50 Home Hacks you NEED to know!

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[Music] have you ever gone to change out your double a batteries on something and all you have is a AAA Battery well I'm going to show you how you can make a AAA battery work instead of having to go out and buy new double a batteries for this hack to convert your AAA Battery to a double A battery you're going to need AAA battery and some aluminum foil you're going to peel off a little bit and you're going to wad it up and put it on the side where the spring goes then you'll put your battery in and it should work just like a double A battery that totally worked such a cool hack in a previous hacks video I showed you how to fill up a bucket with a dustpan today I want to try a pool noodle I know it's kind of crazy let's see if it works so same concept I'm going to connect my pool noodle to my faucet I'm gonna put the other end in my bucket and see if I'm able to get water through my pool noodle to my bucket I have my bucket down here my cool noodle I'm going to connect it to my faucet all right the moment of truth I'm going to turn on the water this is a pretty fun hack but let me know if you guys would ever try this you have hangers like this just around your house you don't really use them and maybe you're getting ready to throw them out well before you throw them out you can actually break off these little Clips on the side you can use these in your kitchen as chip clips that was so easy and a great way to recycle if you're trying to cut on your cutting board and it's sliding around all over the place here's a hack you can try get a damp paper towel and just set it underneath your cutting board it's going to help hold everything in place while you're cutting thank you I find that hanging up pictures with two hanger hooks on the back is really difficult this is a hack to make it a little bit easier so what you're going to need is some painters tape and you want to extend your painters tape across both of the hooks on the back of your picture frame take a sharpie and you're going to mark your holes right where you'd want your screws to go into the wall pull off your tape and hang it up where you want to hang your picture now you have an exact guide of where to put your screws into the wall [Music] now remove your painters tape and hang up your picture [Music] here's a hack to never have to use a dustpan again so when you're sweeping you want to sweep everything into a pile then take a paper towel and wet the edge of it place the paper towel down on the floor and then you're going to sweep on the edge that's wet all of the crumbs into the paper towel fold it up and throw it away so if you're wearing a swimsuit this Summer that has a tie around the neck you may be worried about it coming untied or maybe it's a little bit loose here is a way to keep it tight as well as being able to adjust it as you're wearing it so what you want to do is you want to lay out your top straps you're going to make a loose knot in each side of your strings then you're going to take one of the strings and put it in the opposite sides knot take your other string and put it in the other side's knot from there you can tighten your knots and then by pulling on your strings you're able to adjust it and make it tight and it's not coming undone till you're ready so I had to figure out a hack for these candles these are actually candles that I've had a while now from JCPenney and these are the candles but look at how they kind of lean they don't stay in here very well so a hack you can do with your tapered candles is actually get a rubber band I have black ones but you could use any color and then you're going to wrap the rubber band around the bottom of your tapered candle so these are smaller rubber bands so they fit around about three times then you're going to place your candle back into the holder and what it's going to do it's going to fill in that gap for your candle and now these candles stand up straight and they're perfect I hate anytime I'm getting ready to bake how cold the butter is and it's just not ready to use in my recipe here's a hack to soften your butter in minutes fill a cup up with water place it in the microwave for a minute I'm gonna take the cup out and then I'm gonna dump the water in the sink I'm gonna set my cup on my cold butter for 30 seconds after 30 seconds your butter should be softened and ready to go I get comments all the time with people saying Liz I love the labels you make on the Cricut Machine but I don't have a Cricut so if you don't have one and you just have a computer and a printer I want to show you how you can make your own labels so I have these three jars here that I want to label I went into word and I typed out the labels I wanted and printed them off on a regular inkjet printer so I have pasta Cheerios and rice next I'm going to cut out my label [Music] then I picked up some packing tape and I'm going to cut the packing tape off and put it directly onto my label then I will take the label with the packing tape on it and submerge it into warm water for 30 seconds after 30 seconds I'm going to start rubbing the paper off the back pull it out of the water once you get all the paper off and let it dry completely [Music] then you can stick it directly onto your jars this is an easy way you can have labels without using a Cricut I feel like these turned out awesome if you're looking for an affordable way to customize some of the containers in your kitchen so last year I showed you guys a hack with these aluminum foil pans where I put ice in here then I took another aluminum foil pan put it on top and then added in some fruit so it was a way to keep your fruit or any items you're wanting to keep cold when you're having a party nice and cold somebody suggested why don't you actually fill this pan up with water instead of using ice then freeze it and it'll work the same way and I thought that is genius so that's what we're going to do today so I'm going to fill this pan up just a little full maybe like a half inch or an inch with water I'm going to place it into my freezer now you can add your fruit into your top container I just have some strawberries or blueberries here but really you could use any fruit or really this is a great way to keep anything cold thank you now if you guys are wondering about this Marvel mat that I have this is actually a stone mat that soaks up Liquid really well I bought it off of Amazon I'll link it for you down in the description box along with any other products I'm showing in this video now I'll just add in my fruit [Music] all right you guys now it's completely Frozen so I'm gonna put my fruit on top I love this hack I think it's a perfect way to keep my fruit cold at my next get together [Music] one of the things that I don't like around my craft room is when I have string or ribbon and it's just kind of all over the place so I like putting them in mason jars this mason jar you can pick up at Dollar Tree so what I'm going to do is I'm going to poke three different holes in the top of my container and then I'm going to put my string inside so to do that I'm going to use a nail and a hammer this is like a little Hammer I think these are like the Hammers you get like the Home Depot kids what are they called Build and Grow program but I love these we use these all the time so I created a hole so I'm just going to pull that nail out and then I'll make a hole over here now you could put as many holes as you need I'm just going to take my ribbon put it inside and see once you get this going once you don't have to do it again so then I'm just going to string my ribbon through my holes now for some reason look at see my holes aren't really big enough so what I'm going to do is just take that nail put it back in and I'll just kind of try to move it around to make that hole bigger so I'm going to stick the string through this hole I'm not gluing anything in place you can always change this out or if you finish up this one you can always use a different one so I'll do the same thing with my red twine I'll just put it in there and then I'll push it through one of the holes and then I'll also do that with the black okay I got all three of my strings in there so I'm just going to tighten this and then anytime I need to take a little bit of ribbon off I'll just pull off what I need and cut it [Music] [Applause] here's a quick hack to try out at your next party to save so much time when you're having a large party it's a really good idea to do as much prep work as possible to save you time and so you can enjoy the event so what you're going to need is just any kind of cupcake or muffin tin I'm going to add in some paper liners scoop out your ice cream and put it into your paper cupcake liners then you're going to take this and put it in the freezer when it's time for your party time for cake and ice cream you can pull it out you can easily pull out one of these individual servings put it on a plate with your cake or if you're serving ice cream cones you could actually put it on top of any ice cream cone it just makes it so much easier for you there's so many different ways that you can clean your blinds and there's a lot of hacks for cleaning your blinds as well so I'm going to try out two different ones and let you know which one I prefer so this first one you need a pair of just really inexpensive Tonks you could use tongs you already have at your house these are from Dollar Tree I'm going to take the tongs and then I have a microfiber cleaning cloth that I'm just going to wrap around one of the sides of my Tong then I'm going to use a rubber band to secure it in place and I'll repeat that on the other side [Music] now you can clean your blinds by clamping down on the tongs and rubbing them along your blinds it's going to collect all the dust here and then when you're done just remove the rubber bands and you can throw these in your washing machine now I think even a simpler hack we'll see how it goes are these gloves that I picked up off of Amazon I'll link them for you down in the description box but essentially what you do is you just put these gloves on and then you can just put your hands in between the blinds on the top and the bottom it's going to collect all of the dust in your hand and then when you're done pull them off and put them in your washing machine and they're completely reusable let me know down in the comments which one of these hacks you prefer the blue or the yellow I think me personally I like the gloves better because I can just run my hands down the blinds and I think it cleans it a lot faster make sure you paint that subscribe button if you're watching me on your phone the Subscribe button is right next to my channel name click the red subscribe button so it goes from red TO gray you can also click the notification Bell so you can see more videos like my Dollar Tree DIYs home hacks and room makeovers if you're like me you buy fresh herbs for one recipe and then you end up not using them and they go bad so I have a hack for you to make sure that you use all of your fresh herbs because these are expensive we're gonna make herb flavor bombs that you can add to your freezer and pull out anytime you need a little bit of extra seasoning so you're going to need an ice cube tray I find that these little silicone ones work best but honestly you could use any type of ice cube tray you can put any herbs you want in here I'm gonna put a little bit of minced garlic I'm also going to add some minced Rosemary in there [Music] next you can add in your favorite oil place it in the freezer once they're completely Frozen you can add them to a Ziploc baggie then anytime you need to add them to a recipe you can just add them to your skillet it's amazing all the different things you can do with ice cube trays from organization to different hacks another product you're going to need for your pancakes is a mixing bowl I have a cool hack for this too I'm going to use the ice cube trays to pre-make my pancakes in the morning this is a great hack to save you time in the morning so what you want to do is just make your pancakes like you normally would I'm going to be using this Dollar Tree Bowl [Music] now the cool thing about these bowls is you can actually use this back spout on the handle to pour it into your ice cube trays if you're making them on the stove you can pour them out using this handle as well before you pop them in the freezer add in your favorite toppings if you like toppings on your pancakes now I'm going to put them in the freezer let them freeze once they're totally frozen I'll take them out of the ice cube trays and just store them in a Ziploc baggie then whenever you're having a busy morning you can directly put them on the stove they're going to cook up nicely and you don't have to worry about mixing up your batter in the morning excuse me all right Liz for this next hack we're gonna need rice okay a glass container and then you're gonna need to go find a Dull Knife okay let's see this one doesn't work very well all right you're gonna pour the rice into the glass container okay and then after you get that filled up you're going to put your knife into the rice it's supposed to sharpen your knife how's it gonna do that is it gonna work or not but this is one of the suggestions okay so I'm interested to see okay so I have my knife and I know this is a dull knife in here how long does it take to sharpen do we have to put it in and out the comment didn't specify how long to put it in it said to leave it in there so I'm wondering if it needs to be left there over time okay or if we can see a difference just by doing it a couple times I'll try cutting something and see if I notice anything yet yeah I think we should definitely do it a couple of times to see if it'll work okay I'm gonna rinse it off okay let's see because I know this knife is not [Music] actually work I'm telling you I think this worked because this is like cutting it really well I promise you this is not wasn't very sharp okay I think this rice hack worked I honestly thought this one was gonna be a fail out of all of the ones we've shown today that's wild you could get a bigger vase and put all your knives in there looking for a way to keep your kids entertained this summer I got a great hack for you we're gonna be making reusable water balloons that are going to keep them entertained for hours so what you need is a bunch of sponges these are all from Dollar Tree and a pack of zip ties so take two of the sponges and you're going to cut them into three strips so you have six sponges get a zip tie you can get these at Dollar Tree as well then alternate the colors you're gonna put a zip tie through the middle make it as tight as possible then you're just going to fluff out your sponges on either side cut the excess off of your zip tie and add them to your bucket now that I have all the sponges made I'm Gonna Fill my bucket up about halfway with water then you can send your kids outside with these water balloons and the best part is they're reusable if you make any cookies or baked goods and you want to cover them here's a simple hack so you're going to need a plastic bowl from Dollar Tree you're also going to need some of these wood Rings now if you can't find wood Rings you could also use their shower rings so I'm going to take out maybe two or three of my wood rings and then you're going to flip your bowl over next you're going to put a little bit of hot glue on the inside of one of your rings and then place the top ring and just try to make them as even as possible I'm going to add some hot glue to the base of my rings where I put the hot glue earlier and then I'm going to place it in the center of my bowl now you can use your regular dinner plates for this this is just one I had in my cabinet you can place your baked goods on it if you want to leave them out all day just put your Dollar Tree cover on [Music] so if you happen to have a recipe where you need to remove egg yolks here's a hack you can try so crack your egg put it in your bowl then you're going to use an empty water bottle to remove the yolk so what you want to do is squeeze your water bottle place it on top of the yolk and then release the area you were squeezing and it should go into your water bottle and you can immediately pull your water bottle up and hopefully you're left with just egg whites in your bowl I can't believe how easy that was try this the next time you have to give a gift so with your Dollar Tree gift bag what you're going to do is take your strings and poke them through the other side with these two strings I'm going to put them through the hole over on this side and then with these two strings I'm going to push those through to the other side now you're going to take your two handles and pull tight and you've closed up your bag this is such an easy way to close up your bag you don't even need tissue paper and then when they go to open the gift all they have to do is pull it to open it a lot of times I get really nervous to travel with my makeup I'm worried that it's going to break so here's a hack you can try when you're traveling so if you have a compact like this this would even work for your powder or your blushes take a few disposable cotton pads and you're just going to set them directly on your makeup then latch this in place and that is going to create a barrier while you're traveling so that your makeup doesn't break if you're like me you may forget what paint color you paint certain rooms in your house especially a year or two down the line but let's say you want to touch up that paint an easy way to remember your paint colors is to actually take off your light switch outlet and a lot of times when you paint those are already off use a Sharpie or a pen to write your paint color on the back of your wall plate Outlets that way anytime you need to remember your paint colors it's right there [Music] I've tried out many hacks to shine up my sink from using lemons to baby oil I heard the best hack is actually using limes and baking soda so let's try it out and see if it works [Music] I think this hack worked great it's a natural alternative you can do to clean out your sink so you don't have to use chemicals and if you have any limes that are getting ready to go bad it may be one you want to try out I have two ideas for you guys on how you can store craft supplies so when I was in the crafter Square I found this retractable holder and I thought this would be perfect for paint brushes so this is what it looks like out of the packaging you're just going to unscrew it then the side that has the little handle on it you're going to take your paint brushes and put them in this would be great if you had to transport your brushes or if you didn't have a designated Craft Space then you're going to take this and just slide it back on and it easily stores all your paint brushes the other cool thing about this is you can customize it based on the size of your brushes so if your brushes are a little bit longer you can just leave it out a bit now another way you can store your brushes this is great if you have a place to display them or you have a craft room you want a clear glass from Dollar Tree and then I also picked up some of these crushed glass pieces but you could use rocks or anything they have at Dollar Tree so I'm going to cut a few of these and put them into my container [Music] then you can place your paint brushes inside the thing I like about this is it keeps them separated so when you go to get a paint brush you can see the different ones that you have so you know when you have these bags without any closure and you only use a little bit of them but you don't really have a good way to secure them let me show you this next hack so what you're going to do is just take your pair of scissors you're going to cut down on one side cut on the other side and then in the middle what you've now created is two little handles that you can easily tie together to close your bag [Music] anytime I would travel I used to avoid bringing like small necklaces like this because I felt like no matter what I did they would always get tangled up in my jewelry bag and then it would take me hours to untangle them so I have a hack if you want to travel with small necklaces so what you're going to do is you're going to unclasp them and then you need to get a straw just keep in mind whatever straw you pick your necklace has to be able to fit in here so you're going to put one side of your necklace through your straw until it comes out the other side and then you're just going to clasp your necklace back together and no matter what you do if you throw this into your suitcase it's not going to get tangled up this hack is best for smaller necklaces because it's going to have to be able to fit through your straw you could always cut a straw in half if it was like a shorter necklace as well if you've made it this far on the video thank you so much for watching comment the word of the day which is hacks I feel like in my living room office I always need a bunch of power cords for all the different chords that we have routers different things like that so my solution in my living room is to actually put all of those in a cabinet so if you have a power cord that you can put inside your cabinet you can drill a hole on the back of your cabinet feed all of those cords in there that way they're out of the way and you don't have to see them so this next pack I found really interesting so someone suggested whenever you need to touch up paint on your walls take a little bit of your paint and add in some water and it's supposed to help your paint blend in a little bit better when you're touching it up on the walls so this is the accent wall paint for my bedroom upstairs so we're gonna go try it out I definitely think if your paint is older or a little bit on the drier side this is a good hack to kind of refresh it to do your touch up our next hack is how to keep your paint fresh using Saran Wrap now I have actually done this hack in another video but it's a great idea so what you want to do is pull off some Saran Wrap and when you're getting ready to close up your paint can you're going to put the Saran Wrap over the top of your paint can then you'll put the lid on top and close it up like you normally would it's going to make it a lot easier to open it the next time you go to use your paint I think the best way to clean your ceiling fans is with an old pillowcase this is an easy hack all you have to do is find an old pillowcase you're going to put it over your fan blades and as you're pulling it off it's going to remove any dust that are on your fan blades [Music] I did a hack where I showed you how to hang a picture on a wall using Chopsticks to keep your hand at a safe distance away from the hammer and a viewer commented and said I think that same hack would work using a comb so that's exactly what we're going to do today so to hang my nail on the wall I'm going to place the nail into the comb and then I'll put my comb where I want to nail it in use my hammer to nail it in and I think it works just the same as the Chopsticks my hand is still at a safe distance so another great idea let me know what you would rather try the Chopsticks or the comb have you ever been out of the store and wish that you had a measuring tape so you could measure furniture or different home decor pieces that you want to bring into your home well here's a hack you can try a dollar bill measures about six inches long so if you don't have a measuring tape pull out a dollar bill and you can use it to measure the different items to find out roughly how long something is we're gonna do a Dollar Tree bathroom hack you you need to pick up two shelves at Dollar Tree and you're going to start by flipping them over so you're gonna go about halfway between your shelf and you're going to set it down so that they're about evenly spaced out so all four of your legs are evenly spaced out then you're going to need some zip ties we're going to use the zip ties to hold this in place you can use any color I'm going to try to go in with this clear one so I'm going to start with zip tying and just get it as tight as possible then I'm going to come to the other Edge and zip tie that in place so that's holding right there pretty steady and now I'm just going to go in and put two more zip ties at this end down here so it's nice and secure now if you needed some additional zip ties you could always put one or two in the center here I'm just going to cut off the extra like links on my zip ties now to make this into a towel rack that you can put on your wall what we need to do is Bend these pieces up so that the towels will fit in at an angle all right so you just want to check them and try to get them about the same level if possible now you can hang this on the wall with some Command hooks in your bathroom and add in your towels [Music] [Applause] [Music] in a past hacks video I used a toothbrush holder as a base the cool thing about that hack is it separated out all the florals someone left a comment saying wouldn't it be cool if you used it in a larger vase and maybe you used several toothbrush holders and some poster tack to hold them in place so we're going to try out that hack today I went to the thrift store and I picked up a larger vase and I spray painted it a dark blue color I have three toothbrush holders from Dollar Tree and I also have some poster tack that you can get at Dollar Tree as well now my toothbrush holders fit in here pretty snug so I don't know if I need the poster tag but I'm going to put some on the bottom [Music] now that my toothbrush holders are inside of the larger face they're going to act as separators to make my Arrangement look really nice and full I'm gonna be adding in some pompous grass I've used this before it's perfect for the fall even going into winter I'll link it for you down in the description box [Music] I love this you guys it is separating out these stems so well and even if you don't get them directly in the toothbrush holder you can definitely put them to the side and in my opinion making it look so much more full I am really blown away by this hack look how gorgeous these florals look this works so well to space everything out nothing's falling over so 10 out of 10 I definitely would do this hack again so I saw this onion hack and I really wanted to try it out so essentially if you get your onion wet it's supposed to help with tearing whenever you're cutting up your onion so I'm going to start by just cutting the skin off of my onion then I'm going to get it wet underneath my faucet and then I'll try to cut it and see if that prevents tearing my cutting board has water on it as well as the onion any series yet it's so far so good I kind of think this hack is actually working like I would think that normally I would rinse my onions off so but I've never thought of it this way but absolutely no tearing so far let me know if you guys knew about this hack I'm a Believer I cut up my entire onion and I didn't feel teary-eyed at all now let's say you're moving or maybe just carrying a lot of things in and out of your house and you want your door to keep from locking you can use this rubber band hack so you're going to take a rubber band wrap it around one of the doorknobs cross it over and then put it on the other doorknob this is going to keep that Center portion from latching so you can easily go in and out of your door there's so many cool hacks you can do with cupcake liners one for example let's say it's a hot summer day and you don't want anything going into your drink take a cupcake liner fold it in half put a little slit at the top and then place it over your drinking straw this will protect your drink while you're outside now if you have kiddos that take a while to eat their popsicles and the popsicle runs all down their hands take a cupcake liner put a little slit at the bottom open up your Popsicle and then you'll place the stick in the cupcake liner when the popsicle starts to melt it'll fall into the cupcake liner I love using mason jars but I'm not a fan of mason jar lids because they fall apart but did you know that most of the lids that you have on items in your pantry actually work on a mason jar so this is another almond butter lid fits perfectly or something as simple as my pickle jar lid that fits on there as well so use your other Lids if you don't like a mason jar lid I've shown you many hacks over the years of how you can make your stems look better in a vase this is a thrifted vase that I have but a lot of times when you put your stems in there they kind of fall over and they don't look exactly how you want them so a Dollar Tree hack that you can try is use a mason jar you can pick these up at Dollar Tree and you're just going to place it into the center of your base now if you don't have a mason jar you can also use any kind of Dollar Tree container and then you're gonna put your stems inside of the Mason jar this is going to help your stems stay upright so much better than just putting them inside the base good I have filmed a lot of videos in my bedrooms around my beds and I always want my sheets to look perfect nice and crisp almost like I ironed them but didn't so I have a trick to make my sheets look as neat as possible so after you put your sheets and your comforter on your bed simply spray them with a little bit of water and then you're going to tug at the edges this is going to get any wrinkles out of your sheets they'll dry up in about 20 minutes and they look so much better so if you're wanting a nice crisp and straight sheets try this hack out in a previous hacks video I showed you guys how you could find the start of your tape by putting a paper clip on the edge and I got a ton of comments and suggestions in that video so one person suggested to put a bread tab which a lot of us have just sitting around our houses that we typically don't end up using put a bread tab on the bottom of your tape I think that's a great idea another idea we had from a couple of nurses shout out to our nurse friends watching they said what they like to do with their tape is just fold the end over that way you don't even need to have a paper clip or bread tap with use I think all three are great options just whatever works best for you you're gonna be traveling on a road trip and maybe you want to bring games that require dice a great travel hack is to pick up these craft and bead storage containers at Dollar Tree next what you can do is just open it up put two dice into the Container close the lid and instead of having to throw the dice when you're traveling all you have to do is shake it and you can read your dice through the plastic one of my favorite organization items from Dollar Tree is this dish towel holder I use it every day and it goes underneath my sink but you can actually use this to store your paper towels as well so I'm going to show you how to do that so you just want to pull it apart next you're going to take one end of the dish towel holder place your paper towels on it and then you'll put the other side and connect them in the middle and then you're just going to twist them together then you can just place it on the inside of your cabinet all right have you ever tried cleaning your baseboards with dryer sheets it's a great hack it picks up a lot of dirt and dust and it smells really nice I love giving this job to my kids foreign you get containers like this for your drinks in four packs or six packs don't throw them out I have a way you can recycle them so after you've used all of the drinks in here this makes an awesome storage container since I love crafts I kept thinking this would be perfect to put spray paint in just to kind of organize it so they don't roll around so I can put four cans of spray paint in here but you could also use this in your Craft Space as well and if you wanted to get even fancier you could paint it I did a hack where I was using essential oils on the inside of a toilet paper roll to help your bathroom smell fresh and someone said what if you put essential oils on a cotton ball and put it in your vacuum so as you're vacuuming it'll help the area you're cleaning to smell nice and clean so that's what we're gonna try out today so I have my set of essential oils and some cotton balls I'm only going to get out one cotton ball now what scent should we go with I'm thinking lemon let's go simple we'll go lemon for the first time and see if we can smell it okay so I am going to add the lemongrass to this cotton ball okay I feel like I added quite a bit like I could definitely smell the lemon right now I'm gonna be using my Shark wand back this is one of my new hand vacs I'll link it below but it's awesome so I'm just going to push this button right here and then the dispenser comes open I'm going to set it in there I have a lot of pompous grass on the floor from the hack that we just did so I'm going to try to vacuum that up and see if we can smell the lemon [Applause] okay verdict you guys I definitely smell the lemon it honestly smells really good so I would say go with an essential oil scent that you like but this is a great hack and definitely works the only problem is you'd have to do this every time you vacuum your house in order to get that smell but I think this one's pretty cool if you love Nut Butter but don't like the separation a hack is to actually store your nut butter upside down in your pantry that's going to prevent the separation that happens and then when you want to use it you just flip it over and it's ready to go have you heard of a hack to sharpen scissors using tin foil that's exactly what we're going to do today now I love buying Dollar Tree scissors but they can get really dull so what you want to do is take your tin foil fold it over two or three times and then you're just going to cut along the tin foil to help keep them Sharp I love these organizers that they sell at Dollar Tree for organizing things in my car so you could organize your kids activity books their crayons anything in here this is also great if you get fast food you can easily put a drink in here and all the different items that you pick up your kids can easily eat out of it or yourself I saw this hack on Tick Tock for how you could actually peel your garlic so easily and I thought there's absolutely no way this works essentially what you do is just put a knife into the bulb and it pulls the garlic straight out without having to peel it or anything so I'm going to be trying a butter knife and I also have my garlic here so let's see if this hack works so I'm going to take the knife put it into the bulb okay that didn't work let's see if I can try it again I mean I will say it's kind of easier than cutting it you just push it in and you're supposed to pull it out but it doesn't take the skit well I kind of took the skin off there let's try it on this side you guys okay you take the knife put it into the bulb and you're supposed to pull it out oh maybe you kind of pressed to the side I mean that did work it didn't get it completely out though I would say that kind of worked with the butter knife but I'm gonna try something a little bit sharper I'm actually going to use a steak Knife so I'm just going to stick the steak knife in here and see if I can pull it out without having any skin on it [Music] oh it worked that time okay that may have been a fluke let's try it again [Music] okay now see that has the skin on it I definitely would say it works sometimes like sometimes I pull it out and it came off completely clean other times I would pull it out the bolt would come out but it would still have the skin on it so honestly I would say this hack Works about 50 of the time but it's an easy way to just pull off a couple of bulbs of garlic so I think it's worth giving it a try on one of my Amazon live streams Victoria told us that she actually puts her plastic wrap in the freezer and keeps it in there all the time and then when she needs it she pulls it out and it's so much easier to cut being in the freezer so we're gonna try that out so I'm gonna put this plastic wrap in the freezer and see if it works [Music] I've had it in the freezer now for a few hours let's see if this actually works I'm kind of skeptical all right let's see if I'm able to pull it out well that pulled out pretty easily see and I'll cut it all right that was too easy let's see let's try another piece honestly I don't know I do feel like it helps it to cut a little bit better it's not clinging up as much as it normally would so that's not a bad hack if you like these drinks in these Brown Amber bottles these are great to reuse now you can keep them as they are and use them for so many things around your house but another trick you can do is actually take the lid off put in water or any cleaner you may have and most spray bottle Lids will fit onto these Amber containers so you can make your own household cleaners or Solutions have you ever had a Sharpie that just stopped working that's super annoying because these are really expensive I have a hack for you to help bring these back to life I'm going to add three drops of 70 isopropyl alcohol on the end of my Sharpie really it was like 20 drops oops okay next I'm going to take the lid put it back on and then you're going to shake it up and hopefully this brings my Sharpie back to life all right moment of truth let's see if it works [Music] oh wow okay that brought this back to life I wouldn't say it's as good as a new Sharpie but if you're in a pinch it works pretty good do you ever feel like when you buy berries at the store they're constantly getting moldy and they go bad before you're able to eat them well solution I have found that makes them last just a little bit longer is to wash my berries in a vinegar and water solution before I put them in the fridge so I'm just going to take these blueberries I'm going to dump them into the bowl and then I'm gonna put about a cup of vinegar in here and the rest with water let them sit for about 15 minutes in the water and vinegar solution next I'm going to rinse it off and then I'll store them the key is to make sure you rinse them really well so you don't have that vinegar taste foreign [Music] real plants into your terracotta pots it's a great idea to actually soak them with water before you start planting because terra cotta pots are really dry you don't want it to be drawing the moisture from your plant so run it under water make sure it's nice and wet before you put the plants in [Music] so I recently learned you're actually supposed to store your bananas and apples separately it helps them to last longer let me know down in the comments if you guys knew that so I have my bananas in one bowl and my apples and another I used to just put them together but now I'm going to store them separately [Music] the number one comment I get in all of my home Packs videos is your suggestions on how to remove labels so we're not trying one today we are trying five different ways on these five jars to remove labels I picked out the ones that I thought were the most interesting we're gonna try them out right now so how are we going to remove these labels we're gonna try hand sanitizer vegetable oil Goo Gone peanut butter and a combination of baking soda and water let me know down in the comments which of these five you think is going to work the best so I'm going to put a little bit of hand sanitizer on the outside label and then I'm going to start trying to remove it I'm going to use my fingernail which isn't working and I will try using a screwdriver okay so definitely not coming off easily let me try adding some more hand sanitizer sometimes it just takes a while to activate the glue hand sanitizer is working better than if I didn't have anything on it but it's still pretty hard to take this label off all right so number two I'm gonna put some warm water on the outside of the label then I'm going to come in with some vegetable oil and see how that works in taking the label off thank you okay so I have the top label off so I'm gonna add the vegetable oil to where the sticky glue is I will say the vegetable oil probably worked a little bit better than the hand sanitizer but it may be because of the warm water but it's still a struggle to get the label off next up is Goo Gone So I think I'm gonna let all of them go under the warm water for a little bit and then we'll add the on I can already see it starting to activate the glue [Music] but I still that I need to take off number four is peanut butter I'm probably most interested to try this one I feel like this is going to be such a mess maybe I put too much oh my gosh okay I feel like I gotta get a knife to scrape this off all right you guys this one's actually working I think it's probably working better because I'm using the knife I probably wouldn't use this method just because it's pretty messy all right so I'm gonna make a paste with baking soda and water and that's gonna be number five foreign [Music] I think one of the takeaways is to let whatever you're using sit on there for a little bit before you decide to start scraping It Off so this one's working pretty good it's a little messy so honestly I think I would probably just use warm water boiling water to take them off my favorite of the five was definitely The Goo Gone I would say the baking soda was probably second for me and I don't know if I would use the other three again foreign [Music]
Channel: Liz Fenwick DIY
Views: 2,207,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Liz Fenwick, Liz Fenwick DIY, Liz Fenwick Dollar Tree, Home Hacks, Home Decor, DIY Projects, Budget-Friendly, Stylish Home, Inspiration., Home Decor DIY, High End Dollar Tree DIYs, DIY Home Decor Ideas, Decorate on a budget, home hack, Home decor home hacks, easy home hacks, home decor on a budget, room makeover, organization, organization hack, hack, hacks, budget decor, decor hacks, diy hacks, kitchen, kitchen hacks, home decor, money saving hacks, dollar tree
Id: k1GC_AlPwwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 25sec (2845 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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