$10,000 Gold Deposit Found in 2 Days

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it's moments like these you're all alone and absolutely exhausted miles from the track that leads to the road that leads to the car and with Darkness impending you feel like you'd give anything to hit the reset button to take it all back for the comfort of your home a warm shower safe walls and good food but then you remember you just found the most gold you've ever found in one day and you did it in under two hours but before we dive into this story let's just set the record straight this is not a story about success this is a story about failure you see when I first started this channel in 2019 I had no idea how to find gold I just thought it looked like the coolest thing you could possibly do spending time out in the wilderness and coming home with treasure so I tried and I failed and I tried harder and I failed I tried a range of different techniques almost everything but the one thing I never did was give up time to get home it's just chaos out here I'll give you guys a look at all God I found [Music] that one piece [Music] and yep it is better than nothing so with every new adventure I gained more experience and with more experience I gain more stamina pushing further and further outside my comfort zone and bit by bit I started seeing results in the years to follow my passion for Discovery has taken me on a wild ride around the state as I've explored many of the remote streams that drain the west side of the island I've sought out ghost towns caves and even made discoveries celebrated on National Television okay the Jane River in the heart of Southwest tasmania's wild rivers National Park is one of the wittest and least accessible areas in Australia back in 1901 a 19 year old logger John standard drowned in the river and was buried in the wilderness and in April this year two Prospectors set out to find his gray and this is the top that's the top half of Standards grave humans they are the humans we did it yeah this is a happy Easter that we have done it we have done it dude hires simply cannot exist without the lows and this journey has seen its fair share of those from being stranded by floods to being rescued by helicopter I've documented and shared my experiences with you all and I'm amazed to say that that number is now 20 000 of you all so remember take the ride roll the dice get outside make mistakes learn and grow because the people who risk nothing do nothing have nothing or nothing and become nothing they may avoid suffering and sorrow but they simply cannot learn to feel and change and grow and love and live chained by their servitude their slaves they're forfeited their freedom only the people who risk are truly free [Music] thank you good morning everyone welcome back to the channel I'm uh out here in the middle of nowhere sweating up an absolute storm because I've got the seven mil wedi bottoms on so I'm heading into a river a very remote River to do some gold prospecting for a couple of days and it should be pretty interesting I'd almost guarantee that this River has not been prospected in probably 100 years so I should have a busy couple of days I've just got to um navigate for the next maybe k and a half so I better keep my eyes on the uh on the trail [Music] [Music] it's too bloody dark in this Creek [Music] pretty dark in here and getting pretty deep [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I know I say this way too often but this is probably one of the most beautiful streams I've ever seen like 100 percent ancient Tasmania in all its Glory beautiful [Music] after an arduous Journey I'd finally arrived at the river the time now being mid-afternoon I decided to head Upstream to see if I could find any bedrock that might be worth working little did I know that the next two days was going to reshape what I thought was possible for prospecting for gold in Tasmania one of which being a multi-ounce day so I've just spotted those crevices over there that seemed to run into the middle of the river might be time to put the bag down now I don't want to get too ahead of myself because it could be a fizzer but these look absolutely textbook they're like Steps and they're on the inside band of the river so any gold that's coming down the stream will travel over this bank and across these steps if there's a crack in the join of these steps guaranteed there'll be gold foreign [Music] yep there's gold here [Music] [Applause] [Music] moving on [Music] sing Queen [Music] look at myself [Music] look at myself [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] talking about [Music] well what a freaking afternoon I finished up now for the day it's like 6 30 I've probably got an hour before dark but um I managed to work all of that all of those and then all the ones along the back and I'll show you what I got that's a pretty stonking pan gotta be at least 20 grams in there and this thing I don't know about this could be three should be three I don't know rip a piece though and a ripper day so this here is going to be camped for the night not the prettiest sight but good enough to rest my head for one night so I've just come up here on the little Bank to try to find some more dry Kinley and as you can see by that square cut out I'm not the only one who uh has found gold in this spot that cutout would have been from the old timers probably a hundred years ago they would have found gold in the exact same spot I did over on the steps which is just a perfect natural trap and uh yeah that would have been digging a shaft down seeing if there's gold in the gravels because as this River cuts its way over to the other side it leaves its history behind that's how inside Ben's work that's how Rivers Meander as they get older one side is carving into the a wall and one side is leaving behind deposits and this is a deposit looks like they gave up on it unless it's just been filled in I mean 100 years would have taken him a long long time to get down to bedrock well what a freaking incredible outcome for day one it really doesn't get much better than that arriving at the river smashing the gold all afternoon and having a convenient Camp right next to the gold spot pretty Epic oh good morning guys I had the biggest sleep ever then I woke up at like quarter to six ready to wake up but it was pretty dark and uh yeah I had another little nap that lasted two hours and here we are but um yeah I'll get up soon and have brekkie I actually bought my metal detector too so I'm probably gonna scan like all of this Bedrock here where I worked yesterday and see what's up in the banks and then the plan will be pack up camp I'll take a day pack up the river maybe for like a k or so max see if I can find somewhere worth working and if I don't I'll come back down and then find somewhere back Downstream because I overlooked like a fair bit of ground on my way up here yesterday and yeah I feel like there's going to be more ground to work below here than above due to the gorges and stuff that I spotted the driest wood but she'll burn if you've got a bit of a bit of fire going after a fruitless scan of the Bedrock I had a quick pan in the top reaches of the crevices I'd worked the day before which gave some good chunky results but it was soon time for me to depart the steps and find another spot to work if we go to begin our day's work what's in store who bloody knows hopefully more gold some of these cracks here might be good [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] sucked I found a few small pieces but nothing like the chunky Ironstone coated pieces I was getting Downstream so I collected my gear and pursued my course downwards and it didn't take long before I found somewhere worth poking about now keep an eye on the big quartz mass in the middle of the screen it's amazing how much gold can be hiding inside areas like this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow get a look at that awesome nugget [Music] s well that there was certainly an unexpected surprise I never would have thought that this smooth Bedrock here would have that type of chunky gold in the right spot so I spent a lot of the time working on the right and it wasn't until I went over to the left that I found gold and it makes sense look at all the Heavies over there no Heavies over here gotta use my head more so I made it back to the magic Creek where I'll be exiting from but I've still got an hour or so before I really need to leave so I'll go for a look Downstream I reckon Now ladies and gentlemen this is why you need to make sure every minute counts I had given myself a time limit of 60 of them before I had to leave which you can imagine was never going to be the case when I saw what kind of gold was laying about this deposit it was literally all Pickers and chunky flakes just sitting there in coarse gutters requiring little to no work to get to it was like nature had done all the works leucine and classifying the material and all I had to do was see how much of it I could fit inside my Snuffer bottle before I had to leave to make it home before dark [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] holy moly I cannot believe that that was the craziest amount of gold I've ever seen in my life and it was just consistent like any little crack or hole had heaps of chunky gold and it was all just one after another it was just like somebody come over on a helicopter and dropped like a kilo of gold on that spot I can't believe it I'm just I'm in shock from that but um I've got to go I've got to get out of here I overstayed it by an hour because I was like screw it I'll walk out with the torch if I have to which could be the case okay I'm gonna I'm gonna clean this up and while I'm at it have a look at how it went um I know it was freaking insane I definitely got over an ounce gonna be super careful not to lose any of this gold nah I'm losing it I'm gonna lose gold I'm just I'll do a reveal oh my God holy holy oh my goodness oh my goodness that was just in like the afternoon goodness I oh gotta be at least at least two ounces at least two ounces ever seen anything like that in your life oh I'm seriously I I feel like I'm about to faint it's just I'm so overwhelmed but I've got to get out of here I need to I need to pack up and go my lens is fogging up I've gotta go okay guys so I'm back home now after that insane trip and I've got all the gold cleaned up and we're going to take a good look at it it has been a while since I went and did that trip and I'll get to the reason for that in just a minute but for now let's have a look at some of this shiny and weight some of the bigger nuggets so this here is all the beautiful gold that I got on day one from the steps notable pieces being that big chunker and some of these ones here were quite special as well all in all nice chunky gold so we'll pop some of them on the scales we'll start with this little one here pretty much a gram so this one is going to come in under way under only a half grammar so maybe this one here isn't actually three and a half like I thought it might have been nah 2.17 way under what I thought that would be but still in an amazing piece and one of my only two gram nuggets to date okay and then the big hole the day two haul now most of this gold came right at the end of the day from that spot that I worked flat out for two hours and uh man there were some insane pieces actually these two bigger bits came a little Upstream but yeah most of this stuff here was all just sitting in that open gutter like crevices and I was just snuffing it up like a vacuum so we'll go ahead and throw this one here on that I wrangled out of the little crack with the micro crevice so one one and a half grams pretty good and then this wicked piece here it's got some amazing character real clean and that's 2.32 so that's actually the biggest piece of the trip now here's where things get interesting when I was cleaning all this gold up as I do I tried very hard to remove any impurities and what ended up happening was I removed a lot of other stuff which I thought there was no way that that was gold because it was so dark and as it turned out I had this stuff stored away and one of my mates Craig who's an electrician who's helping with the renovations I showed him a couple of pieces and he said I don't know I don't think that is Einstein mate that kind of looks like really dark gold and uh he ran a circuit through it and it came back holding charge and he recommended that I get some Ali bright from super cheap auto I said you can put Iron Stone coated gold in Ali bright and it will take the Iron Stone off it so I did and uh this little piece right here I'll show you the before picture and the weight of it and I left it in the solution overnight and yep sure enough came back gold so so all of this stuff here that I removed is gold doesn't look like it especially you know these type of pieces but it is which is insane so I'm gonna keep all of this stuff as it is I I don't need to do any more testing on it I know that it is gold and I've actually never seen gold like this before and I've got a little stash of it so I'm gonna name it Phantom gold I think it's really cool super unique I've worked a lot of rivers and I've never seen anything quite like that stuff so I'm going to be preserving that as is now let's get down to the nitty-gritty we want to know weights okay let's start off with day one yeah we did since a lot of these pieces here were smaller than I thought at the river I'm probably not around the 20 grand mark it might be under but we'll see 14.62 so a bit under half an ounce not tea bags now the fun one so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put two tubs on tear them and then we'll go ahead and we'll put all the stuff that I knew was gold ready for this 64.94 grams that's over two ounces and then we'll throw the Phantom gold in oh that was lucky it landed in there 81.06 so obviously this was a really massive haul um super stoked with it and I'm going to be sending every single one of my patreons uh some of this gold next week so if you're in my patreon keep your eyes open for a post that I do there that will be requesting uh addresses which you'll be able to DM me on patreon so I can send out a little vial of some of this gold depending on which tier you're on will depend on how much gold you get but that I just want to say thank you to all of my patreons who've supported me and I did mention that this video took a little while to come out now the reason being the weather hasn't really been that great and it's taken me some time to actually get back into the river and I wanted to make sure that I did a real number on it before I started putting these videos out so stay tuned for that because if you thought this haul was massive the next time is even bigger [Music] so this is day one [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Rob Parsons
Views: 1,125,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ajXTtbracFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 24sec (2424 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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