Could this rough opal be the cut of the year? I'm going in

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if you're into gemstone cutting  then stick around because these   gemstones are beautiful join us for the  ups I mean it's got nice color but it's   not quite the the Downs has cleaned  up beautifully yes and the [Music] UPS good day I'm Justin from Black opal direct  well I was in lightning Ridge a few weeks ago   and managed to get some nice rough opal and when  the guy came in to sell me the opal he gave me a   price on this piece and I had to think about it  thought it's quite risky but when I used the gem   torch and shined the light straight into that  color bar it gave me a very clear picture that   my chances of cutting something better was even  greater than I thought because this color bar   seems to go 3/4 of the way back of this Stone  so if it was if the light just shine in there   and I could see that it would be only a little  bit in then I'd think wow I'm not sure if this   is going to cut something nice but um the chances  now have grown exponentially because you can see   that that light goes right down almost 3/4 of  the way so we have more chances now the color   showing up from the piece that's broken off  you can see is really nice the next part is   we don't know how well that color will face from  the top because we have to use the poch as the   back so we have the color on top so when I take  that off that's going to be the biggest Telltale   but at least I know with the gemfish torch that  I have a lot of color bar to play with so let's   get on the wheel and do the same old thing if  you're after a gemfish flashlight look in the   description of this video to find the link I am  excited about this one it's going to be a fun cut can't wait all right well this is going to  be one fun cut I think and I think we have a   bit of a dilemma with the potch in the middle the  potch is showing darkness into the color somewhat   and then it goes clearer on the outside so  it could be quite an interesting piece but   I am really looking forward to uh taking  its top off all right let's get the wheel [Music] [Applause] [Music] going [Music] 0:02:59.840,1193:02:47.295 [Music] wow so I've just touched the wheel and you can see  that color is just under underneath the uh sand I   do though I do see a lot of web in the sand so um  hopefully we can get a cleaner clean Stone out of [Music] it all right so I think there's the  beginning of the color bar on this side [Music] wow prob I goes all the way back to [Music] there [Music] this needs to still come out  before I can take its top off all right now that's missing it's  not touching anymore you see that glow in there this is the Telltale is it going to   face like I'm hoping it's going to  face or is it going to be weak and watery all right I'm going in see that little bit [Music] there  slightly directional color but   we've got all that WB in the color that web's no good this op could be ruined by web huge [Music] piece unbelievable how much color  is actually all over it but it's not quite the   color I mean it's got nice color but it's  not quite the uh clarity as I was hoping for [Music] That web inside the opal is  really ruining it for me I never thought   that there would be web inside this piece  I'm not sure what I'm going to do [Music] so I'm thinking that the PCH may only go a  little bit in not very far here so I just   need to take take it in a little bit further on  this side and see if there's any darker poch oh   it is turning dark there too right so you can  see where I did that that's slowly making it up   its way up to the color and what our problem is  we've got all that gray web and all of that gray   web really devalues um a black opal but what  I'm thinking is that if I work on going down   to that bottom color bar if that gray web turns  to black web then we've got a really nice Stone   still because the black web doesn't sh up as  much as gray web in a black opal so I think we   might start by we're going to slice through that  sand spot so we can go for two stones one there   and one there we get a good idea of what's going  on in the middle and the reason is if I take that   sand spot out we start to lose even more color so  by slicing through the middle we got two chances   at stones and we can see what's going on so let's  get on the slicer and get this thing broken open I'm really taking a risk here sometimes  when you slice straight through a color   bar the best color can be right where the blade  goes through and I'm hoping that this isn't the   case this time and it really doesn't look good  so so I've sliced through and um you can see   that as I predicted yes there is some black  poch but the black poch doesn't rude as far   in as it does there so we'll have a look  I'm going to take a risk and I might try   it on this piece first and see I'll take all of  that off the top and see if it cleans up we can   test that by trying just on one corner of the  of the opal first otherwise we get a dome and   we get a dirty opal so that's pretty much it all  right we'll get some water going and we'll test it okay so it does look like like it so far that   the color gets better on the black  and if I take all that stuff off the top it could turn out really well still we're  not sure until I take all of that so I have to   get rid of all of that gray web on the top this is  risking it this is really risking it I'm risking   losing beautiful color for better color [Music]  all right let's hope let's hope it works out come on come on clean up for [Music] me [Music] no it's not going to clean up but  we still have actually quite a nice stain there the colors just become stronger because  it's closer to the black oval the black potch [Music] [Music] it may look like I'm wasting opal color  here while I'm grinding in but I'm grinding   all the way to where the black poch starts and  therefore we can have one total beautiful black [Music] opal [Music] really really nice flagstone [Music] pattern it's actually not that bad it's got a  t Unique Look to it and that web does segment   the pattern quite nicely that's not bad  now we got to tackle this one you can see   the difference from where I worked on the  color far up away from the black and then   we went down you can see that it's so much  stronger further down so let's uh work on   this one and go down on that one and see what  [Music] happens all the risk is paying off and   I'm feeling really quite confident that this  stone is going to cut a beauty all I have to   do is take it down on the top just a little bit  and we'll have ourself a beautiful gem [Music] I've decided not to edit any of this  footage out it's really worth seeing   these two gems come to life as it's very rare  that everything can fall into place like it has I've bought opal from this claim  before and it's had black centres   but it's had black poch centers where  there's no color so the risk on this   was quite high but I was willing to  take it and it seems to have paid off [Music] yes [Music] [Music] the color is really starting to kick  up again like the other piece which is really good as I work further and further  down on the Dome the opal just gets   darker and darker and all the web that  was on the top is disappeared and it's   exactly as I planned one beautiful black [Music] [Music] opal [Music] just rolling that edge trying to get a really  nice Dome I've made it down to the black [Music] area and this one has  cleaned up beautifully couple   of little spots here and there but  that color flagstone and chaff is beautiful I'm actually really happy with  these two that's not bad at all not bad at all yes so I'm very very excited I thought that these  were going to have lots of web and gray web and   light not even a black opal it was looking  really bad but look what's happened these two   are beautiful black Opals with Gorgeous green  and blue flagstone and chaff pattern very very [Music] happy [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] sh [Music] well that was an absolute roller coaster of a  ride thinking that those gray web lines were   not going to come out and uh while they didn't  so much on the flat stone I have one beautiful   gem with a high Dome with no webbing it at all  very nice beautiful gems on black which makes   me very happy hope you enjoyed that one I sure  did see you next time to see the value of these   Stones go to or check  out the links in the description thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Black Opal Direct
Views: 207,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: opal, black opal, crystal opal, rough opal, lightning ridge, australian opal, lapidary, opal cutting, opalrubs, polished black opal, gem opal, man opal ring, opal jewellery, white opal, light opal, matrix opal, gem, gemstone, lightning ridge opal, uncut gems
Id: wrXO4nVL7WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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