50 Home Hacks that ACTUALLY WORK!

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[Music] next hack you guys are gonna love so if you have a lamp or something that you want to plug in like i really want to plug mine in at like the front of my house but there's no outlet underneath so here's a hack to make your light bulbs work you're going to pick up a rechargeable led bulb off of amazon the one that i used is linked down in the description box you can go there and pick it up and you're just going to simply take the led bulb screw it into your lamp and then there's another piece that comes that you put at the end of your cord and then i'm just going to hide the cord so you can't see it and then you can just turn your light bulb on like normal it works perfect this is genius let me know in the comments if you guys are going to try this hack [Music] so this next hack is one that i love to do with my drill sometimes when i'm drilling into a piece of wood i only want my drill bit to go down a specific measurement so let's say you only wanted your drill bit to go down an inch what you can do is you can measure your piece figure out what your measurement is in my case i want it to go down an inch then you're going to use your tape measure and measure it out on your drill bit then take some painters tape and mark as far down as you want your drill bit to go whenever you drill you're just going to stop whenever it hits the painters tape and you have the perfect measurement and then when you're done all you have to do is remove the painters tape have you ever wondered how people put together those really pretty floral arrangements using large bowls well i'm going to show you how with this home hack so you want to get a large bowl you may already have one at your home i grabbed one at the thrift store for three dollars it was glass i wanted it to be white so all i did was take it outside and spray paint it [Music] now here's the hack and how you do it so what you're going to do is use any sort of scotch tape and you're going to start by creating a grid on your bowl so you're going to have all the tape running one way and then put tape going the other way this is going to create a barrier so whenever you start putting in your florals they're going to stand up a lot more nicely and be fuller in the center [Music] the florals that i'm going to be using i picked up at hobby lobby but you could use any florals you could use real florals if you wanted to [Music] in the end i think this hack makes an awesome floral arrangement [Music] so i grabbed some of these dollar tree napkin organizers to help me organize in my pantry i have a small pantry and i keep all of my food storage in there and all the lids tend to get lost and so i thought this would be great for organizing those lids so i'm going to take some zip ties to attach all the napkin holders together next i'll cut off the excess on the zip ties [Music] next you can just put this into your cabinet and it'll easily organize all of your different lids for your food storage i've also used this same napkin holder with zip ties in my bathroom to store hand towels [Music] so our next hack is gonna be with my bread that i got from my walmart plus order now a lot of times you guys know these little bread ties they fall off they're not reliable i mean who really likes these i know my kids lose them all the time so here's a solution to keep your bread fresh if you lose this or just don't want to spend time you know twisting this around there that's no fun so take your bread bag and then what you're going to do is just give it like a quick twist then you're going to take this upper portion here and you're just going to simply pull it down over your bread look at how tight and compact that is it took me you know a couple of seconds to do love that so this first home hack comes from gina gonzalez auten and she gave me this great idea for using dog nail clippers so i grabbed a set of dog nail clippers at walmart and what's great about these is they're great for cutting kind of thick pieces of wood i used it to cut through the dollar tree bamboo skewers with no problem at all i also used them with the dollar tree dowel rods now you have to push a little bit harder to cut the dowel rods but it's better than having to get out a saw another great option is to use these to cut your florals so i think this is a perfect home pack and a lot of us have these laying around our house [Music] all right so i want you to go out to your garage and see if you have an old can of wd-40 these cans have like really great sprayers on them [Music] if you have an older can you're just going to rinse it out and then what you can do is you can use these to top any of your spray paint so to do this just take off the old top to your spray paint and then you're going to put on the wd-40 spray paint topper [Music] when you spray this on your project it's going to be very streamlined and give you that look of a paint sprayer i love the container store but it can be a little expensive they have these glass containers with black lids that i think looks so nice they really do have a high-end look to them and i think they'd be great for your pantry or sitting out in your kitchen i decided to do this look for a little bit less i grabbed three jars from ikea these jars are nice and big and they have lids as well i removed all the stickers from the containers [Music] then with the lids i spray painted them with two coats of a flat black spray paint [Music] i washed out the glass containers and next you can fill them with anything you want i think these look great sitting down on your counter with snacks you could also put them in your pantry now you could take a step farther and add labels but i decided i wanted mine to be really versatile so i could put lots of different things in them [Music] so if you see an organizer you like in a high-end place you can definitely replicate it with something less expensive somewhere else i think we all have water bottles that just go everywhere and they get lost in your cabinets and it can be really annoying so i love this trick of using magazine holders to organize your water bottles you're just going to place the magazine holders into your cabinet or drawer and then you can simply place the water bottles inside they're not going to roll around they're going to be set in place and you can easily take them out when you need to use them [Music] so this first hack is super simple and it's going to help you with your long dresses in your closet a lot of us have long dresses that just hang down too low and we can't put anything underneath there so to fix that problem what you're going to do is you're going to take your dress that's on a long hanger and then you're going to add an additional hanger then what you could do is you can loop the bottom part of your dress through the lower hanger and then when you hang it up it's not going to take any more room and it's going to keep that lower part of your dress off the ground [Music] so this next hack is going to be repurposing decor in your home to make it a useful item i love picking up things at thrift stores or just finding things around my house i have this little bowl here and it's really cute it's decorative i like to put it out in a lot of different arrangements but it also can be multi-purpose so it's a perfect little bowl to throw your keys in it would also be great to put out by my diffuser and i could put all of my essential oils in it so think about some of the items you have in your house how can you actually repurpose them to make them useful so you don't have to go out and buy a ton of new stuff [Music] this first home hack has to do with lighting i am a big lighting person and i think it stems back to me being a photographer early on in my career as well as all of the videoing that i do but i think the light in your home makes a big difference so i love a lot of window light another thing that i think really kind of changes the game is the temperature in the light bulbs that you use so for instance in my kitchen i want it to be really bright and open and i want to walk in here and feel like it's daylight so i actually purchased daylight bulbs which are typically around 5000 k which means 5000 kelvin and the light in those light bulbs is just going to be a lot more white burst that warm yellow light that most of our light bulbs come in so i prefer to purchase daylight bulbs in the rooms that i want to have that nice bright feel you can also use lighting in different areas of your home to kind of give it a cozy feel so you don't always have to use daylight bulbs like for instance in my living room i like adding different lighting sources that have warmer lights depending on when i'm going to use them so i have a lamp in my living room that's over my couch that has a warm light to it and the more light you have it's also going to give it more of a cozy feel so i have the lamp above my couch i also on my dresser have another light source over there and of course i have my ceiling fan now my first choice would not be a ceiling fan but my family just loves ceiling fans let me know in the comments if your family has to have your ceiling fans too this chandelier in my dining room has daylight bulbs as well decor can definitely be really multi-functional as well in this next hack i'm going to show you how i use multifunctional decor all around my house so in my living room i have this book that opens up and it's perfect for storing my remote another functional item in my kitchen is my bread box it hides my bread and i hide my electronics in this basket another great option is buying baskets from the thrift store they work perfectly to store so many things i'm storing some books on the side of my bed with a basket i picked up at the thrift store so my second home hack that's been a game changer for me is using a rechargeable usb lighter you guys these are awesome they're super affordable and basically to make them work all you have to do is plug them into a usb outlet then they have charge on them you just turn it on here it shows you how much power it has then when you hit the power button it easily lights things this is perfect for barbecues candles anything that you possibly need to light and i love that it's safe too so if my kids are using it their hands are at a safe distance so if you don't have one of these pick one up no way does this next hack work i saw this online and had to try it you guys you see this scratch on my floor here i found this hack online that said walnuts could remove scratches from floors wood floors i was like i have to try this so i picked up some walnuts in our walmart plus order this morning so we gotta try this so they say all you do is take a walnut and rub it on your scratch and it's supposed to remove the scratches so let's see if it works all right my walnuts breaking oh my goodness i think it's removing the scratch no way whoa that is crazy here let's try this one oh my gosh it's removing this one too this is my new favorite hack awesome i'm pretty much blown away by this i cannot believe that these little walnuts remove the scratches it'll be interesting to see how long it keeps the scratches away but if you have walnuts and some scratches on your floor try it out so this next hack i recently learned about and love the way it looks so you know when you use like a gallon of paint and you have about half of the paint left and let's say you store it for a year and then you open it up and it just doesn't look good it's not as fresh so here is a hack to make your paint last longer so what you want to do is just open up your paint can or whenever you're done painting so just use some basic saran or cling wrap that you can purchase pretty much at any grocery store and you're going to pull off a piece and then you're just going to lay it flat around your paint now you don't need to push it in there you're trying to create a barrier between the paint and the air so you just want to lay it in there nicely and then put your paint can lid back on and the next time you go to use it it's going to be so much fresher i love this hat so for this next hack i'm going to show you how to fold your towels really fancy now i wouldn't do this for all my towels but if you had like towels displayed out in your bathroom this is a great option for your towels so start by laying your towel out completely flat next you're going to fold one side over then you're going to take your towel and fold it in half then flip it over to the other side [Music] now you're going to start rolling at one end until you roll the entire towel up now with the little in that's sticking out you're just going to take that and tuck it in to the towel and look at how fancy these towels are i mean really it takes you know less than 30 seconds to do this and these would be great if you needed some rolled up towels in your bathroom [Music] so here's a great option to kind of rein in your trash bags you want to get a paper towel holder in my case i grabbed mine off of amazon i'll link it below along with anything else in this video you're going to get a big roll of trash bags these are from costco you may have to pull out a few of the trash bags in the center you're going to put them onto your paper towel holder and this is a great way to keep them nice and organized you can just pull one off whenever you need to use it and it stays nice and clean underneath my sink [Music] so let's say you're working on a diy project and you want it to have the look of a paint stain but you don't want to go out and buy a bunch of different stains here's a really inexpensive hack you can do with dollar tree acrylic paints or inexpensive acrylic paints from walmart so i'm gonna start with the dollar tree acrylic paint that they have i'm gonna take my foam brush and the black paint from dollar tree and i'm going to paint it on to any piece of wood after you paint it on go back in with a rag or paper towel and start pulling off the paint this is going to do the same effect as using stain with stain you immediately pull off the excess and then the wood grain is going to show through you can also do this with brown paint or any color that you have on hand so you can instantly use paint to make the same stained look that you have with a stain when i was at walmart i grabbed this shower caddy i love using shower caddies for organization there's so many different uses for them so i picked one up to show you how to organize with it you definitely do not have to stick with using these for shower supplies you can use them for crafts you can use them for tools i'm going to use mine as a homework caddy for my kids so i'm going to put in a variety of school supplies and office supplies that they may need my kids can easily pull this out put it on the table when we need to use it and we can tuck it away in a cabinet when we're done now do any of you have just random bags in your pantry and you don't know what to do with them they get lost everywhere you pull them out and then you have all these little baggies and they tend to get lost well here's a fun idea you can do in your pantry or in any cabinet so get a tension rod at walmart and you're going to string on it these little binder clips that you can pick up at dollar tree or you can grab them at walmart since you're already gonna be there you're gonna put your binder clips on your tension rod [Music] then when you have these small little bags you can literally just clip them on here and everything is where you can easily get to it so simple but i love this hack [Music] next let's talk car hacks we all spend a lot of time in our cars so the simpler we can make it the better now i have this problem in my car that when i have someone sitting in my passenger seat i don't have a place for my purse i found this gadget that you could tie to the top part of your headrest and then wrap it around the bottom part of your console in the back and it creates like a little fun hammock now i can just simply place my purse in there it's not sitting on my console it's not sitting in the passenger seat it's really not disturbing anybody in the back seat it's just a perfect little place for my purse love that so i love having hand sanitizer in my car this little container fits perfectly in my cup holder i can fill it up with hand sanitizer and just have it ready and i can give it to my kids you could put it in the back seat front seat but love having this in my car [Music] so the next hack i want to share with you is kind of a design related hack and it's all about creating balance in your home decor when i was decorating this dresser in my living room i really wanted the piece to have balance i wanted it to have just as much height on one side as it does on the other let's say for instance i would have just had the lamp placed here and then the other side you know really didn't have anything on there it would have felt a little bit lopsided and the piece wouldn't have been as balanced so what i decided to do was place two pictures in the background my larger one i put on the right side so it was opposite of my lamp and that just really helps to balance out the piece on the right side and give me balance and then i followed it up by adding in a tall plant as well to really balance the scale on both sides now it's visually pleasing because i don't have too many items on one side and not the other this is also a great tip to keep in mind when you're placing your furniture you want to make sure you have enough balance in your room and not all of your furniture is stuck to one side of your room [Music] i've been trying to use my power drill a lot more lately and i've been trying to learn some different hacks to really help me you know do a better job sometimes when you're drilling through a piece of wood you'll have wood splitting on the back side because your drill goes in and it splits the wood and nobody wants their wood splitting so this hack is if you take another piece of wood and put it underneath the wood that you're drilling and then drill through it will avoid that splitting in your board i think this is a really great idea so just have like a scrap board that you can use whenever you're drilling [Music] so recently i wanted to do some touch-up paint in my house so i went out to my garage found the paint can that i needed brought it back in opened it up and it was gloopy it was just not great it really hadn't been stored well and it just wasn't usable anymore and it was probably only a couple of years old so i thought you know there's got to be a better solution for storing paint keeping it fresh longer i found this hack where somebody said use reusable jars to store your excess paint i thought that's a great idea so i had this old jar from my walmart plus order that i created and i'm just going to use it to store some of my excess paint in here and it has a nice tight lid on it so it's gonna last longer it's glass i can also write on the top where the paint goes in my house so i can easily find this so love this idea i'm gonna be trying this out and seeing if it works seeing if my paint actually holds up [Music] so if you love putting out plants like i do but have trouble with them blowing away here's a hack you can try you can put canned goods or anything that's gonna weigh your pots down at the bottom and then put your planters on top of it to try to keep them from blowing away [Music] have you ever been shopping at the thrift store and you come across a container and you love the way it looks but it just has a picture or a decal on it that just doesn't fit with your style well here's a hack you can try so you want to grab some paint stripper from walmart and whatever piece you're going to use take the paint stripper and you're going to brush it with a foam brush onto your container let it sit for about 30 minutes or whatever the instructions are for your paint stripper and make sure you wear the proper gloves whenever you do this because this stuff is powerful once it's had a chance to sit for 30 minutes you're going to come back in and simply wipe off whatever paint or decal was on your pot i was able to convert this planter to something that traditionally wouldn't work in my home to a really cute planter that works with the plants and the decor i have in my house [Music] you guys check out my new curtains in my living room i'm so excited about these i've been wanting to do this for like five years since we moved in i'll link to all the ones that i bought in the description box but basically they're pleated curtains and i wanted to show you my trick to make them look so nice you see how they're nice and folded and they look really pretty i'm going to show you what i do to make that happen okay so as you can see up at the top i use binder clips this is my trick to hold these pleats in place now you don't just have to use it at the top you can also use it at the base i bet i can find one see right here you guys i used a binder clip this is going to help to hold that pleat in place so if you're steaming your curtains trying to get them to lay flat and you're having trouble grab a pack of binder clips from walmart and just use those and it does the trick [Music] [Applause] [Music] so if you're someone who always thinks maybe you can't make a bow i'm going to show you a super simple way to create a bow all you need for this is some wired ribbon this is from walmart i bought it last year it's 2.5 inches you want to get at least two inches and you want to make sure it's wired that is the key it has to be wired ribbon you're also going to need a zip tie you can pick these up anywhere and a pair of scissors so you're going to start by cutting strips that are about [Music] 15 inches long we say this is 15 inches yeah okay so 15 inches long i'm gonna cut six strips [Music] so now that i have my six strips i'm going to create a little loop like this with each of my strips and i'm going to hold them about in the middle here so i'm going to do that for each of the strips and i'm just adding as i go all right so super simple so far now it gets even easier you're going to come in with a zip tie and you're going to wrap it around and if you want to be fancy you could kind of crinkle it up but you don't have to do that at all just put your zip tie in and then pull it tight [Music] so that's what it's going to look like once you have your zip tie on all i'm going to do is come in and clip off the excess from my zip tie okay so this part i think can be kind of the intimidating part for a lot of people is fluffing your bow so what you want to do is you want to spread out all of your pieces then you're going to pull them side to side so with my bow i'm going to like take this one this direction and i'm gonna go this one this direction then what you're gonna do is you're gonna open up all of these pieces so they're fluffy like this see how i did that guys so once you've kind of got a fluff started with these upper pieces now you have six pieces at the bottom you're gonna pull these out the same way but you're going to want these to sit flat so i'm just going to pull them out at the bottom [Music] now i have 12 of the tails down here and that's a little much for me so i'm going to cut off one two three four five at the base that are like in the middle of my bow with my remaining tails i'm going to fold those in half and then just cut a little triangle off of them okay so that's gonna leave me with three tails on either side and then i'm just gonna spread those tails out and i'm gonna fluff out the top portion of my bow and that's all there is to it now you have a bow that you could use in your decor you could also put it on packages [Music] so this next hack has something to do that was really driving me nuts in my house so you guys know this chair that i have in the corner of my living room well anytime anyone sits on this chair it rolls back and it slams into the wall not when i sit on it but when other people sit on it it tends to do that it's just totally ruined this wall i'm gonna have to repaint it so i wanted a solution to make the chair not roll back i went on amazon and i found these scotch gripping pads that you could put on the bottom of chairs that are supposed to stop the chair from moving and i thought i'm gonna try this out and see if it works so the gripping pads came in a pack of eight and they were a little bit larger than my chair leg so i went ahead and cut them out so that they wouldn't be sticking out too much next i added them to the bottom of my chair [Music] and you guys these totally work my chair is no longer sliding and it's not hitting the wall so i am ecstatic about these gripping pads [Music] so one of the home trends that i've been noticing is color block vases these are so easy to recreate and they look awesome in your home so pick up any vase from your thrift store and with my vase i decided i was going to put painters tape about a third of the way up [Music] next i wanted to spray paint this and i didn't want any of the top half or the inside of my vase to get spray painted so i took some craft paper and i just wrapped it around the area i didn't want to spray paint and used another layer of painters tape to hold it in place [Music] next i spray painted the vase with two thin coats of an ultra matte spray paint i'm gonna link all of these things that i use down in the description box they're always down there for you guys to see the things i use in the videos [Music] after everything has a chance to dry i'll take off the paper as well as the painters tape [Music] next i'm going to put in any florals that i want these are ones that i got from hobby lobby [Music] i think i like the color block vase trend i think it's cute [Music] i wonder if you guys have any of these extra little drainage plates sitting around your house if not you can pick them up really inexpensive i grabbed mine at lowe's we're going to use this drainage plate to make a really cool centerpiece to set outside for an outdoor patio so i'm going to take the drainage plate flip it over and i'm going to start drilling holes in it this is just going to add in the drainage that we need when we use it as our centerpiece next i'm going to add a layer of soil across the entire plate i also picked up this drop and grow planter mix it's also called sedum i've seen it called that at lowe's and i just grabbed one whole palette of it so i'm going to start by removing the bottom of the plant and i'll start by just putting it across the center you can easily break the plant apart as you go so then i'm just going to take parts of the plant and put it on either side to really fill it out so fill up your plant until you're happy with it and i think this makes a great centerpiece or a little plant for your table i think it looks so lush have a couple of hacks that are really going to help you be able to hang up things easily so the first one is when you're wanting to hang something up and you need to use like two nails or two screws on either side so i had this metal container that i wanted to nail to the wall so what you're going to do is you're going to start by putting some painters tape across the back then you're going to come in with a sharpie or marker and you're going to place the dots where you want your nail holes to be on whatever you're hanging then you can take that painters tape and actually transfer it directly to your wall from there you can either use your drill to screw in holes or in my case i was just going to nail some holes in the wall once you kind of have already started your holes you can take off the painters tape and continue nailing them in and this is an easy way to get your nail holes perfectly straight [Music] if you guys have been following me for a while you know i love to shop at dollar tree for all of my organizers some of my favorites are these clear ones with purple lids they're great for snacks in your pantry you can easily put all of your different snacks in there and i think they look great stacked up [Music] all right so here's a hack to make sure all of your organizers that you use actually stay in place so you're gonna grab some poster putty in the school supply section at dollar tree put a little bit of that on the bottom of your organizers that are sitting in a drawer then when you open and shut those drawers everything is going to stay in place nothing is going to move around i love this trick in my kitchen and my bathroom to kind of hold everything in place so this next hack is a party hack that you can try for your next party so this is a way to tie balloons now i know i struggle with time balloons especially when i have nails on so for this hack you're gonna blow up your balloon then you're gonna get an old hanger you're gonna wrap your balloon around the hanger and then pull it through it's going to create a nice area where you can easily tie your balloon i think this hack is genius and i really think it's going to save me time at parties [Music] our next hack is for making your planters you have a little bit taller and a little bit more substantial so i have this plant at my office that i just kind of stuck in a basket it doesn't really look cute in there and i need to fix it and make it look better so what you want to do is you want to start by putting some books down at the bottom something that it can sit on you can also add in you know walmart sacks plastic bags then put your plant on when it's at the height that you want it to be at then you can add in anything to create a nice filler you could add in moss you could add in rocks really whatever you want to top it off but what this is going to do is it's going to raise the height of your plant so it's going to make it look like a bigger plant and it's going to make it look nice if anybody like looks into the basket [Music] this next hack is perfect for securing your chips so i grabbed these poppables in my walmart bus order and after you open a bag of chips you know a lot of times we'll do you know like one of these and put a little clip in it and sometimes it falls off sometimes you know it stays but it's just not super fresh so here is the trick that i learned so take your container and you can do this one is pretty full because i mean let's be honest we don't get too much product then you're gonna just grab your pair of scissors and you're gonna cut a triangle out of your bag like this okay so this is what your bag is gonna look like what that does is it creates two little handles that you're going to tie in a knot so you're gonna take your two handles and pull one under the other and you're gonna pull tight you've created a nice tight steel for your chip bags love this and you don't have to have one of these anymore next hack is going to help you with how to bring a free item into your house and use it in your decorating i love using pine cones in the fall and into the winter but sometimes i'm worried about the bugs that are on them so i like to clean them before i put them out in my decor for the pine cones you're going to mix about half water half vinegar i don't do any exact measurements into a bucket let the pine cones sit in there for 30 minutes and then you're going to set them out to dry now if you want to go even farther you can bake them to just get them really sterilized and clean i'm just going to let mine sit out before i use them in my decor so once you get your pine cones all cleaned up you can use them as decor pieces around your house i love doing this in the fall and kind of extending into the winter as well let me show you in my living room how i like to style them so i've added the pine cones here to this little terracotta pot i have with pumpkins and it just kind of adds a little bit to the overall look of my coffee table this side table that i have over here is a little boring but i'm gonna add in the pine cones to try to dress it up [Music] so this next hack i'm going to share with you how i make my house smell amazing now i love doing this maybe when i'm having people over or on like a sunday afternoon when i'm gonna be kind of around the house so what you're gonna do is you're gonna get a pot or pan and fill it up about halfway full with water next you're going to add in oranges i have clementines on hand so that's what i'm going to be using so you just want to slice those up and then you'll put them into your water [Music] next add in cinnamon sticks you can pick these up at any local grocery store i'm adding in about four but really it doesn't matter you can add as many or as few as you like and then i'll add in a dash of vanilla extract make sure this is set on low and just leave it on your stove all day your whole house is gonna smell amazing [Music] so have you ever wanted the look of sconces or maybe gallery lights above your artwork but you don't want to go to the expense of having an electrician put an outlet on your wall well there's another great option that's super inexpensive so i went on amazon and i found this light to put above some artwork that i had in my bedroom it was only thirty dollars so i went ahead and picked it up now it came in this gold finish and it wasn't my favorite so i decided to diy it i covered the led lights with painters tape as well as the little sensor light [Music] so i started by spraying the entire piece with a matte black spray paint [Music] next i got this idea from an instagrammer named jenna sue designs she bought this product on amazon called robin buff and it's basically just different gold paints that you can add to really give you that antique gold texture so i tried out a few to figure out which one i like and in the end i went with the european gold color and don't worry guys i'm going to link this light and the rub and buff down in the description box next i used a brush and stippled on the paint until i was happy with the desired finish now if you want more black to show through don't put as much on but i really wanted this to be pretty antique gold so i added quite a bit of paint to it [Music] once your light has a chance to dry all you have to do is hang it up on your wall this one was so nice it actually came with a little paper that showed you you know where you needed to put your holes it also came with some screws but i preferred to just add two nails to my wall in order to hang it up so i placed the nails in the wall and then i put the backing piece on and made sure that was level and then i came in with the light fixture on top you guys this is so cool it also has a remote so you can turn it on and to make it even cooler you can change the light to a warm or a cool light you can also decide if you want it to be at 50 or 100 and you can put it on a timer so it's on for an hour or 30 minutes this is the coolest thing and i'm just so happy with the way it looks in my bedroom [Music] now when i saw this next home hack i knew that i had to do it you guys know that i love going to the thrift store and picking up books to diy i came across this home hack of making a real monotone collection of books to display and i thought this is so much fun i have to do it so i grabbed eight books at the thrift store my thrift store sells books for a dollar each that are hardback and i just try to find a variety of sizes just to give me a little bit of visual interest but not too much contrast i want them all to be around the same size but just a little bit different next i decided that i was going to paint them i have this one gray paint color from sherwin-williams that i have as a sample and i really like the color so i'm going to paint two of the books that color [Music] next to make it in that same color tone family what i did was i took that paint and i mixed it with some white chalk paint by waverly that's going to give me just a slight variation of the color in a lighter gray i'm going to paint two more books with that lighter gray color [Music] next i went back to my same gray paint and added in some black ink by waverly to give me more of a dark gray color and then two more of my books i'm going to paint in that dark gray color [Music] my final books i'm just going to paint white and really i only did one coat of paint on all these books but when you put them together as a collection they look so nice sitting out and you would have no idea that these books only cost a dollar [Music] so this next home pack is really going to help you step up your pillow game so whenever you buy a pillow cover you usually buy a specific size so most pillow covers come in like an 18 by 18. so what you want to do is buy your pillow insert maybe one to two inches larger so i like to do this at ikea i buy most of my pillow inserts at ikea so at ikea i'm gonna buy a 20 by 20 pillow insert and then my cover is usually 18 by 18. so when i put that pillow insert into my cover it's going to make it look a lot more fluffy and full just keep that in mind whenever you purchase your pillow inserts buy them a little bit larger than your pillow covers so this next home hack is for your bathroom sometimes it's kind of hard to figure out like what you should use in your bathroom to decorate with because you don't want to put normal home decor items in there as frequently so what i like to do is decorate my bathroom with items that i'm actually using in my bathroom one of my favorite things to decorate are inexpensive soaps so you want to pick up a clear container or some container from around your house this one again i grabbed at the thrift store and then i also picked up really inexpensive soap from walmart and i'm going to take them out of the package and just put them into my clear container [Music] i'll put the lid back on and this makes a great decoration for the shelf in my bathroom [Music] so if you guys love that hack i know you're going to like this next one using a fork that i saw on pinterest so you know how sometimes you have pictures that have like a hanging wire across the back i struggle so much to hang up those type of planters on my wall and when i saw this hack i knew it was for me so what you want to do is once you have your nail or screw in the center of your wall you're going to take a fork just a regular kitchen fork and you're going to place it on the nail then with your wire picture hanger you're going to take it and place it over the fork until it's sitting on top of the nail then all you have to do is remove your fork by pulling it up through the top it will come off easily and literally it's like one of the easiest ways to hang this type of picture i love this hack so easy and doesn't cost a thing so for this next hack i wanted to give you a diy fabric spray that you could use to freshen up any of your pillows or linens throw blankets anything that you have so you want to get some sort of a spray bottle i'm using a glass one i believe this one was from target next i'm going to use a rubbing alcohol i'm going to put in half a cup then i'm going to add in essential oils that i like now you could really do whatever you want i'm going to do 15 drops of lavender because that's one of my favorite and then i'm going to do 15 drops of lemon you could really switch this up you could do tea tree oil or whatever scent you want next i'm going to add in one and a half cups of distilled water and then i'll just mix that all together in my spray bottle then you can just spray it on any fabric you want for a nice refreshed scent i came across these two pieces of glassware that were in a square shape and i had my wheels turning for some organization ideas next i'm going to put painters tape around the lower half of my glass containers [Music] i'm going to be spray painting these so i wanted to put paper around the top edge so i'm going to tape off the top so when i'm spraying i'm not going to get any spray paint on the top portion [Music] next i'm going to take it outside and i'm going to be using a black rust-oleum spray paint and i'll do two coats of spray paint once that dries i'm going to take off the painters tape [Music] because i wanted these pieces to come together and be really clear wherever their bond is i'm going to be using the rapid fuse ultra clear all-purpose adhesive for this project and i'm just going to put it on the side of my container push them together and let it dry i thought these would look perfect in an office for office supplies and how cute does this look and so inexpensive [Music] so if you're like me and you are really bad about remembering to change out your filter here's a hack for you so instead of just going to the store and buying one filter buy enough filters for a year so we get these three month filters so we need four of them then all you're going to do is write the month on the outside that you need to change out your filter that way you're covered for a year genius hack you're welcome so for this next hack i'm going to show you how to give all new light to a wood cutting board that has scratches all over it or maybe you got it at the thrift store with using some sandpaper and olive oil first gonna start i'm gonna remove these little pieces on the side i'm gonna come in with a 240 grit sandpaper and i'm gonna use this to sand down any imperfections on the cutting board [Music] next i'm going to use a rag to just wipe down the cutting board next you're just going to add in some olive oil i picked this one up with my walmart plus order you're going to add some to a paper towel and you're just going to rub it in to your cutting board now the more olive oil that you add the deeper and richer the color will [Music] be so i haven't done the sides or the bottom yet but i wanted to show you guys the difference here is the before from the back side and here's how it looks with the olive oil i think i'm gonna come in with a couple more coats as well just to give it a more deeper look [Music] next i want to show you one of my favorite cleaning hacks that i like to use so underneath my kitchen sink i keep all of my blue kitchen rags i bought a pack of 50 and they're designated solely for cleaning anytime i use a rag to clean with i just throw it in the laundry room so everyone in my house knows that these are cleaning rags and they also know that we store them down here i also keep some up in my linen closet but i found that it really streamlines my cleaning and we don't have that problem of like what's a cleaning rag what's not a cleaning rag [Music] you
Channel: Liz Fenwick DIY
Views: 2,344,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Liz Fenwick, Liz Fenwick DIY, Liz Fenwick Dollar Tree, Home Decor DIY, High End Dollar Tree DIYs, DIY Home Decor Ideas, Decorate on a budget, Home Hacks, home hack, Home decor home hacks, easy home hacks, save money, cheap home decor, home decor on a budget, modern home decor, room makeover, living room makeover, organization, organization hack, hack, hacks, walmart, budget decor, decor hacks, diy hacks, kitchen, kitchen hacks, home decor, money saving hacks, dollar tree
Id: ynjzA7Act6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 45sec (3165 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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