7 AI SaaS Ideas You Can Start In 2023 🚀 (ChatGPT, GPT-3, FeedHive, Stable Diffusion)

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in just the past few months we've seen some incredible new AI Technologies into the markets gpt3 has a new version of their DaVinci models stability AI launch stable diffusion and chat gpg completely blew up the internet and the crazy part is these tools allow small independent online entrepreneurs like myself to access and build products on top of their Technologies let's take a look at some super cool SAS ideas you can build using AI [Music] thank you welcome here to my YouTube channel if you don't know me I'm Simon harberg startup CEO founder and extremely excited about making money on the internet if you're also excited about SAS Tech and Entrepreneurship you came to the right place in this video we're going to talk about Ai and how you can create an AI based SAS business and don't worry you don't have to be a hardcore machine learning engineer to make this work let me give you seven ideas you can pick up today at this point you've probably already heard about chat GPT it's a new creation from openai and it's just completely blew up the internet when it launched and with good reason it's basically a chatbot you can use to help with all kinds of tasks and it's extremely impressive what you can do with it and this first idea I want to talk about actually came up on my team while working on one of our new products link drip link drip hasn't officially launched yet so it's still not entirely clear to us who the ideal customer profile is and what it looks like and last week our UI ux designer was working on the UI for this product and while trying to create user stories she was annoyed that she didn't have a user Persona to write the story for it so of course she opened chat DPT gave it a few pointers and asked it to create a user Persona and so it did with scary accuracy she repeated this a few times went into figma and created some nice looking cards for each of them for our team to remember and this is the idea build an online user Persona generator when businesses want to understand their Market better in the very early stages of ideation they've opened this tool describe their product and it would create a set of user personas that fit including demographics like education income bracket age gender and so on but also personal values and beliefs it would also create a profile image and a nice looking card that you can print out and hang in the office now the whole team can get familiar with the exact people they're building for while building the product at least until further market research has been done I imagine using gpt3 to generate the text and biography of the users and Technologies like Delhi to create the profile image they have low code Solutions available so again you wouldn't have to train your own models or do any machine learning engineering you would need to build a nice and convenient platform for the user and then integrate the AI part using openai's official API endpoints another AI technology that completely blew up recently is stable diffusion from a company called stability AI with stable diffusion you can use AI to generate some really impressive and super photorealistic images check this out a solo founder on Twitter named Danny created this product called profile picture.ai and it's absolutely incredible of course I couldn't help trying and for just 30 something dollars it allowed me to upload load a bunch of images of myself and he would then train a custom model on these images and generate all these super cool avatars based on my face Danny's product completely took off and soon after a bunch of other creators followed up on this idea obviously this technology doesn't stop at generating avatars there's a lot of other things you can generate which I think have enormous potential so here's an idea a virtual interior designer imagine this you upload an image of a room you want to design or decorate and then the product spits out five or ten suggestions of how the room could look furnished decorated painted with good lighting and so on I think there's incredible potential in the interior design and architecture industry which often uses complex and very time consuming 3D renderings in their sales materials in fact one of the creators who immediately jumped on stable diffusion is entrepreneur Peter levels and he built exactly this interior AI it's the service that created the images I just showed you but as far as I know he's the only one currently working on this so I believe there's still a lot of room in this market especially considering different niches you can specialize your service for restaurants or fitness centers or conference rooms really there's a ton of ways this could go and I think there's a great opportunity to become a first mover in this space though I think it's worth mentioning that stable diffusion isn't quite as easy to get started with as gpt3 or Delhi you do need a bit of experience setting up some infrastructure and there's going to be a bit of a learning curve when it comes to training these models also apparently you can get a bit pricey as well so worth taking into considerations before making a move on this idea now let's talk a little bit more about Delhi dally 2 is a new AI engine from open AI that can create realistic images from a description it's also able to enhance or modify existing images and its capabilities are actually really mind-blowing fun fact a few months ago I published a video where the intro has it looked like I'm participating in Shark Tank finding images from the Shark Tank Studio was impossible so I had to take a few screenshots of the studio with people in it and here I use daily to remove the people and have it fill in the background so I could add myself on top Photoshop has something similar called content aware fill but I really couldn't make Photoshop produce good results in this case dally just aced it right away I was totally impressed with it anyway let's just spin off from the previous idea with interior design how about a service that can give you a stylistic makeover by producing certain styles of makeup and clothes so for instance you want to try something new but you're not really sure in which direction to go or whether a certain style would even fit you so you upload your images to an app and it uses Delhi to enhance your images based on a description with this platform the user can experiment with different styles and see how they would look on them before committing to anything Delhi has an API already but you can't fine tune the models yet though I'm pretty sure it's coming soon in that way you can even specialize and optimize the model for a very specific Trend alright the next idea is actually something I saw recently and I was literally Blown Away by it check this out an AI spreadsheet assistant we all know that fiddling with spreadsheet formulas can be super tedious so this plugin basically takes a description written in a normal human language and translates it into a complex formula this can be used to synthesize data write thank you cards summarize product reviews categorize feedback and a ton of other things I tried it out myself and it was seriously impressive it solves some tasks that are super complex to set up in a matter of seconds the downside about this tool is that you have to provide your own openai access token which means that you have to set up an account yourself and you don't really know how much running cost this can produce so if you can figure out how to create a similar plugin but without having to create an open AI account yourself I think you have a killer business right here and this could go beyond just formulas it could become a fully fledged AI spreadsheet assistant that can help you organize tables analyze data help structuring things in the right way and much more I would subscribe to this tool without thinking twice another idea is to create a writing assistant for a specific niche there are already a lot of amazing copywriting tools on the market copy AI Jasper paper type Mark copy just to name a few so for this idea it's crucial to pick a very specific Niche and then fine-tune your model to this type of writing fortunately open AI has actually made this incredibly easy fine-tuning a model basically means picking some of the pre-trained models open AI offer and then presenting this model with a lot of examples in order to tune it open ai's pre-trained models are already wild as it is but you're basically specializing them by showing them very concrete examples of writing and telling it this is the kind of output I expect it could be a service that generates legal document templates or financial reports or maybe marketing copy for a very specific business Niche if you're not an experienced programmer browsing through open ai's documentation on how to create a fine-tuned model may seem a bit confusing and a bit complicated it's actually not even with only a little experience in programming I bet you can figure this out then put together a nice looking front than in webflow and have users sign up using member stack and you have yourself a great product to start off from right here okay this next one here is a little bit more meta but hear me out an interactive prompt designer if you've been playing around with some of these AI tools you might have noticed that nailing a good prompt is actually not that simple even though the point with Delly gpt3 and chat DBT is to provide a human-like description of what you want in plain English small differences in phrasing and whether you provide examples on a certain format or not actually end up producing completely different outputs and it can actually be pretty frustrating I've spent hours on this and I mostly end up saving my winner prompts in a Google Keep so I can pull them out later but we should be able to do better what if I could sign into a service where I could pick topics from a list perhaps use drag and drop and reorder blocks of elements I want included in the output and then this service would simply generate a ready-made prompt for me to feed into gpg or Delhi I'm sure you can combine some clever engineering and some heuristics to generate high quality prompts on demand giving certain criteria technically you should be able to fine-tune the gbt3 model to create high performing prompts for GPT itself using much more vague and low quality inputs so if you've also been pulling your hair and even been wasting money trying to get gbt 3 and Delhi playing nicely and if you've spotted some kind of pattern here then this idea might be exactly for you I would subscribe to this one right away finally let me share my favorite idea with you don't build an AI SAS instead use AI as a feature to enhance the way your SAS is solving a problem for your users this is exactly what we do with feed High the startup I'm running vdive is not an AI tool it's a social media management tool that uses Ai and we use it for a lot of things it looks at your profile and helps you predict the best time to post we're using AI to perform classification to find patterns in your followers activity and to compare you with similar accounts using AI to build a model of your followers activity is an excellent way to solve this problem we're also using AI to predict how well your post will perform in fact we trained an AI model on hundreds of thousands of well-performing posts in our database in order to deliver ranking on demand so you just write your content click a button and our AI will tell you how likely the post is to perform well again an excellent way of solving a problem we're also using it to generate the perfect hashtags suggest Old Post recycling a lot of other things but they're features you can't really take these out and have them be assessed on their own if still a part of a social media management tool in fact you could take these out and feed hype would still be a fully functional SAS product you would just have to solve these problems in another way and I'm saying this because this Market of AI SAS products has become extremely competitive that doesn't mean you shouldn't go for it I think you should but if all your SAS product is is an API key to open AI it's pretty easy to copy what you do and companies do this trust me both Dany and levels were building AI Avatar tools generating up to one hundred thousand dollars per month and then lenza came by big company lots of money build their own infrastructure instead of using an API and pump the internet full of ads now over the course of a few days they made more than one million dollars per day on the very same type of service as levels put it themselves they out executed Danny and me really well don't get me wrong this technology is absolutely amazing and it opens so many new opportunities but while you're considering these ideas try to think of ways you can incorporate them into a bigger solution that includes other things than just AI it will make you stand much stronger in the market I hope you enjoyed watching this video but don't leave just yet you definitely want to check out this video up next so click right up here and of course remember to hit the like button and subscribe to my channel for more content like this I will see you soon for another video [Music]
Channel: Simon Høiberg
Views: 347,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saas ideas, saas business ideas, saas product ideas, saas creative ideas, chat gpt, saas idea, saas startup ideas, saas ideas startup, saas opportunities, get saas ideas, micro saas ideas, saas business, saas ideas to make money, artificial intelligence, gpt 3 ai, chatgpt examples, chatgpt explained, open ai
Id: Hdp30KBXK40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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