50 SpongeBob SLIP UPS | Doing Time Mrs Puff, Squidward on the Bus & MORE Full Episodes

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next up is doing time a classic this episode's from season three and as you guys know Mrs Puff has been dealing with SpongeBob's BS for a very long time and he just cannot drive Mrs Puff has tried everything and in this episode she snaps she decides that it would be much better to go to jail than have to sit around and deal with SpongeBob pretty good episode here's some clips [Music] you're under arrest hold it you can't arrest him we're not talking about him okay you can do this pup you can get through this without losing your sanity positives think of the positives no more work no more boating school classes no more driving no more SpongeBob no more phone solicitors no more SpongeBob no more company populux no more SpongeBob no more road rage no more SpongeBob no more insurance payments no more SpongeBob I think I'm going to like this place personally I wouldn't choose jail over dealing with a stupid sponge but hey Mrs Puff you do you let's get into these mistakes guys hurry up with that truck water fruit punch [Music] all right seniors let's open these windows so the world can see your nice white clothes so this character right here is incidental six all right it's a background character who has appeared in many different SpongeBob episodes before now normally incidental six has a male voice here's some clips of him talking with a male voice good afternoon sir could we interest you in some chocolate chocolate did you say chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate [Applause] finally I've been trying to catch you boys all day now that I've got you right where I want you I'd like to buy all your chocolate so as you've seen incidental six normally has a male voice but for some reason in doing time they just switched it up it isn't that big of a deal since it's just one episode but yeah throughout this whole episode he has a female voice when again he normally sounds like a male so very interesting mistake on their end but let's keep the video moving guys episode 3 has some crazy mistakes let's do this season 8's pet sitter Pat is an interesting episode where Patrick is left in charge to watch Gary as you can imagine this was not a very good idea on SpongeBob's end but we're not here to talk about that we're here to talk about mistakes baby let's get into mistake number one rule the footage let's see if you guys can catch this one I hope you save snail so I made you this special gelatin mold oh Gary same for me [Music] SquarePants household yeah Patrick about Gary's bath make sure the bath water's not too hot and he doesn't like too many bubbles yeah yeah and remember to dry him off really good all right this one is super easy guys like you all should have caught this one you don't even need me to tell you I'm expecting you guys to know already but this is how a normal phone looks right and as you know phones normally have 10 number digits on them right there's 10 number digits on an actual phone but I don't know what kind of phone good old grandma SquarePants is using because look it only has seven number dials so this was definitely a mistake it's a funny one to be honest but let's keep it moving and move over to episode number three season five's Krebs Ella mode is another interesting episode it's not my favorite but it's not the worst but I do like Plankton's scheme in this episode instead of explaining it I'll let these clips show you what he does it's very interesting that crusty Old Barnacle might keep me from his secret formula and I'd like to see him serve a Krabby Patty when I'm done with this place well maybe it is personal touching your thermostat let's get it to work what time quick clowning around and get to work yes I as soon as you turn the heat up the temperature stays at 62 degrees guys icicles hanging from the ceiling Plankton quite literally turned the Krusty Krab into a winter wonderland at one point people are literally ice skating around the Krusty Krab which looks kind of fun but I don't think that's the place to be doing that this episode as I said though has some mistakes here's the first one I've still got my secret weapon [Music] thermostat Nobody messes with me thermostat you can't defeat me [Music] so as you guys seen a big plot point in this episode is plankton changing the thermostat of the Krusty Krab that's how it gets all icy in there but as you've seen in the clips he changes the temperature of the thermostat again but how would he have done this because the thermostat freezes we literally see it get ice on it it's frozen so I don't think it'd be working very well so yeah another mistake here and here's mistake number two morning boys Max a bit sticky this morning [Music] is it cold in here or is it just me I'm not giving up yet crabs I've still got my secret weapon thermostat So speaking of Frozen objects as you guys can see there is one shot where the cash register is frozen but then throughout the rest of the episode in every other scene the cash register is no longer Frozen so a bit of a continuity error I'll admit the mistakes in this episode are not so bad but just wait for episode number four things are about to get wild next up let's head over to season 12 and talk about a fairly good episode that I personally enjoyed that being Squid on a bus which I mean the title is pretty self-explanatory for this one guys it's about Squidward taking the bus it's a good episode but like most episodes of SpongeBob it does have three mistakes hidden in it and these mistakes are really really bad guys here's mistake number one where's that bus I've been waiting for almost an hour so in the opening of the episode Squidward appears to be wearing a watch on his right wrist right you can see it right here I'm zooming in on it but seconds later when the bus door opens Squidward's watch is just missing now I doubt the dude took it off to go in the bus what I think happened is in this first shot right here the animators Drew him with a watch but then the animators forgot about the watch because in this scene the watch is just gone poof I went missing and that's not the only thing missing in the beginning of the episode as there's another mistake that's kinda similar to this one roll the footage again where's that bus I've been waiting for almost an hour almost an hour he says [Music] catch it well take a look at this shot of Khan street right here as you can see it goes Patrick's house Squidward's house and then good old SpongeBob's house right here that old-fashioned pineapple house now I'm hungry but in that opening scene um where is SpongeBob's house it should be right there you could say that you know it just wasn't on the screen but the distance between Squidward's house and SpongeBob's house is not that wide and I'm pretty sure the animators were just feeling kind of lazy in this scene and didn't draw SpongeBob's house which is still technically a mistake but wait there's more here's mistake number three let's see if you guys can catch this one [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] now SpongeBob will attempt to catch his high flying partner Patrick [Music] man three mistakes in one episode is like really bad Nickelodeon be slacking boy but take a look at this shot from inside the bus when the bus starts rocking as you can see there are passengers inside there chilling inside the bus but when we get the same shot from the outside view um why is Squidward the only one on the bus the passengers just disappeared they're gone poof talk about a mistake a continuity mistake and let's keep the video moving guys and head over to episode number four next up is As Seen on TV now this episode is about the Krusty Krab's first ever commercial and SpongeBob over here thinks he's famous because he gets like a two second cameo in the commercial that airs on TV it's really funny SpongeBob gets a massive ego in the episode it's hilarious here are some clips oh Jen I've got a real problem what what a problem Amy you've got all this money and I don't know what to do with it I heard all of all of it I'm here to help follow me where are we why we're at none other than the Krusty Krab over the world famous Krabby Patty there I am Gary there I am we start with a fresh Patty grilled and juicy that was the best 60 seconds of my life weren't you that guy on TV yes I am that guy how kind of you to notice bye I gotta say it's really weird seeing SpongeBob act like this he's normally such a wholesome character and he doesn't really care about attention that much but in this episode he thinks he's the star of the show it's really funny the way he interacts with other characters but what isn't so funny are the mistakes in this episode and there's three three mistakes in one episode here's the first one now where have you been how long are you gonna keep us standing here well SpongeBob are you just gonna stand there like a half wet mouth a gape or are you gonna fill these people's orders I think I better give them what they need and fast as SpongeBob is here to satisfy the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time this crowd is insatiable then why don't you get back in the kitchen and grab some patties and give them what they came here for sure this first one is pretty bad but I gotta say you need the eyes of a hawk to be able to actually catch it so at one point SpongeBob lifts up his shirt collar but if you look at the back right by his fingers it's like the smallest spot I'm gonna zoom in on it so you guys can see they didn't draw the back of his collar right there by his fingers we should be able to see the back of his shirt but I guess they just forgot to draw it and now that I've shown you you know it looks kind of weird not as weird as mistake number two though this one's really bad this crowd looks angry they're not gonna wait any longer I think I better give them what they need and fast these people demand entertainment enter what how are you doing folks hungry okay there's a nun an astronaut and a hair dryer [Applause] is well the most I can juggle is three but The Show Must Go On okay so look during this scene when the crowd says we want patties um incidental 46's waist is purple throughout the episode it looks like this right this is how it's supposed to look but in this one shot for some reason it's purple I don't know what's going on but hey we still got one more mistake in this episode here's mistake number three what Neptune's name is going on we're making the commercial Mr Krabs what you're doing is throwing away me money I told you to rent only what's absolutely necessary what's all this useless junk that's the useless junk for scene uh 28. oh well have you explained that a second Krusty Krab Mr Krabs everyone needs an understudy but why do we need him this job gets very stressful Mr Krabs so why don't you come on come on and have yourself a crack ER so early on in the episode as you guys can see there is a second Krusty Crap but here's the problem it's actually only shown when Mr Krabs mentions it in any other shot where you would be able to see it it's just not there like in some of these shots it should be right there here's a shot of it being there now look at these shots it's just not there it's missing it's gone the animators forgot to draw it now this next mistake can be found in the episode The Inside Job and I'll admit it's not that big of a deal but it's still a mistake so hear me out real quick here are the clips with that mistake let's see if you guys can catch this one where do morons keep all their secrets nope the library where he keeps records of his every thought all of his deepest juiciest Secrets all these secrets are lame wait a minute what's this the secret recipe isn't in the brazing it's located in the heart krabby patty recipe yes yes yes here it is all of the ingredients coming together in Perfect Harmony so as you just saw Plankton can be seen sliding down SpongeBob's spine however SpongeBob should not even have a spine guys because he's a sponge and sponges are invertebrates this is also a cartoon though so I'm definitely overthinking this one but I still wanted to include it like SpongeBob if he was a legitimate sponge like a sea sponge he wouldn't have a spine so let's move on to the next episode which has much better mistakes than this one these next mistakes are amazing first up is a somewhat underrated episode of SpongeBob that being new digs this episode is all about SpongeBob oversleeping and going into work late and I mean you guys know SpongeBob this dude is obsessed with the Krusty Krab I don't even think Mr Krabs pays him but he still goes into work but yeah he goes into work late so he decides to move into the Krusty Krab that way he's never late again man I don't know about y'all but I would never do anything like that but here's some clips from the episode it's really funny oh my gosh only 20 seconds to go [Applause] [Music] oh I love it here Mr Krabs yeah yeah yes if you love it here so much why don't you just live here oh hi Squidward SpongeBob what are you doing here oh I live here now in the dishwasher no at the Krusty Krab yeah this episode is hilarious like this dude moves his entire apartment into the kitchen he brings Gary his couch his TV SpongeBob you need to chill work is not that serious but what is serious is mistakes in animation and this episode has two here's the first one keep those eyes peeled and when I went home at night guess what we wasn't there and when I woke up in the morning come on man my change [Music] here you go yeah well thank you a real funny buddy socks and a pair of Tidy whities [Music] so this first mistake isn't that big of a deal I guess but this character right here is incidental 107 and at one point in the episode he asks for his change now at first as you can see his food and tray are right beside him like he has his food and tray but in the next shot they just disappear they're like Dawn I doubt that dude ate his food that fast and if he did I'm kind of impressed but what isn't so impressive is mistake number two let's move over to that one here are some clips [Music] SpongeBob if I can reach I do it myself oh [Music] God boy you're moving out now this one is actually pretty bad in my opinion but when Patrick walks out of the kitchen and says thanks SpongeBob his eyebrows are actually missing for an entire frame I don't know guys people don't just lose their eyebrows this was most likely a mistake by the animators it's only for one frame but hey it's still a mistake and we've got more let's move over to episode number two which has tons of mistakes first up is the season 2 Banger bubble body I love this episode SpongeBob gets his own bubble buddy in this episode and it really bothers Squidward but this episode is full of mistakes guys I'm gonna show clips and let's see if you guys can spot those mistakes everything the bubble buddy here we go one of everything for bubble body oh no Squidward wait there's champ Bubble Buddies lactose intoleranty candy cheese how about you take these patties and sister Squidward don't worry bubble buddy Squidward will make a fresh batch we're yet able to catch mistake number one it's very easy to miss like you need the eyes of a hawk to catch this one because it's so small but when SpongeBob tells Squidward that bubble buddy is lactose intolerant I have no idea how a person made of bubbles could be lactose intolerant SpongeBob but anyways if you look closely part of SpongeBob's top right corner detaches from his body again it's very easy to miss so I'm kind of zooming in on it but look at that piece of SpongeBob's head just kind of floating there that is an animation mistake and hey I can't really blame the animators it's easy to miss but this next mistake in this episode I don't know how they missed it here are some clips it's that stupid bubble of SpongeBob that's causing all the problems who's with me hey everyone have you met my friend bubble buddy yes would you mind not getting so close with those pins pointy objects make bubble buddy uncomfortable SpongeBob that bubble's gotta go no no that's now never never [Music] now for this one you really need to be keeping an eye on our boy squidbird over here as take a look at this footage from the episode culture shock when Squidward does his iconic dance look at those fresh dance moves [Music] [Music] as you can see Squidward has six legs it's always been this way even since the first episode of SpongeBob this man has six tentacles but when SpongeBob inflates bubble buddy to escape the Angry Crowd Squidward is drawn with an extra leg this dude just randomly gets an entirely extra tentacle which is just a clear mistake whoever drew the animation in this episode forgot that Squidward only has six legs which is definitely a mistake but let's keep it moving let's keep this party going and head into our next episode which has even crazier mistakes let's do this some of my favorite characters in SpongeBob Allure are the superhero or super villain characters especially Man Ray or the Dirty Bubble which is why I especially love the episode Dirty Bubble returns which is about the Dirty Bubble actually being a character again in the show here are some hilarious clips from the episode will the law force him to clean up his act oh really choose door number three and devour a newsman live on TV drop him airhead [Music] s six months later thank you Warden I feel like a new bubble remember bubble keep it clean or you'll get mean thank you Warden it's a funny episode right it's got some really funny clips and it's awesome to see the Dirty Bubble back in action but what isn't so nice to see is the mistake in this episode it's very very subtle and easy to miss but the mistake itself is actually really bad here's the clip hold on to your shirty here comes the dirty [Music] thanks for keeping me clean SpongeBob for weeks SpongeBob work with DB to stay clean and good [Music] [Applause] la la la [Music] so throughout this episode we'll get clips of these like comic panels that relate to what's going on and in the last Dirty Bubble returns comic panel when SpongeBob hugs clean bubble um his right arm in hand are transparent like look at that dude his right arm and hand are just see-through the animators completely forgot to color it in and that is a blatant mistake that's a bad mistake and guys that's gonna do it for today's video but a massive shout out to the grapple gang gang gang gang gang gang gang I love you guys and everybody here at the premiere the premiere gang if you're at the premiere say something in chat I should be there chatting with you I can't make it to every single Premiere but I'll be there 90 of the time so click that Bell you also want to click it that way you're notified when I live stream guys I'm gonna be streaming games like Roblox Minecraft Mario Kart throughout this entire summer and you guys can all play the games with me live on stream so hit the Bell that way you get notified if I go live also lost if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe as I respond to the comments of all subscribers so literally right now if you click subscribe and leave a comment I will respond to your comment for sure within the next like 24 hours because I love talking to the community I love talking to the gang anyways though I'm cartoon Corey and I'll see you guys tomorrow with some more SpongeBob content let's go let's do this
Channel: Grapple
Views: 41,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vgCRezri2z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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