6 Asians vs 1 Secret Non-Asian | Odd Man Out

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hey good humans if you didn't know we recently dropped a human good surface-level collection at human good Ellie calm and we're running out really fast so make sure to stick around after the video for a special promo code till then enjoy this episode the USA celebrates its heritage and identity as a nation of immigrants what adds to the diversity is the Asian American population that traces its roots to more than 20 countries in Asia each having a different culture and a unique characteristic in this episode of odd man out let's see how easy it is for the moon to figure identity we brought together 7 Asians blindfolded I'm Asian I'm Asian I am Asian I'm Asian I'm Mexican one is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll split a cash prize if the liar survives they win the entire prize this is odd men oh hi my name is crystal and I'm the first person in line hi my name is Josh and I'm the second person in line my name is Brianna my name is Aldi and I am the fourth person in line and I'm Erin I am the fifth person in line my name is Michelle I'm the sixth person in line I'm Preet and I'm the seventh person in line I'll start no shoes inside the house plain and simple I think I mean most Asian parents probably have dad I don't know if this was like specific to Filipinos they always said like not to sleep with your feet facing the door because the ghosts can take you or something like that we had it you don't sleep facing okay my strategy going into the game is trying to ask about different cultural nuances that people have experienced because a lot of people like Asian culture a lot of people like Asian food a lot of people like Asian women where any of you guys born in your native countries no I'm dead boy I'm a third generation I was born in Whittier so it's like really white there but my parents came from India and yeah they were just here to come for a better life so can we talk about like thinking that you're not Asian friends did get that you had to do they didn't get that I liked spam oh I love spam one thing I didn't get any time I could spend a night am I like not Asian friends house period my white friends I know some of them like if they would get into arguments with their parents and they would argue back really hard and I was thinking myself I would never do that when when why people call their parents by their first name I personally thought the mole was going to be like this white like anime lover I did think them always why I did think the mobile of why yes um just because I have like a lot of friends and family I like our Asian but they are married to someone that usually is white so just going off of I guess like prior judgment I kind of just made that made that call does everyone speak in their native tongue fluently I am not fluent I can understand or do you guys have like a Asian name yes my name is the boy someone here hasn't spoken yeah I feel like that would be a good indication of like just me like being like the quiet one in the group I felt like that kind of just like gave it away that I wasn't like telling the truth my parents are like whitewashed so it's like I barely like I'm not doing in our native language but do they give you a name I have a Oh American name is just Brianna yeah I was like I feel like every Asian has a Asian name oh where you know what ethnicity I'm Japanese oh yeah Japanese one when you celebrate dear I didn't think I'd be as nervous as I was but once they started asking like the tougher questions I kind of was like trying to think fast if any of you guys been back to like or have been to your native countries really well for those of you who have been when with the last time that you went I went 2013 because my sister just got married to a white boy all the stereotypes that were discussed was definitely valid questions however I don't think that's like the best way to judge if someone is Asian or not I vote for Josh because it was very quiet I would think that the mall didn't want to reveal himself too much a lot of answers weren't too detailed I hate to be stereotypical but it was the way that he sounded I feel like Mexicans and Asians are kind of like we have a lot of similarities you feel like you're kind of in the middle oh I'm like Chinese but I'm an American so it's like which culture are you more so Josh coming about like when there's a disagreement with your parents house I usually go oh dude honestly man it's my parents way or the highway like what happens if like you really pissed them off um like when you were younger me growing up I just saw a stark difference between how my Asian friends act around parents versus my non Asian friends act around their parents we were pretty like American I tore I mean I grew up pretty Americanized so like like I never really had too much of a disagreement with my parents I would always kind of just like fall the way chrysella was lost every parent dad told you but they loved you I just felt like he was trying to steer the conversation away from him so just going off of that I felt like he was definitely the mole I'm actually kind of estranged from my parents but like I'm kind of like trying to rebuild with my mom she used to never say that she loved me but now every time that we do talk she does because it's kind of complicated and if you guys ever get a real big conflict does uh do they ever apologize Lawlor no never I mean my parents and that's partially why I'm kind of estranged from especially my dad like that's why I'm kind of history my parents are divorced by the way which was unheard of my Filipinos are Catholic and they like don't divorce I don't wanna be racist ah in my perception a lot of like white families go through the like divorce but also she just sounded very like Americanized what's the most Cambodian thing about you well we would go the we dozen years in April every year we have a baby festival what's your favorite Cambodian food as a bulk sauce do you have you heard of it what is it Hulk sauce for maybe fish oh no that's like the one thing I can't boys can never say because it's like it smells bad it looks bad you said that your third generation right sorry no I'm first generation okay I said third by accident okay I'm first generation so your parents immigrated here yes back in 1986 in 1990 okay and me ya know when he said he was third generation and then he backed up and said oh no I'm first generation that was kind of a red flag to me I meant to say third generation Christian because my family was Hindu before I meant to say first generation American after she talked about the relationship with her parents raised a little doubt in my mind we have three people that look to my left or giving just such great answers with my boy Josh which is kind of piggybacking off those answers in terms of being like estranged or cutting them out it's not something that you typically hear when it comes to Asian families I do think that not fitting into those stereotypes is what got me out did you guys ever like talk to your parents about like your mental health growing up no no that wasn't ever part of our culture but I feel like I mean yeah they're very like what does that even mean like therapy no but I feel like you know times are changing and like I was gonna just talk about it with them though they're always there to understand but did you ever have the talk like the birds and the bees talk with no no yeah yeah did your parents let you like date in high score even like middle school no because it was more of like a like you weren't ready type of thing my parents were always like don't they don't they don't think growing up and then now I'm like okay I didn't date and now I'm like single and there okay like yo where my grandchildren are you guys until like any like Asian trends I guess I mean if tick-tock is the trade I guess ailing I do you like kpop I'll be jest but some of the older ones like Girls Generation I like them and then Super Junior I mean I'm sure you're a fan of like the any song you know that to anyone there's like some trend going on like people doing videos of like didn't you know like this thing ok I'm not like super into kpop it's a kpop you should know that though it comes up on music then y'all listen to it I'm not too sure who any of those people we're just saying your parents are from they're from India but we live in Ontario California oh but we're in India Gujarat no wonderly no it's very good job what are your parents names my parents yeah my mom's name is actually Spanish so her name is Leona but she goes by ena now and then my dad's name is Ashish my parents have super white names actually it's Ellen and Dennis a part of me yes and then um someone next to me asked Oh what are their Asian names and I was like oh gosh I don't even know in their birth names uh I actually don't yong-jin and my mom's is I'm not really sure so just say that noise you know on the arm here if you guys want to feel what I'll have you know yeah is that a thing yeah I mean like I had to use Syria test to defend myself because I wanted to be sure that I was gonna win let's say they'd never seen my face and they're only talking to me they would think I'm white and that was the reason why I was voted off because I don't it's happened to who like too much I got a surfer dude I grew up in the suburbs of war again so all right I think we got them I feel like we got I don't think so would you think it was Josh bro I swear my man like I definitely thought she was Japanese the way she kind of spoke and the way she kind of carried her soul I just assumed she was a quiet Japanese girl last semester I did take Japanese class I could speak like a little bit I'm not like fluent I wanted to see if I was able to distinguish people what differentiates people or as well as you know what experiences have they gone through that I can also relate to yeah I feel very comfortable talking about my recent ethnicity because yeah it matters oh hey good humans thank you for watching this episode of odd man out make sure to check out our new human good surface level collection at home when could Ellie comm we have amazing new bags accessories shirts sweatshirts sweatpants etc also you can use the special promo code hash tag surface and get a discount on your entire purchase and don't wait for too long because the code expires 48 hours after the release of the video thank you for watching this episode and you have 47 hours 59 minutes and 50 seconds left 49 48 47 46 45 I'd always been self-conscious of my nose and I like paying my parents like no no absolutely not I got plastic surgery I got plastic surgery I got surgery I got plastic surgery I got plastic surgery I got plastic surgery I got plastic surgery I got plastic surgery one of them is a liar [Music]
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 4,362,395
Rating: 4.8837748 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, jubilee odd man out, 6 asians vs 1 secret non asian, asian american, asians vs asian american, who is not asian?, who is the mole?, odd man out asians, odd man out asians blindfolded, Asians, non-Asian, Asian American, jubilee asians, game show, secret non-asian, humangood, surface level
Id: A1D520DnCZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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