5.0L Mustang Intake Manifold Part 4

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[Music] I was going to point out that realistically you could do this in one op because this is exactly 90 degrees we're all 45-degree angles there so I really could if it was set up right we could come over here and drop the tool down and bail to the side cut this and just use our vertical down feed there to cut this side and it would be absolutely perfect in line with that the problem is is that I can't get over far enough to do that the way it's set up here if I had maybe mounted this over here on this slot to where this one was a little bit closer to this side I probably would have had enough room to be able to take our tool tool holder right here and Bill to mount that and we could use a side a side mounted tool to be able to get in there and cut it that way and just do it all in one ought but I just can't reach it it's not it's all over too far so I am gonna have to rotate this thing to do that but I wanted to point this out that you could do this if you if you get everything set right you could cut one side and then cut the other and get it all done in one up but we'll go ahead and do our rotation because we know where we're indicated good and straight well rotate it around and I'll make sure that this is good too and get it get it indicated in on on a 45 we hit exactly I mean it is just lined up on the tick mark on 45 [Music] okay we got the indicator set up let's go ahead and trim across it and see looks like I'm still high just make little movements at a time till we get it well under a thousands there use our fine adjust to bring it on that out of it I got to go the other way there we go okay we're getting pretty close right it looks like there's a low spot right in this so I'm gonna set this up in a different location see if we can get away from that hole I'll probably go out here to the middle a little further just look at that that area right there and see what we look like well that is not bad I think we are there it's not even a thousand so let me see if I can get that thing move just a touch zero it here on the fine and just looking pretty good to me right about there all right I'm gonna see if I can improve a little bit more I moved a few tents there on the indicator there's a low spot in the middle of this so we're we're moving down and then back up to each size so it's a half a tau 1 tau and then back to 0 right there so looks like we're within well within a half a thousandth of being straight all right we're getting we got our indicator set up so what I'm finding on this one is that you've got just a little bit of hotspot right here in the very center but on this end right here it drops off for thousands from the center point so once you get about right in here it starts dropping off that way this one's down about 1,000 or so on that end you can see that we're right around the zero mark there as we come down here to the middle right around the zero mark it's jumping just slightly [Music] right there it's going to start dropping off [Music] roughly for just over 4,000 there so about four and a half thousand from right around this area it drops off the showing the variation we're gonna cut it right where it's at so that this side will be absolutely true with this size on our cut get our touch off now you guys touching the middle right here it's such a nice before area you see the two cut lines where we just touched him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see we got a little bit of low right in here and we're not touching back here [Music] our first cut was a total of four thousands or two lines on the on the dial there and I like starting off very light like that anyway so that you can really see what's going on with the flatness of the park so I can see on that end that it's just barely touching right there and then we're not cutting back there just like I showed on the indicator where we drop down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right our second pass looks like we've got success with our full cleanup there and I took the same amount on this side as I took on that once we did a touch off I actually went a total for graduations on the dial there which is a total of 8,000 so we got a 8,000 Soph that side 8,000 Soph that side and it looks good cleaned up so we're about done with this guy I've just got to get it cleaned up and then get it out of the machine [Music] [Music] I can go in here with my machinist square and actually verify that we're visually spot-on our 90 degree with our 45 and 45 bring this in there and hold it down okay come on I'm just trying to get it touched in there so I'm holding it down there flat of course and then visually it looks like it's just perfect all the way across there so we're we're good on our 90 degree this job is about to come to and in here let's go ahead and get it out of the shaper it's got the studs in there so we can just pick it straight up pull it up off we go table there yeah lots of chips there to take it and I'm actually going to take it back through the smart washer and wash it real good get all the oil off get all the chips out of it and then we will be D you in I had mentioned before about this fixture plate that I made this is something that I will hold on to I'll keep it all down and over here probably by the shape or underneath the cabinet here and you never know down the road there may be something else that comes in where we can use it again modify it drill some holes in it drill and tap some holes in it you know there might be something that you can you know bolt this down to the table and then say like this thing over here you got this flange you can come in here and drill and tap you a hole pattern so that you could take something like this and bolt it down to it to hold it in the shaper versus setting it down and trying to put toe clamps on it that kind of stuff well there we go we've finished up I just finished washing it and then rinsing it off making sure we got over cleaner off of it there so all of our machine faces are now done you got our thermostat face there get the intake side there for the intake plenum and then you've got the two faces that's going to match up to your cylinder heads that are now cut so I I did find out this is for a five liter Ford Mustang and phil was telling me that this is a I believe it was a trick flow is a copy of a trick flow I know you all have already seen the made in China right there so it's not something I don't believe it's something that Phil Himself buys for a project that he's working on this is the kind of stuff that his customers buy and then they bring him a project and he's doing these builds and then he has to put their parts on there and then run into issues like this where you can't get things to seal up whenever you're building the engine so he comes to me and asked me can I help him get this stuff done and he he understands that jobs like this take a lot of time to do even though you're probably putting more money into the part than what you I it for he's ok with that you know he's one of those guys that understands and me and him talk this stuff out and he's aware of it before he ever leaves here that it's going to take some time to do this now I'm as I said before that's not necessarily that doesn't mean that I'm gonna charge him every single minute that I got into it you know building that fixture plate and providing the content here for the channel so I usually cut him a break on stuff like this you know because I enjoy I enjoy the projects and I enjoy filming and sharing it with everybody and getting it to run the shaper and using it for things like this so I'm real happy with it I think it turned out good and he's just happy that he's gonna be able to get this thing bolted on and it should seal he says that both of the heads were leakin you saw the you know the the flatness it was not flat it was you know out on each side and especially this this was the main culprit this guy right here cuz it was so bad they said no matter what they did they couldn't get the water stuff flowing out of that right there using your gaskets and all so the let me show you this I told them on this right here that I think this is fine you know this is what bolts onto the top of the intake right there but I've checked it a couple of times I've got this really nice scale that's good good and true and when I put that on there it looks good I don't see any reason to machine that and I've also checked this flange face right here and it looks fine to me I don't see any reason that this shouldn't work so what I told them to do is just go ahead you know take this back get everything bolted on there and and and see if this works that way he's not I'm not spending a bunch of time on something that doesn't need to be done the main thing was just this intake right here alright so we are done guys I'm gonna go ahead and sign off and let Phil know that he is ready to come and get his parts and maybe by the time I oh I'll see if I can get a photo of this being installed and the car or whatever you know I'll ask him so if I got that I'll throw it up in the video for you to see right there and if not I don't have so hope you guys enjoy the project and I'll see you on the next one all right later [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Abom79
Views: 123,289
Rating: 4.9599285 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, mustang, 5.0 mustang, 5.0L intake, intake manifold, trickflow intake, knock off casting, aluminum casting, poor casting, milling machine, endmill, kearney & trecker mill, 307 s-12, facemill, niagara cutter, 123 blocks, indicator, starrett, noga, indicator holder, automotive machining, engine machining, gould & eberhardt, shaper, metal shaper, vintage machines, vintage machinery, old tools, old machines, manual machines, compound angles, machining compound angles
Id: ZbDJ-YgfBe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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