RARE Jamaican Seafood and Eating POISON Fish!! Montego Bay Food Tour!!

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some of the sweetest meat found in the caribbean is inside this crab oh i like it it's got two big claws cheers cheers our caribbean culinary adventure continues here on the island of jamaica what are you going to make from this i'm going to make a dish yeah all right well it's good sounds good let's get going last time we went on a cross-country jerk tour cooking an entire pig underground oh yeah that pops today we're telling three different stories of seafood in jamaica you're gonna attempt to fry this whole tuna that's right from the rare creatures cut and cooked in local villages i saw one fisherman come in he had a puffer fish those are poisonous no no no to preparing and eating the caribbean's most venomous fish beautiful fish but if you get stuck by one of those sharp barbs you're in for a bad day it all starts here matt and i are starting the day in a small village tucked away on the edge of montego bay greeting us here i'm jackie put it there yeah where are we right now we are on the greenspan fisherman beach grange pen is one among hundreds of fishing villages dotting jamaica's coastline villages like this are made up of modest houses built with wood and sheet metal and they kind of have to live here because they're right next to the water they can jump in their boat they go out they fish [Music] with their self-constructed boats and locally made gear fishermen here leave for the ocean at the crack of dawn and they return when the sun is up and the tide is low is there any type of fish that if you catch it you throw it out stingray is dangerous to the partner so we will left him inside it well i see people they say it's viagra so why don't you want to catch it more [Laughter] a successful catch looks like a boat full of snappers groupers jackfish doctor fish and barracudas solo fishing like this makes up 95 of the jamaican fishing industry i saw one fisherman come in he had a puffer fish those are poisonous no no no according to national geographic wikipedia and the japanese chef who once prepared fugu for me the puffer fish contains tetrodotoxin which is 1200 times more poisonous than cyanide you've eaten that fish like sometimes out of that but you never felt anything make your face numb like you had a stroke no if someone knows certain type of fish that you have a big head and a small body you don't touch it i'm like that on tinder big head small body mm-hmm encouraged by jackie's confidence matt and i decided to take a bite of puffer fish freshly caught and grilled on the spot that was until i saw how they prepared it [Music] hey guys hey i've lost my nerve can't do it come to think about it the gentleman in japan did have a certificate on his restaurant wall and i mean does anyone in this village have a special certificate to prepare fugu in a way that's not going to kill anybody they've been cooking it for longer than sushi chefs but they don't have a certificate so you feel comfortable i feel like yeah exactly here these were looking a lot more tropical a little bit ago these are dr fish why are they called them we cut them say that they're good for you that's all i can give you it's the belief that seafood tastes best in its natural form with its natural flavors the preferred preparation here is straightforward gut roast done let me get to what we call a plate oh thanks i'll take a plate i go from right here right under the belly there and i just tear across so once you tear across all of that white meat comes off so i'm just gonna toss it in my mouth right away yeah no seasoning at all it's just warm soft fishy natural flavors of the ocean stretchy chewy skin and a liquid crunch as well that's nice perfectly seasoned by the caribbean this is like survival cooking cooking at its most basic form just grab the fish scale it gut it throw it on fire it's not pretty good that was just an appetizer leading up to this this is a caribbean king crab these crabs are efficient cleaners of coral reefs thanks to their diet based on algae with that in mind fishermen plant these crabs around their fishing spots to create a better environment for other species to spawn once these cleaners grow fat it's their turn to become part of the life cycle [Music] usually you're going to see a big crab like this steamed up or put in a pot of boiling water but here it's going to be grilled we're cooking it on a tire rim i've never seen it done this way it's midway through cooking right now all right give it a little bit of a flip all right good flip it's kind of just bubbling and boiling in its own shell at this point and they wait for it to stop boiling as soon as that's done we know the meat is done it's time to crack it open and see what's inside [Applause] i'm not sure where to start legs legs oh dude it's steaming look at this we don't have anything to crush it with we do this is jamaica we always have a red stripe handy if we're not drinking it we're using it [Music] [Laughter] no there's tons of cheddar chilling there i really [ __ ] this up what it's like when you're trying to open a hard-boiled egg and it just keeps shattering into pieces and not actually opening there's gonna be no crab left get it there you go so much meat all that works it's so voluminous i can hardly handle this whole bite i think i tasted something it was very small no the claws have to have something inside i'm looking for just the bite of all bites we have to just take our tap ah there we go there we go there we go there we go oh that's so solid you got a huge piece oh this is perfect my hands got and i'm just gonna put it on my clean hand the meat it's like a dry desert like all these separate little muscle fibers and in between there's delicious crabby juice what have you done well done is there still a tendon in the middle no i took the tendon out oh dude this could be the best place in the world should we feed each other i don't think we can do that [Music] yo best bite ever it tastes buttery its own juices just make it sweet and brings together that meat perfectly if this crab was alive right now it would be blushing guys oh my god yeah but i've had so many different species i gotta say it's probably the top a lot of crab is good it's good in general it's got a bit of sweetness or a bit of like briny seafoodiness to it this is completely different an incredible texture with every bite you take you can feel the juices rushing out of the meat and then it's just naturally sweet but also just buttery almost like an oil natural oil that's coming from the crab meat maybe cooking it the way he's cooked it keeps the oils in the meat because when you boil it you always see this like white pasty stuff around the meat well that's all the fat that's boiled out of the protein exactly and to me when you boil it you bring the flavor out when you steam it or you cook it like this the flavor stays in yeah absolutely seafood story one complete in our next chapter we'll see a chef take on a seafood challenge of epic proportions a record-breaking attempt like you've never seen before [Applause] jeff put her there pleasure to be here great respect every time life is beautiful chef jeff is the founder and head of spirits his menu is packed with palette-pleasing local seafood but today we're going off menu i want to talk about what we're eating today right here that bad boy this is a 30-pound yellow fin tuna a whole yellow fin tuna i don't even should i do an interview from here can you see me getting your hands on a tuna like this in jamaica is a real treat for local chefs so jeff's plan for today he's going to fry it whole have you ever fried a fish this big before no it's the first time i'm going to attend a day what's your strategy your square and once you do that it's open up each layer to the oil so you get that hot just penetrate to the fish the bone the meat so that's going to be a lot of cuts is it going to even be recognizable if the family came here before it went into an autopsy could they pull back the sheep and identify this as a family member no no [Music] for a fish this huge they must construct a pan big enough to suit its mighty girth this sounds like an incredible journey something that's never been done before in this kitchen never with big risk comes big reward and great responsibility i kind of i think i don't know while the oil tub slowly reaches the required temperature the chef rubs the fish with a blend of seasonings making sure they reach every deep crevice then like ted bundy it's ready to fry you ready that's right they've got two of these fryer tools they're gonna bring it over to the oil and lower it in descending slowly [Music] and we just have to hope oh my god it's crackling so far so good it's not like those videos like when they cook a turkey for thanksgiving and it starts on fire i'm bravely watching what's happening from a safe distance he's slowly easing the fish down into the oil he doesn't want to do it too much yes it's in it's fully in it's submerged oh this looks awesome is it working yes [Music] how do you feel is this what you expected yes so now i'm gonna get my spoon what happened i just want this side to start cooking so once we turn it the cooking process already started so it would be much easier wow this is a huge tuna the cuts look perfect they look clean it's like every little cut on there is its own tuna fillet or tuna steak you feel happy i'm happy i'm happy i'm happy we're on the right track add black pepper scotch bonded pepper and garlic to the oil to enhance the flavor of the oil itself [Music] then the moment finally comes one of the most epic flips in seafood history [Music] it's super hard to flip because it's so big and right now some of the skin is peeling off a little bit i think they're managing pretty good it's just gonna get one flip that's it this is the final flip chef are you happy with the flip i'm so happy perfect flip time perfect [Music] and i'm just looking at the nice texture oh my gosh the whole thing is in here the eyes the face we can eat all of it right that's right i enjoy the head yeah yeah leave the fish to fry for another five to six minutes and keep adding hot oil to the top like you're basting a turkey when the fish is visually crisp it's ready to leave all right this is the most delicate part of the process now it is frying it's so easy for the fish to fall apart grabbing the whole thing it's going to go on a platter right next to it boom right down on the checkered platter and that is in one solid piece oh chef wow look at this fantastic job it looks properly roasted all the way through there's enough tuna steaks on here to feed a whole village and soon i'm gonna be trying this out myself i'm so excited chef you've outdone yourself well done and well done to you too what did i do look at you all in the fish hey yeah look at me dress it up with spicy pickled veggies and bammy whammy all that's left to do is to dig in oh it's still plenty hot yeah i'm on it yes look at that it's a whole tuna steak there's a little different textures all over this thing some parts are really crisped up and some are a little bit more steamy it's all crunchy medium the skin and all the outside here has just been completely coated and lined with seasoning so it's warm it's savory it's salty oh my lord all right i'm ripping off this tail piece obviously it's a lot more narrow so probably cooked a lot faster and you can see a beautiful crisp right here [Music] super crispy the teal usually have a little darker note to it than the white meat of the belly especially with the tuna here's what i'm really curious about did the body cook all the way through i'm pulling out of this whole big slice yeah so that is almost all the way cooked through some sashimi in the middle here and then just right nearby some nice fried tuna very tender so many experiences in one fish the head there's a lot of treasured parts in here first is the cheek i've been told by many fish head lovers that this is the best bite the whole tuna right here it is super fatty mixed with protein and then a nice crunchy exterior here oh yeah a lot more fatty i feel it in your fingers right but the whole head there was so much meat and so many different holes and crevices and places where you could reach in and grab meat and pull it out tuna tongue is that a delicacy not that popular i'm gonna put that there so this is the top of the head yeah i'm on an insane amount of meat on here you can see even the grain the way the meat is growing here gorgeous oh look at just like the tenderloin this is the backup with some crunch on it try some of that i would love that thank you my friend [Music] this is one of the most unique seafood experiences i've ever had i mean anybody can fry a fish or fry a tuna but when it's at this scale you can see the difference from the head for the tail from a little bit of sashimi inside that may not have been intentional compliments to the chef he ordered himself creating this masterpiece and the size alone sonic you know when you come to jamaica size matters our final chapter brings back an element of danger no not the puffer fish this would be even worse it's pain it goes right to your neural tub it's a bad deer that was really bad this danger of the deep is waiting for me here [Music] sofian is a family-owned business we've been here 35 years you come here you feel like you're on a boat and you're getting fresh seafood straight from the caribbean sea locals come tourists come every animal in the jungle kind of comes to hear one reading us today jason owner of pier 1. what are some of the more popular seafoods in jamaica well lobsters are always number one and the red snapper is a close second of course now we're going to try something today that's a little bit different so we're trying something that's not really native to this area no no this is the lionfish yes [Music] coming from the tropical waters of the south pacific and indian oceans this beauty is the star of many aquariums but around florida and the caribbean it's an absolute terror the lionfish is believed to have escaped or even more likely to have been released into florida waters from an aquarium over two decades ago they're very aggressive and they feed on young fish on the reef and once they come up the reef is basically dead in an effort to reduce the number of lionfish the jamaican government encourages its consumption well it's very difficult to catch you have to handle them with a lot of caution because even dead even in this state if one of those barbs were to stick you you would be in for a bad night 20 minutes for the puffer fish yeah this would be even worse it's pain it goes right to your neurotox it's a body all right i'm gonna gently put the plate down behind you and just don't back up too much despite its bad reputation when it comes to flavor this bad boy is highly rated among seafood lovers but before you dig in you must carefully remove the fish's venomous spikes it cooks anyway it's a nice fish it can be escovich and steamed roasted what should we do today let's do a nice steamed fish next score the fish and season it with salt and pepper then stuff some thyme onion garlic and scotch bonnet into its nooks and crannies [Music] heat it in a pan with olive oil sprinkle some bell pepper and scallions on top pour in a cup of water and let it steam until it's ready to eat let's take a little tour of the plate it looks like we've got some pressed plantains that have been fried and what's this this is rice and peas rice and peas is everywhere throughout jamaica it's one of our most loved dishes some people cook it with coconut milk and it has fresh herbs and spices in there oh it's very flavorful i love it this is broccoli do we need to discuss i don't even want to see that all right here it is the lion fish it's in the shape of the fish without all its fancy weapons yeah they had to snip all of that off so we can actually consume it where your needles down [ __ ] right come on it is still pretty bony that's a flap remember how we got piece of the cheek from the tuna this has meat under there that should be right under there as well so in the fin pit there's a nice big beautiful chunk of white oily meat [Music] mmm it is so good the only hard part about this the discerning flavor of the fish and the flavors that they've added on here which are quite delicious it's like a thick salty savory gravy it's one of my favorite fish in the past 10 years they've taken over the reefs but since then i've learned to love it and i absolutely can't get enough of it how do you think we can get more people to jump in on this by watching your video okay hear the body this is gorgeous look at this meat it's so soft tender it's juicy but it's not like mushy no it still holds firm [Music] oh the taste is so good the flakiness and the meatiness of this is similar to pirate a lot of people in jamaica eat parrok fish which helps to build a reef i mean it eats a reef and it passes sand so it helps with the reef building these just eat the reef so what we're trying to do is also get people to stop eating as much pirate fish and eat more latin fish if this fish became extremely popular demand would go super high supply would go low prices would go up wait is that good hold on what's my point ah demand would go up supply would go down prices would go up people would be more motivated to go out and catch these kind of fish because they know they're going to make big money off it they're like why would i get two and a half or some of these species that are going near extinction everybody we have to work together on this one if you can all dial right now 1 800 eat lions it's not a real phone number i don't know i was just on a roll best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits all right i'm taking this out that's tendons if you want to eat the tendons some people love the tendons i didn't know people loved the tendon no it's not true i made that up this sounds like an incredible journey an adventure something that's never been done before in this kitchen maybe even in this state quite possibly in the whole of jamaica perhaps in the whole caribbean i'll stop don't stop please go maybe in all of north america perhaps the world maybe even the universe it's one of the most beautiful exotic tropical fish species there are and i believe it was featured in deuce bigelow we are their natural predator today yeah man the ultimate predator and women women can be predators too right of course papers drop there you go so now those turtles it's not getting in their nose they can use it to write a shopping list here's my final please vegans i understand you don't want to eat animals because they have feelings or whatever these animals suck they're like the stallion of fish don't eat the cows or the dogs or the birds they're cool lionfish gosh we had a lot of fun seafood yeah we had a great time what i experienced with that seafood we almost ate poisonous fish we had a did eat poisonous fish too oh yeah at the end we had venomous fish i want to say a huge thank you to my good dude matt jamaica food boss matt has his own channel on youtube to make a food boss go there subscribe and watch his fun food videos there's so much more to learn about jamaican food through his videos go there subscribe and enjoy guys thank you so much for watching that is it for this one i'm gonna see you next time vegas please help we need the vegans i mean if we could all just unite the way it comes from like we want to save the reefs right yeah do vegans like reefs do they not love jamaica they we need their help absolutely
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,618,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, jamica, kingston, where to eat in jamaica, jamaican street food, best street food in jamaica, caribean country, Jamica famous Jerk chicken, Jerk, pimento, scotch bonnet pepper, seafood, tuna, tuna head, puffer fish, poisonous fish, montego bay, CARIBBEAN KING CRAB
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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