The History of Geometry Dash's Hardest Levels

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how did we go from levels as easy as this to clearing the hardest challenges and not just Geometry Dash but in all of gaming the story of the toughest levels is one of rivalry bravery and victory and today we'll talk about how a couple dozen players pushed this game to its absolute limit with how much we look up to top levels today would you believe me if I said that they actually used to be hated and disliked into Oblivion back in the day players wanted to show off by collecting as many stars as possible robtop gave high quality levels a rating for 1 to n based on their difficulty and the higher the rating the more stars you'd get from beating it and the farther you'd climb up the ranks so when some crazy crackpot crater came along and built a level that really deserved the rating of say 30 Stars when it could only be given nine Max you can imagine how badly people reacted to that and that was the fate of demon park by M2 Cole why torture myself with this stupidly hard love when I can play an easier one and get the same amount of stars unlike the rest of the crowd though robtop was very impressed by how M2 cool pushed the limits of his game and to honor it he added the new demon difficulty in the next update the amount of them you've beaten were displayed on your profile letting you Flex on your friends at school little did robtop know that this tiny change would start a huge years long journey to see just how far players can push this game four other levels became demons after the update with one leading the pack to become our first true top one level but in the beginnings of this game's history the top spot would switch hands many many times by early 2014 element 111 RG found itself on top making it both the hardest level in the game and the most mysterious just take a look why is it empty well the truth is we don't actually know what it looked like our understanding of it comes from screenshots and Recreations based off memory the people who played it all agreed that it was the most brutal map ever created to brutal to have been beaten legitimately you see to post a level online you must clear it yourself to verify it's actually possible cuz you know robtop doesn't want impossible Maps everywhere but crafty crators have found ways to get around this and throw their ridiculous levels on the servers and in the case of element 111 RG it had a secret way a sneaky path only the creater knew of that allowed you to skip the hardest parts of the level and Breeze your way through it well a few days after robtop red it The Not So secret secret way was discovered and its demon badge was revoked the level was later deleted by its creator for unknown reasons and lost of time this left silent Club in the number one spot another near impossible map why do I say that well the second you enter it you're greeted with this nobody could to get past his crazy spam Parts especially on their crappy smartphones Yeah by this point Geometry Dash wasn't even available on PC yet I really have no clue I robbed up unrated element 111 RG but said silent Club was just fine even though there wasn't a secret way the crater couldn't have possibly beaten it without hacking or something because the level was so far out of everybody's Reach people began going after maps that were right below it just as you should be going after that juicy subscribe button and pressing it in January of 2015 GG boy cataclysm was all the rage not only because it was beautifully built but the map was very intimidating look at this fast wave part at the beginning which also changed your size and forc you into tight gaps not fun though GG boy would later confess to hacking the level people wondered if maybe just maybe it was actually possible to clear I mean Beyond The Wave part at the beginning the level was actually somewhat manageable especially now that the game was ported to PC and Pros started using their keyboards and mice instead of their greasy nasty smartphones well to the surprise of everyone the rising Korean star cylic would give it a go he'd work through the level and in May of 2015 The Impossible became the possible and with the limiting belief shattered three other players slated just a few days after this was hands down the hardest level ever beaten legitimately especially now that silent Club was exposed for its super secret secret way but these poor survivors of the cataclysm weren't satisfied yet cyclic had shown the world how far the game could be pushed and players everywhere wondered just how much farther they could go an elite team of creators began cooking up a level that would build off cataclysm Ste but dwarf it in difficulty the level bloodbath was set to be verified by riots he was one of the first to be cataclysm and if he beat it it would 100% become the number one level in the game not wanting to be left behind in the race for the top cyclic began building his own map sonic wave its light blue theme contrasted bloodbaths dark red but it's difficulty far surpassed it sonic wave was what you'd get if you took that fast wave section from the beginning of catac M and stretched it throughout the entire level and when cyclic beat the map it was unbelievable like it was literally unbelievable with the recent exposal of one of geometry Dash's most popular players people were getting more watchful for cheaters and hackers cyclic claim to have beaten the level off camera but you're smart you know what has happened so far two other top levels are exposed for having secret ways would you really trust him if you said he beat this Rob top sure as hell didn't he was tired of impossible levels popping up on his servers and so without video proof he refused to give the level a demon rating because of this cyclic made the next most logical move he buffed the out of sonic wave and beat it again yeah don't ask me why he did this because if people weren't questioning his legitimacy then they were certainly questioning it now I guess he wanted to be 1,000% sure that it was harder than blood bath and it would stay on the top for a while by this point the level was finished and Riot was making good progress on it even though it looked really really tough robtop raided sonic wave this time around because cylic posted video proof of him beating it but the community suspected that the footage was hacked why well just look at the level there was just no way that a human could clear something this hard I mean at 100% speed does this look possible to you after facing pressure from everyone he' update the level again this time to some random joke map a sort of middle finger to all the haters because of this robtop then unrated the level causing the number one spot to be lost Riot was still making steady progress on bloodbath especially thanks to a shiny new 144hz monitor he got why does that matter well High frame rates are useful in all video games as they reduce input lag and make the game feel smoother but in Geometry dasas before update 2.2 High f PS monitors were absolutely crucial for competitive play because they literally broke the game in a good way the ship was much easier to control the wave was way more responsive and timings were just so much more accurate as a high FPS player myself playing on low made me feel like there was an anvil weighing me down or something there's no other way to describe it so what do you get when you give one of the greatest players of the era a 144 HZ monitor oh my God the difficulty ceiling was pushed even more like a lot more with 144 Herz players being so rare hardly anyone would make serious progress on the level for a while competitive Geometry Dash was a locked door and the key to it was a crap ton of money for expensive equipment sure you could do some pretty impressive stuff playing on 60 HZ or mobile but if you wanted to play in the big leagues you had to pay up and that's shown by the fact that it took months for anyone else besides a riot to clear the level and the ones who did were all playing on 144 Hertz because quazar was the first survivor of the blood bath he was chosen to verify a remake of it some passionate creators were building the level took what made blood baths so hard the straight fly and the tough timings and pushed it even farther even extending it by an entire minute this level now called bloodlust was no small task as you can see but final exams were approaching for quazar and his play time was hampered because of his hand pain like bad bad hand pain it would hurt after being on for just 10 minutes so quazar next move wasn't a surprise to anyone thankfully the player Noble boy stepped in to carry the torch he wasn't one of the first to be blood bath clearing it 3 months after quazar and he wasn't that well known either so people doubt doubted whether he was skilled enough I mean would you trust him if you wanted to pick someone to verify the hardest level in the game who would you go with the number one player or number nine taking on bloodlust wasn't simply carrying the torch it was more like carrying a 2001 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 would he really be able to get the job done we'll find out after a quick message from today's sponsor War Thunder it's the biggest vehicle combat game ever created free on PC and console play with 2,500 different tanks planes and helicopters ranging from classic 1920s vehicles to the Beast of today with realistic graphics and sound effects you can immerse yourself right in the battlefield join the worldwide 70 million strong Community today I love the game for its in-depth customization system and War Thunder is very userfriendly for new players and if you use my link you can get yourself a massive Bonus Pack to start off your War Thunder Journey which includes a 7-Day premium account the eag eal of Valor exclusive vehicle decorator 100,000 silver allance and much more it's available for a limited time and can only be picked up by new and returning players who haven't logged in for the past 6 months so head right down to the description or comments and use my link to get the game again War Thunder is available for free on PC PlayStation and Xbox and I hope to see you there now let's get back to Noble boy and bloodlust though everybody questioned his skill he would silence the doubters by making quick progress on the level the grind had begun meanwhile there was some shifting around on the demon list and a thos would find itself on top the map was a smidge harder than bloodbath and verified by Aurorus a very skilled player from Aurorus was a hacker oh I guess some things never change I don't know how he thought he'd get away with this for a second the video was so obviously no clip that people laugh the verification off despite this Rob top still raided it don't ask me why another hack top one on the demon list great thankfully the player sonx was here to save the day and beat it legitimately and Noble boy was not far behind wait knobble boy wasn't he supposed to be playing bloodlust throughout the verification he tended to get a bit distracted of bloodlust quite a bit which sparked a lot of drama beating other top levels and building his own bloodlust was seemingly his second priority and while some believe he should be able to do whatever he wanted others St thought he should take responsibility as the verifier of the level and lock in especially as progress began to slow no boy took on a Thanos to prove to everyone he was still one of the greatest players in the game and to have something to show off on his YouTube channel and I guess it worked with this confidence up he'd go back to slaying the bloodlust beast in the meantime people watched as Pros tried to clear sonic wave yeah at that level by cyclic we spoke about earlier even though it was maybe possibly sort of hacked players still wondered if it was actually doable I mean we thought cataclysm was impossible until someone determined enough came along and cleared it could sonic wave be beaten with enough effort too that was the question muui had on his mind back in 2015 for months he'd grind the level making slow but steady progress I mean he wasn't the greatest player out there this was the hardest level he had played up to this point and well going for sonic wave was a huge jump but this Underdog Story got everybody hooked especially because he wasn't playing on the same version of sonic wave that cylic had created no no no he took what was already a near impossible map and buffed it even more to the point that it would definitely be number one for years to come though he was leading in progress another player would come to challenge him and it would be none other than Riot with tons of players now catching up to a skill and clearing blood bath he was looking for another challenge to keep ahead of the game the race was on with both of them making good progress into the new [Music] year no 98 just a couple clicks away from the end looking at the Buffs MIUI made to the level you can see just how much more tragic this moment was he clearly bit off more than he could chew and if he had just played on cyli original version like riot it would have been over the two competitors kept duking it out but that 98% fail would be the farthest either of them would get and with likely coming out to confirm everyone's suspicions and admitting to hacking sonic wave players were losing hope thankfully in the summer new faces joined the sonic wave race quir was especially interesting because they sort of just came out of nowhere beating the hardest levels in the game with ease and now they were coming close to clearing sonic wave which was really abnormal no normal player can just jump in and dominate the competitive scene and if you suspected something sketchy was going on you'd be right quir was not one but many a secret group made up of geometry Dash's best one guy be cataclysm for them another beat bloodbath and wouldn't you know it mfu was the one playing sonic wave for them why would they even do that you might ask well you know cuz it's funny the plan was to have him carry through and beat the level before the Big Sur surprise but Aurorus found out about it and snitched causing the project to be abandoned God this guy only causes trouble with muui going inactive after the incident it seemed like RI would lead the way and clear the level with him getting a personal record of 96 that was until Sonic showed up remember the guy from aotos he was fresh off the back of some of the hardest levels in the game including one that combined cataclysm and bloodbath to make one extra long and extra tough extreme demon to say this guy was skilled would be an understatement 88 in just a couple of days this was terrifying for riots who had been playing sonic wave for almost a year now was Sonic just going to swoop in and take the verification especially with Riot on the cusp of beating it out of respect for him sonx agreed to wait until Riot verified the level before he came in and beat it himself but just a few days later Sonics was streaming sonic wave prac iing the map and then he beat it accidentally ending the year-long race to clear the level the achievement was so impressive that people brushed off the promise he made sonx was now the king of the game and RI was left in the dust he'd unsurprisingly quit the game soon after though sonic wave was easily the hardest level in the game it would often find itself placed that number two even number three at one point why well just put yourself in the shoes of a g Geometry Dash fan in 2017 everywhere players are overhyping their hard projects hoping to snag a bit of Fame so when someone beat one of these tough Maps it was very easy to get swept up in the excitements and place it at number one especially with their verifiers exaggerating its difficulty to make sure their names are on top but once more and more people play through it their placement is always fixed at least these Shenanigans allowed for this beautiful RGB pattern or gbr B RG yeah the 2017 demon list was pretty weird and sonic wave would only be properly dethroned well over a year later by plasma pulse finale though this map wouldn't hold the top spot for long while Sonic was sonicing with sonic wave knobble boy was knobble boying with bloodlust into 2017 he was making slow but steady progress achieving new highs every few weeks no 97 it's young but it was a good sign if he got that far he could surely do it again and pull through right right what the it's actually just painful to watch two crushing fails back to back literally in the same hour as you can imagine this was pretty demotivating even though knobble boy would continue playing as much as ever progress slow as the grind Drew longer and longer rage increased it was clear that the grind was taking a toll on him but he couldn't give up he couldn't give in and prove everyone who doubted him right he just couldn't and so through the rage and the disappointment he'd keep on fighting when 2018 rolled around Noble boy had officially spent well over a year trying to beat this monstrous level and even though he was trying his best people were getting impatience there were much better players around the competitive scene was growing so much especially as people upgraded from 144 Herz monitors to 241s and here was this relic of the past still struggling with this now ancient outdated level the player crazen had enough of it he got his hands on a leaked copy of blood lust and began making quick progress on the level aiming to verify it himself many thought he should drop it out of respect for Noble boy after all he essentially owned the level and had already invested hundreds of hours of play time into it but craen thought if he can't do it I will this was absolutely terrifying for Noble boy but thankfully thankfully the community sided with them and crazen was overwhelmingly pressured to drop the level such a scare must have Push Noble boy to pause and reflect he couldn't just let this new Den kid disrespect him like that he had to lock in and finish the job yes yes [Music] 1 and 1/2 years 120,000 attempts and 1,000 hours of play time down Geometry Dash had its new Hardest Level you'd think it would take months for anyone else to beat this monstrous map but if he thought that well you'd be dead wrong just 2 weeks after Noble boy skullo cleared the map closely followed by Sonic however the reason they beat it so fast was because they were secretly hacking the game but not in the way you'd expect you see unlike knobble boy craisin or any of the other top Geometry Dash players skolo and Sonic didn't have fancy High FPS monitors probably because they couldn't afford them so instead they used a hack called the FPS bypass that basically makes your game act like it's running on a high frame rates even with a dog crap potato monitor at the time this tool was banned because well it was hacking and because skull and Sonic were Expos was for using it they were Shun from the competitive community and their records were considered illegitimate years later I still feel bad for them but oh well you can't change the past unlike sonic wave bloodlust would stay unchallenged in the top spot for a while it was in a league of its own in terms of difficulty and it would take a year for it to be overtaken by zodiac the level was hacked onto the servers by its verifier but thankfully the player technical was here to save the day and beat it legit I love how history repeats itself but of course as you know by now top levels don't stay up there for long there's always someone to come along and push the limit even further whether they be a courageous player or a malicious hacker and the next jumping difficulty would be something we've never seen before though Riot quit the competitive scene back in 2017 he'd pop back into the community for one last secret project originally called Silent abar it was was graded way back in the day along with cyclic to see just how high the limit of this game truly was but they accidentally made it too hard too hard to even try and like silent club before it nobody attempted it seriously but with how much the community skill had increased over the past few years R and his team of creators felt the time was right to revive the level now called tarus the map does show its age it's very dark and not the most attractive thing in the world world but the sheer Madness of its difficulty got everybody's eyes on it and to make things even more interesting RI hacked the level onto the servers leaving the map open for anyone brave enough to beat and people got right onto it recording some good runs here and there hoping to become the winner of Riot's race but players would soon realize just how much of a struggle this task would be and eventually drop it leaving the map to be forgotten just as it had been back in the day I mean I me just look at this could you blame them the word Tartarus is literally the ancient Greek term for hell and its gameplay was true to that but as we've seen from the heroes of our story anything is possible with enough grit determination and a bit of luck anything is possible and as people's eyes were focused on the newly verified zodiac the player mosy would turn back to tardus and start grinding it despite the fact that he was dealing with RIS pains and a part-time job he quickly make fast progress on the level soon getting the world record run all eyes were on him nobody else was skilled enough or should I say courageous enough to take on the tardus Beast and seeing him make real good progress into 2019 was absolutely fascinating and in March he'd reach a new high of 91% though the fail St stung it was still a good sign mosy was just a couple clicks away from beating the Hardest Level ever created and like cyclic with cataclysm he was showing the entire world that it was possible that it could be beaten and though it was a very inspirational story it would also end up causing his downfall remember mosy didn't own tardus he wasn't the set verifier It Was a Race he just happened to be the only one running but now seeing how close he was getting to the Finish Line other players were stepping in and trying to catch up the player dolphy was fresh from clearing zodiac looking for a new challenge when he picked up tardus and he'd very quickly get a run of 55% in July but thankfully for mosy this would be the farthest he'd get and dolphy would soon get bored and pursue other projects leaving the track empty again he still had a good lead but the threats of another more skilled competitor swooping in and beating him must have been stuck at the back of his head as he was playing being off for the summer mosy would continue relentlessly grinding through Tartarus and I'd love to say that this was the moment where he finally kills off the level and wins the race but of course things are never that simple the nerves got to him you can tell in his voice just how demotivating this was and from this point he'd take a break from the level he could surely afford to being only a couple clicks away from the finish line but as Molly's break went from a weeks long one to a months long one other competitors were stepping in and dolphy would soon come back to lead the way in December he'd quickly record a 78% run then 91 he was doing what took mosy a couple of months and a couple of days and as you can imagine this was absolutely horrifying for him but dolphy would keep going getting farther and farther into the [Music] level no what the history doesn't repeat itself but it's sure as hell Rhymes and while muui never beat sonic wave after his fail and Noble boy took another couple of months on bloodlust dolphy would clear tardus just a few days after sneaking right ahead of mosy at the Finish Line players couldn't believe what had just happened there was no way this random rushian guy just raced the head of mosy who had stuck with this level for well over a year he had to be a hacker he just had to even though his recordings had clicks and everything looked fine players began digging up evidence to prove themselves right dolphy must be hiding something he never does live streams dolphy has the XO hack on his computer dolphy's clicks sound fake it's like there is sped up he must have recorded and hacked half speed and sped the footage back up though their evidence was questionable for reasons will get into everyone believed it dolphy was trying to prove his innocence but the language barrier didn't help at all to make matters even more complicated mosy himself would clear the level a month later and he was being considered the real verifier of Tartarus with robtop rating his version over dolphy's thankfully other English players stepped in to argue on dolphy's behalf disputing the evidence they brought up I mean if players look just a bit deeper beyond the loud eye-catching titles and thumbnails they'd realize the same thing too dolphy never streamed but n there did tons of other top players who weren't good in front of cameras he had the XO hack on his computer but that didn't mean he used it on Tartarus and about dolphy's click sounding sped up here's some footage of him playing with a hand cam doesn't look sped up does it dolphy's innocence was proved however mosy still had the official version of Tartarus on his account he had two choices either keep it there so he could soak in a bit of that extra fame or he could ask robtop to move the rated version to dolphy's account because you know he beat it first fair and square and in a true Act of sportsmanship he did just that the one who was most stung by dolphy's victory was the one who made things right in the end right and his team sure as hell succeeded in building the toughest level in the game while other players would soon trickle in and clear the map the thought of beating something harder than it wouldn't cross people's minds for a while tardus was seen as the Pinnacle of difficult ulty the last step ahead no reasonable person would even think of playing something harder than it but thankfully for the purposes of her story The Geometry Dash Community was filled with unreasonable people and I mean that in the nicest way possible weeks turned into months and months turned into a year and people were just edging to knock tardus off especially because by this point the FPS bypass was finally allowed for competitive play and you could crank it it up all the way to 360 a pro team of creators remade and super buffed the infamous sonic wave and when the top player XY got his hands on the level now CAU sonic wave Infinity people were ready to see tardus go down his progress was steady with them heading good Milestones every few weeks alongside this map Dill stick was making his way through another top level named abyss of darkness making two maps gunning for the top spot I was around back then and seeing these players fight through these beastly levels was so inspiring even though I wasn't the one playing I could just feel the effort they were putting in to make the next big jump in difficulty and in May zy got close like real real close what what no okay I know this is the third time I've shown them a fewe clip but it's just so funny seeing how things like this repeat over time even though you can just feel the pain they were both going through thankfully Zan pushed through the crazy demotivation and relentlessly fought through sonic wave Infinity I ter fighting oh my God I just ter fighting oh my God oh my God so tardus was overthrown right well not quite it was expected to place number one and zy said it was number one but when Pros got their hands on it they said it was actually number three a huge disappointment dethroning tardus would be a lot harder than we thought but hey at least we got a new RGB on the top of the demon list and this time it was actually in the right order such Perfection with sonic wave Infinity failing attention shifted to ultra kua's Arcturus and trix's Firework both were top levels aiming to knock out Tartarus and both were on the brink of being verified whoever beat their level first would be cemented in Geometry Dash history as the Slayer of Tartarus the stakes couldn't get any higher meanwhile RI and his team were back cooking up another level tardus was thought to be his last project in the game but riots had another map up his sleeve acaron the sequel to the level that started this entire Journey but from the looks of it it wasn't above tartaris difficulty maybe somewhere in the top 10 though this wouldn't be the last we'd hear of it Ultra Kua took down arthurus and so tardus was surely overthrown this time right ah if only things are that simple robtop refused to rate it even though Ultra Kua put his blood and sweat into verifying the level the map's quality was questionable it was far too short not even a minute long the decoration was well you can have your own opinion on that and it didn't use an approved song from within Geometry Dash you had to poke around in the game files and manually add it in yourself and so without Rob tops approval It joined sonic wave Infinity in the list of failed Tartarus Killers to make things even worse Dill stick would get a crushing 98% fail on abys of Darkness twice after pouring tens of thousands of attempts for this moment the fails just hurt and he dropped it out of frustration a third level joined the list of failed top ones dethroning tardus seemed like an inhuman task but thankfully there was an inhuman player just waiting for his time to shine in October a new level aiming for the top Spa took everybody's attention slaughterhouse it's ridiculous wave gameplay fit the map's crude name that's that's impossible it wasn't just harder than Tartarus it was a wide jump ahead and the level was given to a secret Elite group of players to verify one of them being the now Infamous space UK why do I say Infamous well just a week after it was given to him I can't react otherwise I'm going to cough so much he beat it in just a week he breeed through slaughterhouse without breaking a sweat a level that was clearly leaps ahead of tardus we've seen many of the greatest players that ever touch this game try and fail to take that number one spot with grinds that at least lasted a couple of months but here was space UK who cleared the new hardest level in the game in literally a couple of days you're smart you know what he did he did what many others have done in Geometry Das history when I said he was inhuman I literally meant inhuman the difficulty ceiling was raised but not in a good way and unfortunately nobody would catch on to what he was doing for a long long time trick would follow up space you K slaughterous by beating firework a few days later and because robtop is robtop he didn't just rate those two levels but Arcturus too all at the same time the community went into a frenzy trying to determine which of the levels was the hardest and this is where Geometry Dash history gets real complicated the demon list isn't perfect it'll never be its placements aren't objective they're based on the opinions of the people who have played the levels and you can probably see where issues can arise if you have cheaters in the mix that space UK guy was looked upon as the most skilled most popular player in the game his take on a level mattered look at the tragic case of varium who beat the map hard machine ages before space UK even touched slaughterhouse even though the grind was absolutely brutal and the level was way harder than tardus space UK said that it wasn't and whatever space said was heard he probably didn't even play the damn level so of course of course slaughterhouse ended up on top followed closely by firework though it would soon be challenged up there remember Aaron ride sequel to Tartarus well like its Big Brother the level was made open for anyone brave enough to beat sparking yet another race in the community and when the player zo got his hands on it he made the challenge even more challenging buffing it everywhere once my key here another one there it soon became a slaughterhouse killer as well as a mental health killer you know it's fun to sit back on a comfy chair maybe grab a little snack and listen to the stories of geometry Dash's Legends but it's easy to forget the absolute mental torture that comes to playing this game at the elite level literally everybody who's played on zo's version of acuron Absolut absolutely hated it including himself which goes to show just how much players will sacrifice to see how far this game can go ion i d Aon what what space UK already the king of the game sat back and agreed that acaron was harder than slauer house until literally a few days later when he switched up and said it wasn't and well you already know how powerful his opinion was it just bugs me you know the same thing with happened to a whole list of other levels brutal challenges harder than slaughterhouse that were cleared after stupidly long grinds but who' all end up below space UK's prized achievement it's interesting to see that after space UK was exposed months later all of these levels would creep up above slaughterhouse on the demon list which makes me think that maybe he was downplaying their difficulty to make sure his level and his name were on top thankfully because everybody else thought Aur was number one it eventually became number one good job on verifying the top demon Zink you want to see me do it again wait what I just beat a verus right now you beat another top level amazing yeah you want to see me do it again what the fu I me oh my God oh my God as you can see zoink was an absolute monster he was like space UK but actually legit and not only did he take down slaughter house he buried it we've spoken about the greatest players this game has ever seen Riot Sonic knobble boy but never have we had someone as dominant as him and the crazy thing is other top players aren't that far behind in a skill and with how fast the competitive Community is growing I can't help but wonder when will we reach the human limit with people like zoink eating list demons for breakfast there will be a time in the future where levels like T [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: FreshLakeWater
Views: 906,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, extreme demon, sonic wave, silent clubstep, top 1, hardest level, impossible demon, sakupen circles, hardest demon, geometry dash 2.2, hardest demons, abyss of darkness, sonic wave unlimited coin
Id: EilL1lE6Opo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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