5020 john deere being a hoss!!

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we're gonna auction probably and [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] old 50 26 miles an hour on 70 feet of heavy hair Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is just kind of for fun here with the old girl she is pulling it though I wouldn't want to do this to it day in and day out but good for her to burn all the carbon out anyway [Applause] oh that's on the wet spot [Applause] Mahon ball 531 just logon [Applause] she laughter she just loves it [Applause] oh there's a wet spot yep well how she going on this fine day guys so the next day after a little bit of fun with the heavy heroes there we are we just got done putting in that wheel I don't know why it quit recording but oh he's filling the hub up with grease cuz it cleaned all the old out of it and then we got a little bit of twine to cut off and this thing should be ready to roll so I've got the old stud over there hooked on the spiked elevator but there's looks like a pretty good thunderstorm coming this way I was thinking about maybe going try to work a couple spots but we'll see what happens I guess I got to put grease I gotta grease it and blow it through a doubt and should be ready to roll so I guess we'll see what happens here if we get hailed out or not well we got a new mascot here on the farm hey little birdie he clobbered himself on the window of the house knocked himself out he's laying on the deck I thought he was dead wouldn't picked him up he was still breathing he's coming to here now so I'm gonna bring him and it's gonna put him in the trees at home somewhere so the cats don't find him was he laying on the deck beside the food ball at home oh hey little birdie the old girl has got 30 pounds of pressure 30 pounds oil pressure I just put it in fourth gear I don't have a battery they hooked up but whirling over anyway and I can smell stale of gas so I bet you a dollar guys put a battery on this and some fresh fuel and the old girl had come to light so when we got 20 minutes here some afternoon we'll give that a try they're added to the line-up of future projects I engaged the PTO the flywheel was purlins and the PTO was spinning so everything does work I want to get this one going - this is the one we used to farm with way way back for my time but grandpa and great-grandpa had two of them one of the disc ER and one with the planter so and then grandpa he made that post pounder on the front of it that's why I'd like to get her going and stuff use that so but cylinders got issues oh well maybe one day right one [Music] all right our one and only time of year hookup here is that heavy there and now we got to back the car top the rest of the way so these are fourteen hundred and fifty gallon twin tanks on here so I'm not positive on what the gallon weight of anhydrous is but sure a quick look on the interwebs can tell you that while dad's playing now I still think the 50-point he'll have more nuts 50 funny ways mark this tractors got a new engine though so we'll see or I love you guys can hear it over the 895 but she's laboring she's losing ground hold down shift there she's coming back not pulling it near fast enough to actually be doing what the heavy arrows are meant to do but so you're supposed to pull them at about eleven twelve miles an hour there he's probably going five that's early last night they're at the 50 20 here whatever the beginning of the video here that was fifth gear so about five miles an hour Oh mud very shifting I guess like date 35 895 on there just about right when it's hard packed like if it's whacked out and they're really sinking in the 8:35 is gonna know it know that it's there so [Music] like I say not near fast enough but for a hundred and whatever they are a thirty-five PTO for engine horsepower rated tractor pulling a 70 foot heavy Harrell and it is on max aggressive though I'm not even I'm looking at the tracked in real nice not through the camera let's do it not bad honestly [Applause] 4640 on there would be real good but Danny I'll let dad have some fun see these Harold's here you'll see when it goes by they're really riding like this that's because who I bought them from didn't have them adjusted correctly so we've got it you see the back is diggin like a we've got it adjusted so that the pressure is balanced but they're writing like this so that all the times are doing the same amount of work he had it so the front was doing everything in the back was doing nothing so the front ones are wore off probably at about 60% while the back is brand new yet so I put you and see here she's scratching like you didn't see the furrows that's making so if you're gonna tell me that's not on Macs aggressive I'm gonna tell you to go yourself here's just good noises all over this yard right now [Applause] look at over a hundred feet long Fonfon give her the onions [Laughter] sorry tanks are usually puller 1250s but they've got the same size tires as the front on the back and we found that most Tigers weren't enough that's why we were having such a hard time pulling it they're sinking into the ground so they've just got these style he's 14 50s and they got like basically tractor tires on the back they're 23 1 26 and the Front's are 22 5 16 1 so quite a bit more fair bit more tires so anyway we're gonna get this hooked up and all talking a bit dad's just gone over there where is he there he is well it's the next day again and they were calling for rain but I don't think it's gonna happen they're not for a while anyways well looks of things but and then the holy crates to have oh I got a broke than one well that's unfortunate come on go by [Music] well darn it oh well one broke one ain't bad weld it back together after but Antoine's just turning the loss of his huff green here so we had dried and dad is back there with a 95 and Frank he's got a little bit that he cuts to finish up on the 1/4 that had frozen before he could finish last year so he's just gonna try it behind the art here first before he drives down there I'm gonna fire up 50 20 and move the spikes oh no I'm not I got to put the lock on the cylinder yet put the lock on the cylinder and then I'll move it I guess but anyway do that and that will probably be the end of the video she just plays at the 31 foot spikes here little sticky there [Applause] [Music] the onion eight mile an hour eleven and a half I guess really really hard [Music] I want to go work a few spots where they done road construction for laughs where they borrowed clay out of our field really [Music] later on all righty on yes the videos gonna be plenty long now probably leaving here as well thanks for watching leave a comment like subscribe for more or partying and a quarter [Music]
Channel: South Sask Farmer
Views: 19,412
Rating: 4.9524126 out of 5
Id: KDCjR9yV6Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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