5.0L Mustang Intake Manifold Part 4
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Abom79
Views: 123,289
Rating: 4.9599285 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, mustang, 5.0 mustang, 5.0L intake, intake manifold, trickflow intake, knock off casting, aluminum casting, poor casting, milling machine, endmill, kearney & trecker mill, 307 s-12, facemill, niagara cutter, 123 blocks, indicator, starrett, noga, indicator holder, automotive machining, engine machining, gould & eberhardt, shaper, metal shaper, vintage machines, vintage machinery, old tools, old machines, manual machines, compound angles, machining compound angles
Id: ZbDJ-YgfBe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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