Have I UNVEILED Satisfactory's Story?!

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today after much anticipation we're analyzing all the information and law that we've received since satisfactory's release and talking about what the story could be of fix it and our Pioneer whether she's a human a clone a Droid or something else and I think I know the answer to it all but with so much up to debate I want to hear what you think about the story too After all you've been quite vocal about it in the comments of previous videos which is why I'm going to try and cover the reasons for and against everything also I will state I could be totally wrong but that's half of the fun in a video like this so if by the end of the video you have enjoyed it then do hit the thumbs up and obviously if you do want to see more then don't forget to subscribe but to break this down we do need to do it objectively and there's no better way to do that than by questioning who what when where and why but before I put on my Sherlock cap and Cape I did want to say a huge thank you to heroic replicas for sending through a load of satisfactory merch Unfortunately they sent through two mugs and there's no way that I can drink from them at the same time I mean [Music] yeah no that would be terribly inefficient so what we're going to be doing is actually giving away this Pioneer of the planet mug as well as this lizard doggo in the upcoming streams over the next week or so so do make sure to join me over on there as we start the new let's play series and I will mention if you do not uh manage to win one of those two items you can still buy all of this as well as a lot more they've got new t-shirts available stickers plushies you name it a zapper and a Basher as well you can buy that over on lizard doggo.com and if you use the link that's in the description just below you can actually get a free pack of stickers or a free slug plushie when you spend over thirty dollars so what are you waiting for join us the pioneers of the planet uh use the link in the description below anyway let's get into satisfactory and its Story the basic premise is that we're sent down to a planet to harvest materials to send them back to space in the form of various parts for project assembly but we'll get to that shortly the company that we're working for and owned by is called fix it which is dedicated to research development and application of new technologies to solving long-term problems it's quite important we'll get to that in a bit also there's nothing like a bit of modern day slavery to set the tone for the game now we do work for a human called Katrina Parks who is the CEO of fix it and probably evil sorry just a little bit of a hunch there and we also know of her assistant called Steve who's probably a pretty nice guy right now between them we can expect the missions to be sent out to us of course we have Ada but I presume she's the AI that just guides Pioneers to be as efficient as possible though she may become sentient as we know the man attempted to but was promptly shut down speaking of which for more Easter eggs do check out the video that we covered a while back I'll put it in the top right hand corner now it's quite revealing but what about us the Pioneer it's speculated that our name is Becky or Monica I think this is from a previous Easter egg that I couldn't find back like evidence for though we do also have a coffee cup with the name Bry on it in the hub which suggests otherwise but it does also suggest that we could be human or possibly clones now there is a couple of reasons for this the first reason for this is early Alpha art actually shows Fix-It employees in like a functional Hall and some of them have their masks off some of them actually are male which is interesting thing because all of the characters in the game are female but why would we become property of fix-its unless we were slaves or truly devoted to a cause I guess would be the only other reason we'd accept something like that which I guess could suggest that we're trying to save the world from Armageddon it's its end breaking news from Earth widespread chaos in Mayhem World president urges all citizens to do their part and harvest alien artifacts in game the only real evidence that points to this though and being true is that we actually take damage from gas and falling but we can't use the hubs facilities we never sleep we only drink coffee which really doesn't look or move like coffee the popular argument that we eat food to heal is also difficult to accept as eating doesn't actually heal us traditionally but I would argue that I'm probably thinking a little bit too logically here the other suggestion is what about us being potentially droids after all we are property we have a restart sequence when we die we're also not allowed to stray outside of our Zone which I think is quite an interesting point I know it works as a gameplay mechanic but we start taking damage if we leave the area which suggests that the company is very sick if they're happy to kill their co-workers for leaving a particular area I do find it slightly more palatable I guess with that in mind if we were droids and after all you could just want to shut it down before it goes out of operating range now the third option and one that I don't think's actually been mentioned is that we could be in a VR simulation and that the world is generated to kind of prepare us for being sent to massage to ABB we're kind of the precursor to it this does give us a reason why we're not eating or sleeping and why there is a loading screen but that does feel a little bit like it's a get out of jail card in terms of the storyline but with all of that in mind what is it that we're actually doing here harvesting resources is definitely the easy response here we're building items for project assembly which is supposedly a food court and though I do believe that there is a food court up above us the items that we're sending up suggest that we're building something else like a spaceship I mean think about it we've got versatile framework automated wiring smart plating modular engines magnetic field generators thermal propulsion Rockets they're all pointing towards something big that moves this could mean that fix it goes to planets harvests them and then moves on to another planet and it would actually suit the the law if that was the case because if you look up at the planet you can actually see the the molten core one has its own bases on it and it looks a bit like they're flashing a bit like how the space elevators would in several locations I think there's three of them perhaps the molten core is what's left of a planet after fix it has been harvesting the other option is that we're truly are seeking a cure for Earth and project assembly is about saving Earth or building a Noah's Ark for mankind that would also explain the food court if it's not a red herring to knock us off the scent but when the artifacts speak to us it also sounds like Ada is being distorted now could this actually be a fake projection to make us Harvest these items after all there's something rather malevolent coming across when Ada speaks about them maybe that's Ada or the flying jellyfish trying to take control of our minds through subliminal messaging which sometimes is distorted due to these artifacts I mean if we were a Mindless drone there's no way I'd click the like And subscribe button right now but what about when I is the next question this next question is definitely a little bit more vague in terms of our timeline it's obviously the future but we have no idea when however the planet itself suggests that it was actually already in the act of being terraformed look at where all the water is being distributed from in the Spire Coast these weird faucets from nowhere the petrolyzed rock that has similar hexagonal cages looking as if something was being built onto it and what better way to try and save Humanity than I I don't know researching developing and implying new technologies such as possibly terraforming like fix its message is all about but maybe I'm grasping at straws now massage to either set in a binary star system which means there are two suns one during the night and another during the day and features two planets a gas giant and a molten lava Planet interestingly enough the planet has not been charted and scattered around the world are hundreds of Crash sites which is really confusing given the advanced nature of fix it I mean what caused all of these crashes I very much hope that this is included in the story later on and given that we know who we are and who we work for what it is that we're essentially doing here within the information that we've been given as well as when I want to say when the planet is set roughly and where we are the question is why we know it we're nowhere near Earth well we've already gathered a few theories as to why we're here firstly to save Humanity hence the need to collect these artifacts however but what if Earth has already succumbed to a virus and we're left creating the Lifeboat for the last survivors or perhaps if we're droids then Humanity may already be destroyed and we find ourselves following the objectives of Katarina and Steve that was set before us but they're already long gone and we're left with Ada who doesn't know anything other than to do the job and so we're endlessly repeating her code sending us from one planet to another planet an endless cycle trying to harvest them after all it's clear we have no heart if we can see planets and Aliens being destroyed and not give a care for their home out of sheer like self-benefit I can't see that being very human-like perhaps the opposite's true and that really we're there trying to help with the terror formation and you guessed it fix it sending ships to Earth to bring in new population to the planet but then again I I like I said I could be totally wrong let me know what you think in the comments below and we should probably touch on the artifacts while we're here um as I'm sure this is probably going to be a budding question about lots of people and I'll say why didn't we talk about the artifacts well the truth is we have no real clue other than what the artifacts say to us about the story and we've already covered that more or less but they themselves do lead us to another evasive question what what do these artifacts do are they a cure the summer sleep is the only one that I really have any kind of thought about so originally these could actually be researched in demand the summer sloops and it would then say that they can be used to unlock other buildables but that you'd have to research more you can progress any further at that stage now I always felt that the summer Sloop hinted at some form of travel after all a Sloop was a type of like sailboat in the 18th and I think the 19th century as well so perhaps this hints at a form of travel which brings me to maybe its teleportation as for the strange alien metal also known as Sam um this is just super confusing as it's the only minable node that can only be mined in small quantities so I I really have no idea unless they're you they're what's used to produce teleports the actual rather than the building of the teleport which is the summer sleep we actually use the the Sam or to power them and the Mercer spheres well they're anyone's guess because they don't suggest anything other than its work in progress and the the the law that we have so maybe they are what the Cure is and then of course there is the floating jellyfish which isn't really working progress in terms of an asset that we can use because nothing's mentioned where we go over to them but they are there doing nothing so perhaps they control the planet maybe they're the big brains of everything or the the precursor aliens who knows we can only really wait to hear more in regards to that I'm super excited for 1.0 but guys I'm going to leave you with all of that I hope you've enjoyed the video do let me know what you think is the storyline in the comments below let's see if we can get chat moving down there so that we can all speculate together and of course like I said if you did enjoy the video hit the thumbs up and consider subscribing and if you've really enjoyed it why not consider supporting me on patreon so that I can continue to produce more content like this as always guys thank you so much for watching and thank you so much to all of our amazing supporters on patreon most notably our solo Eclipse patrons James Irwin firefles treble and Beowulf as well as our Lunas the Calamity band star Shoku the mm wolf and that dude aw as well as our blood moon of the day which today is scooter until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 44,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Is This Satisfactory's Story?! Is FICSIT Good or EVIL!, Totalxclipse Satisfactory, Satisfactory Story, Satisfactory Story mode, Satisfactory story release date, Satisfactory stroy, Satisfactory pioneer gender, Satisfactory pioneer clone, Whats Satisfactorys story, Story of satisfactory, Satisfactory Update 6, Satisfactory 1.0, Satisfactory update 7, Satisfactory Blueprints, Satisfactory, Satisfactory Game, Satisfactory Update, Satisfactory news, Totalxclipse
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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