do do it because man we have our own insecurities we have our own struggles that we're going through and compliments can often really help us with that and the second reason compliments are so important is that they create balance in relational communication think about it doesn't it seem like whenever we're having a positive conversation with someone that we're dating that oftentimes it's a very surface level conversation like we're talking about how great the weather is or our day at work and something good that may have happened it's very surfacy and when we do get vulnerable it's often just to complain right or to criticize our partner for something they're doing that's driving us nuts gary this is the fifth time i've asked you to take out the garbage why won't you just listen to me you're making me feel like i'm not important i'm losing my marbles gary and i'm not saying you can't have those conversations or be critical of your partner when it's justified but you do want to balance it out with authentic compliments so that a man just doesn't start equating vulnerability with pain if he does that he's gonna have a really hard time opening up to you and the third reason compliments are so important is that they create a bridge of understanding and vulnerability between you and your partner and a principle to remember here is that every relationship is a mirror where you and your partner are reflecting back aspects of each other to each other so i want you to ask yourself what aspects of your partner are you reflecting back to him through the way that you communicate with him because justice criticism reflects back to your partner the things that he probably needs to work on compliments can actually reflect back to him his own greatness the reasons that he's such a high valued part of your life it's a great way to remind him of the places where he truly shines like for example if i'm dating someone i love complimenting them because i love reflecting back to them the beauty and the strength and the grace that maybe they don't fully see for themselves or they're taken for granted and before we dive into our big seven compliments i want to share a few final tips the first is the basic compliment formula okay you can apply this to any compliment that you want to give a guy the way to give a great compliment is to take some aspect of your partner some way that he's being something that he's doing and you want to connect it to a ppfs a positive personal feeling statement and the rule here is that men who are invested in you are activated and inspired by the impact that they're having on your mind body and heart so when you give them a compliment that reinforces that it's going to drive them nuts and the last and maybe the most important compliment tip i'm going to give you is to always be authentic and genuine in your compliments and in the timing of them okay because here's the thing men are much more intuitive i think that a lot of women give them credit for and if we feel that a compliment that you're giving us comes with an agenda or maybe it feels a little bit like a manipulation like you don't really mean it it's actually going to do the opposite of build the trust and vulnerability that you want it's going to actually make him trust you less and put his walls up further and you want him to really believe and receive your compliments does that make sense say it with me now ladies believe and receive so now let's dive into those seven great compliments you can give a guy why they're important and when is the best time to give them to him and the first one is i'm so proud to be with you now why is this such a great compliment for a guy well first off think about it it's going to be tremendously empowering and really creating security for him in your relationship to hear how proud you are to be in that relationship it's a very stabilizing force and you want to remember that emotional stability and emotional safety is a key thing that men are craving for women and secondly it creates intimacy it lets him know that you're just not going through the motions it's not just okay that y'all are together you're actually happy of it and you want everybody to know it and what are some good times to use this compliment well the first one would be if you're getting ready to go to a party or go out on the town or just be out in a social environment as you're getting ready to head out the door hook your arm around his and tell him that tell him how proud you are to be with him and that's really going to fill him up and give him some extra confidence as youtube go out into the world together and another great time to use that compliment is if he seems a little deflated say maybe he's had a hard day at work and you can sense maybe he's feeling a little insecure or jittery just telling him that you're so proud to be with him could really help sort of reinflate his sense of self now the second compliment is more of a category but i'm going to give you some examples it's compliments about specific aspects of his looks or appearance now let me share some great examples of this sort of compliment your arms are so sexy i love that one i love the way your hair curls around your ears those ocean blue eyes just light me up so i know these seem obvious ladies but why are they so powerful and the first reason is that men are dealing with a lot of our own physical insecurities so when a woman acknowledges our appearance it actually makes us feel really good and the second reason is that even if a man does feel pretty good about himself a lot of times he has blind spots for those aspects of his appearance that are really sexy to you so when you bring those to his attention it'll really help boost his self-esteem and deepen y'all's connection so don't be shy ladies if he's got a nice booty tell him so because he probably doesn't know and the third great compliment to tell a guy is you make me feel so beautiful and why is this one so great because it's letting him know that just by his very presence in your life not by even him doing anything in particular that he's having a profound impact on you you are so beautiful to me now what are some great times to use this compliment well the first one is if you ever catch him sort of sneakily checking you out giving you a little up and down tell him that let him know smile and tell him how beautiful it makes you feel when he does that and he'll he'll love it and another great time to use this compliment is during or after getting physical with him this is a perfect pillow talk compliment that's really going to make him feel good about his performance and the fourth great compliment to share with a guy is that time melts away when i'm with you why is this one so good because it really speaks to the depth of your connection and how much you lose yourself in it when you two are together that is a huge turn on to a man who's emotionally invested in you and i've had several relationships like these in my own life where literally when we would get connected and time would just stop right and all of a sudden i'd look up at the clock and three or four hours would have passed and it's just a remarkable experience to have with somebody so if you're sharing moments like that with somebody it is the perfect time to acknowledge him for that don't be afraid to recognize the magic that you're creating with him it's really going to light him up and the fifth great compliment to tell a guy is you always know how to make me smile or it's hilarious cousin you always know how to make me laugh and this compliment is so great because it shows that he has the key to your heart and your funny bone which is incredibly empowering and a huge turn on to guys and saying always with that compliment really helps build emotional safety with him which is something that men are consciously or unconsciously craving from you all the time and the best time to use this compliment is right after he says or does something really sweet or really funny you want to acknowledge and validate that behavior immediately which is going to make a powerful invitation for him to do it again i absolutely love it when a woman that i'm dating tells me that she can't get enough of my humor or my jokes or anything like that it just makes me want to just keep giving her more right and men are like that we love making you happy we love making you laugh and when you can encourage us to do that we're going to give you as much of it as you can handle and the sixth compliment that will make a man melt is again another category where i'm gonna give you some examples it's a compliment about how what he's doing is turning you on or impacting you physically these ones are always a good idea some examples of this would be your touch makes me shiver just seeing you turns me on my head on your chest feels like home there's nothing i like more than to be in your arms and feel free ladies with this type of compliment to get very detailed uh and very sensual or sexual if you want trust me he won't mind a bit and why these are so great is because of the universal rule that we are craving being acknowledged by you for our actions and nowhere is this more important than when we are being physical or sexual with you as our partner never hesitate to tell him that anything that he's doing feels great to you and when is the best time to give this compliment literally any time is great with this one but particularly in the heat of the moment when he's touching you when he's kissing you when he's holding you that is the best time to reinforce those feelings and that behavior with him now i'm not saying men are dogs but think of it like a dog if a dog does something that you like you want to give him that positive reinforcement in the moment so it anchors that validation for that behavior oh thank you for the smooches bosco you're such a good boy oh yeah i love that not exactly like this but you get the idea number seven is probably my favorite it's i believe in you and why is this compliment so powerful well it's because men who are high value they're usually deeply grounded in their purpose and vision for their lives and a lot of times the weight of that can be intense it can be a heck of a burden for one person to carry and few things are more activating or inspiring to a man than feeling the belief and support of the woman he cares about around his vision and his purpose for his life sometimes when a man loses or has lost faith in himself he can borrow the belief and inspiration of the woman he loves to help elevate him back into the game and when should you use this compliment well a great time to use it is when he's being courageously vulnerable with you and sharing his vision or big ideas that he's got for his life you saying that you believe in his idea even if it's something that seems really big and almost impossible it's going to be really exciting and encouraging for him and a second time to use this compliment is if he feels a little despondent or maybe like he's lost sight of what he's committed to creating in the world and this compliment is so good ladies that anytime that it feels right to say it just say it trust your instincts on this one and he'll love it so ladies if you use these seven compliments authentically in your relationship it's gonna deepen your connection with him and your trust and the emotional bond between you and number one is i'm so proud of you this is a powerful polarizing statement to make any time you're getting ready to go out in public with him and number two is any type of compliment about a specific aspect of his appearance compliment him on his arms compliment him on his hair his eyes his shirt you can't go wrong but be specific that's gonna help him understand how unique and attractive he is to you and number three is you make me feel so beautiful and this one is a game changer and it's incredibly powerful to a man and you can say it in the heat of passion or right after making love to him or really any time it feels like the right thing to say and the fourth one is time melts away when i'm with you that is a profound thing to hear from a woman i promise and the fifth one is you always know how to make me smile or you always know how to make me laugh this is going to be incredibly empowering to him and help create emotional safety because he always makes you feel fantastic and number six is another powerful category of compliments compliments around how he impacts you physically how he turns you on so his how his touch makes you shiver or how just looking at him makes your whole body electrified or crave him any type of compliment about how he physically and specifically impacts you is going to be incredibly hot and saving the best for last number seven is i believe in you there are a few things that light a man up more than really feeling and hearing the belief and support of the woman he cares about so get out there ladies and share these powerful compliments with the men in your life but before you do be sure to take a second hit that little subscribe button and don't forget to sound off in the comments ladies i would love to hear about the greatest compliments that you've given a guy or what your favorites were from the ones i just shared and don't forget to click that link in the comments and caption i have created some great training that's going to make a huge difference in your connections and relationships with men thank you so much for stopping by and i'll see you in my next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: Mat Shaffer
Views: 143,809
Rating: 4.9283524 out of 5
Keywords: love
Id: C08WxSakELs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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