The Strangest Geometry Dash Creations..

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you guys probably have all heard about levels like how by sputniks and other really weird but impressive levels these however are already way too known by the community so i decided to find the most extremely strange or weird creations nobody knows about these creations will get more confusing and greasy later on in the video so be sure to watch until the end i hope you enjoy to start off not too crazy we're going to take a look at something that some of you might know the shortest length after creating a level is tiny with the level being less than 9 seconds long all of these short levels aren't rated since most of them need to be at least 30 seconds long but a while back i sold this picture which weirded me out since when i checked the level stick figure mace it was more than a minute long well apparently you can actually make a tiny rated level by copying an already existing level this immediately changes the length from any length to tiny and some creators did exactly this by copying their own levels for some reason this however is nothing too crazy so let's continue the journey to find the strangest level when i say the hardest level ever made you probably think about the top 1 hardest level right now slaughterhouse this has changed dozens of times over the last couple of years starting from the beginning of the game with the level demon park the first ever hardest demon to exist everyone thought that until video recently popped up in my recommended you see there's one unrated level named f made by player it has some very tight corridors and some really unbalanced gameplay this level was made in update 1.0 way before demon park was uploaded which means this actually was the first top 1 demon instead of demon park even though it never got its actual demon difficulty rating still with today's standards this wouldn't even be a medium demon however the next level i'll talk about shatters both the medium demon category and all the other demon categories in one try this creation was named gift chamber and it is one of the hardest levels to be possible the level though stands out from every single impossible level for two reasons the first one being that it is really short which makes you question why stuff like this could even be one of the hardest things to ever be created and the second one is this click right here you see there's no way of a person beating this normally since you will just die on the first frame you actually need 4 million frames per second to have a shot of beating this single wave click which means you have less than 1 millionth of a second to react to a single click so even though it is just 2 seconds long not one human has or is going to beat this anytime soon from here on though it will start to get really weird collect all 8 keys is a level with a very strange mechanism your goal is to collect eight keys as the immediate thought when opening the level however you are surprised with a bunch of keys everywhere 6397 in total it turns out collecting the keys is the easiest task to do and it is even easier than you think which you immediately notice when hitting the first key instead of collecting wonky you can actually pick up everything around you this is done by a bug that somehow increases the height of your icon significantly so you are now able to pick up all the keys before we get into some really strange stuff let me talk about an unknown level that did the impossible well two of them and whilst not being too strange it still makes you feel baffled five years ago a creator by the name of samsara made a specific function that normally is on your calculator a geometric reality by using an extremely large amount of triggers he made it possible to make a graph in gd with more than 2 million different graphs being possible and it looks really smooth years later though an upgraded version was made with more options and different sort of curves by illuminati which really makes you wonder how far this game can truly go alright as of right now 2.2 still is not out it has been way too many years to even remember the latest updates but everyone is still really hyped about the new update they apparently are so hyped that some of them found methods to implement things that are possible in 2.2 in this update one level though has a method using it that wouldn't even be a feature in the certain 2.2 updates let alone in the next 10 geometry dash updates first you are jumping over some simple triple spikes but you immediately notice a robot portal under you which is strange when finally pausing the triple spikes you die and what happened next is really odd you are now on the second layer of the level and even when you keep restarting you stay at this layer this is the case because of a bug being used that saves the game at a certain point which makes you able to eventually beat all four stages and defeat the level from here on alto i'm going to talk about stuff that even the people i talked to couldn't explain i'm going to start off with the hardest one to explain turing machine and believe me i'll do it as best as i can but it's really hard to believe me this is the least known level on the list with 55 plays and there's not a lot to it besides some visible collision triggers and some random words the creator of this level said to me however that this is the first level that is possible and not possible at the same time it basically is an emulator where other games can be made on and there's a huge amount of code used in this level the problem is that the math in this code just can't decide if the level is possible or not which is really weird to explain so far though it still is not yet possible to beat what if i told you about a level that can only be beaten on a certain device zero percent of the people who have an iphone for example can beat this level right here which is really weird the creator of it somehow used the bug to make this level only possible when playing gd on a windows version and if you use something else than windows you will die at 58 into the level and when we check out the creator tab nothing is off except for a one certain block in the level so how does this work exactly well in this level a tricky bug was used which made a certain block at 58 percent have a value that makes the hitbox from the cube cover the entire vertical row in the editor which makes it unpossible however on windows this bug doesn't work which makes you not die from this evil block right here and only makes it possible on windows the most mysterious level on the list was made by javen 229 and it is unexplainable this was a level made to test the random trigger which has been done multiple times by other creators but this one is slightly different when entering the level it seems like the random trigger just doesn't work since it is meant to show different colors each time but it only shows the green color no matter how many times you try the mysterious part comes into play when taking a peek into the editor again at first nothing comes off as out of the ordinary until you start playtesting the level now the level still isn't randomized but instead of just showing a green pulse it also shows random black pulses that weren't even meant to be in the level and it is one out of the two unexplainable things on this list you now are probably wondering what the second one might be so let's talk about that one pekko is a famous player known to be the person who verified the legendary level silent club step he is very known because of this but he is way less known for another thing he did finding really obscure bugs he found a couple of weird ones with one stood out from the arrest which happened with a certain level that even he couldn't explain in this level that was named high twitter you die relatively quickly at 4.33 percent and you have to keep that percentage in mind the next attempt though you basically die immediately but way quicker and this death happens exactly 217 times faster than the first attempt this was found on complete accidents and to this day no explanation has been found which is one of the oddest things i have ever seen there is one more level to cover these strangest in my opinion since what happened here was done by complete luck the thing that sets this level apart from everything on the list though is that there actually is nothing wrong with the level at all since it just looks like your typical recent level the thing we have to focus on here is the description what is written here might look like some random letters and symbols but in actuality it's something completely different these are lost lines of code that were used to create something that will make this text change into this stacks coloring it something went wrong though and completely out of the creators their grasp a really weird thing was created when collapsing the level with this button nothing happens yet but when clicking the information button the level simply crashes making this the only level out of everything i have seen where the description crashes the entire game i hope you enjoyed and be sure to like and maybe even subscribe goodbye
Channel: Waboo
Views: 967,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, geometry dash 2.11, gd creations
Id: m3bd7AmeUJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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