5 Weird Survival Thing on Amazon #6

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what's up guys for today's video I'm going to put to the test really cool fire pit gadget or bonfire don't have to be in a fire pit also you can just take it camping and this is supposed to be fire spider it's Little Rock for the firewood let's see how it works I'm gonna open it up boom layer folder I love the holder that way I can put it all together and hopefully use it again boom unfolds very very easily and at the same time holds also very easily self-explanatory right to unfold it just put it like that unfolds and then set it down on the ground like that also you can do it over the five feet like that as well hold it set it down boom you can make it really wide or you can make it a little bit taller you can make it a real it all depends how you wanted to set it up okay let's start to build the fire I have here a fire starter I'll light it up and put it under but first I need a smaller twigs and sticks set them up like that kinda makes sense right you wanna start the fire with the smaller pieces this is a really dry wood so we'll have no problem lighting it up and that way you don't even have to worry about this stuff falling when it's build off halfway because so going for a while like that okay then we're going to light it up it's best to have a little fire starter like that and then you can place it under so that way it's going to burn the other stuff so as you can see it's like a portable fire pit holder or a campfire holder builder that way there is a lot of oxygen going under you can obviously cover it up with mystique this side as well but I want some oxygen to go to so that when the flames are breathing from the inside so far it looks like it was over easy to light up this sticks and it's going to burn in a while and the best part it's not going to collapse to this side I don't think so anyways it looks like it's standing pretty good let's see if it's going to collapse on me at all or really just stand the whole time for the longest time obvious it will collapse at some point but I think with those sticks it's going to stand like a teepee a lot longer if you compare to if you don't have that gadget ok guys enjoy your virtual campfire if you live in a city and cannot start the fire boom you know what guys it's completely incinerates the wood because there's so much air goes to all the sticks and the best part is if I didn't have that gadget my car would hold the rock whatever you want to call it it would have collapsed already on me that teepee but because it's standing up that way this flame is smokeless completely and it's going a little hard and beautiful and standing like a teepee let me adorn a sticker to see what it's going to look like another piece head here look at that that's a beautiful campfire because everything kind of stays together you see I can add on wood and it stays like a teepee amazing wow that's a fire we got going over here that's for sure what I put this one I guess I'd here nice I love the sound of the fire all that crackling and I don't know the flames are so beautiful and mesmerizing wow that gadget you know what is really amazing I'm definitely keeping it in this campfire otherwise that teepee would have fall over a long time ago but because you have the place holding the bottom a little good without falling over I was able to suck up another bunch of bigger logs and guess what they did not tip over and I have this beautiful smoke and fire like I don't know like in the picture in the movie that's amazing well guys I think it's pretty awesome look at that hold up like a teepee the whole time all the way down it burned off it's still standing up couple of pieces one fell off but yeah very doable looks like DML do anything amazing I just took it off of the fire and as you can see it still works a little well I love it so now I can put it in one of those holders take it with me next time camping or keep it in a bonfire for the next time I will love this gadget thumbs up for me very doable going to last a lifetime hopefully but they seem to be pretty hefty this week I'm good put to the test something very unique I found at Walmart in a camping section this is a bag of fire simple instruction lighted up and ready to go so let's put it to the test because this is a very very new product I never seen anything like that hopefully it's going to work really really well and burn a long time okay it says born cook time for three hours that it's insane that's got to be very very condensed fire logs and it says four pounds of them not very heavy this is nice okay let's open this Wow those pretty is it open it that's good there's instant fire fire starter and let's take them out oh wow you have this pieces of logs over here one two three four five six seven eight and they're supposed to burn for three hours it's a nice day for the bonfire I might do just that I actually seen a lot of that fire starter and let's open it up and finally put it to the test now that they develop some cool stuff with it Wow look at that looks like pieces of rock of some sort let's see if we can do it with one much Wow no way it's already on fire one much simple that's definitely a good fire starter right here will this fire starter gates on this logs we'll have to find out it's 8:05 a.m. we'll see how long it's going to burn the five stars are definitely pretty good because it's been in a long time now and I think some of those cubes are slowly burning as well now we just have to give it some time to get it going probably stuck it up a little bit better not like what I did put the firestarter on top maybe put it on the bottom then build a little pyramid and as you can see those little logs are burning already okay guys it's been 11 minutes and it's burning pretty good so so far so good I see a little bit of a smoke they said smoke was but maybe once it started getting going after 20 minutes it'll stop smoking but definitely smoking a lot right now okay guys it's been 30 minutes and for the most part it's more class not bad burning a lot but again kind of a small of a fire but still definitely perfect for cooking it looks like charcoal nights a little hot and burning a little well let's keep it going let's see what it looks like in an hour another 30 minutes look at that only one hour and 13 minutes and it's already out maybe right here is a little bit burning but for the most part it's more like charcoal now not so much fire so maybe they talking about you're going to have hot coals like charcoal oh yeah it's over hot that you can cook over 40 hours but you will not have actual flames and enjoyable bonfire 40 hours that's something to consider a little bit of a disappointment misunderstanding on the packaging but other than that pretty cool product what do you guys think what's better folding saw or fix blade so this is by same company silkies makes pretty awesome folding swords and regular source but also this is going to be my opinion and my experience what works best for me so let's put it to the test real quick compare the teeth they're pretty similar size maybe fixed blade has a tiny little bigger ones but the biggest difference because this is a fixed blade saw the actual blade a bit longer that's it but when we pack it away this is much much shorter let's park this one away the biggest benefit about this folding sauce they are a lot a lot shorter so yeah but when you unfold it pretty much the same size this is the cool part about it okay let's see which one will cut actually better we all love our folding saw some girls start with that both very new source pull power fast okay this is a little bit different gape I don't have long go deep let's see Oh honestly I don't know if this couple inches is makes it a big difference but you saw it guys okay guys one more time not bad but men this group is more powerful and it seems like because of that it's easier and there's a bigger curve they just way less effort I think off the teeth a bit bigger too so kind of not fair but you saw there is old fix blade saw is by more powerful than folding saw flat rocket stove it's actually feels pretty heavy so it's neither like camping stuff it's more like camp based or they go and then we'll close it all at the same time once you figured out how to set it up and then welcome because it doesn't have a much superval to lock it [Music] and then the top part here goes together and then you can cook on top right here it takes quite a bit to put together and once you build it it's kind of all over the place sideways it doesn't matter with it that's move together I guess if I push it together boom it kind of lined up all the way there you go okay let's make a lot of fire and boil the water okay I have here my favorite fire starter and we're gonna light it up let it go in and then drop it in here and just put some sticks over that fire starter pretty quickly it started burning from the inside under there to the twigs there's a little smoke a little bit of the oxygen blow into this hole and it start to flame there's a lot if your firewood is dry it's going to burn every good I guess the best advice using this stove don't put it all the way to the edge so that way you have some flames are burning from the hot coals and so that way the flame don't come off from this end so kind of put this stick almost at 90 degrees like that so that way there's a little bit of space over there and it's burner really well smokeless now let's boil some water got my folding pot said it just like that boom full pot of water let's boil it see what happens the water about to start boiling and this is why I love rocket stoves because they are very efficient they're just a little bit of twigs digs you don't need anything giant and major you got here a smokeless fire it's pretty consistent if you watch it and counsel they pushing it a little bit forward and maybe add on small pieces you don't want to clog up the entrance that's for sure over there in the back of it so the course can breathe but ya can't a good flame in there and it's boiling sooner so 15 minutes a big part of water that's pretty decent couple cups of tea this is nice little bit longer it will be full boil really awesome so I will love this like it stove because it's one of a kind because I never seen such a doable foldable Iraq in stove Vantage survival spiel this one about 1940s so let's open it up a simple everything first of all assemble Big Jim P and the small one and you have all these parts three giant fish and cooks a spear tip and a couple of pots to put it all together so let's put it together you grab this part and you fill this one out which way does it's cool and you see this one don't really fit so it's on this side that it's easily schools in so now you know which way you want to put your hooks you can put them this way or this way depends what you want I'm all put them this way you push it in kinda hang it in the hole on the bottom like that I don't know if you can see it and then just hold it this way just don't lose it and then grab another hook and put it to in another one right here this one wanted to come out on me they go push it too and then you want to line them up with the tap holes and bottom claws at the same time kind of try to put the third one in and boom you see you have what it looks like Groppo and hook now not too close it together you put one of this tension all the way tight boom now you don't have to worry about this hooks coming off now then you can add on the spear down here you wanna do it pretty tight so it don't come off and then next you can put this part in and put the hope on one side and that way you contort at something like fish or whatever and try to catch it hopefully big fish but also there is a second part too there is another spear right here this one is very self-explanatory just bunch of sticks that scoot together at the end look silly doable but I would be careful not to break it there's another stick looks like an error but it is pretty heavy so it's more like a spear you can hole it tore it and at the end over here you can tie it up I hope so if you throw it in the water it seems to really really fast but at the same time you have a hope so that way you're not going to lose it and then on this side here this end very very sharp too look how big is your spear would be with the hope at the end so you can spear fishing most likely you would be fishing somewhere at the beach I don't know five feet deep that's it hopefully you can see the fish over the top you throw it down while we're standing on the rocks or something but it is really hard to end with one of this so you can always take this off and replace it with one of this take this off and then it's also touchable into here it's not gonna go as fast underwater so this is on top of the surface more like if you see a big fish small fish hopefully one of these hooks will catch him so very very compact but at the same time look how big the spirit is a really unique survival kit don't you guys think I wish they would still make him it is genius but if you see fish swimming much much deeper not on top of the surface it makes sense to put this spear so that way whenever you drop it down or tow it down there are lots of slack of up it's gonna go underwater very very fast because it's a really hefty a pretty heavy that's for sure and hopefully you'll catch the spear Oh No the problem though there is no hooks there is a chance fish will swim away but hopefully not so yeah and that's easy to take apart again once you unscrew this piece this is falls off pretty easily and it's over tight but you wanted everything tight and look how cool that is once you're done it's so easy to put it but everything together everything fits so well - boom and there's some space for other stuff if you wish - and the best part once I put everything together look how tiny everything is love it and it's over hefty hopefully does not break on me anyways guys let me know in comments below what do you think about this video don't forget to thumbs up subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 575,713
Rating: 4.8236923 out of 5
Keywords: Survival, survival gadgets, gadgets, cool gadgets, camping, unboxing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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