GTA 5 - Secret Missions! (TOP 5)

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[Music] 8 - 9 - 8 - 3 X violet tracing wait wait wait stop what's the problem on wait carbon-based life-form check six feet tall check slightly excessive adipose tissue normal distribution check readings our readings are cheap this little machine is broken again check stardate 14 - 9 - 3:05 time is 789 past the bank Meridian we are clear who greetings CBL carbon-based life form greeting his home have you seen them CBL so you know I don't know they came to me last week there was a brilliant joy and a terrible confusion and they were laughing and screaming and crying all at once and some said oh my god we come in peace and others say we have come to enslave you we are an infinitely intelligent race of super cosmic beings and out of the 6 billion people on this planet we have chosen you for no good reason and just then they were about to abduct me into experiments on me when their ship crashed you can lost your [ __ ] ma and now I've got to find the pieces bullshi look look see this if you see some if you see some let me know yeah yeah ok I will man [Music] resuming data skin what was I doing it was right here the final piece I knew you would make it come I have put together this ship to their exact specifications I got every piece you sent through except this man you crazy [ __ ] isn't it incredible awesome dog but this [ __ ] is small well they're small but very powerful it's far more evolved than we are and I sure hope the [ __ ] so [Music] see you on the other side brother this I got a try [Music] [Music] you know it [Music] so you've done well for yourself what what are you doing here is that how you greet your mother Trevor I didn't know they let you how so you never wrote to me you never visited I bet you never found a girl tell me Trevor are you gay oh is that what this is all about oh I wouldn't care in fact I've always wanted a gays some who wouldn't forget about his mother but mom nothing not a peep I carried you in here I fed you I wound you now look at you you always were an ungrateful wretched sniveling sack of [ __ ] of a boy you know it and I know it there was always something wrong with you ashamed of yourself ashamed of me of your own mother I've been here for hours and have you gotten me a drink or a cigarette or massage my feet I'm an old woman and you in the prime of life have you nothing inside [Music] there it's okay son old and tired and alone forever exactly for everything I'm an old woman Trevor I don't got no insurance look I got money I don't want your goddamn money is that what you think I am a prostitute still you're sick [Applause] I'm in a lot of pain I need you to get me some more Duluth Ammar can do that a lot of them a truckload literally and not those weenie little ones the thousand milligram ones and if you find me a gentleman well we both know you need a father figure [Music] boom I got the match [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey you Peter Dreyfuss I said are you Peter dry for you you want an autograph no offense but I'm not reading any screenplays huh I mean you're from the hood right you don't want to pick up the guns cuz like if you pick up the guns everybody dies it's tragedy pathos tedium I'm bored unless you know you're here to copulate I'm here to what people they're gonna consume me they always have to touch the hem you know so to speak and who's to hold that against him I don't but what time is it I got a few minutes before my colonic you know if you want to suck me off I wouldn't mind [ __ ] you like I'm here to suck you off I don't know what you're here for Chum you're like some barely credible deus ex machina sent here by random chance in order to challenge my impending divinity I don't know what the [ __ ] you just said well guess what I'm here for this chomping what's this about do you know her security what's her name you already this guy's trying to rape me Leonore Johnson it's not what you think the one pass you [ __ ] over after you killed her just because you could how much you want how much money you want I got enough [ __ ] money home I'm famous [ __ ] you I can do whatever I want those are the rules civilian get away from me I'm an artist I'm not bound by the petty loss of the masses it was Sullivan Richards not me you haven't even heard my side of the story you wrote it all down you [ __ ] idiot why did I send that stupid letter David Richard you bastard the world will be I'll give you a part in my next movie the leading role I can make you a star [Music] thank that what the [ __ ] you said to Leonor [Music] mortal eye is turn when a show [ __ ] tire [ __ ] live Nora hated black people that's me we've got jeans like half of this town hers was a hate crime not mine miss set the [ __ ] up please I've got too much left to give [ __ ] wait you gotta watch out for Dreyfuss get the [ __ ] back here Oh go to hell you ignoramus do you want to die fluoride CD I had the body of a 25 year old I will outrun you any day this is just the blind moralizing of the proletariat art is suffering I don't expect a man of your limited education to understand without darkness there is no light don't you understand anything she died so millions of others could experience truth through my to understand pain it must be administered as well as felt then I'm about to understand it real good thing just get the hell away from me why do you care you weren't even born it was the seventies things were different I barely remember it is anybody going to help me do something don't any of you people know who I am call the police actually no don't call the police say hello alien or [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah red truck huh yeah [ __ ] boy take me to my father father brother uncle get Flom Oh peace brother brother kill um [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello kisum you have come this far but the journey has only just begun you've waited years for this moment you're exactly in the right place I was lost I sold myself I took drugs I was in conflict then I discovered an incredible truth a truth so incredible that if I told it to you now you would melt into nothingness you are ready but you are not ready oh I'm not ready then you're ready I don't know about that the truth is incredible if you're capable of understanding it we have your email address we will send you an incredible education tool that will help you to unlock the secrets of the existence that will cost as little as five thousand dollars five thousand what price would you put on having the tools to understanding everything into achieving the impossible price I would put on that as every penny you've ever earned kiplyn mr. mother well the price I would put on it is all the money in the entire world because Matt is how much it is worth well we're offering you millions of dollars of top quality research and learning by society's best thinkers for only five thousand dollars think about it Michael and if you think too long we know you're not ready kill um give them okay [Music] [Music] oh hello Michael or should I say zou lag what your real name is so lag you are a king you lived in a Cloud City but evil forces came and cast you out now you are trapped here but soon you shall be free okay I used to be called Marnie now I am super Queen of the winds doubting is the pathway to believing for non objectionable persons the literature is very clear about that why is it whenever people talk about reincarnation there always a king or a general or a famous person how come there never a serf or a rock or a bug oh it is easy to be a doubtful antithesis but be a thesis so lag these are incredible truths I used to be lost now I'm the most powerful person in existence last night I went to 47,000 places at the same time okay this is [ __ ] objection about persons falling any hurt all good by helping higher beings is the pathway to acquiring a higher existence I'm sure it is you're not but you are on the way some of our true thesis holders who also happened to be top of their field actors philosophers and humanitarians required cars oh can you find it in your heart to be of service the spirit shall email you their requirements the spirit said email don't be Nanta this is so lag kiff long gif long get flowers hola good boy well done so like well done this is the work of a true thesis give mom baby Oh brotherbrother [Music] 46 places at once it's still stuck on the Olympic freeway cheerful imagine if the answer to everything was hidden in this bush or the answer to nothing because that is the answer to which there is no question hello's andar kissflow gif mom Marty wait I thought my name was Zola that's because everything you have ever thought is wrongs andar do you know top actor philosopher and environmental activists Jimmy Boston sup bro hey how you doing get flung right yeah gif flop welcome to the truth your thoughts are probably very confused chris is clear about this yeah you're neither thisis nor antithesis you're nothing it's andar nothing I become a thesis bro in record time so Chris said I could hunt for extraterrestrials out here using this incredible meter this is science the authorities try to suppress well zoned are now you can meet your people no get flung get flung Jeff Wong this area is a confirmed hotspot for extraterrestrial activity bro the device should light up blue when it finds a signal hey Shikoku car did you give him some of the special vitamins oh wait a minute what the hell is this what's going on [Music] the truth of a thousand galaxies oh oh oh hey this it I don't know Shikoku car is this it if there is doubt in your mind you're an antithesis and the Metaverse will not reveal its secret guess we keep looking bro do not despair zonder you just need to try harder to read your mind of ignorance that's all the meter only responds to your inner God which must be set free to soar through the paradise let it reverberate through your major organs resonate with your hope calm yourself you must disconnect from your inadequacies show some restraint activate your presence I think I'm close the emperor has chosen you a billion destinies in one Sanda will be praised in the next paradigm so this is it right do you doubt the truth do you I doubt that you don't doubt now I'm doubting then the search must continue hey Marnie super this is ridiculous like I don't have anything better to do I heard that you're being an antithesis again okay come on then little flashing box reveal the great truth to me this is it I am 110% unequivocally positive this is it then you understand sundar I understand it this is [ __ ] it good then you know what it costs five grand ten whatever get them [Music] [Music] Oh dead and we are all immortal krint I feel so connected hello Thunder oh are you ready for what it is today and the tracks can be written wait wait I can't believe that you got wrapped up in this [ __ ] you seem like a nice girl objection all antitheses are worse than idiots on a sinking ship the literature makes that very clear yeah well does the literature make clear that you need help I have help I know the truth if you want to know me agree to pay your dues and wear a pale blue attire for the next 10 days you should get the attire off the website it's very reasonable right what are you even capable of listening Jean d'Arc Jeff Wolfe [Music] fantastic [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ha brother Xander I knew you'd come I was told to come Chris need you to take this plane to initiate Boston he awaits you in the east ok detailed as ever truth must be revealed gradually until you're capable of understanding it my internal brotherbrother you get the secret plane from the secret location yeah I'm in the top secret baby blue plane where my head I know it and you'll know look can you just know it for me so we can move this thing along okay but that's entry-level stuff bro sandy shores airfield I'll meet you there kiff flop gift right here brother brother get Flom bro keep flying got the money get five cool in the plane get flop oh nice you're almost a thesis of truth bro you're nearly there should have cost a little time and effort and then it's astral planes and 37,000 places all at once and the chicks oh you know Chris and I sometimes watch porn together in the nude just to prove we don't get turned on by it it's pretty awesome anyway KITT fly man laters KITT pop Oh Chris says if you're ready here's a tree of truth he'll arrange a map but it's kind of expensive to reach this level of existence they need quite a bit of money someone to mail you bro mind if I take the plane key fob [Music] [Applause] you from your [ __ ] come on you've discovered great things come brother father you now know we're not alone and you've discovered the importance of higher beings celebrities like me as people to worship and guide you the truth here this is your medal for your achievements so far Chris is very happy with you indeed I am happy sundar you have achieved great things but it is as a blink of the eye unless you achieve more you shall not survive the apocalypse Chris has spoken Chifa Gilliam Xander you're nearly a true thesis your antithesis is almost gone so great I'm very reasonably priced - yeah well my antithesis it's easy just bring a small donation - Chris at the epsilon Center in the city but first you must wear your medal and your attire and run five miles through the desert give flan [Applause] give up give up brother father son Kalam who's this the divine truth Chris for Marsh I fought many mythical beasts in that desert in my previous lives you are very near to quelling your antithesis I've been following your progress very closely you have I'm everywhere all at once one more mile and you will have arrived at where you are make me proud Zond our craft be praised [Music] and I finish no your journey is just beginning have you cast off the cane have you observed your inefficiencies yes some then they no longer exist you are ready ready for what to make another investment in yourself bring a generous tithe to the center in Vinewood and I will personally receive you you've been expecting use andar [Music] welcome sundar I'm so happy to see that you understand everything I know nothing Chris with no age then you know everything kiss mom keyfob the tract is being written we're writing the track together together I'm writing the track here deal the cash yes yes I do today I was speaking with capita in the paradigm for and he said that we should deliver some of the apocalypse funds to the Cayman Islands ah give on then you and I can write the tract keep on zonda tell me have you reached my paradigm give up now are you ready to write the tract keifa just make sure to deliver this big bale of cash to my helicopter oh and I'm sure you'll be pleased to know craf is very impressed with your progress ah give ah stay in convoys on door Chris is placing a lot of trust in you with this assignment yes I see you excellent how much money is in here anyway good work load enough people this is paradigm sensitive gotta be offshore and to earth follow me [Music] you [ __ ] traitor after all we've done for you you can consider your enlightenment revoked your son of a [ __ ] and you can consider this my refund don't you realize how powerful I am I make a break fine word careers I will destroy you got it go brother brother give up you'll be the fertilizer of the tenth paradigm good work good work paradigm sensitive gotta be offshore in to earth our soda follow me walk and talk via thesis chris loves you brother brother cram loves enlightened being transcend all that good stuff get lots of chicks we've got something for you you're going to be pu and be pumped careful let's go [Music] [Music] Jeff um are you well kip-up look at all these lazy [ __ ] no wonder all our [ __ ] is made in China now people saying the epsilon program is good long Colts give up [Music] kip-up thanks so much Jeff look how many times do I have to tell you I'm not gay hey whoa there easy buddy hip-hop hip-hop kiplyn brother sister whoa what the hell is this get Brahma yeah no really sick can't make it to work today hi there you Flom friend chip LOM long reach into your pocket hold a credit card in the air and say is this holding me back your capabilities are endless but they are limited by your in capability this piece of plastic in my plastic life do you see that Eagle nope keep looking at it imbue the simplicity a man cannot live underwater and neither can his mortgage now not seeing it's still there an eagle fairies but can it fly underwater but if he has tax-exempt status after starting a religion he has the eyes of an eagle do you know what these are life analogies you will know why soon there unsalables will deny your divine right to enlightenment but once you spill your seat you what am i doing flown turn over and go to sleep Oh tell her to leave think of your family and love now forget them there did you hear all from the same Sandow follow me the emperor has chosen you hey Marnie Treece talk but they're not very interesting kip-up brothers and our hello my brother sound imma grab the emperor of paradigm I have heard a lot about you and I think you are on the right way to reach my paradigm now let's pray and find out the truth kippa [Music] I'm very impressed with your progress kip-up [Music] well tons on to reach another level of your resistance you need to get this [Music] okay I am so happy to see that you understand everything now leave me alone I need to speak to Carl J from the board I'm wanna what [Music] [ __ ] traitor you were on TV [Music] [Music] well [Music] [Music] I know you're there you lucky boy you're real lucky why I thought you is a Squatch nearly pull the bullet and you made my goddamn fortune a what a sasquatch I mean you believe in that [ __ ] I spent eight years combing these woods I've seen one a hundreds of times I just never got a clear shot here look at this it's fresh sketch are you just gonna carry that [ __ ] loose in your pocket like that always damn I could have swore they're clever bastards some of them wear orange so that people will think they're hunters just go to sasquatches huh a pitcher would be good a stuffed head even better sketch sites down there in the valley there I'm gonna cover these cliffs been hunting that base longer than you'll ever know boy you just keep an ear out for them terrible house when I hear him I know either you found him or he's found you [Music] [Applause] damn that's nasty what the hell was that wait get out boy me and you gone in the history books um come on where you a miss I got you next time gotcha she lost him again damn slippery [ __ ] I just Dean should make it stop I just shot your asses stop the last of my kind yeah evolution is a [ __ ] these woods a thousand years wait a second it's just some [ __ ] mask make it stop human mess shut the [ __ ] up with their [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is wrong with you running around the woods in a costume I'm the last of my kind you [ __ ] freak hey I'm gonna freak it's perfectly normal to admit to being aroused role-playing dressed as a fantastical beast what the [ __ ] was that what do you want it to be man go [ __ ] yourself man
Channel: Madd Trevor
Views: 4,275,364
Rating: 4.8550639 out of 5
Keywords: gta 5, gta v, gta, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 secret missions, gta 5 missions, gta 5 secrets, gta 5 michael mission, gta 5 franklin mission, gta 5 trevor mission, gta 5 alien car, gta 5 space docker, gta 5 spaceship parts, gta 5 spaceship car, gta 5 trevor's mom, gta 5 mrs phillips, gta 5 leonora johnson mystery solved, gta 5 letter scraps, gta 5 mystery, gta 5 epsilon program, gta 5 epsilon missions, gta 5 bigfoot, gta 5 easter eggs, gta 5 easter egg, madd trevor
Id: got0DBq05lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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