6 COOL Music Video Transitions in Final Cut Pro X

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] what's going on everyone it's king tuts pro welcome back to another final cut pro 10 tutorial in today's video i'm going to show you six amazing uh and interesting and creative transitions for final cut pro 10. no plugins or presets are required in today's video the only thing i do ask in return is just for you guys to smash the like button if you guys could smash the like button and we get to i don't know 200 likes in two hours maybe then i will do another video just like this with your guys's requests all you got to do is leave them down in the comment section below all right so what you want to do first is you're going to go into the titles and generators you're going to go down to generators go to solids and add a custom solid on top of your video and what you want to do is trim it down to the first clip then what you're going to do is go to the beginning of that video and you're going to go over to transform go to the x-axis remove it to the left so it's out of the frame you're gonna add a keyframe so make sure that these values are the same so we're gonna just do negative 2000 to make it easy so we're gonna add a keyframe and we're gonna go about 15 frames here so we're gonna go to view and you're gonna go to show horizon this will show you the center point of this video so all you're gonna do is type in for the x-axis we're gonna type in negative 1200 and press enter so now when i go back and i push play it'll look just like that so once it's there we're going to do the same thing so hold option drag upwards to make a copy and we're going to move this to the beginning we're going to reset this and we're going to type in positive 2000 so just type in 2000 press enter you're going to add a keyframe and you go to that 15th frame which is here and then from there you're going to type in 1200 and press enter so now when i push play it'll come in exactly at the same time so once it's at the 15th frame you're going to trim it down the to the 15th frame so about here and then you're just going to group those if you want you don't have to group them but you can i'm just going to name this intro uh black screen so once you group it together it'll look like this what we're going to do now is we're going to go to custom and drag another one there and then this one is where we're going to add our text on top so we're going to push play and i want this to last about here so i'm going to press b to trim that and once we're there we're going to go over to the titles we don't need show horizon anymore so we can hide that go to titles and you're going to go to the basic title so drag that above and then delete the rest from there what you're going to do is we're going to go back to the title and type in what you want to type so go over here highlight the text and type in what you want i'm going to do the same thing that they did so i'm going to do don't i'm going to type in 800 for the scale and then the font i'm going to do is called impact and you're going to group them we're going to name this title 01 then you go over to compositing go to blend mode and you're going to change that down to stencil luma if i push play it'll look something like that okay now you just got to do the same thing click on the title and then change what it says so instead of it saying don't we're gonna type in don't call so now it should look like this and you're gonna select call and then you're gonna hold option and drag it over to the right of course i've already changed the title of this one but every time you're creating a new lyric just make sure you select both of those before grouping it and making a copy so then once you're ready group those and name this one title o2 and then just change the blend mode down to stencil luma so it'll look like this and you're going to keep doing that until you're satisfied with the lyrics so if i go back and i push play it'll look like this and don't worry if it's too slow we can change the actual speed of this in the end from there you can see it's a little bit basic so we're gonna just make this a little bit more animated so select the first title uh group we're gonna go over to transform and then under scale we're gonna add a keyframe there and go to the end of that one and you're gonna type in 105. press enter so now when i push play it'll kind of animate a little bit just to make it a little bit more dynamic now we don't have to do the same thing for each clip just press command c on the first one select all the other grouped clips hold shift command v and then you're gonna make sure it's on scale and click paste and now when i press play it'll apply to all those clips the last title has to be in between two clips so we're gonna drag this like that so the last title is in between this clip and the second clip so it'll actually create transition so now when i push play it'll look just like that super clean and simple to do no plugins or presets so let's move on to the second transition all right guys so the second transition is one of my favorite ones from this list and it's going to be an instagram post transition i have not seen this done before so this is definitely a creative approach to using transitions for videos as well as for you know if you're gonna be making vlogs tick tock videos or just music videos in general so if i push play this is my take on it of course it looks very identical to the original video no presets or plugins on this one as well and if you guys are enjoying the video so far if you guys could leave a like and a comment down below that would be much appreciated all right so what you want to do for this specific transition is have two clips so two different scenes of the same artist of course so the first clip is about a second long and the second clip here is about a second long as well of course you're gonna need two screen shots so if i go over to the project window here so all i did is i went on to polo g's instagram and i took a screenshot of one of his posts so the first one is of his bio so you want to take a screenshot of whatever you're going to be using and then what you're going to do is you're going to take another screenshot of the middle top photo or video for this to work you have to have the same dimensions of whatever the post is so if this is a square image your video which should be this one here has to be the same exact ratio so in this case if this was a square this clip would have to be a square as well so we're going to click and drag this right on the actual timeline so something like this now that we have that in the timeline we're going to go over to transform go to scale all and we're going to type in 390 so that it fills those black edges or you can just increase it and go like this so 390 percent or 390 percent and then what you're going to do from there is you're going to move the playhead at the beginning you're going to go over to the position and you're going to move this down until we see the instagram username but there's a little line here so we're going to just make sure that's not showing so you don't want you can if you want to have posts here but ideally the original video started about here so we're going to go about there we're going to add a keyframe next to this at the beginning so add a keyframe there we're going to go about this long so 15 frames on this one so we're going to go over to the y-axis and we're going to move this all the way down to about here until it kind of shows the next post but just before it so right about here so now when i go back and i push play it'll look just like that if you think it's too slow right click on the first clip go to show video animation and extend this second keyframe out so i think like this is perfect now on that last keyframe which is about here you're going to press once on the arrow key on the right to go one frame over you're going to add another keyframe and then from that second keyframe you're gonna go a bit longer to about a second longer so depending on how long you want this to last then you're gonna go over to the position x and you're gonna drag that over to the left or to the right depending how you want this to look but i'm going to move it over to the right so now when i go back and i push play it'll look just like that i'm going to trim that down to about here so once it ends i'm going to go one frame over as well so that looks pretty good so now that we have that we're going to go to the first clip that we want to use as our main clip so we're going to drag this one right above we're going to trim this down to match the first screenshot we're going to go over to transform and we're going to go over to position go to y and just drag this down so drag it down to match that first clip or the the actual post you're gonna add a keyframe we're gonna go frame by frame so press right on the arrow key and you're gonna see that it shifts so we're gonna actually make sure that we're just tracking where the post is so about here so just keep doing that until it's completely out of the frame right on that last one we can move it all the way out of the frame so when we go back and we push play you'll see it looks just like that it's keyframed so once it kind of pans out to the right here we don't need to add anything but we do need to move our second shot there so we're going to move this clip over down like so so if i go through it should look like this now you could leave it like this i mean that definitely works but i want to make it a little bit more interesting so before we move that down we're going to go over to the second screenshot which is the one of this one here we're going to click and drag this and move it right to the second clip here okay so from there we're going to go over to scale all we're going to type in 390 we're going to move this up so move this up so that this middle square kind of icon is actually in the middle of this project window you can check by going over to view show horizon and right now it's a little bit off so we're going to go over to why we're going to move this up like that and then you're going to notice if we go back to 25 percent this anchor point you go to transform this little circle with a plus needs to be centered as well so you can do that by going over to anchor go to y since we're moving up and down we want this to be right in the middle so once it's centered where that needs to be we're going to go to position on the y axis and we're going to move this back down so that it matches the yellow horizon line so if we go back to fit you can now see that if we move up and down this will now have it so it's centered exactly like so shift right on the arrow key right at this point is where we want to create the first keyframe so we're gonna go over to scale all we're gonna add a keyframe there we're gonna go a couple of frames over as well about here go back to transform go to scale all and bring this up all the way until the that little box fills up the whole entire window and click done so now when we go back and i push play it'll look just like that about here and we're going to press command b to delete the end piece because we don't need that so now it's going to look like this so once you're there we're going to move the second screenshot below the first one here ignore this video for now i'm going to press v to disable it but we want this to start kind of like this so there's no black background so we're going to move this so that it fills that black edge which is about here so we're gonna move this over here so now if i go like this right here is where it's going to start to move which is exactly what we want so right before this moves up we're gonna re-enable the clip and this is our second scene here we're going to click and drag and move this right below that one here so look like this so we're just stacking clips now so now with this one applied what we're going to do we're going to move this all the way over so it's like this and once we're there we're gonna move the plate at the beginning and we're gonna go to opacity we're gonna bring this down okay once we can see a little bit underneath we're gonna go to effects we're gonna go to masks we're gonna add a draw mask onto the uh clip here we're gonna make a selection of the box so we're gonna click once hold shift hold shift again hold shift again and shift again and then let go and then click once and that will finish off the selection go to opacity and bring this back up to a hundred percent and then you can re-enable the main clip here this is just getting in the way but we're going to disable that for now so just before it goes up we're going to add a keyframe there so go to transforms go to scale and add a key from there press right on the arrow key and then you're just going to bring this up to fill that square so you just keep doing that until we don't see any of the the image below it so we're just going to keep doing that and then from here we're going to do we're going to go all the way up to 300 percent so now let me go back and re-enable the first screenshot we're going to push play and it looks just like that super clean and easy to do and then this of course would go and you know continue with the next clip but that's how you use a really quick and easy instagram post transition which is definitely something new but uh let's move on to the third transition alright so the third transition is going to be a conforming freeze frame transition so this one's really cool because this is going to be also a locked on kind of like a conforming freeze frame transition for this to work you need to have the first clip to have an object that you're going to actually use to transition to in this case the first one is going to be a bottle here and then the second shot is of the same bottle or a similar bottle go over to transform and go to scale we're going to type in 50 then you're going to right-click on that first clip and you're going to group it so i'm going to name this group 1 press enter so now this acts as one single clip so we're actually gonna go on over to the effects we're gonna go down to the tiling and you're gonna go over to collido title so add it on to your video extend this outwards by selecting this metal circle and dragging it outwards and you're going to do the same thing for the top one so now what you're going to do once you're here you're going to move the plate at the beginning you're going to move this down so that it hides those black edges so we're just pretty much getting rid of the black bars at this point so we're going to bring this inwards as well so now that it's like this increase its scale so we're going to go over to scale all and we're going to bring this up to something like this okay so 202 percent now we're going to select the second clip and we're going to do the same thing so we're going to type in for scale we're going to type in 50 percent we're going to group this i'm going to type in group two we're going to go over to effects tiling collide a title and add one there and then same thing we want to extend this out by selecting this center circle outwards we'll just pull it outwards and do the same thing over here just make sure you're only moving the edges here then you're going to bring this back up to 202 percent select the second clip and move it one frame over to the left now once it's overlaid on top we're gonna go to the compositing go to opacity and bring that down a little bit so you can see the clip beneath it so now you're gonna go to that bottle that you wanna use to transition to or whatever object you're gonna use so we're gonna go over to transform click this little button here and this is moving the second clip here as you see this guy has the bottle there and then the girl has a bottle on her right hand so we're gonna just match those up or we're gonna overlay them on top kind of comparing it left and right we're gonna have to definitely make this a lot smaller so we're gonna bring this the scale down and we're just playing around with the opacity here so we're gonna have to move this down a little bit like that so yeah that's pretty close as you can see so you have one bottle here and you have another bottle on the second scene move this clip back to the second clip here so it's not overlaid so now if you actually just push play you could do something like this so we're gonna go over to view we're gonna go over to show horizon and this will show the center point we're to click and drag this so that it's on that bottle here which is going to be right here so we're going to move this over here we're going to add a keyframe so hit the plus icon press right on the arrow key and every time that the object moves you're going to reposition this clip on that center point here it's going to go like that so now if you kind of go back and we see our result and we push play you're going to see it's staying on that frame there which is what we want and now we got to match that second shot on the center here as well so to do that it's very simple just go over to show horizon line go back to transform and we're going to remove this back here try and match that to that second shot which is here perfect so once it's there add a keyframe and i push play it'll look like that now i do want to scale this second shot so it fills up the frame so we'll go over to transform we're gonna go to the beginning of that clip on that last frame which is where it stops moving we're just going to type in uh zero for the position zero for x for scale we're just going to bring this back up to 202 percent this is the beginning shot and then it uses the same object to transition onto that all right so the fourth transition is going to be a very very easy and simple freeze frame transition but this one's going to be kind of like a scaling transition so if i push play it's going to look something like this all right so you want to have your first clip in the timeline which will be this one here which is going to be our main clip that we're going to transition to this one here so we're going to do is go to the very beginning of this second clip here we're gonna go over to the top we're gonna go to edit you're gonna go to add freeze frame zoom out and trim this down we're gonna drag this up directly up and we're gonna trim this down like that we're gonna move this one over and then have it so that the freeze frame ends on the first video so if i push play it'll look kind of like this we're gonna go over to effects masks which is gonna be here we're gonna go over to draw mask and we're gonna add that onto our freeze frame and we're gonna click and drag to make nice curves on this hand once we're finished we're going to make our selection like that we're going to go back to fit and we're going to go to invert so we're going to invert the mask and we click off of the mask and go to feather you can feather this inwards or feather it outwards move the playhead at the beginning we're gonna go over to scale under transform we're gonna drag this all the way up so we don't see any of the edges of that mask that we did we're gonna add a keyframe at the beginning and we're gonna go about one frame to the left and we're gonna type in 100 percent so it goes back to the normal clip so when i push play it'll look just like that whether it's like a design or something or a pattern you can just make that selection and do the same thing so this is just one example of course possibilities are endless with this mask transition so let's move on to the fifth transition so this transition does definitely use the same similar method to the last one what we're going to use is a freeze frame so we're going to go to the beginning here wherever we want to use to transition to just go back to edit add freeze frame and for this one we're going to trim this down as well to the desired length so something like this and i'm going to drag it upwards i'm going to move this over and i'm going to extend this out so this part is the most important part this is really how long you want this effect to last get the end of that clip match it to that first clip go to effects distortion you go all the way to the bottom i'm going to go to underwater so add that on top and this will actually make it look like it's a video and then it's animating but it's really a still image which is kind of crazy so if i push play it'll look like this and then it'll kind of go back to the original clip now what we want to do is kind of use some areas of this clip to transition smoothly from the first clip because if we just go like this it's kind of boring and there's no actual transition happening so we're gonna go over to luma so we're gonna go over to king and we're gonna add a luma keyer on to that so the reason we added a luma key is to show or hide certain areas of you know light and dark so in this case there's a lot of dark areas in this clip or freeze frame so we're going to click on the lumic here and we're going to move these little handles over to the left to show a little bit of the first clip here now we don't want to move it all the way to the end or to the beginning because if you move the highlights to the shadows that will bring up the black areas as well so we don't want to do that we kind of want to find a happy medium and you can also do the shadows and move them down over to the right as well so play around with this to get the desired look that you're going for kind of want to do something like this okay so if i push play it'll look like this now i want to ease this end part to this clip here so to do that we're gonna go over to underwater and we're gonna make sure we have the same values applied we can go one two three four five and we're gonna go over to refraction so we're gonna add a keyframe we're gonna go to the end of that one go one frame over to the left and we can bring the refraction all the way down so it'll look something like this and then for the beginning part we're gonna go over to the transitions go to dissolves and add a cross dissolve delete the end and if i push play we kind of do something that looks like this now we do want to also adjust the mix here so we're gonna select the clip we're gonna go about towards the beginning and we're gonna go over to mix under luma cure so we're going to add a keyframe next to mix go to the end go one frame to the left and we're going to drag this all the way to the left and when i push play it'll kind of show the full image and then smoothly go back to the original clip all right so the last transition is going to be one that you may already know so we're gonna go over to the beginning of this second shot which is this piece of jewelry that we want to use so we're going to use this really cool chain here as a transition so we're going to go over to edit we're going to go over to add freeze frame zoom out trim it down to the desired length that you want it to be then you're going to move it up and shift over to the left like that so once it's like that i push play i'm going to make it a little bit shorter from there what i want to do is make a selection over jewelry but we're going to make it with two selections so we're actually going to select the one is going to be the necklace and the other one's going to be the pendant so we're going to go over to effects we're going to go to masks draw mask and we're going to add that onto our freeze frame we're then going to select the main pendant here so make sure it's a nice selection when you're finished go ahead and click on that little first control point it'll look like this and then you're going to increase the feather outwards a little bit like that we're gonna do the same thing so hold option drag upwards and we're gonna select the top clip now we're just gonna select the necklace so click back on the draw mask now this doesn't have to be a actual chain just make sure it's two different pieces and then when you're finished it'll look something like this make sure that these two are actually touching something like that because it's part of the actual uh chain and then you're gonna do the same thing so increase the feather on this one out a little bit and so now you have the first one which is the necklace and then the other one is the pendant so i want the pendant to come from the bottom and go back here under transform we're gonna go to position and we're gonna add a keyframe and we're gonna move the y axis down and we're gonna go all the way to the end one frame to the left type in zero for y press enter so now when i push play it'll look like this ignore the speed for now we're gonna change that last now do the same thing for the top piece here and we're gonna go to transform go to the position at a keyframe and instead of it moving down we're gonna move this up so move it up to the end one frame to the left and then type in zero so it goes back to the original position so when i push play it'll look just like that super cool so if you think it's too slow highlight both of those clips and group them i'm going to name this transition and then press command r and just speed this up so just bring this in closer to each other move it back and if i push play it'll look like that so that's pretty much it for this video if you guys enjoyed this video please leave a like that would just be amazing we're almost to 300 000 subscribers if you guys can subscribe that would be much appreciated but yeah i'll catch you on my next video
Channel: KingTutsPro
Views: 43,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6 cool music video transitions, music video transitions, music video effects new editing, editing effects for music videos, music video editing in final cut pro, fcpx editing effects, 7 cool music video effects, how to use transitions, transitions tutorial, top best transitions to use, best transitions, cool editing effects, kingtutspro, king tuts pro, video effects breakdown, breaking down effects, editing tutorial, final cut pro x, final cut pro tutorial, masking tutorial
Id: zihXso1g_FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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