Reviewing Mark Wiens' Restaurant!! He Tried to Kill Me!!

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in this video I'm going to be reviewing Mark weed restaurant here in Bangkok Thailand one thing to know about this restaurant is that the food can get very spicy he has five spice levels from basically zero to five I'm gonna be trying out the recommended spice level to see if that's too hot for me if I can handle that I'm gonna call Mark Wings himself and ask him for something more [Music] right here we have the full menu they serve one dish stir fried basil protein options First Option not protein but then we've got pork we've got sour pork squid beef and they have wagyu and wagyu shank which is topping the scale at 269 Baht roughly six seven eight roughly eight dollars for the most expensive one after you choose your protein you have the spice level right here one through five one is non-spicy the only way I would allow it is if you're about to board a 14 hour flight all right get the non-spicy just for safety I want to be more in this territory [Music] how you doing I'm great I'm very excited I'm outside your restaurant I want to ask you a few questions about it before I go inside you have the five different levels which one do you recommend people try if they want the kind of truly authentic Thai experience probably the signature level do you guys serve Tums or Pepto-Bismol she just left like right now people often run their under that could be a good backup you know Vietnam is not a spicy country Thailand is and so I know you're adapted to spice much more than me so let me start there and see how it goes if that's too spicy I'll just stop there if it's not I might have to give you another call okay welcome to Pitt mark thank you Mark paid me a million dollars to do this by the way so I'm looking at the menu right here I think I need to go with pork aside from that I want different textures so I think we'll do a squid and then of course I have to experience wagyu in Mark's Restaurant for all of them I want to go with a number four the medium signature all of them by the way are gonna have a duck egg on top that is my order is it okay to go to the kitchen okay sure if you just let anybody go to the kitchen if they want to um sometimes so if you have special permission right now to head into the kitchen for Mark's friends hold on did Mark tell you I was his friend oh yes he said closer close friend yes my heart's melting maybe I'm having a heart attack I don't know which one we've just entered the kitchen and the kitchen has a couple of different stations over here they have two stir fry stations where they cook the whole dish but to top the dish you'll need an egg and the Egg gets cooked up right here what they do is they start with the egg white what's very special about this egg is that it's super crispy fried and kind of browned around the outside of the egg whites but the yellow yolk is still very very creamy and the way they're able to achieve that is by putting the yolk in after the whites have fried a bit it is absolutely genius I love it that soon we'll be going on top of all three of our dishes they are making mine right now it starts with some minced garlic I see some chilies on there chili oil fresh peppers black pepper that is a lot of pepper the wok is well oiled up and then all the chilies go in first and my gosh that is Flaming up like crazy then the protein this one is the mint pork now fish sauce chili oil and the white pepper and a little bit of MSG then we got some black soy sauce mixing in and we're gonna stir that up a bit oh this smells amazing in here now this is a signature right here the baby diesel being fired up as well some water goes in oh you can see the beautiful colors when you've got the chilies you've got the basil and then the meat in there too [Music] and alas the dish is complete we're going to take this to the dining room and try it out it's game time it looks awesome smells very enticing and then just look at these eggs it's beautiful be honest what does it remind you of I'm gonna try just the meat first and then I'm gonna break the yolk in there here we go super delicious fried basil is a little bit crunchy that is my favorite part building up in heat but it's tolerable The Next Movement is I'm going to cool myself down by coating the meat with an egg get a big scoop of that top it with a chili [Applause] and creamy very spicy super Savory this is a wonderful dish this is a crunchy egg white just look how curled up thin and delicate it is so satisfying especially when you mix it with everything on here a little more chili [Music] it is hot [Music] man no it's hot sorry I was gonna say something else but yeah it's hot so I want some different texture options not just meat and here we have some seafood are you going to see the chili seeds in there now some of that stuff that was hidden in the pork version is coming out it's much more clear you're eating something very spicy let's go beautifully cooked not overdone not overly chewy although crunchy a little soft my favorite part of the day is here off in the yolk eggs with squid try that out egg yolk makes everything better moving on right here wagyu shank so this looks very rich very thin pieces of shank let's go for it compared to the others much more fatty of course it's wagyu it's very delicate very soft well I can't think my brain's on fire egg yolk some of that fried white let's throw a chili on there too that's what Mark would do and Mark was here right now Mark said he's in Singapore wait one of Mark's just had his house Marco's like yeah let's do a quick FaceTime call and then he ran out into his driveway no I'm definitely not at my house I'm in Singapore oh let's try this is not my favorite texture because it's almost so soft it becomes a little bit mushy so I do prefer the pork a little bit more if I eat here every day I'd probably just cycle through the menu except for the vegetarian option I think the move from here is to call Mark I want to see if he has any ideas for something we can do maybe off menu to bring the level up give me a second I'm definitely not going to drink a water I'm going to go inside and call Mark all right we got mark back on the line Mark that was incredible experience very spicy but I think I can handle a little bit more or maybe a lot more do you have something that if a normal person tried it they'd have to sign a waiver do you have anything like that where we can pump this up a bit you knew that first laying around the kitchen wow that's dangerous Carolina Reaper is that the hottest one on earth but it's not spicy for you right oh boy oh you're so comforting I'm gonna be fine then let's go for it okay I'm up for it there's no phone call after this I'll just send you a text whether or not I survive okay all right thanks Mark a piece we are back in the kitchen Mark has proposed this the Carolina Reaper how did he even get these into Thailand maybe he grows these in his garden they look angry they look scary oh he's cutting it very finely mincing it into small little pieces I hardly wants to taste it but why would I do that oh my God guys you remember when I did seven one chip challenges in one day and that chip just absolutely toxic and unbearable that is not food that's what that smells like right here is the final spice blend we have a level five spice going right here along with the Carolina Reaper all right we've got the final product right here looks super innocent right it's a crapload of chilies a Carolina Reaper hanging out inside last step a triple egg let's go eat this is chilies it also is full of Carolina Reaper which is invisible and can no longer be seen by the naked eye I'm going to start a little bit slow I got this right here the pork with all the spices and Seasonings I'm waiting for the pain this reminds me of the one chip challenge so much that is the hottest thing I've ever eaten was the one chip challenge is a waterfall of yolks amazing I feel actually I feel like a fireball in my belly right now it's like the logo of this restaurant that guy is dancing around in my stomach doing the freaking limbo I know it's gonna be a good day tomorrow one more bite after this I've eaten all the red chilies foreign [Music] I'm gonna get my stomach pumped I'm hoping if I drink the right combination of Pepto-Bismol Tums I think all that together then I'm just gonna be in the hospital for one day and not three boom we did it we went to Mark's Restaurant and we ate the hottest possible stir-fried basil and Carolina Reaper it's been about five minutes since I finished eating I feel a little rumbly in my tumbly but overall successful I want to say huge thank you to Mark Wiens one of the owners here of bed mark for allowing me the freedom to come into His restaurant come into his kitchen and for trusting me to you know not destroy anything oh man the Carolina Reaper is no joke that is it for this one thank you everyone for watching I will see you next time here is the social media Instagram for this restaurant come here next time you're in Bangkok I will see you next time a peace okay let's find the bathroom welcome to the best ever merch store where you can check out our brand new designs best ever bandanas in black white and red the please send nudes hoodies pillow soft fabric with a quality custom graphic inlay and are street food around the world graphic tea we're now shipping everywhere around the world just visit or click the link in the description below to get your new merch today a piece
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 4,980,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G3ticHfFo2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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