5 Masking Music Video Editing Effects - Final Cut Pro

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[Music] what's going on everyone it's king tuts pro welcome back to another final cut pro 10 tutorial in today's video i'm going to show you five best masking effects in final cut pro 10 for free no plugins are required it's really easy you want to find a area where you want the subject to have zombie eyes so i'm going to go around here and i'm going to press m again so this just adds a marker so i'm going to press b for the blade tool and i'm going to split those like that so i have one single clip now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go into the masks of course it's a masking tutorial so what i'm going to do first is hold option and drag upwards to make a copy i'm going to go to the draw mask and drag that on top of the new video what you want to do is select the new video which is this one go to the draw mask and we're going to zoom in to about 200 so i'm going to select the inside of his eye don't select the eyelids just because that will look a little bit too fake so i'm going to select the inner part right here and you can click and drag to make it a little bit more of a smooth curve and i'm going to click roughly there and i'm going to click and drag to create a soft point i'm going to click and drag again that looks pretty good so i'm gonna click and you can adjust these again if in case you made a mistake so if we disable the bottom clip and we enable this one you're gonna see that there is an eye right here which means it's working so that looks good and now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go into the spiral image i'm gonna drag that below the mask and we're going to click on invert mask so i'm going to go back to 150 percent i'm going to go up a little bit and we're going to transform okay and we're going to scale we're going to scale this down quite a bit and we're going to drag this with the little wheel and we're just going to drag this center piece around there and we can increase the scale of this to maybe here like that perfect so once you're there we're going to select the top one which is the actual mask we're going to create a nice soft feather so we're going to feather this a little bit inwards and click back on the draw mask and we're going to click and drag this to make it like that so once you are there all you have to do now is go back to fit go to control points add a keyframe to the beginning as well and transform and one there in position this is probably the most important there and we're going to zoom in again to 150 here and we're just going to go frame by frame so press right on the arrow key and just move this back in place just like that and all you're doing is going one frame over using the left and right arrow keys so right again we're going to drag this to the left i'm sorry i'm pressing right on the arrow key but i'm just moving the actual mask to the left if that makes sense so keep doing that just make sure that um you know his eye is relatively like that and don't worry about the background image we'll adjust that later perfect so now if you go back you're going to see that it's all keyframed the background image hasn't been keyframed either so we're going to do is we're going to select the spiral image we're going to go into the transform we're going to add a keyframe and just press right on the arrow key and we're going to click on the transform tool and just make sure that this is centered on his eye again try not to add too many points you can reduce the amount of points if you want to make it a little smoother however you want to be really exact with these points because um i mean it will look the most realistic of course and perfect so now if i go back and go to fit and i push play you now have this mask here that looks really cool and again it's going to shake a little bit you can of course decrease the amount of points all you're going to do now is just repeat the same process for the other eye so we can um all we're going to do is just group this and we can name this left eye well this would be considered the right eye and then you just do the same thing so you make another copy hold option drag upwards and then except for the right eye here in this case his left we're just going to do the same thing and create a mask on the right eye so you would add another mask go back to masks go to your mask add that one onto the new clip and you just do the same thing you make another selection click and drag and there we go so now it's keyframe so we can go back to fit click done and we're going to group these again so we're going to create a new compound i'm going to name this left eye press enter okay so now we have this one and this one and you're gonna notice that you can only see one or the other in order to fix that we can easily select one of the clips and we're gonna go into again mask and we're gonna go into yeah let's go with shape mask and we're gonna drag this onto the left eye so now we can see both we're just going to make this nice and round we're going to increase the curvature and adjust this so it's covering just as either eye doesn't really matter in this case we're just going to be focusing on the left eye so we're going to go back to 100 and it's very simple you just go into the transforms and we're going to position add a keyframe and all you're doing is you're just making sure that the mask is over his left eye and we're just make doing this doesn't matter it can be really sloppy with this one cool so now we can go back to fit and if we go back and push play you now have a really quick and easy zombie mask or zombie eyes mask effect it's really easy and this one is from the actual original video which is this one from ynj american dream links will be in the description moving on to the second mask effect all right guys so the next best mask effect is going to be the simple zoom in uh kind of transition effect it's really simple to do no plugins let me show you how it's done so what you want is to have a video in the timeline i've already done that you want to mark an area where you want the effect to pretty much begin so i'm going to zoom in i've already added my markers by pressing m on the keyboard so what i'm doing just press command b to split the video right there and i also want to kind of stop here so this is original video and we're going to be doing just that so assuming that this is just like a normal video no effects have been applied what you're going to do is you're going to go right here and this is the frame that you're going to create in a freeze frame so you're going to go to edit we're going to go into add freeze frame and this will just create a still image as you can see there's it's just like a normal image and once you're here we're going to extend this to however long you want the effect to last so we're going to drag this all the way here and then the next effect um not the next effect but the next video is going to be here this is where i want the next video to begin so once you're here we're going to go into the effects go to masks and go to draw mask and just drag a mask on here now before you do that make sure that you have the original clip here beside it so add the draw mask on top of the freeze frame and we're going to drag the second clip here below it so i'm going to start have it start around there and then i'm going to go unselect the top clip we're going to draw mask and we're going to zoom in just like the previous effect and we're going to go ahead and kind of select the uh this little circle here so we're going to click and drag if you if you're working with like you know easier shapes you can easily just use a shape mask and that will be a lot easier for the sake of this video i want you guys to learn how to use a mask so just click and drag to click and drag again click and drag and you can of course adjust these and then you're gonna click and you're gonna right click and go to smooth and then this will allow you to create um some more handles so i'm gonna drag this like that and we're going to go back to fit and then we're going to go into invert mask so now you're going to see that it's just a solid black um circle and then you're going to see the video below it so if i push play it's going to look like this so i want to move this all the way to the beginning and what i want to do is leave this there and we're going to create a very simple zoom in effect on the actual mask so we're going to go into transform we're going to go into scale and we're going to add a keyframe so what we're going to do is we're going to add another keyframe to position so you have two keyframes in the beginning here on the actual mask i zoomed out to 25 and now i'm going to go all the way to the end but go one frame to the left so you can see what you're doing we're going to zoom in and scale this all the way up and we're not going to move this so we're going to move this now you should see a line so we're going to do something like this but we're not done so we're going to go one frame to the left and we're just going to scale this all the way up and again you have to move this back make sure it's centered scale this up all the way again until you can't see any of the edges and you can also enable the transparency grid and if you have the latest version you should have this button if not no worries but this just makes the job a lot easier so you can see where the actual mask is and now i can go back and adjust this accordingly so maybe here like this one we can move it back here and now it's going to go like that perfect so now if i go back to fit and i push play you have that kind of smooth um effect there let's go on to the third one all right so the third mask effect is going to be the tv mask effect and it's like a zoom in effect it's kind of like this the last one or not the last one but the previous one okay so we're going to split it to well around here and so what we're going to do is hold option and drag uh upwards go into the effects go to masks go to draw mask and drag that onto the top clip then what you want to do is go back to the beginning skim through where the actual tv starts to move which is here we're going to zoom in to about 150 maybe even more actually to two hundred so we can see those edges right here so we're gonna click there and we're gonna pan over and click on the inside of this we're gonna go down and select this piece here we're going to go over and we're going to click on i believe if i go up and then we're going to go up again and then we're going to finish off with the first point so we're going to click on that we're going to go back to fit and then once you've made your selection of the actual television so we're going to click on invert mask so that now if we disable the bottom clip we're only working with the actual tv which is this one again ignore the actual you know movement of this so once you're there what we're going to do is i've disabled this one here for now and we're going to do is just create a keyframe next to control points as well as in transform at a position there we're gonna go every two frames so one two and what we're gonna do is we're just gonna increase the scale of this so we're just gonna make this bigger like actually before we do that we're gonna add a keyframe next to scale as well under transforms and then go two frames over and then you want to scale this up accordingly to roughly there and do that again so one two and we're going to scale this up like that and you want to of course move these so that they're exactly where they need to be and once you're at this point you can now just fill the whole frame making sure that it goes edge to edge sweet so now once you're there we can go back and skim through and see what we've done it looks really good and it is a little time consuming but once you get the effect down it looks really cool now once you have done that we're going to re-enable the bottom clip we're going to drag the next clip that you want to use in this case i'm going to delete that one and use this one so you guys can see what i'm doing and the effect will really start here so we're going to trim the beginning piece so that it starts right there now that we've done that we're going to zoom in quite a bit 200 percent and you're going to notice that the edges are too crisp and a tv you know our eyes we can't see perfect edges so what we're going to do is we're going to go so we're going to select it and we're going to go into the mask itself and we're going to create a very very subtle inward feather to about negative six so if i click off of this you're going to see that it creates a nice feather now you can drag it outwards if you want but i'm gonna drag it in a little bit to maybe negative five this is so it makes it look a lot more realistic so once you're there what you're going to do is select the bottom clip and i'm going to go here and press b to cut to trim that it's working with one clip reduce the scale so go back to transform we're going to go to 50 and we're going to make this smaller just to kind of start this off don't change the rotation you can if you want but personally i'm going to leave it like that because you can't really tell it's rotated and we're going to create a keyframe next to scale all then we're going to go again every two frames so one two and we're gonna scale this up just barely slow so like that so one two we're just killing it up ever so slightly and once it's here we're just gonna make this like full screen like that and now if i click done and i go back and if i fill the frame back to fit and push play you now have the simple and very easy mask tv effect we're gonna go with the fourth mask effect let's go on [Music] so the fourth easy mask effect is going to be the freeze frame transition mask effect it's a weird one but it's a really popular one that i've been seeing a lot so in this case i wanted to start here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go frame by frame so this frame i want to create a freeze frame so i'm going to go to edit i'm going to go into add freeze frame or option f and now we're going to have a still image as you can see now what we're going to do is we're just going to go into the effects go to masks with a draw mask and drag it onto the image then once you're here you want to zoom in to about a hundred percent and we're going to go and click on the draw mask i'm going to go a little bit more to about 150 percent and you want to make a nice selection of you know of the artist of the subject there and here and it's going to finish off i'm going to go to fit and now we've made the selection if i click off you're gonna see what it looks like it's a perfect selection actually except this hair the hair is always difficult to do but that's okay it doesn't have to be exactly perfect so once you're there what you want to do is click and drag to the left and it's gonna look like this and what you wanna do is the end you want to trim that so that it begins in the beginning of the next clip so it's going to look something like this i push play and it's going to kind of keep going now this looks a little boring so what we can do is we can spice it up a little bit i'm going to first move him out of the frame and i'm going to do that using the x and y values so i'm going to click and drag using the x axis and you can see with the transparency grid you can see where he is in the in the grid itself if you don't have it it's totally fine but if you do just enable it the playhead is at the beginning so what we're going to do is we're going to go into position add a keyframe and push play and right about here i wanted to zoom in back so just press zero it has to be zero because if it's off it's not going to transition very smoothly to the next clip so press zero and press enter and now if i push play it's gonna look like that and then it's gonna go like that now i'm gonna trim the end piece here about there and then go back push play here it's going to look just like that now it looks still looks a little boring so what we're going to do is we go into the effects we're going to go into blur and we're going to create a directional blur so we're going to click and drag that onto this one here and now we're going to do is it creates a nice blur as you can see we can increase the amount you can see it looks just like that so i'm going to leave it like that okay and i'm going to add a keyframe next to that on the beginning frame i'm going to go about here once it stops and then once it's about here maybe exactly there we're going to type in zero so now if i go back and push play you have more of a blur that looks more realistic as you can see push play and there you go it's that simple moving on to the last one so the last and final um you know best mask effect so if i push play it's going to look like this and then it kind of creates this really nice pan and it's kind of like a transition as well so so these three are the clips that we're going to be using okay what you want to do is make your your cl your cuts and i've already done that each scene has a different cut here so we're going to drag this one right above this one here the first clip we're going to drag the third clip and drag that one right above as well okay it's going to look something like that now once you are there what we're going to do is we're going to add a mask a draw mask so go to masks and draw mask and drag that onto the second clip here and what we're going to do is we're just going to select the subject whatever it is in this case so it doesn't really matter when you're making your point make sure you start as from the outside and hold shift to make it a straight line and i'm going to hold shift again and shift one more time and it doesn't have to be perfect on the outside just make sure that the inside the inside lines are exactly perfect so if i push play it's going to go like this of course you want to time this with the music so i'm going to push play it's going to go like that and once it's about here i'm going to maybe let's see push play yeah right there's where i want the next one to appear so in this case we're going to do the same thing so go to effects masks draw mask and drag that onto the third clip we're now going to select the other subjects hold shift and click and hold shift and click and then we can finish this one off click in between these two points to kind of adjust the length of where you want the subject to be so here is good now that we have this set it's gonna look like this but we have to move this over so we're gonna shift this to the right so go into the transform go into position and go to the x axis and we're gonna drag this all the way to the right maybe in thirds so i'm going to drag this one a little bit more to the left it's going to go like this bang bang and then now i want it to transition so what we're going to do is we're going to add a keyframe at the very beginning of the last clip the third clip which is this one we're gonna actually skim through first so at this point this is where i want it to now begin kind of panning over so that's where we actually add our points so under transforms add a keyframe next to position and then you're gonna add another keyframe under transform and position and then we're also going to add another keyframing control points now that you have that done we're gonna go to the very end go one frame to the left and then at this point now what we're gonna do is go back to transform under x we're gonna type in zero and then under position we're also going to type in zero and then the mask we're just gonna drag this all the way out on those lines so now if i go back and i push play it's gonna go back to the very beginning so i push play it looks like that and this part is a little weird i'm not sure why it does that i guess we can move this this one over so at the beginning we're going to transform just shift this all the way to right there and perfect that looks good so now if i push play looks just like that super clean and nice and smooth so if i go back to fit it looks just like this so that's the last one it's really simple and easy it can spice up your video clip really quick but um yeah so if you found any of these effects awesome or just helpful in any way please leave that like and be sure to subscribe and turn on the bell notifications so you don't miss out on a video like this one and i'll catch you on my next video peace out
Channel: KingTutsPro
Views: 30,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 masking effects, masking transition effect - final cut pro x, final cut pro x transitions tutorial, masking effects in final cut pro x, 5 effects you should be using, freeze frame effect, how to do split screen in final cut pro x, zoom through screen effect, final cut pro x music video effects, best trap music video editing effects, how to make a transition in final cut pro x, video masking tutorial in fcpx, 5 masking music video editing effects - final cut pro, final cut pro x
Id: yt1_aafD7Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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