7 COOL Music Video Effects in Final Cut Pro X

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[Music] what's going on everyone it's king tuts pro welcome back to another final cut pro 10 tutorial in today's video i'm going to show you seven really cool freeze frame effects and transitions that you can do from the music video frito bang click up link will be in the description as always and i do want to give a big special thanks to uh shot by jolo for directing and editing the video i believe he's the editor if not correct me down in the comment section below please leave a like if we can hit 500 likes within i don't know 24 hours that would be honestly amazing all right so the first effect is going to be this one this is the original effect from the music video i'm going to go to edit i'm going to go to add freeze frame this will create a still image so i'm going to zoom out of the timeline and i'm going to drag this right up on that timeline i'm going to trim this down to here i'm going to delete the rest so now this is a single image and now what we're going to do is we're going to go into the effects we're going to go down to masks we're going to go to draw mask drag that onto your freeze frame clip and you might want to zoom in a little bit here and i'm going to click on the draw mask and you want to make a very very precise selection of whatever your subject or item is going to be and once you're ready you're going to have this little circle next to this pen tool all you got to do is click this and this will finish off the selection and now we have this here this selection that we did what you're going to do is hold option and drag upwards to make another copy we're going to select the top clip here and we're going to invert this so we're going to click invert mask all right and now if i disable the bottom clip so you guys can see what i'm doing i'm pressing b by the way this here is a still image this is being left and this is transparent now if i re-enable the bottom clip here this is going to be just the uh selection that we did here which is again still an image so the middle clip here will be just the mask itself the selection of the monkey and then the top one here will be everything but our selection now that we have that all you have to do is re-enable the bottom clip ideally you want this to be a different clip so what i'm going to do is i'm going to move the two clips i'm going to drag it over to the left i'm going to select this clip here i'm going to move the playhead to the beginning what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on the transform tool and i want this kind of cross like a plus icon to be right on the corner over here somewhere so i'm going to go down to anchor i'm going to move the x or the y axis up okay we're going to move that up all the way so now it's kind of towards the bottom of this frame i'm going to go to the x-axis i'm going to move this to the left i'm clicking and dragging left on the trackpad and that looks pretty good so once we're there what we're going to do is click done we're going to click back on the transform tool and we're just going to move this back to place so now our anchor point will actually be if i click on transform it'll be here and not in the middle of the actual video we're going to go to position we're going to add a keyframe there we're going to keep your next rotation we're going to add one next to scale all and all we're going to do is just drag this playhead all the way towards maybe here uh which is about 1920 frames or so all we got to do is go to rotation click the zero degree button and just drag this to the left and move it down so it's upside down and then under scale we're gonna make this smaller as well so we're gonna click and drag to decrease the size and we're gonna go to position on the y axis click and drag this all the way down until you can't see it if we go back it's going to look like this so i push play kind of looks like that right now it's kind of meh so we need to create kind of like a blur so it actually emphasizes movement so we're going to effects we're going to go to blur directional blur and drag that onto that clip and then now you're gonna see that there's kind of like more of that blurriness uh effect now you can also add a keyframe here so you can go to amount you can go to zero making sure playhead's at the beginning add a keyframe go about here move the arrow this way go about here and then make it a little bit more extreme now it looks a lot more realistic now all you're going to do is highlight both of them right click group them together i'm going to name this effect 1. i'm going to go to the beginning move the play to the beginning go to scale add a keyframe there go to transform make sure you have the transparency grid enabled if you're on the latest version if not don't worry it's totally fine we're going to go all the way about here and what i'm going to do is i'm going to zoom out to 50 i'm going to zoom up all the way until we have this centered and just zoom this up all the way as much as you can we're gonna move it all the way up and adjust it as needed and click done and we push play looks just like that and that's pretty much how you create the first effect so let's move on to the second one all right guys so the second effect is going to be the bouncing freeze frame and this one's really cool and it's a fun one that you guys can do so this is the effect that i replicated using the inspiration from the original video and it's very easy to do no plugins again so what you want to do first go to where you want this effect to begin i want it to begin about here so not at the very beginning of this first or second scene but just a couple of frames after select the clip go to edit add a freeze frame we're going to be doing this a lot so just get used to that we're going to have the still image just drag this up and trim this to your desired length then what you want to do is you'll want to go to effects go to masks go to draw mask and drag that onto your video then you want to make your selection on these four corners once you have your first one made all you're going to do now is just you can just go to transform just add a keyframe here and then what you want to do is go about halfway maybe or just under halfway and then what you want to do is just go and move this scale and we're going to make this smaller ignore this video here for the time being you can get confused with this so what i'm going to do is i'm going to disable it for now so you guys don't get confused so i'm going to hold option drag upwards to make another copy i'm going to move this one up and i'm going to do the same thing since we have another copy we're working with the top clip we're going to go to scale on we're going to make this one smaller and we're going to go to the y axis we're gonna move this one down just like that so it looks like this same thing option drag upwards select the top clip go to scale all and make this one smaller again i'm gonna go a little bit more extreme on this one here and make sure that this one's centered between those business cards and one more time for the fun of it so this one here go to scale all and make this one even smaller and adjust the position there you go so now it's going to look something like this once it's here all you really got to do is going to be about it ends here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click and drag to this exact point so i'm going to trim that there i'm going to trim all of those clips like that i'm going to highlight all these clips i should say right click and group them new compounds clip i'm going to name this effect zero two and then to replicate this instead of doing this over again literally all you gotta do is hold option drag it to the right have that video selected and then hit reverse clip and then you're done so if i push play looks just like that and then re-enable the video clip by pressing v and it's gonna look just like this of course we've gotta kind of keyframe it a little bit to match the the movement of the camera so i'm gonna highlight both of these again i'm gonna name this effect o2 and all i gotta do is move the play at the beginning again go to transform add a keyframe go to the end about one frame to the left then all you're going to do is move this down to a corner i'm going to be working with this corner here i'm going to rotate this now so i'm going to click and drag something like this and i'm gonna scale this up so it matches that last frame on that same size of that business card so once it's there i'm gonna click done and if i push play looks just like that super fun and let's go on to the third effect guys so the next uh transition is going to be the sliding freeze frame blur transition what we're going to do is we're going to select this clip here and what i want to do is move the playhead at the very beginning select it go to edit add freeze frame again and we're gonna have a still image just drag it right above trim it to the length and we're gonna move this over to the left like this so now it's gonna look something like this if i push play looks like that now all we got to do is go to effects go to masks go to draw mask and drag that onto our clip then what we're going to do is we want to make a selection of your subject again and of course you want to make this very precise and once you're finished you're gonna click this little pen tool you're gonna click on that and this will complete the path all right so once you're at this point you're gonna have your clip here you're gonna move that playhead to right here where it transitions into this clip here we're gonna go into the transform over here we're gonna add a keyframe in between this here before you know it goes into the main clip we're gonna move this play it's at the beginning and at this point we're gonna move the x position we're gonna move this to the left over here so it's out of frame click done so now if i push play it'll look something like this right it's gonna appear on screen and it's going to stop as soon as it goes onto the main clip hold option and drag downwards to make a copy so it's right beneath our main clip all we're going to do is reset the transform tool so click this reset button and then we're going to trim this so it's at the very beginning select this clip now depending how long you want this to last i want it to be relatively quick so about here we're going to go to the beginning click on the video add a keyframe and go five frames over so one two three four five and then back on the transform on under position on the x-axis drag this to the right so it's out of frame on the right side and click done so now it's gonna look like this and then all we're gonna do now is at this fifth frame we're gonna trim this bottom clip here and what we're going to do is go into effects go to blur go to directional blur and add that there and then now i'm going to do is adjust how much strength of this you want it to be if it's going really fast you might have to increase the speed so it looks realistic like that so if i push play it looks just like that super cool now i gotta do is just hold option and drag to the right to make another copy and you can do this as many times as you want i'm gonna hold option drag to the right and i think that looks pretty good so now if i push play it'll look just like this and once we're here we're going to select all of the clips we're going to right click and group them once we have this done we're going to go to go about here and we're going to go into transform again so click on the transform tool add a keyframe and we're going to go all the way to the end yeah you want to go one frame to the left and just increase the size quite a bit maybe 150 percent click done so now it's going to look something like this we want to add another blur on this so we're going to effects blur and we can do focus blur or directional blur or radial blur focus blur and drag that on there increase the uh width of this looks just like that and then we're going to add some a little bit of that wiggle so we're going to go back to effects all video and audio and type in handheld and drag that onto our clip and then we're going to increase the shakiness and then the distance as well and now it looks just like this super neat so if you have to go back and kind of pause the video please do so this one is a little bit tricky but it shouldn't be too too difficult if you guys are liking the video so far please hit that like button if we can hit 500 likes i'll do another video like this kind of like a breakdown so let's move on to the fourth effect all right guys so the fourth effect on honestly one of my favorite ones because it's so simple to do this is gonna be the one from the music video here again just so you guys can see ignore this one here for now i'm showing you guys how to do this kind of spinning freeze frame uh kind of effect and i replicated this in this one here so if i push play it looks just like this what you want to do first is go to the beginning of where you want this effect to begin technically this video or this clip is part of this one i just split it but i wanted to start five frames after this video begins then i'm going to select the second clip i'm going to edit i'm going to go to add freeze frame and we're going to of course trim this as always about 20 or so frames would work and go up to effects or go to masks draw mask drag that on your video then you want to make your selection so i'm going to click once and just do something like this this one can be a rather simple selection so i'm just doing something like this and clicking here and i'm going to increase the feather just a little bit so i can kind of feather it just a tad outwards just like that so we want it to spin so in order to do that first we're going to transform again the anchor point is in the middle of this video we want this middle piece the anchor point in the middle of this freeze frame to do that go into anchor under transform x and y we're going to move the x axis to the left so we can center this about here something like this and then the y axis we're going to move this down so kind of move that there click and drag this back into place and that looks pretty good and click done click transform add a keyframe here and then we're gonna go about towards the end of this clip we'll go one frame to the left we're gonna type in so under rotation you can type in 360 if you wanted to spin counterclockwise or type in negative 360 to go clockwise so press enter and now if we go back and i push play it looks just like that don't worry about this not being right where it's at we're going to fix that so we're going to click on this video one frame to the left go back to transform go one frame to the left and just move this back here and then click done so now if i push play it'll stay in place yeah so i for some reason stretch the freeze frame a little bit so we're gonna go to transform and we're gonna adjust this just a tad and move this back to where it was again it's gonna go by quick they won't be able to notice it too much so once you're at this point it's gonna look something like this and what we wanna do is we want to create a blur so go to the effects go to blur over here and we're gonna go and add a radial blur so drag that onto that and then we're gonna move to where we can see this little anchor point again we're gonna drag this and move it into the center you can adjust the amount i'm gonna go with about 20 and if i go push play it looks just like that and now i want this to zoom up so i'm gonna go about halfway and we're gonna increase the size quite a bit to 133 if i go back it'll just go back into place so push play and it looks just like that all right let's move on to the fifth effect all right guys so i do have whitening strips on my teeth right now so if i sound like i have a lisp or something uh do keep that in mind but uh anyway so this one is gonna be really cool because this is kind of like a sliding frame effect and it's a transition so this one's really cool so if i push play it's going to look something like this super cool move the playhead to the beginning go to edit at the top go to add a freeze frame and we're going to drag this one up just like that and then we're going to trim this one something like this so it's the same length as the bottom clip and then once we zoom in we're going to then select the top clip it should be a still image again we're going to go to transform we're gonna have to move this point up at the top right for the anchor point so to do that it's very simple go to anchor go to x-axis and move this to the right so that it moves to the right like so and then we're gonna do the same thing for the y-axis so move that up just like that and then just click and drag this to move it back into place like that go back to transform we're gonna add a keyframe there we're gonna go about halfway almost and we're going to go to the rotation we're going to go to the zero degrees and just kind of click and drag this so it's about 90 degrees maybe 10 degrees and then from this point at the end go one frame to the left we're going to go to the position go to y-axis and move this down until it's out of the frame and then click done so now it should look something like this and if you think that's a little too fast just right click on the video go to show video animation extend this one out to the right a little bit so it's a little bit longer just like that once we're here all we gotta do is add a blur so go to the effects go to blur go to directional blur and once you're here all you want to do is move the arrow down a little bit so we're gonna add a keyframe so go to the beginning we're gonna start off with zero add a keyframe go one frame to the right and then we're going to increase this all the way to something like 40 40 or something and then about here we're going to increase this one a lot more and then about here we're going to really increase that to about a hundred so now if we go back and we push play it'll look just like this super smooth and clean and that's how it's done so let's move on to the sixth effect now i'm in the game i was on the bench first i was writing all right guys so the sixth effect is going to be the scaling kind of car window transition this one's really cool it's really easy to do if i push play it's gonna look just like this and it's very very similar to the original video and uh let me show you how to do it so so we're going to move the playhead to the beginning we're going to select it we're going to go to edit add freeze frame as always and we're going to zoom out here and this is the image so we're going to click and drag upwards trim it to the length of this clip we're going to move it over to the left okay and then from here we want this effect to start about here about eight or nine frames or so is good the longer the better the smoother the transition so once we're here all we got to do is go into effects we're gonna go to masks draw mask add that on that and we're gonna go ahead and just kind of click to make a selection of this g wagon perfect we're gonna go back to fit so it looks just like this and once we're here we're going to add another draw mask so what we're going to do is we're going to go back to effects masks draw mask and we're going to drag this one here and then in this case we're going to make a selection of the window so all you got to do is click here and drag outwards to make a curve something like this and once you're finished click that we're going to hit invert mask so now we have our first one here which is just going to be the car with the empty window which is what we want now all we got to do is hold option drag upwards and we can work with the bottom clip what we're going to do is we're going to disable one of the draw masks or we can click on invert mask so you're going to turn off the top draw mask and make sure on invert mask is unchecked for the bottom draw mask and then just re-enable those clips and then at this point what you want to do is move the playhead at the beginning go to the draw mask that's enabled go to transforms go to position we're going to add a keyframe go to the y-axis and move this all the way down from this point what we're going to do is we're going to go about halfway maybe a little bit more than halfway and then we're going to go back and just move this back up to about here so now when we go back it's going to animate just like this highlight both of those right click create a grouped clip so now it's going to be like this so now once we're here we're going to create that zoom in effect which is super easy we're going to go to the transform tool we're going to add a keyframe right up at the top left and we're going to start off not like this so we're going to start off really big and we're going to drag this so that the window is about centered and so we're going to keep doing this until we fill in this here so the video has to be within this empty area get it as centered as possible once you're here what we're going to do is i'm going to go about you can go about one frame to the left here and then we're gonna go to scale we're gonna type in 100 type enter x-axis zero y-axis zero and push play it looks just like that and you're pretty much done so that's a really quick one i hope it wasn't that complicated so let's move on to the last and final effect all right guys so the last and final effect one of my favorite ones here because it's really simple to do i know i say it's really simple because it really is and this one's going to be the flying kind of freeze frame subject in fact i'm going to create the freeze frame right over here i'm going to go to edit add freeze frame and i'm going to drag upwards i'm going to then trim this down like this and once we are here what we're going to do is go into effects masks draw mask drag that onto the video then you want to make your selection here make it nice and precise here i'm just going quick with this and once you're finished click on that and this will end the selection if i click off of this i want to make sure that this has a nice kind of edge so as you can see i'm just going to go into feather i'm going to feather this outwards just a tad and i'm going to move this back into place once we are here what we want to do is we're going to go into the transform tool we're going to add a keyframe and then what we're going to do from this point is we're going to skim through the video to see how long we want this effect to last you want to last about here and so what we're going to do is we're going to zoom out to 50 and if you have the transparency grid please enable that if you have the latest version if you don't it's totally fine just make sure that you click and drag this out of the entire video frame then you're just going to rotate this to something kind of weird and so when i go back and push play it'll look like this once it's finished about here we're going to trim it to there and then you're going to click on done so this is going to be the first one so once we are here what we're going to do is just do the same thing make a copy hold option and drag upwards select the top clip click on transform and we're going to reset this one and we're going to move the plan at the beginning we're going to add a keyframe go towards the end which is about here and we're going to move it on the opposite side so on the corners so we're going to drag this one up like kind of like this so it will look like that and then you're going to just do the same thing click done hold option drag upwards make a copy select the new one which is the third clip click transform we're gonna reset this one move the playhead at the beginning add a new keyframe go to the end skim through using the left and right arrow keys about here we're going to move it up to the top left and we're going to do something weird as well we're going to do something like this click done so now it'll look like this don't worry about this one we're going to shift it to the right a little bit so it'll look like this now we're going to hold option drag upwards again select the fourth clip go to transform reset those values move it to the beginning and make sure you have this video selected add a keyframe go to the end of that clip skim through about here i'm going to drag it to the bottom right and i'm going to go this way this time and click done and now if i go back it'll look like this cool we're gonna go back to fit we're gonna select the top two clips we're gonna group those something else like zero one or something i'm really lazy when it comes to naming my files but it's all good so we're gonna type in zero two now we have this one and then this one here perfect now we're going to go into blur directional blur add that onto the first clip click on directional blur and adjust this amount to something like this so it looks like that press command c select the top clip press and hold shift command v press paste and then once we're here click on directional and we're going to do the opposite so we're going to drag it out like that so now if i push play it looks just like that super clean and something that you could really spice up on your videos so those are gonna be the seven at least my top seven really cool freeze frame effects and transitions in final cut pro x without using any plugins or any special software everything you can do is all in final cut pro so if you guys enjoyed this video please leave a like subscribe and turn on that bell notification so you don't miss out on a video like this and if we can get to 500 likes in under 24 hours that would be absolutely bananas so comment down below if you guys want to watch another video like this kind of like a breakdown as well and show you guys the effects and stuff like that of course comment down below so with that being said i'll catch you on my next video you
Channel: KingTutsPro
Views: 183,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 cool music video effects, 7 music video effects fredo bang nle choppa, top 7 music video effects fredo bang nle choppa, top 7 music video effects, 7 music video effects, 7 cool music video transitions, top 7 cool music video transitions, 7 cool music video transitions in final cut pro x, 7 cool music video effects in final cut pro x, music video effects of 2021, music video effects final cut pro x, cool music video effects in final cut pro x, Editing effects for final cut pro
Id: I6Dj_mEHtZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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