69 DUMBEST Things Done in Geometry Dash

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the most stupid things that have ever been done by people in German for dash you yourself might once have done something silly like spamming tens of comments on levels for no reason but that is nothing in comparison to these 69 ridiculous things done by other players which most of the times are pretty funny to see happen these will be ranked into four different categories each category surpassing the previous one every time enjoy the video imagine a level made out of just a single type of object this is exactly what a player named Silo did he made a level called portal which almost only uses portals in the level and still manage to get it rated which is why it's the first thing on the list our next one is also a level made by YouTubers Creator sputniks he decided to work on a code which will make it possible for multiple people to enter a level after 2 months it was finally finished and 14 000 people place their object in the level the end result was quite messy something a little more stupid is the these spikers over their level this is a level created by brand silver and he recorded his own soundtrack for it which basically watches him trying to trick you into jumping over obstacles that don't even exist the level only has one real obstacle a spike at the very end of the level so yeah I wouldn't recommend playing this level for its gameplay speedruns are very general in every game except for John's fresh apparently the main type of Speed Run consists out of you needing to to beat all the main levels as quickly as possible the problem is that they aren't that hard to beat in a row so all these players have runs where they beat everything in a row meaning that it all comes down to being the fastest and going to the next level scroll clicking is a clicking method where all you need to do is scroll the middle Mouse button this has been done to possum levels that otherwise would be humanly impossible it's not that useless but hey we're just at the start of the list yet just when I finished my previous video about the hardest things in the game Alpha Helix made another achievement in a rather silly fashion he beat the extreme demon Misty Mountains which is a great achievement in itself but he also solved a Rubik's Cube while beating it which is insane and ridiculous at the same time or what about Kai guy playing the level of slaughterhouse for 10 hours trades from the morning to late in the evening he non-stop played it and I wonder if he still is mentally fine luckily this can't be as bad as some of the stuff I found that I'll show you very very soon player D lemongrats might be one of the luckiest players on Earth he achieved the 6969696 9th ID in the game and decided to refuse tactic on Reddit after planning to get this idea for a couple of days he uploaded 5 levels at around the same time and hey it worked the next one is a little general since it's about the creation of several levels levels that you basically cannot see invisible club step and Deadlock for example were made by player caramel and another user and they both got raided which is pretty questionable able since it literally takes 10 seconds to recreate these previously in the video I said that there were way more mentally draining things done than what kaigai did on slaughterhouse well this is one of them once upon a time player dance man thought of an idea to create 10 feature worthy levels in just 7 days he spent like 10 hours a day just on the creating aspects of the game and split it off after a lot of pain John trade is a game with multiple game modes that have to pass certain obstacles the most famous obstacle being the spike brutally killing you and hitting it King's hemelot however became the spike with a certain texture pack for no reason except for the fun of it on the 9th of August 2021 Hunters of thousands of levels were deleted from the game by robtop and lots of people were unhappy as could be expected a while later everything got fixed but why this happened was a true mystery Lord vadercraft is a professional player having been in the top 6 demon Firework and a couple other extreme demons Mayhem was one of them and he got detached to verify the level funky town from Arctic GMD however the stupid thing was that Arctic GMD verified the level earlier than Lord Vader crafts making it kind of useless for Lord vadercraft to also verify it to finalize the starter category we are going to finish it off with the following three things revolving around the level stereo Madness the first level in GD Thrift episode has been in it 200 times but if this sounds a lot let's move on to the next person Gaiden hertuni spend 24 hours in a span of 10 days to defeat this Beast of a level 1000 times but it can technically get even worse even though YouTuber meth genius only completed at 500 times his goal was to beat stereo Menace 10 000 times which would be the Pinnacle of torture luckily he quit after 7 Days let's move on to the next category the tiny broad category where I explained stuff that is pretty random but nothing close to the end game stuff just like methu genius Colin is also a YouTuber he makes videos about anything interesting in the game really one of the things he did was restarting HPC every time he died but since this wasn't very useless as you can see its places low on the list something a little more obscure stupidish is my neighbor's playtime in total he's played this game for almost 7 years which is sadly that by just keeping his game open for almost his entire career bloodbath is an extreme demon played by millions of people in effect is so popular that one person decided to do something original involving this level which isn't all that stupid but my main question when I saw this was why his goal was to draw parts of bloodbath every day until the artwork was finished which is pretty cool I guess but back to colon since he did one other thing that belonged on this list which I found a little more stupid than his previous entry he programmed a Bots that would take a lot of entries from the daily chats which for if you don't know is Infamous for the low IQ that resides there and converted to AI generated messages the messages that came up were as expected not as smart to say the least 3.14 1592 are the first couple of digits of pi and number derived from a diameter and since Geometry Dash has the word geometry in it people just couldn't get this out of their heads so one person decided to write an essay about Geometry Dash focusing on just the geometry of it by specifically even though it's meant to be a joke it still is a little unusual however one of the greatest tools is the speed runs has just been uploaded let's take a look at it with the use of speed hacks and a couple other tools synactive got 208 clicks on the level retray blyco09 is a pretty decent player and eventually he got bored from playing easy levels so he went to an extreme demon called ekku and one number you show caught his attention the amount of likes on this level was 69 419 so like the Primal that was inside him he pressed the like button to get one of the most beautiful achievements ever gotten by anyone the opposite from beautiful is sad which is exactly the emotion that could describe nyokajidious feelings like you will see very soon he likes the creating aspect of the game more than the playing aspect since when looking at the amount of levels he uploaded it becomes very clear he uploaded 711 of them one called when you have nothing to do rest in peace the most popular YouTuber I'll mention today is evw he sung all the main level songs with his voice and there's a clip of it one of his better videos in my opinion something that is actually pretty stupid is the game itself well sort of when searching Geometry Dash in the Google search bar the first result is geometry dash.io which is rather weird since this isn't the actual version of the game the actual version is only ranked number three in terms of search results or was about a map made by radicals or bunk'd was taken he spent hours upon hours to create a map of America but not just some simple map a map about the population density per states with the population density being ranked with Jones difficulty faces one of the main GD levels that evw has sung is blast processing someone called Alias decided to copy the entire level and paste a couple of times until there were 800 and thousands objects inside the level the most impressive thing about this whole thing is the fact that this guy was able to run this pretty smoothly titled jump rash free coins secret hack is a video made by the Barney it shows high quality the footage of him just getting fake coins which normally wouldn't be that big of a deal since there are hundreds of videos like this with just a couple of views well this video has 170 000 scrolling more than a hundred thousand people into thinking this was the way to get a lot of coins in GD and most people weren't as happy when they realized gd's most stupid achievement is probably destroying 200 icons on the home screen you can do this by clicking on them and it's pretty useless extravagnation took this a little further by clicking 1000 of them for no reason and just for the sake of it I had to mention Santa Jensen he said he killed 60 000 of them and if this is actually real it would for sure get the number 5 spot on this list but since we cannot confirm I decided to put it next to extravnation as achievements an achievement that instead of stupid is really impressive though is zoinka's pool cubes verification he however made one big mistake he used the hack called show hitboxes on death which got banned because of the player being able to see what they die to for this reason his verification wasn't accepted and needed to rebuted it's one of the most popular hacks in GD are speed hacks in which you can slow the game down or speed it up aeon error slowed his game Down 2 000 times to beat both demons cataclysm and deadlocked but Speedy muffin added even worse he dethrons a on air by slowing the game 10 000 times letting him beat stereo Madness in Just 2 hours the biggest bro moment on here is definitely what happened to corn also known as the most object heavy level in the game little do most people know this once got rated by rap top but two minutes after the raids wrapped up Chase's minds and immediately unrated it as you might know by now I talk about a lot of speedruns on this channel ranging from pretty standard ones to very stupid runs the most useless speedrun ever done though is probably on the level monster game a Mini-Game ngd that normally would take around 7 Minutes of gameplay to defeat however there's a code that straight up teleports you to the final part of the level and with a glitch that allows you to steal any water this is what the world record on monster game looks like another big problem is this run on tenantophobia uh an extreme demon pactima already had quite some progress on it so one day when he got back to the level he decided to start with the practice run little did he know he would pause the entire level after dying at one percent the monster games to Peter in my opinion isn't the stupidest Petron out there the map pack Speed Run is almost all the map packs contained in total 195 levels and these levels are some of the worst levels out there gameplay wise and are everything but fun to play this still didn't stop mp3141 to beat all the mapx there are in 23 hours total what a pain he must have suffered player Zoro is a skilled programmer with these coding skills the player decided to write a program that made it so you could easily write these symbols in the game which normally wasn't supposed to happen before still all the time spent was wasted since when these symbols are used you can't upload any levels we now rank up in categories again ranking from the tiny bro category to the bra category and this is where stuff starts to get real the Lost evw entry on this list is him beating John furnished levels with the carrots yeah the number 384 hardest rated level in the game is called the Legends user Apple's rights beat the entire level but still didn't beat it since he puts a start position two percent in the automatic part of the level to skip it the next one is so stupidly funny I just had to mention it it is about the level blast processing again but instead of baldman singing it it's about death Rosa tried to dice many times as possible in this level claiming the title of having that the most amount of times in a single blush processing realm dying 136 times in total and I dare you guys to beat it 69 420 likes were given out on ekku and this inspired player ethano so much that he decided to recreate this number in attempts on the level back on track caramel is a normal player with rated levels that Sparks on controversies and some people didn't think they should be raided because of this he sort of has become a meme in the community and one of these things where speedrun's relay related to him the caramel block Speed Run where people would block the sky as fast as they possibly could and there was a lot of competition so much that eventually caramel friend request speedruns appeared on YouTube which was just as stupid the level trip is a level which showcases all sorts of decorated treble spikes and it's a nice collab made by the player Michigan dance man decided to take it a step further by decorating his triple spy for 10 hours straight without any breaks just three spikes next to each other this was the end result even worse than the 710 11 levels made by Neo kajidi are the 1900 levels made by Theo NDA there's one peculiar thing about this account though he made a boss that every 20 minutes uploads one level on his account so most of these levels aren't even made by him when Mr B started the war Trend by saying PewDiePie lots of times the GD Community wanted to take over by saying deadlocked 1000 times Silvera took this random world record for themselves still it can get even worse math Gene years that Geometry Dash 10 000 times in one go and this took him six hours of his time IMDb is a website specifically made for raiding movies well that's what I thought apparently games can be rated there too and Geometry Dash was one of them it has been judged on certain topics like drugs and alcohol and apparently two people found there to be severe usage of drugs in a scube game a little lessover is rogmoton a level crafted by mistake 33333 for some unknown reason it garnered a lot of attention especially by famous creators the comments on it were very praising telling him it's the best level they've ever seen but once you actually see a level you probably get why this is on the list bullying is bad but even though it's bad lots of people still do it it's pretty sad there's one occasion though where it is acceptable by buying actual geometrish t-shirt merge your bullying chance Will Rise by 300 and even though it's not something that my specific version I still had to mention it our next useless thing is actually done by me first some reason I decided it was a good idea to spend 10 hours straight playing recent levels and even though I did find some good stuff it was far from worth it to top the huge amount of levels created by users of we have to talk about the amounts this user uploaded his now deleted account had amassed almost 10 000 levels in total which would break GD it still was just 0.01 of all the uploaded levels right now the longest verified level is Desert Boss by Zig and Hani but there are a couple longer levels that haven't been verified yet one of them is a very very boring 24-hour level with a record of 2 percent on it it's already took 30 minutes to get to this percentage so this verification probably will never happen Geometry Dash can be streamed on multiple platforms twitch YouTube and some others one platform was a little questionable though a certain person was playing geometry on the platform I'm not allowed to mention on YouTube but you can probably guess what it is in 2022 a player that won by the name of SWA F capture lock got exposed for cheating he was a long time star grinder that was pretty well respected so it was sad to see him go like this however one thing seemed very random only level capitalism a 6 star harder level which is not that hard to do he added more than 10 000 attempts which is really odd and very useless or what about the only jump for this interview that has ever been done this was done on Chris credible a decently famous geometry Dasher that had to share his experience with his Fame sadly the announcer got the game wrong and instead said John 3 challenge game that I play usually geometry challenge alright time to get into the final most useless category of all time the Omega bra category a dumb phone is a phone that basically has no functions you can play snake on it call text and that's basically it however Jones right 74 managed to install Jones International Nets and it looked very fun to play like this you watching this video might have been an oldie 21 Main levels normally but have you done its upside down in Reverse probably not etm games did this for no reason other than two drainage brain cells and he even did deadlocked cyclic is geometry player that was famous back in the day for publishing the level sonic wave this later got removed from his account and Raiders on L Sonic's accounts because of hacking scandals cycling got so mad about these hacking accusations that he decided to make every level of his free leading to these levels getting unrated there is only one way to fly into the error besides the shift game modes holding a death sharp is this way for some weird reason YouTuber crispy made the level with spikes and one dash orb where you need to hold it for 6 hours 30 minutes and 32 seconds and he verified it deal of opinions a demon got verified and lots of people praised the decoration saying it had to be raided and sure enough Rock the wood raid it soon after a couple days later however this got unrated because of the name you see the word Pinos means PP in Spanish so yeah this would have still been featured if he named it anything else on numero 64 we got something that has like no purpose in any way Flyleaf decided to put a lot of work into changing A spacebar Key by to the enter keybind to be the first Victor of sonic wave with the enter key this is still pretty harmless and like what irelia did he set his Mouse on fire while playing sonic wave and he even unlisted the video so he didn't even get any sort of cloud for it he didn't get harmed or get any permanent injuries what is permanent however are tattoos and oh boy I'm just going to let the picture speak for themselves what this girl did to herself the next one was very close to the tattoo one but both picnic and Raiden 237 have jumped more than 1 billion times in Geometry Dash they did this by almost every day performing a bug where you just need to hold what did they get from all these jumps you guessed it nothing from here we're getting to some actual ridiculously stupid things since there are only two things left the first one is someone that was willing to pay more than a thousand dollars for the level limbo aka the hardest memory level in the entire game it wasn't mentioned who it was but this was the worst financial decision for MF mindscap The Host of limbo would have accepted our final entry is this beautiful Fiverr gig by enki Dev he will create a German fresh for you for the cheap price of just 300 I hope you enjoy it and for every subscriber I will sniff 10 farts yo
Channel: Waboo
Views: 925,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xh7BCEfLSN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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