10 Unique high end home decor ideas using trash // Trash to Treasure DIY

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you guys love my last Trash to Treasure video so today I've got some new ideas featuring some buckets because I know you wanted to see those so let's get started I used up the last of my Quikrete cement that was in this little bucket and cleaned it out then I took some pliers to remove that metal handle I did have to wiggle it around a little bit before it got loose on one side and then the second side just fell right out I decided to cut the top portion of the bucket off that has those ridges on it that part isn't necessary I just wanted a cleaner look and to make it look less like a bucket but you could also take some Ribbon or rope or even fabric to cover that section if you choose to leave it on I just used a utility knife and I had to make a few passes around the bucket before it cut all the way through next I'm taking my hot glue to create dots all around the bucket again you don't have to use hot glue here you could use those dot stickers that the Dollar Tree sells or half wood beads to get a similar look if you do use hot glue I learned a few things during this process you want to make sure you hold the glue gun straight up and down don't tilt it at all because the glue will run and not keep a circular shape and then because the bucket is slightly narrower at the top when you lay it down it's not level so you want to put something under one end of the bucket to make it level and keep your hot glue from running and creating a disfigured Circle I let my trial first row of dots cool off and made my next row I'm staggering the glue dots so I'll end up with a row of four dots then a row of three and so on the second row turned out much better and since it's only hot glue I was able to peel off the deformed ones to start over I repeated this all the way around the bucket it did take a little bit of time because I didn't want the glue to start running and had to wait a minute or two in between starting each new row [Music] foreign once all the hot glue dots were dry I took the bucket out to the garage to spray paint it I want the main color to be this oil rubbed bronze but since this was a bright yellow bucket I didn't want to waste that color having to do several layers so I first coated the bucket with a black primer then I only needed to add one coat of the oil rubbed bronze I also sealed the bucket with a clear satin spray paint because the oil rubbed bronze was starting to scratch off easily [Music] foreign [Music] next I'm taking some of these wood rings from the Dollar Tree in two different sizes and hot gluing them onto the bottom of the bucket I would have loved the Rings to be all the same size but I didn't have enough and that's it for this bucket project [Music] thank you foreign [Music] for this project I'm using an empty fabric softener container I started to remove the label and this thing was really stuck on there it did not want to come off without a fight I had to heat it up with my heat gun and then scrape it off a bit by bit [Music] took my hot knife and cut off the spout of the container this plastic is super thin you could even cut through it with an X-Acto Knife I'm going to add paper mache to the outside and since this is a slick surface I thought I would give it a scuff sand that's probably not necessary but it also doesn't hurt and now we can get out the paper mache this is an instant paper mache and I love working with it it's called celluclay and all you have to do is add water my camera battery died and I didn't notice that I'm sure someone will have something to say about it in the comments but anyways you'll see I have part of the container covered already I continued to add the paper mache by just scooping it out of the bowl with a spatula and spreading it over the surface [Music] I did have to mix up another batch of the paper mache so here you can see it's just the celluclay powder add some water and mix it until you have a paste I just Add Water a little bit at a time [Music] thank you [Music] once the whole thing was covered I let it dry I only put a thin layer on to start and I didn't love how you could still see all of those raised corners of the container still I thought it looked too much like its original object so I added another layer to build it up in some spots foreign [Music] I had to let the paper mache dry again and then it was time to paint you could just leave this unpainted as well I love that look the last paper mache project that I did I left unpainted and it's stunning but I started off painting with the color Sandstone which is a very light neutral tan oh [Music] I wanted to make the vase look aged but with layers so next I got out my dark wax I only added this in select spots where a vase would naturally age areas like the handle that would get picked up a lot with the oils from your hands and the bottoms where it gets set down I added the dark wax and then I wiped it off with a baby wipe making something look aged is always a struggle for me you have to trust the process and I always think that it starts out looking terrible but I kept going foreign [Music] next I used my white wax over top of the dark wax to turn it to tone it down [Music] foreign I was starting to think that vase was just looking dirty now and not in a good way it doesn't come across as well on camera but it wasn't looking good so I'm taking another light tan paint color and this time I'm using a sponge dauber I'm gonna just Glide the paint over the textured surface so that it doesn't fill in the entire area I think this adds a more authentic aged look than the wax did especially on this particular type of surface texture now I love the way that this one turned out [Music] thank you [Music] for this project I'm using one of these cylinder concrete forms now I know this isn't exactly trash but I've had it laying around in my garage for my plaster table DIY you could also use a bucket or other cylindrical object to create the same thing I cut the form down into two sections at different heights I'm gonna wrap the cylinders with these tile sheets that I picked up off the side of the road someone was just throwing them away this is a pretty easy project you just need some liquid nails to stick the tile sheets on I put on a pretty healthy amount so they stick well and then you pretty much just have to plop it right down on the cylinder you do want to make sure to press the tiles down well so that they adhere [Music] the large cylinder I had to cover with a little bit more than two sheets and the paper backing makes it easy to just cut them down I wasn't able to fully cover either one with the tiles there was a gap that wouldn't fit another tile and I didn't want to cut the tiles themselves down so I left it we'll fill that in in the next step I let the Liquid Nails set up and dry so next I need to fill in all the gaps with grout I would have loved to do a contrasting grout color maybe black or something dark but I already had the snow white color on hand for my kitchen makeover so I decided to just use this instead of spending more money you can buy pre-mixed grout but I didn't have that so I needed to mix it myself all you do is add water I added way too much at first forgetting you only need a small amount so I strained a lot of it out but once it was mixed to a thick paste I let it sit for three minutes to absorb that water typically you want to add grout with a grout float but I couldn't find where mine was so instead I used a putty knife and that worked just as well you also want to work in sections since a lot of the grout gets onto the tiles you don't want to let it sit there and dry out for too long so I took a wet sponge and I wiped down the tiles to remove any of that excess grout and this also Smooths out those grout lines [Music] all right [Music] when I got to those large gaps I just filled them in with the grout I'll make sure that this part is the back and you hardly even notice it [Music] I thought about adding a painted design to the tiles or some sort of artwork but I couldn't decide what exactly to do so I left them unpainted for now but let me know in the comments if you have any ideas on what I should put on them I think I'll incorporate that into a future video I did paint the insides of the forms white so it didn't stick out like a sore thumb and that's it for this one [Music] thank you [Music] next I've got another bucket idea this time using a large 5 gallon Paint Bucket from the paint I used on my deck I'm going to take some pool noodles and cut them down to fit around the outside of the bucket then I cut the pool noodles in half to make them thinner and less bulky for when we add them onto the bucket [Music] [Music] now because the top of the bucket has those ridges and the lip that sticks out further from the bottom I needed to add something to the bottom to make them the same depth I took apart this old Scandinavian style light fixture that I made a few years ago and used the rows of Jenga blocks as spacers around the bucket [Music] next I can add on the pole noodles and I started at the top because I wanted to make sure the lid would still fit back on I also thought it would look better to make sure that there was a full pool noodle at the top and it wouldn't need to be cut down at all you want to be careful when using hot glue on a pool noodle it will melt right through that material so I would add a job of hot glue and then hold the pull noodle in place until the glue cooled down that way it wouldn't start to pull away from the bucket and I didn't add glue onto every inch where the pull noodle touched the bucket only every so often to hold its shape once you get to the end of your pool noodles too long it is easy to just cut off the excess I had to do that most of the time but I'd rather have the noodles too long than too short at the bottom there was a gap and it wasn't big enough to fit another pool noodle I didn't want to cut one down either I thought that would look silly so instead I cut down some poster board to create about a one inch solid section at the bottom [Music] next I'm going to cover the pool noodles with fabric so I got out my flexible tape measure to figure out the length of the fabric that I need I did make sure to tuck the tape measure in between each pool noodle so I could account for the fabric that would be tucked in as well [Music] foreign [Music] I'm gonna start the fabric where the pool noodles meet so that all the seams are on the back side then I'm taking my hot glue to apply the fabric to the bottom part of the bucket where the poster board is I applied the hot glue and then it kind of tucked the fabric up underneath of the bottom pull noodle that way it has a nice clean finish along the bottom [Music] now in order to see the fluted sides or The Ridges that the pool noodles create I'm taking embroidery floss and tying it really tight around the fabric it's tucked in between the noodles and you cannot see it from the outside and again I tied the knot on the back side just to make sure all those messy bits are contained in one area at the top of the bucket I hot glued the fabric down around the rim and then I cut off any of the excess [Music] yeah foreign [Music] was still figuring out what I wanted to do as the top so next I decided to paint the poster board black and I'm using my black 3.0 which is marketed as the blackest black in the world it has a very unique texture to it and almost feels a velvety I did a whole comparison of this project in a Halloween video last year that I'll link in the description box but I put two coats of this paint on the poster board I figured out what I wanted to do at the top I've had this wood round lying around from an old project and it's the perfect size to make this a little ottoman side table I didn't want to just paint the wood round so instead I got out my Dollar Tree faux leather fabric now the one downside to using the Dollar Tree faux leather is that it isn't quite wide enough to cover the wood round I had to use two sheets so you can see a seam on the top of the table it really didn't bother me but you could always use a larger fabric piece or even just paint it I measured out two inches from the edge of the wood round onto the back of the fabric this will be enough to cover the sides and staple it down underneath [Music] I wanted to make sure where the seams meet was nice and tight on the wood round since I can't just tug at the fabric from both sides so I got out my mod podge and I glued the fabric down I paid close attention to where the two fabric pieces meet to try and get it as seamless as possible but you can definitely still see it [Music] I let the Mod Podge dry and then it started to secure the fabric down to the back I wasn't thinking at first and started using hot glue that was a terrible idea but I'm glad that I didn't get too far before I realized this staple gun would work much better when stapling fabric onto a round surface you want to pick a point to start at I started with the two fabric pieces meat then you want to take it section by section don't just go around the circle you want to pick another point maybe a few inches down and staple that from there you want to pull the fabric in the middle of your two stapled points and secure that down then work your way in towards your starting points I hope that makes sense but this will give you a seamless smooth look from the front without any puckering on the edges just keep tugging and pulling at the fabric working it to be smooth and secure it with a staple and if the staple doesn't go all the way in which happens sometimes just take a hammer and pound it in and that's it for this one I left the inside of the bucket plain but you could line it with fabric or paint to finish it a little bit more I love how this turned out and you would never guess it started out as a five gallon Paint Bucket [Music] thank you foreign [Music] Y and I are at it again if you aren't aware Brandi from the DIY struggle and I are pretty close friends and we like to do collaboration videos pretty often so once again we are teaming up to give you guys even more Trash to Treasure inspiration once you're done with this video head on over to her channel to see what incredible projects she came up with I have been collecting paper towel rolls and vinyl rolls for a while now waiting for a project to come to mind and I finally figured out what to do with them first I need to get them all to be the same height because the vinyl rolls are at least an inch longer so I use my miter box to cut them down next I took this lampshade that I had from an old project I made years ago and I'm going to start attaching the rolls around the edge of the shade just using hot glue this is a small seven inch lampshade for reference and I ended up using 16 rolls six vinyl rolls and 10 paper towel rolls since I didn't have the same number of each type and they did look a little bit different I added two paper towel rolls then a vinyl roll as the pattern however when I got to the end I had to do one of each just based on how much room I had [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] next I'm going to spray paint the entire thing out in the garage first with the color Smoky beige and then for some texture and dimension I'm going to add this Stone I would have liked more of a tan base color but I didn't have enough spray paint the different colors in the stone texture would have shown up a little bit better with a different base color you want to let the base color dry before adding on that stone texture I did two coats of both spray paints and when adding the stone texture I find it works out better to pulse the nozzle rather than hold it down for a continuous mist [Music] foreign [Music] now all that's left to do is hang it up I had this light kit on hand from Ikea now I'm not sure if this is okay for outdoor use but I only put this outside for the video and then took it back down we have been getting a lot of rain recently and I didn't want it to get ruined the rolls are also a little bit uneven but I didn't want to keep messing around with it I think it just adds to the character [Music] this project is so super easy I'm taking some air dry clay Das is one of my favorite air dry clay Brands but I also like to use Sculpey I rolled out the clay and to keep it all the same thickness I'm using some wood dowels thank you then I'm taking a stencil with a mandala on it you can use anything really I just wanted to add some texture to the clay and I'm going to cut it down into a circle that's the same size as this lid from a glass jar so I made sure the stencil pattern was placed where the circle would be cut out next I cut out the clay using my exacto knife and I did this really carefully not to cut my silicone mat [Music] the knife it did leave the edges pretty rough so I dip my finger in some water and smoothed them out then I took the end of a paintbrush to poke a hole through the center I'm making some flower frogs here you can add as many holes as you want I made two more using a different design on each one and a different amount of holes for some variety I let them dry out for a day and flip them over every few hours so that they dried evenly [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] the edges were still looking a little bit rough so I did sand them down [Music] and next I painted them with a blue green color I watered the paint down though I wanted it to be more of a wash and not solid I even took a baby wipe and wiped off some of that paint to let that white clay shine through oh [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] Mod Podge I want there to be a little shine and make them look more like ceramic I would have used a gloss Mod Podge for a higher shine but I didn't have any [Music] it's a little hard to see on camera but there is a little shine to it but that's it for these guys I just need to remove the labels on the glass jars and add in my Florals [Music] foreign [Music] I am so excited to share this next one with you guys when I did my deck makeover I bought a bunch of flowers and they always come in those little plastic containers I was determined to come up with a project to reuse those rather than throw them away I'm going to turn these into pillar candle holders so I first glued two of the containers together with the bottoms against each other now you'll see I only have three containers here but I ended up using five in total so the two that I just glued together will be the shorter of the two then I painted the containers a light medium tan color called sandy blonde by DIY paint [Music] hmm I scoured my craft room trying to figure out what to do with these and nothing was quite making sense or it wasn't going to turn out right then finally I saw these Dollar Tree hats that I bought last year and this was perfect you can easily take these hats apart by snipping the thread where it ends on the brim then simply pull the ribbon until the hat comes apart once you have the Hat pulled apart into one long ribbon there's also An Invisible Thread running through the whole thing you also want to pull this out I ended up using one hat for this project and I still had a little bit of the ribbon left over now I'm going to start wrapping the ribbon around the containers I didn't want it to have a spiral look although that probably would have made it look cleaner around all four sides but instead I wanted it to have rows of the ribbon so I glued it down and I would cut the end of each row before starting the next one each row that I added I slightly overlapped the one below it that helped the ribbon form to the tapered shape of the containers and that's why I struggled so much figuring out what to cover these with because the shape tapers in and then back out so you can't just wrap it with something solid [Music] this worked out perfectly and it covered up the space where those two containers meet foreign [Music] on the second pillar I added one more container on top and this time the two openings facing each other this section was a little bit more challenging to add the ribbon because it didn't want to stay straight but it worked out and they look so good [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] for the top and the bottom of the candle holders I'm using these wood squares from Hobby Lobby and I have two different sizes I sanded them down because the edges are pretty rough and it's a little hard to tell in this clip but the one on the left has not been sanded yet then I wanted to do some stain testing I've never used a pre-stain and decided to test it out on the bottom of the base piece the top half of it has pre-stain and the bottom does not you can see it really does make a difference in how evenly the stain is applied I also have two different color stains on here the left side is natural which just enhances the natural color of the wood and then the right side is a very light coat of Golden Oak I wanted to keep this piece light and decided on the natural using the pre-stain underneath as soon as I laid all the wood pieces out together I could tell they were made from two different types of wood I really loved the tone of those larger ones and the smaller ones looked a lot more yellow which I didn't love so I coated all of them with the pre-stain and then I thought I might be able to match the tone of the smaller ones to the bigger one I first added that natural stain and then a tiny little dab of the Golden Oak for a wash mixed in with the natural that wasn't working and I played around with other stained colors but I was just making it look worse so I abandoned that and just used the natural like I originally planned I let the stain dry overnight and then I glued two of the smaller wood pieces together this is going to be the top so I wanted it to be a little bit more chunky looking you just want to make sure that the wood grain is facing the same direction when you glue them together next I hot glued the containers down to the wood pieces the larger one is on the bottom and then the two smaller ones on top again make sure that the wood grain is going in the same direction and that's it for this guy I love how they turned out and you would never know they were made from plastic Nursery pots [Music] all right [Music] [Music] this next project doesn't exactly have trash in the traditional sense but I had a broken chair that my mom gave me to use the spindles on and that's what I'm considering the trash here because otherwise the chair would have been thrown away I want to use the more decorative spindles from this chair and I'm cutting off the broken part with a flush cut saw I knew I wanted to sand the varnish off of these spindles so I started out doing that by hand just using some 80 grit sandpaper sanding spindles is probably one of my least favorite crafting activities this takes so long to do I did end up taking them out to my garage to use my electric sander I got the majority of the old finish off but it was still stuck in between all the detail areas I decided to move on because I want to bleach the wood and thought the bleach might help lighten those areas I poured a little bit of the bleach into a container and then painted it onto the spindles [Music] this really didn't do anything to the areas that had the original stain on them so I ordered some sanding drum attachments for my Dremel and I used those to get the remaining stain off I'm making a plant stand here I know I know I am always making plant stands and Planters I just can't help myself but I'm taking this Dollar Tree basket and I'm gonna pour some cement into it to make the stand there were three little tabs inside of the bucket that were evenly spaced and that made it super easy to figure out where my three spindle legs needed to go I marked the edge of the bucket with tape since those tabs are going to end up getting covered with the cement next I went out to the garage and I've heard you guys in the comments today I am wearing the proper PPE I'm using this fast setting cement I prefer Quikrete but my store was out of it so I dumped some of the powder cement into my plastic mixing bucket along with some water and began to mix it up then I poured the cement mixture into the bucket you only have about five minutes to work with this before the cement starts to set and you want to make sure to tap the bucket or whatever form you're using to get out any bubbles that might be trapped I added one of my spindle legs into the cement and made sure that the part of the spindle that would have been hidden inside of the wood chair was the part that I stuck in the cement I quickly realized I needed something to determine how far in from the edge I wanted each of them to sit so I grabbed some Jenga blocks and tape them to the edge and that was the perfect depth I put the spindle back in and taped it to hold it in place [Music] then as I added in the next spindle I use my level to make sure they were going to sit right on the ground and once all the spindles were in place I let the cement dry overnight [Music] the next day I removed the tape from the spindles and the cement from the bucket it was surprisingly easy to remove I just hit the sides a few times to try and loosen it I have no clue if that actually did anything but let's just say that it did I completely forgot that cement takes on the finish of its form I knew that resin did that but because the bucket had a glossy surface the cement came out with a glossy surface as well I was a little bit confused on why it had a marble-like look and thought that the whole thing would have turned out lighter but I took it inside and the next day when I looked at it again to my surprise the whole thing got lighter and I love this marble-like look on the top I also chose the bucket I did because of the lines around the bottom I knew this this cement would pick that up well and I just absolutely love how it turned out there are a few holes from the bubbles but overall it looks awesome [Music] next up is another bucket project my son wanted to make a knuckle sandwich for his uncle and we made it with one of those plaster hand mold kits so of course I had to keep the bucket I cut the top off of this one and I'm sure you can guess what we're making here yep another planter this one is going to be different though don't worry I wanted it to be raised off of the ground or off of the table or wherever it's going to live and I had these scrap MDF 1x2 pieces so I cut them down to be six inches and I made three of them I'm gonna set those aside for now and peel off the label from this bucket thank goodness this one actually came off super easy I'm gonna give this a grass cloth look I've done this before on my channel and I've been wanting to do it again this is an easy technique and very forgiving the key ingredient is having that liquitex or some sort of glazing medium this prevents your paint from drying too quickly so you have some time to work with it I'm using a nylon brush here but I'm going to also show you some other objects that you can use as well also I'm going to apologize now I'm partly out of frame during this process that's also why I wanted to show you other objects so I could refilm that part I don't have an exact ratio on how much glazing medium to paint you should use I did approximately a one to one ratio but I also mixed up way too much here I only needed a really small amount this stuff goes far before you start you want to make sure that your bucket or vase or whatever you're using has the base color that you want to show through in this case I wanted the base to be white so I left the bucket as is and just started to paint with my colored glaze and the paint doesn't need to look pretty here just slap it on the last time I did this I learned that if you go in sections you end up seeing those seam lines where you stop and start so this time I decided to paint the whole thing at once it's also a much smaller planter this time than what I had done before foreign [Music] immediately after you get the paint on you want to take your brush and comb over the surface this is going to add lines and texture to your planner and I started out going horizontal [Music] then I do the same thing going vertical this starts to create that grass cloth look and you can keep going over it until you like how it looks or the paint starts to dry but since we added that glazing medium you have some time to play around after I did the vertical lines I went horizontal again and I liked how those lines were a little bit more prominent [Music] like I said you can use other objects besides the nylon brush here I use one of those little twig brooms at the Dollar Tree sells in the fall foreign I also used this little dust brush I found at my local hardware store this one gave a much more subtle look but still pretty I think it just depends on what you have to use on hand and how much texture you want back to the project at hand I let the paint completely dry and then I'm taking this fabric roll from the Dollar Tree and I'm going to use it to line the inside I glued it so that the edge of the fabric was a tiny bit on the outside and let the fabric drape down on the inside [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] next I'm adding this little pom pom ribbon all around the rim I did two rows so the first one is where the fabric seam meets the bucket and then the second one right above that [Music] thank you [Music] now that the bucket portion is done we can add on those legs there are plenty of ways that you can do this I wanted to have more of an industrial boho type of vibe if that's even a thing so I got these hex bolts that I'm going to use foreign two holes in each leg for the bolts and then it was a little bit difficult to get the hole started on the bucket because it's a slick surface so I used a screw to start it and then my drill bit to make it wider [Music] then I was able to add the bolts and screw the nut on on the inside and that's it for this one [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Angela Jones DIY
Views: 538,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trash to treasure, recycle diy, diy, diy decor, high end home decor, bucket diy, recycle paper towel rolls, upcycle, planter diy, diy bucket stool, pendant light diy, flower frog diy, paper mache, paper mache project
Id: 7Bk2Gkycz1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 18sec (2838 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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