Coding won’t exist in 5 years? You might be right.

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this also goes against what most people are predicting in the industry a lot of very smart people as well but I think they're wrong the talk about AI taking up programming jobs is everywhere there are articles being written social media going crazy and comments on seemingly every one of my YouTube videos and when I made my video about chat gbt I had two comments there that really stuck out to me one was that someone wished I had included my opinion about AI in that video and the other was asking if AI will make programmers obsolete in five years I even got a tweet about it too well this video is to answer just that will programmers be obsolete in five years and after learning researching and using many different AI tools over the last many months a video about those tools coming soon well let's just say I have a lot of thoughts on the topic what AI can do for programmers right now how it's looking to progress in the near future and will programmers be obsolete in the next five years there's a lot to unpack here but what I find most hilarious is how so many self-proclaimed experts have been so wrong today sure they're saying how AI is coming after your white collar and creative jobs but not too long ago all of these same people were saying how some experts like doctors and lawyers and accountants and programmers cannot be replaced by robots with artificial intelligence because there's just some things too tricky for robots to handle like subjective judgment creativity and empathy surely only Blue Collar jobs are at risk right this is what they said but they change their tune real quick over the past few years because these jobs are what AI is currently focused on writing design Finance programming that's obviously what we're going to be honing in on today programming and to get an even better understanding and be able to formulate a better uh opinion about the future of technology particularly AI we always have to be educating ourselves we always have to be learning and that's why I'll be virtually attending nvidia's spring GTC 2023 this Monday to Thursday March 20th to March 23rd which by the way is completely free I mean we are talking about you know what AI is doing and the potential for it taking programming jobs right well this GTC is heavily focused on AI part of the name is literally the era of AI and as you know Nvidia is one of the companies that is making incredible advancements in this space so the content in the talks occurring in these sessions at Spring GTC 2023 you're not going to be able to find anywhere else like the co-founder and chief scientist of open AI Ilya sutskiver and the founder and CEO of Nvidia Jensen Huang having a fireside chat about AI today and vision of the future this is one of the sessions I will absolutely be tuning into especially to see if they talk about what we're talking about in today's video how AI will affect programming or jobs in general I'm curious to see if they have a similar opinion to mine if they defer maybe they have some arguments I didn't think of the founder and CEO of deepmind Dennis asabis talking about AI to accelerate scientific discovery that's a gnarly one generative AI 3D by AI Enterprise transformation with AI and oh so much more this GTC is going to be sick and not only that but you may have noticed something here in the background that's right this is an Nvidia RTX 4080. look at that thing no doubt an upgrade it may even be an upgrade in my system and I have the Titan RTX water cooled anyway this isn't mine nor will it be going in my system it's yours well what else to be exact myself alongside Nvidia of course are giving it away to one of y'all and we're also giving away five Nvidia deep learning Institute credits so if you want to learn how to build and deploy a production-ready conversational AI or deep learning model well you'll be able to do that using your deep learning is two credits all you have to do is attend just a single GTC session just check out the link below and fill out a form which will be linked below the other link to prove that you actually attend a session then we'll pick whoever gets this and send it on off to you as well as the DLI credits Nvidia spring GTC 2023 March 20th to 23rd that is this Monday to Thursday the conference for the era of AI trust me you don't want to miss it I'm going to be attending a lot and it'll be interesting to see what they think the future holds but for us to formulate our own opinions on future holds with AI well again we have to look at how technology has impacted and changed the past the first jobs people think of are manufacturing jobs like welding painting and fastening on the assembly line for the truck you drive basically every Factory job is being automated one way or another where you needed 10 people to do this job now maybe you only need two I mean you really think there are individuals pecking each box of your Cheez-Its for you no of course not but here's the thing this phenomenon if you will has been occurring for hundreds or I could even say thousands of years scribes the people who meticulously and laboriously hand wrote books and other writings they were replaced by the much more efficient printing press invented around the year 1436 and even earlier when movable type printing first developed in the Far East sometime around 700 A.D farming the lifelong practice of humans look at how it's done today with tractors and Machinery versus back then by hand tools and animals back then a single person with a couple oxen or horses would be lucky to farm one acre a day now with the help of a tractor and other Machinery a single person can do a hundred acres a day and this is in all aspects of farming tilling planting spraying now harvesting plowing it's night and day what about washers and launders now you just use your personal washer and dryer go down to the local laundromat with a couple quarters Weaver Knitters textile workers these luddites is what they're called a 19th century England used to destroy weaving machines as a protest against unfair labor practices due to automation stock Brokers I don't call someone to put in a trade for me I use software secretaries and typists replaced by apps cashiers replaced by kiosks telemarketers replaced by automated phone calls just trying to contact you about your car's extended warranty and the infamous switchboard operators I don't know why their information just sounded good did you know back in the day in order to get your phone call to the other person a human had to manually do it to connect calls operators used switchboards to perform the tedious job of inserting phone plugs into the appropriate Jacks when you take a look at these jobs and how they've been replaced it makes a whole lot more sense why white collar and creative jobs are next on The Chopping Block many of these jobs are simple repetitive tasks performed in a single spot sounds a bit too familiar doesn't it these are some of the many jobs that were automated in the past so let's hold on to that while we discuss what AI can do for programmers now because we need all this information to best predict the future so what can AI do for programmers now well there are a lot of tools that can help programmers you know do their job and the workflow that I'll discuss in depth in a future video but the tools specific to writing code and the space include code completion tools automated testing tools and code refactoring tools but the one type we have to keep a serious eye on are the code generation tools we've seen these in the form of Bayou or I believe it's called Deep coder or an openai codex and other similar tools to codecs that other Tech Giants are building openai codex for those that don't know is basically what's behind chat GPT in the code generation aspect combined with GPT 3.5 it's also what GitHub co-pilot is built upon these tools these code generation tools take plain text and turn them into usable code it's not perfect there's still need for human intervention right now but for how long those Kinks will undoubtedly work themselves out in the near future and it can do everything I mentioned before code completion obviously code generation it can write tests for you it can refactor the code it can describe entire code bases to you and overall it's actually quite impressive what it can do do for your entire programming workflow given that information do I think programmers will be obsolete in the next five years no obsolete isn't the right word heavily reduced yeah absolutely and if not in the next five years then definitely within the next 10 and you may find that answer surprising and it's actually different than my initial answer going into research for this video I even wrote an entire script going over all the reasons why programmers will not become obsolete this also goes against what most people are predicting in the industry a lot of very smart people as well but I think they're wrong absolutely wrong and here's why when people think about this question they're thinking about all programmers I'm not I'm thinking about how tractors reduce the amount of farmers needed to the job they're thinking about cashiers being replaced by kiosks I'm thinking about Weavers Knitters and textile workers being replaced by a fewer amount of machine Setters operators and tenders they're thinking of manufacturing jobs being replaced by robots I'm thinking of Junior developers being made obsolete by artificial intelligence I mean think about the actual workflow of a software engineering team right you come together and you create a two-week Sprint you have these user stories that you break down into tasks you're pulling other tasks and things from the backlog writing a description for it estimating how long each task will take then you start your Sprint each developer is assigned or chooses the task they are to complete and complete them over the next two weeks and a piece right here is what I had overlooked when I thought that programming jobs would not be replaced by artificial intelligence my argument was that senior develop flippers wouldn't want to be bothered by the Redundant and simple and mundane tasks that they assigned to Junior developers I mean that's one of the main reasons Junior developers are there to do everything that senior don't want to do AI would just make these Junior devs more efficient I mean because after all somebody has to tell the AI what to write and then review the code that it writes to make sure it all works and then throw it into your reverse control workflow and the senior does while they could do that they're just too busy for that it's below their pay grade however this is the missing piece in the Sprint the senior devs already have a task with a title and a description on what needs to be done whether it's a feature that needs to be implemented or a bug that needs to be fixed or maybe just code smells or Snippets of code that need to be refactored instead of assigning that task to Billy you could just in your issue tracking software project management software assign the task ask to the AI the AI will be connected to your entire workflow you assign the test to the AI and it writes the code like that it writes the tests like that it tests it within the entire code base that it has access to and then again it's part of your entire workflow it can push that code creating a new feature Branch for that code and then submitting a poor Crest to the development Branch for code review the code is already needed to be reviewed by the senior Dev or somebody else in the team and it's already being written during the Sprint those are the two main processes that the junior Dev would need to do but the AI can already do the other parts and these aspects are already being done so what is the need for the junior Dev other than like redundancy or something the only missing piece here is what happens when a senior Dev leaves or retires so there's going to have to be something in place to account for that maybe there's going to be a rise in skill gap for developers just like there has been throughout history and many other in Industries and jobs or and what I think will be more likely long term is really that the job entire landscape will change instead of there being you know like senior developers they're not going to be writing much code they're going to be maybe called something more like a software app administrator if they want to still have some sort of name to that overall they're just going to be a little bit more involved in the code project manager because at the end of the day there's always going to be a need for somebody in between the AI and the code and the end user whoever needs the product and that's what you are it'll effectively be similar to how Freelancers and even companies build websites using Wix or Squarespace or no code tools there's going to be a need for somebody to do that because you know if I need that done I don't have a business operator I have this to do I don't I'm not going to go in there build it I'm gonna hire somebody to do it so you're gonna have to have an understanding of like the overall architecture and whatnot and when I say the skill Gap may be increased again I think that's short term I think long term here's the thing you can understand the fundamentals and the principles and the overall architecture again that you'll just be learning these high level things that mostly like senior devs and project managers need to focus on whereas Junior devs don't but like when you need to go into a new job and understand the code base the AI will just describe the entire project and the entire goal of the project in layman's terms in plain English for you to understand and get caught up for the entire code base and if you have any further questions about more specifics you just ask the AI and it'll tell you just like it can it can do now but it'll be even better over the next five years especially over the next 10. so yeah unlike most others I do think over the next let's say 10 years we will be seeing a decline in programming jobs overall and this doesn't mean that there's not going to be any jobs available because people leave those positions need to be filled a new companies are starting every day and they need to hire programmers or software app administrators whatever they're going to be called but when it comes to programming I do see AI helping anyone become a programmer be a programmer because now you don't have to understand all the nitty-gritty details just like you know now it's a lot easier to code using a programming language than like Assembly Language right Python's much easier than that and there's more access for many more people to learn programming because it's easier to learn than it was back then in theory so the AI will be breaking down that barrier to entry for programmers the job market on the other hand is what we would have to worry about because that can do basically anything that you and I can do most likely those will be some interesting times and oddly enough kind of looking forward to it what about you do you agree or disagree with what I laid out here today you can make any counter argument here here's the thing I want as many of y'all to comment down below your opinions not because of the BS YouTube algorithm I don't even know if comments help the YouTube algorithm but because I'm genuinely interested in this topic and what you all have to think of what y'all think about it because the more I've been doing research into this as I've laid out here in today's video the more my point of view my the more it shifted from no programmers will always be needed to you know what maybe not so much so let me know your thoughts in the comments below it'll be an interesting discourse let's all keep it civil okay keep it civil and uh until next time y'all have a good one
Channel: ForrestKnight
Views: 316,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine learning, will ai replace programmers, software development, web development, will ai replace coders, github copilot, artificial intelligence and machine learning
Id: brAwZ5l_fuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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