Pulling For Mo- I mean Miko... [Genshin Impact Catalysts Only]

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this is not a drill we have a code pink yaimiko is back on the banner and I can barely do any pulls we need yai Mikko can I even do a temple can I uh oh ah no no I cannot that's fine because we are actually at a really high pity already as you can see we're at five nine we're practically at hard pity I mean when you think about hard pity is 90 right and we're at nine so we just have to add zero and if you add zero that's doing no pulls so this one should be guaranteed you know it was worth a shot I would like to keep pulling maybe we'll get insanely lucky pity the earliest I've ever gotten which was kind of recently on my main was 16 pity for a five star which is insane I will happily accept that so we're just gonna see you know maybe history will repeat itself or perhaps we'll even get even more lucky this time so you know I would like to get something here though it's not exactly looking too good last one come on come on gold or not we are now at a whopping 18 pity and now part of me wants to save the star glitter to try and get this Lisa constellation because those are pretty hard to get and be good for the account but in 11 days can I get up to 34 probably not I suppose I'm gonna have to go through and do all of these which I really don't want to do all of them but I need the Primo so I'm probably gonna have to do all of them and I was considering pulling for yaimiko on my main as well but I'm I'm not going to because if I get around this account then that'll make me more excited to play on this account because obviously we'll have around here and not on the Main and I kind of just want to save up on the main so since I already showed this event on swords only I'm not going to put you guys through that again I'll just go take care of it it does take a little while so while I go suffer through all of this for the third time mind you I'm just gonna ask if you guys could all kindly hit that like button but with that being said let me just go take care of this event and I'll catch you guys in a moment for you but many moments for me my Bender so that is the first event nice and completed and with that we could do maybe three more pulls this whole video is just going to be trying to get Primo gems and then pulling and then trying to get more Primo gems and then pulling on to the next event so now we got the Pokemon event I've heard some people say that they like this so I'm curious to see what it's all about thank goodness that the quick start is an option because I have not done any of the sumaru stuff on this account yet wait a second if we go in here obviously I was saving my star glitter because we might want to try and get the Lisa constellation but if we get yaimiko then she kind of replaces Elisa right now so if she would replace the Lisa then wouldn't it be better to go for her anyways you know what on this account I think we value new characters over constellations for existing characters because it's more content I know you guys want to see me get this character at least I think you want to see me get this character maybe you don't because obviously if I don't then that's more suffering and you guys like to see me suffer so anything Catalyst would be great but I'm pretty sure I didn't even look at this uh wait a Hazel is on this oh I didn't even realize that so I guess if we just get random Four Stars Hazel would be the best all together we are currently at 25 pity and I didn't mention it earlier but we do not have a guaranteed 50 50 so that's gonna be fun this really does just sound like a Pokemon tournament in which case I should excel at this I have a bad feeling we're not going to be able to keep the fungi that we catch after this event ends which is really sad because it'd be cool if you could take them and then put them in your teapot after not that I would do that on this account because on this account I don't touch the teapot but on my main account that'd be really nice so give me my wisdom orb we press this and then we do that easy I'm a poke I mean fungus Master what should we call it this is stormlord and this one is oh this is tough Bongo head Bongo head or Bongo head oh yeah but go with Bongo head but I feel like that's just that's too basic of a name so uh it you know actually I think I like Bongo head I think that's a good one oh she's actually in this event I was not expecting that is Layla the first sword character that generates a shield too if that's the case then I really need her on swords only because that'll be our first shield look who it is it's the lady we're trying to get on this account does that mean you came all the way from Inazuma just to get on my account I appreciate it I also have to say I really do like Layla's hair design I know kind of random to say here but I do what's weird is usually with the events I skipped through all of the dialogue in its entirety but for some reason I'm actually reading it this time I think something is wrong with me though to be fair is all voiced as well which I think helps there is no timer which I like and it just tells me how I have to organize it okay that's not that bad so if we rotate this and then rotate that and then switch these two oh I'm done oh I'm just too good at this look at that three moves easy I do like little mind puzzles like this though and only three moves again I gotta be honest they are throwing a lot of information at me at once I hope it is not as difficult as it sounds I'm just you know what I'm just gonna try it I'll figure it out as I go okay so we can hit what e to pick a Target and then we can use their skills which I'll just Mash through and then we pick up this and it regenerates one of their skills and I guess that's about it I will admit it's a unique concept I mean I guess it's just Pokemon to be fair but still they had to implement this somehow and yes I know you can go through and read what they all do but you think I'm gonna waste my time doing that I have a yaimiko to bring home oh no it's one of these I always hate monolith challenges in this game and now I have to defend it with mushrooms I mean it will say it's very obvious that behind this whole tournament the people running it are not good people it was clear the moment you shut up and they said this device is completely safe you don't have to worry at all because if it was completely safe they wouldn't even have to say that so their story is a little predictable but we can still just try and enjoy the combat of it oh please please ignore me for five days how about a year ignore me for five years this really is just like Pokemon huh there's always one trainer who just wants to completely exterminate them wasn't that kind of like lisandra's gold from X and Y oh yes thank goodness they have this in the event where I get to wait it'd be such a shame if I didn't get to wait at all during this event because it is my favorite thing to do oh cool I get to wait again watching this clock spin is basically my guilty pleasure at this point it's just oh so invigorating how are you outside of the Arena why am I in the arena why am I the only idiot who's standing where they're all fighting you know I just now realized that my first skill heals all of the other mushrooms so I guess I Now understand what two of them do yes we get to wait again and what's funny is in the last video on swords only when I had to wait a bunch during the archon quest I saw a comment saying you know you could just go do other stuff you don't have to wait yeah I mean would you rather these videos come out once per week because if that's the case then yeah I could just go farm slimes or something but you see in order to make these videos I need to keep progressing through the stuff I'm doing that's just kind of how it works I don't have the luxury of just yeah you know take your time no everything I do is a speed run I wonder if you can actually lose in these like if you don't activate a single skill will you still win also our Hydro slime is kind of op they heals them all for over 20k each how are you supposed to lose with that oh we get that fight the fat toy now call me crazy but I think his mushrooms look a little bit bigger than ours oh okay that's a little bit too much text for me oh oh the best one I've seen we are not just waiting until the next morning I don't know we're not just waiting until a specific time we are simply waiting a full two days we get to max out this clock and sit here for about 20 seconds I am so excited this event has more parts than the r conquested that's kinda crazy you know the funny thing about yaimiko saying how everything played out so nicely is kind of like how you verse complimenting themselves on their own story writing and say goodbye to the fun guy I suppose we won't be getting them for a teapot huh okay so now I guess I'm just gonna go through and level all of these up and then we can head over and do the rest of the stuff that we have to do with them which means the only thing left in this event is doing whatever's in here and there's actually a decent amount well this is gonna take a while I didn't realize that each one of these domains has three separate parts in it that means after this I have like 27 more of them to do or something oh gosh luckily for us these were the only ones that had three per level and then this one was just one for each monolith so it wasn't as many as I thought it would be but it still did take a while and I think the worst part is knowing that I have to do that on two more accounts I'd be lying if I said I was looking forward to that so now I should be able to just go through and claim absolutely everything that this event has to offer oh there's so much I love it yes give me everything give me everything oh there's so much it just keeps going I love this it was so worth not collecting anything until the very end because doing this is just so satisfying wait I didn't score 2 000. oh no this is the only thing I haven't claimed in the entire event didn't expect to be having to do this again so soon why did that go so much faster what the heck before I went all the way down to 30 and I felt like it took forever that was over so quick good to know for the other accounts but now we can finish off the event oh I mean I I don't really want you but sure but that's it that's that event done that event is done and well there there's another one I could do too but surely I won't need to because look look we have a thousand Primos and I'll go ahead and get this as well so many wishes to bring home yaimiko I'll take another purple I think that might be an early purple Hazel oh I will take that anything Catalyst related obviously is amazing a gold would be even more amazing uh oh another early purple with our Hazel oh yes I love it when I call it so I don't think we're gonna be getting a gold right now but I can't complain too much because we did just get two Catalyst constellations and thanks to those constellations we get another wish this is a whole 33 pity and it's another blue well look look we have C3 Hazel pretty nice and we have our first constellation for yamfei and we have a stupid C2 for door hat wait how do I have C2 for Dory when she just came out recently but yanfei just got C1 that's just wrong it looks like for this other event we need to get the regular camera first which is fine because this account never got it and I kind of did want it on here anyways and thanks to having done this on two or three other accounts already I know exactly where these people are first one is this lady right here and the second one belongs to this dude we just turned him back into this guy he gives us the camera and we're good to go and of course we're quick starting this I have a strong suspicion that this is going to be time gated because it is a new event but perhaps we could squeeze a couple Primo gems out of it there's a lot of instructions for this I'm just gonna walk up do what the thing tells me and take a picture use camera to take a picture got it beautiful you know what this is kind of a cool event though because you can actually get pictures of the skills from a different angle than you normally could what child excuse me what are you doing here what quest or event is he a part of I don't think it's the picture one but I don't know well and then join me is over what is going on here the characters are actually in the world this is crazy so unfortunately this one requires you to use a bow character and aim a charge shot but as long as we don't actually shoot anything that's fine if I just inch as close as possible to the camera right here is the closest we can get and then we take a picture unfortunately kujrisara did blink in this one so we're not going to be able to use it I never knew that she actually closes one of her eyes when she's aiming the bow until this specific moment because you never get to see this angle of the character I'm gonna get attacked in here aren't I oh oh yeah this will be a fun this this okay that oh there oh nice cool sick amazing I thought they thought this through and made it so that they wouldn't attack me because they were gone and then they just spawned next to me that's a that's a funny picture right there actually you know what this one's funnier I think yamfei has never looked better did someone order a t-post with tongue out I can't say I knew that she stuck her tongue out after her normal attack string I'm learning so much about these characters from this event which is exactly why I wish they would rework the camera system in this game a little bit to give us a lot more control when we take pictures thank you it'd be kind of cool if they gave us a gadget where you could set down a camera and do exactly what this event is doing I actually think that'd be a really good idea for them to do I would love that and now we just go through and claim up all of our Primos and using said Primos we get a whole one more wish and it's blue but it's okay because if we do all of our daily commissions I'll have enough Primos to do another wish all daily commissions are now complete so we can claim this up and we can actually claim this because I did this off camera but then saved it so I could claim it on camera so we get one free acquaint Fate gonna be a blue but that's still a blue I guess I was trying to make it sound positive but I just couldn't although wasn't it on this account that recently we got the five star Catalyst off the standard Banner so actually I'm not gonna complain oh and we get two acquaint Fates so we have enough Primos for another chance at yai and two oh oh okay you know what let's get that number even higher I don't want to waste these level up books but that's okay oh I guess I need to go get a couple of those but we can Ascend Rosaria for the first time get a free wish and then I just have to go find two of those plants somewhere in sumero oh oh there's actually a bunch here I cannot believe the first place I came to actually had these beautiful okay that's all I needed so we have six acquaint Fates now we are in fact guaranteed one purple all right let's see what we get anything Catalyst related would be fantastic I don't think I need to say that every time I wish but yeah you know sometimes you just need to remind the game what you're looking for so anything Catalyst related like Elisa or cat well that's unfortunate but maybe maybe all of our luck went into this banner and now we're gonna get the yaimiko now we're proposed with a little bit of a decision to make all of our potential events are done at least for the time being I could do this to get 20 more Primos but that still doesn't get me a wish and besides that it would just be completing whatever quests I have so the question is going to become do I give in and get one of these I really don't like spending on these challenge accounts because it is meant to be a challenge but at the same time the challenge isn't supposed to be necessarily getting the characters plus I think people just want to see me use all the Catalyst characters on the account I think the big thing is if I'm going to spend this game I'd prefer it be on my main account however I think you guys do want to see me using yaimiko so just for all of you I will go ahead and get one of these so you guys remember earlier when I asked if you could just hit that like button well if you didn't hit it then could you please just do me a favor and hit it now oh boy I sure love spending my money on things I won't regret but that's okay because we're not going to lose this 50 50. for if we come and stand before this tree how could we possibly lose our 50 50 here this is the tree that yaimiko always stares at so she must be trying to tell us something and what she's trying to tell us is if you do a temple directly in front of this tree you are guaranteed to get yaimiko on the account oh fervoni's codex I don't mind that and uh Toma you know what this is the one I always see people posting their double triple five star wishes with three four stars in it is crazy I believe this is the banner on this account where we are going to get who 5 stars in one Temple after this purple but it's fine because this will give us another Hazel this this will give us an this one's going to give us another Hazel as you can clearly see and just in case you were curious we are at 55 pity so this brings us up to 65 pity and it's going to be purple with two hazos here comes Hazel number one right about now oh yeah I forgot she was on the banner well hopefully we'll be seeing you more on swords only okay he's so pulls aren't going so well I'm a little worried now you know what while we're here we might as well see what our Fortune has in store here we go great Rising my lucky object for the day is the lavender melon good to know let me just grab all of these lavender excuse you just grab all the lavender melons very nice and they'll leave before Lisa dies so those were our lucky objects for the day which means we should be able to run back up here look at the tree and then do a temple this brings us up to 75 pity so will we be seeing a golden wish here no sick you know as long as we get yamiko it's okay even though I'd like to save as many wishes as possible for future banners remember back when I said we were gonna get the double five star because I was feeling kind of Lucky yeah I'd like to retract that statement and I know I could just do single polls here right I could but it's a lot more exciting to do a temple 85 pity I'm expecting a gold we get the gold will we see double five stars and will we get yaimigo this is 76 77 78 Here Comes 79 you love to see it but now the real question is can we see another one I'm expecting not but no I want you but I don't want you on this account oh Hazel okay very nice so it doesn't look like we're getting that double five star unfortunately but we did get hazel as well don't worry I will be using you hopefully soon on swords only yes just go to sleep and when you wake up I'll have you on a different account now how does one build a yaimiko I think the plan is Miko wherever she ended up probably Barbara because I don't have a kokomi we need a Healer and then maybe sucrose so the team comp would look something like this and you guys can let me know down in the comments if this is a decent team comp with the characters we currently have so we have about 30 31 wishes left which I will be saving for whatever Catalyst character comes next sure I could go for yamiko's weapon but I don't think the weapon Banner is worth it especially right now if we had a ton of wishes then sure but because we don't I'm not gonna be wasting them there and when it comes to artifacts uh I need to go far more artifacts now you see that we're smart I've been saving my condensed resin and then I left all of my resins stacking up only using when it was maxed in case we got yaimiko so that I could then invest some of it into her right away ew for the Sans I might go with em over attack because we're gonna be trying to do some hyperbloom stuff oh that is terrible okay one chance oh crit rate but no crit damage I might have to keep it for now I really don't want to if it was my main account I definitely wouldn't keep that piece but because it spells only and you know this account is oh so well built we will be going ahead and probably keeping that one oh gosh we are getting really unlucky with these drops my thundering Fury thundering Fury thundering Fury no thundering Fury oh no in order for us to ascend her we have to unlock en konamiya on this account I do not want to do that again well I guess I know what we have to do in the next episode of spells only but in the meantime I guess I'll just be in this domain a bit longer this one's gonna be the lucky one teed why does the game know exactly what I want and it gives me the opposite if I wanted that set which I don't think anyone does but if I did hypothetically I wouldn't be getting it I'd be getting all thundering fury it's reverse psychology time no thundering Fury please I don't want a single thundering fury on this account that'd be the worst thing pop okay great but is this one called what what is your name thundersoother okay so going forward we only want Thunder Soother Thunder Soother only we just have to speak it thunder shooter only Thunder Soother nothing but Thunder Soother here we go here comes the Thunder suit oh darn it gosh I really wanted those Thunder Soother pieces at this point I think the game is genuinely listening to us because whenever I say it gives me the opposite now we have about a minute until our resin hits 40 and then we can condense it and go farm another artifact set but in the meantime we can craft these up and see what we can get this is the last one I can craft and you know what I will keep oh very low roll in the crit damage but double crit if we can get an em or an attack percent that'd be great let's see if we can get em or attack percent we get flat defense my favorite stat in the whole game please don't oh gosh come on look I know we won the 50 50 for yaimiko after I had to spend money so I don't even know if I can consider that that lucky can I please get some luck now remember game Thunder shooter here we go defense percent Thunder Soother oh well okay this time it actually listened to what I didn't want oh can we get defense percent Thunder sooner wow and a defense percent thundering Fury watch this watch this those three artifacts combined will give us the best feather you know what that's actually not bad that's actually not that bad oh yeah Miko I have feather for you if this Rose crit rate that would be amazing what am I expecting defense watch here we go well um here is the best Yi Miko I can make right now unfortunate but yeah that's our yaimiko for the time being I need your opinions on this do we run this team or do we swap sucrose out for Mona to hopefully get some more Hydro application going both versions make sense to me but I'm sure some of you know better but I guess in the next episode of this we are going to have to make our way down to enconomia to try and unlock that boss because now that we have yaimiko I would very much like to be able to build her so if you are new and you enjoyed well first off thank you for watching this far into the video but feel free to hit that subscribe button so you can always be up to date on what's going on with these accounts and as always I will see you guys next time foreign [Music]
Channel: JavaTheCup
Views: 518,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact gameplay, genshin catalysts only, genshin impact catalysts only, genshin spells only, genshin impact spells only, genshin only catalysts, genshin impact only catalysts, genshin only spells, genshin impact only spells, genshin impact swords only, genshin catalyst only, genshin impact catalyst only, catalyst genshin, genshin 3.2, genshin ningguang, genshin 5 star, genshin wishing, genshin yae miko, genshin yae, genshin miko, yae miko
Id: J0u4OFNubXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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