500 Achievements in 24 Hours or I Pull [Genshin Impact]

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on November 16th I put out a tweet showing that I had hit 420 achievements and you guys put me to shame so today we are changing that it is currently December 22nd which means it's been over a month since that tweet and we've completed 17 whole achievements in that time in this video which has to go out in about a day we are going to try and hit 500 achievements that means we need to complete 63 achievements in about 6 hours so I actually have time to edit this as well if we fail to hit 500 achievements then we are forced to pull on ito's Banner until we get a 5 Star personally I'm not the biggest fan of Ito so I don't want to pull for him so I guess I better start getting achievements completed first up I don't think I've ever been defeated by a wild boar so we're just going to take lethal fall damage then we can go ahead and revive with 100 HP and I believe if we teleport over to this Waypoint we should immediately be attacked by a wild boar and there we go we are now bored to death the next one we can try and Tackle is to have all four of your party members completely full at the same time this might be a little difficult because I need to take fall damage that isn't lethal but puts me in range to eat food and I'm kind of failing miserably and then we also need to do it for everyone so what is lethal is this lethal oh oh that's perfect okay okay very good no Ryden do not fall now we repeat the same thing oh you are so no no you were gonna die oh wait plunging attacks exist let's just do that instead okay that's not nearly as much damage as I was hoping this one should be a lot more damage almost half HP so now we are in the red nilu you have a lot of HP will you just die from this sadly yes okay cook me this shouldn't kill you good and now I don't know if different foods actually fill you up more or less because then we could just use a bunch of these instead of an actual dish well we're gonna go ahead and see that's half hunger okay what about this boom they do do it at a different rate but this is probably better because we can eat a lot more yeah look at us go look at all these wasted sunsetias this definitely feels like a waste but we should get an achievement beautiful while we're at this spot up in leeway we might be able to get another achievement we just changed our team to Amber and then some animal characters once again take a trip over to the food Tab and then click through absolutely everything until you find the food that you're looking for then you also realize that you actually don't have the food you're looking for so you take a nice little detour and then you try and cook it I remember where you get the recipe for it but I don't remember what it's called here it is the Barbados Ratatouille we grab one of these Force our characters to eat yet another dish we then activate our little gliding Gadget from Inazuma and just Glide it's crazy how slow that stamina bar is going down I should have actually aimed this at something because at this rate we're just gonna fly out of bounds any second now we should see an achievement pop up maybe I'm starting to feel like I've already gotten these achievements there's one achievement for gliding really far and another one for gliding for 80 seconds straight and I think I've been going for over over 80 Seconds at this point do I get it if I land Maybe please I'll come on please give me achievement that's not an achievement I'm gonna eat another one of these only this time we're actually going in the direction that the map exists for you know I could also just check to see if I have them already that's probably the smart thing to do oh oh we did get an achievement there also the world is looking incredibly spooky right now for our next achievement we're going to be completing a domain using all of these same element characters team comp looks amazing I can't remember if I entered at the highest difficulty or the lowest difficulty I wanted to do the lowest one and apparently I entered at the highest this actually isn't going all that bad and there's her achievement we may have already cooked a little bit in this video but our time at the furnace is not over yet I believe we just have to mess up and I don't know if I actually have messed up yet so yeah I haven't messed up until right there maybe that was a streak I didn't want to break but for the sake of this video we kinda have to and what hurts the most is I have to do it nine more times yeah that once again felt like such a waste of materials but you know what we get the achievement for our next achievement we need to go pay the animal hypostasis a little visit our mission is to defeat this boss after it has absorbed four different types of Elemental conversions I forget exactly when you can apply it with stuff like is it just there or is there a different time ow I'm also afraid of accidentally killing it maybe here no oh yes yes it is here okay every element spam the elements we haven't applied it with Electro or cryo yet we got the Pyro and hydro in there though he picked one of the Pyro ones okay good and there goes one of the hydro ones it's finally tornado time once again uh there's an electro one and come here no our cryo died revive revive eat revive oh crap now we have to wait again I love my luck sometimes it literally absorbed every particle except for the one Electro one Layla please don't die please just cryo no cryo fantastic finally there goes the electro one can they not absorb the cryo no they should be able to absorb cryo right you can swirl cryo wait but I just got an achievement I don't think that's even the achievement that I'm after okay so we got a completely different achievement that's great it's time to now try Layla's burst out hopefully we can end it right here we have a bunch of tornadoes we use the burst and then uh huh this does not seem to work after all of that I'm gonna have to restart the fight here we are back for round two this time with akaya so I can make sure I'm applying the cryo where I want to all right it is tornado time we're gonna put this down over here we're gonna run over here throw down one of these run over here and use why would you aim at the thing in the middle that you can't even hit Taya you're stupid okay we still got it anyways it doesn't matter and then you Electro what did I do I certainly have Newfound hatred for this boss tornado time you Electro thank you and then please someone absorb guoba somebody absorb guoba don't make me do this again I have to do it again and yes I should have just gotten jeon Ling's burst and then did this but that would have required some brain cells the true way to beat these tornadoes is with a pyro NATO there we go everything convert to pyro come on yes okay good now we just kill it there we go I kid you not that took just under 30 minutes we're really gonna have to start speeding this up huh if we pop over to the great snowboard King and are defeated by it I believe we get an achievement I don't know if being defeated by it means everyone on the team has to die because if that's the case we have a problem I have a nearly on the team who is going to take a very long time to go down to it so hopefully we could just sacrifice Amber and call it a day hit me hit me thank you now another achievement I'm not sure if I have gotten is to die to the sheer cold effect so I'm just gonna Glide around until we start freezing maybe go take a dip in the water always love some good old hypothermia right as the sun is about to rise there's honestly no better way to start the day I almost feel bad for you Amber because you're just kind of the punching bag here but you were on the team so it was convenient and have I ever died to sheer cold no not until right now if I'm not mistaken doing this dude's daily commission might give us another achievement I do one of them the other day and this is the second one hopefully the last it appears we do not get an achievement yet oh never mind we do now for the beginning of this video I was going off of a guide online of some common achievements that not everyone might have gotten but in all honesty I just exhausted that so I'm kind of on my own now as far as I'm aware I never went around and collected all the books to get the achievement for completing whatever series it is at least I'm kind of hoping I didn't oh wait sparkly sparkly I missed one thank goodness I missed well I guess it wouldn't have mattered because then I would have just had more achievements to start with okay yeah no that really changes nothing can I defeat four opponents with hyperbloom within two seconds I feel like I would have already gotten that by now perhaps the key is just making sure that it's the hyper Bloom that kills them and not anything else gather up everybody so we're gonna do one of these one of these one of these and then just Spam this and I don't that that definitely wasn't fast enough okay we need to weaken them first four enemies inbound it's quite difficult to not just kill them uh one of these and then this and then you dyed the hyperbloom you dyed the hyperbloom and apparently that was still too slow we need weaker enemies everybody gather up we're gonna get the whole family in on this one so boom one of these and then okay maybe using right in first was not the smart thing to do I sh down the jellyfish first you guys follow me this way we need to get your friend excuse me hello friend yes okay so boom uh we'll use this over here and then we just uh this no I got it this time first first skill I was frozen so I couldn't do anything and now we failed oh I forgot I swapped this sword that she's supposed to have on Nakaya so that he would survive during the animal hypostasis fight that's why she's doing so much less damage right now and also we're gonna be trying to use Kazu here to maybe swirl all this stuff together to make it work better although we'll probably swirl this pyro so let's just get rid of that real quick come on hyperbloom hyperbloom hyperbloom this sucks oh now here's a crazy little idea why don't I just go inside of a domain this gives us five potential enemies to kill and we can continue to do it until we are able to kill them let's group them all up and then do that and and and that in one of these and then this and we aren't fast enough you know at the beginning I thought this challenge might be too easy and uh now I'm kind of regretting it they're all pretty weak so we're gonna do this we're gonna activate this over here and then one of these and they all died before the hyperbloom started procking here we go hyperbloom kill are you dying to things that aren't hyperbloom it's either I don't do enough damage or I do too much damage We Gather them all we put down the burst and then we run over here activate that put down this and then hope that the hyperbloom one one stupid fungus did not die wait for it wait for it wait wait keep waiting keep waiting keep waiting and and just just keep waiting just wait forever and maybe by the end of forever I might have gotten this achievement this is worse than the animal hypostasis just die at the same time you know what yeah I don't need this achievement it's fine it's not worth my sanity moving on we're going to try to keep an enemy Frozen for over 10 seconds one more time I threw some random hydro and cryo characters onto a team so we should be good I'm hoping I can do it to this guy he's got a decent amount of HP and he's already standing in water and he deflected that okay let's do it this one of these and then get this out and then swirl to keep him Frozen and then just keep doing this and he somehow isn't Frozen stay there stay there don't move stay right there don't move okay he kind of died most of these achievements are so hard because the enemies die before you can actually do him what about the big boy that spawns over here surely he'll have enough HP for this sir step away from the exploding barrels and freeze and continue to be Frozen and continue to be Frozen and you're not frozen anymore what happened stay there right there don't move they unfreeze by default how do you keep them Frozen if they just thaw out maybe you have to apply cryo and not Hydro maybe he's gonna die he's so going to die well that sucks so if we just do this and this and then um and then and then this and we just keep applying cryo over and over and over and over but see they thaw out for like half a second all the time how do you avoid that this is how you avoid it ready Barbara and then this and then this and then this and then and then and then that and then this maybe throw in one of these they thought how everything does out in this game no you just you just can't I would like to report something I just went and looked up a tutorial for this achievement and the person making the tutorial failed to complete it because the enemy randomly unfroze while they were trying to show you how to do it time for a new strategy full cryo team against Hydro slime's in water and to make sure that we don't kill them I'm going to give them the worst weapons no killing allowed so we're gonna set up this one of these and now yeah I actually know I should not hit them with the Claymore because that will break them out of the freeze okay okay apparently that wasn't 10 seconds big slime big slime I need you I require you to give me freeze lots of freeze much freeze infinite freeze even please you are frozen you are so Frozen you are not throwing out anytime soon give me my achievement yes second we got it that was such a pain well I don't know where it went now but in leeway I needed to guide one more Sealy to its home and so we just need to go find a random silly oh oh there's one that was much faster than I expected and there we go we still need 49 more achievements I'm gonna have to start talking lesser this is gonna be such a long video I can try to start speeding this up I don't know how it's gonna go but the first one is we have to master a couple more recipes I don't know how many I'm just gonna go through and start cooking stuff [Music] there we go you know that whole time I was trying to cook up a good food pun but everything I came up with just sounded pretty half-baked there are two achievements we can get while fighting the hypo hydrostasis what um I think that is the first time genshin has ever outright crashed on me the game itself just said no to trying to pick up the pace with these achievements now that we are back there are two things we need to do in this fight one is to not kill any of the slimes but instead steal all of the healing orbs because we have to collect three of them and then also we just don't kill them at the end because I I guess you can prevent them from getting to the boss instead and that also works I never tried it out so it should be interesting but this I thought that would be an achievement okay how about now how about shoot me now heal me no me me I was standing in front of that okay there we go so now we just say no to you healing and we just have to kill this boss and then freeze and push away all the slimes at the end see I don't know if I have to leave this one alone too or if it's just the three that it spawns at the very end but just to be safe we're going to put that there to block any of the healing orbs it is go time ow I'm just gonna put that there and hopefully it stops you otherwise we got a little bit of a problem gonna freeze you right there and then we're gonna also stop you from getting there and then we just keep you frozen I killed it how did it die that easily no oh how are you supposed to do this here we go again I actually have a good feeling about it this time so we get this we go to looming we put this in front of you run over here and just uh hit you oh oh that does not hit you away at all good to know go back go back go back go back go back stop stop why would you go from that side you stupid stupid character I no longer have a good feeling about any of this but here we go again that one's there we just block it and they still make it past somehow stop no you're cheating you're cheating I don't know how you're meant to get this so we're just gonna skip it next up is defeating Senora without using any of the Crimson mods that spawn I gotta be honest I didn't know that that was a possibility I thought you had to collect them so I'm a little curious to see how long this is gonna take I should have brought pyro why didn't I bring pyro for some reason my brain thought that it was Hydro that I needed we are going to be here for quite a while file okay I'm just gonna restart oh that is much better last globa and it should bring it down now we just proceed to kill her there we go we must go faster for this dude we just wait till it flies in the sky shoot down its wings and then that's an achievement there's one I ignore the Miss there's two okay easy for this dude we just need to kill six of the fungi spawns within one battle here little fungi there we go another achievement completed oh wait I think I could do these off to spiral Abyss floor two we go I did not check what enemies are in here but it's floor two like I don't expect there to be a problem though I brought Noel just in case we might have gotten hit by accident there's floor one complete without any damage taken unfortunately the tower did get hit once so we're gonna have to do this again but I believe for a split second there I saw that we got the achievement for taking no damage floor two round two just put up every burst in the game and then hope that nothing can get in here and perfect okay nice we are now in the land of teapot sorry Candace you must be removed then we just put six random little things in wait as soon as I reached the limit no no no I need to put one more item in I don't know if this counts as one realm layout but I'm just gonna throw one more thing in here and then whenever that finishes updating I guess we'll learn because this requires 150 to be placed and we just placed in six items so we'll see we need to go around and get two of the Inazuma sillies back home and that was the first of the two I cannot find another Sealy anywhere and just to show you what I'm working with 100 99 100 so I'm basically looking for the one Sealy left homeless on this island and for all I know it could just be underground somewhere I'm finding so many extra chests in these places that are supposedly a hundred percent complete but I cannot find another Sealy does this count I just use the Memento lens on that little fox statue and then this thing popped out it's not in Inazuma Sealy technically but it is a silly in Inazuma please tell me that this counts it would appear that it does not count as Ryden is violently head banging wait a second this looks like a spot where there should be a second silly search the area please please tell me it's this I will feel so accomplished and smart if this is it it is not it oh is that a homeless silly shout out to the interactive map that I just went to look at there we go that was a pain I believe we've gotten 22 achievements and it's been just over three hours somehow that means I'm actually getting an achievement about every eight minutes which in theory doesn't sound that bad so if we are able to maintain that rate then in about five and a half hours will be done I don't have five and a half hours I still need to sleep and then wake up and actually edit all of this into a video and just a little secret between you and me it is currently 6 30 a.m so I might have bitten off more than I can chew does that mean we're quitting of course not it just means I need to somehow go even faster and apparently you cannot make this Sealy go home we need one Electro Sealy from this place or watatsumi but I'm pretty sure I finished watatsumi for the most part oh I see one I see one somewhere over there oh no no stupid fog that's going to make this a bit more difficult so that's another achievement that I'm gonna have to skip and if of course by that I meant sarumi Island not Sarai I literally always confused the two we may not be able to guide an electric Sealy back to its home here but I think if we do this it counts as our sixth one which gives us the first achievement fly faster please yes and no achievement why no achievement wait what what happened oh I've been okay again I've been doing the wrong Island the whole time this is sarumi not Sarai why am I so bad at this I really do not want to pull for Ito but it's not looking good right now I'm wondering if it's worth trying the TCG stuff because there are a decent number of achievements there I think this is the last achievement I'm going to be getting for the night or I guess morning at this point then I'm gonna go to sleep wake up and try to get 40 more I don't think that's gonna happen but there is the last one we're gonna get that puts us at 460 so we still need 40 and we're approaching four hours of trying to get achievements already I guess I'll see you tomorrow well in a couple seconds for you but tomorrow for me we are back for day two and when I say day two it's still technically day one it's just later in the day I've slept and eaten since the last recording I've come to to realize I have quite a lot of footage already and we're not really close to being done so that means less talking for me and more achievements achievement number one we're gonna get is to catch a fish and then just let it go which should perfect give us another achievement I also believe I never climbed to the very top of this tree in summer City so we're going to attempt that and I think it should be this Branch right here very nice oh and the dendragilus it really is quite peaceful up here now I do believe this thing we can activate with Electro and it creates a wind current right maybe maybe not oh no it's over there we can activate this with Electro and then we get a wind current so we do that two more times and then that should be another achievement apparently this one is already activated so that's nice this should be the last one that looked like it did it we activate it Swift is the wind this one comes down to a bit of RNG but I don't think I've ever gotten the great Fortune because I usually don't pull for them so if we can get that then it will be another achievement but of course RNG oh well there we go I apparently I got it we did indeed get great Fortune I don't like that my lucky object for the day is the onikabuto because that's what Ito wants and I don't want Ito so that is mildly concerning here's the deal we are currently at 464 achievements that means I somehow need 37 more and none of them seem particularly easy I have been told that we can do the hangout quests to get some achievements though I don't know how many and I know that they take a while I have never done a hangout on any account at any point in time so this could be terrible and I know the whole point of this is to go through read and you know hang out with the character I'm just gonna watch videos in the background while I spam through dialogue so does it matter what I even pick I'm hoping not I'm hoping I could just Spam a button and see how it goes so apparently I finished a route I think that didn't take very long at all but I didn't get a single achievement which means we get to do it again since I know that I already have way too much footage for this video and I need to somehow finish recording all of it tonight I am only going to show you if we get achievements from now on wish me good luck there's an achievement okay we finally got another one but that was only after completing six different paths for the hangout I don't think this hangout strategy is going to work that was roughly 50 minutes and we got two achievements so now it's back to running around trying to get random achievements and if I happen to get any you'll see it but uh it's not looking good foreign [Music] guys it's happening we just need to go around and break a ton of barrels and buy a ton of course I mean six there we go another achievement and if we go in to look we are at 499 achievements it is currently 2 am in the morning which means we are one hour away from being 24 hours into this challenge now of course I did eat and sleep and whatnot and I'm going to eat as soon as this is over but I know exactly what achievement we can try and get to finish this off though I may have joined the wrong world because this person did say that they're probably AFK and it appears that they are AFK we are now in the world of Mohegan blue yet they said yes so we just need to go take down Senora once and then we are done this is it we're finally going to end this stupid Challenge and yes stupid and also all of my in-game voices are just turned off because when I was doing the hangout stuff I was trying to watch videos and they were a little distracting now I know a lot of what you guys have just seen is a compilation of me getting a ton of achievements but I want you to know it has been about four hours of gathering achievements and I'm sure it was condensed down to just a couple of minutes of a compilation so for my sanity if you could just please click that like button check that you're subscribed because this has been the worst challenge I think I've ever done and there we have it the final achievement say goodbye to Mohegan blue because we have done all that we need to do look at this look at this 500 achievements look we got all of these these these there's just so many I had to claim a couple as I was going just so I could see what the next achievement required but we're currently at 7434 Primos time to just go through and claim them all and the last achievement there we go everything is claimed up we are now at 8 000 and 19 Primo so about 600. that's really sad considering how long it took but then look at this we also have so many new name cards of course I'm still gonna be sticking with the ride in Shoguns but we did get a lot of new ones well I'm not gonna delay this anymore I really need to go and start editing this immediately ideally I want to get this out in about eight hours so we're gonna see if I can edit it down in that time it's gonna be close for sure because I also need to go and eat something with that being said though I hope you guys did enjoy that was a lot of suffering but I didn't not want to pull for Ito somehow I managed to get it done and with that being said I will see all of you guys next time [Music]
Channel: JavaTheCup
Views: 1,551,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact gameplay, genshin catalysts only, genshin impact catalysts only, genshin spells only, genshin impact spells only, genshin only catalysts, genshin impact only catalysts, genshin only spells, genshin impact only spells, genshin catalyst only, genshin impact catalyst only, catalyst genshin, genshin 3.2, genshin wishing, genshin impact wanderer, genshin itto, genshin 24 hours, genshin achievements, genshin 500, genshin impact achievements
Id: NNfivBh-0DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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