I Made a Geometry Dash Randomizer

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HavikDarkForest 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey you are you tired of the same old boring and comprehensible geometry dash experience uh not really do you ever wish that the weekly demons could be even harder to sight read what no why would i have you ever wanted to make recent levels even worse what the heck are you even trying to while introducing the brand new geometry dash texter randomizer this program takes all of the textures in the game and completely shuffles them wait is that the practice mode button in the corner so you can finally play geometry dash the way it definitely wasn't meant to be played okay so basically i've been pretty bored over the past few days and what do i do when i'm bored i write really stupid programs that's what so i put together this little program that randomizes all the geometry dash textures and when i say all of them i mean all of them it shuffles everything from menu buttons to portals to objects to backgrounds i mean even the icons are randomized i'm quite proud of how it turned out but at the same time there's just something so uncomfortable about playing the game while all these familiar texters are in places where they definitely shouldn't be you can download the program for yourself with the link in the description but as of right now it only works on windows so in this video i'm going to try to play geometry dash normally while everything is out of place but before we get to that here's a more in-depth explanation of how the randomizer actually works can we get some nerdy music please [Music] what no literally anything but that yeah i can work with this most of geometry dash's textures are stored in sprite sheets which look like this each of these sprite sheets are accompanied by a dot plist file which contains the name and location of every single sprite for example let's have a look at the play button in gj game sheet 3 by reading the first part of the text direct property we can find that the sprite is located at x 672 and y 1696 the second half tells us that the sprite size is 418 by 418 pixels here's the thing if we were to change the name of the sprite to say the editor button the game would now think that the sprite at that position is well the editor button and you can quickly see this by opening the game so what my program essentially does is take the names of every single sprite in the dot plist file and rearrange them however it also takes note of the size of the object so that the textures will always be swapped with one that's a similar size some sprites like icons and glows have multiple parts to them so i also coded some extra exceptions to make sure that they're always matched up correctly finally the game also has a few textures that don't use spreadsheets but those can easily be randomized by just shuffling the file names so now that we know how the randomizer works let's see just how cursed it manages to make geometry dash alright so i just used the randomizer before recording which means that it generated a brand new pack which i haven't seen before and right off the bat i think you can notice that things ain't right i'm not even sure what half of this is supposed to be the x button in the corner is just a corner and the icon kit is now the practice mode button uh i've been given this weird icon the whole list of icons have been shuffled and the colors are just barely visible why is what is the mod the moderator button is spiders these are the death effects i think you could you could see how crazy this gets the word ice shards has been replaced with the word build every single time i use this program it's just something different if we go over to the shop you will oh my god oh my god what the hell happened to the shopkeeper he's selling some pretty good icons though he's selling the meltdown one he's selling the mushroom icon some pretty good stuff he's selling partitions icon i didn't know it was so hard to get um also now the currency is apparently down arrows if we go over to the settings menu all the buttons are now in this nice shade of pink and the actual options uh the check boxes are now x's and the like button if we go over to the editor oh god everything is just shuffled i don't even remember what these buttons are supposed to be although i think gauntlets is in the right place is this gauntlets yeah this is definitely gauntlets although i don't think this is the fire lit and i'm pretty sure i have the ice gauntlet on what the why is it download symbols if we head on over to the vault uh things are fairly similar here what about the treasure room the chests are different that's about it if we go to the shop oh my god scratch is just as cursed and what about pop boar it's just oh it's my icon i need to get that right away and i found my ship i already bought my ship nice let me just equip that real quick i wonder what icon this actually is i guess i'll check later it's actually nice most of my icons are here they're just in the wrong spots i tend to pick icons based on how good they look not how good of an achievement they are i think all my icons are here that's nice all right so let's try out some levels with this mess stereo madness is rated help i feel that polar geist is just a circle base after base is normal fair enough jumper and time machine are just locked x-step is a plus and and the demon levels are copy nice i guess it makes sense so we'll just start things off with stereo madness so the background and the grounds are different uh i'm i'm not even sure what to say about this these slabs are i'm not even sure what those are the spikes are literally just white squares what i don't even know what anything is everything is shuffled but at the same time they're all like real blocks in the game so it's not just like corrupted very nice portal it's funny because i'm using my regular icons but as soon as i turn off the texture pack i'm probably gonna realize that i'm using like the ugliest set ever trying to think of what like everything is so the cube portal is like half mini i don't think that secret coin was right at all i should probably play the newer levels just because they have a bigger variety of blocks and oh my it's just ridiculous let's move on to uh let's try x step it has a couple more blocks but not like an overwhelming amount and what the hell did i just get into so the ball portal is now kind of the wave the portals are just totally broken because they're stored in like two separate images and you're supposed to mix them together i wonder what the blue pads are gonna be oh they're just yellow ones that's not gonna confuse me at all i mean they give off the particles correctly i i don't think i can change that but still it just looks wrong this just looks so wrong okay i hate this so much there's a rule in the geometry dash editor and it's never use the rainbow block i think it's just been completely broken i don't like it at all next level what does electroman adventures look like more rainbow block lovely except this time it pulses blue and green i think the only real way to beat levels with this randomizer is to just memorize the layout of the level because you can't trust anything that you see [Music] what what are you even supposed to do i don't even remember how that part goes it's probably obvious but i just can't see it alright we're gonna do one or two more official levels and then move on to some other stuff and i think club step is a fan favorite and oh my god that club step monster is going to give me nightmares like what happened how badly did it get messed up oh my god look at these club step monsters this is like this is like the lost locked of club step this part is not going to go well at all oh my god it's it's just a mess so since the spikes are just white squares i think that means that i should probably try my best to just avoid anything that's white and has four sides i don't know what the invisible spikes are gonna look like though like there's so much rainbow block it's kind of disgusting also the yellow and blue jump pads being swapped is totally messing with my brain oh how do you even do this what what isn't isn't a spike good progress other than that okay forget i said anything finally let's have a look at the most recent and most detailed level of them all finger dash and i better get used to it because this is what most of the featured levels are going to look like can i understand what's going on kinda i just have to follow the parts that glow or just rely on muscle memory what the what was that i don't even have a word to describe how crazy this is i just went through a robot portal and now i'm the spider but i think that's to be expected at this point [Music] there's a floating keyhole there for no reason and i totally forgot that was a robot portal because i'm dumb so tell you what let's try some demon levels because i think that's what everybody wants to see the nightmare kind of sucks hmm i think death moon's gonna be a good one to start i don't have the song downloaded but now i do it's been like years since i hold up hold up stop go back go back why is there a follow player y trigger there is is that the speed portal i think that might be the speed portal it's been like forever since i played this level so so sorry if i'm terrible i think the last time i touched it was like two years ago i wish there was like a pattern i could follow here but i don't even remember the original level so i don't know what can and can't kill me i'm just like trying not to run into everything i i just can't nope next next level we'll play is uh let's try super sonic it's rated n a so it can't possibly be that hard uh now it's rated door i've played a little bit of this level not like that far this wave part is just sketchy but you can kind of understand what's going on i like how the name at the start is just like moon runes now so for the wave part i can just touch anything that isn't white fair enough and whatever is coming ahead that is most certainly going to be the death of me let's find out yeah i i don't think that's happening dog it looks like a recent level i mean i can try but it's just blindly jumping hey i made it far it banned some trophies on my screen so i'm not that terrible let's try practice mode so a lot like death moon this is a level that i haven't actually played since like 1.9 so i don't know it too well i'm not really sure how i'm gonna get past this though although you can kind of see the saw blades if you look carefully so how would i do this up up down down down can you go through that all right definitely making progress here am i even going the right way i think you go down there this is just a maze i'm not sure what saw blades do and don't kill you here hold up i i need i need to stop and look at a guide for this so go down then up then you fall there then you stay fairly straight and end down i think i got it but i probably don't i don't know it didn't really make it any easier okay so that gravity portal is a troll even though it looks like a teleport portal there you just go up i think you stay down here nope oh little more oh we're free we are free oh my god that is just brutal i don't think i'm getting any further though like what how are you supposed to play any level with this pack decode seems like it could be pretty fun so i suppose we'll try that next but first i want to spice things up so let's shuffle the textures again now isn't that just beautiful we now click every play to delete levels too soon let's see how it goes oh no my icons changed again so this part is just pure nightmare fuel although i think i have it i want to see if i could at least get to the uh second cube good good bad this is so weird i hate my wave 2 and i can't even see what blocks you can touch there now one thing i do want to try is levels that heavily revolve on visuals and by that i mean the game levels in other words we're gonna see what happens when you try to play master game but all the textures oh my god i see part of the touch trigger the penguins look like they're dead this is a creepy pasta now i don't know about you but this looks totally correct i don't see anything wrong here it's not like i'm playing master game.exe or anything welcome to master game this is uh it looks like a dungeon it's so weird how different it looks i think those were spikes if i remember enough about the level this is so creepy i mean even though it's like corrupted now this will always be probably one of the most innovative geometry dash levels and uh what is going on in the corner this level is just falling apart everyone just looks like they're dead the controls are actually pretty smooth for only two buttons i think we go this way oh look we can even see the secret because it's not covered up correctly it's down here i think yes i gotta say it's quite the blizzard going on i don't think the snow is supposed to be that strong i can't even tell what direction i'm pointing in oh what am i taking damage whoops i can still see the background though so if we click on map packs we can play the daily level which is rated settings icon there's a game center button next to it and i'm not even sure what new is oh it's leaderboards and yikes all right let's try this could be neat i mean i don't even know how this are those was that the word rotate i don't know how this level looks normally so i'm just going in completely blind that's probably not a good idea i actually don't see a way to progress in this you can kind of make out the blocks you're supposed to stand on but like it blends in too much with the background is that like is that a spike is that a platform i i see you go up here okay so that was actually just a decoration not even a spike somehow i'm surviving i don't even want to know what i just saw there all right here's an idea let's see just how bad recent levels become when all the textures are completely shuffled uh let's play rage out what could possibly go wrong there are those spikes the spikes are right triangles now that's pretty funny i wonder what all this actually is i might have to go back and play the level without the texture pack just to see oh is it like an edited version of dry out i think it's just like a copied version of dry out but it's like edited to make you rage that is just weird this one's called kinetic dragon could be neat who knows [Music] i i don't like what i'm seeing here i'm gonna be honest i'm not even sure what i'm [Music] that that's an orb i'm kind of getting the hang of this i'm not sure what those are i think they're spikes considering they just killed me what if this is actually like a super decorated level but the texture pack just makes it terrible [Music] who knows don't know about this one though so this is a triple spike and these are just spikes fairly straightforward what portal is that that's a ufo portal okay so this is ufo i'm not sure if these walls will kill me or not but i'm gonna be careful either way okay nope well let's pretend that never happened and how about we just try using the editor we can make a fun little level and then we can switch back to the normal game and see how it looks okay so i found the default block we'll just start with a little bit of this what button how do i delete okay this is the edit button this is delete i haven't actually used much steam editor so i don't know many of the hotkeys do we have any actual decent looking spikes to work with i guess we can just okay that's not particularly pretty how about saw blades okay so the saw blade stayed again it's only paired with uh objects that are similar size oh here's a kind of a spike i'm not even sure what that's supposed to be i really like the uh edit menu you just have this random assortment of textures the mod button is here does that mean that wait what does it do oh it just moves it down i thought it would actually give me mod [Music] [Music] all right i hope you guys are ready for the greatest disgusting level ever hold on what background should we use uh let's use insane demon background with door as ground all right let's do it okay wait i think we have some minor issues on our hands here the default block is you go through it and these are actually slopes those are spikes uh and the editor button is just the play button let's go back and fix this although to fit the theme in the level we'll make the helper blocks invisible now which one is the alpha trigger could we get lucky is this the alpha trigger that is the pickup trigger this is the top well the toggle trigger trigger's actually the toggle trigger the animate trigger yes the animate trigger is alpha all right i fixed it up let's see how it looks hopefully it's beatable now oh wait how are you even supposed to get past this okay now it should be beatable okay this did not turn out how i exp how i expected it to this is just weird nice level 10 out of 10. all right let's see how it looks without the texture pack now is it feature worthy you can kind of understand what's going on uh wait that black orb was literally just the black orb i tried to place turned out to just be a slope okay so these blocks are just weird and that was actually a user coin that i placed also my icon set was actually this doesn't look half bad but not my ideal icon choice so i think that's gonna be it for this silly little video if you want to try the uh program out for yourself the link is in the description i don't know maybe you can make some videos with this hack it'd be interesting to see how other people use it if you enjoyed this video make sure to drop a like drop a subscribe do all that stuff and uh yeah thanks for watching don't forget to charge your toothbrush later nerds [Music] you
Channel: GD Colon
Views: 2,937,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gdcolon, gd colon, geometry dash, geometry dash randomizer, gd randomizer, gd texture pack, geometry dash glitch, gd texture randomizer, geometry dash but i made the game really ugly by randomizing all the textures in the game files
Id: h2WygHkAyT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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