6 Queens After 16 Moves!

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lead schoo Oh playing sunja Lane let's play let's play gioco pianissimo all or not I can play reverse walrus reverse walrus yeah Alexa just doesn't want to do what you're you're telling her to do also why am I thinking here I should I should know what to do let's play this move Oh majora oh that's French for hello ooh okay interesting variation this could be very fun take on me to do it do it you know you want to it's also not a bad move and it leads to the most fun yeah this is I think I've shown this maybe a once or twice on stream where black makes a queen I make a queen and it's relatively equal Wow look at this for Queens for Queens on move seven oh this is gonna be fun so I defended a defend of the d4 pawn wait does this just win on the spot Bishop h6 I could also take upon Oba shove h6 there's Queen a5 there's so many like Queen checks to worry about wait Queen d2 mmm that's complicated oh wait Bishop h6 there's 97 I've forgot that I can defend yeah let's take on on each side no we're not gonna have music this this stream if we have music then it might mute for YouTube and this might go on YouTube because for Queens maybe soon to be six Queens if we if we both make our each pawns into a queen we both have outside passers on opposite files I think that like it's a relatively balanced game a five okay do I play each for each each we're makes a lot of sense because passed pawns are meant to be pushed yeah passed pawns are meant to be pushed oh my gosh okay well thanks Alexa thanks Daniel Merry Christmas happy happy everything Wow thanks so much also what does this move okay let's develop a knight maybe I'll make a pizza just for that I I appreciate I appreciate the holiday love but you you shouldn't leave like you should not leave as we're both about to make an additional Queen this is the worst time to leave even after like all those bits thanks again for the bits but this is I mean this is still getting more exciting more spicy I assume I mean black might go for this yeah I could plate Queen may be Queen g8 first makes more sense someone was asking why not Bishop h6 earlier there is there was 97 defending defending FAS queen e6 we need six interesting this move should be too actually about to happen this is so ridiculous now I'm just I'm trying to take this seriously and like objectively play the best move now I'm calculating this this we're black it's a free move sorts checking me the King f1 my team should be safe I'm also calculating this move oh but this move I've never mind yeah let's play h6 this is so ridiculous it's actually about to happen so now there's this five Queens on the board soon to be six Queens Knight before ya night before it could be annoying but if I'm checked somehow my king will just move f1 and hopefully not get mated I'm threatening actually to take on that fates linking d7 I probably want a queen first so many queens yeah so enjoy Lane was saying earlier they prefer offbeat openings yeah hello YouTube what does Queen d5 it's like I could take and then you know what I just realized I couldn't I could triple bow to him I could triple bow Ted scanned at this game with three queens but no I want to hold on to the Queen's for some duration of time I'm just trying to make sure I'm not getting me then like King f1 I'm always safe yeah let's do this move what a position and this is actually like this the play hasn't been so unreasonable I'm pretty sure blacks in big trouble now because if it can't be defended there's there's only a few like random spy checks the King f1 King so safe looking black well i has three queens well they're they're not doing anything to target my king or help defend f aids what a position oh this is so much fun this is a crazy house so this is normal chess we play the line so we actually played like a line where you both get new queens have another queen so i mean for the most part that's been kind of normal i doubt more queens will appear king d7 yeah it's kinky seven probably best move okay let's take a let's take a bishop so i'm up a bishop here i have one extra bishop but more importantly I'm I'm very close to meeting the king like Queen Queen Yeats Queenie a king g6 Bishop f4 oh there's gonna be so much fun so much fun you want four Queens oh there's there's no passed pawns oh I need to keep my pawns back to keep my king safe promote the cheap on no Queenie eights this is a point where there there's no mercy like it really hasn't been mercy for the past several moons wonder what is a record for the most queens in a single game in like turn in chess serious tournament chess no it's at least four there's a game recently and Grantchester MVL versus ding with four Queens okay let's get ready to have some fun lon I don't know why I'm counting just had the instinct to count it feels like it's gonna be forcemeat do this move yeah no this is so close to me King d5 wall a black one king of the hill where's the mate I'm trying to conceive of like a situation where I actually triple boat s candids because it's close like I could play Queen d7 button I'd like a play Queen e5 or maybe Queen e5 first Oh work h5 rook h5 is a move I'll see for is a move I'm just trying to like conceive of some beautiful check means I'm realizing actually there's a way for me to go wrong I was thinking here takes takes discover check but then I lose this Queen and I'd be down a queen she could be slightly hurtful I'm actually like I'm not seeing force mate yet it looks really good like I could start with this move and f5 or catch five f5 I'm not sure how much c4 actually helps it's hard to focus in this position just so many Queens so much to consider I really want to sack I should start it with I cook sack Brook sack or queen sack let's start with your gauge 5 as it's not gonna hurt me I was banking on this queenie 5 idea but i'm not seeing how it works this positions so messed up I could sack uh my soccer rook I'm sacking Eric doesn't appear to work wait wait wait wait Brooke takes off five Queen takes our five Queen oh there's nice mates Queen g8 Queens Yates I think it works I think it works let's do it oh there's really nice idea Queen g8 so I satoru I'm technically down I'm down the exchange for a pawn but material not relevant yeah you sick so now Oh six why did I not see e6 I didn't see six oh dear I have wait I have C for OC 4 could be nice C 4 takes takes and then Queen takes he 6 the king has dragged up into my territory let's play C for now I was calculating Bishop e6 and Queen d7 Keeney 4 and then I'm meeting like somehow but that's play C for this better be mates somehow and this is only move if this move person meets Kiki for a while c4 explosive oh I think black box should have taken I'm still looking for the mates actually I'm looking for the triple boat as gambits I don't think this queen is a soccer ball hmm okay let's just take a night yeah no too much fun there's so many different meats here I'll play it I'll say gee three mains well I shouldn't premium of G 3 because this was illegal what a game a game you know I actually wasn't sure thanks when jelly so I wasn't sure about this line I was gonna take and then I guess it should be winning yeah it should be my name is 52 because King a 3 I can take Queen and King a 3 is actually only legal move well the game good game that was fun it's maybe too much fun Wow yeah computer will start analyzing it no in this position I wanted to have fun with Queen d7 and just attacking from behind basically painting the bishop from behind and then after this my queens pins but I would have basically the same mates with g3 yeah thanks for the game I'll put this on YouTube YouTube people hope you enjoyed that computer graph I feel like the computer just doesn't understand the beauty of this so yeah well we'll save that the reverse or whatever triple vote as candidate for the future oh yeah YouTube people hit the like button I'll see you guys in the future
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 1,156,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Chess 2019, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, chess game, chess video, lichess.org, chess explained, Checkmate, rapid chess, promotion, Alekhine Defense, Alekhine, Queens, four queens, Sonjalang, Sonja Lang, e4
Id: F-UG_xAJmPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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