6 Drag Queens vs 1 Fake | Odd One Out

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- [Narrator] We brought together seven drag queens. - I am a drag queen. - I am a drag queen. - I'm a drag queen. - I'm a drag queen. - I'm a drag queen. - I am a drag queen. - I'm a drag queen. - [Narrator] One is a liar. Who is the odd one out? - Awesome, what do y'all do? What do you get into? Let's start with you. - Okay what do you mean what I do? - Like what do you do in drag? - Oh, I mainly do TikTok and Instagram stuff. You guys should follow me, shozydrag. (laughing) Yeah, all in my backyard. - Oh, all in your backyard? - All in my backyard. - Where do you live? - Can't give everyone my location. (everyone laughing) - What's your address? - Well, I thought people ere getting suspicious of me just because I don't look like the typical drag queen, right? - I guess my (speaks in French) as the French would say is, I work with children. I run an organization called Drag Queen Story Hour. We read to kids in libraries, museums. It's a lot of fun. I's kind of my shtick. - I'd say my shtick is I'm a very much a conceptual queen so I like to put a lot of performances based off one idea. So like this look came to mind and then I bought a pogo stick, and then I do a pogo stick number in heels. There's an actual pogo stick. She's back there. - So my whole gig is I'm more so of a DJ but I DJ in full drag every single time. - What's your favorite song to play? - Right now, Charlie. Charlie XCX, "Baby." - Good choice. - But there's a remix. I'mma link it to you, it's good. - I know drag queen DJs, they usually look a little bit more haggard from standing all the time. Succubus looks really polished and just a little too well put together, and her shoes were obviously just bought. - Well my thing in drag is mostly look queen 'cause I can't do the split to the dips yet, but I also love to cosplay. I get my inspiration from video games and movies. - I'm from Kansas City by the way. So I'm actually new to LA but my first time ever performing in drag was at Hamburger Mary's Kansas City. Actually, Widow Von'Du is actually my drag mom. So yeah, she's my girl. She's my... (laughs) I'm a real drag queen, I swear. But yeah, you can catch me on Thursdays at Rocco's in West Hollywood, I perform there now, so yeah. - She said that she performed at Rocco's every week. Just with drag in general in LA, it's harder to break into West Hollywood drag. - I mainly do looks. I'm a makeup artist when I'm not in drag and then I make everything myself so I like- - Stunning. - Make my outfits, do my wigs. My makeup is mini, I think though. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Let me see that. - Tell us about your last TikTok. - My last TikTok? - Yeah. - Oh, I was advertising for my show. I did a TikTok show yesterday. - Yeah. - Yeah. Had a lot of other drag queens. It was really fun. - A lot of other drag queens? - Yeah. - What were their names? - You know, why are you coming for me right now? (all laughs) - She's only got all of us girls, it's not just you. - You're asking a lot of questions. - I know. So maybe- - I have a lot of questions. I'm inquisitive. - I don't know, I don't know. - You don't know their names? - No, Iridescence, there's LA Gaga, Garnet. - Garnet. - Garnet, yeah. - I love her work. (bell rings) - She's controlling the conversation which to me is something that I thought a mole would do. - The converse and the whole backyard story just wasn't really adding up to me. - If they're quiet and they're not sharing anything at all, they probably don't do drag. - [Director] It's actually a tie between Pickle. - Oh my God. Unbelievable - And Succubus. - Oh. - Gag me a little bit. - [Director] I'm gonna actually ask the two of you to turn around, plug your ears, and then everyone else, please come forward and you have 30 seconds to come to a consensus. - She's so overly energetic and like her personality is a one is A1. It's to cover up something. - Who do you think it is? - Pickle. - Succubus. - [Director] Final answer? All right, everyone turn back. The person who is eliminated this round is. (buzzing) (clapping) - Fair enough. Fair enough. - Your energy is A1. - Yeah, yeah. I know, I know. (laughing) I know that I probably seemed like I was like boopity boop boop boop boop boop, but it's not my fault that I'm so charismatic. - What made you all think that I was the mole? - I didn't vote for you. - I personally did not vote for you either. I did not vote for you. - Oh, I smell a stunt. - I smell a stunt. - I can say who I did vote for. Samantha, I have a question for you. - Shoot. - Yeah. You said you perform at Rocco's every Thursday. - Starting last month. - What show is it? - Show is called "Lady and the Tramp." And actually there's a guy that comes up on stage and I perform with a guy in the entire time. We actually make out. I highly suggest for you to come over and watch the tramp look me up and down. - Okay. Yeah. How did you get into Rocco's 'cause Rocco's is really hard to get into as a new queen. - Yeah. So actually I'm really good friends with Laganja Estranja actually. We got connected right when I got out here, and she performs here all the time and I was actually really lucky to be able to get a gig pretty quick after moving out here so. - [Bilella] Okay. - Yeah. - That was my question. - That's okay. No, ask away. That's what it's for. Bilella, you need back up sis. Don't act like you don't know what's going on Bella... what's her name again? Also, you are the youngest queen here. - Yes - And also, might I add, you're a faux queen as well. Well, how, how would you describe your drag? - I would just say drag queen. - Drag queen. All right. - I find bio queen, faux queen terms unnecessary. I identify as trans. so in terms like that. - Beautiful. All right, well my apologies first of all. No, you look absolutely insane. - Thank you. - Incredible. - I like to look more androgynous out of drag. As Sugar, I get to be me still, but extremely feminine and I love it. - Also, if I may ask, how did everyone get their start? Like what made you wanna do drag? Well, I started in TikTok. I just put on a wig and then I did a little dance and then it kind of just, we build over time and now I'm here and it's fun. Very much just vibes. For me, drag is reclaiming a lot of what I lost in my childhood due to sexual oppression, due to internalized homophobia or just external homophobia And so drag for me is reclaiming that life that I lost and getting to celebrate it now and being really authentic. And it's very good for me. - Yeah. Much better answer than mine. - Oh no. I'm like how do I follow that. - Different journeys, different journeys. That's okay. I thought that maybe the reason why she said backyard is because she doesn't technically perform on stage for audiences. So I don't know. I have my eye on you, Shozy. - So I started doing club in drag and then I was just like oh, let's venture, 'cause I consider myself a drag artist. I don't necessarily say drag queen 'cause it's a box. And even though we're in a box, but... (all laugh) - Well when I came out, my friend introduced me to "Drag Race" and it was more like watching that, and then I was like, oh this is cute. I'm like let me see if I can do it. - I started drag because I fell in love with makeup first. I had really bad acne throughout school and stuff so I kind of got into makeup because of that. - Makeup is the same for me. My mom always had the biggest makeup collection ever growing up and so I'd see it and she'd give me stuff, and I started doing drag makeup in my bedroom at like one in the morning. I was like I don't want my family to know. And then my family's super accepting so they were just like do it, and they take me everywhere. They take me to pride, they do all the things. - Oh, I love that. We love a good story. (bell rings) - She was dropping a lot of real girl names. Widow Von'Du is your drag mom? I didn't necessarily believe. - She was just kind of vomiting anything that she could to save herself. - I still voted for Succubus because I thought everyone else was gonna vote for Succubus. (beeping) (groans) - I told you I was a real drag queen y'all. (laughing) It's your fault, not mine. I am a little upset because obviously this is what I do full time. Look at me, I literally have plastic (beep) on. - [Director] If you think the mole is still in the box and you'd like to continue playing, please raise your hand. - Okay. So this is the pogo stick. This is the number. (cheers) - Oh my God. - And that's that. - Oh my God. (upbeat music) (cheering) - You better. You better. You better. - Come on drag. - Better hold that (indistinct). (cheering) - Oh, come on. Come on, bitches. Come on, yes! Okay, queen. - Yes. Yes. Yes, please. - Serve it. Come on, serving face. I know that's right. - Okay. Give me a beat, give me beat. Let's go, let's go. - Come on, face. - Okay. (cheering) - My goodness. - Period. - Come on backyard queen. She stretched. - I did stretch. You saw me out there. (bell ringing) - Sneakers for like a drag queen? Odd one out. I was just like it's a little suspicious. - I just went with Succubus again just 'cause like I don't think there's anyone else. (beeping) - Wow. I thought we had a sisterhood. (laughing) Honestly, I'm pissed but hey, I mean, vote out your best competition. - And then there were four. - Oh top four. - [Director] If you think the mole is still in the box and you wish to continue playing the game, please raise your hand. We need a majority vote. - Who did you think was the mole then? I'm just curious. - I thought the mole was Samantha. - Samantha. - Yeah. - Samantha. - Samantha. - I thought it was Succubus but I don't know, I like having more money. I like the idea of more money. - I don't wanna accuse you of being the mole. You just have been so quiet but I don't, I haven't heard much from you. - I mean being the youngest, I mean, I'm not used to talking to drag queens in a sense. I don't go out. I go to school and that's about it. - Did you say you don't identify as a drag artist or a drag artist but a drag queen? Like which one would you- - I identify as a drag queen. - Drag queen. Okay. - I use it because it expresses my femininity as a non-binary person instead of out of drag. - Yeah. I'm fine splitting it as four people. - I'm okay with that. Guess I just looked greedy, okay. (laughing) - A little. - [Director] Okay. If the lights turn red, that means the mole is still in the box and you lose. If the lights turn green that means the mole is out and you win. Ready? (suspenseful music) (cheering) - Money! Money! - I'm so sorry. - No, I get it. - We did it. We're winners, baby. - I know. - Top four. - [Director] So on the count of three will the mole please reveal themselves. One... - Two, three. (clapping) - I shouldn't have said I was at Rocco's. I was like I need to think of a bar right now. I need to think of a bar and I need to think of a show. I'm like (groans). - You said at Rocco's and I said, uh-uh, not in West Hollywood. - Right. - So I am actually a full-time influencer and makeup artist. So I thankfully do have a lot of drag queen friends. Laganja is actually a really close friend of mine. - Not anymore. - No, no. This is actually is Gia Gunn's outfit. - Oh. - This is Gia's. - The beauty. - The glamor. - [Director] What are you leaving here today with? - Well, not cash but I am leaving here with a thought that holy crap, I really can do anything, honestly. - I like to say the only requirement to do drag is a desire to be fabulous. - Drag also for me has taught me so much about my gender and when Sugar shared different parts about their identity, I just could see how drag was helping transform them. And I did feel a connection and just saw the authenticity. - And I hope other people can see that there are more than one kind of drag, more than one type of person can do drag. - Yes! (upbeat music) (cheers) - We did it!
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 2,095,091
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Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Odd one out, jubilee odd one out, odd one out drag queens, jubilee drag queens, real vs fake drag queens, drag queens competition, drag queens west hollywood, drag
Id: gQPqmGj8AaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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