6 Old People vs 1 Secret Young Person

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today on beta squad these are old people and we're young we're going to take on 30 old people and try and persuade him that we're old ourselves this is beta squad 6v1 thank you jubilee for the video idea we nabbed you [Laughter] that's not funny the groups will get blindfolded and if they discover us to be liars they win however if we survive all the way to the end we win let's see who's the greatest imposter in beta squad first up is sharky i'm going to be playing mark again and it's gonna be easy you have nothing to worry about because i am already the oldest member of the beta squad so i have no doubt i'm gonna go pretty far three two one can i ask number two a question what children's television programs did you used to watch when you were young um i watched quite a few growing up uh there was one called sharky and george i wish that my my teenage years i don't wanna introduce themselves number one i'm number one name number one okay it's the most fun she's had in a long time can i ask number seven a question oh she's just controlling the whole thing i'm not a number i'm a name oh you're a name do you want to tell me your name now [Laughter] okay can i still ask you a question you can ask me a question do you know who is prime minister when you were born uh no number four who is your favourite uh recording artist or pop group of various tastes around you from stones to george ezra to um ellie goulding ellie golden ellie golden he's with the thousands number three what was the name of the queen elizabeth's father oh i couldn't tell you george his name is george is his name actually george i think so no it's goodness can i ask how old everyone is starting from number one lady never gives her age okay number three oh no does anyone want to tell us how old they are i'm 20. [Music] number two number seven go number two all right number two number seven number two they've heard about [Laughter] [Music] and then can i also get everyone else to take off their masks that was quick what you got to do with me what was it that first question about the tv pro i don't know it's a program i've heard of it's the oldest one i could think of but it was it wasn't much older than me oh god there you go shark is already out that panel is a combined age of seven bills things and got grandchildren that watch the tv as well what was the clothing that he said sharpening [Applause] i don't even know how i went out in the first round i'm legit the oldest member of the beta squad next up we have aj my name is joseph i was 78. actually one thousand okay yeah this is bad um i bombed last time i'll probably bob again it's a long day and your time starts in three two one i think it's gonna go in the second round first round number one yes do you know the definition of remixes not particularly no why remixing what a weird question number four where are you from hungary hungry very hungry very hungry wait what's going on in this one i am i'm joking everyone's tweaking this everyone see now and aj again not speaking that's the goal number two your favorite football team my favorite football team is in tamil whoa whoa italian a real international group you've got here in it what's the difference between pesto and pasta no aj where's evelyn speaking aj wait another video where the youtubers speak are you still taking viagra why are you just coughing man is he going to cough the whole round okay that's time on the first round well the round is over there's anything he didn't say and aj was the youtuber in that round if you didn't know oh no aj is the best at this game number one could you please tell me who you believe the imposter is i think the one with the american accent you can't go out because they don't stand up for they don't even know he's dead number two please tell me who you believe the imposter is number five number three number seven because i didn't hear anything from them i think it's number three number five could you please tell me who you believe the imposter is number three number seven number seven uh the the woman the woman there's two there's two women the one in front of me wait one lord yeah and the is straight looking really straight he's confused before going okay oh number one and the person with the most votes in round one is number three and three you can now take off your blindfold [Music] [Music] [Laughter] i can now reveal that the imposter is still with us okay time starts in three two one aj speak man come on number two you said you took viagra yeah this morning i think migrant number five what do you what is your favorite hobby um i read that's the girl i like watching football oh okay world cup is coming with this high shoulder hand time good round for aj number one can you tell us who you think the imposter might be um i think it's a young lady number six number six right i still think that it is number five yes yes yes hey i think it's number six number five you tell us who you believe the imposter is please number six and number six number three there is no number three yeah i'll go for six okay the person with the most votes in that round is number six there is no number three we'll take it because i don't want to see him go through now take off your blindfold i get this high shoulder rat looking like off my screen right now [Laughter] aj is throwing everyone off i can now reveal that the impostor is still with us you know if he wins i'll punch the screen in three two one action number five can you tell me your football team oh yeah they're going to make him talk now let's support uh brighton name three players to fight aj please i also watch england when i can i can is he blind well i can have you guys still got hair [Laughter] yeah what kind of hair wait did you say what kind of hair head that's good mine is gone number one do you like dancing oh i absolutely love dancing i love it [Applause] why don't you always remember that number two are you saying get your number later oh it's moving mad hey mr viagra moved he's trying to use that viagra bro he's trying to see those hips in person numbers i guarantee he's getting hurt at this time okay number one can you tell us who you believe the impossible is i think it's sounds like number five that's right number one deadlock it's all down [Music] [Laughter] can you please take off your blindfold look around the room he did horrible and then can the rest of you please take off your blindfold hey we got him yay here's number five how's it going oh yes number one who was you most suspicious of throughout um i think it was number five because the voice he was a football fan so most young people go for football sounded like if number five was trying to to sound all there but but we didn't succeed all right i've got to the third round um yeah okay i'm bad at this this is the worst thing i'm at uh next up we have chunks my tactics pretty simple yeah i'm gonna act like a somali freshie now i'm from some island so it shouldn't be that hard and hopefully i can avoid them little questions like who's the prime minister in 90 i'm not trying to hear none of that yeah somali fresh tactic hopefully this works so your time starts in three two one can we start by getting everyone's names not bad what's he doing so number one my name is bick my name is jerry my name is abdullah sheet clary charlie denise terry nice to meet you all number three do you remember a red medical book i was born in somaliland in 19 uh first to china so i come to uk in 87. number five yes where do you live oh london what area oh westminster expensive [Laughter] number seven yes were you old enough to see the 1966 world cup final alive i played in it we've got a legend here number three do you remember teletubbies uh yes uh tipsy popo what's their name lala lala how old is uh number six 25. what the hell is going on why is everyone lying about the age number one please tell me who you believe the imposter is it's a female denise i think it's number five i agree five yeah five sounds good [Laughter] sounds good number four number one number one jax is clear he's got no hood he's clear no vote he's gone he's gone he smashed it he's through man i can now reveal that the person with the most votes is number five please take off your blindfold do not say a word and look around the room [Music] he's mastered like the old the elder somali man like voice yeah and your time starts in three two one number three do you have any grandchildren ha yes i have two ha number six do you remember tony blair as a prime minister who oh number two howdy [Laughter] number six do you have any great grandchildren well i'm only 25. get out get her out get around she's trying to stroll number three what's your favorite music uh i like r b also one but i like army number one i believe it's number six okay she has to go out because she's been playing all wrong number six six yeah number six number one number seven number one wow and the person with the most votes in that round is number six number six could you please take off your blindfold not say a word and look around the contest [Music] she messed up for herself now no this place starts to get flamed this is impressive if he survives this round he can go all the way you know okay guys i can now reveal that the imposter is still among us wow okay in three two one number four what is your favorite film shine on his head oh my god oh my god not much of a film person my favorite film is mean girls my my daughter loves it number three do you cycle recycle cycle cycle bicycle uh mountain bike no i'm uh uber driver number seven do you still work yes what's your job i'm a writer poet not a poet just a writer he's a footballer writer wow this guy could do everything number two would it be appropriate to say it mubarak to you sorry could you repeat that please would it be appropriate to say it mubarak to you he's asking if you're muslim oh uh not today no no not today maybe maybe tomorrow maybe yesterday and time i still think he's got this in the back who do you believe i believe it's number three yeah he did too much did too much then number two i think it's number three oh i did too much number three number one number four number two and number seven number one oh two two two so we have a tie break between number one and number three oh no this is going to be flames now i'm going to give you both 20 seconds to tell us why you are not the imposter and why you are actually an old person oh my gosh deadpool doesn't look better because it feels like a battery shootout let's i couldn't shoot our fellowship so we'll start with number one why are you not the imposter i've had a very varied and uh great life very interesting could write into a novel survived about three life instances well troubled very knowledgeable highly educated but the best of life so it's carrying on and every day is a bonus and i'm grateful fair play get out number three i am born first january 1965. i want to do more acting and more camera stuff so alhamdulillah i'm here today and i just want to inshallah you know get to the end of the game and see what happens um and my son he likes watching stuff brilliant stuff from that last piece of piece of information i'm going to go through every one again to see if anyone's vote has changed number one who do you believe is the imposter i believe number three number two number one number three number one number four number three number seven number one you can now take up your blindfold this guy said he lived a great life he's had a great time he's got knowledge he had a fulfilled life he said my son watches stuff the imposter is still among us in three two one number three do you have any great grandchildren no i don't number four how many covered vaccinations have you had not many is it more than two no have you had one less than one better with that stuff can i move to the right i won't catch anything off you there goodbye number three how long have you been married odd enough you know i i don't know i have two wives i'm allowed in my religion okay yeah that's crazy one's enough my brother has four [Laughter] coats and time number two uh number four uh i think it's number two why has he done that number four i think it's number three he messed up he could have doubled he could have gone to four seven number three he could have made it two two you don't know why [Applause] is number three number three i can take up your blindfold and look around the room you know what look he misses penalties he misses votes he misses everything i even miss his music and can the rest of you please take off your blindfold and look around lovely yeah i did i just thought i'd spread it and see what happened but i was suspicious of number three uh mainly because he didn't just ask answer the question he was giving out a lot of information to try and swerve this away you know so i i was going to go for him after this after this round so close yet so far chunks but unfortunately you didn't win but there's still two more people to go so let's play that trainer
Channel: Beta Squad
Views: 9,660,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beta squad, 6v1, beta squad 6v1, beta squad guess, beta squad guess who, jubilee, niko omilana, aj shabeel, chunkz, kingkennytv, sharky, odd man out, 6 Old People vs 1 Secret Young Person, Guess the old person, Guess the young person
Id: _AvPkCJ60VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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