50 Dollar Tree DIYs...Beginner Friendly

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[Music] I think these plates are going to be awesome I have a great idea so I'm going to get a plate and a bowl all right you guys this is the simplest DIY but it's going to be perfect for having guests over this summer or maybe you're having people over for dinner take your bowl and put some E6000 on the base then add your plate on top of it wash it up really well and then you can use it to display cookies muffins fruit whatever you have for your party and the tray only cost you two dollars and fifty cents [Music] [Music] so when I was tooling around Dollar Tree like I normally do I came across these really cute little soap containers and I just thought the shape of these were really cute plus you got a lot of product with it so what I decided to do was actually paint the container of this this is like a five minute DIY I had taken off all the labels to the soft soap I took the lid off of the soap and then I used a little bit of painters tape at the top [Music] and then all I did was spray paint this with a gray color [Music] once that dried I put the lid back on and this is how cute it looks in my bathroom for one dollar [Music] so when I was shopping at Dollar Tree I found these incense containers that I thought were really cute I also grabbed some glass jars so I wanted to make these instant containers lids for my jars so they actually fit on there very nicely so I'm going to start by filling the incense hole at the top with some wood filler [Music] foreign [Music] I'll let that dry completely next I'm going to spray paint the lids I decided to go with a navy color but you could go with any color that fits the color scheme of your bathroom and I'm going to start by spray painting them on the bottom once that dries I'll come in and spray two coats on the top [Music] next all you have to do is fill up your glass jars with any bathroom items that you want to put in there and just put the lids on top these are going to look so cute sitting out in your bathroom and be totally functional as well foreign Tes are super popular right now everybody's wanting to add these into your house but sometimes you may not know how to wire it in so I want to give you an option that you don't have to wire in at all and it's really affordable so for this project you're going to need one of their drying racks a napkin holder from Dollar Tree you're also going to need two Puck lights from Amazon I'll link them for you down in the description box and a placemat my placemat I actually purchased at Walmart you want to get your drying rack from Dollar Tree because it's definitely going to be a little bit more flimsy and bendable so I'm going to start with my drying rack pushing it around my napkin holder to create a nice Arch once I have it in the right shape I need to attach the drying rack to my napkin holder so I started this by adding in some floral wire [Music] and this held it okay but then I went in with a zip tie and that worked even better to secure it in place once you have your base in place now you can come in and wrap it around the edges so I found a placemat that fit almost perfectly I ended up having to cut some of the drying rack down at the bottom then I'm just going to wrap the placemat around and I'll hot glue it in the back [Music] I purchased my Puck lights in a pack of two you're going to have to put a battery in them to make them work now to attach these you're going to use the command strips that were provided I'm going to put them on the back of my Puck lights then I'm going to put one on the top of my napkin holder and the other one I'm going to flip the sconce upside down and put it on the bottom part of my napkin holder that way when they're turned on you're going to have light Illuminating from the top and the bottom they're touch light so all you have to do is touch them to turn them on you could also get remote ones that are a little bit more expensive if you want to go that route as well to attach these to the wall all you have to do is put some command strips [Music] and here's how it looks on my wall [Music] next I'm going to be creating a decorative accent all you're going to need are some foam balls I got two different sizes from Dollar Tree and also you're going to need some nautical rope now I buy my nautical rope off of Amazon in a big spool it's also available at Dollar Tree so whichever works best for you I'll put the link to the one I buy in the description box as well so this is a really easy project to do you're going to start by hot gluing your foam ball and wrapping your nautical rope around you're gonna do this till you get to the other side [Music] thank you now it's okay if you leave a little bit of an opening on either side now when I did the first one I realized I probably left a little bit too much of an opening so I added some additional nautical rope to that one [Music] I'm going to wrap the nautical rope going the other direction making sure that I cover up that white space that I had on either one foreign so I'm just going to wrap until I've covered the entire foam ball and then I'll cut it off and hot glue it in place I'm going to repeat those same steps to create the second smaller foam ball now I just created two you could do all five or you know however many you want for your project but they look great as a little accent sitting out in your decor [Music] so I was on Pottery Barn's website looking for a little bit of inspiration and I saw this set of marble like soap containers toothbrush holders and I thought we could recreate this from Dollar Tree so I picked up a tray soap dish soap container and toothbrush holder and some of them were already white but I wanted them to all be the same colors so I just started by spraying those with two coats of white spray paint [Music] next I wanted to give them a marble appearance so what I did was I grabbed a tub of water now you guys have seen me do this on my channel before and I wanted them to be like a gray color so I had this spray paint that was kind of like a translucent that I decided to use for this project so what you're going to do is you're going to spray your spray paint on the top of the water what that's going to do is it's going to create fun little patterns then you can take your items and dip them into the water Once you pull your item up you're going to see whatever design you put in the water on your container so I repeated this with all of my items to give them a marbled finish [Music] I did have a little bit of trouble with the tray I kind of had to move it around to get it in the water where I wanted it to and the thing is is if you don't feel like they have enough paint on them just add more paint to your water and put your items back in until you get that desired look [Music] now another thing I do when I pull the items out I'll take a paper towel and kind of wipe off any excess that I don't like the look of and that just kind of helps as you're going through the process here's how my Dollar Tree marble containers look styled on my vanity [Music] next I'm going to show you how I created a decorative vase now for this project you're only going to need two items you're going to need a clear vase from Dollar Tree you're also going to need some of their bamboo skewers now you guys I love these bamboo skewers I use them in so many different crafts and DIYs and this is the time of year to pick them up you can grab them in the smaller size as well as the longer ones I recommend grabbing a few packs of both of these I wanted my bamboo skewers to go around my clear jar so I needed to cut them down so I was kind of experimenting with the best way to do this so I laid them out on a board and I used some frog painters tape to kind of hold them in place because I was hoping to cut them all at the same size and I taped them on both sides I figured out exactly where I wanted to cut them I laid the clear vase down and then I drew a line across so I knew where they needed to be cut then I used my saw which is great for cutting like smaller items then I saw fog through the bamboo skewers now as I was doing this I was kind of moving them around and my lines weren't straight and so I cut them about halfway and I figured that would be okay for the rest of them I would just kind of pop them off once you create a small cut you can always like pop them off at the ends this works well too if you're just doing one of them you can always cut it at the end and then pop off the excess next I was going to attach my bamboo skewers to this clear jar I found the E6000 was the best option you want to put the E6000 on with just a little end of your bamboo skewer so that you're not adding too much glue because we're not going to be painting this you don't want a lot of excess glue so I added a little bit at the top and a little bit at the bottom put my bamboo skewer on then I went about a half an inch and put another one on I did this all the way around the clear jar now E6000 usually takes overnight to dry so I put some painters tape really lightly around my jar I didn't like press it down firmly and I'm going to let that sit overnight the next day I came in and removed the painters tape and everything was glued on really well I styled this on my coffee table with a few faux stems foreign idea that you can do this one is going to be great for your outdoor dining tables or maybe you have an outdoor coffee table you want to pick up five more solar lights these I got in the silver color you're also going to need a 4x4 board now I grabbed mine at Lowe's but you could pick it up anywhere so the first thing I did was I just cut my board down to size based on the size of my coffee table you can make this any size you want you can make it smaller or bigger but I just wanted it to fit well on my coffee table this is actually a really easy DIY to do but you are going to need some tools like one of the tools you're going to need is a large set of drill bits to create holes for the solar lights to go in I took the bottom piece off of my silver solar lights I was trying to figure out which drill bit was going to be about the same size as my solar light so once I picked one I added it to my drill and I will link to all these tools down in the description box for you guys next I can came in and I marked my board my board was about 30 inches long so every five inches I made a mark so I knew exactly where to drill next I came in with my drill and drilled holes straight down I then would put a solar light into that hole just to make sure it was going to fit in there securely you can always adjust your drill bit size as well foreign next I sanded down my entire board and I came in with a dark stain now to stain a board I usually just will brush the color on and then I immediately wipe it off with a paper towel [Music] once your board is dry you can add in your lights and here's how this solar light centerpiece turned out [Music] have you guys seen containers where people put in longer match sticks or matchsticks with colors on them I just find them really appealing I feel like it's a really cute home decor piece that you can put out with your decor and I wanted to recreate it for Less so I went to Dollar Tree and picked up some of their clear shower Rings next I'm going to glue these together so the glue that I'm using is a glue that holds really well and it's going to have to sit up overnight so I added some glue around the edges and then put the rings on one by one foreign [Music] once I had it stacked up I set it to the side and let it dry overnight like I didn't do anything to it when I came back the next day the glue was bonded really well next I spray painted it with two to three coats of a white flat spray paint [Music] I have like a speckledy stone look to it so I found this spray paint at Walmart it's called Stone spray paint and it's so cool when you spray it on it just gives it this muckledy finish to it so I just lightly sprayed that on the entire piece foreign [Music] from there you can add a little bit of filler to the base of this then you can add in your matchsticks I grabbed mine off of Amazon I'll link them for you in the description box and I think this looks so cute sitting out next to candles or other decor foreign [Music] ly when I was at Dollar Tree I came across these ferns which are awesome Greenery for Dollar Tree I was so excited that they have something out like that so I picked up a couple of them I also picked up this large container I think it's supposed to be a drinking cup but I thought it would make a perfect vase I started by spray painting the vase with two coats of white spray paint and I know that I said all these things now I wanted it to have a speckled look to it so I took some black paint and mixed it with water [Music] then I kind of just dabbed the paint onto my jar [Music] I wasn't really liking the look of that so then I came in with a sponge that you can pick up at Dollar Tree so I dabbed it around and the spots were a lot more muted until I'm gonna die with my ferns I wanted to mimic the look of feathers or the pompous grass that you see everywhere that's so popular I grabbed out some beigey colors that I had now I know this color is a little different it's a color that my husband had it's a camouflage color so I started by painting all of the ferns on both sides with this kind of dark tan color once that had a chance to dry I realized that I wanted them to have a little bit more Dimension so I came back in with a lighter shade now I just did the lighter shade very sparingly so it kind of gave me that two-toned effect I added the ferns to my container and here's a look at the final look [Music] now when I was doing the DIY with the palette earlier I was looking at it and thinking you know this would make a really cool soap dish because wood items are so in right now all I did with this little palette was I stained it with one coat of that Golden Oak stain and then I wiped it off with a paper towel and I put it out with some decorative soap doesn't this look cute sitting out on my vanity you guys are going to have to let me know if you like it all right so this next project is probably my favorite one that I created in this whole bundle I love these little candy dishes that you can buy at Dollar Tree now these are located over in like the party supplies section and I always like to pick up three groupings of three just in my opinion look so much better so I'm going to start by putting a layer of painters tape on the top of each of these containers and I'm going to try to make them all look the same and have the tape at about the same level [Music] then I'm going to spray paint everything with a flat black spray paint now this is going to take at least two coats and I also turned them so they were upside down so that I didn't spray the inside of my containers once that has a chance to dry I will remove the tape [Music] and then you could do so many things with this I'm gonna be filling it with some natural stones from Dollar Tree and then putting in three of my favorite succulents [Music] this is so quick and easy to do and how adorable does this look sitting out on my table foreign [Music] so I love the look of wall hangings but for me they have to be super simple because I just don't have the patience to tie all the knots so here is a super simple macrame wall hanging that anyone can do so what you want to do is pick up a plunger at Dollar Tree foreign now this next step is optional I wanted to cut off the little Ridge sections I just used my saw to cut off that edge but you don't have to do that you could cover it up with the twine as well next I'm going to use some basic white yarn that I got at Michael's but the last time I was at Dollar Tree they had yarn and this was my first time seeing it so if you're lucky you may be able to find some yarn at Dollar Tree I know that they had white in a bunch of different other colors I used two spools of yarn in order to do this entire wall hanging so what I did was I just took one piece of yarn wrapped it around the edge tied it in place and then I made a hanger on both sides wrapped it around tied it so it was Secure so I could hang it up now whenever you're doing a wall hanging you want to make your pieces longer than what you think because once you start either tying knots or doing different things to it it's going to make your yarn a lot shorter so I'm using a piece of wood that's about two feet long I started wrapping the yarn around this wood about 14 times then when I got a bundle done I took it off the wood and I cut one of the edges and I repeated this for all of my bundles once I had all my bundles created I put them over on top of my wood dowel rod now here's where the super easy part comes in I got some clear rubber bands from Dollar Tree these are just in the hair section you can use them on like little kids hair once I put the yarn over I took a rubber band and tied it at the top and I did that with all of my yarn bundles that I I put on [Music] next I'm going to do another rubber band about an inch down all the way across so I wanted to create a V pattern so in order to do that all I did was I left out one of the yarn hangings on either side every time I went down so that it gradually created my V shape until I was only left with one rubber band I promised this was totally easy to create to finish it off you want to cut the edges now sometimes I will cut out a V shape but I figured since it's already doing a V shape with my rubber band I wanted to cut it straight across which is a little bit harder so I just did my very best to try to smooth the yarn out and then I cut it straight across and as you can see I think it looks adorable especially here on my backdrop [Music] so when I was on McGee and CO's website I found this next wall art piece and it was so incredibly overpriced but honestly so simple and something I knew that I could recreate this wall art was over three thousand dollars so I thought let's go ahead and recreate it I found a pack of canvases at Five Below that I picked up for five dollars now for this project you're just going to need some macrame cord and some nautical rope I'm gonna link both of the ones that I use on a regular basis in the description box below now on each of my canvas I marked where I wanted the center strip to be on both of the canvases I started with one of my Yarns and I hot glued it to the back and then I wrapped it around hot glued it to the other side where I'd measured and then I continued to wrap it around hot gluing it periodically now some of my tips whenever you're wrapping yarn or cord around a canvas you want to try to keep the yarn or twine as close as you can it just gives it much more of a high end low look and it looks a lot more seamless now for this project you want to try to keep it as level as possible that's just going to help you when you get to the ends so I wrapped the cord around the middle and then once I got to my other lines that I had marked off I just hot glued it in place and cut off the excess now I'm going to take my other rope and hot glue that to the edge where I just stopped on my Center portion and I'm going to wrap that hot gluing it until I get to the very end thank you foreign [Music] you want to start adding in more hot glue just so that it gives it more longevity it's going to hold in place when it's hanging on your wall and I'm going to wrap it around also making sure to completely cover your canvas you want to make sure your canvas is completely covered and then you can hot glue the excess onto the back once I do one side I'm going to flip and do the other side now I was thinking this project was actually going to take a while but it went considerably faster than I thought so if you're hesitant to try it it really wasn't that long to create foreign steps on your second canvas but you're just going to switch the materials so you're going to start with your macrame putting that on in the middle and then for your edges you can add on your nautical row you're going to follow the same tips by making sure you add it really close together and covering the canvas on either of the edges [Music] thank you I really love this grouping of two it adds so much texture to my walls [Music] next we're going to be making a hanging planter I love the way hanging planters look they're great for like a corner of your office you could also put them in your kitchen and bathrooms are great for these as well because sometimes bathrooms are small and you don't have a lot of room to decorate so you could put one of these kind of maybe over like in your toilet area that's a great option for these as well so you're going to take any small container this is one I actually picked up at the thrift store and I'm gonna spray it with two coats of a flat black spray paint Now to create the hanging portion of my planter I wanted to use some faux leather I wasn't able to find any at Dollar Tree and I went online and found this whole pack of faux leather on Amazon that I probably could use for a ton of projects for super inexpensive I'll link to it down in the description box for you guys if you want to check it out I'm going to use this medium faux leather color so I'm going to start by cutting out a square that's going to fit up nicely around my planter next I wanted to create holes on the edges of the square that I cut out so I'm just going to use my scissors and my wire cutters to cut a little hole now I don't want it to be too big because I'm actually trying to put in some nautical rope in there and if it's too big the nautical rope's just going to pull through so I did kind of a smaller hole next I'm going to be using my nautical robe this again I'll link for you guys you guys know I use this all the time but I'm going to cut off a long strip I'm actually going to make four strips to use for this project I'm going to pull the nautical rope through the faux leather I want to show is actually going to be placed on the bottom once I pull the Rope through I'm going to tie it in a knot on the bottom I'm going to repeat this with all three of my other sides [Music] now once I get all the Rope through I'm going to put my planter in the middle I'm going to cut off any extra string down at the bottom of my knots and the plant that I'm going to be using is one that I love from Ikea it's this big hanging plant it's usually out this time of year but it's around five six dollars it's so great you guys I have several of these if you have an Ikea I would definitely pick it up so I'm going to put that plant in the middle I'm going to pull up on my planter just to kind of see how it looks I'm going to tie those together and here's how this planter looks hanging up I just think it's adorable foreign Barn has this really cool white mirror with like this white background and I just love the look of it I knew that I could recreate this so I grabbed a piece of white foam board from Dollar Tree I also had one of their black circle mirrors already on hand they sell these at Dollar Tree so I'm going to remove the mirror portion out of the frame and then I'm going to paint the frame with two coats of white spray paint [Music] then I used a straight edge and traced out where I wanted to cut next I decided to use the exacto knife that they have in the craft section at Dollar Tree for this project and I will say it did cut really well I was able to cut the foam board with two cuts now sometimes when you cut foam board it's not perfect on the edges so I went back in with just a little piece of sandpaper and I sanded it down until it looked you know exactly the way I needed it to look foreign next I'm going to assemble my mirror then I'll add some hot glue to the back of the mirror and put it onto my foam board [Music] and here's a look at how the mirror looks styled [Music] now the next DIY is kind of like a two-parter DIY I had this wood slab piece that I wanted to create a riser with so I also found these hexagon beads off of Amazon and I'm going to hot glue four of those to the bottom of my wood piece now this created a really cute riser for me now on top of the Riser I wanted to add some fun jars that would look kind of cute this spring so you can get these jars at Dollar Tree these two jars I had were actually from the thrift store I'm going to be using a spray paint called Krylon sea glass and I have one that's in like a green color but I also have an amber color as well you guys are seeing me test out one of my new favorite products which is this little Turn Style that I got for spray painting I love this so much for spray painting when it's cold outside because I can turn it as I'm spray painting and kind of spray it but then it has a handle down at the bottom so I can lift it up and take it inside to dry because you guys know you can't leave things outside when it's not warm enough to dry so I will link this product for you down in the description box but I think I'm gonna buy a couple more of these because you guys know I'm spray painting all the time so I did one light coat of spray paint on both of the jars next I have this wood bendable piece that I will link for you as well that I'm gonna cut off and make a little base at the bottom so I made sure I just had enough that it would go over the other wood piece maybe like a couple of centimeters then I'm going to add some E6000 to the back of these pieces I'm also going to put hot glue so it stays in place and I'm going to wrap it around the bottom Edge [Music] here's how these vases turned out with my wood riser [Music] in my last five below video I picked up this rug I had no idea what I was going to do with it and it's actually been sitting in my office for a while and I've been thinking okay what do I want to do with this so I had this idea that maybe I should try to make it into a like wall art piece so I grabbed one of those plastic trays from Dollar Tree for this project I cut out my rug so that it just hung over the edges of this tray about two inches I placed some Mod Podge on the bottom of my tray Why you wanna let me go then I put the rug in place then I was noticing that the Mod Podge wasn't holding it in place so I came back in and added in some hot glue as well to finish off the edges I cut off any excess and then I turned it to the back side and hot glued it in place [Music] now after I hot glued I noticed that some of the rug was coming up so I just took a plate and put it down on top of that with a weight to hold it in place until it had a chance to completely dry with the mod podge and I styled it on my dresser with a few other items and I just think it looks awesome [Music] not to change next I'm going to show you how to make some adorable triangle coasters slash trivets you could really use either one which is two products so you're going to need some felt I think if you have a little bit stronger felt that doesn't Bend as well that's probably going to work best for this project I picked up a felt in a cream color you're also going to need these half circle beads now I've used these in projects before I'll link them for you down in the description box and then you're going to need some sort of adhesive I recommend something like E6000 or a construction grade adhesive that kind of sets up overnight so I'm going to start by creating a triangle shape so I'll put my beads down at the bottom and I'll go until I get to the top so for my trivet I didn't want to see the felt underneath and the only way I could figure out how to do that was to place the beads on there and then cut it so that's kind of what I did I put all my beads on there and then I cut both of the edges now some of my beads fell off as I was doing that but that was no big deal I could just place my beads back in place and then that way I was assured that you weren't going to see the felt underneath [Music] so I created three different trivets using the same method I just changed up the size now if you want them to all be the same size you could do that I wanted mine to have a little bit of variation [Music] but here is how these trivets slash coasters turned out [Music] when I'm at Dollar Tree I always walk past those green wreath forms and I don't ever pick them up but I thought you know what I'm gonna grab a stack of these and do a DIY with them so we're gonna turn these wreath forms into a vase slash planter that I've seen on a bunch of different high-end sides so I'm going to start by taking off the tags that are on there luckily these came off pretty easily so I want to stack them up so this is really easy to do I'm just going to hot glue and stack them on now you want to make sure that you concentrate your glue on the inside so you don't see glue on the outside that never looks good now I started by putting some E6000 with it but as I was going up I realized that hot glue would work just as well [Music] as I was stacking them I added some additional hot glue to the inside for added support [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you next I'm going to take this outside I ended up doing three coats of a cream-colored spray paint on here because this is foam so it's going to absorb that spray paint and just kind of soak it up so you're gonna have to do probably three heavy coats on here so I just did three coats of letting them dry in between [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna put this on my spray paint Turn Style I bought I'll link it for you guys down in the description box I just purchased this and it's so cool I love it for spray painting now to give it kind of that higher end look I found this spray paint called Stone and that is going to give a cool speckledy look so I'm just going to spray one coat All Along The Edge a little of this goes a long way so you don't want to spray a ton of it once that had a chance to dry you can put any stems in here but I wanted to use the Dollar Tree just to kind of show you guys how you could do this with Dollar Tree items so I'm Gonna Fill the bottom you could put in really anything Walmart sacks Dollar Tree Stacks work great and then Dollar Tree has several new spring stems out these are the ones that I picked up and I'm just going to place those in my container now if you want more of like a long Arrangement you can do that as well but you'll probably have to pick those up at like Walmart or Hobby Lobby [Music] and here's how this planter turned out [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you may have seen this next item that I found in the stores I thought they would be such a cool Patchwork wall art so I picked up six of them I have a lot of sample paints around my office and I grab some different sample paints I grabbed five of them that I thought would coordinate well together and were colors that I wanted displayed in my home and I think the best way to apply your paint is with a flat brush so I used a flat brush and painted on the interior portion of the hexagons foreign [Music] as I began painting I really wanted to lay them out together to make sure that I was happy with where all the colors were so I laid them out and kind of picked my colors as I went foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] once I got all the painting done I E6000 them together just to hold them in place foreign let that sit overnight the next day I wanted to give even more additional support to this so I flipped it onto the back and I just took some popsicle sticks that I had you could use really use any wood piece that you have I broke them in half and then I hot glued each of the seams on the patchwork wall art [Music] and you could hang this up in your home and I just love the texture that it provides and it's a super unique wall art piece foreign so one of the questions I get asked frequently is about the centerpiece box that I use on several of my videos so I actually wanted to create another centerpiece box with wood that I had in my garage so I found two scrap boards that were one by six boards now I had to use two because that was what I had in my garage if I would have gone out and bought them I probably just would have had one board but I wanted to make use out of what I had so I took those two boards and I put them next to each other that was going to be the base of my box then I found a one by two board I use these frequently they make really great borders and I'm going to measure the edges of my boards and cut out two small pieces to go on the edge and then I'm going to measure the front side to have two boards that are going to go on the front and the back these boards are just the right size to make a nice little lip around my centerpiece box now before I put them together I wanted to stain all of the boards so I stained them with Golden Oak [Music] so for the two boards in the middle I'm going to put them together with wood glue I just bought a new tool this finishing nailer I'm super excited about this is the same one that my friend Christina the DIY mommy used and she told me this is the one I needed to get so that's the one I got she really likes this so I'm going to take the finishing nailer and I'm going to nail in the boards on the side and then I will nail on the boards to the front and the back [Music] now to decorate my board I found these really cute vases at Dollar Tree so I picked up five of them and I'm just going to spray them with a black spray paint now to fill these I found these green sprigs at Hobby Lobby so I'm just going to put these florals in but really you could use any Florals and here's a look at how the centerpiece turned out [Music] so for our next project you're going to need some glass bottles from Dollar Tree really any size will work but these two that I have fit a taper candle in there very well you're also going to need some eucalyptus now the one I got I purchased at Target but you could also buy real eucalyptus at Trader Joe's so that's an option as well [Music] so I'm going to start by cutting my Greenery and adding that into my bottle foreign [Music] next I had a variety of tapered candles on hand most of my taper candles I purchased at Walmart so I'm just going to put a taper candle in the top of all of my bottles now if for some reason your tapered candle is too big you can always kind of shave it off on the side so it fits into your jar [Music] I'll go wherever you go I just don't know I just don't know now I decided to fill the bottles with water as well this is an optional step you could leave the water out if you wanted to [Music] I think this is such a fresh and fun project for spring and it's gonna look so pretty city now about to move [Music] when I was in Dollar Tree and found this rainbow sign I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it I knew it was going to be perfect for a macrame wall hanging because Rainbows are so popular right now I'm sure you guys have been seeing them everywhere now this is a super simple project all you're going to need is some yarn of your choice I really wanted some thick yarn the yarn that I'm using I actually purchased at the thrift store I think one of them I may have gotten from Walmart you can get yarn from Dollar Tree as well but you can definitely find other places to buy it super inexpensive now whenever you're making a macrame piece I always find that it's better to keep your pieces longer because you can always go back in and trim them a little bit I'm going to start in the outside edge so I'm going to pull my piece along and then I'm going to hot glue it around the outside edge now the key here is to make sure that you cover all of that wood because you don't want it to show through I'm going to keep cutting pieces about the same length at the bottom I'm going to bring them up and hot glue them next to the piece that I had just put in now again make sure that you're making these pieces tight together so you can can't see any of the wood or sign behind it that's one of the major Keys when you're doing these macrame pieces [Music] so we really didn't have much of a plan I just put on yarn until I was happy with it then I switched to another color [Music] and then I finished it off with a third color now I love macrame because you can really cater this to your taste put as many colors as you like or you know just do it all in one color [Music] [Music] now once I had all the pieces on there I hung it up and I cut them straight across you could also cut them at an angle if you'd like to do that as well and I love how this looks I even put it up on my backdrop [Music] I'm going to be creating another planter using that green planter but it's going to look totally different than the first one we made Dollar Tree also sells these wood pieces so I'm going to get that out and measure out I want four pieces that are two inches long then I'm going to use my saw and cut those pieces up you guys have probably seen the planters that have the little wood bases that's what I'm trying to recreate so I'm going to use some E6000 and hot glue to attach those wood pieces to the bottom of my green container [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can fill this planter with any faux plant or real plant that you like thank you so this next DIY I did was kind of interesting because part of it failed and part of it looked really great so I'm going to show you how I did it and I know what I should have done to make it better so I'll let you know that so that you don't make the same mistake that I did so I've noticed on high-end sites they have a lot of sculptural style pieces and I wanted to try to create one of my own so you're going to need some sort of Base I'm going to start with those wood slices and I'm going to put some wood filler in those wood slices because there was a little hole in there and I wanted to make sure that I covered that up so I'm also going to be using dowel rods for this project I'm going to cut the dowel rods to the size that I want to use the other things I'm going to be using are floral wire from Dollar Tree and I'm also going to be using the wood beads I use in all of my projects now I'm going to start by shaping my wire into kind of like a horseshoe shape maybe a little bit more curved like almost a circle that's not closed at the top and one of the circles I'm actually going to make larger than the other and I'm going to start stringing the beads onto my wire so here's where I made my first mistake with my larger Circle I should have used two or three wires because the wire I used was not strong enough in the end to hold up this one now my smaller one it held up just fine I didn't have any problems but I did have problems with the larger one kind of toppling over so right here I would have put in some more wires with this one so I strung all my beads on once I got to the top I used hot glue at the top of the bead to hold all the beads in place next I'm going to take a dowel rod and I'm going to hot glue that to the center portion of my beads and I'm going to put a lot of hot glue on there I'm going to push it to where it's connected to my beads once that dries let it dry let it set I'm going to add some hot glue to the back of my beads as well and then I'm going to hot glue the dowel rod to the base I'm going to start by putting a little bit of hot glue and then I'm going to build it up I'm actually going to add quite a bit more hot glue making sure I hold on to it until it has a chance to set now once all that is done I'm going to spray the entire piece with two coats of a matte black spray paint now for the first two days that I had this everything was fine they stood up great everything was great the buy like the second and third day when I started to take pictures one of them just wasn't standing up so the picture I have to show you is of the smaller one because the smaller one is great so if you do this project make sure you use a little bit more wire or maybe more of a heavy duty wire foreign I have to say this trip was pretty exciting for me I was so excited to find the ferns but I was probably equally as excited to find these baskets Dollar Tree now has these really cute baskets so I picked one up not really knowing what I was going to do with it so I've been noticing a lot of the Baskets at Pottery Barn and in the stores have these braided handles or some kind of handle on it I thought that would be great to update our basket so I grabbed out some nautical rope and then I also had this really pretty navy blue yarn from Dollar Tree I hope you guys are able to find the yarn that they have at Dollar Tree now so I'm going to be making handles with my nautical rope I cut it down so that it would fit nicely on the side of my basket and then I made an identical piece next I started my yarn up about two inches from the bottom of my nautical rope and hot glued it and then I began wrapping it around I hot glued it periodically but you really don't need to add much hot glue and I wrapped it around until I I got to about leaving another two inches on the other side [Music] in place and cut off the excess [Music] now with my ends that are sticking out I wanted these to look like Fringe so I just kind of unraveled them and made them look fringy is fringy award I don't think that's the word [Music] on the run this is what we waited for next I'm going to hot glue these handles to the side now they're not going to be on there super secure so they're more of a decorative handle but you could always you know sew them on if you wanted them to be really secure or you could always use E6000 so I'm going to use some hot glue and hot glue them in place I'm going to make an identical handle for the other side of my basket [Music] and I styled this with a plant but you could style it any way you like and I'm so in love with these baskets [Music] so with a lot of the high-end stores I'm seeing a lot of vases that have texture on it so I wanted to create a version of that so I got another one of the clear glass containers I mean I have so many of these it's just not even funny and then I also picked up a thing of the pearls so I'm going to start by putting the pearls on this container at first I really didn't know exactly how I was going to do this but I kind of came up with a pattern as I was working so I started by just doing a one strip around the top and then I decided let's create some triangles on either side and it ended up that they worked out perfectly I ended up having like the exact right amount I don't even know how that happened but to do this all I did was take four of the little pearls put them down then I did three two and one and then I switched from there on the opposite side doing the exact same thing so four three two and one on the pearls and I did that all the way around and now the great thing about these pearls is they have adhesive on them so you don't have to glue them or anything and I didn't have any problems with them coming off next I took this and spray painted it with two coats of black spray paints and I think this looks great sitting out on my Hutch [Music] love the look of these hooks if you guys know anything about buying hooks they can be really expensive so I'm going to grab some of these [Music] I'm gonna grab these little wood Decor pieces I have a DIY in mine for them they come in wood but you can also get them in these different colors as well so um a higher end website I found this like Message Board coat hanger and it was really cool but I definitely knew that I could recreate it with Dollar Tree items so I'm gonna do a DIY with some items that I found [Music] I'm going to start with the two seahorse signs and I want to connect these two sides I had some large popsicle sticks that I already had in my stash I'm gonna push the two signs together and then I'm gonna put hot glue on the popsicle sticks and put them on the back of the sign I'll do this all the way across and then I wanted it to be even more stable so I came back in between and added some more popsicle sticks [Music] [Applause] I just cut the top portion off I also grabbed a box from Dollar Tree and some wood pieces and I cut the wood pieces in half but with all of my pieces I stained them in the color Golden Oak [Music] I'm just gonna use a piece of a foam brush to put the stain onto my boxes and then I'll immediately wipe it off with a paper towel if you want the stain color to be more intense just leave the stain on a little bit longer before you take the excess off [Music] from there I laid out where I wanted the components on the box where I felt like it would fit best for me to add them to the supporting piece I put some E6000 on there I also added hot glue so I got that instant hold but that E6000 is a really great Bond and it's going to hold up better [Music] foreign [Music] with the hangers that I found in that new Shore living section I'm going to remove those I'm going to place three of them onto my organizer I'm going to line them up straight and Mark Holes for where I'm going to drill the holes [Music] with my drill I'm going to drill through the wood [Music] and then I'll place the hangers back on and use the same screws that they came with to attach them to the board [Music] now I wanted those pieces that I put on there with glue to be really sturdy so I drilled holes from the back and then added in additional screws to make sure that it was nice and supported [Music] on one of the shore living coat hangers there's a little backing piece I removed that I put that on the back of my piece so it would hang on the wall now if you didn't want to hang it on the wall you could always add magnets and put it on your fridge but here's how it looks hanging on the wall you can put all of your daily use items on here [Music] so I found a lot of great things in the serving aisle and one of the things that I came across was this really cool serving bowl and I loved that it had this like great texture on it so I'm going to spray paint it with two coats of white spray paint [Music] so once that is completely dry then I'm going to get out a color called elephant by Waverly and I'm also going to grab one of my large foam brushes now I'm going to put a little bit of that paint on the foam brush not a lot because I want this to be a light layer and then I'm just going to brush lightly that elephant paint onto my textured piece now I'm trying to just do a top layer so that I really get that texture popping out so you could always go back and add more paint so start lightly and then you can always add more [Music] I think this is a great decorative bowl that you could put as a centerpiece or out on your countertop [Music] now if you're looking for bathroom storage ideas at Dollar Tree make sure you go to the glass jar section because these are some of the best things you can get to organize your bathroom I got the largest jars that I could find I bought them in a set of three sets of three just look great so I always try to buy things in sets of three if I can next I'm going to spray paint the lids with two coats of a white spray paint then I came in with some rub and buff and put that around the edges next I'm going to come in with some gold handles that I already had on hand these were ones that I was using in another project that I bought on Amazon if I could find them I will link them for you guys in the description box and I just used some E6000 to attach those to the top of the lids make sure you're using E6000 or construction style adhesive glue for this because other glues are just not going to hold these in place and that's all there is to this these are great for all those little items that you have out in your bathroom foreign so I needed a canvas now at Dollar Tree their biggest canvas is I think 11 by 14 but it's not a thick one so I wanted one that was a little bit bigger a place that I have found that you can get a really good deal is that Five Below you can get a pack of two canvases that are 16 by 20 which I think is a great deal for five bucks so I'm gonna use a 16 by 20 canvas I'm also going to be using the twine that you can pick up in the Crafters Square now I believe for this project I ended up using nine rolls of it you could also get a larger roll off of Amazon but I wanted to show you how you could do it with Dollar Tree items now this project I have to say took me a while to do but it's super simple so what you're going to do is you're going to start by gluing your twine to the back of your canvas then you're just going to start wrapping it in One Direction you want to make sure that your twine is really close together so you can't see the white behind it [Music] foreign once you're happy with how far you've made it just hot glue it to the back and cut off the excess from there you're going to switch directions so if you were horizontal now you want to add your twine vertically and again you want to come back in and do it Opposite every time [Music] you want to kind of move around where you're putting it so that it's not always in the same location what that's going to do it's going to create kind of like a fun overlapping pattern you'll just continue adding twine until you get the entire piece covered [Music] this looks great in a grouping of wall art or I think it can definitely stand on its own but the cost of this wall art piece was around twelve dollars foreign [Music] for this next project I had a vision in mind but I wasn't sure it was going to totally work out so I had my husband help me with the measurements just because he's really good at that so it ended up working out so I'm really excited to show this one to you so what you're going to need for this project are two of the Dollar Tree Cutting Boards so we marked both of the boards at five and a half inches then we traced the edge of The Cutting Board because we were going to be cutting it out but we were only going to be cutting out half of the cutting board so we marked up three and a half inches now here's where we got a little tripped up we had to figure out which sides we were going to cut so that they sandwiched together so we kind of Drew a little line to know which side to cut next we used a saw to cut out the notches on both of the cutting boards [Music] now that the hard part was out of the way all we had to do was sandwich the two together to create a perfect little book holder this is great to set out as a coffee book holder or you could also use it when displaying a cookbook and I'm really excited how this turned out for only two dollars [Music] now we all love the planters that they have at Dollar Tree and I'm always trying to think of new ways that I can dress them up a little bit so I had this basket weave gray planter that I just think is adorable I love it so much I'm going to start by wrapping some twine around it three times what's up my artist s once I wrap it around three times I'm going to tie it in place [Music] now I wanted to add some beads to the front of it I had some gray beads as well as like some smaller like natural colored beads now to lace the beads on I find that it's easier if I wrap a little bit of tape at the bottom of my twine and it just I don't know I feel like it strings the beads on there so much easier so I'm going to alternate my beads adding six beads on each of my twine pieces [Music] then I will tie the twine together now I wanted to create a little tassel so I'm going to take the twine and I'm just going to wrap it around my hands until I have as much as I think it'll look nice and full I'll take that piece and I'm going to tie it to the bottom of where I had the beads and I'll just tie that in a double knot [Music] next I'm going to wrap it to make it look like a tassel so I'm going to hot glue some twine to the back of the piece kind of at the top and I'll just wrap it around and then hot glue it to the back cutting off any excess now to make it look like a tassel I'll cut it at the bottom and then I'm going to trim the tassel so all of the pieces are the same size you can dress this up with any plant that you have around your house but it just gives it a little something extra [Music] [Applause] [Music] so for this DIY you're going to need three candle snuffers from Dollar Tree you're also going to need three succulents and then I also grabbed Three Wood boards in different sizes from Lowe's [Music] now if you have a pair of wire cutters that's going to work the best for this DIY you're going to cut your candle Snuffer right at that base where the handle is attached to it next I'm going to hot glue my succulents into my candle snuffers now I added quite a bit of hot glue to the base of these and then just put the succulents in [Music] now once I got to this point I realized that I didn't like the base of the candle snuffers so I grabbed some of my faux leather and I hot glued it to the back I wrapped it around twice and then cut off the excess and just hot glued that in place I felt like this did a good job of kind of finishing off that bottom piece thank you and then I positioned my succulents where I wanted to hot glue them down and then from there all I had to do was hot glue them to the wood pieces now to hang this on the wall you could always put hangers on there I've been loving using command strips on the back so you just grab a couple of command strips I'll link to the ones I used down in the description box and then you can just place them on the wall and here's how this wall art piece turned out [Music] thank you I love the way that plants brighten up any space especially a bathroom so I wanted to create a plant holder I had these four Dollar Tree frames that I think I bought maybe a couple of months ago but you can probably find something similar at Dollar Tree because they pretty much keep the same frames out most of the year so you're gonna need four for this project now mine are black and gold I love the color of them so I went through and I pulled out that backing piece in the frame so I wanted to have some kind of black and white picture in the frame I grabbed some of this adhesive wallpaper off of Amazon but you could use scrapbook paper wrapping paper anything you have on hand for this project just whatever your needs are and I'm going to trace that around my paper where I want to cut it out [Music] I'm going to cut out the four squares [Music] and then I'll put the squares back into my frames I did pull off that backing piece of the frame because I'm not going to need that [Music] then from there I hot glued the frames together so they created a box now I'm not worried about creating a base to this because it's always going to be sitting down that it doesn't really need a base [Music] from there you can style it with your favorite plant or faux plant [Music] one of the best ways to get a higher end look at Dollar Tree is to go for items that are in the glassware section because you can spend so much more on glassware and it's literally the same thing you can buy at Dollar Tree so I found these two interesting bases that I wanted to dress up a little bit from Dollar Tree so I have this product you guys have heard me talk about it before it's called rub and buff I'll link it for you down in the description box I use it all the time I know but I just love it so I'm going to be using a little bit of one of the gold colors and to paint onto your piece you can use this for anything Metals glasses I'm just going to use a foam brush and when you put this product on you almost want to dab it on it actually goes better when you do it that way I'm going to dab it on the lid of one of the pieces now for the littler jar I'm going to tape it off with frog tape and just dab it on the bottom I'll remove the Frog tape and literally this is a five minute craft you can do but look how cute these vases look [Music] one of the new items I was excited about at Dollar Tree are these ceramic containers now I think Dollar Tree had an idea of making these like frames that you could use for a wedding but I had something completely different in mind there's three different shapes there's like a rectangular one a circular one and then this other one that looks kind of like a butterfly I also picked up some stickers so I started by taking the frame pieces off the back as well as the stickers on the back now I saw in my mind soap dish trinket tray you know all those things for these I thought they'd be perfect for a bathroom one of my tricks for whatever you want to put stickers on any surface cut it out first and actually put it onto your tray that way you can get a visual kind of move things around until you make that commitment of actually sticking it in place so I cut out all the stickers and that's what I did I just kind of moved them around until I was happy with the placement of them then I just stuck them onto the ceramics foreign I'm going to be using that same Mod Podge that I used earlier it's a blue dishwasher safe mod podge and I'm going to be doing a thick coat on each of the ceramic containers once that dries you can add them to your bathroom you could put a soap container on there you could also put little decorative soaps or maybe even leave it out for like Rings or earrings [Music] what are you doing you're always on the floor Dollar Tree planning DIYs I know I shouldn't be on the floor they have a bunch of new mirror selections right now so I'm thinking they would bake a really great wall art grouping the thing about Decor at Dollar Tree is a lot of times it's smaller so you need to get multiple items to make it look more substantial so I'm gonna grab five different styles of mirrors and then I'm gonna make them look similar and show you how to put them as a wall art piece the first thing I did for this project was add tape to all of the mirrors so that when I was spray painting them I wouldn't get any paint on the actual mirror portion if you do get a little bit of paint you could always scrape it off but I just prefer to do this at the beginning of the project I wanted to change the appearance of a couple of the mirrors so I grabbed some Dollar Tree bamboo skewers and I'm going to place them on the back and just hot glue them in place I kind of was just figuring this out as I went I ended up cutting down some of the skewers I was hot gluing them in place but this was a lot of fun just kind of figuring out how to add a little bit of depth to each of the mirrors [Music] and then I added some tape to the back to just kind of hold it in place [Music] then with my other mirror I thought that one would look great if I just did four dial rods so I put one coming out of each of the corners those are the only two mirrors that I added would dowels to next I'm going to spray the back side of all the mirrors with this like aged gold spray paint I turned all of the mirrors over and spray painted the front [Music] next I'm going to be using rub and buff now I wanted my mirrors to have different colors of gold that's just going to give it a lot more Dimensions I'm going to add the rub and buff with a foam brush across the mirrors it's not going to completely cover what I spray painted but it's going to be a nice highlight or accent color [Music] foreign I removed the tape and again I think the best way to add these to your walls would be to use command strips another tip you can try is to lay them out on your floor before you actually place them on your wall to figure out the configuration you want but here's how these mirrors turned out and for under ten dollars I have a really pretty grouping of mirrors foreign I picked up a planter from Dollar Tree I'm also going to be using some nautical rope that I had on hand and don't worry I'll link all the supplies that I used down in the description box so with my planter I wanted to hot glue my nautical rope so it created an x on my planter so I figured out how long I needed the pieces to be cut them off and then cut off several pieces that were going to be the same length [Music] I hot glued the nautical rope in One Direction on my planter [Music] I came back through and hot glued the other way with pieces that I had cut [Music] once I had all of the X's done I decided to add some handles as well so I hot glued handles on either side of my answer [Music] so here's where the fun part comes in I grab some Quick Crete from Lowe's and I'm going to use that to make this planter look concrete so you're going to get your Quick Crete and mix it with some water now typically I like the consistency of my Quikrete to be a little bit like pudding but I wanted it to be a little bit thinner so that I could use it to paint all over this planter but the cool thing is if you get it too runny you can add more quick crate and if it's too thick just add more water [Music] nothing matters [Music] next I'm going to take a foam brush you need something that's going to be disposable and I'm going to paint all around my planter covering it completely [Music] now you want to make sure you really get around all the nautical rope and I'm going to let this dry completely overnight once it sits overnight now you have a really cool concrete planter that you can put any plant in to display [Music] this next piece is a wall art piece so you're going to need to grab two canvases from Dollar Tree you're also going to need a stick from your backyard I love going out in my backyard and grabbing sticks so just grab a couple for this project they don't need to be too big and then you're going to need some yarn in whatever color you want to use I just grabbed some for my stash but they also sell yarn at Dollar Tree so I'm going to start by hot gluing my stick to the center of my canvas I was trying to figure out if I should use hot glue or E6000 on the canvas I ultimately decided that the E6000 would probably be the better option here so I'm going to put some E6000 down and I'm going to place my yarn on the E6000 and cut it at the end I really wanted my pieces of yarn to be the same size and I thought about cutting them before but I ultimately decided that I should cut them on the canvas because once they go over the stick I was afraid that they wouldn't be the right size and I just lightly pressed the yarn down into the e6000. now this is totally a fun piece you can do different colors put the yarn wherever you want I put the yarn in three different places on this stick kind of based on the shape of this stick now on my second canvas I wanted it to look completely different so I had this straight stick and I hot glued that down over on the side of the canvas from there I started in the middle just creating long pieces and I wanted it to kind of taper down to the edges I love wall art pieces like this because I can be really creative I just kind of make up the colors and the patterns as I go I think these two pieces look so great together you guys are going to have to let me know what you think of this I know it's a little out there but I'd love to know your opinion in the comments [Music] so I'm going to be picking up a couple of the Dollar Tree books you can get hardback books for only a dollar so I grabbed three of them I wanted to customize these books just a little bit so I'm going to be tea staining the pages so to do that you're just going to take any tea bag it doesn't matter what it is and then you're just going to put it in some water and you're just going to rub it along the edges of your book foreign [Music] next I'll let that completely dry and then I'm going to open up the book so that I can paint the outside cover now I wanted them to be kind of a light navy color and I didn't have that color so I took two colors I had and mixed them together I had a blue chalk paint and I also had ink by Waverly so I mixed those two paints together and then I painted the outsides of the books with me I went along the edges as well to make sure that I got the edges covered so that when they were shut it looked nice [Music] when I was at Dollar Tree I grabbed some of these cool decals that they have I really love these and I wanted to put them on the pages of the book so I cut out some of the designs that I liked and then to add them to my book what I did was I held the pages tape gather so that they were really tight together then I put the decal down and then I have this little scraper tool from Cricut but really you could use anything to put these on like a you know a gift card or anything to add pressure and hold the pages together as you're like rubbing the decal on and make sure you get it completely on before you take off that covering and I wasn't sure how these were gonna turn out but I think they look really cute and then I stacked them up in a grouping and love the way they turned out foreign [Music] lately I've been seeing a lot of paper mache bowls in high-end decor and I wanted to try to recreate one on my own so for this project I'm going to be using craft paper I'm going to start by cutting my craft paper down in strips so I got a large roll from Dollar Tree and I'm just going to fold it over until I can cut it into smaller strips now don't worry if your strips aren't perfect they do not need to be by any means you're also going to need some sort of bowl or shape to mold your paper mache around so I just grabbed this plastic bowl from Amazon I'm going to wrap it with a trash bag and then tape it in place [Music] next I'm going to create my paper mache paste so I'm going to be mixing a flour with water you want your paste to be kind of be a thin consistency so that it'll hold up as a paste next I'm going to start by putting my strips onto my bowl so I will dip them into the paste then I'm going to wring off any excess paste and I'll add it to the outside of my bowl I started down at the base and then I kind of wrapped them around the edges and then kind of finished it off at the top now with all paper mache you're going to have to let it dry overnight before you see how it turned out I did realize that once it dried it was a little too white like I saw too much of the flour and I wanted it to have more of that brown color so I went back in and added another layer to the outside this doesn't hurt it at all it's just going to actually make it more sturdy foreign [Music] and then I'll let that dry for another night once that dries I can remove the bowl from the inside to fill it I just put some filler down at the base you can use sacks of any kind and then I'm going to top it off with some Dollar Tree Moss [Music] and here's how my paper mache Bowl turned out foreign for a while you guys know that I love these containers from Dollar Tree for a bathroom organization I have one in my bathroom now with a gold lid that I use for all of my lipsticks they're just the perfect size for a bathroom so I picked up three of them I started by spraying the lids with two coats of a flat black spray paint [Music] now lately I've been loving a product called rub and buff so I decided which one I wanted to use I'm going to use a foam brush to put that around the handle just to make that handle stick out a bit [Music] so I added some cotton balls I also had some bath salts I think these would be great sitting out in your bathroom on a shelf or your vanity [Music] have you ever looked at the soap dishes at Dollar Tree and thought you know what these would make really good little trinket trays well that's what we're doing in our next project I grabbed a black soap dish I also pulled out of my stash my little half circle beads and I'm going to start by hot gluing those all around the edge of my soap container then I'm going to spray paint it with two coats of a glossy black spray paint this would be really cute sitting next to your sink or your nightstand to throw your jewelry or your rings on [Music] one of my favorite items I was so excited to find were these black and white baskets when I saw these in the organization section at Dollar Tree I was like okay I'm grabbing these I love having these kind of baskets to organize underneath my sink in the cabinets and I just love the color of them I wanted to personalize them a little bit so I grabbed one of those little palettes they have at Dollar Tree and I didn't really have the right tools for this but I just went with it I just started pulling the pieces of wood off and then I used my wire cutters to cut them in half now if I would have been at home I probably would have used a saw but you know what I just kind of went with what I had so I needed three of these little wood pieces next I drilled a hole in the top of them so that I could hang them [Music] and then I went in with the stained color Golden Oak and just stained them I just do one coat with my foam brushes and immediately wipe it off with a paper towel I let these dry completely because you don't want to add any labels on because they're not going to stick but while they were drying I went into Cricut design space and all I did was just type out in some of my favorite fonts some different words like scrub wash hand and I was meaning like washcloths and hand towels for those I sent them to cut on my Smart white vinyl I just weeded them out and transferred those onto my wood pieces I used a little bit of twine to tie them to the baskets and then from there I just put in washcloths hand towels and little loofah scrubbers I just think these look so nice and you would never know that they were from Dollar Tree foreign so I tend to get a lot of inspiration at Dollar Tree just by walking around and what I see and sometimes when I see something really great I'm like okay I have to figure out a project with this so I found this scarf and of course I loved it and when I was writing up my notes I realized that that scarf just looks like the shirt I'm wearing today so I must just really like that animal print I wear a lot of animal print I know so I grabbed the scarf and I also grabbed this little Christmas tupperware container now you don't have to have this same tupperware container they have several different variations at Dollar Tree that you can use this was just kind of what I found at the time so my idea was that I was going to wrap this scarf around this container and make like a little book basket but when I started to do that the red was coming through so really if you had a clear container it would work a lot better so to fix that problem what I did was just take some white paint I used the Waverly paint and did one coat of paint on this now I wasn't worried about this being perfect I was just trying to cover up that red so that I could wrap it with the scarf okay foreign so next I took my scarf and I cut off one of the ends and then I started to hot glue it so that the bottom Edge was even with the base because I knew that edge was going to be showing and I just hot glued around the container making sure that bottom was nice and perfect to the bottom and once I got to the end I'm going to hot glue that in place yeah now with that top portion I decided to just tuck it into my bowl with the excess scarf that I'm not going to use I'm going to fold it up and put it in the bottom and this is a great little book basket that you could put in your children's nightstand or sitting out anywhere [Music] so for a dollar you get two wreaths which I thought was great and I thought they were really cute so I have a container in my craft space that's just all of my Greenery and a lot of it are boxwoods that I've picked up from Hobby Lobby some are boxwoods that I've bought at Walmart and even some from Dollar Tree so I am going to mix a variety of that Greenery and put it down in like the bottom left corner of my wreath foreign [Music] I kind of just keep adding until I like the look of it and I always like to use hot glue to put the pieces on [Music] [Music] [Music] now to hang this up you can do a lot of different options I'm going to be coming in with burlap and then another Farmhouse ribbon from Dollar Tree and I'll just hang it up on my door this is a really simple and inexpensive way to create a wreath for really next to nothing when you consider how much wreaths typically cost [Music] I found this vase at Goodwill it was really affordable and I love the shape on it so I'm going to start by spray painting it with two coats of black spray paint now you don't need to go out and spend money on expensive vases when you can buy them so inexpensively at the thrift store or Dollar Tree and to hold them in place I'm actually going to put some Dollar Tree rocks at the bottom these are just some black ones I had on hand to dress it up I'm going to put a few eucalyptus stems you can get these anywhere mine are from Target I'm going to take all the eucalyptus and tie it together with one of the rubber bands the small little clear rubber bands that I bought from Dollar Tree I'm gonna fold them in half so I'm not even going to have to cut my florals and put them down into the middle and here's a look at the black face [Music] thank you
Channel: Liz Fenwick DIY
Views: 1,844,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Liz Fenwick, Liz Fenwick DIY, Liz Fenwick Dollar Tree, diy, dollar tree, dollar tree diy, diy gifts, diy dollar tree decor, diy room decor, dollar store, dollar store diy, hacks, home hacks, diy hacks, diy ideas, home decor ideas, diy projects, diy home decor, dollar tree diy home decor, home decor diy, home decor 2021, home decor 2022, home decorating ideas, diy hacks for home, diy tips, home decor on a budget, budget, diy for beginners, home design ideas, diy decor
Id: 58QN6wXJisQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 52sec (5872 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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