6 Kitchen Gadgets - Tested By Idiots | SORTEDfood

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hello and welcome to fridge Klamath Ewing food that this is the show for you in the fridge today we test every kind of kitchen gadget you're going to need this Black Friday we go old school and play a part again with chocolate but first everyone has leftover turkey at this time of year especially in America so Ben's going to show you how to make something great with it and then we're going to show you how to make something spectacular with leftover turkey edition off to curry insight this is a good one for using up breast meat so what we're gonna do is make a savory crumble and it begins with all the fillings and flavors so red onion garlic peeled sliced diced sweated off in a pan with a shot of oil okay well that's sweating off I'm also going to sheets a couple of corn and wilt some spinach so just a boil a kettle pour straight over and the whole thing will walk down then we'll drain it and Swede up the water this wasn't good enough to make our Black Friday kitchen gadgets so I thought I'd shoot Hornet in anyway this wasn't good enough to make it then I dread to think what we'll be using later well I thought it was gonna be fun but you should have hold it back oh it's broke good single use Batman oh look that's easy useless or not you decide if you can't be bothered to pull it and slice it this let's be honest this is for the day are for the big celebration we've got loads of turkey left or if you want to make it you haven't got turkey left to get any turkey or chicken and just quickly roast it seasoned and you're good to go but because it's a day after big celebration you don't want lots of effort or fat yeah I'd like a bit every now and then well you're married so you gave now we're gonna combine everything into this bowl we got our turkey we've got our softened onions spinach corn creme fraiche and mustard looks good I mean the thing is everything in there you know you can eat the corn just as it is so that could also be the topping for a jacket potato could go into a sandwich or a sub in our case it's the bass tip from born that does look good but it is going to come down to what the crumpled it's not you I'm gonna be judged on your crumble because if this is now a sugary brown butter inside crumble in our case it's butter rubbed into flour a bit of cool milk some garlic granules and smoked paprika heavy on salt and pepper and scattered over the top what does the corn will do it goes in here adds texture color and a slight not a nuttiness but a slightly different flavor and we've got corn in here so I feel like it's just working the base and the filling needs to barbel it's pretty much already cooked but the crumble needs to cook so probably 20 minutes at 200 Celsius will do it nicely which gives us the perfect amount of time to make a banging ban me am i right the fan me one of the world's most famous dishes and why because it is just delicious and it's a cornucopia of flavors sweet sour salty delicious much like the cornucopia of flavors of our four personalities and we're gonna start with a pickled veg though Karis cucumber and radishes because it's nice and finely into julienne that's mm-hmm that's that's not happening for you is that it's more Julian there's definitely more Julian than Julia yeah once you got your veg or julienne and julienned up stick in a bowl with some salt and leave for 10 minutes for our broth we're going to finely dice some chili some garlic some ginger and some shallots we're going to bruise the stick of lemongrass we're going to chuck it all into a pan and we're going to bring it up to a boil along with some fish sauce some soy sauce and some chicken stock blew off of and now for the pickling liquid rice wine vinegar salt sugar and water in a pan bring it up to a boil and onto our birds gonna take the fat off and then we're gonna peel all the lovely brown meat off it watch out for the tendons because they're thick and Mike's nipples are so profound today I could imagine them sprouting off some Aristotle quotes Barry is like the BuzzFeed of sorted food yeah I'll bring that my life is just in lists and short sentences question how long does it take to cook a human leg roasting it a couple of hours maybe get through to the core I don't like change sorry we changed things but comment of the week is back so you know and now if I finish off our pickled veg in with a load of water shall wash off that salt give it a little wiggle nice wiggle and then pour over our vinegar give our make sure it's submerged and then you want that's cool so whack it in the fridge for about 20 minutes and onto our bread these are French baguettes they need to be toasted in an oven we are going to have them we are going to open them we're gonna put them on a baking tray and put them in the oven for 5 minutes our broth is reduced by half the boys have picked all of our turkey we're going to put the turkey in the broth for about 10 minutes and our bread oven it's time to slop on some mayonnaise some pate add some shredded lettuce whilst we wait for our turkey to cool down and construct the rest of our sandwich why don't we review some gadgets I mean that's why you're here let's not beat around the bush yeah ooh that looks like an adulterous husband torture device this device is the egg topper if you're a fan of soft or hard boiled eggs but don't want to waste your time tap in a peeling away the show from the top this will pack it in one okay this goes on here and I quite like that I think that's pretty good well that is the egg topper useless or not you decide I put my sure with one of these this morning see we I don't the ring pool can opener if you struggle to get your fingers under that tight ring pool then this leveraging device will make it super easy that's why they created wrinkles in the first place the ring pool can opener useless or not you decide I like Peter sir I know what this is I had these as a toy as the M is 2 feet to mr. Potato Head where's the rest of him the potato foot a cheap piece of plastic perfect if you want to microwave a baked potato it pierces the skin and keeps the potato off of the plates a perfect even cook every time oh I'm actually right is it actually good mr. Potato Head feet uses or not you decide what is that I don't want to hold it like that this is the cherry tomato harbor guard if you've got a bunch of cherry tomatoes that all need having for that gorgeous salad this will do it stack them up into the chute slice down with a serrated knife and pop them straight out chopped up okay one the fruit and veg slicing guard useless or not you decide this looks like one of those camping knives that Ben uses when he goes away for the weekend this is spread that the world's most advanced butter knife made from a heat conducting metal he transfers the heat from your hand to the blade of the knife no electricity no heating up required this way you can spread cold butter straight in the fridge okay that is that is making the butter more spreadable the spreadable butter hot spreadable butter tonight useless or not you decide and yes this is how much butter I put on my braids what oh my goodness I always wanted one of these this is them this is Darth Maul's lightsaber in there this handy gadget is the sushi Z if you haven't got years and years and years to train as a sushi chef but you wants a tight roll then this is how to achieve it press in your sushi rice add your fillings close it down and plunge the perfect sushi roll to wrap in nori awesome pretty damn close and I've gotta make one okay let's see what happens oh this is weird Oh oh look at that okay I started off a little bit dodgy at the end that's fine outside absolutely fine I get that bad guys make some sense to me but it's just another gadget to fill up the drawers we need it there's sushi Zee useless or not you decide somehow I feel stupider having watched that more stupid or stupider stupider definitely stupider anyway let's just shut up and main well that's enough faff and every sandwich um well I don't think we can pass any judgment until both of our dishes have been put through the same seas well Ben you've already tucked into your social yeah Sexy's are sexy when you can see into it no how is that you just wished by words every time wow that's actually really good there's far more flavor in that crumble than I expected man banging speaking of banging that is so good really proud of that guys this Thanksgiving should there be a lose we can agree they're both absolutely yes we're gonna put a pole up so you can vote for which one of these is your favorite Jamie say something now or if you don't agree that one of these should be your favorite the one of you comment down below let us know what you would cook with your leftover turkey perfect no no double Turkey I've really enjoyed today's episode me too if you enjoyed it and you enjoyed our turkey recipes and there's plenty more on sorted food calm oh and if you go into a salted food comm you might just see that we have a whole brand new completely fantastic absolutely incredible sexy new looking website yeah you should check it out and also subscribe to our YouTube channel because we will make you hungry but for now I think that fridge camp had everything it had one of the best bene windows we've had for a long time sex is a sexy when you can see into it and it had Julian and julienne which was surprising and if you stick with us now we've got an old-school party game we're playing spin the bottle no we're not we're not well I don't know what we're doing then well leave me to my face but the game something we'll go over something with chocolate or something explain what's going on I don't I've never won more awesome kitchen gadget Wow
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,567,509
Rating: 4.892755 out of 5
Keywords: Fridgecam, the fridgecam show, sorted, sorted food, sortedfood, turkey, turkey recipes, party food, thanksgiving, thanksgiving recipes, kitchen gadgets, reviews, gadget reviews, useless kitchen gadgets, crumble, turkey crumble, mustard, banh mi, sandwiches, vietnamese food, food, christmas, christmas recipes, leftovers, christmas party, sushezi, sushi bazooka, sushi maker, sushi
Id: uWOe09Bf29M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2016
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