100 SpongeBob Goofs & Mistakes In ONE VIDEO!

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first up is the episode Shell Shocked a very underrated episode from season six where SpongeBob searches for Alternatives when Gary needs a new shell here take a look at some of these clips what the heck is going on with my fancy boot hey knock it off [Music] all right I warned you I got you now Harry no no sorry oh thank goodness for a minute there I thought you were hurt [Music] this episode is hilarious and one of my favorite things about it is throughout the episode SpongeBob just keeps on breaking different shells here's like a little compilation of it it's so funny Barnacles you are hurt one's slipping off hey buddy [Music] okay okay let's get down to business though and talk about this episode's first mistake I'm gonna play a clip let's see if you guys can spot it here try this on for size [Music] of course it's a shell okay you're right it's not a shell oh freezing airplane I am fun Bob I come from the future this mistake is really funny but when SpongeBob puts on the space helmet um his arms literally go through the helmet making for a really really bad mistake and there's more this next one is just as bad something Mr Krabs perhaps you could help me find a new shell for Gary [Music] oh AC my wife Mr Krabs if you help me get Gary a shell I'll work for free for the rest of the year so it happens really fast but when Mr Krabs says oh I see one of his red arms is just not colored in like the animators just decided not to fill in his arm with color and again it looks really bad a bad animation mistake we've got another one but this one isn't as bad [Music] yeah the last one is a crediting error as D Snyder's name which is spelled like this I'll show text on screen is misspelt like this during the opening credits let's move over to another episode and talk about some even crazier mistakes up next is the episode Reef blower a weird episode because it's like a silent episode you don't get any dialogue from SpongeBob or Squidward you just get music here are some clips [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] like I said interesting episode like imagine if SpongeBob was always like this it didn't have dialogue it was just like a silent film type of show but anyways let's get into the first mistake let's see if you guys can spot this [Music] this is [Music] so this first one is just like the last one of the last section as when sand is piled in SpongeBob's walkway the window on the first floor of his house is just missing normally the house looks like this but in this shot the window's missing and that was kind of boring though let's talk about another mistake that's a lot more spicy [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay so listen closely Squidward's hammock is in the backyard and it's seen at about the 45 second Mark yet in the next scene where he is seen eating the two corals that held the hammock and the hammock itself are nowhere to be found they just disappeared maybe he put them away but I think it's a mistake and I've got another mistake take a look at this clip [Music] foreign okay so again listen closely as this one is kind of complicated but at the beginning of the episode we can see this flower in a pot it's right here okay it's right here but then when we see Squidward in his yard eating the flower in the pot from the beginning disappears it's not seen in the episode again after including this scene towards the end when he's sitting on his doorstep like we should see it right there so another mistake but hey let's move on to another episode which has probably some of the craziest mistakes I've ever seen house hunting this is actually like a really new episode of the show it's very new where the Star Family lose their house due to some ridiculous reasons here take a look at some of these clips oh [Music] eating shaking is our coffee pot oh Tuffy always gives me any jetters yeah talk about a ridiculous plot like they lose their house it's crazy but not as ridiculous as this first mistake keep those eyes peeled house back home [Music] [Music] so to be honest I miss this mistake multiple times while watching this episode but the word ukulele on the town sign is actually misspelled it's spelled as u-k-e-l-e-l-e which is incorrect they're supposed to be a u and that's not it for this episode unfortunately there's another mistake let's see if you guys can spot this one keep those eyes peeled loose I'm so glad you're back [Music] he is the pointy more destroyer of our needy land oh hey guys [Music] [Applause] this one happens really fast as it's at the ending of the episode but during the final shot of this episode squadena's arm is colored as yellow normally she looks like this but in this scene she looks like this with a yellow arm which is totally a mistake crazy but let's move over to an episode of good old-fashioned SpongeBob and spot some more mistakes over there first up is the season 6 episode crusty Crushers an episode where Mr Krabs wants to manage SpongeBob and Patrick but not as Krusty Krab workers but as like a tag team wrestling Duo just so they could win a million dollars it's pretty funny here are some clips [Music] [Music] I don't know whatever it is it's really big and Harry [Music] is it time to look at first no you pick first yeah you know I personally thought that they would make for a good tag team but a big issue in this episode is that they just keep on fighting anyways though let's get into mistake number one let's see if you guys can catch this one keep those eyes peeled [Music] eyes Mr Krabs they look like they want to hurt us they're just pretending pretending we like pretending can we wear costumes Hey sir hey SpongeBob how do I look wow looks like those iron bun workout videos are really paying off ow send the mic down we've got fresh meat actually we're here to fake wrestle and to pretend Russell yeah whatever did you catch it well when Patrick is showing off his metal bottom to SpongeBob his bandana disappears suddenly and then returns after Patrick gets up but then it vanishes again when Patrick and SpongeBob tell the microphone guy that they're there just to fake wrestle like where did this dude's bandana go I don't know but let's move over to mistake number two all right you two no more messing around do you see this just a spatula right wrong actually this represents your face after I get through mangle in it there you see that anything you think this is bad the way till I get my hands on you [Music] three innocence [Music] foreign [Music] I just like to suck on my hand this one is just funny I guess but when Patrick gets a paper cut he cuts his right arm as you can see right here but when he goes to like soothe it and like suck on it so you know you like cut your hand and you go to like Kiss it or whatever he kisses the wrong arm he kisses his left arm when it was his right arm that got hurt so kind of a funny mistake here I don't know how they messed it up and I have one more this one's really bad [Music] laughs [Applause] [Music] [Music] good catch helicopter so at the end of the episode SpongeBob is seen wearing his wrestling uniform same thing with Patrick but when Patrick and SpongeBob are spinning in the air and are about to get shredded into pieces ouch SpongeBob is briefly seen wearing his regular clothes when he should be wearing his wrestling uniform like in this shot right before he's wearing the wrestling uniform now this dude's magically back in his regular outfit talk about a mistake three mistakes in one episode and let's move over to our second episode our next episode is cephalopod Lodge now this episode's pretty cool it's about Squidward joining a club that is only for cephalopods which is like squids so yeah here's some clips I'll never forget my initiation ceremony did you follow me here brother Squidward for thousands of years no Outsiders have witnessed this sacred initiation but I I I I I man I feel bad for Squidward sometimes like the dude found something that makes him happy and of course SpongeBob and freaking Patrick have to try and intervene and mess it up for him but anyways let's go back to the beginning of the episode and look at this clip to see if we can spot our mistake what is it about the third Wednesday of every month that makes Squidward so happy [Music] Squidward Roger is that you tonight's the big night hello brother Roger [Music] so in this character Roger was talking to Squidward at the Krusty Krab he is green as you can see right now he's green however when he's at the cephalopod Lodge later on in the episode The Dude is just like a different color now he was green but now he's blue thus making for a really weird mistake and of course I've got another one foreign [Applause] okay Squidward just give us five minutes and then do your stuff this is ridiculous no one is dumb enough to believe SpongeBob and Patrick are us [Music] so listen closely this one's kind of complicated I'm gonna show as much footage in screenshots as I can but when Squidward first enters the lodge he enters a large room this room right here but when he later saves them from the eel it is now some kind of corridor like the actual location has just changed the entire room has changed is very strange not as strange as this episode's last mistake though take a look at this forever whoa whoa [Music] don't worry Squidward we still have the feather friends so as you just seen Squidward SpongeBob and Patrick get kicked out and as this happens you can hear Squidward screaming but if you actually look at his mouth it's closed this one you kind of need to hear the audio so here's a clip of it again just so you can you can hear it you'll see his mouth is closed but he screams [Music] one very nostalgic episode for me personally is tea at the tree Dome the episode where SpongeBob meets Sandy for like the very first time it's kind of a big deal here are some clips [Applause] seen this before [Music] here it is land squirrel hey you like karate too [Music] so what's your name Sandy sure what do y'all yourself like seriously what a really good episode I have so much Nostalgia for this one but what I don't have Nostalgia for are the mistakes hidden in this episode that I totally missed as a kid let's take a look at the first one huh I just met this girl she wears a hat full of air if you wanna be fancy hold your pinky up like this the higher you hold it the fancier you are higher like that now that's Fancy Remember when in doubt pinky out okay okay so listen when Patrick tells SpongeBob how to be fancy he lifts his right hand pinky finger up and this is kind of like a joke throughout the episode is that if you want to be fancy you gotta drink with your pinky finger up but here's the issue in the next scene where SpongeBob and Patrick approach Sandy's tree Dome SpongeBob then has his left hand up and it looks like he's holding up his index finger rather than his pinky so he's holding up the wrong finger which is just kind of like a really funny mistake considering this is like a bit throughout the episode but let's move on to another mistake remember when in doubt pinky out you can do it SpongeBob I'll be watching thanks pal [Applause] so many times throughout SpongeBob history there's always been this red light on Sandy's front door which is where water gets drained right like if she ever wants to drain water this is how she does it it even happens at one point during this episode but the mistake is that during this scene where SpongeBob and Patrick are first walking up to the tree Dome that red light is just not there making for a strange continuity error and hey stay tuned as we're gonna move on to another episode which has some shocking mistakes up next is the episode boss for a day an episode where well as you can guess by the name SpongeBob becomes the boss of the Krusty Krab for an entire day after well here this happens to Mr Krabs I actually feel bad for the guy SpongeBob table needs more corn fries [Music] what do you smell oh they know you'll have a penny somebody calling ambulance oh you're here wait Mr Krabs who's in charge while you're out damn poor Mr Krabs like that must have really hurt but you know what really hurt me guys the mistakes in this episode talk about an amazing segue but here's the first mistake let's see if you guys can spot it without my help vintage training devices [Music] may I please say your order I think that went pretty well don't you [Music] okay so listen closely when SpongeBob bolts in front of the front door of the Krusty Krab when Squidward is leaving the bottom line of his two teeth are connected as one big line when they're supposed to be separate it's really weird and in the same scene Squidward's wrinkles are missing so yeah two mistakes in one shot and here's some more Clips with another mistake [Music] [Music] now I'll be honest this next one is kind of subtle it's not that big of a deal but don't worry I've got crazier ones coming up but when SpongeBob is twirling around in the circle of his slices his leg appears white like his sock like his leg is white but it only happens whenever he faces the left as you can see here really weird mistake with a white leg crazy but let's move over to the final mistake in this episode and then we can get back to the Patrick Star show oh hey that's me I'll be the best boss that Krusty Krab ever had well I guess if I want a boss like Mr Krabs I like to think like crabs [Music] okay okay I'll admit it I've covered this mistake before any long time grapple fan knows but I had to show it again just because it's so bad but as you've seen Mr Krabs literally duplicates himself for a split second as SpongeBob opens the Krusty Krab door weird so let's move over to the Patrick Star show and talk about some more mistakes they're going to be spicy the episode we're going to be talking about is Patrick the game from season 10 or no season 9 actually and here take a look at these clips good [Music] I don't see the point of this game night every game that Patrick has invented is more pointless and boring than the last this time he did research welcome Gamers and behold what's it called Patrick might I suggest garbage yeah Patrick what's it called [Music] it's called Patrick the game not my favorite season 9 episode but it's not a bad episode anyways but let's get into the first mistake take a look whooping through town it's called Tic Tac two lines in prison puts an X and then the next person [Music] [Music] [Applause] I should have gone with my first idea tick Squidward I got a new game it's called Brock there's a lot going on in this one so during the scene in which Patrick shows Squidward how to play tic tac the X's and O's drawn on the papers disappear right before the bubble transition this will be easier to see in slow motion here take a look thank you oh also the writing on the galley grub in order here signs disappear as well when the bubble transition hits so yeah we'll just show this all in one clip I should have gone with my first idea tick up next is the episode Truth or Square a SpongeBob special from yet again season six this episode has a really interesting plot here's like a quick summary of the plot with clips now to add some special anniversary deals to the main Krabby Patty bucks I ask we gotta get out of here now if only Sandy was here she could help us Saturday come in Sunday so it was you who stole my other radio Squidward what no I'm just jumped in the Box I love SpongeBob specials like especially ones that are longer than like 20 minutes like an hour-long special I love them so I enjoyed this episode but I hate to rain on the parade the episode has a mistake it has two actually here's the first one oh hey there it is SpongeBob's house oh hello are you okay [Music] this one is really easy to miss like I'm sure you've seen it and missed it many times but when SpongeBob says are you okay in patchy's dream um the right side of his pants just is transparent and wasn't colored in like what an embarrassing mistake and here's another one [Music] hey hey chill out buddy we all want to get into the Krusty Krab as much as you do but I don't have time to wait in line sorry but I can't be late today hey sorry everyone but Mr Krabs needs me so at the beginning of the episode when SpongeBob leaves his house after singing he bumps into Harold who is in line going all the way to the Krusty Krab we hear his voice crusty Krab as much as you do SpongeBob then declares that he cannot be late and jumps on the other fish's head and if you listen closely the male fish now have female voices and the female fish have male voices hey like you can have any type of voice you want but it can't change halfway through the episode so another mistake and let's move on to a new episode with even more mistakes first up is well the very first episode of SpongeBob ever help wanted an episode where we got introduced to SpongeBob as a character and got to see the Krusty Krab for the first time here are some funny clips from the episode [Music] today's the big day Gary I have physical condition for today Gary [Music] there it is the finest eating establishment ever established for eating Krusty Krab home of the Krabby Patty with a help wanted sign in the window [Music] I'm ready oh SpongeBob what could he possibly want go SpongeBob go SpongeBob go self damn this episode has so many funny moments but let's get into the mistakes as this episode also has a lot of mistakes I mean it's the first ever episode so it makes sense let's see if you guys can spot this first one without my help I'm gonna go in there March straight to the manager looking straight in the eye lay it on the line and I can't do this hey Patrick where do you think you're going I was just no you're not you're going to the Krusty Krab and get that job this is a big yellow cube with holes [Music] did you catch it don't worry if you didn't I got you covered cartoon Cory's gotcha as take a look at this um why is SpongeBob's collar red normally it looks like this but in this one shot it looks like this and is definitely a mistake and there's more where that came from there's a whole bunch more there's actually like three more mistakes so keep your eyes peeled and let's see if you guys can catch this next one all right I won't show these please please is this any way to behave this is the end this one is just funny but during this scene where Mr Krabs and Squidward are like freaking out due to the anchovies just trying to eat them there are a few shots where Squidward and Mr Krabs's teeth are purple now this is probably due to the lighting but it's not supposed to look like this if you know animation this was definitely a mistake and here's another error keep those eyes peeled perfect [Music] [Music] all right Mr Crab I'll be in my Corners this one is pretty easy to catch like I'm sure you guys already know it but the anchor on Squidward's Krusty Krab hat is missing normally a Krusty Krab hat looks like this and it has an anchor on it it looks kind of cool but in this one shot the animators just didn't draw the anchor and it looks very strange okay okay I'm getting sick of this episode but I've got one more mistake and then we're gonna move on to another episode keep those eyes peeled so fascinating so wonderful here we see Bikini Bottom teaming with life home of one of my favorite creatures SpongeBob SquarePants any true SpongeBob fans should have been able to catch that one as SpongeBob's house is missing a window normally SpongeBob's house looks like this it's looked like this consistently throughout the show but in this one shot the window is just missing now I'm gonna move on to another episode stay tuned as there are some crazy mistakes coming up I wonder what would happen if Plankton and Patrick teamed up together they're not the most likely you know teammates but this is actually what happens in the episode Chum Bucket Supreme here's some clips perfect Chum is metabolic fuel whoa forget about what that word means there's a fire breaking up the lake which Loops we need to get out of here the door's damn much harder wait what are we doing again ah there we go jump is fun what the hey it makes for a very funny plot but I personally don't think I'd hire Patrick of all people as an advertising director but hey Plankton you do your thing I'm gonna do my thing and that's pointing out this first mistake keep those eyes peeled we're having a board meeting here we need ideas I'm so happy that they changed that old tired slogan Chum is bum yeah that new slogan thumb is coming way cool way cooler here's your Chum Bucket Supreme enjoy so this guy right here is Frank and as you can see he's wearing this fresh red shirt when he approaches the counter but take a look at him during this next shot as it zooms in on the register as his shirt is now blue at first it looked like this and it was red but now it looks like this in it was blue which is a mistake and I've got another mistake for you guys hidden in this clip keep those eyes peeled it's on fire okay so can I tell you something honestly whatever it's about your side if these words make my head sad this one is very very very weird but when the camera Zooms in on Patrick after he says these words make my head sad there's an animation glitch as Patrick's forehead can be seen below Patrick's eyes for a split second yeah very weird you know the Patrick Star show gets a lot of flack online like I think people overly criticize this show especially when the episode backpack payback is such a good episode like take a look at some of these clips it's so funny oh boy a newspaper for me thanks paper boy you still owe me cash I'll hit you back [Music] hurry up [Music] yes you are my grandson money I've escaped without a trace on to the mistakes where's that cash I'm not paying for this newspaper there's no ink on it God ain't no spam oh look please don't hurt me your money's over there oh I can't [Music] newspaper money so this one is kind of funny I'm shocked that the animators made this mistake but Squidward's nose is yellow for a frame during the scene where he finds the fake money on the table like look at that dude with a yellow nose it's crazy that's actually the only mistake I could find in this episode so let's move back over to SpongeBob and find some more mistakes last but not least is the episode ripped pants you guys know the drill here are some clips from the episode hey Sandy who am I [Laughter] hello SpongeBob did anyone order 20 pepperonians and pizzas hey SpongeBob hey Larry you guys want to go lift some weight there oh come on SpongeBob I mean [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stand back everyone [Music] ah such a good episode what isn't so good are the mistakes though like you guys know exactly what I'm gonna talk about here here's the episode's first mistake I thought that I had everybody on my side but I went and blew it all Sky High and now she won't even spare a passing glance all just because I rip my pants when big Larry came to put him down SpongeBob turned in so as you can see SpongeBob rips off his swimsuit revealing his underwear in this scene but when the camera zooms out as the other quote-unquote losers join him for the ripped pants song SpongeBob is randomly now seen wearing his soaking wet swimsuit in this shot when we just seen him rip it off so a major mistake and I've got one more soon forget SpongeBob daddy this last one is pretty straightforward but during the ripped pants song several scenes still have SpongeBob with his swim trunks on which again as we mentioned before he rips them off so yeah season 12's mind a gap is a pretty interesting episode It's Not a Bad episode but the actual plot's kind of weird with it revolving around teeth well more so a lack of teeth specifically this Gap in SpongeBob's mouth here take a look at these clips ah my paper hey hipsters groovy cats I can dig it [Music] hey hipsters it's groovy cats oh I can dig it you're the coolest customer we've ever had Daddy Crazy can I see you with the coolest table meet up with a real cool cat oh there he is hey squid Rooney hmm foreign yeah honestly this episode is really funny like SpongeBob's personality once his teeth get messed with like it changes his voice and he turns into a whole different man but enough of that let's get into the spicy mistakes I will be your dentist that should seal up that drafty Gap and kill the whistling well [Music] thank you Dr Squidward did you catch the mistake probably not as it's actually in audio mistake so as I said SpongeBob's voice changes in this episode and sounds like this oh boy would I that sounds so cool but just after Squidward's screw SpongeBob's buck teeth together SpongeBob actually sighs in his normal voice making for a weird mistake oh better that should seal up that drafty Gap that ain't it though here's Mystique number two I guess I gotta use good old-fashioned tentacled Grease ears oh better that should seal up that drafty Gap say without a gap my voice sounds almost cool testing testing one two three this one is more of a continuity error as when Squidward is trying his second attempt at drilling SpongeBob's teeth he puts a screw in between SpongeBob's teeth however in the zoomed out shot right here the screw just disappears despite us literally seeing it in this shot a moment ago so a weird continuity error not that big of a deal but but this episode's last audio error is pretty bad take a listen to this and use those ears [Music] [Music] yeah you guys definitely caught this one as when SpongeBob is saying flick flick flick Flip Flip his mouth doesn't even move like zoom in on this as the audio's playing his mouth doesn't even move so talk about a weird mistake as always and that's going to do it for today's video guys I appreciate all of you the grapple gang I'm cartoon Corey shout out to the premiere gang and shout out to our new editor Manny he edited this video and did such a good job so but yeah if you're new guys make sure to subscribe as I will be responding to the comments of all subscribers on this video it might take me like two or three days but if you're subscribed and you comment you'll get a response from cartoon Corey for sure but yeah make sure to subscribe guys I'm gonna be streaming on this channel soon and I love you guys I'll see you tomorrow peace
Channel: Grapple
Views: 1,790,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _CtrEntFeeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 37sec (2677 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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