Giant LOBSTER ROLLS!! 🦞 Fresh Lobster + Warm Butter | Best Food Shacks in Connecticut, USA!

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everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm in the beautiful no ink connecticut that claw look at that claw and today we're gonna do a little bit of a lobster tour of connecticut we're gonna specifically eat the legendary connecticut lobster rolls it's gonna be a beautiful day it's cold windy but luckily not raining right now yet day and i'm very excited to share this food tour with you of my first day in connecticut let's go eat thank you [Music] so first place we are today is called abbots in the rough in a small town no inc connecticut with the name like abbotts in the rough you know they're doing something right good morning everyone morning you guys ready for some lobster in connecticut i'm very excited etiquette butter style jessica brian all the kinetic holes in maine are cold yeah right here so connecticut specifically is warm butter is that right chelsea yeah hello oh hello hi nice to meet you very excited to be here i love the location we're on the harbor literally like i mean you could just step off of abbots in the rough and be in the water and be swimming but you walk in it's out all outdoors they have of course a full selection of different seafood steamers mussels clams and they of course specialize in lobsters in the rough say that's like six pounds wow that's the claw yeah do you do you find them like that often or that's rare i mean 23 pounds is pretty exceptional um but we have up to at least 10 pounds in regularly can i hold this yeah yeah i mean this is like that's the size of a size of my head that's the size of a boxing glove yeah wow [Music] all these steamers are amazing yeah oh yeah oh yeah you know you don't see them with the wheel yeah you don't see anything you gotta crank the wheels how old are these steamers these are original from the 50s wow so cool it's like a locomotive any steamer any cooking device where you have to turn the wheel to close it i'm in love with and you just step into this kitchen and the aroma of it's just a literal cloud of lobster steam that you can smell it's so good so you're gonna make a classic abbott's the lol which is means lots of lobster [Music] wow that's a lot of lobster first of all they steam the lobsters the lobsters are not boiled they're steamed then what i like is that they're de-shelled and instead of chopping the lobster or keeping the whole pieces of lobster they're kind of the hand shredded i i love the hand shred because you got the stringiness of the the lobster those go into a measured cup and then it's very simple actually all they do is toast the bun put the fresh lobster steamed lobster into your roll into your bun and then serve it with butter on the side [Music] beautiful [Music] nice [Music] this time oh yeah look how hot it is though it's still pretty warm but there they are is that just juice that comes out of the lobsters wow that's awesome [Applause] skills how many lobsters have you cut how many a week or a week at least you know what's funny i comment in the morning keep track of what i count boom crack that claw so we learned that's the blood on that that is how you chop up a lobster and then straight to the chopping board skills chopping those up just precise cuts cracks that claw open beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] seagull steel mules they have this indoor section still open air still beautiful they have a tent but truly the beauty of this place is this outdoor lawn which is you could literally step off the edge and be in the water it is a little bit rainy and a little bit well quite windy so that's why there's only us out here today but this is the most beautiful place to sit in the hole full place well we're waiting for the lobster rolls but we've got two different chowders they have the clear version and then the new england version is the creamy version cool i've never eaten clear that's awesome yeah it should be fun all right so i'm going to try this clear not it's not clear but it's not it's definitely creamless you see the pieces of clam in there oh wow that's possibly the most clammy tasting chowder oh it's so good actually you can literally taste sea water in that chowder oh you know like okay cream is amazing but it does often mellow out flavors the clam flavor is undistracted by cream that's undiluted and undistracted that is straight up seawater clam the cream version now that's a chowder though wow look [Music] oh it's so good it's probably one of the more condensed clam tasting versions of chowder that we've had it's not it's actually even the creamy version it's not that rich no not that creamy but it's yeah undeniably clam sea water tasting which is in my opinion quite spectacular here it comes the lobster thank you [Laughter] what a tray thank you now that is some lobster in the rough small medium large the gigantic mega one is called the lol lots of lobster the omg is like more of a traditional lobster roll in the the hot dog sized bun and then you've got the hamburger bun which is just the regular roll so the lobster rolls plus coleslaw plus the the steamed in the ancient locomotive steamer and i love that they have their own potato chips too that adds the extra touch this looks amazing let's do this yeah something i do like about the rolls that they serve here is that they only toast the bun with a little bit of butter but then serve the butter on the side so really it's to your liking how much butter you add which i think it's a great thing oh that's a sub sandwich lobster roll it's huge the drip yeah look at that am i going in go in yeah go in oh this is legend that's wow it's so sweet and i was kind of nervous about the bread but actually you need this type of bread to hold it together about get gonna go into the camera oh yeah yep a butter pour oh okay a break yeah wow oh yeah but just yeah the purity of the lobster the fresh butter pour uncovered by anything a very modest bun so it's not too much bread i gotta pick up the exploding just bursting lol an insane amount of lobster fitted between a baguette oh yeah oh yeah i do like the thicker bread for this i mean you need the thicker bread for this but the inside of it is crispy holds it together soaks up the butter i mean there's no other way to fit a pound of lobster within a roll than for it to be this robust and strong [Music] i'm gonna just try some of this jeffree's spanish hot sauce on this last bite of lobster roll [Music] vinegary slightly spicy and just like flavorful oh it's great it's vegan from spain very famous it's perfect with seafood yeah i don't really like that knuckles i like everything i don't know how hot this is going to be i go either [Applause] can you give me a little more dousing of yeah me too the sacred and holy give me a shower give me a shower please cheers cheers cheers ancient steamered oh yeah kind of a nice shift with no mayo no butter oh yeah hit you later a little bit i like it juicy i'm sure one biter lobster tail go for it fans want to see it that sauce is awesome really good lobster you can't go wrong with abbas the rolls the steam lobster delicious oh i gotta try the potato chips thank you brian even with the wind yes okay oh thank you abbott's own lobster potato chips no they're not actually lobster potatoes but there's a lobster on the package which is cool and i just love the how they have their own potato chips [Applause] just a classic potato chip thin crispy always salty [Music] abbott's in the rough lived up to its name great place amazing lobster great lobster rolls and especially the ancient steamed lobster from here we're going to another place a little ways down the coast that looks like just a gem of a lobster it's a lobster landing and that's coming up next as soon as we get there [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh mark this place is for us it's shabby it's wonderful it's shacky everything all the lobsters come in here they steam and crack them uh in the morning and then they bring them over here they undercook them here so that when you get them they put them in hot water for seconds butter on the roll so mark you'll be showing everyone how that happens it's about a 45 minute drive to get here welcome to lobster landing i think it's even on a on a lean it might we might even be on a dock here it might be floating but literally it's straight sea to roll here the lobsters come in they're pulled out of one of these boats right here possibly a lobster boat coming in right now boat to roll boat to steam boat to hut to roll that's the process i love this is one of the most iconic huts you will find what's your name of course yeah what's your name man nice to meet you yeah lobster landing wow oh that's pretty massively huge look at those claws oh wow that's like how heavy is that is that a nine pounder or uh six pounder okay but that claw look at that claw that could like it's bigger than your head that claw yeah i don't know how how close i want to get to that claw without it that could take off your neck it could be your last film one claw is bigger than the other though you know what i think always right should i drop him back in yeah the other one is following your step yes he's next so very an honor to hang out with you oh that's a pleasure thank you so much what is what what is the just a little bit of the story of lobster landing lost the landing no the building is 110 years old i've been 26 here okay we started from nothing and then we build it up i learned the lobster but i come from the alps in italy so okay so you're originally from italy oh yes we started with one little thing and then next and national nest and now you know expandable we are very loyal to our fishermen we have about 5 000 reps out here so they go out every day they bring lobster in and then obviously we are responsible to buy whatever they catch but we have with a small community we are all together we have a very small menu but our integrity is the only team that we are we are looking for we are counting for all of my people working here that's all we teach them is you don't have corners that's what you are doing so if you are my customer in 1997 or 2000 and you decide 20 years later to come here it's exactly the same lobster road that you had 20 years ago yeah exactly the same bread it's fantastic we didn't change it you know melted butter and lemon a little toasted bun and that's it so but that's what it is you know it's easy to cut corners because if you cut corners sooner or later instead of going up you go down i think that right there is the the secret non-secret yeah why it's so good well it's going to be so good thank you so much i appreciate it thank you ciao ciao that just set the scene perfectly talking with bocce the owner who's so passionate about lobster about treating it with respect and about supporting the community i love their menu it's very simple just the hot lobster roll just one option keeping it simple keeping it real keeping it fresh this is the lobster roll station over here sweet we're rolling oh so you kind of boiled a little yeah so they're in have a quarter pound of cheesecloth meat in there spread it out onto the roll there are many different styles of how we're making them here just depends on who you kind of learn from sometimes it's a little spillage it's a little fresh okay on there then we throw some butter on it would you be that's it is there any butter on the rolls so while almost exclusively lobster rolls are served on a buttered hot griddled roll what i love that they do here is actually grill toast with a grill the rolls always looks like that that's my signature awesome oh look at that toasting perfect all right that sausage ready what is your instagram oh man i've got to try this too and this is an italian sausage right yes the italian sausage that's the way i like it okay the better oh yeah oh okay oh that's like me yup i am a sleeper thank you that looks amazing i'm born in phoenix [Music] oh that looks perfect [Music] oh [Music] wow yeah cindy yeah cindy all that that inside out action is you've got it down so after the the rolls are toasted from the grill directly over here to this station where they keep the lobster hanging in a net draped in the boiling water almost and then those skills she kind of just like d she kind of just like drains it out and then i love that inside out action where she just flips that flip over direct not even spilling uh a gr uh a string of lobster sometimes it happens but sometimes i get lucky you do amazing job squeeze of lemon and a ladle of melted butter wrapped up oh how that looks i love the simplicity of it yeah but just like the focus on quality and freshness thank you guys so much that was awesome thank you this is one lobster roll that you want to you don't want to take too many photos of but you want to eat it quickly as quickly as possible because of the way it's toasted it's hot it's fresh that butter and those grill marks on the roll i even love how they wrap it in foil that's a cool touch too weather is hardly cooperating but that is okay because we just have to take a bite in front of the 120 year old lobster shack oh boy oh wow oh boy a harmony stunning it's a symphony it's a sweet symphony of lobster roll in your mouth oh i'm sorry i got another bite yeah i can't we should not even talk yet [Music] oh wow yeah i love the play of lemon and butter first time lemon has played a serious role in the lobster roll in our entire tour it's true and i love it and it doesn't it's not overpowering either with lemon it's like perfectly dry i think the lemon is the answer to the butter not being too rich you know the the lemon just balances out the butter perfectly balanced outside the lobster perfectly nothing is overpowering but you taste the enhanced condensed flavor of the sweet lobster you can taste the honesty yeah in this lobster lobster rolls have been the furthest north and the furthest south you know something i have grown to love also is the not chopped with a knife lobster but hand shredded and you can see that the stringiness look at how stringy that lobster is you can tell no knife was used in the in the parting out of this lobster just makes all the difference in the texture of lobster for me because if you have those perfectly even knife chops it just it doesn't taste as good that lemon balances out the butter so well that you barely taste the butter and they did put a whole little of butter onto it that's world clash it's hard to speak i'm just so stunned this place is amazing one of the two best roles we had up there with mcloone's it's just unbelievable and they're so different they're so different they're so great and bocce as you said is just a wonderful man and uh he's dedicated his life only to making lobster lining perfect this is one of those lobster rolls to compare to all other lobster rolls and i now feel like we've really had a maine lobster roll at its absolute peak and now here we're having the connecticut lobster roll at its absolute peak yup there are wonderful lobster rolls in between but these bookends up north in maine with mcloone's and down south here at lobster landing uh are truly two titans of the lobster roll world okay i'm moving over to the table under the tent oh sorry gotta try the clam chowder which also looks unbelievably good oh wow just that proof of steam clam aroma smells incredible there's potato oh i like even how they diced the potatoes very fine sometimes you get big chunks of potatoes this is really nice and fine and that is extra rich and creamy oh that's superb clam cream it's so silky smooth yeah the the fine little pieces of potato are great that's that's awesome yeah not to mention on a rainy day when it's perfect for eating chowder finally they also have an italian sausage here which looked incredible grills the italian sausage adds on onions and then peppers smells and looks so good too oh yeah that's delicious too i taste some kind of a spice like caraway in there delicious i mean okay you have to come here to eat the lobster roll but if you're in the mood for an italian sausage why not oh man and you should be in the mood for an italian sausage the more i chew the more flavor comes up oh it's so good that's another thing that i love so much about any menu that you see anywhere this is this is true around the world if you see a menu with five things on it sometimes even one dish just does it right and that's exactly what they're doing here okay good luck with the place appreciate it thank you all right yeah the chowder is insane yeah it's perfect creamy and sweet from the cleanse it's so sweet from the clams you actually taste it yes [Music] thank you very very much such a pleasure thank you a pleasure also thank you so much well done but thank you so much this is this is everything that i love in a restaurant yes quality food laid back and just the hospitality and the the love that's put into it so thank you remember keep your integrity don't cut corners that's this is your future what it is that you see is what it is that you have to portray to people so they can see the authenticity of what we are yeah and if you do that you will be very successful to the people they are looking for that they are respecting them and we need to let them know that we exist thank you true honor so nice thank you those are some serious words of wisdom from bachi to end this just a meal that you can taste the honesty and the quality and the care that's put into every step of the process but absolutely fantastic i love everything this lobster landing is it represents everything that i love about food from the care the people the quality the deliciousness the freshness the location is spectacular on the lobster landing and so that's gonna wrap up this mini tour of connecticut on the coast two incredible lobster places i'll have all the information in the description box below that you can check out please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and i'd love to hear your comments in the section below also remember to subscribe for lots more food and travel videos thanks again for watching and i'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 918,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Connecticut, lobster, lobster rolls, lobsters, Atlantic lobster, Mark Wiens, food tour, food in USA, American food, American lobster rolls, American best food, things to do in the USA, things to do in America, Mark Wiens USA, usa food tour, American food tour
Id: 7w_-qK44NKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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