This Mistake Got SpongeBob BANNED | Patnocchio Patrick, Krusty Krab Kleaners & MORE Full Episodes

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grapple gang what is up guys I'm cartoon Corey and in today's video we've got SpongeBob mistakes that you've never seen before so let's get right into that real quick though if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe as I respond to the comments of all subscribers so right now if you click subscribe click that red button and leave a comment I'll respond for sure so do it anyways let's get into these mistakes [Music] finally got the Krabby Patty secret formula How You Like Me Now first up is the season 11 episode bottle burglars which is a somewhat underrated episode if you ask me here's the first mistake okay let's go get that formula sorry stepped on my tail okay I'll change this one is like really bad this is a rough mistake and I have no idea how the animators missed it but when SpongeBob takes off the cat burglar suit take a look at Squidward's nose as for some reason it's behind his mouth for a single frame like what how did this happen look at how weird that looks hey it's only for one frame but Squidward I hope you're okay buddy your nose is not supposed to look like that anyways though here's another mistake take a look at this I can't believe that actually worked ah um [Music] good morning Christy crew ready to cook up a new magic penny why are you too smoldering were you guys able to catch it well when SpongeBob and Squidward are walking towards Mr Krabs in front of the Krusty Krab right here in this scene take a look at Squidward's hat as there's some missed coloring going on here throughout the episode this is how it normally looks on Squidward's head as you can see it's black with like a gray brim I guess it's right here I'm zooming in but during this one scene at the end of the episode of Squidward's hat more specifically the rim is like the same color as his skin which was definitely some sort of Animation or coloring glitch or error here I mean look at that it's not a big deal but it's still a mistake and guys we've got plenty of more mistakes in this video so stay tuned some crazy mistakes are coming up what's happening I don't know [Music] foreign [Music] okay so I'm gonna make this next one quick it takes place in the season 10 episode snooze you lose here take a look at this and let's see if you guys can spot it Squidward we'll make his audition with the Philharmonic Orchestra what can we do we'll have to create another Squidward in a lab [Music] [Applause] [Music] Eureka this is another bad one like this one's rough guys so when Patrick pulls on a lever to take a monstrous version of Squidward out of the tank take a look at Squidward over here more specifically the top of his head as it's briefly cut off despite not fully touching the edge of the screen which of course is another clear animation error you could tell that they thought like his head would be touching the top of the screen or the edge of it but it wasn't and they still cut it off here like that's just rough anyways let's head over to another episode with more mistakes guys stay tuned so stupid the first thing you need to do is buy some more crabby patties that'll be the first thing I do conscience yes right after I run some errands the season 10 episode Pat Nokio is a bit of a strange episode let me know what you guys think in the comments did you think it was a bad episode or a good episode what I'm gonna tell you about though are the two mistakes hidden in this episode roll the footage oh it's you SpongeBob I thought you were this crazy voice he keeps telling me what to do oh that's probably your conscience a conscience is a tiny voice inside you that tells you the difference between something that's right and something yeah it's wrong now that's a smart little sea star this one happens really fast guys so you gotta pay close attention and I will say this is another odd one today's video is full of just bad mistakes but if you watch during this scene where SpongeBob and Patrick are outside of the Krusty Krab for about one frame Patrick's eye seemed to have been placed on the wrong layer as for some reason they just overlap SpongeBob's head I don't think I need to break this one down for you guys too much but Patrick's eye should be behind SpongeBob's body because they're attached to Patrick and Patrick's bodies behind SpongeBob look at that I'm zooming in that is a bad mistake and there's more here's mistake number two for this episode just being near a whale's mouth gives me the creep mother always said I'd end up in a whale's belly or prison what's that behind your back is that our Krabby Patty nope [Music] who's stealing our phone pop let me get him let me Adam get him Pinocchio though it's equally as bad this one's a lot easier to catch as when Patrick and Plankton are inside Pearl's stomach take a look at Plankton because his mouth is missing this dude is so obsessed with Krabby Patties in the secret formula even if he got a Krabby Patty mans wouldn't be able to eat it without a mouth like seriously how do you just not draw a character's mouth like whatever animation's hard I'm not gonna be mean about it I could never animate but anyways let's keep it moving and head over to another rap us out everybody wants to get jacked do you think we should go back to serving Krabby Patties but people love them I personally love SpongeBob episodes that focus on other characters it's always about SpongeBob Patrick Sandy or Squidward maybe Mr Krabs too maybe even Plankton too but it's cool when a character like Fred or Larry the Lobster get an episode all about them and the episode Larry the floor manager is just that of course though it's a 2d animated cartoon so it has some mistakes roll the clip oh I don't know what to do I guess this place belongs to the gym guys now what are y'all doing out here you should just go home we can't go home no Krabby Patties at home I need my Krabby Patties man rabby patties that's it those gym guys have forgotten the simple greasy pleasure of munching on a Krabby Patty now for this one to really hit or make sense I want you to take a look at some of these shots of incidental 40 over here and take a look at his eyebrows okay I know that's not something you're really paying attention to when you're watching SpongeBob but pay attention to his eyebrows they look like this and they're colored like this well if you pay close attention during this scene and Larry the floor manager take a look at incidental 40s left eyebrow as it's blue what's that supposed to look like that we even see this character throughout this episode and they don't look like that as you can see here but in this one scene they're blue which is totally a mistake anyways though guys let's head over to another episode with more of a steaks oh [Music] I'm going to give you the Krusty Krab customer service pledge of satisfaction as a matter of fact I'll clean all your offices and all your cubicles courtesy of the Krusty Krab I'm going to make this next section quick it takes place in the season 11 episode crusty cleaners and it has to do with this microwave so pay close attention foreign [Music] [Music] pledge to your boss to clean these offices [Music] some of you guys probably caught it but for those who didn't throughout this entire episode this microwave right here has like a black outline on the rim of its microwave door okay you can see it in this shot right here but for some random reason this is the most random mistake ever guys when trashbot attempts to burn Patrick poor Patrick he almost became a cooked starfish but yeah when he tries to burn Patrick we can see that the outline on the door of the microwave is white randomly I don't know what happened here first it was black now it's white I don't know weird mistake let's keep it moving and head over to another episode but since you're so small now I can only pay you a penny a year well that's big money SpongeBob season 10 has some weird episodes including the episode of The Incredible Shrinking sponge I'm gonna show the mistakes but for now look at these funny clips whip down here whoa that's the rock I steamed myself tiny whoa I see myself tiny you're getting Slappy plating back to the bucket with you no no Mr Krabs it's me SpongeBob why are you so small is this a trick calm down he's clean I frisked them I didn't mean to get small like you Plankton it was a freak accident who are you calling a freak yeah SpongeBob gets shrunk and it results in a ton of chaos it's a good episode but what isn't good is this first mistake roll the clip look at that get him out of here Karen way ahead of you Chiefs [Music] so take a look at this shot of the Krusty Krab this is even from back in season one the first ever season of the Krusty Krab and as you can see there is this enter sign right here in front of the Krusty Krab right there boom you can see it it's been there since the first season but when tiny SpongeBob is launched and hits the Krusty Krab and it zooms out look the enter sign is just missing it's gone what's funny is it appears early on in the episode but in this shot it's just God I guess the animators forgot about it for a second and it's not that big of a deal but it should be there guys anyways though here's another mistake from this episode this one's much worse action figure ever SpongeBob in the corner pocket figure back [Music] [Applause] we don't sell action figures [Music] listen up guys so this character right here is incidental 160 all right he's a young kid fish character and as you can see he has a purple body and a blue shirt a light blue shirt remember this it's very important he wears it throughout this whole episode but during this one scene when they're like ducking by the hash register station incidental 160 has completely lost his shirt he has the sleeves there but we should still be able to see the shirt I don't want anybody trying to make an excuse for this it could be because of the angle but not they just were too lazy to draw him with his shirt again from behind and that was a lazy mistake guys like look at him he's missing his shirt hey that's not it though guys this next episode has some crazy mistakes some of the most wild mistakes I've ever covered so let's do it well we got everything on the list oh Mr Krabs will be so proud of me [Music] there was one who's winning I needed to get on my shopping list everything next up is the episode the shopping list which has some very funny moments take a look at these guys all funny moments the stuff on this shopping list is pretty exotic I'm not gonna find any of this at Bargain Mart holy moly you're gonna have to go to tarnation and back to get all these things oh what'll I do no worries I just souped up all the dildo here [Music] foreign [Music] okay it's mistake time here's mistake number one roll the footage and pay close attention guys you don't want to miss this one the first item on Mr Krabs list is hair from a yeti crab look there he is he lives alone he'll never know what's gone oh I didn't I think of that [Applause] [Music] like I said you have to pay close attention for this one as in this one scene with the yeti crab when we first see inside his like room and the yeti crab is shivering we can see this picture right here on the right of the room okay remember where it is that's the most important part here it's not about the picture it's where it is it's on the right of the room but literally in the next scene the picture is now magically teleported and is over here on the left I highly doubt Yeti crabs over here just got up and changed where it was so this was a mistake first they drew it here and then they drew it over here which is just what here's another mistake from this episode all right take this boy oh it's definitely very carefully we're running low on secret ingredients I need you to go shopping but be careful for not to lose the list I'll just follow that yellow knit wait and the secret ingredients will be mine take a look at this shot of the outside of the Krusty Krab more importantly the iconic Krusty Krab clam sign right here well in shopping list when Plankton listens to Mr Krabs through his giant cephaloscope the animators just forgot to draw the giant clam sign which again is like an iconic part of the Krusty Krab talk about another mistake and guys if you want more mistakes click this video on screen right here click it do it I talk about tons of other mistakes in this video and between me and you guys they're better than the mistakes in the video you're watching right now so click it do it do it click it if you click it right now I'll come to your house and I'll bring you a Krusty Krab Pizza all right I'll see you guys over on the other video click it
Channel: Grapple
Views: 37,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0ESmsMYxhGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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