The Level That Changed Geometry Dash Forever...

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August 2015 and Riot is ready to upload the new Hardest Level thousands of viewers have been waiting for this very moment when he clicks that upload button Geometry Dash will be changed forever but if it weren't for two specific levels made a year prior this moment might have never happened [Music] new level called ice Hall cave had just been released featuring some very hard gameplay for its time few managed to complete levels like this which made players wonder how far the difficulty of this game could actually be taken however most didn't think by much as it seemed like a limit would be reached that all changed in May of 2014 when a Creator named roadbus would make a level inspired by Ice arcade ice carbon Diablo X and it was insane oh my God this is stupid it featured incredibly hard timings straight fly and fakes to trick you despite popular belief difficulty had been pushed by miles but not in a good way you see the level was hacked which was devastating the community despised hacked levels and so hope that one day someone would attempt and complete this Beast legitimately however due to the shared difficulty nobody even dared to try it that is except for one player Ryan [Music] that's hurt so much I fell on them Riot was a competitive person he always tried to complete levels before everyone else and eventually wanted to become geometry Dash's greatest player however this meant he would have to Dethrone the current number one cyclic I was like wow this guy is actually better than right I didn't expect that though it wasn't going to be easy especially considering that Riot had previously lost a race to him on a level called cataclysm wild cycle was the winner if Ryan did something harder than cataclysm he could overtake cyclic so that's when he stumbled upon ice carbon Diablo X it was the golden opportunity he'd grind the level 4 hours every day hoping for that perfect run and only three days in he would get this [Music] ah devastating fail it looked like rife's dream of becoming the best player had been Stripped Away but he couldn't give up now he was so close all he needed to do was to go for that last push and on the same day it happened oh my God oh my God [Applause] Riot did The Impossible she beat ice carbon Diablo X after over a month since his defeated cyclic he would come out on top but all of this was cut short it turned out that ice carbon Diablo X wasn't actually the hardest level it was surprisingly the level right lost the race to cataclysm ice comdatres only really has that one the ship parts basically but the rest of ictx is you know like a regular like map pack but if you look at calculus and light just from looking at you see the wave party the ship part pretty much every part looks pretty scary and kind of like listen to add insult to injury there were even horror levels Before ice carbon Diablo X but were made illegitimately so fortunately it didn't count Wright's plan could be the best had failed and if you wanted any chance to succeed now he'd have to act fast luckily he had two options he could either make the hardest level by himself or search for it on one hand making the hardest level by himself felt like a no-brainer but if you fail to put through his chances of Victory would be completely gone however if he takes too long to find a level cycling would gain an unbeatable lead his whole career depended on one single choice I know I was watching a person's dream that would change how this game would develop you know I always knew that I remember I was on vacation and I think I once as always joined right stream and I saw this new level he was playing and everyone talking about it in chat and him like introducing it to everyone you know this is bloodbath a level that blew everyone away here is why definitely that the length is is one of them because I you know it's definitely it's longer than ice years and calculation and it's super tight actually and there's orbs and ship which just on top of that just makes it so much harder for that reason some thought Riot wouldn't be able to do it but then again this was still Riot he had never backed out from a challenge so after fixing some questionable Parts he was ready to stream his quest [Music] it was genuinely speaking absolutely insane like the hype inside the people talking everyone everyone was just watching him complete the hardest level like possible in the game it felt like we were there with him every time he got far into the level we cheer by spamming go in the chat we all wanted him to succeed I did it yolo and on one day it looked like he would he passed all of the hardest parts and entered their last 10 percent thank you so close to the end so close to being the best yet so far this mentally destroyed Riot imagine having thousands of viewers wanting you to succeed but you just can't however as we said before if he gave up now he would once again lose the cycle I think that if he drops it his career is basically done like unless he goes for something else I mean but that's that thing there wasn't really anything else at the time that was nearly as hard let alone harder it was all or nothing so after 25 000 attempts and one and a half months of non-stop grinding it happened oh my God and so here we are it's August 2015 and Riot is ready to upload the new Hardest Level thousands of viewers have been waiting for this very moment when he clicks that upload button Geometry Dash will be the tables had turned cyclic Was Defeated once Riot uploaded bloodbath he was without a doubt the best player however this rivalry wasn't quite over a cycle had a level up his sleeve to strike back at Riot but until then people would start attempting Bloodbath foreign [Music] struggled someone even spent 43 000 attempts in practice mode although that's just a matter of skillish therefore War quickly got around that the first person to complete it other than Riot would gain massive popularity and could overtake Riot and for a bit it seemed like a player named smokes was about to be the one only three days after bloodbust release smokes would get 25 percent although it wasn't much it was the best run by far and it was done so quickly too he would continue the grind and eventually get 34 percent only a week later the bloodbath took one and a half months to be beated smokes was about to beat it in three weeks or was he the next few days would be quiet no progress new practice nothing bloodbath's difficulty had claimed its first victim and smokes for now at least would drop the level intermission I bet after blabber's release people will suddenly go on a massive debate on whether Riot said swag or quack during his completion now right has apparently confirmed that he said swag but I will always be a quack believer truly a thing that changed Geometry Dash forever this is Sandstorm the fan favorite to beat bloodbath as he was pretty dang good not only did he make good progress in the first half but in the second one as well too many he seemed Unstoppable will cyclic beat bloodbath by the way let's focus on when will Sandstorm Beat It but that wouldn't last long as after getting a new best of 36 percent he would sadly join smokes and fall victim to its sheer difficulty over the coming months many more would attempt bloodbath but to no avail people weren't used to this prior to bloodbath Geometry Dash was a lot different the community was smaller and most importantly the game was less challenged never before had two of the best players gone for a level that was proven to be possible and failed but because of that it did Inspire some to make their own bloodbath-like levels the Flawless was one and it had a red color scheme and dark atmosphere that was heavily influenced by bloodbath this theme it had would start to be known as the hell theme and it began to be used everywhere the hell World realm of blood Shadow yada garaso it had gotten so popular that people started to despise its existence why are all of the extreme levels healthy can we have a heaven themed horror level for once I'm so sick of health Team levels no offense one of those levels stood out though aftermath was considered to be one of the hardest levels at the time it used the rest of blockbust song at the speed of light and became known as the last level of the so-called Trilogy consisting of cataclysm bloodbath and of course aftermath it was many players streamed to have it completed but while cataclysm and aftermath could be done with a bit of practice bloodbaths couldn't As Time passed Hope for the level to be completed diminished apart from smokes returning to it for a short while and gyron gained 44 no one looked capable enough to complete it that is until [Music] [Music] this was by far the most anyone had gotten passing some of the hardest sections in the level the player in question was maybe a one and the weird thing about them was that they had only recently started playing how could someone so new be so good well some start to suspect that they were not actually new and were a secret alt account of Riot maybe Riot made this as a test to see if mommy would get a kiss of hacking which he didn't but that's just a theory if it really is Riot then Gigi on building bloodbusters three times whenever that happens here's another theory Bobby isn't a boy and is actually a girl she's actually Riot's lost sister okay that last series just makes no sense these were quickly debunked though as both of them had streamed at the same time while mabio one wasn't Riot they were still progressing and got 66 percent about two weeks later for the first time in over four months the dream of someone completing this level didn't seem so Out Of Reach and on the 13th of February 2016 the dream became a little more real foreign people couldn't believe their eyes mommy had just got 71 go Mommy go come on you'll be the first to pass it no no no never give up but after this he began to struggle his progress became stagnant and only two months later he would quit Geometry Dash altogether bloodbath had done it again it had claimed yet another victim how though how could not even the best players complete this level it seemed like every time someone attempted it they'd inevitably give up Midway through something seemed off about Wright's recordings his ship movement was odd his Trail was cutting and his skill was unmatched what was going on 144hz is just a more clear and more high-tech monitor but it makes it so your frames are just naturally higher matters for input delay and how responsive your movements are in different games but especially for Geometry Dash I actually think it's not intended to be it's not not only do the physics change which makes it easier to control stuff but like I think the game just generally becomes easier to control because like yeah Riot had a 144hz monitor it isn't a cheat but with bloodbath having tons of the ship game mode it made it a lot easier I think ship and wave are like the two most skill based modes and they benefit a lot from 144 and like high refresh rates to give you an example when I recently started playing bloodbath on 60hz I could barely pass the beginning however with a high refresh rate well you'll have to wait a bit longer to see how far I got more and more would start to discover this advantage and so it wouldn't take long before some extremely skilled players would use it to beat Bloodbath [Music] I feel like baby I'm mavy now you forgot to put serve in this list it has 77 on bloodbath the deadlock had been broken after so many failed attempts then was inside it was just a matter of when it would happen and then [Music] surprise 96 on bloodbath I can't believe it he's gonna be the first person to beat lodba a player named serve had died mere seconds before the Finish Line while this sucked it meant that any minute he could do it but unexpectedly someone else named Quasar would also reach the 90s no no no no no no no no no no no no where 90 90. serve would have to act fast if he wanted to win both would battle back and forth for days this might have seemed pointless but you have to remember this meant everything if you became the first to complete bloodbath you'd be catapulted into somewhat god-like status the goat let's say and on the 13th of March 2016 Quasar would get this run [Music] [Music] seeing a player other than Riot complete bloodbath was truly magical the discovery of 144hz was a revolution people were finally able to complete this level only two weeks later surf would become the second Victor yes and then suddenly something snapped Souls trk RPG rockete trust her all of these were players that completed bloodbath this level didn't seem so impossible anymore which is why one of the victors of it trust her would go on to do something even harder [Applause] foreign bloodbath was no longer the hardest level sir Coupe and Hell had just dethroned it it was shorter than bloodbath but the tide wave gaps and gameplay made it way horror Wright's number one spot was looking really fragile and if he wanted to keep his throne he'd have to do something quickly so that's when he found his chance no dude I really don't feel like this is real there's no [ __ ] way he has to be just doing this to [ __ ] himself what I think is going on is I think he's so pissed at himself for hacking the two levels that he's just gonna lie about hacking everything no it cannot be real I've been competing with a hacker the whole time his rival cyclic was a hiker but before cycling confessed he made a level known as sonic wave which was way harder than bloodbath since it was hackedo it was left unbeaten by anyone with Riot now needing to keep up with a new wave of players he saw this as an opportunity to once again prove himself [Music] over the coming months Ryu put tens of thousands of attempts trying to complete sonic wave and slowly but surely he reached closer to the end however just like with cataclysm Wright would again find himself in the middle of another race foreign was a very skilled player and was right's main competitor he progressed insanely fast and it looked pretty dire for Riot out of Riot's two races he had only won once but maybe it was going to happen twice [Music] now don't get me wrong this fail sucked but it sent a message right was going to be the first to beat sonic wave I mean all he had to do was to pass a few more clicks what happened next though would shock everyone thank you sonic wave was completed but not by Riot Sonics was the one to pull through Ryan had failed he had lost the rate this devastated him he knew that he was no longer the best player in Geometry Dash after this defeat he dropped Sonic with for good and slowly fade away from the community and his level bloodbath wasn't doing well either by the end of 2016 more than 30 people had completed it and it wasn't even in the top three anymore was this the end for both of them well maybe not quite as novel boy one of the victors of bloodbath was about to do write a favor this is bloodlust an exceptional Recreation of bloodbath it not only had better designs but way horror gameplay If This Were to be verified it would be the best possible successor to bloodbath absolutely I think bloodlust is the perfect remake like genuine amazing in the extension that I think barely anyone expected fits super well over the course of one and a half years Noble boy would put thousands of hours and attempts into this Beast it truly was something out of this world and almost three years since bloodbath released with many doubting he would be able to defeat his Beast he would do the impossible [Music] this was incredible in a way bloodless kept bloodbust Legacy alive it immediately placed at the number one spot and gathered millions of views even if Friar had quit Long Ago by this point it must have felt pretty good to see something like this happen unfortunately though bloodbath would still eventually see its end a few years later well I don't know if you know this but I looked into that level specifically because I heard it could be harder I found that it was harder it was going to push off bloodbath and I was the person that pushed the button on to add alphabet X and right when I clicked it that's when bloodbath fell off I I did that but that was fine bloodbath became a stepping stone for upcoming players and even someone like me has beaten it's an icon to the Geometry Dash community and it means so much to everyone however the crazy thing is stuff could be a lot different if it weren't for those two specific levels made a year prior Wright may have never gone in the push game needed to be bloodbath it just goes to show that no matter how small something you make might seem it can still have an impact on others I bet this teenagers playing this simple mobile game never knew how much they'd mean to so many people and maybe just maybe someone like you will create a level that will change Geometry Dash forever just like they did [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] foreign
Channel: [ER] Ender
Views: 315,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geometry Dash, GD, GD 2.11, Bloodbath, Hardest Geometry Dash level, Top 1 Demon, Demonlist, Riot Geometry Dash, Sonic Wave race, Sonic wave, Cyclic, Hell theme geometry dash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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