7/30/2020 Revival with Brother Mark Stroud

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so all right good evening good to see everybody in the house oh lord let's all stand please page 346. page 346. i know my name is oh is i am goodbye is ah hey bye is we do come to you in the wonderful name of jesus lord we do thank you lord i thank you that my name is resume hallelujah lord i pray tonight that you've been with us lord that you've helped us lord we come to work with you tonight and i pray that you move all the cares and problems of the world out of the way tonight lord i pray that you help us to focus on you all our prayers you have to see you tonight for we need help i need help all right thank you for being good to us for loving this lord we'll be quick to give you all the honor praise and lord president the wonderful man amen and thank you may be seated and good evening to you all good to see each of you in the house of the lord and my we sure enjoyed the lord this week he sure has met with us and ministered our heart i praise him god for the liberty and for the worship and the praises amen the singing the preaching has been wonderful i'll tell you god sure has ministered grace to his people and this hour and my how we need it i'm telling about the rest of y'all but i need every bit of it i'm hoping god will just do it again tonight did you know he's in the again working business amen the psalmist said revive us again sound to me like he knew what he's talking about he'd had it before he wants it again and i hope god will just pour out the blessings again in this service tonight he will if we'll just yield to him let him help us and we've come to honor him we're tickled to have each of you with us in the service tonight and we just want to uh we're going to have the choir to come and sing like our are going to sing in just a moment just like we've been doing and on the second choir song we'll have our ushers to come and we'll receive the regular offering we're just glad to have you let me just say this uh we'll be uh going of course this is the last night the ag family is with us they do have their uh tapes out there and cds and books and you'll notice there that they they say it's free it's strictly love offering that you want to give a love offering hey it'll be a blessing to them but it's free anything you need i want there and they just they just serve god by faith and these folk love god we appreciate how the lord touched them last night and ministered to us he they need god's anointing just like any uh other group does and that's what we need we need thank god for the talent they have but it takes the holy ghost for for his work to be done so we just wanted to send this will be the last night so be sure and check with it at the table in the vestibule tomorrow night we have the reigns family be with us tomorrow night we look forward to having them and always enjoy them in the meeting and then this coming sunday is our homecoming day and we appreciate the the church having 51 years of homecoming and this will be our 51st homecoming but be our first homecoming without having a meal so we're going to have a homecoming without no vittles as far as physical vittles but we're looking for those spiritual nuggets amen to be fed to us in the morning serve have special singing brother tommy earth should be preaching would be one of our preachers i may preach a little bit i don't know we'll just see we're not going to be in a hurry because we are not having sunday night service so we'll be looking forward to a good time together on uh homecoming sunday and uh brother mark some revival meeting starts then and any if you all want to go down and see his uh beautiful new tabernacle or renewed tabernacles be a blessing they'll have uh all week long the the meeting there at seven he's at seven seven thirty at night and ten o'clock in the morning eleven o'clock in the morning so they have morning night services and uh and so brother dean mcneese and and brother dwayne moore will be there preaching and they always have that course i know a lot of y'all going camping but there's a lot of you are not going camping all right so we just want to say praise the lord for brother mark for coming and being with us this week again this year and how the lord has ministered to i want to ask you something really has the lord helped you this week let's just maybe let's just yield to him let him minister to us some more all right the choir we acquire will you stand up the choir stand up all right the adult choir all right brother come on page number two god is holy oh oh is oh is is is all right let's do in christ alone oh is is is is yes yes okay is is oh is hey is hallelujah i i praise god i'm serving a living lord hey i like that part when he burst forth amen praise god all right we're going to receive the offering now this is going to our evangelist brother mark stroud the workman's worthy of his hire brother adam you lead us in our prayer please sir oh they're missing at the yeah house what they walked away from the gloriousness lord you have a farmer we ask if you draw them back tonight they will come running back to you lord bless you take his offer tonight so all right we're so glad to have the aeg family with us and they're going to come sing about 20 25 minutes and tonight we'll try to have a youth choir song before the brother mark comes if that works out that way but whatever god wants to do we just want him to take the reins of the service and get glory to himself to god be the glory amen me is is is oh now yes is yes when we get to the end of time god is is foreign me me oh ourselves anymore foreign well all you hear today is what you can't do i said but for god is without fear i tell you all that stuff is um i'm is yes god's mercy us and is oh is oh uh foreign give him the lord yes is r me god is sleeves is me great oh is is see you fired how it happened in three days his parents couldn't find him speaking with such wisdom they there was jesus when john baptized him the heavens were opened and god descended like a dog there was jesus straight from the father there was jesus dying for the souls of men bringing captives to and in the middle of it all right is on a hill just outside of town dying for the souls of men bringing captives to freedom three days oh is is last days is is that was excellent excellent well if you've got your bible open it with me to the book of malachi in chapter number one book of malachi chapter number one don't you appreciate that god honoring music i mean i liked it all the way from the congregational all the way to the choirs it amazes me the choirs sound as good out there as they do up here and that's not normally the case when you spread out like that but it's been as good to hear you sing from the pew as it has to hear you sing from the choir loft and then the aegy family what a blessing to hear them sing and why bless the lord thank god i'm glad there's not enough darkness to put out the light amen he said let there be light and he ain't changed his mind praise god i said last night in the words of dr s m lockridge thank god they can't impeach him and he ain't gonna resign amen he is still the light of the world and i bless his name for that thank god aren't you god y'all your preachers i'll just take that phrase in the midst and just run that phrase around a little bit there's a whole lot of preaching on that little phrase right there he's in the midst and i thank god for it malachi chapter number one it's good to have some of our folks rolled up brother adam appreciate you and your family coming it's good to have my youngest right back there my youngest uh he's a little bit larger than he was not rounder just taller i don't think i'd be that skinny if i was sick and dying amen he didn't take that part after me amen and but it is good to have him with us tonight i appreciate him coming malachi chapter number one all our other friends that are here we appreciate you being here most of all i appreciate the presence of the lord and how he's helped us i'm like brother adam prayed boy i desire to see him worshipped amen the ray brother miss brother brother mark's little girl brother mark wheeler's little girl uh wrote a song howell was king and brother adam when she wrote that eight i think she's about eight years old she said one day i'm going to be able to thank him like i really want to and i'm going to be able to praise him like i really want to i'm glad there's coming a day that i'm going to have a glorified body and my flesh is not going to hinder me and your flesh is not going to hinder me and the darkness is not going to hinder me but for once in my lifetime i'm really going to get to thank you like i really want to because i really want to amen he's been good to me and i bless the lord god bless the lord malachi chapter number one let's stand together it's good to see each of you here tonight rooney it's always an honor to come i appreciate the ladies that have fixed the meals the last couple of nights and what a blessing just to be able to sit down and fellowship let's god being able us just fellowship around the table i bless the lord for it the bible said in verse number one the burden of the word of the lord we hear much kind of talk like that anymore we've got a bunch of performers where they don't get up with anything burn on their heart but a real message from god there's a burden with it amen well there's been times when i've walked in the church house at home it's not like it's every week there's been some times that man brother we couldn't even sing i just first time it ever happened like that it got so heavy i didn't even i didn't have no singing singing wasn't going to help but i was just going to preach but i got up there the first time i've ever done that and just said man it's time it's preaching time and i didn't realize but a lot of our senior families back in years gone by that's how preachers would resign they just sort of come up and just throw it on them i'm resigning and it always sort of i scared them that morning they thought i was quitting so i've never done it just like that again but i've been a time or two we just sang one song and i dismissed the pianist to be so burdened about the message of god boy we need some men to stand in a pulpit with a burden on them our kids are at stake and the next generation's at stake our way of worship's at stake our churches are at stake amen friend hey i know i i like to cut up and laugh and have a good time out as much as anybody if you've been around me much you know that well we're living in days where man god needs somebody to stand up in the pulpit that's been with the lord and he's had something to say amen and i praise god for men of god that have preached with a burden the bible said the burden of the word of the lord to israel by malachi he said i have loved you man we ought to take time out and run around the church until sweat is dripping off of us we ought to shout till we're so hoarse that we can't lift our voice brother mark over the fact that he said i have loved you that means i have loved you i do love you and i will love you amen aren't you glad thank god jesus loves me this i know for the bible tells me so i like that one verse that said even though i'm very weak and healed i'm glad thank god he does love me still amen bless his name the love of god is greater fire than tongue our pen can ever tell if we within the ocean field and we're the sky aparts been made and we're everything of i'm glad thank god we could not record oh the love of god friend well i've been saved for 33 years and brother trey i've yet to find a reason of why he would love me i've yet to find a reason why he would die for me but i want to stand and proclaim tonight of whether or not i understand it or whether or not i can find a reason i want to say thank god i am loved by the god of heaven i am loved by the lamb of god i am loved by the king of the universe i am loved by the one that's all together lovely he said i have loved thee amen if you got something better than that i'd like to hear it amen i didn't say a president loved me or a governor loved me or a preacher love me god loves me deity loves me holiness loves me mercy loves me grace loves me long suffering loves me yet i have loved you saith the lord sometimes when he tells me that i'll just say tell me again tell me again tell me again i have loved you oh my i can't quite get that out of my heart i have loved you said the lord boy it means a lot give a lot of money i'd give a lot of money to be able to hear my mother tell me she loved me one more time i would give a lot of money to hear my pastors tell me one more time that they love me but i'm glad john 3 said he loved the world in ephesians 5 said he loved the church but any day i want to hear it i can turn to galatians 2. and verse number 20 he said that he loved me and when you read it he said he loved you and then when i read it again he said he loved me and you can read it again and he said he loves you praise god i've got good news hey listen you say well i'm not saved doesn't love me the bible said but god committed this love toward me and that while we were yet sinners in the we were yet sinners in that while we were an enemy of god and while we were an alien from the common wealth of israel and while we had liquor on our breath and cursings in our mouth and vileness in our heart but thank god he commendeth his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners but christ died for the ungodly i can understand how a man would die for his free friend i can understand how man would die for his child but i've yet to understand how the thrice holy god of heaven i would shed his blood for his enemy amen i have loved thee saith the lord yet ye say wherein hast thou loved us what's not esau jacob's brother saith the lord yet i love jacob and i hated esau and i laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness whereas edom saith we are impoverished but we will return and build the desolate places thus saith the lord of hosts they shall build but i will throw down and they shall call them the border of wickedness and the people against whom the lord hath indignation forever and your eyes shall see and ye shall see the lord will be magnified from the border of israel you can be seated for the ones that haven't been here i'll just say we've been in the book of malachi in these days i preached on monday night on the sun is coming up in the morning amen friend oh and last night we looked at those uh 24 times in malachi where he said that he's the lord of hosts i'm glad that he is the lord of victory amen but tonight i'm interested in the young the verse number two and verse number three the bible said was not esau jacob's son jacob's brother saith the lord and he said yet i have loved jacob and i hated esau and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness can i say to you i've been preaching this week for you that have just come a malachi is the last voice that the people of god were going to hear by the mark until god pushed that mute button on the voice of god and the next voice you would hear of would be a man walking out of the wilderness with honey in his beard and locust in his mouth i'll preach and repent for the kingdom of god is at hand and can i tell you thank god what malachi had to say in the day in which he was preaching my brother it is as relevant to you and i today as it was the very first time or that it rolled off the pen of the man of god how can i tell you the message was a message not of comfort but it was a message of conviction it was not a message of commendation but it was a message of condemnation it was a message but it was not meant to delight the people but it was meant to discomfort the people and can i tell you thank god you say preacher will not the nation of israel well the bible said for whatsoever things were written a fourth time or were written for our learning of that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope how can i tell you the word of god are the only inspired writings that do not exhaust themselves for the very age that it was written but they're different because thank god yes it spoke to the ones who it was initially delivered to up in all of these years later you and i can look into the truths of the message that god pinned down many years ago and they still speak to our heart in this hour amen amen you look at malachi in verse number two and three a lot of a lot of bad doctrine are used to be reinforced by these verses there's folks who'll take romans chapter 9 and tie it to malachi chapter 1 and tie it to genesis chapter number 25 and try to teach and try to teach a doctrine of an unconditional election but neighbor that's not what that's got to do with listen to ephesians 1 it talks about how before the foundation for listen that election always got to do with foreign knowledge according to first peter chapter one let me tell you something boys the best commentary on the bible is the bible amen friend amen can i tell you this is this uh genesis 25 and malachi is commenting on 25 uh genesis 25 and that's not eternal decree that was made before the foundation of the world but that was a prophecy about jacob and esau and it wasn't about damn and one and saving another but the bible said they were two fathers of two nations in her womb and those nations were going to war against one another and you and i till today are watching those two nations still struggle all those ones around the nation of israel but they still hate the people of god and they forever will but hold on honey of the end of the story has yet to be told of the last chapter has not yet been has not yet been written or read thank god there's coming a day of the lord is going to vindicate his people amen amen but you look at genesis 25 these verses i'll talk to you we'll look at that in just a moment but even in their mother's womb there was a war between jacob and esau there was a war in their mother's room can i say kendra it's been going on ever since they were in rebecca's womb can i tell you there's a lesson for you and i about the study of jacob and esau that'll help us in our christian life because the very same battle that was in rebecca's womb is going on in every heart of every child of god that's been born again you say preacher i don't know about that battle you're talking about well jacob and esau are a great picture he saw a type of the flesh and jacob a type of the spiritual man you say well i just don't know anything about that battle well then could i suggest you you probably need to get saved if you don't know anything about the struggle between the fleshly man and the spiritual man you need to get bored again or you've not been saved long enough for it to rise up in your heart amen well friend listen i want you to notice i want to preach a little while tonight on the battle of the ages brother boys y'all jesse you and sayeth the brother landon right there let me just tell you something boys the world's not going to be your greatest enemy you come out from among them be separate the devil's not your greatest enemy because you can resist the devil submit yourself to god and he'll flee from you amen but that old man is still alive and well in your heart that's still alive and well in my heart that's still alive and well in his heart you brush his teeth you comb his hair you take a shower with him you dress him up you feed him you clothe him you baby him and you pamper him and until the lord comes back and gives us a glorified body oh boy i tell you i can't wait to sing the verse of this robe of flesh i'll drop and rise other sins the everlasting prize oh thank god one of the blessed things about heaven is i'm gonna be through with the flesh can i just tell you a child of god our greatest enemy is not the liberal democrats our greatest demon our greatest enemies not chuck schumer or nancy pelosi or the contemporaries of the compromisers this morning when you combed your hair you saw your greatest enemy amen you know what's killing our churches it's not the liberals in washington it's not the liberals in atlanta it's not the liberals all around the world it's our flesh it's our flesh amen friend there i want you to notice quickly about this this is not a new battle well tristan it's i've been saying 33 years and sadly brother rudy it's been a lot of days i've lost that battle good thing about this battle just cause you lost today don't mean you got to lose tomorrow amen amen amen amen i want you to notice quickly the birth of this feud the birth of this feud malachi 1 talks about the lord hating esau and loving jacob you say why would the lord say such a thing well to understand what the lord had against the you need to go back to the book of obadiah or when nebuchadnezzar they were coming down against the nation of israel the lived on the southern border of the nation of israel and they tried to escape or the would not let them escape they and then they went into their city and they went into the gates and they did all things they shouldn't have done and the lord said there's coming a day uh listen you're gonna it's gonna happen all over again but the lord at the end of this thing is gonna kick them out and the lord's gonna be magnified from the border of israel i mean they were they were the enemy of the people of god but you've got to go back further than obadiah you need to go back just turn your bible to genesis 25. you've got to go back further than malachi you've got to go back further than obadiah of genesis chapter number 25 and verse number 22 of the bible said the children struggled together within her and she said if so why and if it be so why am i thus and she went to inquire of the lord i mean i believe she went before the lord said lord what's this battle going on in my breast what's this battle going on in my womb and the lord said the lord sold her verse number 23 the lord said two nations are in thy womb a two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels and the one people shall be stronger than the other people and the elders shall serve the younger he said again he's not talking about saving jacob and he's not talking about damn and esau that's talking about two nations and he's talking about two people i did listen god told rebecca in your womb are two sons who are the fathers of two different nations the edomite people and the israelite people and listen that is a picture to you and i of our flesh and our spirit the birth of this feud i want you to notice number two the brothers of this feud just like genesis 25 tells us about a struggle that was going on in her womb if you're trying to live for god you would have to stand and testify there's a war going on in you amen i don't care how long you've been saved i don't care listen i don't care if you're a new christian or an older christian i may not fight the same parts of my flesh brother rudy but i still fight the flesh some of you older ones you may not fight the urges of the flesh like you used to but now you battle pride we all got seized into the flesh the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh and the pride of life pretty good indication there's some seasons in there what we do with some of us men we better realize we're not we're not bulletproof boys let me tell you the best way not to mess up is never to be by yourself with somebody of the opposite sex it's not your wife or your mother amen i've told the ladies they won't talk to me at the church when i'm by myself i said we'll stand in the middle of the parking lot i normally don't even do that either mistake me or one of our deacon's wife sits in there with me amen friend hi man you catch me on a week i'm not above it greater men that i have fallen and i could fall to the same trap there's a battle in us amen older an older man told me one time he said brother mark don't you ever think it's going to go away he said because the older you get he said the wider the pool is everybody okay i know we don't like let me tell you something young cause you better realize there's a battle going on in you amen there i like that old song they used to sing about discover that years ago the old man's dead now within an old friend of mine we'll stop by that i hadn't seen in some time he'll stop by and ask me where you being what's on your mind he said why have you not been out there drinking and painting the old town red he said i tell them i'm serving jesus now because the old man is dead how can i tell you i wish he was deader than he is i wish that he was just completely dead but if you've been saved and you're trying to do the will of god there's a battle in you some of you're not battling the bottle right now some of you battling fear oh you think the only way your flesh rises up is dope fear for me dope liquor fornication rock music country music and all that you're listening let me tell you there's two kinds of fear you fear circumstances or you can fear god and when you fear god you don't have to fear circumstances don't get upset at me amen again that doesn't mean we've got to act foolish that doesn't mean we've got to act stupid but we don't have to go out here in fear we don't have to fear the flu we don't have to fear cancer we don't have to fear heart disease we don't have to fear or any movement any radical movement you say why because if you fear god and you bow before him you can stand in front of anything else amen amen he's either god or he's not there's a battle going on in us galatians 5 describes that war he said this i say then walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the less of the flesh the flesh blessed against the spirit the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would when he says flesh he's not talking about skin and bone he's not talking about your physical body but he's talking about that fallen adamic nature amen i wanna i just wanna hit this on the way by bro scott you said it just a minute ago we get locked in on the negatives i looked at tristan i said this the garden of eden was full of yeses it had one no i have no idea how many kind of fruit trees have no kind of idea how many variations were in there but i'd say it's a whole bunch there was a whole lot of yeses in there one no and what the devil walk in there and say what about that what about that tree of the knowledge of good and evil you can't eat that one can you why is it the devil walks up in our heart and he wants to talk to us about the one negative when the lords give us a thousand yeses hey it was all about the trees in the garden and adam and eve plunged us all into a whole a whole race of nose but the problem was with them trees and adam but there was another tree that made us all a bunch of yeses again praise god oh it's where i found the blood it's where i found peace hey friend can i say yes there's some things we're gonna have to put on yes there's some things we're gonna not be able to do but can i tell you in 33 years of being born again there's been more yeses then there have been those there's been more blessings than there have been burdens oh yes there is and what does the devil do he appeals to our flesh about that one no about that one negative and when we can just look all around there's a whole bunch of positive amen we've got our mind on all this one negative we got a life full of blessing we got a life full of yeses we got a church full of yeses amen amen the only thing about that that battle galatians 5 talks about one of my problems is that right there there's times i say things i wish i could catch it i can feel it coming out it's about like when you get sick and you feel it coming and you can't stop it hey and i'm trying to reach out there and get it and put it back in my mouth i'll be honest with the older i get the worse my temper is pray for me maybe you don't have yourself i don't have a timber you're a liar you just may have a longer fuse than i do i don't know what it is but it seems like with every year my fuse is getting clipped and clipped and clipped and clipped hey man babies will do that too it's about like my hair getting white and white and white when i came preaching here my hair was blonde everybody all right you know anything about that the bible said that the flesh will keep us from doing what we ought to do things that we want to do some of you would have worshiped tonight if it wouldn't have been for your flesh or what's somebody gonna say they're gonna think i'm gonna i'm gonna spew spittle on them and they're gonna get upset that person at walmart probably spewed spittle on you today oh they had a mass right through that little cloth mask don't get nervous praise god amen amen listen he talks about the works of flesh adultery fornication uncleanness receiving adultery witchcraft hatred variance emulations rats strife seditions heresies infants and murders drunkenness or violence and such like that's the works of the flesh much of what goes on in modern day christianity is nothing more than works of the flesh but really i go in some places i almost have to bow my head when the singers are on the platform someplace you go you about can't walk down the aisle and preach i'm just flesh flesh flesh you young as ought to thank god you've grown up in a holy ghost church amen i want you to notice quickly i'm trying to hurry these brothers are are different in their birth look at genesis 25 verse 24 whether days were to be delivered were fulfilled behold they were twins in her womb and the first came out red all over like a hairy garment and they called his name he saw you know what that word red means what it is it's synonymous with adam adam god called the first man red he was made out of the dust god breathed the breath of life into him and they said i esau is very much like adam notice verse 25 and the first came out red he was the first baby born you understand this flesh always comes before the spirit we're born first of the flesh then we're born of the spirit the spirit does not arrive on the scene until the second birth jacob amen at first birth is the adamic birth the sake of birth it's a spiritual birth and what you're going to find out that one that's born first esau he was supposed to the things of god the children struggle within her you could leave me all by myself and i'd have a battle because my battle is not with you it's with me jacob represents the spirit of god in you notice what the bible said verse 27 look the bible said the boys grew esau was a cunning hunter esau dwelled in tents jacob what the bible said was a plain man that word plain means perfect upright you said you talking about jacob yeah just hold on what you're gonna find out he saw was a hunter listen esau was a man of the field jacob was a man of the fold esau's instinct was to poach a hunter jacob's instinct was to protect a shepherd they were different by their birth we're living in a day where brother brother rick they'll tell you people get saved and they never change they didn't get that out of the bible they got they got that out of a different bible but they didn't get that out of a king james bible god still changes people we're different because of a birth i've watched alcoholics pour it out never go to the first a.a meeting i'm not saying if you had to go and a me you didn't get saved different things for different people i understand that but the thing about it is that old life belief you put off the works of the flesh you put on the works of the spirit they were different by their birth look at verse 27 through 34. they were brothers these brothers were different in their behavior esau went out there hunting he went out there hunting came back and he was famous jacob was a cook he come back in and smell that potted jacob and big cookie he said man i'm famous i'm about to die give me some of that pottage and jacob said yeah i'll give you some give me your birthright now let me just say this jacob didn't go about it the right way jacob tricked he saw out of his birthright but let me just say this at least jacob wanted it the bible said esau despised his birthright he despised his birthright and for a moment the bible said hebrews 12 that for a morsel of food for a morsel of food he talked about he gave his birthright called him a profane man for a mouth full of food he saw sold his birthright i mean man he despised it he sacrificed the eternal on the altar of the temporal when i say young person you have no idea what god wants to do with your life and don't you get caught up in a fit of emotion i don't get your caught up in a fit of flesh and for one moment of pleasure for one moment of fun for one night of this or one night of that that you sacrifice your future on the altar of the temporal hebrews 12 called him a profane man you know what that word profane means that word profane means with the temple to your back esau turned his back on the things of god our church is no different than anybody's we have them just like everybody else that turn you back that turn their back on the things of god listen listen you stood the life of jacob very long you're going to find out he wasn't a perfect his name's trickster you're going to find out he made a lot of mistakes but god loved him and listen to me god didn't love jacob for who he was but he loved jacob for what he could be god just didn't see jacob's deeds he saw jacob's desires he saw that jacob unlike esau had a heart for the things of god he saw the spine spiritual things he sold his birthright from mouth upon it jacob was despised he despised himself also he was weak but god saw that he could do something with him and god made a prince out of jacob he made a prince out of jacob brandon you and james right here i wonder what god sees in your future that you can't see i wonder for y'all what he sees in your future the bible said i have many things he told the disciples he said i have many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them he may have some things that he just can't tell you because it'd scare you absolutely to death so what i wouldn't do i wouldn't sacrifice the future god has for me for the temporal that i have for myself these boys were different in their birth these boys were different in their behavior number three and i'm done there's the birth of this feud the brothers are this few but then i want you to notice the battle of this feud if you go to galatians 5 and we just read i just read you the works of the flesh you know how many are in that list but adam and i we've got an older preacher not church brother howard you met him last fall the older gentleman sits up on the front he's a bible neurology man and he's taught us to start counting everything in the bible and that number 17 is the number of victory what about that is listing the works of the flesh and there's 17 of them you know what that gives me grace to believe there's victory over the works of the flesh amen you know how many things are listed in romans 8 35 of 39 that tells us we cannot be separated what cannot separate us from the love of god there's 17 things that are in that list i'm glad to thank god as a child of god hell cannot separate us of the world cannot separate us our flesh cannot separate us i'm glad you and i kick your mother may listen a mother may not love his child i listen a wife may not love her husband i hope can i tell you if you're a child of god or you'll never find an hour of when the god of heaven does not love you i'm glad his love is eternal amen how are we going to win this battle preacher i want you to notice you just write it down i'll tell you the story exodus 17 verse 8-13 just write it down i'll tell you the story children of israel on their way to the promised land they're getting ready to go into canaan and all of a sudden they've come out of egypt the hand of god brought them out he's taken them toward that spirit-filled life in canaan but guess who shows up the bible said then came amalek hey boys you know who amalek is amalek's esau's grandson genesis 36 tells us he's esau's grandson so that means that the lord hated esau he hated the whole line because they were the enemy of the people of god can i tell you what what were they doing they were trying their best to keep the nation of israel out of that land of victory james can i tell you what your flesh is going to do brandon can i tell you what your flesh going to the same thing it does in my life same thing it does in preacher's life it's going to do everything it can to keep you out of victory it's going to keep you try to everything out of the will of god it's going to try to keep you from reaching everywhere god wants you to be i'm telling you amalek's coming when you get ready to serve god brother you've already found out suddenly talk to you about how you pray you probably already found out when you really want to get in the season of prayer that flesh will rise up but i got good news son there's victory there's victory over the flesh greater is he that is in me that he that's in the world you study that story in exodus 17 it came time to fight the battle with the amalekites moses went to the top of the hill aaron and her were with him and moses lifted the rod and as long as that rod was lifted to heaven joshua was in the valley and the bible said they disconfited the amulet the malachites but if you go back to exodus four see it was all about that rod if you go back to exodus 4 the lord said that the lord said come on he said what's in thy hand and he said a rod and then it became known as the rod the lord said hey moses he said go down there and bring my people he said go brother and bring them out he said lord they ain't going to believe it they're not going to believe you sent me he said throw your rod down and moses said no lord i i depend on this rod this is how to fit myself this is how i protect the sheep but this is how this is what holds me up when i'm tired i lean on it don't make me throw my strength down made him throw it down and when he did brother wayne that rod became a snake see what what we don't realize that rod that god wants to use in our life he's still got a snake in it moses had no idea that his rod had a snake in it and then the lord said take it up and the lord said moses you want me to pick up that snake by its head i mean the tail he said you don't pick a snake up by the tail because the business in can still do some damage and moses reached in there and took that tail up picked that up that snake up by the tail and it became his rod again but do you know what it was referred to after that it was no longer a rod it was no longer the rod it was the rod of god some of us we've all we've ever done has come down here and give the lord our weaknesses our struggles our vices our sin what the god some of us have come down here and bring our strengths and let the lord get the snake out of our strengths so that our rod that'll become the rod can be used as the rod of god amen that's how the battle has got to be won has got to be won but then when you look in when you're looking at first samuel 15 and i'm about done sister agent won't you come back to the piano not only is there a lesson about how it to be won see we think our strengths are something we can offer god let me just say this to you god don't want to do anything with us he wants to do it through us through us we think we've got something to offer to him my strengths at best have got a snake in it but if i put my if i i've what we have music camp but the mark normally has music camp in june and those youngins will bring their instruments and they've worked at for months and months and i've had we've had some services where i've seen some of them kids i'mma talk about pickers i mean man i like that place skillfully on the lord with a loud noise amen that's king james bible praise god amen man that means that's your break praise god take your break and let her rip man amen amen but i've watched some of those kids take their strength and lay it on a altar and say lord would you take my rod and make it your rod abby's somewhere down the road man god's opening doors for y'all and man you're singing and the family boy the girls are growing up their voices are getting stronger probably sometime in a service or maybe just one night when mom and dad are in the bed you might want to go down there to that living room where that keyboard is and say god would you take my rod and make it your rod and it might just make a difference the next time you lay your fingers on the keys oh hey man i've got the ability to speak i got to be no your bill has got snake in it you better come put it on an altar let god get it out you say how how should the and see it's not just about how the battle's won but it's how the battle's waged if you go to first samuel you just write it down i'll tell you the story you go to first samuel chapter 15 the lord has given saul instructions to go and to kill the amalekites and not to spare anything saul goes down there wins the victory but he spares away gag he spares the best of the sheep and the best of the flocks and herds he comes walking back into town he comes walking back into the town with the king and the best that they had to offer samuel samuel meets him talks to him and rebukes him and saul said i've obeyed the voice of the lord and gone the way which the lord has brought me a gag and brought have brought the key gay gag of amalek king of amalek and i've early destroyed the amalekites he said but the people took the spoils sheep and oxen chief of the things you know samuel made this statement he said what meaneth the bleeding of the sheep and that's the context of the verse that we all quote obedience is better than sacrifice you say what do you mean preacher saul was a carnal man and here he comes brother jordan he comes back with a gag king of the malachites and the best they had to offer but here's the kicker preacher here comes saul back to worship the lord with the best of what god hates let me help you here the best of the flesh is steel flesh lord i brought you the best i brought you the king i brought you the best that they've got to offer but all he did was bring the lord the best of what he didn't want how many times in our christian life when the lords give us instruction and give us direction we put our own two cents in it and we come to church to worship but we bring him the best of what he hates hey boys let me help you right here if he can't get you hooked on dope if he can't make he can't get you hooked on liquor if he can't get you hooked on pornography or fornication if the devil can't get you to do bad in the flesh he'll get you to do good in the flesh but doing good in the flesh is still flesh i appreciate y'all let me pick on you but the only thing that's ever gonna get it done is when we give him what he wants those spiritual things would we be accurate brother trey to say most of what goes on in modern day christianity is the best of the flesh and if we're gonna have a move of god in our day we're gonna have to leave the best of the flesh at the house and bring him the best of what he wants i'm afraid in modern days if the holy ghost left most churches nothing would change servants would go right on because they'd been operating in the flesh it wouldn't change anything i like what preacher said the lord could do whatever he wants to do that's how we operate and that's how y'all have been raised to operate see what happens saul saul spared a gag if you go to second samuel chapter one you'll find out that even though saul spared the flesh the flesh didn't spare saul david came up and said how did you know how you know he's dead how you know saul jonathan's dead he said because i killed him that a malachite did can i just tell you something child of god you may show mercy to your flesh but your flesh will never show mercy to you if you spare your flesh one day it'll destroy you what are you talking about preacher i tell you what's going to take us over the top i tell you what's got what was going to get the nation of israel through malachi's day through the 400 years of spiritual silence what's going to get us through a pandemic what's going to get us through what we're hey we're gonna have to bring a rod down here let it be god's rod but then we're gonna have to keep quit trying to bring in the best of what he despises and bring what he wants amen don't ever fall into the trap where you think the only works of the flesh are them big sins that everybody knows about drinking adultery and fornication all that i'll just say again backsliding is very rarely a blowout it's most of the time a slow leak well as i'm talking to you a little bit about something i know it's a battle killing that old man is a battle and honestly most of us are fighting a battle fighting about fighting to win a battle that's already been won if we'll walk in the spirit walk in that book he'll fight your battle for you are you listening it's not a new battle fellas but we better learn how to fight it or we're going to lose ms denae sent me a picture a day and i was holding the kid she's taking pictures every year me holding the children i want them when they're carter's age i i hope preacher's still here and i still get to come they're not sitting on my knee but they're standing by me as grown a grown young man and a grown young lady but if i'm gonna be here i'm gonna have to learn how to win that battle it's a battle of the ages are we gonna live like esau are we gonna live like jacob i tell you one thing there's victory child of god there's not victory if we're gonna walk after esau we're gonna have to live like a spiritual man like jacob amen fear crops up doubt crops up you know that's not of the spirit that's of the flesh learn to identify your enemy amen let me ask you something you fighting that battle tonight if you're like me you are if you're like me you are don't you want to win hey don't bring your vice down here don't bring your weakness don't bring your struggle don't bring your sin why don't some of you bring your strength and throw it down and let the lord get that snake out of there that you didn't even know was in there so he could take your rod and make it his rod and use you to deliver the people of god she's playing we're standing would you mind the lord tonight how many of us would find a place in an altar and say lord i'm sure battling this fight i sure am fighting this battle would you help me i don't want to lose i don't want to bring god the best of my flesh but i want him to bring the best of my spirit would you come how about it you say preacher you're fussing at now you're not fussing at nobody i'm preaching how you doing with your battle are you winning you say well i don't really know that's about like when i asked carter the first time he ever played basketball they didn't keep score we got in the car that night he was about i guess he's five six his mama said i said carter who won and miss amy said well they didn't keep score and carter said we won 10 to six you can act like you don't know if you're winning or not but i promise you if you're a child of god you know what the score is whether it's on the board or whether it's not and can i tell you you may have lost today but you ain't got to lose tomorrow don't let it snowball if you lost today just come say lord i just messed it up today rick i wish it was just goats that made me lose my temper but it ain't just goats hey some goats in a church will make you lose temper amen i want to win i want to win don't you want to win that battle youngins the sooner you learn how to fight the sooner you learn how to fight the battle the sooner you'll learn how to win the battle there's a process with it there's a process with it you can win you can win you can win you can win she's playing god help me miss joyce i want to make it i want to make it i so don't want to bring a reproach to the name of christ to the name of brother edward to the name of brother willard to the name of my dad to the name of my mom to the name of our church but if i'm going to make it i'm going to have to battle the flesh all the way home the way home you say when's the fight going to be over when the trumpet sounds or i take my last breath the most fearful thing to me is this better my better men than i have lost the battle and i sure don't want to lose god help us all god help us all the battle of the ages we ain't far from that battle being over we're not far we're just not far we're we're living in those closing verses of revelation three boys it ain't gonna be long the lord's gonna step out and my battle is gonna be through oh brother we'll have you remember a couple years ago and brother you might not have been there that morning service what brother guy was talking about we've got an older preacher who's pastor our church but a guy's in his 90s and he always preaches wednesday morning of our revival a little man about like that he said i remember he said i remember we used to take the mules to the barn he said they knew when we unhooked the traces that plowing was finished it ain't gonna be long we're gonna feel him unhook the traces and all of a sudden the weight of that plow's not gonna be behind us and he's gonna stall us for eternity praise god hallelujah what a what's he go what's it gonna feel like when you really are free to worship oh god help oh brother bread when we hear another choir on another shore and there's no burden there's no care there's no sin there's no pride there's nothing in our heart but the glory of god what's that gonna be like i don't know that i can fathom it i'm gonna have a spell praise god i've heard them old-timers talk about it like this where they gets a bit much in the glory they'd say lord you're gonna have to take it off of me or i'm gonna die you ever heard them talk about that we don't hear much about that no more i'm talking about they said the glory of god gets so strong on them they thought he's gonna kill him there's gonna be a day you ain't gonna hang on take nothing off it'll be pouring on praise god pour it on we're gonna be free to worship like we've never worshipped before because the battle is going to be through come on preacher i just want to say thanks be unto god that giveth us the victory our lord jesus christ hallelujah faith is the victory that overcometh the lord who is he that overcometh the world i'm glad i'm a part of the church of the overcomer hallelujah but i got that battle of this old man just like you do i just want to say i think a good way the old indian put it was good and you all heard him the old uh you got that struggle said you gotta inside of you is like a white dog and a black dog it's a fight said whichever one you say sick them to is the one that's gonna get the upper hand so say walk in the spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh that's our victory walking in the spirit well i don't want to add anything to that i appreciate the preaching the singing the aj family have got their of stuff out there at the best western view maybe some of you fellas can help them and they're loading up tonight i wish i could tell you to shake hands but it's probably not the wisest thing to do but god bless you you're at liberty till we meet tomorrow night your come back and be with us if you can good night
Channel: Mt. Sinai Baptist Church
Views: 1,094
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: bfxXm9dLnS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 22sec (6502 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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