9-16-2021 Funeral Service for Brother Gene Porter

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you [Music] good morning to you all and thank you so much for coming as we have gathered together today to celebrate the homegoing of brother gene porter this is a time of sadness and also a time of gladness it's a time when we weep that we have lost a loved one but it's a time when heaven is rejoicing because one of the youngins have come home the bible said precious in the sight of the lord is the death of his saints it may not look precious to us on this side but we see the backside of the tapestry of the work of god but on yonder side oh it's glory and i know that brother gene is seeing things and experiencing things and he's probably saying i can't wait to see show elaine all of this i want to show her this and that but we have a hope and we bless the lord for that i want to say for the family i want to on behalf of them thank you so much for coming and a lot of could not come today but are watching by way of facebook and computer and phones and we thank you for tuning in and we want to honor the lord today and honor the memory of my father-in-law gene porter and we just want to give god the glory for his help and time of need we're going to open with prayer and then one of gene's granddaughters sarah is going to come and read us a poem that she wrote in memory of him and then my wife is going to come and give a few words we'll have a song to honor our brother let's pray for god's help in this time our heavenly father you are the god of all comfort and lord we just ask for your comforting grace during this hour for this family and i pray god that you'd honor us with your sweet presence because the presence of the comforter go more so much further to minister lord than we could ever do alone so help us blessed holy ghost come by and breathe on this service today in honor of your servant and lord and this family that needs your help and thank you lord jesus that your precious blood has made it possible where that doesn't have to be the final goodbye but just a good night we'll meet him in the morning now lord i pray you bless and meet every need of this family help miss elaine help adam and lord i pray you'd help rosie and i pray god you help adam's family sarah and him and james god help them help all these loved ones and friends and brothers that are watching and sisters sisters in law god minister grace to them in this time of need help me solid today lord you know her need and god meet every need of this family we'll praise you in jesus name amen miss sarah small in stature large in love a man saved by grace that could only come from above talk to him once this story he'll tell how the lord sweetly saved his lost soul from hell his prey in mama down on her knees played a large part in papa finding calvary because of the change that was made in his life he spent the rest of it telling others about christ he loved so greatly many could see where would i be without the prayers papa prayed for me so many times he worked with his hands to build a house on some old farmland oh but i'd rather see those same hands raised high giving praise to the one to whom he'd stand and testify i know the words i would hear him say if he was standing right here before me today the lord is good he's my dearest friend trust him forever on him depend he will never fail nor let you down amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch a wretch like me oh how his face i want to see a life well lived for the lord many crowns are waiting for him i'm sure oh but he won't keep one each one he will cast at the foot of his savior who he has seen at last my dad may have been a small man five five and a size six and a half foot but he had a heart so big it can't be measured his precious hands may have been small but those hands have done the work of countless men whether digging a trench 100 yards by hand from his house to his parents so they could have water or digging a whale by hand for his family or working a full-time job then coming home and work for hours to build our family a house or by going to the woods to cut and split firewood to sell so he could make a little extra money to put his kids through christian school or planning and working a big enough garden to share with friends and neighbors through the years those small but strong and loving hands have spent countless hours when adam and i would come up with a project we had in mind and couldn't do it on our own he was all in to help us with those hands have took such good care of my mom it was oh so clear he loved her with all his heart with cooking or canning he was right there helping he could build or fix just about anything the only thing he said he couldn't mend was a broken heart but that's when he would spend extra time in prayer to the one who could as the song says there was always love in daddy's hands even when we were in trouble and had to be disciplined he would always sit us down and tell us why he had to do it and love on us afterwards my dad only had a sixth grade education because he had to help work the farm but he couldn't spell everything correctly but he had more wisdom than any amount of schooling or degree could give if you would just sit down and listen you could learn a lot i guess anyone who knew my dad would agree he was a happy man i thought of the word joy jesus others yourself i believe because he had all these in the right order he was a happy man jesus was first we all knew that it was evident he loved reading his bible we have precious memories of him sitting in his recliner reading his bible or laid back with his bible on his chest and tears on his cheeks then it was others we saw so much of his life doing something to help or be a blessing to someone else he loved doing things that he knew someone else would enjoy a lot of times that someone was me i didn't get married till i was 42 and he so often tried to come up with things for us to do together whether hacking back in horse riding or trips the lord sure has blessed us with so many precious memories a lot of times it was friends or neighbors and he was always willing to help when needed mostly he cared about other souls because he knew what the lord had done in his heart he wanted others to have what he had when his mom got past staying by herself him and my mom brought her to live with them for three years till she passed and then when her sister couldn't stay by herself they again willingly opened their home and has been there for six years all these things aren't to brag on my dad he wouldn't want that he went on his deathbed he reminded god he was nothing but it was what he let christ do through him he told us so much not by telling but by example he told us to love and put god first to be faithful he taught us to love and help others he and mom taught us how to have a loving godly home he told us hard work won't kill you and you can do just about anything if you want to bad enough he had such strength and determination and even on his deathbed he was still teaching us he showed us you can still trust god even when things don't turn out like he would hope to pray he showed us dying grace i've never seen more grace and boldness of spirit he made it so clear he didn't fear or dread death but accepted it as god's plan i've known i've never known a man more godly caring kind compassionate tender hearted hard working simple sincere genuine praying man he is a one of a kind my best friend and for some reason i'll never understand god miss blessed me with the privilege to call him daddy i know where i am today the lord in mercy has brought me but he used two people that gave their hearts and lives to him before i was born and they have tried to live before me and pray for me so thank you daddy and thank you mama because you gave i'm a life that was changed and i know we could all say that papa daddy made an impact that will last forever in our lives all these things i have said about my dad are because one day someone asked him a question that he couldn't get away from and that night he gave jesus his heart and life and that's what made him the man he was so i think at his funeral he would want us to ask you the same question someone asked him if you were to die right now where would you go i don't know where i'd be today i don't know if i'd have my family there's just no telling who i believe not for grace i would be locked up in jail i'd have no future no story to tell i know my soul would be crying from hell if not for grace if not for grace i would still be lost in hopeless if not for grace there would be no reason to carry on oh but when he looked my way there was mercy on his face i would not be saved today if not for grace sin i've carried for so long things in my past i have done so wrong god's forgiveness i would have never known if not for grace there'd be no hope from heaven above [Music] [Music] if not for grace if not for grace i would still be lost and hopeless if not for grace there will be no reason to carry on when he looked my way there was mercy on his face i would not be saved today enough for [Music] i would still be lost and hopeless i'm not for grace there will be no [Music] there was mercy on his face i would not be saved today if not for grace he wanted to tell his story one last time what happened to you under that tree there in front of janet phillips that night that's where i got saved boy that's what that's what changed my life i was just so drunk that didn't care about nothing and junior called me that night and asked me if you were to die right now where would you go and i had to tell him the truth i died go to hell but going down the road going up kelley hill that that feeling was so strong i couldn't shake it i couldn't get away from it i still remember that old tree i pulled under what kind of tree was pulled over under a a tree a center and give god my heart my life and i remember telling god if you can save me you can help me i give you my life i give you everything about me i pulled back out on the road and went on to work a happy man a happy man i was saved amen i got a church i met a good girl had two two beautiful little babies and dedicated him to the lord i've given to junior cooper and i said junior here's my babies i'm going to raise them the best i can for you and i've tried to be faithful and keep them in church you have daddy you're fake keep them in church keep them under the sound of the gospel amen and god is used i've got a boy that's a preacher and a daughter that's married to the best preacher in this country god has used our family all because junior called me right that's where it all started that's where it all started but what else what if i said no not not now not now later made it not not tonight i had to put it off what about if i hadn't got saved how my life would have been different how my family would have been different anybody that knew him knew he loved to tell that story a guy the other night did that he worked with for years at robbie texted me and said for 15 years your daddy told me about jesus and sometime later on in life he got saved but may i say that superman don't wear a cape i think he wore overalls he was never afraid of a challenge no matter what you put in front of him the guy was telling me the other day said we was putting a roof on a building one day and we couldn't get it to come up square he said just let's stop for the day he said i'm going to talk to my father-in-law next morning they went back they got everything to work out just fine like rosemary said he didn't have no education but he had more wisdom than the smartest man i ever knew his life was a reflection of a friend that's sticking closer than a brother we're all supposed to be a mirror image of christ i feel like my daddy did a good job of being a reflection of jesus he left a legacy of love and compassion as rosemary said he took his mother-in-law he took his mother he took his sister he took a sister-in-law they built a house where they lived now next door to us so his mama mother-in-law and father-in-law could be close to him he preached his own funeral by his life if you didn't know him you don't understand what i'm talking about but if you knew him you know what i'm saying he just lived alive i saw him face adversity and god work it out when he was working at ryobi he was a testimony but people kept putting dirty jokes and dirty magazines on his toolbox and every morning come in he said lord i sure wish there was a way out of this lord messed his shoulder up his shoulder started giving him trouble he had to go out and have his shoulder replaced they wouldn't release him to go back to it lord worked that out for him if you saw something good in him he would say god did it he faced death with boldness and peace all saturday night he just kept on testifying it i'm not afraid to die he was overwhelmed with god's forgiveness and mercy i think that's why his testimony means so much because he he realized who he was and why god would give him another chance he was the black sheep of the family but he had a mama and a sister olive that would he would come in drunk at night he had to walk by their bed to get to where he was sleeping at and he'd have a bible verse open on a with the bible with something pointing to it or something marking it they just kept chipping away and chipping away he had a praying mama he gave all he gave his all to provide and provided all to show us how to die gracefully when the nurse called that saturday morning she said i need to ask you about your daddy she said i've been in there talking to him and i don't know if he's talking in his head or not i said what'd he say she said well he said i want to go home she's like what's he talking about and i think he was wanting to come back to pickens to be with his family but when we got over there that evening and they told them it was no way he could go home that wasn't a home he's talking about no more his heart he had already made a decision just take me off everything let nature take its course like rosemary said he wore a size six and a half shoe but i've got some big shoes to feel if i try to be anything like what he was it's never too late to decide to follow christ a lot of people talked about his prayer ground and that rock altar that he started he only started it about three or four years ago so it don't matter how young you are or how old you are there's opportunity and there's a place to do something if you want to do it give your all in everything you do he didn't have no education so sometime it was the school of hard knocks and it was trial and error that he was able to finish what he started but he always finished what he started he rep he prepared himself for saturday night for 50 years this past spring would have been 50 years he's been saved and he was daily preparing himself not to know that he was going to have control of how he was going to leave this world used to take a lot of hikes together when i was young and he'd always get a little farther ahead a little farther ahead he'd never get out of sight but he'd stop he'd look back and he said everything all right back there he'd wait on us to catch up that's all he did on sunday he just walked a little farther ahead of us just like from brother merle and all these other people's past on they're just looking back saying y'all out back there i'm waiting on you come on home second timothy 4 6 through 8 says for i am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand i've fought a good fight i have finished my course i have kept the faith henceforth there's laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not for me only but for all those that love his appearing i was telling brother mark before this service started i can just imagine daddy feeling like this daddy come to a crossroads saturday evening and i'm picturing him in an old wagon with some horses pulling he could go left he could have stayed on them machines and he said in one of his testimonies he said i could lay here for months suffering for what but i think he took the reins and he pulled to the right he said i think i'll just go with god because looking back my way i don't see a lot his testimony was a testimony of others as rosemary said of prayer and i think if daddy could have had a song caitlyn's done something about grace but all of grace is my story all the way from earth to glory since by grace he lifted me from sin and woe living grace he has extended as on him my heart depended he'll give new grace when it's my time to go grace not yet discovered grace not yet uncovered grace from his bounty full story grace to cross the river grace to face forever there'll be new grace i've not needed before there's been grace for every mile there's been grace for every trial there's been grace sufficient from his vast supply grace to make my heart more tender grace to love and pray for sinners but there'll be new grace when it's my time to die grace not yet discovered grace not yet uncovered grace from his bounty full storm grace to cross the river grace to face forever he had new grace when it was his time to go i've got the best debt and law in the world i could not ask for a better man i could not ask for a better preacher i could not ask for a better man that loves god and serves god and tries to live for god every day every day every day there's something special about you pretty sure there's something special about you the prayer of a righteous man available much i believe it i know it i've seen it happen one of these one of these in a few more more moments i'm gonna pass all out i'm gonna be gone but i've had good memories of you preacher i've had good memories of you of you preaching of you preaching and going to the to your woods up for praying if if there's an enough of preachers there's enough of people that prayed for me if it had been god's will you could have took one prayer and come down here and heal me just with one prayer but it just wasn't your will to heal me it was your will to send me on to heaven things i don't understand but i believe them i accept them you have never made a mistake you've never done nothing wrong i can feel my life beginning to leave i can feel i'm getting weaker so it ain't gonna be long it's not gonna be gone long so just like i told adam and rosemary ever how y'all want to do my funeral you and elaine and y'all just get together and just do whatever hell y'all want to do it i've had a wonderful wife a wonderful mother over the years and years and years she's been good to help other people and be good to god's god's people and god bless her keep her in good health watch over be sweet to her lord be sweet to elaine jesus jesus first special person so is rosemary i'm so glad that rosemary married rudy smith the best preacher in this country take them and use them taken the news on them send them throughout and god threw out my family now it may be brandon i don't know who it's going to be but keep keep our family going it may be caleb caleb may grow up surrender to be a missionary and go to a mission field never know what what you're going to do with our family but take our family and use us don't let us just crawl up on a shelf and not do nothing life is too precious life is too precious so turker family and use us now use us every one of us sarah and emma and touch little james get him involved in things of god get him involved in things of church and go into the choir and singing with with the group and just go on for god this thing to end this thing to end you there is no telling of what you could do with james if he would just surrender and just say lord here i am send me so take james and use him now use your honor and glory take our whole family now every one of us take us and use us i love you lord i love you with all my heart mind soul mind done buddy i love you i told the family i strive for his what he said in those last words i'm not there yet i want to love the lord with all my heart my mind my soul my spirit completely he deserves that kind of love and i'm pressing toward that mark and i believe brother gene got there and i believe that's the way he loved the lord and i do appreciate how he accepted me and his family and treated me like his son and loved on me and him and miss elaine and i appreciate them this family how they took me in and i thank god for sending them this way and god knew what he was doing god is on the throne and i know brother gene would want us to honor the lord today and and i believe his whole life was lived in a way he wanted to point people to jesus and i appreciate that about him i was thinking about just a few things about brother gene and then i want to get to the scripture for just a moment but i was thinking about the kind of man that gene porter was and i i just wrote down a few things i was thinking about some of these have already been said number one he was a simple man just a humble beginning raised on a farm worked hard he was a he was just a just ordinary simple man and sad to say he was a sinful man at times going away from his raising the black sheep of the family turned to drug to alcohol and hot rods and running wild until junior asked him that question that night if he was to die where would you be he said i'd go to hell he couldn't get away from it holy ghost conviction arrested his soul underneath that old tree on the way to work that night and he got gloriously saved so he went from being a sinful man to a saved man and i want to say not only was he a saved man but he is sincere he's the real deal he's genuine i mean he didn't put on a religious front here and then put on another front he was the same everywhere he went he's a sincere man he was a serving man serving others serving the church serving in the church serving for the church he'd be praying and this used to always impress me when he'd be praying whether it's at a meal for the family or us just praying together he'd always say lord help me to be a help to somebody today and i said my what what a spirit for a man to have and i would say brother gene he was a stable man he wasn't wishy-washy he's solid as a rock brother gene was very steadfast and unmovable in his faith his convictions and i would say this and i mean this in the right kind of way he was a sweet man just full of love and i'll tell you most some of y'all i was text rosie that what a sweet man he was he was a small man five five smalling statue but spiritually he is ten foot tall he's small in stature but he's stout he's strong man i'm telling you what he's amazed me of course he'd like to do things for just entertainment run to the top of table rock 45 minutes took me and rosie two and a half hours to get up there run down 46 minutes he'd just do that in fact just a week or so before he got sick he was planning on just going up to up the pinnacle just walk walk just walk and walk and when we'd walk with him i mean he'd run off and leave you he was just that he's strong stout hard-working and then i thought about you know he was a smart man he didn't have an education in book learning but i'm telling you what he was wise and he was a skilled man i'm telling you man you talk about fixing stuff and uh we eat at that table he built that table i've got he had that wood shop workshop always building engineering and uh putting things together some contraptions really amaze you some of the things he'd come up with but it worked it just worked skilled and i thought about this about gene he was a sightseeing man i'm telling you what he loved to he loved to travel he traveled all over the place took a lane and gene that little truck and cameron had him just travel i mean they traveled you could see some of the pictures in the slideshow and of all the places he did and places they went he liked to see the sights that god had made the beautiful things in creation out west up in went to alaska went all over the place always wanting to go and i mean even here you know here like we had pl plans to go go go go and poor miss elaine she had she had to go go go go cause gene was it he was always in that go go go gear he always wanted to go somewhere and see something else and now he's outstripped us and he's seeing such today hallelujah that are beyond mortal understanding and maybe he's over there by the river the crystal stream and said my i can't wait to show elaine this oh my we've seen some pretty stuff down there on that earth with all the beauty of this place there is no compare he was a special special special man and he's my friend and i'm telling you as a pastor i'm going to miss him and when i had that prayer ground over there he was telling this and when he was listening to these tapes they took video from the phone of him given these testimonies and you heard the beeping of the equipment in this in the room there but he was telling this and it touched my heart that old rock altar he had a low place there was a little indention where he put his knee down he'd lay over them rocks every sunday morning and pray god bless brother rudy today fill him with the holy ghost touch him and i'm telling you what here we've got another pillar of this church prayer warrior man of god that's been taken from us and i feel mighty weak today in the last 10 months we've had five spiritual giants taken from us oh my soul who will step up and take her place would be my question i hope some of you young folk your son your grandson your young people will realize that hey this lit jesus is really all that matters and i appreciate brother gene porter when i think of the scripture and i won't be long here i was thinking about a verse in colossians 1 and he says for the hope which is laid up for you in heaven for the hope which is laid up for you in heaven whereof you heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel i thought about that word hope laid up for you in heaven heaven's hope now the word here four points back to the verse previous since we heard of your faith in christ jesus the reason for heaven's hope for gene was because of his faith in christ jesus and i thought about heaven's hope i would say a word about the significance of hope what it means it's not an if thank hope so why way we use the word hope now but the word this word means a confident expectation of the good to come oh yes it's a hope a favorable confident expectation a happy anticipation of that which is promised to be realized and fulfilled so it's used of things hoped for and so he says here gene since you put your faith in christ hey family we need to know this we sorrow today we weep we cry but we're not sorry like others who have no hope because we have a hope it's a good hope it's a blessed hope it's a glorious hope that we have there's hope the specialness of hope oh for the grace that sinners could have a hope we who deserve to go to hell but god gave us hope by sending his son to be our sin bearer and to make christ amen our savior and to give us hope in him and him alone and we were before without christ and having no hope and gene was that way until junior called him that night and when he called on the lord amen he got into that blessed glorious anticipation of a day when he'd stand justified before his lord the source of hope well it's the father that's gave us hope in his son now the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing faith connects us to that hope the surety of hope i thought about the book of says christ in you the hope of glory that's the it's a sure thing it's not a imaginary it's real it's genuine and paul wrote to the hebrews and said which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast and which entereth into that within the veil i'm glad it's a sure hope and then i look at the word here in our text for the hope which is laid up for you in heaven that reminds me of first peter 1 verse 3 blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a living hope a lively hope by the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible undefiled that fadeth not away reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of god gene talked about i got a home i'm going to i got a new home i got a new home i'm headed to i got a new name amen that i'm going to be labeled and he got to looking for that home i got to thinking about we have a hope as a people of god for our loved ones who've gone on to be with the lord we not only have a hope but hey brother gene has a house before in second corinthians 5 for if the earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved we have a building not made with god or not made with hands eternal in the heavens thank god he's got a house and being clothed upon won't be found naked i'm glad he's got a new hallelujah he's got a house this is this is his old house it's going to turn back to the ground to the dust or if we could see brother gene right now i guarantee he wouldn't have no uh he wouldn't have no shoulder problems he'd be a young man running around with all of his hair all of his teeth praise god i'm sure if god if god lets uh you know some of the nature of each individual be transported into that glory world i'm sure brother jeans are running everywhere i can just see my soul brother gene you've outstripped us and gone home we not only have a house but oh he got a home jesus said to his disciples let not your heart be troubled neither let them be afraid you believe in god believe also me in my father's house or many mansions if it weren't out so i would have told you and if if i go away i'll come back and receive you unto myself that where i am there you may be also then i look at this term here for the hope look at this which is laid up for you that word laid up for you it translates one greek term that means to be reserved appointed laid up in heaven stored up in the storehouse of glory what i thought about heaven that we ending today knowing this is not the end hey life is like a story and there are chapters in the life story there are characters and life story there are changes in life story there was the consummation of life's story my friend could i tell you that at the end of the life story of a christian there's no the end at the end of that story there's only the beginning oh my soul heaven the storehouse of hope you know heaven is precious today and i years ago i gave this and i thought man this is something we can just rejoice in heaven is precious today and it's more precious than it was last week it's more precious heaven is precious number one because of who is there who is there well i'll tell you who's there the savior's there jesus the sovereign the father the holy ghost the spirit the saints are there those that's going on outstripped has gone on before joining that club of campers that he'd camped with murrell and camped out with harold and all them others that have gone on to be with the lord even brother sheriff and man i'm telling you what and just they're having a time over there the saints of god reunion time glory time his old mama's up there and i'm telling you what is he said hon prayed jen praying god god answered prayer and got you amen the saints that are there hey the seraphim that are there crying holy holy holy i think about those ministering spirits the myriad of angels that are there heaven is precious because who is there and i think what makes it most precious to us as a people of god is jesus is there heaven is precious because who is not there who's not there the devil's not there hallelujah demons are not there and the deceived wicked men are not there heaven is precious heaven is precious because of what's there what is there in heaven well i think about peace is there sweet home rest and contentment purity is there holiness everywhere endowed and enjoyed precious things are there gold pearl jasper jewels mansions crowns the very street is paved with gold i think about the plenty that's there room man i'm telling you what everywhere it's a big place there's no little old confined area i think about the food the fruit the fellowship the living waters they're going to be plenty around no no famine and glory lad hallelujah there's plenty there and the marriage supper will be before him and before us all before long and we'll get to enjoy some of heaven's plenty i think about the pleasantness there the weather's always right amen there's no night there the lamb is the light of the city there's glory everywhere i think about the praising that's there why their praise in god the angels are singing the cherubims are singing the saints of god are singing and shouting and rejoicing in god what a blessed place it is and i thought about the perfection that's there perfect bodies perfect conformity perfect community perfect communion with the lord boy that's what's that's what's in heaven that's precious because of what's there and then heaven's precious because what's not there what's not there no pain no problems no perplexities no pressures no sickness no sorrows no sin no suffering no disease no death no disappointments no depravity no headaches no heartaches no hatefulness no hurt no tears no trouble no temptations and no trials thank god there's gonna be a land where there'll be no more heartache and god's gonna take his big handkerchief and he's gonna wipe all the tears from our eyes revelation 21 4 and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away heaven can you imagine a a prepared place for a prepared people and brother gene prepared to meet his lord near 50 years ago stand back up here testify many a time about how god just changed he was amazed brother gene one thing in his testimony that came through he was amazed at the change that took place in his heart the bible said wherefore if any man be in christ he's a new creature old things are passed away behold all things can become new if you're here today and not saved you too can have such a change if you come to jesus and receive him as your lord and savior and be real someone sitting here today mentioned the other day they love to hear brother gene pray and rosie and i were talking about it at the table this morning when he prayed it wasn't a fancy religious type you know formal prayer it's just like someone talking to his friend just talking to his father my soul i do appreciate brother gene porter i'll tell you one thing i've i've known him for years now and i appreciate him giving me his daughter's hand she's a blessing to this man of god and she's going to help me finish well for god i'm sure that god's ordered that and i bless the lord but i think about brother gene and i could say this with without a without my hesitation absolutely no gall this is 100 true as far as i'm concerned gene was genuine he is real i mean he was a real christian and he lived it and i appreciate oh he wasn't a perfect man and he uh you know sometime he'd just do some things just to irritate you a little bit like he'd uh tell me he'd tell him tell rose he said rosie they got a bunch a whole bunch of all kind of pretty flowers out there at the flea market you need to go i said gee gene i'm she gonna break me up and he just grinned that was gene but he sure did love his pastor he loved his son-in-law and i'm unworthy of what he said i'll be honest i do not feel like i live up to what he said about me but i do appreciate that dear man of god his uh children are gonna come our grandchildren gonna come and sing now a little bit for us our father in heaven i pray you take all of this funeral today testimonies and eulogy and the message of the word of god and use it today and help this family again we pray in jesus name amen [Music] in the valley of the shadow when death breaks our heart we feel the weight of sorrow as our world falls apart though we weep we still believe in the promise of christ our faith in him is the confidence of everlasting life so we grieve naughty and we cry but deep [Music] of jesus there is comfort yes we grieve but not as others when the tears are never ending and nights are so long we hold on to the memories and we pray to carry on but in the pain we find a grace only god could give death has no sting or victory because our savior and we cry but deep inside of us we know there is comfort yes we grieve but not as others we grieve but not as others who have no hope and we cry but deep inside of us we know the grave [Music] in the is of jesus there is comfort yes we grieve but not as others [Music] the grave is not the end reunion loves the hand in the arms of jesus there is comfort yes we but not as others [Music] but this thing to the end you wait and see you wait and see what i'm telling you this thing to end so [Music] you
Channel: Mt. Sinai Baptist Church
Views: 67
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: -R7tc6Bypmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 41sec (3941 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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