High Grade Gold Ore! Opening My New Gold Mine Part: 18

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so I was doing a little Cleanup in the shop  the other day and I found these two bags of   highgrade ore that I've completely forgot about  so on today's video I wanted to sort through   this stuff see if we could find any golden  quartz maybe do a little bit of slabbing   and then crush the rest of it down sample some  of it smelt it down see how much gold we have   in it then you guys have been asking about  getting some more of my high-grade stuff so   I'm going to put some of this stuff on eBay so  you guys can play with it smelt it and see if   you can find some gold from my gold mine well  first let's figure out what we're working with here but there is some good looking stuff here  so let's sort through these see if I can find   any golden quartz there's some I find it it's  a lot easier to see the gold if the rocks are   wet and here's some really nice bands of  that stuff where we're finding the gold in   our high-grade stuff so this is a really good  sample oh look at all that gold there on the bottom so there you go that's what we're looking   for we're looking for this shiny gray  there's more gold there this shiny gray stuff and that's what the gold hangs out with well  we got three piles here I've got the stuff that   looks you know pretty good but there's not enough  it doesn't look good enough to cut right so this   this we're all just going to throw in the crusher  Crush down to powder this pile here has some   really good looking stuff in it but I can't see  any visible gold so what I'm going to do is take   some of these I'm going to slab them up see if we  can find any visible gold you'll have pieces like   this where you get all these shiny gray pieces I'm  going to try and cut right through that shiny gray   area and that's where the gold hangs out and then  this pile on the gold pan has pieces that already   have quite a bit of visible gold look here at  this one gold all speckled through it there here's   another one you got gold laced all through there  right through there a bunch of gold so I think   I'll throw these right up on eBay as they are now  for these smaller rocks and these smaller pieces   I use this little tile saw to cut it's great it's  fast it's loud uh but it does a a pretty good job   for cutting these little tiny pieces and I don't  have to get them chucked up into the huge oil   saw and we can cut them real fast and see  what's inside it's always so exciting to see   what's inside these rocks at all that gold right  in there that's a nice piece both sides little   Speckles of gold in that one bigger pieces  in that one this is going to be a nice one here look at that that is some nice  gold not so much over here maybe a   few little specks but wowe that's  some nice stuff there see that man   oh man and look here there's little  pieces sticking out proud to the surface that is a beautiful beautiful piece  in this face there's some too see down in here   oh yeah that's a good good good piece there's  another one yellow speckled all through there   great looking stuff here's one I cut right along  the edge and it is covered in Gold across both   faces and something that's really unique is  there's gold underneath the quartz right there   there it's the saw didn't go through it it's  still buried in the quartz but it's showing yellow through this is a really nice piece as well  really really happy with these I got to cut   right through the richest part of the Rock and  I don't know if you can see down in there on the   camera but there's there's gold all down here  there's some up here I've got just a ton of   gold hold in my shavings cuting I guess I'm  trying to catch it all in a bucket there so   on a future video I'll have to smelt all this  down and see if I can recover that gold that I   cut up out of my samples I've got some really  really nice pieces that I cut I'm really happy   with all these I stacked around here on the  bricks this stuff is stuff that doesn't have   enough gold to make it worthwhile so we're going  to add that to the crush pile now we're going to   take a look at some of these rocks with this  little clip on microscope I got a link in the   description below if you're interested  I'm just going to start cruising across   the surface here and you can see where the  gold is exposed in the cut face but look at   how it penetrates into the quartz there and  there's so much more down just underneath the surface man that is cool and it really really  sticks with that gray mineral very nice tons   of gold in that sample here's another sample  again with the gold down in the quartz here's   more of it it looks like that silvery mineral  has oxidized to those little brown pockets in   this sample the gold hangs right with it and  this is probably the best sample I saw all day   look at the size of some of that gold it's  cool you can see the saw marks in it and   there's those pieces that are hanging off proud  to the surface see if I can get this spun [Music] around cool that is really really  cool beautiful beautiful yellow gold that is an amazing sample we have our low  grade here we're going to work on that in   just a minute but first I have a very important  announcement in about 3 months I'm going to be   opening up the gold mine again and I need some  help I need an experienced underground driller   a jack leg operator if you know somebody or  if you are an experienced underground Miner   and this is an important part that has your  40-hour M certification to work undergound   around send me an email this email right here I'd  like to talk with you about working for a couple   two or 3 weeks this summer helping me develop my  mind the first step is to run it down this 4x6 jaw Crusher going to crush everything down to about4  in or 38 minus and once it's crushed we're going   to take it over to our Boo or Boo pulverizer  this thing's been around for a while but it   still works great crushes our quarin in minus  down to powder and it helps Liberate the gold   from all the quartz and the other sulfides  now we're going to put it in this tub here   and we're going to try and fold it over on  itself mix it up as best we can and get it   as uniform as possible there is a specific way  you're supposed to do this and the assay books   talk about it but you essentially are trying to  pull the stuff from the bottom up over the top and get everything mixed as best you can without  allowing gravity to separate any the minerals cuz   if we put it in a bucket and we shook it all the  DSE stuff would go to the bottom and you're not   you're not getting a real representative sample  now I'm going to take a 500 G sample now we're   going to take our 500 G and we're going to pan  it down and see how much gold we can find in this stuff let's see what we got  here there's some there but   I guess for 500 gram that's actually pretty good let me smelt this down and get all  this gold melted into a butt and then we   can weigh it all right zero g and still zero  grams well we don't have very much to start   with here little bit of an hydra's borax  a little bit of silica sand little bit of   soda ash little bit of potassium nitrate  little bit of bismo oxide mix it all up   I don't know if I've ever done a smelt this  small there we go let's put it in our furnace [Music] now what I want to do is try smelting  down 500 G of the raw ore to see how much   either I missed in panning or is not liberated  by crushing we'll do 500 G of anhydrous borax   500 G of soda ash there's hardly any sulfides  in this stuff and so the oxygen released from   our bismuth oxide should oxidize anything  that's in there we'll add I don't know 75   G let's try that see how close we can get  here 77 and we'll pour it in our Crucible [Music] well there was some stuff at the bottom of that  pore that I'm not real happy with it looks like it   might be larger pieces of silica like the larger  quartz pieces and I'm wondering if that means we   didn't add enough soda ash because the soda ash  will dissolve the quartz and if we used up all the   soda ash and there's quartz left over I'm thinking  it formed this kind of blob of junk down at the   bottom so what I'm doing is I'm forcing our cone  mold to cool down quick by putting water in it   I want to see if there's a bunch of that junk at  the bottom of our cone mold and if so we'll get it remelted we got our metal so that's  pretty good our bead [Music] weighs   25 G and I put 75 in so I still  think there's a bunch in our slag   and there's some probably at the bottom of  that Crucible but I'm going to go put this   in the celling furnace and get it started so  you can see in the middle there's all these   glass glassy particles I think that's a bunch  of quartz that didn't get fully broken down so   I'm going to I'm going to just break all this up  as best I can I'm going to add 500 G of soda ash   and all the slag and put it right back into The  Crucible and melt it down again actually change   the plans I'm going to crush this back up so  we can get a much better contact with the fleux [Music] [Music] well I forced it again I'm apparently impatient  and don't want to wait for it to cool down but   look at the cool pattern it made I think it's  because I added all that extra soda ash of the   second smelt and so it's real basic and then when  I put a bunch of water on top it dissolved out all   the sodium oxide turned it into sodium hydroxide  and then it dissolved in water so I think that's   what's going on there but hopefully we've got  some more bismo down at the bottom of this thing little bit of something there well we  didn't get a whole lot more metal another   six or seven G is all but we'll go put it in the  cupel with the first 25 and see what we got but I   really only recovered about half of the collector  metal from that smelt I guess the other half of   the bisou oxide got absorbed into the into the  slag here which is interesting cuz on the second   one I actually put some Nails in there as well  to try and reduce more but I guess it didn't   work here's our little bead from my panning  concentrates it's not very big but it's nice   and in yellow and it weighs 032 G even though  that bead wasn't very big 032 G ided 500 G is   64 G per ton so about 2 oz per ton not too bad  here's our smelted stuff looks like it might be   a little bigger bead huh there's our second bead  still pretty gold in color and it weighs 056 wow   almost twice as much well either I can't pan or  smelting recovers a lot more gold now probably   the main thing that's going on here is that I'm  not liberating the gold I'm not crushing it fine   enough from the stuff so I can't actually pan it  out I'm I'm sure I'm losing a little bit but I bet   you most of the gold that's coming out in the  smelt is from uh melting and liberating it all   in the Melt rather than the crush and there  they are together the panning one is on the   right and it is a little more golden color  I think we recovered more silver with the   smelt lots of people ask me for crushed up Hard  Rock ore they can play with and pan out I think   I can get four 1 kgam bags out of it they're  going on eBay you guys know exactly how much   Gold's in this stuff anywhere between 08 and  .1 G I'm going to start the auction at $1 so   you guys tell me how much they're worth I'm  going to wrap up this video here we got some   gold we got some amazing samples be sure to check  out those eBay listings if you are interested in   working for me and have some drilling experience  email me I want to talk with you I need some   help develop in my mind so thanks everybody  for watching we'll see you on the next video
Channel: mbmmllc
Views: 56,978
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Keywords: mbmm, mbmmllc
Id: n6dz2VJMcDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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