50 Year Old Vintage Gold Paydirt from 1974 "Sourdough Joe's Gold Panning Kit"

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hey everyone welcome back to another episode of gold prospecting at home this is episode number 144 and this is a really special one as you can tell by the title this is another vintage gold Pay Dirt um this one's from 1974 and it is called sourdough Joe's gold panning kit it says prospector's gold pan gold panning manual gold panning pay dirt and at the bottom here it says 1974 sourdough Joe's of Colorado so that's pretty awesome I found it on eBay I paid $58 after shipping um and I purchased it last month it's still sealed it's original I have this little Post-It note so I know when I bought it and how much I paid for it but it's still sealed up we're going to open this thing up and see exactly what's in it and I know you guys really enjoy these vintage gold panning pay dirts so if you enjoy these videos let me know in the comments hit the thumbs up button and also I apologize for not making as many videos on this channel I've been really busy over on the K clut guitars Channel giving away guitars and stuff there's actually a giveaway going on right now if you guys are interested um you can go to k clut guitars and all that information is over there okay so anyway let's take this over to the panning station we'll chop it open and uh we'll read the manual and everything and we'll see exactly what is if this is guaranteed a minimum amount of gold or not it doesn't say anything on the outside of the box so we'll look through the manual uh for archival purposes and I hope you guys enjoy the video okay here it is the sourdough Joe's gold panning kit from 1974 let's take a look at it in a pan that is nice and I'm not going to throw it because I don't want to damage it we're actually going to open this thing very carefully uh around the seams here with a razor blade [Music] this has got to be a pretty rare find I've never seen this one before and if this is from 1974 I mean it says it right on the box but I mean it could could have been invented in 1974 and then like produced up until today cuz this packaging does look pretty new to be honest and it would surprise me if it's that old now that I'm looking at it closer uh we'll leave it like that let's see if we can carefully open this [Music] [Music] thing this is really cool [Music] though 1974 I'm going to zoom in a bit and I'm going to to page through it make sure it's focused there you can pause it and read it if you [Music] want looks like some basic gold panning [Music] instructions really detailed instructions [Music] so yeah 21 pages and I mean this kind of tells me this was sitting in here for a long time there's some staining in this pan and it would take a long time for that to happen I think this is from 1974 may have just been in somebody's basement for that long this is really cool cool yeah even the inside of the box has some like staining from metal just from being there for so long and this is in such good condition that's pretty crazy and here's our pay dirt bag it is stapled across the [Music] top and yeah let's get it into a pan and see what it looks like so I'm just going to take my time open opening this thing cuz I think I want to actually put this material back in and staple it back up when I'm done this is a pretty cool display piece it's you know there's only who knows how many of these are actually left out there in the world especially in this good of condition this may be the last one but who knows right all right there we go I got the label off the tag without damaging it all right I'm just going to pour this out into the pan it's looking like it's going to be really dusty it kind of looks like Sandstone I broke this piece apart and I don't know if it's actual Sandstone or if it's just been in the bag for so long that it kind of solidified and turned into sandstone for the past 50 years I'm going to go ahead and classify these bigger chunks with a k strainer here that just means I'm going to separate the big pieces from the small pieces and then all of the bigger chunks I'm going to smash them up cuz I don't think they're rocks I think it's I think it's all just like Sandstone yeah I'll pour this in to my little Crusher here and and just kind of Smash It Up a lot of this Sandstone might actually dissolve once we get it into water but this is just the first thing I thought of so yeah that's good enough before I pan it out I'm just going to uh take the strong neodymium magnet to it just to see if there's any magnetic material uh removing that will make it a lot easier during the panning process yeah there's a little bit of magnetics in there not a lot but definitely worth the effort of trying to remove it here okay here's our plus and minus kitchen strainer size material in the plus um I'm looking for gold nuggets do you guys see anything sometimes in the camera it's actually easier to see it I don't see see anything unfortunately that means we probably don't have any nuggets or definitely don't have any nuggets we'll still pan it out just in case this is you know a mud covered nugget but um we also have our magnetic material let's see yeah even some of the Sandy looking material is actually magnetic along with of course the mag magnetite Black Sands there all right so let's pan this stuff out I'll bring over crusty Rusty I'll add some water and some Jet dry to break the surface tension of the [Music] water okay I'm just going to start by panning out this magnetic material here just to see if there's any gold that got trapped in it probably not but it's always worth checking yeah see that's a sign that this is really old um a lot of times when you have really old vintage Pay Dirt it tends to Clump up in these like dirt bubbles see that and I do have Jet dry in the water that broke the surface tension so these things should just sink but it's it's so dry it just kind of floats around all right I'm just going to go ahead and pan this stuff back in the pan here we'll see if there's any gold [Music] you know I do see I do see one little piece or maybe two let me zoom in a little bit [Music] more I know it's real hard to see in this camera especially with a blue pan but right at the tip of the screwdriver there's one there and one right there [Music] that's cool so I'm just going to grab that with the Snuffer bottle they're so small they're almost impossible to see all right next we're going to go ahead and Pan the plus kitchen strainer now looking at it again I'm not seeing any gold unless something like this you know I would highly doubt there's any gold in there but let's pan it out just to be safe [Applause] nice piece of quartz right [Music] there that's a piece of quartz there's a lot of quartz in there [Music] yeah no gold in that it's all right I wasn't expecting any okay so now in our minus kitchen strainer this is where if there's any significant gold or you know some flakes or whatever this is this is where it's got to be so I'm just going to do like two spoonfuls just to kind of gauge the difficulty get a good look at it you can see it looks like it kind of looks like um kind of looks like desert sand that real Dusty stuff but this apparently it's from Colorado although the book doesn't say I'm going to read the manual real quick so I just read through the manual and it doesn't mention where this material comes from it doesn't mention where the gold comes from or the material or anything so we can't say that it comes from Colorado although the product is a Colorado based company apparently now just panning off these light this light material here you should be able to see the black sand starting to come through as I pan down stratify it again this is where you want to be really careful just stratify pan off the light stuff two or three times stratify again and that should be enough you don't want the black sand to like hop over the first riffle let alone the second one cuz if that happens you're probably losing gold so we're going to keep everything in the pan I'll Zoom the camera back just a little bit so you can kind of see the technique here get rid of some of that water and we'll start panning it back looking for little shines of gold coming [Music] down not seeing anything yet [Music] I don't see any gold in that pan that's okay so I just gauged the difficulty on that I would give it probably a I don't know like a four out of 10 it's got some Black Sands in it um it's not difficult the blonde Sands they clean off very quickly so we're just going to go ahead and Pan the rest of this all in one shot here [Music] if you guys are interested in learning more about my panning technique you can either watch this video or any of my other videos or you can watch the gold panning tutorial video I made specifically for the purpose of teaching how my technique is everybody's technique is a little bit different so I wouldn't expect yours to be exactly the same but for most people I think that's a pretty good starting point also one of my Discord members reminded me to make a note of letting you guys know know about my Discord Channel if you guys are interested in that I'll put a link below but it's pretty awesome you got people posting pictures and talking about gold prospecting stuff and asking questions about the channel um yeah definitely go over there check it out I'll put a invitation Link in the description it's free all right we're getting down to the majority of our Black Sands here you can see how much there is and I actually think I see a piece of gold right there think let's keep going I'm not sure if that's gold it might have been a yellow piece of sand I don't want to pan too much more off yeah we're done panning it off maybe one more you can still see the light material coming off but I don't want the Black Sands to to follow it so the more you get out of the pan the easier the cleanup process is going to be but I have a trick for that too so we'll just go ahead and start panning it back now all this material that's coming back I know there's no gold in it right so I can clean that off and start over I don't know if uh my camera was zoomed back enough let me do that one more time so I start like this start panning a little bit back just go slowly and as long as you don't see any gold come back then you can take the squirt bottle and just eliminate that from from your pan and just do that two or three [Music] times it makes it a really quick process so uh I do see a garnet me zoom in I see two garnets let me get my little screwdriver hopefully it focuses right there's a garnet over here's another [Music] garnet and there's probably more in [Music] there all right I don't see any gold coming down so I'm going to go ahead and clean that out one more time zoom back a little bit more all right now we're going to see some gold if there's any in [Music] [Music] here I'm not seeing anything yet it's going to be right up here just keep your eye right there uh all right we got some gold but wow they really don't put a lot in there all right this is all right there's a little piece right there let me get my screwdriver there's a little piece right there there's a little bit right there there's a little there's a couple flakes right here like I mean let me put a dime in there so you can see how small these little pieces are right just flower gold this is like it's kind of like real concentrates here let me let me get everything into a corner here so you can see yeah there's only a little bit you would think they'd throw a flake or two in there but yeah that's it I'll get my finger out so it focuses better but you can see right there I don't know what is that eight little specs of gold and that's it wow all right so normally at this part of the video I would dry it out weigh it up get a value on it and talk about it a little bit on camera um however there was pretty much zero gold in there there was just a little bit of uh flower gold which definitely was a pretty cool experience um however in 1974 when gold was worth a heck of a lot more than it is today that gold is worth even less back then so that's pretty darn bad um I could understand if it was like you know there was more information in the in the booklet saying that it's you know 100% natural um slle box concentrates with no guaranteed minimum amount of gold however back in 1974 that really wasn't a thing back then these things were more like you know souvenir items like if you travel out to like a gold panning area or a gold mine they sell these at the gift store and you can buy them I don't know what they cost back then um but you know I would I would guess maybe five or six bucks maybe something like that just something to have from the gold mine so as a souvenir itself I think it's pretty pretty cool the packaging is really awesome and I mean it's 2024 and we're panning through dirt that was packaged as this product back in 1974 so I still think it's pretty cool would I recommend it to my you know if I had a time machine and I could warn people about it back in 1974 I would but unfortunately we don't have that technology yet so anyway if you guys enjoyed this video hit the Thumbs Up Button if you haven't subscribed yet go ahead and do that and that's all I got for today thanks for watching if you're still here you're one of the 42% that actually watched the entire video so thanks so much for that it really helps the show also huge thanks to all of my patreon supporters and channel members scrolling right here if you like this video definitely consider subscribing hitting the like button and also checking out the video I have linked right over there it's very relevant to what you just watched and thanks for watching
Channel: Klesh
Views: 47,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold paydirt, klesh, gold paydirt review, vintage gold paydirt, sourdough joes paydirt, gold panning kit, gold panning paydirt, klesh gold paydirt review, 1974 paydirt, gold panning, gold panning at home, paydirt review, gold prospecting paydirt, gold mining paydirt
Id: CapHCrfmA-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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