6 White People vs 1 Secret Black Person

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today on beta squad these are  white people and we're black   today we're taking on 30 white people  and we're going to try and convince   them that we're white as well this is  beta squad 6v1 shout out to jubilee yeah   the groups will get blindfolded and if they  discover us to be liars they win however if   we survive all the way to the end we win let's  see who's the greatest imposter in beta squad   and the first stop is sharkey all right so it's my  turn and i'm gonna be myself except from the fact   that i'm going to shorten my name from shimaki  to mark let's see how this goes all right now   it's sharky's turn whoa that's boris johnson on  the second from right yeah no no you shouldn't   be inside here because you know what i actually  had shops was lockdown primed up now so in three   two one the time starts now i've got a question  for this lovely voice next to me number four   whoa i like her voice she sounds eloquentious  she's seductive that's margaret thatcher's horse are you well known no what kind of work do  you do mostly extra so what's everyone's name   i'm number one by the way sharky sounds  black my name's mark i'm also an extra   hey mark hey yeah i'm number two i'm lee  i'm also an actor which is a euphemism for   not doing very much hey what have you frozen me  why are you this is too young my name is leon   i'm number three smok is undercover right now  my name is lucas number four i mostly work like   extra and sometimes i do some muddling you don't  do modern modelling is mental crazy long time he's a thai model i'm pauline i'm number five  um i sort of feel that i'm on an audition for   50 shades of grey with his mask on for the oap  version obviously i also work as an extra and   this is really surreal actually not being able  to see she's the goat a bit of respect going   out to people that really have this problem  all the time so i'm simon i'm number six   uh i live in central london and i've started  doing some work as an extra and a voiceover   i'm number seven my name is arthur i'm from latvia  originally i'm also part-time actor hello actors   so number two are you the imposter yes oh done  we got him are you lying uh well that's for you   to determine what would be your strategy for  determining whether i really am the imposter number five do you travel uh  well mostly all over the uk   but i have been known to go abroad quite a bit and time's up i actually got over there  number one who do you think the imposter is   i want to say number two because he said yes i  think number one because i think he's bluffing   number two yes he said i think it's number  seven yeah i think number seven is yeah let's   get away from about i think it's number  five i think it's number five pauline   he picks paulie from jamaica all the votes have  been counted up and we have a three-way tie i'm   now going to give you guys each 20 seconds  to plead your case onto why you are not the   imposter if if i was the imposter then i would be  a little bit more subtle and try to re-direct it i also now think that the imposter  is actually number five wake up   i am not the imposter i'm an extra like some  of you have also said that you do today why   she hold her mama's hand how'd it go now  she's trying to put her white brain waves   into another white person mental well i don't  understand why people think i'm one of them   hey what's wrong with being one of us man  i said one of them time is up guys who do   you think's about personally i don't know  i think it's the last one i want to stick   with number two i'm gonna change my vote  to number five number seven hundred percent number five oh we got rid of paw paw ah  we have voted contestant number five ah   with contestant number five please take off your  mask without saying a word and have a looking arm oh she wanted you see she had i can now reveal to you guys that the imposter  is still there oh yeah come on bring it home baby   you will have another two minutes on the  clock to ask each other questions to find out   who the imposter is and your time starts now go  sharkey last night let's go sharky it's number one number two you've said you've done extras uh what  kind of work have you done lately i didn't say   i've done extras i just said i'm an actor are we  not very busy uh okay then to change the question the last film i worked on was called dark  and true what kind of role did you play   a very psychotic person who went around killing  people in the dark is that much different from you   in your life i've tried to bring a little bit  of myself to my roles yeah mental so you're   psychotic then you're basically saying i like to  kill people and i have a question for number seven   what's your the most favorite food i don't  have one actually you know how do you have   favorite food time is up okay come on mark i'm  gonna go number seven definitely number seven   number one are you bastard  number seven hundred percent number seven get out yeah that's what we  like white and white crime so number seven   could you please take off your  mask without revealing a word and look around that meant you black santa so guys i can reveal that  the imposter is still here ah   there we go time is now being shortened to one  minute what kind of music do you like number   six oh i like ed sheeran what do you like  number one ah i like a bit of everything i   like a bit of kanye west a bit of drake he's  not his husband yeah you're you're black are   you number two i also sometimes work in a night  club so i've kind of been forced to like hip hop   they forced me like yeah the new like twerking  stuff well whatever it is i wouldn't i wouldn't   know what it is i'll just they just say dance  to that and i'd do it oh man he's got there's   something weird about him they've come in  our lands and forced us to like their music   i'm happy to listen for example classical  music trying to god by toving that's my   favorite i have a question for number two are  you tall no i'm i'm average for my demographics uh approximately five for ten and  number one how tall are you i'm i'm   five foot so i'd say about five four okay   he sounds taller he sounds way taller i'll  project my voice oh my god what the [ __ ]   why did you do that because when i hit agency  from the ground it's literally from underground   yeah yeah underground seven feet underground maybe  we described something he ruined it he said maybe   we discovered something no we're now going to go  into the boating oh that was a stink he's burning contestant oh okay please boris boris boris no i think it's  number go to one don't go to one uh number one oh that was our best chance contestant  number one please take off your mask and with contestant number two three  four and six also take off your mask good job guys was it a five  four well that was that that   was for me that was just for me yeah  so close almost why did you say a 5'4 honestly it was it was a height thing the dude  was literally right next to me so that was a damn   good question damon's doing so well got to round  three and i had to just lie about my height see   you guys don't ever lie about your height never  works wait before we move on guys make sure you   click that subscribe button we're trying to get  to 2.5 million subs asap hit the like button too   please we would appreciate that it kind of helps  our videos thank you what's good guys it's nico   unlike the other guys i am the only mixed  race person so today i'm going to take my 50   white and turn it into 100 white  and disguise myself and trick   every single one of them can't wait the  first round begins and your time starts   now what's everyone's names my name's  bradley i'm from brixton what is that shocked number seven my name is omar i'm  number five i'm called sophie my name's   beau and i'm number four i'm number three  my name is michael number two my name's   luke i'm number one my name's james i've got  a question this is just a black person right   yeah i've never met a white person called omar  number seven where were you born in epsom sorry   and time is up guys i think he's i think  he's wary of nicodemus honestly he's oh five is gone for nico number four concession  number four has been selected as the imposter   so with contestant number four please  reveal your mask without saying a word   and look around i can reveal to you  that number four was not the imposter   so the imposter still remains amongst you so  you're gonna have another two minutes on the clock   your time starts now so number five if you used  to go on a holiday would you go jamaica or spain   um probably jamaica why otter you got family  there yeah i do actually what about you omar   where would i go on holiday ghana yeah i don't  mind going on that'd be quite good oh yeah   it's like why people can't go through these  places james what's your favorite film star   leonardo dicaprio who's your favorite black  actor number five um probably will smith what's your favorite type of music hip-hop  drill drill why is that funny who's laughing   it's so bait number two number  two and time's up oh number two is i think it's clearly seven seven number one  he's not changing his mind seven number one rodney when bradley finds out he's a vote for  nico the whole time it's going to be hilarious   we think he's two he's been quite quiet the  contestant selected is contestant number seven   but number seven please unveil his mask  and have a look do not make any sounds   i can officially reveal to you that the impostor  is still there so number three is on to nickel   he knows it's nico so you now have one minute to  figure out who the imposter is your time starts   now number five you said that you've got jamaican  blood you have any jamaican in your like skin tone   like what would you say are you like a white  or are you more like a like a dark brown tone   probably more like an olive tone  that don't sound white to me   number one what do you do for a living well right  acting always that is always you wanted to have   you extra well yeah i would have liked to be more  of a successful actor okay what about you what   do you do for a living you ask a lot of questions  number three i'm a scaffolder but you're here on a   set for filming i've been off work for six  weeks so why have you been off work i was   sick what was the sickness i was involved  in the altercation i was helping someone   out who was it got injured two old ladies too  old late sounds very realistic number three   so number one what's your type favorite type  of jerk chicken i've never had junk chicken   and time is up there there's not a parent  what's that i call that bradley's goat looks like about to order the meanest  fish and chips i must say five number two   five number three stick with one about two and  number six number five i can now reveal that   number five has been selected so with number five  oh my god how's nickel finessing unveil your mask   and please have a look around without saying a  word he's doing well so far yeah doing it you   know what what's he doing no what's bradley clocks  that that thing is what's the thing is he's going   to vote for him yeah he's been voted for he's  going to realize that it wasn't wrong and then   he's back number three is already on nicole so  he's [ __ ] the imposter is still in there at this   point the game's gone gonna be really hard for niko to come back from this you know he's done he's done   there's no way he can come back from this with a  minute on the clock your time starts now number   one what made you want to get into acting is your  family enacting or was it something you've always   wanted to do just a passion from young i enjoyed  drama in school okay who was your hero's detective   denzel washington anymore is it just what's  your favorite dicaprio my favorite movie titanic i don't know boys wait so number  three you've been very offensive   friendship i mean very aggressive  in your like tactics today   okay and it's very strange because you said  that you were helping out old ladies as well it's not really adding up what would you like to  know what's your favorite black movie number three   black movie well i don't judge it like that so i  don't know where do you judge it from three well   there's one watch it and enjoy i feel like you've  been controlling this game number three i'd agree   with you number one actually oh thank you sorry  was your name again michael no i was asking   bradley from brixton number one what was your  favorite black and white movie my favorite   black and white that was that was before my time  yeah nicole has to take out this number three he   has to otherwise he's done yeah if he doesn't  if he takes that three he's one i'm gonna go   with number three yes two uh number one oh  this changed contestant number three number one   i actually think it's number three now it's 2-2  such a stupid vote number two contestant number   one and contestant number three will now have 20  seconds to plea their case onto why they are not   the imposter i've got nothing against black people  but i am not black i feel like number three has   been very um dominant in this game and i feel like  that's because he's just been trying to have his   way with all of us and once they come i do iris  dancing i don't know what to say there's black   people who do irish dancing i'm just white as  they come well you know i don't even turn i go red uh six who are you going to pick i actually  think it's number three number three then why is two just following stuff  well contestant number three   please unveil his mask without saying a word he's gone that's him definitely no bradley's  hilarious idiot he's gone from the start i can   reveal to you that the imposter is still amongst  you no i'm not adding that no it can't be it can't   be oh no wait he's lying sure if i had to have  a blindfold right now ah i'd slap one of you   guys i'm not having it this is our last round  to unveil the imposter you now have one minute   to find the imposter and your time starts now  does your football team number one a man united   why is that there's no reason anymore because  we're not good anymore number two uh i don't   support football why don't you watch football  in your country is that football no i just don't   follow it how tall are you number one i'm actually  six foot four how tall are you i'm actually five   foot six five foot six five eight all right in  terms of nationality what's everyone's full on   nationality is everyone just english here like  me completely english half english half jamaican as this is the final round you will all have  20 seconds to plead your case we'll start with   number six please your case onto why you are not  the imposter i am not the imposter because i'm i'm   a jamaican guy that lives in london what the hell  was just happening i love the film call runnings uh i'm not the imposter you already know me from  everything i've said i'm incredibly white what   what sometimes i thirty thirty i was forty  oh you must be significantly whiter than me   uh no but that's all you need really isn't it  i'm james i'm a white man who just wants to help   us win this grew up in stafford nothing  else to it really contestant number one   who's hoping you aren't going to come be  impostor you can't say you're from jamaica   and me not vote for you i feel like that was  reverse psychology you got character bradley   thanks james i'm gonna go for you know what  who do i go for do the right thing james okay   i'm gonna vote for number two uh i'm gonna vote  for number one oh so bradley bradley's on you now   this is not easy at all there's a lot of mixed   things being said there that and a lot  of emotion got into that as well but i actually believe it's number two actually  it's number one what please that's not me man   any man who says man like that and  the way that he's just said that   is number one oh no he's going  to find a hurdle with number also unveil your mast and have a look around what's up oh my god oh my god i don't know  why i wouldn't why don't vote for you oh i was just so sure six was white so for me like  the way the guys spoke and then obviously see him   straight away i've recently filmed on a another  one similar to this so we filmed that months ago   and i didn't really recognize nico's voice  so when i saw him again it made me realize   that was him well i got to  the final round just to flop   i'm absolutely devastated at  least we got to see bradley again no i saw his face i was just worried  he was going to wreck it out there yeah   the moment i was got undercover i was like okay  yeah i think i'm fine now oh you're making them   like chicken just that's a changer no i love  chuck chicken obviously yeah yeah obviously i'm   from jamaica but yeah i'm from everywhere france  listen play that trailer at the end of the video
Channel: Beta Squad
Views: 10,745,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beta squad, 6v1, 6 White People vs 1 Secret Black Person, beta squad 6v1, guess the black person, guess the white person, beta squad guess, beta squad guess who, jubilee, niko omilana, aj shabeel, chunkz, kingkennytv, sharky, odd man out
Id: ELYyCw6Ywr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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