Adobe Premiere Pro vs Final Cut Pro: What Is The Best Editor

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all right what's up guys welcome back to another video today we're going to be talking about a few key differences between Final Cut Pro and premier Pro both the 2020 version or there's the newest updated version now I do want to start by saying that I love both of these software's so much so that I actually edit on both of them Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro depending on what the project is alright so we're gonna get straight into it but before we do I do want to say if you say to the end I'm going to tell you a source where you can get a ton of amazing free plug-ins for your editing software to make your edits even better so let's get started [Music] [Music] all right we're talking about final cut and premiere so let's start with the premier Pro 20/20 version now Premiere Pro is an amazing software it's a super professional software a lot of movies cut on Premiere Pro it's used for a lot of really really professional grade projects and if you use Premiere Pro you know that there are a ton of benefits there are a lot of amazing professional features in Premiere Pro but there also comes a few drawbacks with that as well so let's start by talking about three cons of Premiere Pro con number one of Premiere Pro is the slow rendering speeds yes Premiere Pro did just come out with a new update a 20/20 version that is supposed to make your rendering speeds and your export speeds faster among other things as well but after testing the rendering speeds on Premiere Pro on three different devices I tested on two MacBook Pros in one MacBook Mini I tried the 2019 Premiere Pro and the 20/20 updated Premiere Pro and I rendered both of my the same video out on each device and I found that the difference between the two was not that much in fact the 20 minute long video that I was editing and rendering took 36 minutes in the 2019 version of Premiere Pro and it took 38 minutes in the 20/20 version so it really only saved me about 2 minutes but at the end of the day was still a very long render if you are a Premiere Pro user you know that the rendering speeds are sometimes horrific and it crashes quite a bit as well con number two is the playback in Premiere Pro a huge con for me is the fact that whenever I am editing 4k footage or drone footage the playback is very glitchy and in order to fix that you need to create something called proxies which essentially makes your video quality worse while you edit so the Premiere Pro software it can handle the video that you're editing until you're done editing then you could bring it back into the format that it was originally and but overall it's just an extra thing that you have to do they could possibly be avoided number three the fact that you have to pay $50 a month to be a part of the Adobe Creative Cloud that gives you every application though from Premiere Pro Photoshop Lightroom After Effects but still it's a monthly fee so for those of you that don't like monthly fees this might not be the software for you however you can purchase it as a year package as well so you could renew it every year but still having to constantly pay for it can become a pain now of course there are other cons to mention about Premiere Pro but I felt like those were the three main ones that really stick out to me now I want to get into the pros of Premiere Pro so without further ado let's get into Pro number one the first Pro for me is the organization now take this with a grain of salt because I do know Final Cut Pro has decent organization abilities as well but man there is nothing like the Bin's feature in Premiere Pro the fact that you could put custom named bends with custom colors and you can put whatever you want those bends are an amazing amazing feature and they're one of the huge reasons I know it's so small and kind of a stupid reason for me to use it but that is one of the biggest reasons why I love Premiere Pro personally because when I'm working on a big project like a short film the more your timeline expands the grander it gets the more layers you start to begin to have in an edit though organization becomes so important in those bins knowing where everything is color-coded and then it's color coded and matched with the timeline it's honestly it's an amazing feature Adobe I love you for making that feature so that's definitely a pro at least for me with Premiere Pro Pro number two is the technical I mean Premiere Pro is a very technical professional grade editing software as I said an earlier a lot of Hollywood movies actually cut and edit on Premiere Pro because it's that professional especially with inside Premiere Pro you can integrate it with its brother After Effects and those two together you feel like you have no limitations when it comes to what you can do and room now I know I know Final Cut Pro X is a professional platform as well don't get me wrong it's not what I'm saying it's not but with Final Cut Pro it comes very basic and you actually have to get a lot of third party plugins or use Apple motion to help you get some of those more professional features that you can get natively inside premiere pro with the integration of After Effects okay so the pro number 3 for me is this is kind of dumb I don't even know why I'm adding this in in it 100% is completely personal reason it's a personal Pro and it's the aesthetic of Premiere Pro I don't know what it is but the way they have the timeline and the bins and everything organized with color coding and I know you could color code on a basic level and Final Cut but when you see a timeline just with the ton of layers an intense super complicated looking timeline in Premiere Pro it just like really inspires me I don't know what it is about it I know it's kind of a dumb reason but the aesthetic of Premiere Pro I personally just love it I know that's a weird thing to say but at the end of the day I like to like the aesthetic of it as well because as well as the capabilities because when you choose an editing software you're gonna be spending a lot of hours inside of the software so it's ideal to like it okay so now let's get into Final Cut Pro and I do want to say I love Final Cut Pro it's an amazing software I don't want to make it sound like I'm trash-talking Final Cut Pro because I'm not at all and Final Cut Pro was actually the only software that I edited on the first year and a half of editing and because of that I've been able to form a pretty solid opinion or a lot of pros and cons so let's get into those so the cons with Final Cut Pro X number one being the plugins now as I said earlier Final Cut Pro X with when you first buy it and open it it's pretty basic it comes with a very limited amount of generators titles effects etc and in order to get a lot more of those professional-looking titles effects transitions you a lot of times have to buy third party plugins or go out and buy those transitions or titles and after a while that can get really expensive so that's definitely a con for me on Final Cut Pro con number two is the timeline now I know a lot of people love the magnetic timeline in Final Cut Pro basically what it does is if you have one clip and you cut that clip in the middle and you delete that these two clips will automatically and magnetically come together in Premiere Pro if you delete that middle clip that you cut these two clips would not magnetically come together they would stay where they are I personally like that because I like the control of that and in Final Cut Pro the only way you can do that is if you click the keyboard shortcut P which then puts like a blank generator in between it's just not the same I personally wish that they had that same feature as Premiere Pro but I might be wrong maybe they do have it and I just don't know let me know in the comments that they do but that's a con for me personally call number three and my biggest one with Final Cut Pro is the huge file sizes now Final Cut Pro X it renders your video constantly in the background and that's an automatic setting and it takes up a lot of your SSD storage on your computer and it drives me crazy so what you can do is actually turn that off which I'll quickly show you right now alright so the audio is gonna be a little bit different since this is now a voiceover with a microphone but basically all you do is when you're in Final Cut Pro you go up to Final Cut Pro and you go up to preferences and then you're gonna go to playback and it says background rendering you're just gonna click that off now I'm gonna keep it on for this I'm on my Mac Mini I'm gonna keep it on for that but that's how you get rid of the background rendering and then to leave in more space that you don't need you go to file you hold on you go to timeline okay so you go to file delete generated library files you up to delete rendered files unused only and then you click OK okay now enough about Collins on Final Cut Pro now let's talk about the pros because again there are a lot of pros with this software Pro number one is the speed of Final Cut Pro it is so fast the renders the exports that are all you remember that clip that I was telling you took me 36 minutes in the new version of Premiere Pro and 38 minutes in the old 20:19 Premiere Pro well it only took me four and a half in Final Cut Pro X that's how much quicker Final Cut Pro X can render your videos so that's a huge Pro for me especially if you are have to turnaround client projects you have a deadline or you just want to turn around YouTube videos quickly Final Cut Pro might be the call for you just based off the speed of rendering and the speed of exporting Pro number two is that it's a one-time payment now Final Cut Pro X is an application owned by Apple and they only make you pay one a one-time fee for the Final Cut Pro software and that fees three hundred and ninety nine dollars and ninety nine cents so basically four hundred bucks and it's a one-time payment you don't have to pay again which is amazing for minimalistic people who are mature and responsible with their finances like YouTube creator Matt be Avella so that's another Pro to keep in mind so pro number three is its user friendly at the end of the day Final Cut Pro X is a really professional-grade software it is but it's also really user friendly it's the kind of software that you can pick up within a day or two after using it which is which is good if you don't have a lot of tent time you can take out to learn a new software Final Cut Pro might be good for you cuz maybe you just want to use it for basic YouTube videos or I don't know anything along those lines but don't get me wrong and don't underestimate Final Cut Pro X because you can edit really really really technical insane videos with Final Cut Pro once you start getting more plugins and start to integrate things like Apple motion there starts to feel like you have less limitations in there as well and you can get a lot of really really technical at it's done in Final Cut Pro as well okay so which platform do you choose I don't know that's why I'm using both I don't know I will say Premiere Pro I use it strictly and really only for bigger Longer projects like short films I do spend and use most of my time in Final Cut Pro though because I do have a lot of deadlines client jobs where they need it by next week so when I'm doing full production I'm filming and then I go to edit I need to turn that around quickly and I still need to be professional I'll use Final Cut Pro because I know that I can do that it's a really reliable software if you want to take my approach and you if you want to edit longer form videos like short films documentaries or longer interviews you can do that in Premiere Pro that's what I use it for at least and then for Final Cut Pro I use for my client projects my YouTube videos because the fast rendering speeds and turnaround time now I hope I shed a light on some good points to help you decide what software to use because I know it can be an irritating frustrating and difficult decision to make I mean the software that you choose your again as I said earlier gonna be spending a lot of hours inside of it so it has to be one that you ideally like so you could play around with both I know that they both actually have free trials so you can and play around and both and see which one you like better or you could just go dive dive in headfirst and choose a platform I hope the reasons I use each platform could help you distinguish which one is best for you but at the end of the day you need to know what's best for you and your videos that you're editing and you need to decide accordingly alright guys so that's it for this video but as I promised I said I would show you a place where you can get free plug-ins for Final Cut Pro X there's a creator on YouTube named Ryan Nangal and he has this online store where he gives away a lot of free amazing and very very professional-grade plugins Luntz titles transitions adjustment layers the list goes on he has it for free so I will make that the first link below in this youtube video description make sure to go check them out and you could also buy some of those products if you want to support him because he's an awesome Creator who gives a lot of things away for free which helps new creators starting out who might have a smaller budget when starting so thanks so much guys for watching and until next video [Music] oh I forgot I would really appreciate it if you subscribe so go ahead and click that all right [Music] you
Channel: Dylan Reynolds
Views: 1,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final cut pro, final cut pro x tutorial, final cut pro vs adobe premiere, final cut pro x, premiere pro, premiere pro vs final cut pro x, premiere pro effects, premiere pro transitions, premiere pro tutorial 2020, final cut pro vs adobe premiere pro, final cut pro vs adobe premiere pro 2019, final cut pro vs adobe premiere 2020, video editing software, adobe premiere pro, adobe premiere pro tutorial, best editing software for youtube videos, best video editing software, FCPX
Id: LxkjaIXYKnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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