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[Music] what's going on guys it's King Tut's Brown welcome back to another Final Cut Pro 10 tutorial in today's video I'm going to show you the top 10 effects all for free without any plugins you don't have to install anything to do this which is the best part about this tutorial so without further ado let's jump right into it it's so to start what you want to do is drag your videos into the timeline which is what I've done here so I'll have the first one here which is gonna be our main clip and then the next clip is going to be well our second clip so this is the sequence that it's going to be so we're gonna just going to be doing an eye mask it's very very simple to do so what you want to do is drag the bottom clip or the next clip below the first clip and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna select the top clip it's just a video we're gonna add a freeze-frame we're gonna go around halfway so this would be like if it's playing you gotta get a yachtie and then it's gonna pause and then we're gonna add our freeze-frame so go to edit at freeze frame we're gonna select this clip here and make sure that this is how long we want it to be think that seems fine and then I'm gonna make this smaller and we can delete this clip because we don't need it anymore what you want to do from this point is we're gonna add a mass so drag the time head to the beginning of this clip here go to the effects go to masks go to draw a mask and drag above the freeze-frame then what we're gonna do is we're going to select the eye so we're gonna go into 200% and then just make a quick selection of her eye and doesn't really matter what this is it can be a person or car a window whatever it is just make a selection then we're gonna go back to fit we're gonna invert the mask we're then going to add our frames but we're gonna be scaling this first just so we go step by step so we don't get really complicated click off of it our time head is still at the beginning so we're going to the transform tool we're going to position add a keyframe there at a key from to rotation actually don't add a keyframe next to rotation just add a keyframe to position and on the scale all then what you want to do here maybe halfway and then we're gonna scale this up and we're gonna move this down like so her eyes in the middle so now if we go back and we push play you're gonna see it looks like that okay and then it's going to play through and then towards the end here what I want to do we're gonna add another keyframe so we're going to scale all as well position okay and then what we're going to do is we're going to go towards the end go one frame to the left go to transform right over here and then we're just gonna scale this all the way up and we just want to click and drag and make sure that our eyes still centered but we're just gonna go through the whole entire we're gonna go through her eye pretty much so you have to scale this all the way until you don't see her face or eye or whatever it is that you're going to mask so click on done so now once we go back and push play it's gonna look like this and then it's an assumed right through but we're gonna do is we're gonna start scale this or track it to her eye so we're gonna select the bottom clip now and then we're going to go into the transform tool we're gonna scale this down and then we're going to add a keyframe right over here into the left or you can do it over here as well we're then going to zoom through or we can go frame by frame and then just move this with the wherever this is moving there we go so it looks like this it stops we're gonna add it right here right where it starts to move up again and that's where we will add our next keyframe now what we're gonna do is we're going to go frame by frame and just make sure that this is positioned correctly and this is upside down don't know why I'm just gonna flip this and then it starts to move down a little bit so feel free to move it down just like that sweet so now we can click off of it click on done and now if we go back and we push play it's going to look like this and Wham you got your very simple but straightforward mask effect or transition I should say but now let's move on to the next effect so this one's really really easy to do all you have to do is drag your video in the timeline make a copy hold down option and drag below that one so we make a copy we're then going to select the top clip we're gonna add a mask so root are the effects go to masks go to draw mask Oh people for you actually add a draw mask we're gonna clip or trim where we want the effect to start I wanted to start there and then I want it to end here well actually we're going to end it around here couple frames before okay and then we're gonna go back to the effects we're going to the masks add the drum mask and then what you want to do is make the selection so move it to the beginning and then you want to make your selection sweet so once you meet your selection you're not going to see anything because there's an exact copy of it below but what we're gonna do is we have the time and at the beginning we're gonna go tone to transform we have scale add a keyframe and then what we're gonna do is going to go back to the end there and just scale this up like that so now if you push play looks just like that super simple you can exaggerate the effect a bit so it looks like that [Music] alright so this next one is a really simple one and this is going to be the lens flare transition link is gonna be in the description to the channel where you can download or yeah download the video of course shoutouts to the Creator link is going to be in the description what you want to do is cut it to where you want to where you think you like the effect here so the lens flare so there's different kinds I normally do the second one so I'm gonna use the blade tool to trim that using the by pressing B go to the end of where it ends like right here and then press B and delete the end of that and then we're gonna drag this right in between two clips so this is one clip and this is a different clip entirely so I'm gonna rename all this so I'm going to actually reverse the clip so it doesn't start with white it actually ends with white so we're gonna go down to this right here next to this little speedometer click on this and go to reverse clip so now it's gonna start the the other way around make sure that's right in the in between in the middle there go to blend mode go to the screen option and then push play and they're gonna look like this looks really simple you can also speed it up by going towards the end here and dragging it like that so now if I push play it's going to look like this super simple you can increase it again to make it go faster and there you go [Music] all right so this next effect is going to be a distorted glitch effect which looks really really cool so this is the standard video here just a rock clip from the music video what you want to do is drag the video in the timeline there's nothing applied to this no effects at all there's no plugins like I said in this video you don't need any plugins or any special software to do this we're doing all the effects in Final Cut Pro so what you want to do is hold on option on the keyboard on your Mac and click downwards to make a copy select the top one disable that one by pressing V temporarily select the bottom clip go to the effects go to distortion and then you're gonna find the fisheye drag that below onto that bottom clip then you're going to go into the fisheye we're gonna make this smaller we're gonna go somewhere around negative I don't know eight and then we're gonna increase the radius to the left so we don't see the black edges so fill that up there and then what we want to do from here is we're gonna go back to the blur we're go to blur and remember going to drag the prison blur on top of that bottom clip to add that RGB glitchy effect we can change the angle or you can go on to the on-screen controls and adjust it like that then what you want to do is you want to go back to the stylized option here go to the bat TV and drag that on top of that then you can adjust this to however you want it to look like I'm gonna go to TV static I'm gonna adjust the amount to around ten and then what you want to do from here is enable the top clip go back to the effects go down to masks go to the vignette mask and drag it directly on top of this clip there once you have done that we're going to select the top clip we're gonna go into these sides you can also use the on-screen controls I'm gonna use the on-screen controls I'm gonna make this bigger right there by increasing the size and then the inner circle will allow you to adjust the fall off or the feathering so it just makes it a bit smoother of transition so I'm going to go around here and then what I want to do is I'm going to select the bottom clip press command C select the top clip hold shift command B to paste any of the effects we're gonna uncheck the effects because we only want the fascia effect click paste so now looks like this we're gonna adjust that of course so we're gonna go to the fisheye make sure it's selected go to the amount and I'm gonna adjust this a bit around there so now if I push play it looks like this and of course you can go back here to the bottom clip by selecting it in the settings all right so this next effect is going to be more of a color grading effect more than anything you might have seen this in a couple of my other videos but I wanted to include it because it's one of the most popular and honestly one of the coolest looking in my opinion so this is going to be the color grading effect I don't really have any other word to call this but it's really easy to do it's just a matter of changing the colors so I'm gonna delete what I've done here so this is the raw video here if you haven't listened to this song I have no idea what you're doing you have to listen to the song it's absolutely amazing if you're into hip-hop of course link to all of the music videos that I've been using so far are gonna be in the description so just an FYI shoutouts to all the editors directors producers and artists in the music videos so anyways to do this it's very simple what we're gonna do is we're going to add a color adjustment so we're gonna do first is we're gonna go into the inspector window yours might look like this so we're gonna go into this one over to over here and then what you want to do from here is where it says no Corrections we're gonna click on that and go to color board just because it has the masking option here if we click on the down arrow we're to go in to masks we're gonna go in to add a color and we're gonna select B color now this takes a bit of trial and error just because you have to get the colors right so I wanted to change pretty much all these shadows except his face so what I want to do is I want to click and then just select it but I don't want to select his face so this is going to be the inside so we have an inside mask and an outside mask so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go into the outside mask first we're gonna go into saturation we're going to bring this all the way down so it brings the saturation down now we're gonna go into the inside and we're going to go back to the color adjustments and we're gonna change the colors here so this will adjust I believe the shadows and this is the mid-tones and this is the highlights now we it's only going to affect what we've sampled which is the darker green color so we can adjust this to whatever you want but I'm gonna change it around there so now if I go back and I push play it looks like this and it looks really really cool it's simple and straightforward if you were to if you want to do the opposite all you have to do is invert this you can go back to the eyedropper tool and selects something else so if we click back this and we select like the white area it will sample everything that is in that color range which is white and you can do something like that it works just fine it's just a trial and error go back and forth with the eyedropper tool sampling different color points and you can get the desired effect that you want [Music] all right so this next effect is going to be the ghosting effect and it's really easy to do alright so this is the raw playing video here as you can see really simple what I want to do is I want to create like a ghosting echoing effect what I want to do is I want to make a copy so hold option and drag downwards press command R for the read timing option so we're gonna go to the end and we're gonna drag this outwards to around there this will slow down the video so just letting you know and then you're gonna do another copy hold option and drag it downwards I think you only need three for this to work or for it to look pretty good and then we're gonna press command R for the retiming option and we're gonna make this slower so now they're gonna play at different speeds so for all the clips you want to change them to lighten so this one is on lighten and this one's on lighten as well in the blend mode so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna mask it out we only want to you know focus on mmm and not anything else because then you will echo everything and you don't want to do that so we're gonna go to the effects or go to masks again and then we're gonna go to these sheet masks so just drag that above that one there and then now we're gonna move and change this to the bottom one here so we're gonna move it there make sure that the time it is at the beginning and then we're gonna change this feather outwards a bit so it's a bit smoother of a transition I guess if you will have a hard edge it's just going to look very obvious so once you're at this point you're gonna go into the transforms open that up and go next to position at a keyframe and then you're just gonna skim through the video and then just go over wherever he's moving now what we're gonna do is we're gonna press command-c we're gonna select the bottom clip or the middle clip we're gonna press shift command V to paste and then we're gonna click on paste and then now it's going to be the same one so now we're gonna have we're gonna have this going on which looks kind of cool but then once it ends it kind of goes like that which we don't want so we're gonna feed this out so we're gonna go into the transitions we're gonna go to the dissolves we're gonna go to cross dissolve and just drag that towards the end there onto each clip and then delete the first one because we don't need it there and then we're gonna change the length so now if I push play it's going to feed out really smoothly as you can see right over here it goes away and then this one goes away and then this one we can delete and we can pretend that the next clip here is going to start so right here we can change the speed I'm gonna select this one and change the timing option back to normal a hundred percent it's gonna look like this and if you want to transition that just go to cross dissolve and then change this so it looks something like this all right so this next effect is a really cool one this one will mimic the fisheye lens effects what you want to do is add a video into the timeline go into the titles and generate early shapes and drag that beneath the main clip that you want to add the effect to then trim it to the length of the effects here or the video clip we're going to disable the top clip by pressing V select the bottom clip go to the parameters here and disable the outline and then we're gonna go back to the top one the main clip we're gonna go to the effects we're gonna go down to the masks we go to image mask drag that above that one now it's going to ask us for a source click this down arrow select the shape now once you've done that it's going to pretty much put everything in a circle so now what you can do is go back here and disable the fill if you wanted to but I'm gonna select the top clip here and I'm gonna go into the scale you can make this smaller or bigger but you're gonna see if you make it smaller than the circle it's going to show the white and you can actually disable that by disabling it like that so now you don't see it so you can go back to the top clip I'm gonna make this as big as you want so I'm gonna move it there so there now what you want to do FEC's go to distortion go to fisheye and drag it directly on top of that clip we're going to move the fisheye above the image mask change the amount to this or you can go like that if you wanted to it works best if it's not on people's faces but I'm just gonna do this so radius is just how far this is so if we were to increase the amount it's going to really round it out but it will zoom out and this is where you can change the radius so I'm gonna do something like this I'm sorry a little take up for doing this to you but I want to show the effect here so I'm gonna do something like this I'm gonna push play but we're gonna make a copy first so hold option and drag upwards and then we're going to go to the effects we're gonna go to the blurs this one we're gonna go to prison blur and drag that there so now you're gonna have a RGB split effect you can also add a focus blur if you want so I'm gonna do that so just so it blurs the edges all right so this next effect is going to be the speed ramping effect which is really really cool I really like this effect so this is the normal video here still looks really really good however if we wanted to speed ramp this like in the actual music video if you want to watch it link in the description it's really easy so I had to do is it's going to look like this just drag your video in the timeline no plugins are required hold down I think it's option or command R to bring up the retiming options so press shift B and then maybe around here shift M maybe here shift them may be here shift them shift them and last one right there so we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 so I actually did 6 now all you gotta do is go to the ends here you're gonna stick a little line a black line the first one we're going to slow down so we're gonna click and drag to the right and you're gonna see that you're gonna have this 55% 80% if you drag it to the left it's gonna go faster if you drive it to the right and go slower I'm gonna go around 55% I think that's the sweet spot for 24 frames per second now what we want to do is the next one here we're gonna click and drag it to the left to make it faster so the sequence is slow fast slow fast slow fast so we're gonna go about I don't know I'm gonna go 400% and then the next one I'm gonna drag it to the right to 55% the next one I'm going to drag it to the left to about 400% the next one I'm going to drag outwards this one here 255 the next one I'm gonna click inject the left to 400 there's a certain limit to the ending since there's not a lot of time in the end if that makes sense or the length but the next one we can make it slower if you wanted to I'm gonna leave it how it is though so it's gonna go fast and then it's gonna go back to normal speed now if I push play it's going to look like this it looks really really good like I said if this was filmed in 60 frames or higher which I suggest you definitely do hey this slow motion will look perfect since this is not the case I'm gonna go back to the top here with the with the speedometer I'm gonna click that and go down to the video quality and go to optical flow if that's not checked it's going to look like this super choppy so if you switch it back to optical flow Final Cut Pro 10 will do its best to kind of smooth out the frames and make it a bit better if it was actually shot at 60 frames and that's all you got to do with this effect so this next effect is a really cool one and this is an easy one to do it's just an overlay that you overlay on your video and this one is the super 8 film which you've probably guessed it by now it's this one here that's very famous of course if I push play this is what it would look like all I got to do is go to the link in the description you can download it from the YouTube channel just be sure to give them credit and what you want to do of course is right now it's set on screen so what you would do is you would just have your video in the timeline and then you would drag the video on top and then you would it would look like this so all you have to do is go to the with the clip selected go to blend mode and change it to either of these four I prefer screen or lighten I just do lighten and then now if I go back and I push play this is what its gonna look like looks amazing if you want to stylize it even more select the bottom clip go to the effects and then you want to do is go to the I think it's stylized and then you're gonna have bad TV you can add that it'll look really really cool you also have aged film I'm gonna go to bad TV and I'm gonna adjust it a little bit so right now this is what it looks like this might change depending the type of music video you have so you can do TV static and last but not least the easiest effect in my opinion out of all the other effects in this tutorial is going to be the zoomin and zoom-out effect inspired by the one and only Kendrick Lamar as well as Drake and J Cole I believe in one of his music videos and this is just gonna be a simple zoom in zoom out without any movement on the actual camera equipment which is in this case a tripod I push play it looks like this very simple to do I'm going to show you how to do it right now so what you want to do from here is right now this is the normal video link in the description move the time head to the beginning go to the transform tool go to the top left here to add a keyframe go to where you want it to start I'm gonna go here and then I'm gonna zoom in I'm gonna go into the transform tool I'm gonna scale this all the way up and I'm going to change the position of this as well making sure she's in the middle okay so it's gonna go like this and then it's gonna stop and then here I'm going to add another keyframe get rid of that and then add another keyframe there okay and then we're gonna zoom back up or we're gonna zoom out back I should say so we're gonna go back to 100% we're gonna go to zero and we're gonna type in here zero sweet so now if we go back and I place plants and in zoom in and as an assumed out like that and you can change the duration of this just right click on it go to show video animation and then you can adjust the keyframes so you can change the speed and really easily I'll let's say that's too slow you can just go back push play looks just like that zooms in and zooms out perfect so that's gonna be it for this video I know it's kind of I mean I hope it's not long but if it is I try to do my best to fit all 10 music video effects if you guys found this video helpful at all please leave a like subscribe turn on the bail notification and comment down below what other video ideas you guys have later guys
Channel: KingTutsPro
Views: 99,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Editing music video, final cut pro x music effects, final cut pro x, final cut pro x effects, easy music video effects, how to edit a music video in final cut pro x, best trap music video editing effects, final cut pro x no plugins, final cut pro x effects and transitions, top 10 music video editing effects, top 10 effects for videos, best video effects, best effects for videos final cut pro, kingtutspro, editing effects no plugins, music video effects for final cut pro x, plugins
Id: 5chmz_0F-BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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