6 Tall People vs 1 Secret Short Person

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today on beta Squad these are Toby and I'm sure so today I'm going to be taking on six tall people to try to convince them that I'm tall myself this is beta Squad 6v1 and uh thank you Jubilee for the idea we loved you that was actually cringe again it's a bit funny no the groups will get blindfolded and if they discover us to be Liars they win however if we survive all the way to the end we win let's see who's the greatest imposter in beta Squad however before I face these Giants we still have chunks and Kenny that haven't went yet these still have to face sure people next up we got out of here man your time starts number six how tall are you I'm five two five days toilet in a room that's five two number four yeah what car do you drive I drive for Mini Cooper I only just got it as well and I used to drive Suzuki Swift so number four isn't that bit tight for you no I'm five foot four I'm quite small number one what shoe size are you I'm a size three cute trying to move to her number seven yeah do you do any sports uh yeah I play football with my friends sometimes do you play sports me uh no I dance but that's it yeah that's nice yeah what type of dance uh ballet contemporary jazz oh cool yeah and if you guys get rid in school yeah yeah they used to say good things come in small packages exactly yeah yeah yeah okay number two what uh shoe size are you put it this way I find it very difficult to find my size do you shop kids I used to when I was younger of course what about now well just depends what I'm buying that's a bit sucks because I'm wearing age 12 to 13 trousers junior size white Air Forces good to go oh that's a bit basic though come on who's wearing white Air Forces okay that is time number one who do you think imposter is and number seven number two who do you think the Imposter is dancer is it number four number two please please please please okay yes he's still in number four who do you think the Imposter is I'm a tea yes who do you think the Imposter is number two [Music] who do you think the Imposter is number two number seven who do you think the Imposter is oh yeah number two yeah after that I can reveal that number two has the most votes and after three number two would you be able to lift up your blindfold and without saying a word take a look around one two three I can reveal that the Imposter is still among you um she knows she knows number seven what's your favorite shot there we go uh JD Sports what about you good old Primark goodnight Ox number five what's the most annoying thing about being short not being able to reach the top shelf number one you can definitely reach the top shelf can't you unfortunately no I need to sandal something what are you standing on it's a good question it's normally a kitchen chair in the supermarket where are you getting that from well otherwise I just have to get a person to kneel down and stand on them instead Oh my days you're making someone kneel down for you and doing a boom number three yes oh you're a guy yes number one they were Health all the time you've got to make you know you make myself look taller number six how tall are you we haven't discussed this number six me yeah I feel like you're asking a lot of questions I'm fine too I told you earlier or maybe you did what shoe size are you number three okay just checking tiny tiny I was lying she's five two she's taller yeah she's wearing heels she's wearing the heels they don't understand the concept of Hills he's going to start wearing heels after this that's a little life everybody seems to be a three I feel like there's something going on there someone's telling me that when I mean I can get away with a three and a half full but you can get away with a four but you're a three yeah once again I will ask you one by one who you think the Imposter is number one who do you think the impossible I still think number seven she's on two number three who do you think the Imposter is number four number six number five who do you think the Imposter is number four number four oh no oh my God oh my God please just want to say um I've always been bullied in school for my voice because it's like changes and uh you know I just feel that I've been in school again so um but I'm gonna vote for fall well I'm gonna go on that speech and with that number four has been voted out he wasn't even like he wasn't even up for eviction looking for him yeah he had one vote remove your blindfold and take a look around one two three without saying a word okay I'm just mind up for that lie hit the like with that I can reveal that the Imposter is still among you oh my God look at him what she knows I knew it guys I told you so your time starts now number three what shoe size are you six best shoe size mostly number seven is that really your voice yeah um so I was born like this um and I was just saying I used to get bullied in school but I feel like being on cameras is helping my confidence um because I was very self-conscious in school another one is like a general question to everybody is anybody lying I always tell the truth my mum told me don't be a liar okie dokie I love my mommy number seven did you give us your shoe size did you say no no knocks no no oh what is your shoe size uh two and a half two in child or adult size in adults you find it funny then yeah fair enough so I I told you I was bullied I'm used to this anyone ever fell down the stairs before when I was younger I did yeah it felt like I was skydiving let's get let's get it right this time this was his best round but it might be his biggest round as well so number one who do you think the Imposter is I'm number seven it's me number three who do you think the Imposter is number seven it was number six thank you number six who do you think the Imposter is number three book three go three double up and number seven who do you think the Imposter is number six I just think number one's the meaning should go for free with that we have two votes for number seven and two votes for number six so you'll now have 30 seconds each to try and convince everyone that you are not the Imposter yeah um I just said it before a bit happy to be here um set up my confidence and you know uh just happy to be for me I've done enough so you can vote me out if you want but I really have enjoyed this process and hopefully I'll be on camera more and hopefully uh you guys like me you know thank you so much I appreciate you guys this is not bad sympathy card I am genuinely not lying I'm literally like five two and I like to wear platform shoes because again I'm always bullied and once a guy told me he was like very tall and he's like he bend it down and he's like oh my God that's how you see the world and I'm like yeah and he's like this is so strange so definitely I am not lying I'm 5'2 crazy it's okay man I cried out she said that altitude number one who do you think the Imposter is number seven number seven [Music] five who do you think I've changed my mind number seven I hate you all and with that number seven you have the most votes so after three could I please get you to take off your mask take a look around without saying a word one two three and can I now get the rest of you to take off your mask and take a look around you've done a good job well done hopefully I'm just joking I was like you know what let me just try this I'm scared the voice kept ourselves thank you appreciate it guys [Music] [Applause] it is because I'm I was bugging us I wasn't even listening to the vote system I could hear his voice like coming from here and I was like No And I actually didn't think that it could have been lying or like sitting down or bending down I don't know Mr chunks got to round three which is actually not that bad but the question is guys who is next [Music] the champion the champion the champion the champion and I'll actually grow and finally not feel left out for the rest of the guys please your time starts now I'm totally number two [Music] number two how tall are you number seven how tall are you sorry number seven wait what the hell's going on sorry how tall is everyone starting from one five foot and half an inch number two I should tell you about your height yeah number three well five seven I'm suspicious I'm not guys honestly the audience I am five foot five feet please please listen to each other and see where the voice is coming is it coming from up or at all is number four let's hear from some other people I'm number four and I'm five foot four number five five six I'm five four regarding the height they could be sitting of course in a chair has seven said yeah I'm four foot ten [Music] seven what's your shoe size size four okay you're a dwarf yes well officially Google says I am a dwarf there's four ten fourth yeah I think so number one what's your height in centimeters I think it's like a 152. that's my wood haven't heard from number six can I hear from number six that was me you're speaking number six oh hi number six no I want to be number six now I'll tell you again number six five four well it might be five two I usually add in an extra two inches quite a big difference okay that is time up one by one I will ask you who you think the Imposter is one who do you think the Imposter is I think numbers six yes number two who do you imposter is number seven as you pull that one out he doesn't know what it is between six and seven I'll say six yeah foreign that was horror number seven who do you think the Imposter is six okay and with that um thank you they came for one right they're not winning I always feel bad for them but it's one run because they just came from one run number seven you have have the most votes can I get you to please lift up your mask take a look around without saying a word and can I get everyone else to lift up their masks and take a look around oh I knew it I'm so confused what gave it away so quick hesitation my friend so that's number seven yes be honest guys was it bait you said you're four foot ten that's mental you could do is you are you're on the same level as most people I know like five one to five two number two answer like three years yeah that's what I'm saying number two he just kept on saying seven for no reason he's a genius so do you think he played a good game or a bad game but he got me but he didn't get those to the others that's probably the worst performance in 6v1 history Kenny you have been fired from the base Squad AJ's up and he's going up against some tall tall people your time starts now okay how tall is everybody six five well number two I'm Number two I'm also six five oh no you know I'm number four and I'm six foot I am number five and I'm seven foot two on number six and I'm six eight I'm number seven and I'm seven foot what sports did everyone play growing up I started rugby and then got quite tall and started rowing about you I played a basketball in American football what position were you American football receiver okay number seven how tall are your parents my dad is about six eight my mom's a little bit shorter what's so funny oh I'm going cap I'm going Camp thank God I'm already [ __ ] bro okay that is time on the first round number one who do you think the Imposter is two number two who do you think the Imposter is number seven number three who do you think the Imposter is number six agent might be safe number four number two number five who do you think the Imposter is number four number six who do you think the Imposter is number two yeah it's crazy what are you laughing at Now American Boy with that number two you have been voted up so please on the counter free lift up your mask and without saying he needs to chill out that's his problem look how short he looks take a look around I like it would pick you up and throw you like American football I reveal that the he's a victim rejected yeah he's an idiot he doesn't think you know he's actually dumb it's the definition of he doesn't think about his consequences imposter is still among you and so I'm just going to come in and re-jig a couple of you it would be one moment so I'm just gonna at number three I'm just gonna Shuffle you slightly um number four um so you have another round of questions and your time starts now so everyone what size shoes do you wear did I start I wear size 17 to 18. I'm number six I'm size 11 and a half I'm number seven I wear size 13. I'm number four and I wear size eight I'm number three and I wear a size seven number one and I wear size 11. did um any of you guys have any problems with being so tall smashing my head on pretty much everything in the world okay and with that your time is up for that round number one who do you think the Imposter is three number three who do you think the Imposter is number five number four number three number five who do you think the Imposter is number four number six who do you think the Imposter is number three number three is it best kids are getting fair play how's he doing this I I can't you know I love the fact that no one's worked for five because the day they vote for five years I called you don't you dare and with that number three you have been voted out so can I get you on the count of three to take off your mask and without saying a word look around one two three [Music] I can't even make your way over to me and with that I can reveal that the Imposter is still among you so we are going to have once again another round of questioning and your time starts now you guys have any problems finding like relationships and stuff not really to be honest because I'm not fussy about height and doesn't matter it's superficial I've dated 5A up to six six well AJ still don't qualify how would you go lower the lower than five eight yeah it's all about personally true true I believe the same uh play I can't say I was always attracted did somebody taller than me and I've always dated people taller than me and my husband is now taller than me well right today he'd be back on the same height as me but take my shoes off he's taller than me I'm on a really stuck relationship and logistically I think I'd need to date tall girl however I'd be open to people shorter any height it doesn't really matter it's as I said it's about the personality but also girls can also wear heels they're the best thing in the world by the way they are the best thing these guys were still sometimes but and that is the end of that round the number one who do you think the Imposter is seven number two who do you think the Imposter is I think it's number one number five who do you think the Imposter is okay one I think it's number one she's clearly tall number six who do you think imposter is uh four number seven thinking for but I'm gonna go for one crazy okay and with that number one you have been voted out so on the count of three could you please lift up your mask and without saying a word take a look around one two three and after that round I can reveal that the Imposter is still among you you have another round of questioning and your time starts now how much do you guys weigh I currently weigh 55 kilos I am number five and I am 236. wow I'm number six and I'm currently 95 96 kilos I'm number seven and I'm 108. I'll stop by check that again a bit way after that yeah I haven't got the scales for that one 55 kg six foot a healthier way I was a normal 60 and I would be still considered lean jump on it get our age get her who do we think it is right now what do you guys think I said come on you don't think it's just the girl because they can't be tall girl I think it's the weight of the girl is the worried but if what if it was if I wasn't this tall wouldn't I just lie and say like 75 kilos no that's that's tall girls opposite I think it's well I'd say I'm super light like I'm actually super light for my height that's your Hollow do you guys have any nicknames because of your height yes length oh you guys are gonna love this one they called me BBC because like obviously I'm wondering what the C stands for you cheeky sir stop broadcasting snow stop BBC oh that round so once again I will ask for your vote number four who do you think I think it's number seven BBC number four thank you some sense number six who do you think the impossible I think it's number four oh wait did he she's out four number four um why did you vote for me what about for you because everybody else's voices seem to be on my level and yours seems to be coming from a bit lower that's the only thing I've got to go on attack's the best form of Defense that's I mean if you think it's me you think it's me if you're wrong you're wrong and before you're going home as you can win this right now it could win in the final round now your time starts yeah firstly I'd like to say I think of Cortland I don't think there's someone below six foot here because I can hear your voice about fair and I can hear you always about there and you both sound taller than six foot or someone's standing on quite a lot staying on quite a big ladder or a box oh they got it they go oh no oh no here's a good one where do you guys buy your socks I just buy them from TK Maxx honestly I'll get everything in there I find it very hard to find them in store the AJ relates because he finds it difficult to find clothes that small in store as well um one thing I always got in my life was that when you're tall you also come with big meat what okay that when you you're tall and you come with you know big you're packing ah anything else take the trousers off don't get too excited my friend I'm just wondering are you guys over six inches it was a year ago what how much did you weigh number what's it five 236 kilos kilos find out hard to believe Mega yeah yeah I need to lose weight can you give me a big Stomp what car do you drive don't drive can't fit a car I haven't even got my provisional yeah I don't I don't actually have a car but I'm a lazy old okay so we are just uh at the end of that round I'm now going to ask each of you who you think um The Imposter is so number five who do you think the Imposter is seven number six who do you think the Imposter is so I've got a tough one actually I don't think either of them are but I'm gonna go for number seventh place oh you're over seven he went for eight okay and number seven who do you think the Imposter is it's me number seven you have been voted out ah the final it was close though and everyone else can I get YouTube so does AJ give off tall energy then congratulations you have caught the Imposter I do because the whole time how are you guys doing yeah um you call me a dwarf oh geez okay it started already the abuse uh how did you guys know it was me just do like your answers yeah it was also a bit you copied me on a lot of on the house and I was like yeah even when I like said but it could be two you're like oh I never had to look up this hide to see yeah guys yeah all right yeah all right listen please listen yep there we go all right guys I lost this challenge of another six foot okay okay this is I'm a man okay you're not better just let me know wow let me get out of here went to the final that was there's just a slight more delay and there was a lot of sort of copy and paste I call it I can't believe it leave I'm sure do you get it because I'm short and I didn't make okay we have our five lovely ladies lined up ice cream studio all sad because we have a special edition of find the gold digger oh yeah all right [Music] what's going on they all have a massive drink
Channel: Beta Squad
Views: 7,011,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beta Squad, Beta, Squad, Beta Squad 6 vs 1, beta squad 6 v 1, 6 v 1, short people, secret, tall person, tall, person, people, short, 6 short people vs 1 secret tall person, beta squad guess the, jubilee, jubilee 6 v 1, king kenny, niko omilana, chunkz, sharky, AJ Shabeel, Beta Squad Guess The, Beta Squad Guess, 6ft, tall vs small
Id: nqPbgC-dD94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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