7-27-2021 PM Revival with Brother Mark Stroud "Press On"

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[Music] with [Music] oh [Music] 28 in the choir all right [Music] oh [Music] me oh my soul [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] [Applause] is [Music] in the house of the lord tonight page number 34 there in front of you in the church hymnal page number 34. we'll stand to do all three verses if i can tell you the time page number 34 if you'll stand please i remember the time when in darkness i wandered farther from on the mountain of sin i [Music] and [Music] [Music] with no [Music] [Music] now i'm [Music] i can tell you now the time i can take you to the place [Music] where but i cannot tell you how and i cannot tell you why [Music] i can never forget his voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can tell you now the time [Music] i can [Music] but i can now tell you how [Music] all right let's remain standing for prayer brother tristan lead us in our prayer please sir once again oh [Applause] us tonight we'll thank you praise the lord in jesus name amen amen and amen thank you be seated and good evening to you all so good to see each of you in the house of the lord good to see many that are visiting with us tonight and friends and loved ones praise god we're just glad to be here i'm uncle i'm glad i'm a part of the family of god amen this is my crowd and my and i'm not ashamed amen i'm not ashamed of this old-time way and i appreciate how the lord's blessed us in the meeting well we just want to just invite you to just mind god tonight just let the lord have his way with your heart and let's just let the breaks off let's let the lord minister to us let's not come in here with any preconceived ideas let's come with an open heart to our lord and say lord what would you have me to do amen work on me and whatever the lord says unto you just do it it'll be right it'll be holy amen it'll be biblical if it's the lord that talks to you say amen well i praise god i appreciate the meeting thus far and how the lord's a blessing us and we're just going to get out of the way and have the quiet i would say this for those of you that are visiting with if you have a small child we do have a nursery that is staffed over this way and we'd like for you to take advantage of that and we should appreciate we appreciate our nursery workers all right let me do this right quick let me have all the preachers i like to recognize the men of god the preachers missionaries pastor let's all stand let me just get get a recognition of y'all tonight we appreciate y'all being here this helps me to to learn all of them because i forget names let's start over here brother tommy go ahead um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] amen yes [Music] hallelujah good to see you brother here appreciate it and i know god bless you brother god bless you brother good to have you brother good to have you brother good to see you brother good to see you brother my brother god bless you god i didn't catch your name back here tell me again all right i'm getting hard to hear brother justin i'm getting old go ahead tristan amen we got anybody surrendered to preach oh here's what over here all right well we got that i enjoyed that appreciate the good resort well let's go to the meeting now let's let the lord bless us the choir comes and sings a couple more [Music] jesus [Music] just [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] jesus says he the holy spirit [Applause] [Music] the holy spirit whispers jesus christ 109. [Music] when i was born again [Music] [Music] hey [Music] my name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] if i should live a thousand years [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] food [Music] how many of you know that your name's written in heaven wave at me is that all we got how many we got that knows your name's written in heaven i want to tell you you got shouting license that's exactly right you order shall jesus said you need to rejoice that your name's written in heaven hallelujah all right let's have our ushers come right on around we're going to receive the offering tonight this goes to the man of god we appreciate brother mark and the blessing he's been through the years we want to share with him in this offering and then sister hope davis is going to come and sing for us i love sister hope she always blesses us and she's going to sing during the offering brother brandon you lead us in our prayer please that you saved your sir i thank the lord but we're thankful that you died [Music] i pray for the remainder of the singing lord thank you for moving in the service already father and mr meek with us blessing our hearts i pray for this taken up and be done for your honor [Music] there's a promise in the bible god's precious holy word that all things work together for good to them that love the lord and today i claim that promise trustee hill for peace of mind he's a god died through the ages i stood the test of time oh what blessed assurance to know i'm his and he's my water sweet consolation when he tales behind his child how could i ever doubt him mountains get too hard to climb he's the god of all mountains he stood the taste of time through this world's raging battles i will trust him more and more i dare not take one step without him until this flee in life is over for the hand that holds tomorrow thy same hand is still in mine [Music] [Applause] assurance to know i'm his and he's my what a sweet consolation when he tales the eyes child how could i ever doubt him when mountains get too hard to climb he's the god of all mountains he stood the test of time so today i faced a mountain once again [Music] so i [Music] his hand of mercy lifted me just [Music] [Applause] just like before he's given victory one more time once again so i just want to thank him i just want to praise her one more time back on this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] has journey me so once again i come before him one more time for all his blessings his grace has been sufficient just like before he's given victory one more time [Music] so i just wanna thank him i just wanna praise him one more time i just wanna thank him i just wanna praise him one more time [Music] real quick please um see thank you lord and i bless your name and i will continue for each day i live your praise to give [Music] you're always right beside me and you hear me when i pray since i first began you've been my dearest friend and i gave you all the praise thanks thanks i give you thanks for all [Applause] has i thank you lord for the strength just to simply carry on through life's toys and tests you've never left me alone and i can't forget that moment when in my life you made a change since the spirit came i've not been the same and i gave you all the praises my soul has i am so blessed my soul has [Applause] it thank you it's a sanctuary a place of strength [Music] a place that saves us i need the church i need the church the special place where god meets with his children [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so many memories [Applause] [Music] praise the lord for all the victories a place the bond of love that is great things a place [Applause] [Music] the special place where god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] the special place where god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we need the church [Music] in a smarter new world we live in today bloodball believers they say we're living our lives in the past and without change or compromise we will not [Music] in last way i gave up [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] if [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is for now is the time if this is the place [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] i'll take the way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] is [Applause] if [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] of the race [Music] [Applause] that's right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign if i could say one thing [Music] [Music] we'll see more clearly [Music] i'd use it [Music] we'll more [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] see that really [Applause] [Music] [Music] i told brother rudy while the kids were going up i said we ought to shout on the fact that it takes him 10 minutes to get in the choir i said it wouldn't bother me if it took an hour for him to get in the choir and i don't know a lot about a lot of the other different kind of churches but i i spend about every week of my life in churches like ours in churches like this and i promise you there's a lot of places that would empty every dollar and every penny out of their treasury to watch that many youngins walk up in a choir sing in the holy ghost sing in the holy ghost power of god not be afraid of old-time worship not be afraid and a stranger to spirit-filled preaching there's a lot of them that give everything they had to experience that i tell you we're not careful we'll take things like that for granted and just think it's going to be like that always and i'll just say that too there's a lot of places that thought that and now they've been around long enough to understand that it's not and they wish that they had had treated the blessing of god a little bit kinder and a little bit more importantly and i man i i'm telling you it wouldn't have bothered me honestly if it took 30 minutes and four young men would have to testify while they got up in there that's a blessing that i'll deal with that's a that's a problem i'd handle amen and i bless the lord for people say well having young people all them youth trips and all that that costs a lot of money yeah and not have them at all will cost you two [Music] you i go places and i'm seeing i preach in places that have got a generation that they're missing an entire two generations they're 60 and above in the churches and you can say what you want to but outside of god doing a work in that church that church is about 20 years from shutting the door amen and it ain't just about having youngins but having youngins that want the right things that want the right things they're not trying to put it on they're not trying to put it on a board or not trying to kick the pews out and not trying to throw the piano the organ away take the pulpit off the platform and have a praise band but they want to get in the choir and sing and sing in the power of god they know what it is to go to a prayer room and pray in the holy ghost so what i'm saying is i'll take the old-time way amen and i know we're on the internet and i know they hate that kind of stuff but i i mean the ones that look at us and criticize us but listen i was the way i was before there ever was a facebook and i'll be i'll be the same way when facebook's in hell amen amen i'm not changing just because somebody on the world's watching amen amen amen i thank god for some youngins that still want the right things and i bless the lord and you moms and dads that have got kids and grandparents that have got grandchildren you ought to praise the lord you ought to praise the lord got great grandkids up there man it blesses my heart to see some taking their children up there what a blessing i thank god that's wonderful and you youngans ought not to take for granted you've got a place and it's like this cause it ain't everywhere i wish it was i remember when when the southern baptist churches were like this amen i ain't been ugly i'm just telling you i'm not throwing stones but i'm not talking about man you could go find any country baptist church and man they liked old-fashioned words it ain't that way anymore amen i'm looking for a generation that'll stand up and say i'll take the old-time way and not just the shout that goes with it but the reproach that goes with it too it's got a reproach to it brother and i bless the lord for it first kings chapter 18 brother rudy said last night strangest message you ever heard out of first kings 18. tristan was bitter at me he said i kept telling him to look look at your bible he said you've got my bible i can't look at my bible let me just say it's a blessing a message for me to be here i i just want the church body to know i want to say this to you i never take for granted the opportunity the lord lets me come back to a place where he changed my life the way he did here i feel like at times when i walk in that door i'll step and unbuckle my shoes and loosen them take them off and just say lord thank you for letting me stand on this holy ground again because it's a special place in my heart i told brother rudy i said one of these years you're not gonna let me come back and i i said i'm probably gonna go under pressure when you do i said but i'll probably still come and sit on the pew just to sit here and remember what he did for my life and well you all remember we used to sing that bless me the tithe that binds our hearts and christian love well that's the bind the the tithe that i feel in my heart to this place it's not something that man did but it's something that god did and my i rejoice to see those kids walk up in there like i rejoice to see our children walk up in our walk up in our in our choir it blesses me and i thank the lord for it i don't even want you to think that i take for granted the gracious opportunity to be in such a place i thank the lord first kings chapter 18. let's stand together i appreciate so many friends being here many preachers and pastors that i've been blessed to preach for and preach with and i'm i'm so humbled that the lord lets me be with these kids not just the kids here but the kids from all the different churches that come and the lord lets me serve him i'm amazed i never have looked at anybody else brother lana they said man how could god use this because my biggest question is how could the lord juice me amen when i figure that out maybe we'll be in heaven and i'll have a glorified body and a glorified mind but until then i'm just gonna stand amazed that he lets me preach man when brother brother tommy and brother gradley were preaching i i looked at the pastor and i said preacher i said nothing doesn't mean good to see these old preachers get happy in the lord happy serving god and i want to enjoy it now amen i don't want to take for granted the opportunities for the kidney that he gives us to serve the lord i'm getting to the place i'll just be honest with you i'm getting to the place where it's not just my heroes going to heaven but some of my peers are going to heaven and boy i sure don't want to stand before the lord and him not know how wonderful i thought it was to get to serve him get to preach and get to be a part of god's fa boy did not natalie reigns get it right when she said i need the church i need the church everything everything i've ever got in life came through the church i got shaved in the church and i got my wife in the church and i got called to preach in the church and i spent my life in the church and they're going when i die they're going to roll me down an aisle in the church amen and they're gonna bury me outside of the church and thank god there's no place like the church [Applause] amen and i know people have got amen and the day in which we live everybody wants to magnify the bad stories about the church but i promise you this there's more good there's been more good stories there's been more glory and then here's being heard thank god for the church you youngans if anybody ever tries to take you away from the church they're taking you the wrong way taking you the wrong way first kings chapter 18. i could see my bible the bible said and elijah said unto ahab get thee up eat and drink for there is a sound of abundance of rain i've read this text a lot elijah the license of my favorite characters in the word of god anybody see any clouds anywhere in our text yet no anybody saw anywhere in there where there's recorded the thunder sounding yet has it been recorded brother tommy that the lightning's flashing yet no no they ain't you say what's he hearing it's got to be them people saying the lord he is the god the lord he is the god and could it be that that elijah was listening to the hearts of god's people as they changed they were no more halting between two opinions they were no one they were no longer wondering if god was god or baal was gone but the lord had answered the bapti and the people of god had lifted their voice and they were saying the lord he is god the lord he is god and could it be that in the heart of elijah that was what he was looking for and that's what he was listening for oh before the first clown ever rolled across the horizon before the first clap of thunder ever forever sounded across the sky and before the lightning ever flashed of the rain was a welling up in the heart of the people of god of wood of god that we once again in the 2021 in the midst of a liberal world in the midst of a world that wants to glorify sin or that we would stand unlike the children just saying and it will begin to reign in our hearts of the lord he is god of the lord he is god he's god in spite of the liberal he's god in spite of america he's god in spite of the ones that hate god and they're thumbing their nose in him he's god in spite of the bible correctors he's god in spite of the bible changers he's god in spite of what's going on in me and he's god in spite of what's going on in you what would a god that once again with a convinced heart and a convicted spirit or that the people of god would stand and confess in our own self and confess in the congregation and confess in the face of a world that hates god the lord he is god the bible said so ahab went up to eating a drink elijah went up to the top of karma he cast himself down upon the earth and put his face between his knees he said to his servant go up now well you kept saying last night now now not next year not next month not tomorrow night not next week but go up now how long you've been waiting to go up won't you just go up now you ain't got to wait till invitation you don't have to wait like say 0.1 or 0.2 why don't you go up now man you've been waiting for that rain to bubble up in your soul you've been waiting to feel that gentle breeze a blow across the gable end of your spirit go up now not go up tomorrow god help us oh we need some people that would say lord i listen i've been waiting too long i'm going up the mountain now he said go up now go up now i'm trying to get through this text and look toward the sea and he went up and looked and said there is nothing and he said go again seven times and it came to pass at the seventh time if you're not careful you'll think that elijah's at the bottom of karma but did you listen to what he said he's already gone to the top and he's sending his servant just a little bit higher i wonder how many of us felt like we got to the top of the mountain and we've just sat down on our laurels it might be time to put it a little bit different gear and just go up a little bit higher go up a little bit higher go up a little bit higher it came to pass at the seventh time that he said behold there arises a little cloud out of the sea like a man's hand and he said go up and say unto ahab prepare thy chariot and get thee down that the rain stopped thee not it came to pass in the meanwhile that the heaven was black with clouds and wind and there was a great rain and there was a great rain at ahab road and went to jezreel and i think one of the most precious things that can be said about anybody and the hand of the lord was all elijah aaron you boys that go to bible college listen to me more than a piece of paper on the wall more than your picture on a bulletin and more than a position by your name oh and we get thirsty for that realization in the hand of the lord what's old elijah i got good news jordan you ain't got to be a preacher you ain't got to be a preacher you don't have to be a sunday school teacher oh you just be a spirit-filled christian and understand what the joy is of the hand of the lord was on elijah he girded up his loins and ran before ahab to the entrance of jezreel you can be seated you walk into the story back in first kings 17 of this man named elijah you walk into some of the darkest hours in the history of the nation of israel the bible said that ahab had done more wicked than any of his predecessors i mean it was a dark time in the nation of israel but can i tell you when it was a face when the lord was faced with dark hours in the nation of israel he raised up a man and can i tell you in our day uh listen when the man of god has come under such one of the girls today i posted something i believe i read how that everybody wants to criticize the men of god and make fun of that term the man of god but can i tell you that's not something that's man-made but that is a term that you find in our bible and when god got ready to do something in the nation of israel but because their hearts were cold and because their spirits were going away from the lord out of nowhere like he fell out of a cloud a man walked on the scene and his name was elijah he didn't go down and find somebody on the backside of a street but neighbor elijah walked up on the up on the doorstep of the palace and knocked on the door of king ahab and the queen of the israel jezebel and he said i tell you what it's not going to rain for the space of three years uh but by my word i'm telling you would to god that the lord i would raise up a generation of young people that were willing to take a stand oh nothing more but the word of god how can i tell your feelings will deceive you and your emotion will run dry but can i tell you when you take the word of god and decide that i'm going to stand it's black and white when it's good and it's black and white but it's bad it's black and white when you're topping the mountains and it's black and white when you're crawling through the valleys it's black and white when you can't see and it's black and white when you can see as clear as the new day sun oh god raise us up a generation of elijahs amen if melchizedek was a type of christ in his priestly office elijah was a type of christ in his prophetic office hey because listen just like a melchizedek had no beginning and he had no ending you didn't know who his mother was and who his father was that's the same way it was with elijah he stepped out just like it was a he fell out of a cloud and at the end he was caught up with a chariot and you don't know the beginning of his days and you don't know the ending of his days and the very first thing that elijah did was shut the windows of heaven but the very first thing elisha did he opened the windows of heaven amen i hurt you glad thank god that the windows are open today up because some men of god i got somewhere and got a hold of the lord and god used them to do a great work you would have thought the lord would have would have elevated elijah up to a place of public prominence but that's not what he did he took him down there to the brook sheriff and put him in some bull rushes and let me tell you something that what the chattahoochee river running through there i was doing some study again today and they said that word cherith means cutting and he said that would have been just some little small stream that had cut into a side of a rock and was just slowly running he said it wasn't no mighty russian river it was just a small stream god sent him down there to the brook cherith to prove some things to elijah can i tell you listen you'll never brother landon you'll never convince anybody of anything until you first convinced yourself amen and before god ever exalted elijah into a public into a public ministry he took him to the brook cherith and put him down there and the ravens fed him in the morning had the ravens fed him in the evening had god let him stay there for that amount of time and then the bible said the brook dried up you say why would god let that brook drive maybe because he wanted elijah depend on him and not the brook amen because god let that brook drive and honestly probably the only way he got him to go to zarephath was the fact that his brook dried up i wonder tonight that god's not let some brooks dry up in your heart you're if you're you're what god's wanting to take you to another place god's want to take you to a higher place with him and another ground but man he had to let that brook drive first you say what's he doing preacher why is he not putting me out there why is he not let me do this could it be that he's trying to convince you of some things is he trying to drive some truth in your heart is he trying to let you experience of the goodness and the faithfulness of the lord jesus christ i'm telling you god let him prove it to himself and then he sent him up here to zarephath up there where jezebel's daddy was in the rule he got up here he found the little woman what about that he went from a dry brook to a widow that didn't have nothing but a handful of meal and a cruise of all boy he said i will take you lord couldn't you send me to some large church gave me a good salary no you sent me up here to a widow and it would have been a reproach for him to be a burden to that widow according to the book of exodus and he sent him up there and here she come out there and she said lord he said what do you do he said i tell you what i'm out here gathering sticks he said because i've got a handful of meal had a little bit of oil and he said i'm gonna make a little bit for me and my son and then we're gonna eat it and die eat it and die and after god let elijah prove it himself did he let god let elijah prove it to the saint he said i tell you what ma'am he said i tell you what you make me a cake first you take what you've got you make me a cake first and he told her he said if you'll do that that meal that barrel a meal oh will waste not i don't believe it was full every day i don't believe he went out there and it was full i believe every day she reached down there and it was a miracle every morning but can i tell you what she had to do she had to give up what she had before she could experience what she had been promised the reason that we don't find a lot of times that we are living in what god has promised us in our christian life is we are not willing to take our hands off of what we already have about the very moment she obeyed what elijah said and what the word of the lord said or what did god do it was miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle wouldn't it be something if god let you have a meal barrel in your soul that was new and fresh every morning amen i like what you said at our place when you get to the bottom of your supply your knee you're at the top of his supply i love that amen god let him prove it to the saint but then that boy died well god's really helping a lie janie brook's drying up sends you to a widow ain't got anything cupboards or empty and now he lets her boy die and she said have you been brought here bring up my sin now here's the kicker but scott nobody's been raised from the dead yet in the bible elijah has no pattern to go off of he hadn't heard that moses raised anybody he hadn't heard that jacob raised anybody he hadn't heard that anywhere else in the scripture prior to him had raised anybody from the dead so here it is he said lord what am i going to do what am i going to do and he took that little boy up there and laid him down and laid him before the lord and began to beg god to breathe life back into him you know what would do good for some of us tonight is take that thing in our life that's died bring it back to him and say lord i know i don't deserve it i know i didn't treat it the way i should have treated it or it wouldn't have died in the first place but lord would you look over my wickedness would you look over my wastefulness would you look over my heart-heartedness would you look over my carelessness and would you breathe life back into that area of my life again god would you breathe lie back into my prayer time god would you breathe life back into my preaching a god would you breathe life back into my singing god would you bring life back into my separation a god would you breathe my back into my relationships i'm telling you elijah couldn't breathe it in the air and that mother couldn't believe breathing in there but thank god when he laid that boy before the lord of the same one that breathed the breath of life into adam's nostrils it was the same one that walked into that little loaf and breathed the life of god i don't know about you but every once in a while i need the lord to breathe some life into me a life into my preaching life into my study a life into my joy and life into my love what do you need to bring to the lord tonight you know what i ain't got to give you a list of a thousand things because if you've got the holy ghost in you he's done told you what it is huh i liked it in there when you was asking prayer for that boy that friend of yours you know what i liked about it your heart was broke about his soul and i looked at brother whimpy and i said you asked him i said that boy i love god amen how can we request prayer for people we love who are lost and do it with a straight face and no brokenness in us i tell you somebody god needs to breathe some life back at us i just be honest with preacher most of the churches that we preach in and listen when our place is dead most of the time it's because the preacher's dead amen i listen i'll take my blame amen hey there's times when man things get overwhelming in your heart your heart gets full and you get loaded and you think lord lord what do you do within god a little young a youth choir get filled and sing in the holy ghost and then he reminds you why you're doing what you're doing and god will save somebody god will meet with your glory and then sometimes it's not a service it's not a it's not a meeting about when you lay those leather covers out on your desk and the big god of heaven walks off a page and climbs about three and a half miles deep in your heart and god just meets with you and bring some life into you of what is it you need to bring tonight is it a hope is it a joy is it some part of your christian life what is it that you need god to breathe life back into it when god did that for us she said now i know you're a man of god now i know you're a man of god he proved it to the skeptic then he put him out there on the greatest stage of his life and for the nation of israel the prophets of baal he said the god that answers by fire let him be god pretty big deal ain't it when baal was the god fired the god of fire and them boys couldn't even get a spark going and i believe he was over making fun of him i believe he mocked him he said hey boys you need a match let me get you a lighter you all need some kerosene praise god i mean man i believe he mocked him and made fun of him and then he built him a new altar what a picture of calvary you know the difference between calvary and mount karma in both places the judgment of god that fire of god fell on a guiltless sacrifice not a guilty nation but the difference is this at mount carmel the judgment of god consumed the sacrifice but at calvary the sacrifice consumed the judgment amen amen you know why we can sing jesus saves he still does he'll make of you something new clear praise god i tell you why but because it was different at calvary or than it was in carmel thank god when the judgment of god fell on my sin and fell on your seat but there was a sin offering there at calvary just like that bullock at karma but thank god when the judgment of god came but there was a perfect sacrifice and brother justin the fire could not decompose he could not defile something or that was not defiled and you and i can rejoice today that our sin debt has been paid because he died for our sin you go back here look there's five things that that fire consumes in that list there's grace on that mountain grace because of death amen then he kills them prophets of baal are you listening ain't it something that good picture of calvary right there where that fire falls on that burnt offering ain't it amazing that we're never introduced to elijah having an unnamed servant until after that old testament calvary in that text we don't know he's got a we don't know he's got a servant until that picture of christ has died on that on that altar of carmel and then all of a sudden elijah's got a servant that we don't know a name you say what's the big deal that's a picture of the holy ghost amen amen and what did he do he sent him up that mountain to go higher to get his f aren't you left and what about it right after he came guess what there was a great outpouring there was a great reign glory to god amen amen amen amen you say what are you trying to say preacher i'm trying to say this the bible said in james chapter five if i went and read that text that elijah was a man subject under light passion as we are now here's the kicker brother brandon you think about what elijah did you think about how god heard his prayer what about a man that walked up there and said to the king and said it ain't gonna rain until i say it's gonna rain and then god honor what he said and then the ravens feed him morning and night and then a little woman every time she puts her she go i want you to look at what i found she said boy you telling me the truth you said that me obama's not go and all him i'll just look at here and he said i told you ma'am what about what do you think it felt like when he walked back in there that living boy in her hand in his hands what do you think when he prayed six to three words and fire came down out of heaven and then he took his prophet sale out there and killed him amen what do you think that felt like is a lie you but here's what we'll say but that was elijah god he was special god used him well we might believe that if james chapter 5 wasn't in our bible i might believe that god couldn't do that for us brother adam if james chapter 5 went in there i might believe he was such a special man that listened that god couldn't hear our prayer and god couldn't do those powerful works in our life like he did but thank god for james chapter five brother porter he said he was subject under like passion and can i tell you he had the same battle brother scott with his flesh that we do he had the same problems with his faith as we do he had his ups and he had his downs he knew what victory tasted like he knew what defeat tasted like and can i tell you if god can do it for him a god can do it for you and i if god can breathe the life back into dead things in the lives it's like i'm glad to report to you tonight it may have been a while since the flame flickered in this area or that area but i've got good news just pray on because if god i can hear the prayer of elias he can do it for you i want to preach for about 10 minutes now on this thought press on query pilgrim press on there's three phrases in our text that i want us to look at that we're where we might be we're the lord the first one he said this he told his unnamed servant the whole i read one writer said this miss helena the only prayer that gets to heaven is the prayer that starts in heaven amen i guess that's why we ought to pray in the holy ghost because when we're praying in the holy ghost he bids us what to pray and if he bids us what to pray he's taken it to heaven on our behalf to the god of the heaven amen amen are you listening to me but here's the first report here's the first phrase there is nothing i wonder how many of us would admit tonight that in our christian walk right now in our prayer life right now we're in a season of there is nothing and can i tell you here's the kicker brother it didn't just get that report one time he got that report six times every time you went up there's nothing every time he went up there's nothing the third time there's nothing the fourth time there's nothing the fifth time there's nothing and this is the sixth time there's nothing and can i tell you don't you know after a while or hear him listen i'm not talking about a sunday school child i'm talking about a man that just stood out in front of the nation of israel and prayed and god answered his prayer up by fire and listen now of the nation of israel is convinced that god is god because they saw god answer elijah's prayer but what about now we saw him pray in public and now we're going to watch him pray in private and god said i tell you what so you don't get built up in pride so you don't think you're better than somebody else i'm going to see what you're going to do when you have to wait a little bit and just can i say just because you go up the mountain and you find there is no discoverable answer does not mean there's not some developing activity going on in your heart you say what do you mean i believe brother tristan we pray like that and we get that there's nothing let me tell you something one of the most frustrating things in my 20 minute in november will be 20 years but i'll be pastor of our church is when i've gone up that mountain saying lord said there's nothing there's nothing there's nothing there's nothing there's nothing there's nothing i'm like lord i'm doing my best to serve you here i need something there's nothing but you know what what he does in me with every reporter there's nothing i rely less on me and more on him because every time i hear there's nothing i realize i can't do it and the next time i hear there's nothing i'm reminded again i still can't do it and the third time i'm understanding i really can't do it and by the fourth time i've heard there is nothing i'm convinced i can't do it and by the fifth time i'm begging god lord i know i can't do it i'll tell them you did it and by the sixth time i'm saying lord i'll do anything if you'll just do it i wonder tonight are you in that place where there is nothing nothing here's where most of us quit elijah was living between the fire and the flood there was no fire anymore and now there's no flood and can i tell you where most of us miss it in our christian life we don't stay with it between the fire and the flood and because we don't we never see that great rain that'll clean the ditches out of our life huh are you listening let's just be honest if you're anything like me now some of y'all are some of y'all are like miss amy i if miss amy ever gotten the holy ghost and shouted i want you and brother tony to preach my funeral cause i will die are you listening to me landon if miss amy ever gets happy and bends over like kendra and throws her hands up and shouting you better believe we'll be in a building project the next week if i survive i'll tear the place apart amen everybody okay i mean i'm just telling you now she'll sit back there and weep she's right there and she's like i'm gonna kill you when you get in that car but miss miss joyce you know mom i never heard her shout in her life but i've never seen another lady with more god on her than my mom ever never heard a shout one time but i promise you this i've seen her bow our head when i was in a place where i couldn't have found god with a search warrant trying to preach and i've watched her bow her head and god come not because i was praying but because she did amen now them folk like that they can operate miss amy can operate if she ain't just feeling it all the time but let me help you there i struggle because i like to feel it all the time i like it high i play ball i like that adrenaline i mean i liked it when the lights got turned on them cats were walking down there that didn't know how to put a football helmet on but they could play them quad drums and they get to play them quads and man i was ready to knock somebody's head off their shoulders amen i feel it now i mean if i mean i've been there on the flag crew on the chain crew just so i could be down there near riley and carter when they hit somebody i wanted i don't want to hear the leather pop but then boys get to play in that them quads and then i i get the feeling like man let me hit somebody i finally weigh what i wanted to weigh when i was in high school and now i wish i weighed while i was in high school praise god one of the most discouraging things i do is walk in my closet look at the suits they mock me you can't wear me you can't wear me you can't wear me amen it's real convicting so i go eat miss snickers praise god amen i like to feel it y'all pray for me i'm just telling you i enjoy when the spirit of god manifests himself in me i i told brother tim man he and i preached at times and i said man i'm going first you're you're not going first i'm going first i said man i said preach like you i don't think i'm called to preach when you get done preaching one night i got up and i said man i can't do that then i got up exhorted up to him he said i can't do that either i mean man but i like listen i like to feel it like that but can i tell you sometimes i'm not in the fire and sometimes i'm not in the flood and sometimes i find myself where i'm in that there is nothing staged there's nothing but you know when i get help it's when i admit that to myself i'm not one of these cats that say fake it till you make it never absolutely not if i can't feel it i'm going to find a corner somewhere and if he tells me there's nothing i'm going to pray again but there's nothing and then i'm going to pray and there's nothing what is it in your life are you there and there's nothing what about this brother brandon elijah's already said there's a sound of abundance of rain but the report says there's nothing i wonder how many of us there's been a sound of abundance of rain but you don't believe it because all you've heard is there's nothing there's nothing but here's what he said go again go again go again how many times have you blown the whistle and said do it again and then they messed it up you say run it again and then you say something like this run it we're going to run it you can like it or lump it we're going to run it till you get it right how many times you said that in the 30 years you coached football we're going to run it till you run it right you you can moan and groan and complain and fuss and whine like a bunch of cheerleaders or you can line up like a bunch of men and run it right i've heard that once or twice through my years you feel that bitterness hit me right there because right after that when you didn't run it right it's like this right here on the line and after about after about three times down the field bear crawling 100 yards you're just ready to run whatever he said if you said run it in the middle of the highway are you listening go again what do we as preachers need to go again with what are what about our wives what do you need to go again with what about some of you teenagers the world's dangling the carrot out here saying won't you run out of hair for me it's better out here and you need to go again and say lord i just want to say again i've decided to follow jesus amen i've decided to follow the lord am i what are some of us preachers need to go again with our call and just say lord i just want to know i may not preach like him or preach like him but i know without a shout of a down you call me to preach the bible and lord i'm gonna do it with everything i can and they may like it or they may not like it i may have a meeting i may not have a meeting and there may be nothing or there may be a great reign but one way or the other i'm going again what about that thing you're thinking about quitting praying for here's the kicker the things that we're praying for that are the most sensitive in our life 99.9 of us in here it's not a thing it's an individual timber will you help preacher she said no mercy kate will you come help brother mark come here help me here i need five men to give me a dollar bill for real i need five men to give me a dollar bill i'm i'm serious and i'm not gonna give it back to you i'm just telling you i'm not going to give it back to you thank you landon don't be trying to hold out on me man did you see land of mercy katie you're trying to make change here that's for helping brother mark you remember that next time when landon said he loves you he was trying to hold out on you i wonder who it is you've been taking up the mountain and you've heard it there's nothing there's nothing there's nothing there's nothing and you're about to put them down and quit taking them who is it that god may not do what he needs to do because you quit taking them because all you've heard is there's nothing does it look like that it might be a child thank you it might be a child that don't look like that with a bow but their faces has got scars on it their life is sin battered and sin torn and you may be sitting here thinking i'm going to die never see him come back to the lord you say what i need to do preacher go again go again you said well i want to shout like some of them girls did tonight but i'm in that nothing what do you do go again i i want to preach like brother rudy does in the power of the holy ghost it's been a while since god got on me like yet what do you do go again go again i want to sing with god on me i want to feel that song man i need a blessing when you sing them songs and somewhere in there the words walk off that page and walk into your spirit all of a sudden it doesn't matter who's looking it don't matter what key you're in it doesn't matter if the people in the church are enjoying it but you're enjoying it because god is letting you see it to him and man it's been a while since you sang like that in the choir it's been so long since you walked out with such a song you couldn't sit down you had to say something i want to brag on the lord you say preacher it's been a while you say what do you do go again amen here's the next phrase there ariseth a little cloud what's the big deal it's a little cloud i guess he got tore up by that little handful with that widow so he thought man if god can do that with a little handful what's god going to do with a little cloud and here it is preacher bro tommy he didn't wait to go say something to ahab about you better get up out of here because it's about to rain when the whole system moved in he just saw a little cloud you say what happened brother scott elijah's prayer made an impression on heaven amen his prayer they eagerly prayed it made an impression when's the last time you prayed and you felt like man man god heard that the lord heard that and he made an impression in heaven i tell you what that prayer ought to make an impression on us if he's subject to light passion as we are and he prayed and god did that what could god do answering our prayer if we'll go again what'd he do he saw that little cloud like a man's hand how many digits on a man's hand how many five i didn't say fingers i said digits four fingers and a thumb but there's five digits what about all elijah is sitting over here in that the lord he is the god the lord he is the god the lord he is the god and then all of a sudden that grace starts coming up on the horizon over here he said hey i'm going here to tell ahab he better get to the house it's about to rain sometimes we're not into there is nothing but he'll send us a little cloud instead of us responding to that little cloud we're trying to wait till the weather alert system's going off and you're needing to take shelter in the middle hallway before you ever respond to the lord i wonder the reason we ain't got to the great rain yet it's because we have discounted the little cloud the little cloud hey young preachers don't ever worry about preaching in a big meeting if you can't preach in a jail don't worry about preaching at one of the big camp meetings if you can't go to a nursing home or a street corner don't worry about the great rain if you're not concerned about the little cloud i remember one night on a saturday night i preached to 800 people the next morning before church i was in our little lumpkin county jail i preached to two you say how did you preach same way and i looked at both of them i said boys there's one thing about it the message is for one of you you say what'd you do i screamed and i spit and i hollered and i jumped up and down in front of two men amen because that little clouds what brought the great rain hey just because you don't like what the transportation looks like you don't know what it's bringing can you see that little cloud and you thought man ain't nothing to that the lord said i tell you what i just let you hang out until that little thing means something to you number three and i'm done come on back miss tina to the to the piano and i'm done here's the third statement there arose a great rain that great rain great rain that's the scale of earth's need we don't need no little rain we need a great rain y'all realize in 2021 how wicked the day we live in is i never thought that i would have to sit kids down on youth trips and camp trips and have to explain to them what to do to our young ladies if a man is in their bathroom how arrogant are we to say god made a mistake everybody's worried about how you identify how you identify let me tell you how you identify you identify by the way your genes are it's xx or xy and i don't care what you identify and what chain name change you are god identified you when he made you amen wicked days wicked days do we really think a little shower is going to get the job done you think our our little ability and talent is going to get the job done when there's that big of a need that big of a need but it's not just the scale of earth's need with that great reign that's the scale of god's given who wants a shower when you can have a great reign huh have you been satisfied to live with the report there's nothing or are you pressing on and going up and going up and going up you never rode 70 miles had that first time you rode 20 you quit at 19. and then after that 20 first 20 mile run or ride when you got that 30 mile ride you'd have never rode 40 if it had stopped at 29. uh i ain't never rode past 20. i look like shamu on wheels when i'm riding a bicycle it's really bad i think some folks wonder where the bicycle's at amen i ain't never enjoyed exercising if it didn't have a ball with it i didn't want to do it i mean man i didn't like i've never enjoyed running i walk now but i don't enjoy it i'm praying god deliver me if it wasn't for ear buds and and some bluegrass gospel music man i don't know what i'd do i ain't never enjoyed it now if you put a football with it or a basketball with it or a glove and a bat in a ball i enjoyed that and i'd run for that i don't got too old to run man i'm just going to probably turn around we'll see who wins amen but would you have ever would you have ever rode that far if you quit it's pretty good feeling though when you get to that when you you un you unclick say i can't ride them road bikes i'd die because i'd stop and couldn't get my foot out of that thing i mean you got feet my size man they don't make pedals that big they make foot pedals like on a harley davidson for that but it feels pretty good but joe dawn it when you get up one of those mountains that you climb and you unclick that you unclick your foot and you step back and you look off the side of one of that mountain and say man i just rode that i'm gonna tell you something's a child of god it feels pretty good after you've gone up the mountain and gone up the mountain and gone up the mountain and called up the mountain and all you've heard there's nothing there's nothing there's nothing to all of a sudden the great rain is falling all around you you say how do you do it you go again and you go again hey brother tony you know how god's going to do it at catholic's creek baptist church because you're just going to keep going again going again you know how he's going to do it brother after about 50 years you're just going to go again and go again and go again you see what am i going to do as a young preacher you go again and you go again you see what i do if i get up there and i hit that cord on that guitar and i try to sing and it just ain't as full as it normally would be let me tell you what you do you go again you go again brother mark when you load that bus and not as many got on it and went to the other meeting you know what you do you go again you go again you go again you go again bro stephen when you stand in front of that choir and man they own their parts but just for some reason god ain't on it you know what you do you go again you go again you know what you do when everybody else says youngins are getting saved and yours aren't you go again you go again you go again you know what you do when your friends are turning their back and going to the world and you want to stay in you go again you know what you do when other young preachers that are trading in the old time way for contemporary you go again you go again until there is nothing becomes there's a great rain heads are bowed eyes are closed [Music] be a good time to bring that thing that's died lay it up on the loft and say god i need you to breathe some life back into this thing in my life you say preacher i'm in that there's nothing what'd i do [Music] here it is you go again you go again choir remember it's been a while preacher since i sang and not only did i sing and get my part right but i sang in my heart was right and i could feel what i was singing what do you do you go again until you're nothing becomes a great reign we're standing we're standing they're playing why don't some moms and dads take your hand and say we're gonna go again that prayer that you're about to quit praying because you've not seen anything won't you bring it again that area of your life it's dead not breathing why don't you bring it again why don't you bring it again right now not tomorrow not tomorrow not the next night not your neighbor not your spouse but you would you bring it again would you bring it in [Music] see that discouragement there's nothing but that determination you just go again if you'll go on for enough you'll finally find that deliverance there's a great rain a great rain press on it won't be very long and at the first at the very first sight of that little cloud why don't you why don't you respond to the first sign that god showed up you might find that he'll give you what you're looking for how about it tonight there's nothing don't falter between the fire and the flood don't falter god help us god help us the part that should concern us is this when we hear there's nothing and it doesn't bother us that's what all that's what ought to bother us when there's a reporter there's nothing and we just go on pretending like there's no problem with that but can i tell you if there was a nothing in the life of elijah you mark her down there's going to be some nothings in our life too and what about that that nothing came after the brook sheriff it came after zerefath it came after that risen boy it came after god answering by fire it came after the victory of the killing of the prophets and then right there in the middle there was nothing there was nothing what about a man that was mighty to stand before men but he was humble enough to lay before god when there was nothing what are you saying preacher this is what i'm saying press on it won't be very long till your nothing will be a little cloud and your little cloud i'll be a great man [Music] hallelujah brother tony lambert would you lead this specialist in prayer please brother tony yes amen god bless you liberty fellowship
Channel: Mt. Sinai Baptist Church
Views: 136
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: -X0ZQPe70EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 46sec (6586 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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