Bringing The 1682 Home!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys so she going today I won't be much we talking for two minutes here cuz I gotta get this thing hooked up but [Music] [Music] I have to leave you in here I guess service outside by the bins here so I'll be back in a second I guess [Laughter] [Music] alright I'm back again so it won't be an extremely exciting livestream but I haven't done one for a while so I figured I'd do one for a little while while we bring this thing home here anyways so I don't have much hooked up other than that [Music] take some doing to get everything all hooked up and free antiquated again here [Music] perhaps a little block and his host dog here this morning I've just got everything sitting in the toller's I gotta take some parts clean and blow the cobwebs out of the electrical connectors and what-have-you but see how square the old Tiger desire from sitting for five years four years three years three years this combine ways I think it's a little wee bit more for the same anyways as the 46:40 does here so [Music] you don't want to pull it around with anything much later there's a big wind here the other day see all that stop there blew my uncle's cow shelter burned it all ended it by other uncle's trees across the road here blew the roof rain off the bloody thing holy crap $2.00 fireball fanatic it's going great how did you do that I didn't even know I had this setup to do that kind of thing huh well you're the first there bud [Laughter] oh no Alberta well I don't not like old he runs a lot of good machinery but it didn't like this huh well I don't know how that works I had seen that thing that it I was trying to figure out how to set up that donation thing like that but I kind of gave up on it because I ran out of time to deal with it and that's where I left it I was like a month ago so got that circled spinning their own way where's Antoine he should be at the art there I don't know what he's working on there's all kinds of things we have to do today so he'll be working on something anyways they've got a real long list of things today so circe Manitoba an overlap side how's it going out there today [Laughter] they need to keep showing us how funny but yeah as long as we're just gonna drive this guy home it's about a 45-minute drive or so and like I said I figured I haven't done a stream for a while-- needs to show me how to do a live stream northern farmer Lowell figure you know but yeah so I'm driving this thing back home and then I got a buddy when I bought this combine when I had it on the 4840 he had to wire up solenoid to dolly [Laughter] mister fireball fanatic here a good man he wired up the scylla knew that I needed to in order to make the make the computer of the combine communicate with the controller in the cab it was having issues and it brought it to him because he's he's really really good with figuring out those electronic things like that so he had waived that up for me so I'm gonna have to get him to do the same thing on this and my plan for this combine is I have the other set of concave forget I've got two sets of concave one for doing weight part thrashing things you're fine concave and then I've also got course concave we're doing large seeds like peas so I'm gonna put my course concave back in and I hopefully run the two rotaries in my peas here when we get into it because I'd like to combine all my firely with the masse and then I don't need to reset the NA see if I go back and forth from peas to barley however it works so and then I also want to just have this combine set up and ready to work in case one of the other ones were to go down then I've got back up da glaze so so I mean it's basically like having a sixteen eighty I don't know why a guy wouldn't run it if he's got the means to do so I'm gonna have it sitting on standby at least and it is gonna see some use I know that does not have an internal chopper hi from what I understand you couldn't get the full types with an internal chopper they all only had a beater and I was gonna put around a cop chopper on it at one point but it was I ran out of time and then here we are like seven years later and it just never got done so it being your Odori that chopper wasn't really necessary it shredded things plenty good but it's American money all the emolia never thought of that that's an extra few cents I guess boy but anyway like I said drive this thing home and then I'm gonna stop here after a few miles and all up check everything over make sure no wheel bearings are getting hot on me or anything stupid like that like I said it's that for a long time they're non greasable hubs on this thing but just make sure everything looks as it should i see the rms up here mowing ditches so hopefully they've got enough brain cells to figure out how to move out of my wake there the people I got in charge around here they are very high up the old IQ cherry 123 come on guys you know I like my Lakes here how big of the cutting has this thing will pick up 30 feet like nothing but if you put a straight head on here I think 20 feet was the biggest stupid yet there 25 maybe because of the way that it's offset but I've never straight cut head on here I don't know even know where you'd look begin to look to try to find one to put on here with holy 45:20 whatever s loaded on the fist how much horsepower is required the forty eight forty there what do they call them 180 horse they're probably 220 with their max power bulge when you put them on a dyno when you're in 30 feet or real heavy crop it took every single thing that 48:40 had to give so 46 here it'll be that while I mean it's not that much less horsepower than the 48 so and the nice thing is the 48 was only an 8 speed power shift this at the quad range it'll be a lot easier to find a gear that works for the columbine all we haven't got my train made a 3/10 here little bit achill I guess but it would be nice to see an inch southeast APA what's the weather like out there today Skinner here are there many people ten combines there used to be a lot a lot a lot of full-time combines but time moves on and everyone's moved on to doing machinery so you don't see very many anymore but there are some yet you look around you'll see the odd few but in this area here this is the only one I know of look at a few so scared of the John Deere it had to hide in the bottom of the ditch I can only imagine if you know where it is it's probably a little more than 45 minutes away there mister head so I'm gonna stop at the sign up here and a little up just do it real quick once over to make sure everything's doing alright and then I guess a little we'll continue making our way home and see if we find that point when we get there hello back to you in Wisconsin a synchro range 46:30 would probably be a pretty solid tractor - there's nothing wrong with a synchro range fuel stop signs out we have lots of stop signs but majority of these secondary roads like this they just have yield signs on them so unless there's enough traffic then they won't put a stop sign it's up to the RM or county as you might call it to decide what roads they're worthy of stop signs versus yield signs so you look at the size of that hub on there it shouldn't it shouldn't have any issues but [Music] cold lake ice so I think we should be good to keep going well there's a bird nest on here see this is an electric reverser for the feeder housing and you're supposed to have a battery up here and it actually runs an alternator when your machine is running to keep the battery charged to run your electric reversers so if none of you have ever seen that now you know but well look you'll see a lot more in depth of this thing here as we work on it and what-have-you [Music] like these four chains here have been sitting outside they're pretty stiff but I think a little bit of penetrating oil it should loosen them up nicely there see there's a car coming way down yonder soul wait for him cuz I I can't really see behind me if there's any car is so what kind of yields do you get on barley I haven't had barley that's my first crop I've had a barley I think in five years here I'm hoping it'll run 70 Daniel cackle you made them you how many bushels does it hold 254 216 something like that anyway how's their a seasonal doing it really really well it's actually almost stuff that's tall it should be as tall as the canola by the end of today actually so it'll be time to time to cut it for green feed here rate charlie my early itchy all I know it is I've been around barley Lots dad just have lots of cows so they grow a lot a lot of hourly for feed the hopper beam is just sitting by the shop forgot a weld skids on it and then the 1350 I've got it set out by Antoine three to keep everything in order but the old fifty and their graphic he is everybody calls them he's in the 9:15 sold shed because I'm still waiting on that welding shop to weld up the brake pot where it cracked out on the bottom and with spring hydraulic fluid out of the brake so whenever they get that welded up for me we'll be laughing why the pulpit because I it's worth more to me as a combine than it is to sell because no one wants them anymore and it's the capacity of a 1680 I've got the tractor to run it all the monitors so it's gonna cost me maybe a hundred bucks against my buddy - way up that solenoid for me again and even if I don't use it it's there as a backup for what I do cause we got some traffic coming here sent it on for a second I do have a holder butter you're gonna happen to send a couple we protected I put you up and hold it here now now we're off the pizza Highway again we should be good so I had Paul Ryan here I don't remember being too itchy but it wasn't really worth enough to bother growing again and rise since that and they really don't hardly see any of their own beers yeah the old sold 77213 a big big you and a 2 they built those bloody things heavy so a lot sauna 4960 I'd buy one and a heartbeat if I could what part of sauce the very southeast this corner 40 minutes from the US and five minutes out of Manitoba called it home at the damage as if I don't I'm afraid the old Dodge probably wouldn't even have enough job to be able to get the damn thing to start rolling out of its all of a sank into so you'd hook the old 1086 on its movement when we cut a back there where it was sitting and the old pan there hold a mackerel she just about couldn't afflicted the welders aren't not that far away from me they're in Montana so they're a little bit south of Alberta so they're there about their it's direction from where we are ain't now but oval ugly feet six seven hours from here ish if I had to guess only ten bushels an acre than all drowned Oh yesterday I asked the band's about an hour and a half hour 40 minutes that way is little simple 50 fronts and case leads 90 bucks apiece I wouldn't find another six of them to finish up my crack on here yeah well I can't later on the thing again I love this combine it's so simple it never ever gave an issue suppose hopefully all it needs is grease and change the concave sand the way we go so we'll find out anyways no I don't know if I buy a 44 30 unless it was real cheap no there's not much point in going backwards I get a 44 50 Wow hey Tyson you guys got a lot of rain lately then I haven't really been paying attention and what the weather's been doing I was there but all we've got here in the last month has been three tents so if you figure out halogen send some of it this way yeah it still just has the factory spread and I was gonna put her in a cop on here but I ended up beating around the column button before I got the project done so and never got finished and then actually traded the chopper to my uncle with a spray plane to come spray some insecticide on a half section of canola for me so a 9-hour at smelt would never buy one anything newer than like a 78 and series of them I don't think I buy no this Columbine isn't from the 70s let's combine this from 1987 so couple foot three inches of Ala you keep that 4450 of the power shift yep I'd get a power shift but the synchrony near the quad range is a more handy transmission we're doing loader work with the power shift slip le 15 speed hardship I guess have been pretty good I always keep thinking back to just an eight-speed starship that's what i'ma do stupid fifteens be [Music] on Island New York and the 50s or 15 speeds and I know they are I'd like the 15 speed power shift pretty slick but the quadrate is still a step up from the old 8-speed power shift a power shift is good for some things but wasn't enough years as always too big of a jump in between close that does the call my followers huh do you know how much total it's ah this thing doesn't keep track of anything it's just a crapshoot so because I don't eat grits could have done a million they say it doesn't doesn't have an hour meter on it so I don't know unless there is one that I don't know of but I haven't found the our meter yet 5020 yeah it could be the most clapped-out trees growing through it looking 50 funny I've ever seen but I'd still volatile even if you couldn't say but they still parts on it you could help fix up another one with yep they have nice wide roads out here you don't see very many of this is the standard you don't really see any any there or there this and that's they're like huh just an old third back road so what am i hauling the 1682 and yeah I'd get one with front-wheel assist also if the opportunity presented itself but my buddy down and contact another 46:55 yeah I believe that 27,000 hours are old 40 20 at home there it's got 25,000 on it and this guy here just roll over it's at 946 so it's new again but 10,000 and I think the 44 40 is at 14,000 so I plan on using it yeah my cousin used a lot but if I got a few buddies around and I've got the manpower we'll run all three of them do you live in Texas I live as far away from excesses I think you can almost get I on 12 foot file yeah I take that you haul it up here I've got some alkalized spots in the field to be spreaded on no it's hardly any tongue weight actually these combines are almost perfectly balanced on its own axles when you take the pickup off what do all when we first bought it we had to pick up off her we had it in our shop and you're supposed to have a jack under the back end of it fully unhooked it from the tractor and another guy who was there I never really thought about it climbed up on the back of it and the combine actually tipped over on its rear so yeah they're they're really really balanced South Africa how's the weather in South Africa on this find a tornado warning holy mackerel we had one of those here a little while ago and we got some a lot of it seen a few funnel clouds a few different people so we we don't need any of those anymore that's that's enough for the trip all right there's a hundred and seventy three of you how many are you man enough to get the lake button let's get to a hundred here you know I like my lights a couple of you did it let's be for going boys no you don't need rear cameras on this thing you can see well you can see more on this and you can running itself for Belden and see the whole side of the machine so it you really don't need cameras on this one [Music] yeah I know I there's a thing on the laptop there for the YouTube channel II and see what other countries everyone watches from there's Russia and there's even a few from Japan it's a pop-up it's uh people from everywhere have seen it I guess they've seen parts anyway I just subscribed you're good man farmer USA USA all from Denmark how's the weather in Denmark today winter's coming good and so getting ready to plan what would it be the temperatures there that if you're just getting ready to plan here you're not American so you'll know what I'm talking about is it like 24 or 25 degrees over here Galileo I actually don't quite a few South Africans that have moved here to buff up there's quite a few that work of the machinery dealerships here in one town so when they're gonna meet their maker they're gonna meet their maker on the 21st and the 22nd of this month so they got about two weeks left eighteen degrees in Finland that's nice weather plan on moving to Canada well being get rid of Trudeau it'll be a pretty nice country to live in again fix the 700 no it's still sitting with the other versa tiles hopefully I get in the shop this one here I think it's a head gasket it beats but if it's any more than that we're gonna look at a repower say something like an 8-3 yourself not a like a 2188 but some showers 20 degrees in Denmark are you an aunt fun related we're not related in the slate it's actually Northern Illinois glad you like the channel I mean aunt wanna just we've been best friends since preschool so that is that is how we related some taking your land holy you guys love to have guns down there if they'd taken all those away from you two fave Gary yeah I could save them but them you'll end up just freezing to death on the way to trigger supple 18 in Saskatoon I don't know what he's gonna be working on there's all kinds of stuff there that needs to get done so I'm not sure what he'll what he'll be working on but he'll be doing something any dairies in Saskatchewan yeah there's quite a few there is a morsel or a few more into Manitoba but there are a few years there we go how many three lights for almost the 200 people lonesome take them in the house I'll bring him in the house aw there'll be three big fat cats that'll probably eat him for lunch anybody Saskatchewan Albert is okay but Saskatchewan sub everyone pay so they'll agree with me [Laughter] no no Scott mole for Prime Minister that's Hill we need our Brad wall one of the two 500c there Tyson he agrees with me Albertus a lot better now they got her into their NDP cuz that was holy moly that was a real show that oddly on some traffic coming again bein drop it'll really help me so to speak I kind of house same amount amines crop every year there's four acres of London the other indicators every year I don't really have a main crop oh look at that always burnin here for the a-train well well I will see if we can find them when we get home where is this got a little bit far to go before we get home yeah and better not try to smell a goddamn fall again like last year I'm probably gonna cry then DP none Democrats on that stood for the no dick Bernie I don't know if you'd want to hear about his sex life would be a pretty scary scary story all the canola then flower in your own here they sell the canola that everybody sold on time anyway there's always the people that can't seem to manage the start seating for two after about a week that everyone else has been done they start seeding so because they end up with 28 pound bushel wheat oats because it's just starting to hand out here in the beginning of August so you know I'm not sure about that the way things are going out on all bits okay to me Street yeah they are all too complicated to maintain too many computers and all these new ones but what do you do way ah there might not be 1086 for a while until we get back over to Grandpa the earth that's fallen harvest time but it's I will be creeping around in the background there somewhere so sandy coming up there we're not half the goal we have but another seven or eight miles well no people say they have a drinking problem but crates this thing on the hay vine that didn't burn any more fuel than that maybe a little bit more but not much more than my 1086 did you gotta burn fuel to make powers so that's one thing international couldn't figure out they never made any power in that in burn fuel so when you hook this thing on a cultivator and it's making 200 horse that's going to burn fuel but 1586 struggled to make about 90 words power so they didn't burn much fuel now fun fun right how far off is harvest if it stays real hot I think we'll be cut by early little Australians of you guys called cutting column binding but swapping with the sloth er not calm binding cutting the Byerly and probably about a week or so and probably three four days after that it'll be ready to call mine I only pick on their end ones because we own for them over the years what I speak is the truth about those old 86 and 66 series there jumped little dry clutch in there and they put a little spray clutch that's not big and then there ta which is just a clutch pack that slips so it's piles up and then you gotta split the tractor and take the transmission out and lift through the whole cab off yet the transmission of this club root acres guy near you I don't know where he's from but he's in Saskatchewan it I do believe anyways yeah I've been there I meant twelve or thirteen days in Italy we fluted flew into Frankfort and then landed in Rome and then we toured all of Italy on tour bus when I was in grade 11 a group of us there that raised huh raised some money to pay for it and then a bunch of Americans that we all met up there and it was a pretty good time but I I love history so there's there's lots of history touring around Ruhlman Florence Venice but I I would like to go back and tour some more of Europe like home and I want to go to France right now with their 34 for evolution they're going through but I I wouldn't mind going to the UK why do I needed to bring it home because they would need a three-ton truck to be man enough to keep it from pushing you off the road this combine ways I've been trying to think I'll have to look at the book here and I'll I know I'm gonna be wrong but pretty sure that's combine weighs 22 or 23 thousand pounds you wouldn't pull that because there's no tongue weight so you don't get behind its recorder cutting truck it will shove the odds of the truck right off their order with Jack may feel so are you spending on maker Mads yeah brakes are important here exactly let's other of their quite quite the machine plant a full four-wheel drive the bench seat and they take the whole family with health Aaron just about on the home stretch here now see if we find that one you know it's 907 here in Saskatchewan but focus 907 hi there you go 19,000 pounds lamb yeah ones just shopping so funny them all he's on his first laundry now so we'll see we'll see how that plays out for him haha brakes Olli we're comfortable know if anyone tries to drive like a around me I usually try to run them into the ditch I've had a few people that it made me pretty mad the way they drive trying to suicide pass a guy with a swather they're halfway down in the ditch here 30 feet so you're hanging off each side into the ditch now you got a neighbor that's got an old boom wheel drive front-wheel assist player so what model it is just like I guess like 90 horse or something it's just a little one with a loader on it but he seems to like it anyways we don't see very many of them you see quite a few ultras and what have you are we there yet just about we're just about there patience those ultras are fast we're following one there yesterday one who has got that binman crepes those bloody things called 50 kilometers an hour had those weird character fighters on it do you don't see many of those either everything's usually the big traction looks like this but sixty-eight that's fast I'll help us new normal will encase John years of them earlier but I'm yo silly well mean fifty twenty as a little fort equal but it's an hour on their old would do but just fly along eight what are they for horsepower most of them let's the average 130 horse there on this call by Paul - the baby if you're picking up a 15 foot sloth they might get away with that but like 200 horse hundred eighty two hundred horse sons that's where you gotta be to actually run it in a manageable fashion so eighty two hundred fifty Li got a pretty broad range aside [Music] yeah the case and international mergers they weren't bad but not all the neighbors got a magnum that's 71 and then they get into it with a powered shift did hear the little gears clunking around inside the bloody thing that's sitting there in neutral not on all about 234 it's a haled on three times where is that by apply Yorkton or something airlines in Saskatoon to any pendant we're at 120 succumbing into a hundred and fifty here guys you know I like my legs I always got a product you're there I like to see how high we could get it before we end ten and a half peter moeller with of ultra you don't see many mowers like that people act all I mean they mow ditches and what have you but first I've never ever will I mean all these layers there's a small trip in I played with them on farming simulator I've seen a few fence and a few ultras their own here but that's you don't see too much elves and our cloths like there's cloths here but they're painted yellow and black when they cat Lexon used to be when they used to make combines or whatever they got cloths to build the floors of Isaiah all of the North American ones are yellow and black I've only ever ever seen one that was in the green and white and there are red colors thank you're on for the Lake North Dakota here you're straight south of me that is crumbly better bottle Brandon John beer up say hey maybe they're better but I would hear if you want to go for parts for them I think it's about a four-hour drive to the nearest dealerships boss is going green red and lead across the board to all our they actually I I haven't heard not so so here at Soviet takes 20 20 year green and a half I'll have to keep my eyes open see a knife I nod classic pickup so there's not much for old they're going I didn't know where there was an old I was a 70 Chevelle parked in a slough and I was actually gonna go get the thing from the guy and we went out there and someone else had helped themselves to it they loaded it up great out of the slough and hauled it away so that was kind of a disappointment but it is what it is there's some part earlier there that's good selamat a green a minute these are lentils on this side of the road well I wouldn't mind that 11:50 but I don't have 6,000 American to pay for the thing so for what I'd want to do with it I need to basically have it given to me because I I've got a few ideas of what I do with one that needs an engine and transmission like that but I wouldn't want to be into the thing for 12 grand and then have to do what I want to do to it so Brian's firemen I watched a few of his videos that I haven't for quite a while I'll have to go back and check that out we're just about home here and we come up over the crest of the little hill up here we should be able to see home coming into sight locker firms reading for Baird Johnson i watch a few how farms works that unlocks them all the time but I I watched a few of them here's a pretty nice look in the crop like an older there he's got sprayer tracks out there subtle fee had worms in it third what yadus prayed for his fresh sprayer track fall through it though if you could send a video I wouldn't mind seeing that you don't see much for mowers like not in that sense around here so I don't know if he's got weight holding on I know whose land that is I can ask him what he was spraying for but no I haven't seen any Canadian Geese yet the reveal another month before they start making their way back down here no I don't think he desiccated yet way too green yet it's not done filling yet send the link on Instagram all right I'll keep eyes open for that those are some fees there he desiccated them I was yesterday I think give us in there that'll be getting prompt by into here in the next few days I other go look at my piece and see how far off they are from getting desiccated but probably be before too long under opt-in there I'm not sure what's going on here my chat just quit or what happened somebody put a put a new comment here cuz I'm stuck on Arielle are the crops yielding this year I don't know if anybody's combined anything yet I don't what the yields are so they most look pretty good so hopefully they perform as well as they look so but time will tell I guess a little bit of canola okay tree that's here there's there's a full section of it there why do I need the full phase because three combines do more than two oh boy only five inches well I don't know if we two have much more than that honestly trying to think back now it'll don't be that much more than that either actually how's your barley and whatnot looking the cert he's in North Dakota there's gonna be some irate away of it Jeff end of the week we'll see a few combines moving around here so well like I said I gotta go take a look at mine here this afternoon [Music] see what my plan of attack is on it all right so it's like our old bi-directional sin where you can just spin your operating station on and drive them in either direction so yeah I got the combine right right there right find the slope hi from Ireland I was the weather in Ireland today yeah IVP transmission novelty all right bill my directional czar hydrostatic which is okay too but Fontana while we're back to towns are just a vocal training bad is it did you need the rain or not really just I really a really really rough little stretch of pavement here through mountains I'm gonna go very fast yeah there should be enough operators here maybe not every day but on most days because Amanda rent can run the 2188 and corner myself in the mass here this one if dad's around well and he can run this under the masse and someone can track yourself it'll work we got enough trucks out the field there that by the time we call by and have all the trucks full its you put in a solid half bay already anyways [Music] she doesn't have a driver's license farming life Channel I've never watched before in my life so are we back again here we go 50 is a lot better than zero so yeah I'll do a quick walk around I'm gonna get back to the earth might not be too long because my phone batteries get too low these live streams really really use the power up when we do some live students over combining I'm gonna plug up my phone charger in the air it's not a real good one try and do something a little bit here but still trying to make hay in England there's there's the old straight there I forget one of you guys and ask you can see the canola in the back and the old Sarah it's pretty well to say height great across the board thick and very tall so there should be a few fails I hope on that 10 acres so huzza 915 is off ease off and gone to his new home here a few days ago which is just a little ways up the road we actually drove by wearing a simple trying to cut winter wheat that's usually when it'll rain is when you don't want it so yeah the 9:15 that's once it's been sold since this winter's so it hasn't done anything for seven years and I felt bad for it sitting in the shed there so dad dad found someone who's looking fors it's gonna go do some work again that way so yeah we could use some rain here as well but it is what it is it's pretty hard to control the weather where it does or doesn't green there's the chickens in their house over there hello Kansas how's it going in Kansas today Brazil you see finally this here yeah it's the first year and five years I've had finally so hopefully it goes for malting and they make it into beer for you guys so we'll see what happens yeah it's to rule its copeland to roll by early there's the army over Stiles and the army of bow ties in one fort there we go the first hymen three years the 1682 is being holding so what kind of yield am i hoping for I'd like to see I'd like to see name here 100 bushel Byerly but then all that won't happen so it'll be around that 70 maybe a little better than 70 I always think low and then that way you can be surprised you'll want to bank on having 90 bushel crops and think you're gonna have all that kind of money from having a 90 bushel crop and pull in there and it goes 14 so I think it'll be we're on that 17 but anyway we'll jump out here and we'll do it real quick walk around because my phone's at 10% but there she is so this here they're running it with a case tractor where it came from and their oil coolers can't keep up so that's an external oil cooler that you could use but I I don't need that because John Deere has no issues keeping their hydraulics cool so but so your power comes from your PTO shaft up into this gearbox and over to that gearbox up the drive shaft and will climb up there and I'll show you and then the goal is not to crack your head open on your unloading auger when you come up the ladder so on these since they didn't need an engine and all the extra firsts like the 2188 has there with the engine sitting here they made the hopper bigger because why not they had all this room up here [Music] so your drive shaft comes up and there's your big drive belt comes over and runs the gear older it's pretty simple there's not much up here other than that's a lot of dirt you've got to take the compressor and blow all that crud out of there buddy that is how that works and then here's the humongous hopper on these combines so I found and one will go bother him for a second I knew he was here but I wasn't sure where oh no without hitting my head again so pretty pretty simple machine nearly there's not much compared to how a self-propelled is so yeah you'll see it going before too too terribly much longer but there it is so now the work can begin on it will bother Antoine for a second and then I guess that'll be the end it's over here pulling his way here again [Applause] say hello to the 236 nice people they're all here just to talk to you what are you doing you remembered to bring them this time pretty fancy pretty fancy well anybody got a question for Antoine before we end it here Afonso I only got 10% so it ain't gonna last much longer we'll get ready for all the the wild comments 240 people no Antoine are you my brother no or the more common one Antoine are you my son are you my son that's the same age as I am yeah anyway I guess do some work on that sloth here there too but I'll save that for a proper video I can't follow Antoine in to the shop that so I'm going in there I'll lose everybody so bot I guess there's the live stream we got her home so I guess make sure you guys like this when you're done go watch some of my other videos stay tuned for the next live stream cuz I'll talk to you then but until then thanks for watching the stream and keeping me company and I guess I'll talk to you later and thanks for the few donations there from that one fine gentleman all righty take care [Music]
Channel: South Sask Farmer
Views: 11,174
Rating: 4.9592252 out of 5
Id: sqooQN9uEEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 5sec (4745 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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