Ranking Girls on Attractiveness | 6 Girls VS 6 Guys

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Gen Z is the youth right now so they’ll try and look as such. Tho say when Gen X was youth, there wasn’t pictures of boomers trying to look like teens at least not from what I could see obviously I wasn’t alive then lol

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Global_Perspective_3 📅︎︎ May 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

Gen Z aesthetic does not equal trendy. The Gen Z aesthetic for girls is how similar they look like VSCO girls or E-Girls

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JoshicusBoss98 📅︎︎ May 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

1990-2000 (or maybe more strictly 1993-1998) are Zillenials, and the term should really be used more tbh.

Those of us born in the 90's exist between the two aesthetics and also understand both sides of the distinct "cultural/economic/technological" experience.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Default_Dragon 📅︎︎ May 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

Go millennials go

These girls all still got it!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Football-Ecstatic 📅︎︎ May 15 2022 🗫︎ replies

you're probably wondering yourself "how are these people not gen z'ers?", and the simple answer is that we on these subs equate 'being trendy' as a gen z trait. mostly because the gen z demographic is largely composed of teenagers. however, 4/5 of these women are born in '93,'94,and 95 (which could be considered gen z). but in a typical fashion on this sub we think that being "in touch with trends" is the best way to define one as a gen z, this video proves us wrong though. i was under the impression that every single person in this video was at most a late '90s baby and was going to be largely composed of early '00s babies. however i was wrong! give the video a watch if you haven't!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/melstorm88 📅︎︎ May 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

the simple answer is that we on these subs equate 'being trendy' as a gen z trait. mostly because the gen z demographic is largely composed of teenagers.

No, this is because Gen Z has a strong identity and have iconic clothing. Meanwhile, Millennials are just seen as a shapeless thing that anyone can manipulate to fit their stereotypes.

Gen X women in the early 2000s wore Millennial era trends e.g. Juicy Tracksuits etc but no one was going "why are you dressing like a Millennial" because Millennials don't have a strong common identity. Even Gen X has flannels

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BlargianGentleman 📅︎︎ May 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

Because half of the 90s is split into two generations arbitrarily but mid 90s is a toss up when it comes to clothes some are cheugy and some are on trend . I saw an article where they claimed “hailey Bieber is channeling her gen z fashionista in low rise jeans”. Yet she was born in 96. Articles cater to what people like The Hadid sisters, Jenner Sisters, etc are doing yet they are considered millennials however they weren’t old enough to follow the trends of the 2000s that define what an actual millennial is.

Even at a recent concert I went to you can’t tell 95-99 borns apart males and females alike I mean besides if someone looks significantly younger or olde . Zillennials really are a class of their own. No one would have a problem with 85-89 borns dressing similarly because 85 is not seen any different than 89.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/96nugget 📅︎︎ May 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

Good point though outliers exist too, there's late 70s Gen Xers who look young for their age and vibe Millennial but they're still X

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ClassicRockSocialist 📅︎︎ May 15 2022 🗫︎ replies

lol those are my generation´s styles. i find it so nuts people are just calling our shit " gen z " ?

is this a bloody joke ?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/viewering 📅︎︎ May 15 2022 🗫︎ replies
that's [ __ ] up david i know he's standing right david [Music] front and center i'm scared all right before we start this video guys i want to give a big thank you to function of beauty for sponsoring this video so everyone's hair is unique i've always wanted to make sure my hair stays as curly and as healthy as possible see i love function of beauty because they ask you to take a quiz to help you determine what's best for you my hair is curly obviously it's right in between fine and coarse my scalp is also right in between dry and oily they also ask you for your top five hair goals mine being curl definition obviously because i got to keep these cuties curled deep condition and make sure my hair is moisturized rejuvenate because your boy is getting old so i want to make sure my hair is revitalized and strong replenish hair so i can replenish that nutrient depleted strands and protect my hair from environmental stressors and oil control to prevent excessive oil production one of my favorite things is that you can customize your products you can choose your fragrance i chose takes to the mango you can smell the mango the grapefruit and the mandarin that smells good you can name your formula name i just named it david so function of david i got to choose my two favorite colors purple for the shampoo and pink for the conditioner they even send me these cool stickers to customize my bottles gonna do that later i've been using functional beauty for a month now and i love it my hair has been curly than ever it smells amazing and it's moisturized baby i feel like other products make my scalp dry and my hair flat and functional beauty does not do that so i would 10 out of 10 recommend these are dermatologist tested so i know they wouldn't irritate my scalp everything is intensely tested internally with voluntary participants and never on animals so i know they're safe it's also 100 vegan and cruelty free you kind of love it also functional beauty is delivered to you on schedule so you don't have to go out and shop for other products get 20 off your first 16 ounce custom set plus free shipping when you click my link and subscribe i also highly recommend to become a member so you get lots of exclusive perks like free shipping once again big thank you to functional beauty for sponsoring this video so let's get back to it hey guys i'm chelsea um i this is weird but um i like to think of myself of being a very understanding person and i think that's what i think people like that so i think that's what makes me likeable and attractive okay um my name is kristen the most attractive thing about me is my ability to make people feel comfortable in every situation well [ __ ] my name is jasmine i think that what is most attractive about me is my heart i feel like i have a big heart and a lot of love to give hi everyone i'm jill um i think i i empathize with a lot of people and i like how i can make everyone feel feel comfortable and safe and vulnerable so i find that really attractive and i'm proud of that about myself hi i'm tara and i think the most attractive thing about me is that i'm really fun to be around i think i can make a lot of people laugh and have a good time hi i'm mia i'm an accountant and i think the most attractive thing about me is seeing people for who they are and not getting attracted to people's looks my hands [Music] no chelsea we all know that you're a model squeeze in chelsea i didn't do my nails so i feel like i should be in the back i never do myself i'm just gonna keep pushing everyone back hey guys we're panicking we're like what do you want from us i'm comfortable with chelsea being number one me too i'm not like yeah we're all coming i think chelsea is literally one of those beautiful people i've ever seen i agree i agree no no yes yes can we put rock paper scissors rock do i play her no no no so i go and then we go like this is perfect rock paper scissors shoot so you move it from because i want you one i know so i get to pick where i go or like oh no no no no no we can't do it that way what because why is winning first because of how winning works it's a collective decision we agree that you're you should be number one okay so now you play me rock paper scissors shoot okay oh okay we gotta play rock paper scissors i don't know how i feel about you being over here we haven't even asked them about their opinion it's okay let's keep going okay we'll just make it yeah rock paper scissors shoot oh cool what do i do you take my spot oh no okay oh hi i don't understand rock paper scissors shoot whoever wins i don't know oh okay yeah rock paper scissors shoot [ __ ] oh i'll stay here that's not fair your butt is big what does that have anything to do with anything i'm flat i'm comfortable with this i'm really content like when i tell you no part of me is upset about this i'm like yeah well i'm happy for you why do you get to be comfortable it's just not fair ranking the girls was weird ranking people in general is just kind of weird going face to face it's really something you psychologically do in your head as a human and not to people's face so it it took another layer of confidence but i think we all know none of it was anything deep i need to switch with you no i know i need to switch with you i need to switch it towards you i will say can i just say i think the guys were like no i think i should be first and we're like no i think you should be first that's the difference of men and women yeah well that's whatever is in mind you have to switch with me i don't think i'm deserving i think you're very quirky and cute and you're like my style is just so it like you know you're so fun i agree your collective decision is so bubbly i think if anything you are first i have an idea everybody and be truthful close your eyes and safely move to where you think you deserve or we could close our eyes and be like okay if i were to make out i mean i would make out with all of you but like who would i have a threesome [Applause] i woke up it's a good way to put that no um just one name if i were to have a threesome ah [ __ ] okay i'm uncomfy now there's no comfortable way to do this my top three based on comfortability and who i know would be tara kristen and jasmine i feel like i know them the most comfortability i like that so much better yeah we'll go all flat let's do that chelsea kristen and jasmine um my top three would be jasmine kristen and tara my top three would be chelsea tara and mia oh she's already crying i'm really sobbing um my top three chelsea tara and jill um i feel like i just met all of you but jasmine i'm not waiting for the longest we're going off comfortability because like i did just meet you but i thought we're going off like okay i [ __ ] this up that's what it is right comfortability do whatever you want chelsea kind of started the comfortability thing and i think a few of us just bandwagoned [ __ ] besides me i would say jasmine kristen can i pick myself yeah uncomfortable with myself we all just met so what is that average too nothing yeah this doesn't help at all you guys i'm literally so fine with it it's like we can go talk about what's relative to like our opinion but as a collective it's so much harder we have different opinions we know each other so differently okay let's do what the guys did what about objectively with the girl what what makes them what what did she say hair oh i'm last you no this is no i just cut a lot of hair off i would say i lost healthy you're not last with because of your hair but if we're going off hair what if we guess the guys's ideal beauty standards i like that okay okay okay so let's pick maybe a feature or a few things that we think the guys based this off of body body so do we go off body but then for men no but their bodies they care about faces 100 bodies first though my point is that men care about face too it's not just body like it's a total package for some guys unless they just want to like hook up with them so let's think about the guys we're dealing with what do you guys think this group of guys is going i would say it's like 70 body 30 face yeah so body let's see your butt belongs yes badass i feel like she's got bodies you all walk together yeah both of you had a snatched waist you guys should be in the front yes get over there i'm uncomfortable here it depends on the day i typically don't pull myself together often so typically i don't but if i like have my makeup on and stuff i feel pretty confident okay now face i mean we're all [ __ ] gorgeous yeah so this is fine 100 or we can switch uh i'm fine with switching with her i'm also fine with switching mm-hmm i actually genuinely don't feel like i should be here so and i'm body oddity i like that my makeup looks crusty no it looks really good i feel uncomfortable i do too i think this is unfair i do too i really don't what are you doing down there yeah this is opposite day hey yell at me what are you doing i don't like this i want to see you guys like we all look so different too we do all look so different if we were all siblings sure but like we look so different i modified my face to look like this i don't mind scooting back a little bit can we get og photos the before no she was still bad then too no i wasn't i can't even tell what you did i got a nose job a chin job and chin lipo i can't even tell i literally had no idea i got what did you even just say i got a nose job a chin job and chin lipo all the ones all at once okay my favorite features on a girl is booty and jawline i think chelsea has a great choice sharp okay chelsea get over here where not first it's over here yeah yeah no no no no just somewhere does anyone agree i'm number one i agree i agree i think chelsea's got jawline chelsea looks like a model she does she looks like a model no one look at me don't look at him chelsea get over here okay i'll get over but not not fronts first oh no can i get bumped down to the plastic surgery yeah let me let me have this one no no what what what do you want she thinks because she wasn't born that way that she needs to switch okay i think that's fair no no it's attractive i think someone with a body should at least get first because that's how i know that's what they're gonna pick i'll pay you one thousand dollars really no i wish maybe maybe ten dollars oh i can do that no just kidding no we're just gonna keep going in circles i think we should just they're gonna rearrange us anyway like i'm fine i'm fine it's good no yeah this is gonna literally be impossible for us yeah we're just gonna keep going in circles all right this is do you feel like you should have been last no honestly like even ask my friends on our way here i did think i would be last yes no what do you think truman first jasmine tara do you think the ratings are perfect no [Music] um well first off i just want to say excuse me you're gross and then second off i want to say all of you guys are beautiful you guys are all tens in our hearts tens or tens tens what did i say tens ten cams i love tin can that's what i'm trying to say point is you guys are all beautiful 10 out of 10's really you know um sounds so nervous this is weird being on this side though it really is i don't know i don't wanna i don't like moving on this side too i would hate to be first yeah i yeah no not like that like that [Laughter] okay how should we do this should we just let's start from you and work our way back should we should we talk about what makes a girl attractive yeah okay okay i like it i'm a short king personally i like at least a girl eye level so i don't feel insecure about myself i feel that you know what i'm saying know that um but uh i do like a smile yeah i just i feel like i attract more to like a face and a smile same same yeah same same short kings show kings baby let's go i also like style a lot i don't have socks that's because that's what i like and the way they way they put themselves together yeah what i'm saying yeah what about you danny i'm really curious i'm like i'm not you know i'm not the most stylish i like a nice casual look you like style yeah like like well casual like something casual you like girls that wear converse so what you're trying to do is casualness dragon is converse he likes converse his perfect girl is like she plays fortnite she wears comments off-white converse do you see congress conversation to converse so that that's your final answer you're attracted to casualness and conversation i didn't take hunger who put that in my mouth you put that stinky [ __ ] in your mouth there all right reggie i look i'll look for like you know stuff like tree climbing ability if you're getting chased by a bear like that's like the safest route up so i need someone who's gonna i'm trying to grow old i don't know if that's true reggie i don't think that's true can bears climb trees very well yeah really fast really fast that's a catch should we do sprints yeah can you give us some suicide sprints real quick christian uh i'm really attracted to eyes i think you know eyes are the windows to the soul i'm attracted to that um also nothing better than a big fat butt you know christian i have to say i have to say it quickly they all have brown eyes they're all the same brown eyes are my favorite eyes i love brown eyes they're deeper than like blue eyes and green eyes i love brown eyes like bright eyes or like ooh pretty brown like brown eyes brown hair intriguing lips too lips are really attractive what are all mine what do you like that was close that was very really awesome damn ladies uh okay so i like someone who's cool calm and collective we're talking about yeah no attractive attraction i like someone who's like who's funny i don't know style i think style is just number one like if you can hold a conversation if you're funny if you're witty yeah but i think we're i think we're just [ __ ] we do we do looks all right okay brown hair literally this might sound weird but like have you ever heard of anybody that looks like your mom that's psychological that's the thing yeah that's psychology my mom specifically anybody who looks like my mom she's like david's mom like brown hair brown and i like my mom specifically that's it right now we're not gonna be honest look i looked after them i look out for my that's it brown hair bright nice so you guys you guys are all on the run well at least one of us is honest and some guys i like some guys as well there you go which ones uh i've already kissed david today guys this is really [ __ ] hard this is extremely hard okay kristin i don't i do not believe you should be in last place uh you're very pretty but i also i don't think anybody should be last with christian's going to be talking for me 14 i also like a big butt i got you ken don't worry why did you just hit my rock hard abs what the hell was that it was nice it was hard okay okay jill at last honestly i was telling him that was just because you you know you told me last year don't move don't move yet that's just because you called me one two three four five six [ __ ] dude i can't do this jc why don't you go first you said you wanted to go first so just go for it i did not i can't right what you guys all collected i sit right here for a reason i'll go first and then keean can take it and we'll go down because everybody's afraid to go first i'll go first i'll do it take it away christian jail i only said that because you told me to go last i think you're very pretty and you do not deserve to be last then who deserves to be your last ken you bro back here come on back here with me all right this is my order jasmine is first mia is second tara is third chelsea is fourth fifth sixth [ __ ] bruh that's kind of rough huh okay reggie ah okay i think we're circling back that's just my opinion that's what i see through my eyes everybody has a different set of eyes that they see attractive yeah blue eyes i have brown blue eyes here with brown eyes it's just it's like it's opinion based on just looks like if i if i was at a bar and all of them were at the bar with me who would i walk up to first jasmine jasmine well you would walk up to jasmine first i'm talking about christian yeah i know i'm just trying to put you on spot all right i would go with mia first and i just want to preface this i think you guys are all tens you said that already this is weird because jc is right here chelsea too that's [ __ ] up david i know he's staying right david uh kristen three tara four jill five jasmine duty six [ __ ] you i picked you first hey maybe sorry it's okay no it's okay i'm sweating all right my number one is chelsea really yeah wait why hold on nice like why though why i don't know everything that was cute as [ __ ] that was so romantic i shed a tear um second kristen tara third jill fourth jasmine fifth mia uh sixth reggie key and you go you were supposed to be first that's not happening that's not how clocks work it goes that way so do clocks also skip danny or it's leap gear it's leaving here actually i would love to hear this daylight savings online i would love to hear dana's danny's like whoever wants me number one my rash is getting i know my pit's stretched you ever okay i need to rethink this all of you are attractive this is an attractive group of 12 people i'd say 11 11 of us are good um first of all you guys are all beautiful like david said danny really i have to do this if there's a girl not wearing converse first you're fake dude okay my my first would be would be jill my second would be converse chelsea that's funny he's right here the balls on this guy i think that's [ __ ] up that she's not first my third would be mia fourth would be tara then kristen and jasmine keegan take it away i'm gonna go first is tara second is jasmine third kristen fourth is mia jill sixth is chelsea chelsea i love you though okay hey man he's sitting right here that's [ __ ] up that's something dude that's pretty [ __ ] up bailly here i would have put it last that's [ __ ] up i i liked getting ranked better than ranking the the women because i think all the women were very beautiful i think that'll deserve number one okay first of all guys you guys are at least all of you are at least a six so like i'll just make this quick like a band-aid but now i'm nervous because i had it in my head and now i don't remember exactly just go okay okay kristen first me a second third chelsea fourth jasmine and then fifth jill and tara i have to get it give you something that's [ __ ] up that's your that's your brother's girlfriend i know that's [ __ ] up that's [ __ ] up i don't want to cause any drama within the family i'll take it chelsea got a lot of seconds who do you think okay who thinks that chelsea should be first that's [ __ ] up that's [ __ ] wait we'll just go one on one like first first first first okay okay ready i'm first shelly go all right who do you think jasmine should be first this is kind of funny [ __ ] i don't know we already did so [ __ ] up we like we already did i just think i think as like collectively chelsea's for sure first or second right kristen was up there like sec first the third mia is like right around third should we do top three top bottom three then yeah and then we're going off like everyone's yeah david take it away brother no i'm no pick go jc you're doing great j.c you're doing great i would say based off the votes that people were giving and hearing the top three is probably chelsea jasmine and kristen yo who's your first jasmine who's your first tara who's your first kristen who's your first joe who's your first chelsea but first me dude it's all different different knowledge different feelings different people well we'll all collectively just take first here we go all six you'll see that not possible no i'm done for that oh yeah really no we had to do this so you all got to do this yeah true um okay let's start from the last who got who's everyone's six well jasmine got two six but she also got a number one and some number twos we need a calculator okay so she's but but i i don't think she's second that's [ __ ] up well no because she got two sixths so her average goes down i don't know or me or how about me a second because mia got a lot of me a second chris and third third and third who was everyone's fifths this is [ __ ] oh i was trying to i was trying to get over with i would switch tara and kristen and then put jasmine in third and then move quick you put my head in first bruh yeah but i'm sitting like to work with the gr i can't do mine i'm working you all shift down and then let's all agree with number one let's all agree with number two let's all agree with number three let's just go through and say yes no to like number one number two number three number four number five six you only have to count mia and chelsea all right chelsea you're number one so y'all would switch i would switch is me a number one yeah the freckles are fake okay so me and chelsea everything's fine thank god the freckles are fake so let's go second and third yeah they're drawn on yeah but we need a calculator our show is everywhere like we can't should we what should we do change it how do you want to change it all right how do you just say how you want to change it change it and then we'll agree upon group decision okay um let's guitar in the front it's our jump up in the front like all the way in like yeah we already like this to it you just said change it and then we'll discuss it the four in the back we have our top two we decided okay okay okay okay bottom four from the bottom four um nobody great when anybody switched i put jill as one so i would switch danny's like deal number one right like you're asking if i want to switch like j jc how would you switch it jasmine and kristen switch okay actually i'll take this order i would like jasmine i love you i would like to see you gotta stick to my older oh no she was six sorry but she's first do it makes no sense that's okay it makes no sense but you have to let it not make a living like an average opportunity everybody's i think it's like the best we can put the order in i mean okay but i feel like everyone's order was so different it's like we all had a different first we agreed to disagree it's a long there we go there we go that's our order everybody a lot of arguing but we came to it that was awkward all right that was really awkward subscribe group hug [Applause] my therapy sessions
Channel: David Alvareeezy
Views: 4,465,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kian and jc, knj, jc caylen, kian lawley, reggie webber, danny twitch, christian seavey, david alvareeezy, david alvarez, 5 guys vs 5 girls, 5 girls, 5 guys, ranking women by attractiveness | 5 guys vs 5 girls, ranking men by attractiveness, 5 girls vs 5 guys, ranking women by attractiveness, 5 guys rank 5 girls, ranking girls by attractiveness, reacting to ranking women by attractiveness | 5 guys vs 5 girls, ranking men by attractiveness reaction, cut, jubillee
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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