6 Parents vs 1 Liar | Odd Man Out

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[Music] we brought together seven people who are parents i'm a parent i'm a parent i'm a parent i'm a parent i'm a parent i am a parent and i am the parent one of them is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is the survivors win a cash prize if the liar survives they win the prize can the group find the odd man out right now my strategy for this game is i actually wrote down some very specific questions all i know is i'm not trying to get voted out the first round so i'm looking to bond with these other parents i think i'm a really good judge of uh who's a parent and who's not i have no game plan going into this i'm gonna do my best i have no idea what i'm doing all right we're about to start oh i'm nervous and the time starts now oh wow i don't know what you're supposed to do in these first three minutes it's it's pretty crazy oh hi everyone i am a dad wow this is like rapid fire 45 uh i'm 43 and oh my god it is chaotic okay i guess this video is kind of gonna be my uh i have a two years old daughter my reveal okay okay i'm 29 and a dad 24 mom um i remember his first poop [Music] oh i'm the worst typer they're gonna think i'm the mole just because i suck at keeping oh my goodness everyone i'm 37 i'm expecting this number oh just started to get used to a lot of videos of my friends oh no cliff you haven't told anyone yet oh no okay which is true like and he he sits still for it for the very first time which is incredible uh before he would just skip all these videos videos videos videos videos it'll drive me insane i feel like so much of this is just trying to prove that you're not the one as opposed to sniffing someone out but i don't know wait how old is everyone's kid my oldest toy is three no idea i have no idea [Music] my house is like a kindergarten i don't know johnny that seems suss is that how the kids say suss [Music] 10 and 19 holy crap this is going so fast crystal's favorite toy story character does that matter [Music] i feel like i should have a notepad who's who who's doing what who's single people are talking about they're single i don't know i just feel good i don't feel good about that round i felt great about the round i'm a little suspicious i'm not really sure who to vote for i kind of want to vote for it denisha like her responses were very short i think i'm gonna have to go with denisha i'm so sorry denisha actually said that i'm definitely a parent i think everyone saw that crystal i'm so sorry but i'm probably going to vote for you for this round because you say my favorite character of toy story is bull peep probably johnny i can tell you all about being a parent same like what i am going to vote for johnny this round uh mostly because johnny said i can tell you anything about being a parent and like i don't know that blatant statement and cockiness i'm gonna vote for crystal and that's probably what that's probably what single people are doing non-parents is they're thinking about themselves and not their kids janisha janisha just has my my vote for this one is the mole um she spaced her kids out really far i have no idea who i'm voting for in this round i know it's not johnny or i think daniel so we'll see what happens i tallied the votes and it came out to a three-way tie what the hell that's insane and the three-way tie was between denisha johnny and crystal oh [Music] [Music] why was i voted out i don't know i have a gut feeling about johnny and i think i need to stick with my vote i gotta stick with my gut and go crystal because people that are parents instinctively say what their kid likes not what they like i think i think it's crystal because i go with my gut send votes are in and the person who is eliminated in our first round is crystal sorry i should have said that my daughter liked bo peep not that i liked bo peep though it's true i do she's great for this round tell a brief story about you and your child and a time they overwhelmed you it was probably nearing the end of my second pregnancy when i was like nine months he's he was two at the time and he decided that he wanted to clog our toilet so he just pooped in the toilet stuffed a whole bunch of toilet paper in the thing flooded that i walk out he's covered in water i feel like that's really gross um my kid just gets hyped all of a sudden he's three puts his hands on the wall and starts twerking and then the one-year-old copies what my kid is doing i was like where did you learn that from and my wife and i always point fingers at each other that's definitely you okay hi everyone so real quick my when my daughter was born she had a very loud voice so every single night she screams so loud for hours that she doesn't want to go to sleep and we even tried to put in earbuds and we were like hold on a second let me try this there's no difference she's so loud that we can never sleep whenever i do my makeup i let my daughter use like a lip gloss this one time she took one of the expensive lipsticks that i have and she colored her whole face with it her whole face and it was a matte lipstick so it was so hard to get off i was teaching my son how to snowboard and we ski down into the line and he shouts out with no reason or no rhyme daddy i'm gonna marry a man and everybody in the crowd heard it and looks at me and i'm like good for you bud whoever you want to marry is who you want to marry that's my story um gosh i can't think of a story i guess i'll tell you about the story with my 19 year old a few months ago he got frustrated with me and he tried to commit suicide right in front of me um it was really scary and we couldn't call i was at work we couldn't call 9-1-1 because it was during a time where we thought maybe a cop would shoot him if they went to my house and i didn't know what to do so um it was probably the worst day or worst time of my life i i was really scared and i don't know if any other parents got have have experienced this but it's the worst feeling you could ever feel and even feeling it now makes me want to cry thank you for sharing denisha it was nice getting to see everybody i have no idea after that round when everybody else was talking i thought it was funny and cute but when it came to my part it was just really hard denisha's story oh my goodness that was one of the most harrowing things i've heard in a really long time i think i'm gonna go johnny here just because there was some heat on johnny from the last from the last vote i will probably vote for daniel just because of the lack of details and the lack of description i might just stick with my gut on denisha i'm sorry denisha um johnny seemed like he was telling more of a generic story i think i'm going to have to go with johnny i really feel like you should be the one to raise your kid instead of hiring people to raise your kid i'm going to put johnny again boy pick up your girl like what the second person eliminated from the game is johnny oh my god i'm sorry johnny ah i guess i really don't look like a parent i should have dressed in like a polo shirt that sucks [Music] you will have four minutes to talk to each other and the time starts now who is the one who said um i don't know what to do with a three plus year old that's me okay so my oldest is a three-year-old from um in july july 6 and uh she just loves a lot of marvel like on disney plus there's like a whole bunch of marvel stuff that you can watch um i don't know who was the one too no screen time was that johnny did we we already voted him off right yeah um that's right that's why we voted him off how old are you i'm 24. you're a young mom too okay so i had my first um i was 20 and i turned 21 when i had him wow good for you guys i don't know how you do it as a that young because i was 36 7 8 when it all happened and it just it's a very different feeling dude i don't know how you guys do i feel like i'm tired all the time like oh yeah i love it i love it i think it's just because like since we're young we have a lot of energy yeah exactly i'm a very creative it's absolutely true what time do your kids go to bed like do you guys have a bedtime for your kids bedtime routine seven o'clock in the bath seven thirty he's in the bed and my life starts at eight o'clock what's the oldest out of all you guys cause i think i have the oldest i think you just i think you have the oldest okay i have a 10 and 19. i actually thought we voted voted them all out i just want to hear more from you is your kid in daycare or have any of you guys had your kids in daycare yeah so my kids in daycare uh my wife's a physician and i i work full-time so like if he wasn't in daycare he would take all my energy like just all every second of myself just to entertain him so there's no way we could do both and we're just like so grateful that our daycare is staying open with the small amount of kids and like every parent is just trying to be careful i used to work at a daycare but now i'm a stay-at-home mom so like since i've had not that there's anything wrong with daycares but since i've been there it's like i kind of know like what goes on i just rather would spend time with her at home because daycare is expensive very expensive i'm just struggling with what we're going to do with this distant learning or high degree learning but that that's when that one's coming oh yeah our school districts have already emailed us that we're doing in-home learning i was just doing a hybrid uh at a certain point starting off with distant learning but then they're going to go into a hybrid if we elect to everybody's really good everybody's convincing they've got their story down i am the youngest i'm the younger i'm the youngest one on here so hopefully they all like have that mentality like yo she's not the mole i think it was daniel dre and emily that i was kind of concerned about but cliff seems like he's definitely a parent daniel gosh it's almost daniel and emily because emily was talking too much i think i am going to go with daniel i wanted more out of him and i wonder if he is just a sophisticated man that knows the ropes of parenting does that make sense i feel like cliff was right when he said that we we thought the mole was out but we just wanted to talk but if i had to choose someone it'd probably be emily i don't know who i'm gonna go with i might go with daniel and michael cliff i'm gonna go with daniel the result of the last round was we had another tie the tie is between daniel and emily so what we're gonna actually do for this round is we're gonna have each person gets 30 seconds to state their case daniel you go first all right did i get this right you should believe me because i have the open adoption certificate to prove it i have the divorce financial bills to prove that i fought for custody um because i have the smartest little monkey trying to make his little minecraft world on his youtube channel and it's a delight uh i have all of the poop stories we tried to do uh elimination communication early on he was actually potty trained by nine months which worked until about one year and then it went all to waste um pun intended i have bad jokes galore i'm definitely a dad all right four three two one and your time starts now okay y'all so daniel said that he got proof wait it doesn't got proof to show down right now but i do i'm twenty do the matthew i'm 20. my daughter's two right and i have this tattoo right here it says 10 19 17. she's going for the tattoo it's her birthday why would i just have this random tattoo oh my god she didn't do the math it's her birthday 22. that's the best proof that i can show y'all right now is the proof that's on my body um i love you danielle you're so sweet but i'm a little bit i'm coming i'm coming for you emily she's using a tattoo to prove her case but i feel like that could have been like a boyfriend a girlfriend you don't know girl i'm sorry i'm sorry what do we do here what do i do daniel's a good guy i'm a nice person very close votes but the next person eliminated is emily oh my god guys so i just got eliminated and i had a feeling i wasn't gonna make it to the last round if you really think about it when you think of parents i feel like people wouldn't put me in that category unless you see my child um standing next to me and even then my daughter doesn't really look like me because she's mixed so even then people would still think that i am not a parent [Music] if the majority decides they've already caught the mole they can go ahead and end the game but if the majority feels they haven't caught them all and they want to keep going they can't continue the game [Music] i thought this was going to be a lot easier why would they want to continue we should end the game i really think that emily was a parent so cliff denisha and dre said end the game and daniel said continue if the image i show you is green you've caught the mole and you won and if the image is red the mole is still in the game and you've lost which means i won because i voted to keep going all right here we go three two one [Music] oh he won what's it mean yes you won i'm gonna have the mole reveal themselves when i count down to one the mole can raise their hand and reveal him or herself three two one go ahead and raise your hand wait wait here's what's funny this is the first time i'm seeing crystal right thank you and i just couldn't keep up like i had answers to everything i have a lovely three and a half year old niece yeah beautiful i just i just can't type it's really easy to talk to other parents it really is especially when you're in a room together and you have to it was just nice seeing other people from a different perspective it was a lot of fun it was fun to meet to people and have a fun little game and diversion in this crazy coveted times i think the important reminder we always should have is to not judge a book by its cover i definitely wish that i could have learned more from the parents on here because one day maybe i will be a parent in some capacity and i would have loved to have heard their honest experiences time is so valuable so spend it as best you can with the kids that you have around you everyone can be a parent but be a good one don't raise no apples we don't need any more of those what defines a good parent i think it's definitely oh my goodness this is the struggle of a parent they never leave all right well there's nothing else to add this has been a fun and great experience say bye bye bye
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 907,467
Rating: 4.9512596 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, who is not the parent, parenting, should i have kids?, being a parent, 6 parents, 1 liar, game show, mole, parents, liar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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