from Monsters having tongues to an impossible to get achievement there is a lot that you didn't know once existed in Geet Dash here are 67 things that only the most experienced Geet veterans know by the way be sure to subscribe because at 200k subscribers I'll change my profile picture to a sheep let's go let's first go from the year 2024 all the way back to 2013 where a first fact takes place by scrolling through all the main levels right now you can see everything looks normal but in 2013 it was different as you can see here the font looks all weird the letters are all over the place and it's just a mess but we are just starting off slow with my favorite things coming later in the video like a neverbe seen button that immediately got deleted not only did the funds change over the years the difficulty phases also changed right now back on track has the easy difficulty face but at the start of GD it had the normal difficulty face even though most people say it's the easiest main level of the game let's move forward a couple years players were getting more and more diamonds by opening chest and beating quests 40,000 50,000 60,000 and wait 65,535 yes this was the max amount of diamonds you could get back in the day and almost every top player reached it right now it luckily is fixed in 2014 one by one people were posting videos of a weird Buck occurring to them they called it the fast music buck in this year there was a random chance of instead of your background music sounding like this it being like this pretty weird what's even worse about these geometr songs is that when you uploaded a level before the 1.9 update you could only choose out of the main level songs like 10 different songs no custom songs from new grounds no just the plain old boring songs let's skip to the 26th of August 2015 this was the date geomet R 2.0 released and everyone was excited to play the new levels what they didn't know however was that the new level Deadlocks could be cheesed if you would hit the final green orb at 12% very late you could skip the three times speed portal and do the wave part with ease I wish it was still here because sadly it got fixed a couple days later once for a while jetes had a buck where you could literally beat a locked main level if you spamed some buttons you could go to club step and if you hadn't unlocked it you'd sometimes be able to open it making you able to play the level the geeter leaderboard has four tabs top 100 friends Global and creators but one of these steps once was different back in the day the friend section was gone and instead replaced with the top week in this step you would see players with the most stars obtained in that specific week and it would refresh every single week the friends section probably just wasn't there yet since rtop never expected GD players to have friends stop not just the Friends section was different the top 100 tap once was the top 50 tap where you could only see the top 50 best players and instead of all these stats just the stars and demons okay we can continue now for our very young veterans back in 2.1 there was still a feature called the Hall of Fame containing every level that got rated epic it was kind of useless though since in the advanced options you could literally filter on Epic levels back when jumet Dash released not only were the letters all weirdly aligned but the game also had just Seven Levels instead of the 22 we can play right now this one was pretty known but the Lesser known one is the witch monster almost getting added to the game this monster looked super Goofy and weird but at the same time kind of hot so it's a shame rtop decided to delete it before even any it to GD it would act like all the other monsters and would have been a nice addition I don't think you've ever noticed that the achievement sound effects were different between the latest and earlier updates but they slightly are right now getting two achievements in a row sounds like this but before it sounded like this did you notice that the second sound is exactly the same here a feature that has to come back right now is surprisingly something that was possible in update 1.0 the ability to change your username on these spots all you would need to do was just clicking on your username and there you go you can now change your name to whatever you want instead of having to go through a lot of suffering before being able to change your name stereo Madness the first level in GD has the most simple decoration of any level but did you know there's an object in here that's 0% of geometr players nowadays use in their level this block right here it looks very Sim simple just hold a block but if you go into the editor there is no way to find it it got deleted pretty early into the game and you can only use this other health block now the J th home screen looks cool but this stupid thing in the bottom right corner still is as useless as ever it doesn't do anything at all 10 years ago however this was different it had the boomlings game in it Rob up is now deleted game and one other game I had never heard about before called memory Mastermind it looked like this and uh I don't know what to think about it the supporter icon in 2.1 was the easiest icon to obtain by clicking on this lock the icon is hidden behind at the start of GE this wasn't so easy though back then you had to raid jet Dash before being able to obtain it but because the game got taken down because they didn't allow rtop to manipulate people and to raing his game it was changed the Lost coin in Stereo Manas actually was different once it was way harder than it is right now and just look at the comparison between the old and the new version I now know why older players struggled with this coin holy in update 1.0 GD looked like a mess but not only that the achievements were a little different whenever you would get a new color by beating a Lev or something else instead of the color being a circle it was Square which makes the most sense since you can change your color by clicking square boxes I don't know why rtop decided to change it but it's not a big deal you know a level is featured if it has a glow circle around it and a star count below it but at the start of jump thrash RTO was like come on guys this is useless let's not use this stuff just place down a difficulty face and call a day which is exactly what happened you barely can tell the difference between a featured and a normal rated level here wait something really weird is coming up in the fourth big update of the game there was a bug that somehow caused players with more than five demons or 500 stars to randomly die the level without any explanation I have no clue why just like the fact that at the start of geeter Dash you couldn't dislike levels you could only like them just as you can do with this video on YouTube okay we're finally at the monster with the tong I was talking about in the intro boys it never was added in the game but in update 2.0 there was a sneak peek picture from rtop that had these monsters added two of which had a green weird tongue that looked like a thrill from your icon it's very goofy but I wouldn't mind it if it got added under the like button there's a star button with which you can raid levels from the auto to the demon difficulty wait what why did the auto and Demon difficulty just get deleted well in the first GD updates you only were able to raate levels from normal to insane no other difficulty this button here is the best thing that ever happened to Geometry Dash you are able to record videos with this feature called every play and just by enabling a single button all your replays will be saved which could immediately be uploaded to YouTube sadly in 2015 this feature got disabled fast forward to 9 years later it's 2024 and 2.2 just released ho there were a lot of bucks at the beginning of this release and not everything went as planned for example Depots were way too expensive 50,000 or s like I can barely afford 10% of One path let alone all 10 of them RTO also sold this and changed the price of a path from 50 to 25,000 I still can't afford it though imagine the pain of all these old players though like you haven't even heard the worst thing they had to go through in the first year of Geometry Dash its release players could only use the onetime speed portal meaning they had to move very slow the entire time just like the fact that there were no leaderboards map packs secret coins and stars until update one .6 horrible but let's talk about things that actually were added instead of deleted in 2015 there was a secret coin cheating method where people could get as many dropped up coins as they wanted with a glitch all you had to do was change some fouls around replace it with a modded foul and voila you got it another thing that was in the game for just a couple days was what you can see in this screenshot it looks normal but if you zoom on the likes and plays you can see that the numbers aren't fully displayed instead an M or a k is added which stands for ion and thousand it was added at the beginning of 2.2 and almost immediately was changed back again the most popular level outer space almost has 100 million downloads but back in January 2017 there was one user who played it when it barely had any likes if you played it this early you are a true veteran just like if you remember the user War G this player got Popular by hacking the hardest levels back in the day like blood lust and people were very confused ultimately leading to his exposal his hack completion got so many views however ever that he got really famous in the community and became known as one of the first jump Rish hackers all right time for some glitches in the early versions of Jes for some reason your ship sometimes did a barrel roll it looks very goofy once you see it and actually kind of cool my friend here doesn't have Geet installed he has $4 in his pocket so sadly he can't buy the game oh wait what is that a time machine which takes us back to the year 2016 oh yeah in 2016 there was a period when Jon only was $1 on PC the cheapest it's ever been people who bought it back in the day are really old think about the most dominating player in the game right now is it so probably but he didn't even come close to mosque the player who dominated the jum R leaderboard at the start of GD at one points he was the best player and the best Creator in the game clowning on everyone below him the leaderboard looked quite weird back then but it could be worse like in the beginning of the 2.1 update the leaderboards didn't get updated for years with Miguel Shaggy and migon being in the top three the entire time while in actuality they were a way lower rank luckily it later got fixed you can now basically build as high as you want the borders of the editor are almost infinitely high but this wasn't always the case in update 2.0 the hi borders were extremely small and you couldn't build as high into the sky as you can right now One update later the magic tab became a thing it was a feature that added levels with a lot of objects had some unknown rules for accepting levels and always had some really weird levels in it because it was kind of useless though One update later it got changed into a tab for levels that are sent to rup up which is a way better addition than IM Magic Tap the infinite jump hack is a very old Hack That players use to beat levels without trying nowadays you have no clip or a verify hack that immediately let you upload levels but years ago you didn't have that hacks like these were made by m ghost and this one made it so the player could jump whenever he wanted looking a little stupid to be honest did you know that unregistered users who uploaded levels first were named player if their account got deleted these names later got changed into a single minus character you can still see a lot of levels from these users online so check it out these users were called Green users and they almost always were throwaway accounts in 2016 there was one instance where a green user appeared on the top 100 leaderboards though but he most likely was a hacker since he had five more coins than there were in the game if you are a true GD veteran you remember when J wasn't playable on PC meaning players could only play it on their phone nowhere else it got added on PC a year later and got an extra graphic feature on which you could choose how good your game would look I had to type six numbers to unlock the password from this level what a pain I remember when back in my days the max amount of numbers you could put in a password was four noble boy is a Creator who uploaded some extremely famous levels blood lost molden gear and Astro Divinity I thought the level always was called God Eater well it was but M boy had to change the name of the level due to copyright reasons even eventually leading to it being called Astro Divinity if you remember most things so far it is time to move on to even lesser known facts that only the true veterans will remember let's see if you were one before update 1.9 there was one achievement that almost was impossible to get the so close achievements nowadays you get it by dying after 95% on a level which happens to me from time to time but back then you could only get it when dying at 99% into a level which is almost impossible to occur a level needs to be extremely long for this to even be possible and even then most people don't die at the final jump in a level at the very very beginning of GD something that now sounds crazy was able to actually be done you were able to beat the level in practice mode and upload it to these servers yes just clicking the upload button would be enough imagine if people could do that nowadays we would have impossible extreme demons in the game 10 years ago I was barely a teenager and only played with Legos but for gomet players it was a special day on Valentine's Day people's names were changed to something loving and it looks super sweet rtop should do the next year again the Nightmare and the lightning Road are some of the most famous levels mainly due to how extremely easy they are but it's said both levels should be around 7 to eight Stars instead of 10 what these people didn't know is that rtop actually rated both of them a stars for a bit in December 2013 this happened but because rtop didn't like the change he returned our demon rating back level leaderboards for the most part are pretty accurate with only real progress being shown a couple years ago this was different on almost every level the leaderboard would be spammed with hackers with 100% with coins only the level even though there sometimes weren't even any coins you could obtain wow only 15,000 people in the world have heard of this one the first ever recorded progress of the game the title of the video is Jes iPhone 5 HD gameplay review and was recorded one day after jetr its release and the first ever progress is 1% bro apparently the achievements haven't always looked the same I thought it always was similar to how it currently is but no in the trailer of the game at the end you can see the achievements looking like this it kind of reminds me of those cars from medieval games but at least the percentage completed Circle looks kind of cool okay veterans do you remember the 1.2 trailer if you check out robt Up's YouTube channel it doesn't exist because robtop deleted it quickly after uploading YouTuber OGD sneak peeks somehow got the footage back though and it looks like this being just 12 seconds long pretty cool the editor of update 1.4 is cursed right now you have different sections for the icons and colors but here you with everything on one page even the ship crazy when you go to the editor and then click on the pause button you can see five buttons and in every update they seem to have been the same except for one super tiny detail the green Bars were slightly thinner before in comparison with the bars we can see in the game right now but it definitely looked worse okay three things only editor veterans know out of the hundreds of blocks these four blocks once were better and I'm just going to say it years ago when they still had a border you didn't have to put platforms around it to make the player collide with it now it's just a boring piece of decoration also slopes didn't use to have corners like they do now the white corner now extends a little out of the block but before it looked perfect with nothing sticking out and the final editor thing is a button that used to say tint ground I'm not sure what it does it might change the color of the ground or something but nobody knows okay time to showcase the fin eight hand selected things I found the most interesting vamos the level fly once was used to troll streamers or your friends and was really famous back in the day it starts off really normal but eventually jump scares you and countless of people fell for this trick the only triggers that got deleted by rtop were the background and ground triggers they could color the background and ground and were deleted since the color trigger already was able to do both of these things look at these beautiful souls all in different colors red pink green it can be any color you want in almost every previous update however this wasn't possible it could only have one color black kind of boring go+ is similar to Facebook and Twitter you can make groups in there and chat with people but there's one big difference nobody knows about it except for R up because in his sixth update he added it to the game he deleted it quickly after probably because it wasn't a success but even though it was a useless feature some people made geeter cleans and actually got some members the ship has always looked the same right no for a couple months it had a shade making it look a little bit darker than it is right now one of the only levels that dropped up as Changed by himself was the Diop by I the previously it was named the delip which in Russia means this but luckily rup up sword and changed it right now you can have six statistics on your profile Stars moons coins user coins demons and Creator points but back in the day this was just five everything except for moons and the stad bar also was way more spaced out than it is right now the final thing only ult players know is my Channel having 200k subscribers wait I still have 100K Subs guys we need 200k right now come on we can do this I'll make my profile picture a sheep I'm not kidding goodbye